IT V. vr s r,;w f ii ! .r .JVl?SS5t8D IU fltatortcAl Sou let j ?tv-?' yyaryggSvg-rv jff?-vWBS: - A 13 fe Ft gi, -rrr!Tj55!ir-'r -'- """" . & "" l1'!rISB?lifi'" '.fiftn pv f , 1 Pi fcv - rl wtLd J " 1 ;- 8m 1 I I 1 ldri i W V' - W' -" ' NtoNI r - -5 1 1 r - -ptMr -' - -11 1 wr l$ if W" f " . ,??v'?3vv.n v-v" -- - w-x .a----. s- j . t.. -ir' 'imi - - 1 - -..--rr- j - -esr - 1 A Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1,50. VOLUME 1 HED CLOUD, X RISK ASK A. MAY 11, UHIl NUMHISIt LM i It Isn't Hard To Save It is only hard lo stcStt saving, and that is only because you think it is. &t8St saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. 1 WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA C'AIUTYI. K.-i.OOO VSZg&" Now Has An Orchestra OnI'nu-ilHy fMMiiiijr. the now Tepeo otehestia inude its initial appeal ance In' 'on1 tht' public lit the popular mo- tl. II pk'tlllO 1 1, Of till' VUtltMUIIlH'. and lentleted a u-iy select musical 1 piogruin 'I'll t-. with 11 um.v lino inn Uinu pictuic pingrntu, was iceohi'd hj ;i I'll tilled Douse. Iliti oiclii-sti a Is 11 lot-ill orjjiiiii.ttioii mill is foniposoil of tht followiuu niiistcliiiis: llowitril Fot'. tllri'cttii, f.irini't: Miss Vol noli Stoioy piniiu; tit'oro Ovoi lcest', io I'm. f ion Fen?, tnniil out1. On ('noli I'M nini;, in tho futnro, litis O'ulu'stni will f,ior tin- 'IV-poo until tni'uwith 11 oontinnons mil-leal pin Hi am from 7 l'i to lo o'oloi'l; Guaranteed - f) Fabrics Are going to be harder to get than ever before I have them from a Hart Schaffner & Marx SUIT to a Sweet-Orr Overall It Is Quality First Here E. M. Card Laid At Rest l)n Tiii'Silnj, Col i:. M itul tt ii-hwoii-'i the tlnnl hiiiiiinniis Mini p issoil ti Lis oit'iiiul itwntil On Moniln.i uftornoon. hu wits stiicKt'ii with n pant ljlti' stiotto wlnoli liitcr u-ultt'il ill 'tloiith Tim iii'Ws of his ilt'iiMi wns n sliot'k to his iflntivt's anil mentis, us up until tho tlino of his stioWe, ho hiul ht'L'ii onjojin' the host ot ht'iilth Ho was wliloly known, loved anil lospt'ot oil by all with whom ho o.iuiu in con tact, in his eu'i-yduy life. Thu Colonel was hoin Sopfonibcr 1, 1811, in iluirurunn County, lndii'im, rnul when seven years of iifje, uiovod wltli his patents to Cluin county, Illinol.s Iloenli.stcd as a ptivate in Co. V., IGth Idinols Infiuitry in lSGl, ami tnusteroil out in l3t;0. On .(uiio :tO, l"5ii7, lio was united in niiiii'iiiKc to .Miss h.ualt J. .Johnson, and in the fall of lST(, they moved to IMkiu'i Nebi.isUn, later they moved to th s eit. Ilesiih's a host of fi lends, lie kavtis to inoiii n his death, his wife, ei'ht (luuliterv, and one mhi, one dauyhtei haliik' piooeeded him to the (jieat beyond. Tlie funeial services woie conducted at the toiiioKutionitl cliuiuh on Thin sdny afternoon, at 2: to o'clock, lluv. .1 Ij. lioebu ofllciHtiii''. PAUL STOREY High School Commencement Tho Graduation Exercises of tliu Ketl Cloud Hixh Scliool this year will diirer from Commencement of years Kone by. In addition to the usual class play, the Commencement .Exer cises will consist of u program of rend inghatid orations liberally interposed with music, botli vocal and instruinentii The entire program will be given by the very tnlented class of 1010 Tickets will be on sale Saturday at nine o'clock, May 13, at the Orpheuin, Tho class play occurs Wednesday, May 17. The Graduation Exercises will be held Thursday, Miy 18. Doth entertainments will be held at the Orpheuin, Garage Building Started It will but a mutter of a few weol.s until the stittisof out luelilllo oity will he jrncoil with another lino busi ness stiui'tuii'. Tin' new bnildine; t lio eioeied on Kust l'oiiith avenue, is no liiiigi'r an item of gn-slp, but a I'l'itiiiiity. as the oxeiiMitlou fill' tho basement m completed, and on Mon. day of this week, oonlniftor Win. IJohrer "tin nod on the juice" on Ids oonoiete niKtnie and tin t'etnent walls for tliu t'oundalinii an well mi dor way ami we know that under his able supei vision, it will bi. but a abort lime until the walls of the building will 1 1 lcstini.' on the walls of this foundation When the building, which N it) .x 150 fee , is completed it will be m'eupiod bj Mr. .'as. iVtoi-on. who will cater to the auto owners of this viein ly, and iiNo to many tourists who join in tlnout'h mir city H !i School Board Decides To Re-Advertise For Bids THE CLOTHIER T A N KS Our 2" Cypress steel bound tanks are the best on the market. They have double the life of a galvanized iron tank and are much cheaper. THE M ALONE-AVEM CO. TALK WITH US ABOUT TANKS" Rod Cloud, Nob., May 8th, 1910. Hoard mot with all member, present except Cross, the object of the meet ing to go over pliius and specifications with Architect Brudlcy for the new High .School building. Aftor duo deliberation it wiir decided to iiccopt the revisod plans, provided the building could be built for $10,0(0 the amount originally appropriated, This price being the general continct for the erection of the building also to include heating, wiring and plumbing Ou motion It was decided to re-adver-tlso for bids and tho Hoard will receive boaled proposals on tho Oth day of June for tho furnishing of all material and labor in tho construction of bald build ing. C .1. Pope, Secretary. City Officers Re -employed At its regular uiteting, last wetk the City Dads ol Hed Cloud i o-'ippnlnt-t'tl Guv Zeigl"!' supei iiiteudent ol the uhcHic light mid water plant, ami Maik McC'niikey stieei coinuii-sioner Until these men hae held their le .spoctlve olllees, pieiiously. and hav. given entile .satisfaction, and the pub lic is pleased to know that tliefo able tiiin are once, more at the bead of these departments. I. 11. Holier was K'lteU'd H. the new Chief of Police,, and while tltis gont'emaii lias novel be fote held this ofllce, wo feel that the citizens ot Ked Cloud will bo given olll'deiitrpoliee putectiou, as In if, n man of high character and good juilg incut anil will give a squint ileal to all. The Chief extend congratulations to tin H'-UmiIs" foi poncing these it liable mi u in clmige of our miineiple afrairs. Notice to Parents Retarding Free IIIJIi Scliool Tuition Free High School tuition application should be filed in tho office ot the Coun ty Superintendent on bolore tho lirst ot June in order that the school board may be authorized by the 2nd Monday in June to make provision lor the rcf quired tuition. Note that non-resident students must make application each year. The town superintendents or princi pals at Dladen, Hlue Hill, lloseuiont, Cowles, Guide Hock, Hed Cloud, Ina vale have supplied all nou resident students in their high schools with ap plication blanks for free high school tuition. Each eighth grade graduate in this year's class bus been supplied with an application blank. If you have not received a curd you can obtain it from any of the town Superintendents or from the County Superintendent Uertuudk L Coon, County Superintendent. I Automobile partios to Hastings was quite- it lad Sunday ns the fo"owlng , lilt tho road for that city: Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Piatt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Storey, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. L. Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. E,S. Garbor, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. McFarlandand Mr. and Mrs. Fiank .Smith. The Big Event 01 The School Year Tho Webster County Heading Con test will bo held at Cowles, Tuesday May 10th, beginning at luitiu a. in. and continuing in the afternoon, Two divisions, rural scliool division and town school division. The contest will bo hold at the scliool house and churches. Music by the Cowles schools. The piogram is entertaining and educational. Admission 'J.'ic. The ad mission fee is low, just enough to cov er expenses, but tho program is line. Come audluing votir friends. (iKItllll'IlK L C'O0N County Supcilutendent. Music Lessons. Pupils wishing to take lessons on violin, plauo, all string and brass In struments will please cull or phone l'rof. A. A. Lolloy, Hoynl Hotel, Hod Cloi u. Curtis (jeor and wife left Sunday for Dillcr to visit his mother and home folks for a few days. Everything your heart desires in Jewelry IMBffitZvJyW-'vSw!! rWm WE CARRY EVERYTHING IN THE JEWELRY LINE FROM A BABY PIN TO A FAMILY CLOCK, OR SET OF SILVERWARE. AND WHEN YOU BUY YOUR JEWELRY THINGS FROM US, YOU OBTAIN THE BEST. WE CARRY NO OTHER KIND. ASK OUR CUSTOMERS HOW WE TREAT THEM. DO BUSINESS WITH US, AND YOU TOO WILL SPEAK A GOOD WORD TO YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT US. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE. Jvwclor nnd Optometrist VsFC. D. & Q. Watch Inspector l!!1l The Season's Choicest Styles In WASH m DRESS GOODS rw he L'J almost indiscribablc sensation of the fast adyancign season hereabouts, has been the en thusiasm with which this stores Springtime Styles in Wash and Dress Goods have been received. It matters not what your personal choice may be whether you desire a suitable material for dress, street, afternoon, evening or business wear lactate Quality insures Satisfaction In White Wash Goods we offer a vast variety of the latest styles Plain Voiles, Silk Striped Voiles, Embroid ered Voiles, Marquisettes, Garbardincs, Piques, Middey Cloths, Nainsooks, Etc. R. P. WEESNER & CO. THE STORE OF GOOD CLEAN MERCHANDISE IMiMHHHHHHiHM Buy It In Red Cloud MKllJ. 1 ,- wraiTi m v r- w . y ' V m va