The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 18, 1916, Image 5

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    PSftOfltW A ..
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Insure your 1'aru. P- jetty with
Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman
f r m
Farm Central Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.,
Hostings, Nebraska
l'llOVEs- Oilloe. lit t. HosMonce. 17m,
A satio. stile. miiiikI and economical
plan of Hi,., lighting ntiil tornado
Will your policy soon expire
Wiitemcind let me explain. No
obligation on your part.
French Flashers at l'ogol's
It. P. Mixer was in M. Joe, Monday.
liny jour (iroceriesof Miner H109. Co.
Harold Ludlow spent Saturday in
ltuy your Groceries of Miner llios.
Mrs. W. 1 Medlar wa in Hastings
All hose at Albright's are guaran
teed fast colots
Attorney I'.ernard McNotiy went to
Lincoln, Monday.
Leo Smith and I rank lithe: ton went
i) (irand island, Tuesday.
V. 11. Coiiley and Clyde Wichuiie
Were down fiom Iimvi'.o Tuesday.
Mrs. W. A. lhovwi. of Doweese, i
visiting her daughter. Mrs. Ivan Dick
enson. A. ll.Ciabllland Will Xorris return:
cd home Tuesday morning from Kan
sas Uity.
The Webster County Hank has in
stalled a new ISurroughs ledger poster
Miss Dollio Dickenson has returned
home from llladen where she has
been attending school.
Tho 1 Democratic County Central
Committee will hold a meeting in this
city, Saturday afternoon.
Fresh Fruits and (Jreen Vegetables
at Miner Bros. Co.
B .1. Kincaid is the new night oper
ator at the depot
Mrs. Hassinger, accompanied by her
daughter, Mrs. E. Hill, returned home
from Hastings, Tuesday evening'
Mrs. Harry Cramer returned Satur
day from Geneva, where she had been
spending a few days with her parents.
New I'ucen Quality Shoes and Low
Shoes ate now being shown at Miner
ltros. Co. '
Mr-, (ieorgo Jennings of Dunninir,
Nebraska, ai lived Monday to visit her
hlstor, Mrs. Lee Smith.
Mrs. II. Arnold ni Franklin, isvisl'
iiu; her daughter, Mis. A. K. Arnold,
tlik week.
Miss Nellie tSilhum of Ctlenwood,
Iowa, arrived home Monday to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mis. Ghas. tlil
ham. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Boal. who have
been visiting his pjicnt. Mr. an 1
Mis. W. V. Heal. left Monday for A!
lience. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ejrrist and
Mrs. C C. Regestor returned to I'elle
ville, Kansas, Wednesday mnrniug,
after visiting a few dajs with Harry
Dr. K. V. Nicholson, the dentist, and
who by tho way is one of our popular
bachelors, was in Lincoln this week
attending a meeting of the state dental
' MissChloo Johnston, after closing
a successful term of school In district
No. .'II, depnited for lied Cloud, to at
tend the graduating exeioises of the
class of miO'or that city, and to visit
her aunt, Mr. L. H. lilackledge.
Monday's McCook Tribune.
New Stiimnei Urcs Goods now ob
lV s' mi y Miner Bros Co
Who was the tiist man to pay sjiot
cis'i fr cream. .1. . Cxmwi.ti.
M "is Cope if lnitnlu'il is the guest
of Mr. and Mis. Oscar Salt ley
Hi ace llrown was ;u Cowlo, Satin -day.
It. A Milton and Attorney 1". J.
Mundav woie in Lincoln this week.
Buy it today as you will need It to
light. Flench riashcis at Fogel's.
lon Fulton went to Lincoln, Mon
day Lloyd Hall of Lincoln, was in town
this week.
.-dilutions kid gloves ji.Co allies, at
fl.HTut Albright's.
Charley Powell was a passenger to
Omaha. Monday tuoiiiiug.
Long silk doves 7.'!j and sPc at A!-
origin s.
J. D. ('rails was a passenger to Kan
sas City, Sunday night.
0. W. I ItitUey was in Lincoln the
lust of the week.
Joe (iiiiney and Charley Arnold were
down from Inavale, Saturday.
I'uiesilk gloves ;i"c to lllo at A!
brighfs. tieurgc Hoit of Cowles was in the
city Monday afternoon
Will and Joe Perry went to Blue
Hill, Monday.
Prof. A. A. Lolloy spent Sunday in
Iteneva with his family.
Mrs. . W. White of lUstwiok, spent
Sunday in this city with ft lends.
IM Payne of Catherton township was
'.n town Tuexlay.
Mrs. Hverson of Alma was transact
ing business in the city Saturday.
Mrs. Pete Arnold returned homo
from Lincoln, Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Woolsoy of Superior
were the guests of Mr. and Mrb. K. L.
Avery, Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dud Buckles are the
parents of .1 baby girl which was
born Sunday.
Hufus Miksch, who resides in the
east part of the city, is very sick at
this writing.
Attorney L. H. Btackledge was in
Lincoln this week attending a session
of the Supieme Court.
Mrs. C. W. Maloue returned to her
home at Lincoln, Saturday, after vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. II. C.tJellatly.
Mrs. Hoy Sanderson, of Norton,
Kansas, arrived in the city .Tuesday,
to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs Curt Wilson were down
from McCook, Friday, visiting rela
tives. Uube Schult is able to be around
again after being on the sick list for
seveial weeks.
Frank Cowden is in I'.il'siuio this
week. I
O W rubor returned to Cedar Hap.
ids. Friday.
Wilt Doyle left for Shelby. U 1-ne-day
Hugh Maish leturned to Gui ie 1! "I.
Tuesday morning.
Attorney A. M. Waltois f Blue Hil
is in the cit, today.
Will Tabor, of Inin.ilo. was in
Tuesday afternoon. '
Miss Elsie father is in Liucohi tins
week vihitiug friends.
Mrs A. Sohultz was a passenger to
Hastings, Wednesday.
S. H. Johnson of Catherton pteeinot
was in tho city Tuesday.
Mr. Emma Hath, of St. Fratici- 1
was in the city. Wednesday.
Miss Anna .lab spent the week otxl
at Hubbell with her parents,
Mrs J. T. King of Oxford is the guest f
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M!r. '
Attorney E (3. Caldwell and wife to
turned homo fiom Hasting, Fiiday
Attorney M. W. Stewait and Will
Auld were in Hastings. Wednesday
The lied Cloud Auto Co. lecelved a
carload of Dodge automobiles, Tues
day. Mrs. Fied Stanberry of Scotts lllnils
is visiting her father, Ed Amaek, this
Mr. John Karnat. of Burr Oak
Kansas, was a lied Cloud visitor
Mrs. Bowers of Lincoln arrived in
the city the last of tho week to visit
All boy scouts aro toquested to
meet in regular session on Tuesday at
7:00 p. m.
F. (i. Turuure v Son have installed
a new awning in front of their grocery
Miss Ethel Peterson, of Hasting-,
is visiting with iior sister, Mrs. C. A.
Schult'., tills week.
Mrs. Leon Lo Malro of Burlington,
Iowa, arrived Monday to visit with At
torney 12. U. Overman and family.
Judge Dungan and Court Ileporter
llalrd.arrived in the city this morning
to hold an equity term of district court
Clyde Schult., of Guide Hock, return
ed home Sunday morning, after
spending a few days with his cousin,
Louis H. Schult.
The book "The Battle Cry of Peace"
i by .1. Stuart Biookton and Albert E.
Smith, is on sale at Cotting's drug
store at 10c por copy.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Foote, Mr and
Mrs. Houten and C. E. Hill were down
from Hastings, Wednesday evening, at
tending the class play.
Jamos Morauvillo came down from
Aiuhearst, Tuesday evening, bo n
Mai ion Slawson U'signod his position 1 oalk,(l I,,,,(-' bv tlu 'lious sK!cnt0-, ot j
wltji the Webster County Bank the
Call To Arms
Against War!
Once in a goitcra'ton ir so u
lt..l I'm Is its waj int.. history
Once in a decade the populace of
a wot id of power is stluvd
The Battle Cry of Peace
an inspired revelation written by
.1 Stunt t Dlaokton, shows Am
etica s defciiselessuess.
You see tho most beautiful sky
line in the world in Haines.
The inetioplis of the western
hemisphere devustod.
The fall of New York.
The enemy approaching
The defeat of the meager Am
oilcan forces.
The landing or the inu lets
Our foits destroyed
Our Moots beaten in battle.
it all is a heait inteiest
diatua so vivid, so teal, so touch
ing tliat it makes a lump rise in
your throat and makes your
heart pulsate faster
This is
The Battle Cry of Peace
last oi tlie week ami left for Lincoln
vltPifj he has seemed a position.
Dt. Warrick, the specialist, will meet
eye, ear. no-e and throat patients and
those nee ling glasses properly llttod at
Dr. D.imei ell's otllce, Tuesday, May
'ilrd. Hours I to U only.
Mis. Floy Iloper of Fniversity Place
was the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. C.
Ellis, the last of the week. She had
bi!-;u attending the (iiaud Chapter of
the Eastern Star at McCook and was
etiroute home.
F. A. Hlldetbrandt, who recently
purchased Will Kuon's meat market,
arrived in the city the last of the week
fiom Alma with his household goods
ami has moved into one of Mrs. Ida!
Marshall'.-, houses.
M.S. r...i.,,.. it.. " i. ,...,..,.. I..
Mrs. Khuda L Soderliu In r
hnnie in the -outh part ot th s . ty at
JJ.Ot) a. in., 'Wednesday. Noaii.iuge '
uieuts have been made for the f moral
We are in tile market for I'M to Ufi
pounds Shoals at market pi ii do' w r-1
ed at Seium Plant. Will pay for de-j
livery to plant. C. 11. .Miner Seium
Co I
Mrs J. W. McCain nl Edmund, Kan
sas, Mis. J Goodwin and daughters
of Superior, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mur
din,. Mr. and Mrs O J. Perkins and
Miss Myrtle Porter of Lincoln, and
Mrs. W. II. Vondy, of Hose Hill, ( olo
ratio, have leturned to their homes
after attending the'funeral of E. M
Manager Cassil is installing the vacu
uiu ventilating system in theOrpheuin.
During the clectrlo storm last Fri- tt has been estimated that this svstein
day night, lightning struck the barn 0f ventilation when completed will
on the YV. L. Weesnor farm, which ' change the air in tho theater every
Clyde l!owen has leased, and destroyed , tWo minutes without the aid of tans,
the structure with eight head of However largo occulating fans arc be
mules, harness, a quantity of grain j j,r installed to ftuthor cool tho build-
and other minor contents. Mr. Wees
nor carried insurance on the barn.
ing during the hot weather of tho sum
mer months.
For the benefit of the Red Cloud Farmers' Institute we are furnishing everybody
with mammoth pumpkin seeds. You are asked to sign and return the attached coupon
to either F. G. Turnure & Son, Paul Storey or Malone-Avery Co. at once.
The rules governing this contest are viz You agree to plant the seeds; to deliver
the largest pumpkin at Red Cloud on the first day of the Farmers' Institute 1916.
Everyone entering agrees to deliver one pumpkin (the largest raised from their
The person bringing the largest pumpkin will receive as a prize a 525.00 Suit of
Clothes; the second a Silk Dress Pattern, valued at S15.00; the third One Ton of Coal,
valued at $9.00.
Largest pumpkin to be determined by weight.
If anyone has failed to receive a package of these seeds please call at any of the
above business houses and receive same."
I agree to plant the pumpkin seeds furnished by F. G. Turnure & Son, Paul Storey
and Malone-Avery Co. Also to deliver the largest pumpkin raised from the seed on
the first day of the Farmers' Institute 1916.
ft 00
w a
" SB
Some Idea of tho sio of ' The
Battle Cry of Peace' is gained
when it is said that in stippoit
it the company tneio was intro
duced KJ.OOii National fiiiaids
men, 800 (i A. IE members 5 000
hoi sos and seventeen aetoplanes,
with .eppolins, sen-planes, sub
marines, battleships, (1 r e a d
naughts, torpedo boats and arm
01 ed motor ears. 1 1 brings homo
to the public astounding facts
concerning the unpreparedness
of this country in time of war.
If you me a patriotic American
citizen it will bo a revelation to
Prices any performance
50 cents
Children under f 0 years
25 cents
Mat. 3:30 NIglit 8:30
Just Two People
AME into Our Store
yesterday, who said they
didn't see anything r wonder
ful about our Spring Styles
They Were Both Blind
Everybody else said they
never before had seen such
a mighty fine collection of
the newest, prettiest Spring
Styles in nobby garments.
Come in this week and pick
your spring clothes.
This is the home of fash
ionable suits and overcoats
of big values at little money.
The Cowden-Haley Clothing Co.
Notice to Parents
Retarding Free Hlfth School Tuition
Free High School tuition application
should be filed in the office of the Coun
ty Superintendent on before the first ol
June In order that the school boards
may be authorized by the 2nd Monday
In June to make provision for the re
quired tuition.
Note that non-resident students
must malic application each year.
Tho town supeilntendetits or princi
pals at Ulailcu, Itlue Mill. HtHomont,
Cowles, (fiiitlu Hock, Ked Cloud, Ina
vale luivo supplied all non resident
students in their high schools with ap
plication blanks for free high school
tuition. Kach eighth grade graduate
in this year's class has been supplied
with an application blank.
If you havo not received a card you
can obtain it from any of tho town
Superintendents or from the County
liKitritt'nK Li Coon,
County Superintendent.
- -
Tho season of Lightning and Torna
does is approaching. Don't delay tos
long for tho Instiiauceyou may need.
(5. M. VanCanip, Uetieial Insurance.
For Week flflAfl FI HIT .' For Week
Fri., May 19 riUUiynU Fri,.Mav 1J
Orphcum Orchestra Each Night at 7 .45
Prof. C. Shodboll. Director Pictures Start at 8 O'clock
Friday - - Nay 19
Equitable Molion Picture Corporation presents Helen Ware in
A picture version o( Geo. Broodhurst's sensational stage succsss
Saturday - - May 20
3-reel Western Drama-2 others
Malinee at 2:30 All scats 5c
Monday - .. May 22
The Broken Coin-Kith Episode
With Grace Cunnard and Francis Ford
Mignonette A story of the stage, in two parts
When The Losers Won 1 -reel Nestor Comedy
Head tho dates aga.n an I re
serve your seat now.
Tuesday . . May 23
The Graduating Class of R. C. H. S. present a return date of
A College Town
Home Talent Tickets: Children 25c, Adults 35c
Wednesday - - jrjay 24
World Film Corporation presents Beatriz Michelina in
Salvation Nell
In 5 acts By Edvv. Sheldon A story of the Salvation Army
Thursday - . May 25
Red Feather Photoplays presents J. Warren Kerrigan in
The Pool of Flame
In 5 Acts
COMING! June 9 and 10 The Super Feature
The Battle Cry of Peace
In 1 0 Stupendous Acts Reserve Your Seats Now