.XK -! Ki KED OLO0D, IftfeRAiKA, CHIEF . ( V h m VI" ' i ) f Insure your Kami Property with Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman for the Farm Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Hastings, Nebraska Phones: Offlce, HOI; Residence, lT.'.O A sane, safe, sound Htid economical plan of fire, lightning nnd tornado Insurance. Will your policy soon expire? Write mc and let mo explain. No obligation on your part. J":"W"X-:m:x-M":M"W-:-xH"X $ AS TOLD TO US $ V A X"X"Xw"Mx:":X"W"X"X"W":' V. V. Heal Is home from Cowles. French Flashers at Fogel's. Look up the Tenth Commandment! Miss Gertrude Doers Is visiting In McCook this week. Huy your Groceries of Miner llros. Co. Miss Lola Coplen is In Inuvalc tills week. Mrs. J. E. Coombs lb reported on the sick list. Mrs. E. II. Webber and children were , passengers to (iuide Kock, Tuesday. When in need of printed mutter of any kind call at the Chief ofllce the home of "Quality" printing. Herbert N'euerburg nnd family mov ed Into the I'hares property, formerly occupied by Moss Abel, this week. Mrs. J. N. Sellars, of Moulder, Colo rado, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Joe Fogel, this week. May u Is the time, Orpheum is the place, nuf ced, take her to that home talent show and make her happy. . R. D. Jiurton, of Frnnkliu, visited his sister Mrs. A. II Carpenter the last of the week. Mrs. C. H. Miner returned home Sunday morning from Colorado Springs, where she had been looking after her ranch. Mrs. S. M. Carl, of Long Islnnd, Kansas, was the guest of her brother, J. A. McArthur and family, the ilrst of the week. The season of Lightning and Torna does is approaching. Don't delay too long for the Insurance you may need. G. M. VanCamp, General Insurauce. John Llndsey.'of Gillette, Wyoming, visited at the home of hl8kune)e1Sani Lindscy,- over Sunday while1' efirobte to Hadden, Kansas. t Dr. II. p. Ilox'ey returned home Saturday morning from Star Lake, 'Iowa, where he was called by the death of his mother. The ladles of the Methodist church will hold a bazar, dinner and supper tit the Woodman hall on Saturday, May Cth. ' We are in the market for 100 to 125 pounds Shoats nt market price deliver ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for de livery to plant. C. II. Miner Serum Co. Miss Vera Hatlleld returned to St. Jo?, Saturday, to resume her studies, after spending last week hero with her parents, Mr. rnd Mrs. Bert , Hat field. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Robertson and children, of Sterling, Colorado, are Visiting at the home of Mrs. Ro bertson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chtis. V.Dickenson. '' School district number .11 closed another successful term, on Friday, March 28th. On that day a picnic was given and about sixty were present and everyone reports aud enjoyable time. Mr. CJlen Foe, the able instruc tor in charge of this school, is deserv ing of much credit for his work and the Interest lie has taken In this during the entire time. Stop and Shop! Ripe Olives, fresli from California Special ut .... t Strawberries, ripe, I A I'0'1 r'Pc Tomatoes I E Fresh, tender Peas I a- tine flavor, box I UC per lb I 9C per lb. . . . I UC Fresh Cuban Pine- EA Long green Cuciiin- QEA apples, large, each I OC bers, extras .... aCUU New Potatoes, :i lbs Ogg Try a can of White House Fresh Carrots, a Afi --- Peel Apricots. This Is a large lmncli WW lmte M)ft - delicious form of Apri- ,, . Mnrshniellows, lb wC uuiiuuim jnuii "i"1 Homegrown Aspara- fj-. cots us the flavor is ex- ,,,.,, tender, hunch UC " tremely delicate because Advo Jell, tho Jell thut of fruit having QC. Lettuce, very choice C whips, all flavors OE. been peeled, can WWW per bunch WV :i pkgs for. .. vG TURNURE & SON in : G. M. Coplen, of Shickley, is visiting his brother, E. NV. Coplen, this week. Miss Laura Pierce visited In Super ior over Sunday. John Merrill was a Guide Rock visit or Friday. Harry Roats spent Friday in Hust ings. New Summer Dreis Goods now be ing shown by Miner Bros. Co. Mrs Alf McCall and sou, Robert, were In Hastings, Saturday. Miss Fleta Davis, of Hshoti, spent the lust of the week hero with friends. Who was the Ilrst man to pay spot cash for cream. .1. O. Caldwell. Mrs. Mary Seaton went to Cowles, Monday. The Misses Anna Rnubal and Elsie Rupert spent Sunday In Rlvertou. F. M. llilderbrandt of Alma was in the city Monday Miss Elma Alles went to Wymote, Saturday, to visit her sister Rev. J. M. Bates was a passenger to St. Paul, Saturday. W. II. Taber nnd (leorge Michaels autoed to Lincoln the last of the week. Miss Mabel Holfman, of Cowles, is visiting at the A. 11. Carpenter home this week. Buy your Groceries of Miner Bros. Co. Come to Red Cloud and do your trad ing Mrs, .1. K. Bloom, of Hastings, is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Soderlln. this week. New (Jueen Quality Shoes and Low Shoes uro now being shown at Miner Bros. Co. Mrs. Belle Kcagle had a cement side walk laid In front.of her residence this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sanderson of Norton, Kansas, are visiting relatives here this week. Ernest Stevens of Smith Center, Kansas, was the guest of Lon Eddy last week. Miss Inez Fetty returned to her at Inavale, Sunday, after visiting friends hero for a few days. Mrs. Clara Shcrer aud daughter. Miss Pearl, were Hastings visitors over Sunday. Mrs. Lizzie Rounds of Crand Island is visiting Urandmu Mcintosh this week. Miss Mabel Buckles returned home Monday from Potter where she had been teaching school the past year. Frnnk Starr, the popular horse nnd mule buyer, was n pnsscnger to Grand Island, Monday. Attorney L. II . Blackledge went to Lincoln, Monday morning, to attend a session of the supreme court. Mrs. Claude Onrrow of St. Joe is visit'ng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Clawson, this week. The Misses Josephine and Blanche Sherer spent the weekend with rela tives in Blue Hill. Miss Lela Woods returned homo the Ilrst of the week from Lndgcpole, where she closed a successful term of school. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burden, Mes dames O C. Tee I and Frank Ellinger, Herbert Myers and Bernard Burden autoed to Hastings, Tuesday. P. A. Wullbrandt returned home the first of the week from McCool Junct ion and Exeter where he Iiud been visiting relatives. Col. J. H. Ellinger returned home the first of the week from Oberlin, Kansas, where he had been in the in terest of the C. II. Miner Serum Co. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hosmcr departed Sunday evening for California where he hopes to improve his health. The Chief along with his many friends join in wishing him a safe and pleasant journny and that the sunny climes of California will aid him In regaining his health and strength. in the bulk pr I A per glass I U6 " quart Fresh Fruits and Green Vegetables at Miner Bros. Co. Buy it today as you will need It to night. Fiench Flnshers at Fogel's. Clarence Carpenter wns In MeCook, Friday. Hugh Allison of Nelson was In the city Friday. Dr. Reno, of Superior, spent Satur day with Dr. Camp. Chas. Farnum returned Saturday from Omaha. Mrs. John Kenuard, of Hastings, spent Sunday with Mrs . Soderlln. Miss Hannah "White visited her parents at Bostwlek, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sheiman visited relatives in Superior, Sunday. Miss Ilnttle Kalley and sister, Nellie, spent Sunday lu Guide Rock. Attorney Bernard McNeny went to Denver, Sunday evening. tleorge ViuiCantp,'. was transacting business lu Superior, Wednesday. (J. W. Llndsey returned from Lin coln, Friday evening. Mrs. Christie Pntniore was a passeng er to Hastings, Tuesday. Mrs. Joe Fogel returned home fjom Inavale, Tuesday morning. Attorney B. W. Stewart was trans acting business in Hastings, Monday. II. A. Hlukins of Rlvertou was in town Monday.; V. A. Wulbrnndt is having his store repapered this week. James Loy and Harry Regester were In Blue Hill, Saturday. Mrs. (ireenhaulgh, of Trenton, was In town Monday, between trains while enroute home from Cowles. A. II. McArthur was in Republl. can City, Saturday night, between trains, Mis. John Weesner and children re turned home from Superior, Sunday evening. Earl Lnttn, of neat Cowles, accom panied a car of stock to Kansas City, Wednesday. Ralph Real came in from. Llnco'n, Wednesday for n short visit with his parents, W. V. Beal and wife. Clarence Eshelman returned home Monday, from Arcadia where lie spent Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ornupaud daught er, of Riverton, spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morhart. Mrs. Chas. E. Hill, of Hustings, came down Tuesday to visit her moth er, Mrs. Hassiuger. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Stroupe nnd daughter, Lucille, wero lu Ilenkle man over Sunday visiting relatives. Mrs. E. U. Overman nnd daughter. Miss EU.abeth, and Mrs. G. M. Van Camp were In Hastings Tuesday. Miss Mario Nelson was home from Blue Hill over Sunday visiting with homo folks. Begitiningthe23thof this month the C. B .tij. will again run trains No. 1 and 11 through hero from Oxford to Hastings on the old schedule. Miss Marie Hollister spent the week end with her parentn, Mr. and Mr. G. H. Hollister, leturiiiug to Lincoln, Monday. On aecount of reorganizing the band there will be no open air concerts un til the Ilrst of June. F. A. Turnure, Manager. For rent My neivH room modern house with sleeping porch. Fine lo cation. See me, C. A. Sohellak, or phone black UK). The W. R. C. will meet Saturday at 2:110 p. m. Let every member be pres ent for special business. lly order f President. V. M. Sherwood, advance agent for John G. Rue, was in the city today making arrangements for the play "The Tenth Commandment" to be shown at the Orpheum next Wednes day evening. The World's Best to Eat 1Kl i)er - $1.30 gallon mm What is the Tenth Commandment? L. A. Graves, of Grand Island, Is lu the city this week. Grant Turner was in Guide Rook, Tuesday. Watches, clocks, beads and jewelry. Variety Store. Attorney A. M. Walters, of Blue Hill, was in town, Wednesday. Cash Scrlvner was lu Hastings, Wed nesday. Do you know too Tenth Command tni'iit'.' Sheet Music- If we haven't what you want we will get it. Variety Store. W. V. Ileal, J. II. Bailey nnd Will Mountford were Cowles' visitors, Wed nesday. L 11. Wesselman, manager of the Wesselmau Stock Co., departed Wed nesday for Omaha on business and will bring the balance of the company back with him. F. A. Hlldi'braudt ami wife, the new proprietor of the Pioneer Meat Market, were In the city Wednesday transact ing bushiest nnd also looking for u house in which to reside. We understand that Prof. A. A. Le Roy has" rented the building on East Fouith avenue, which was formerly occupied by the Sunny Side saloon a few j ears ago, anil will open a music store therein. The science hibratory equipment of the High School has received a very valuable addition lu the form of n Birtmiin X Ray Machine, which was generously donated by Dr. E. A. Creighton. The doctor also donated a lluoroscope, and with tho xrny tube that the school already possesses, the pupils are able to get excellent results In experiments with Roentgen Rays, l'lie machine Is in excellent condition and the generosity of Dr. Croighton Is thoroughly appreciated by tho school. Arrest Traveling Merchant. Wedntalay morning the sheriir, O. D. Hodge, took itito custody Tom Dil lon, who was making his headquarters at the Holland Hotel. The chnrgc is preferred against Dillon was peddling without a license, and the manner in Which he got possession of the cloth ing, the otllciuls being of the opinion that the goods were stolen in some other locality and brought here to be sold to the unsuspecting public. This Is not Dillon's Ilrst appearance In the city as he has been here at other times disposing of goods in the same manner. No evidence could bo pro duced as to the manner in which ho gets posessiou of the goods, Jbut he whs; convicted on vagrancy '.charge, hu paying tho liiue and court cost-, aud left for parts unknown. Married At Wilber On April Kith., at Wilber, occurred the marriage of two of this city's well known young people. Tho contract ing parties wore Mr Oliver Powell and Miss Hazel Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C D. Robinson. Tho bride was born and reared to young woman hood in this city and is a graduate of oiirhigh school, while the groom is one of our popular business men. The Chief along with the many friends of the bride and groom wish them much joy and huppiiiess while sailing over the matrimonial seas. Methodist Mention Miss Glaze, the Conference Organ izer of tho W. H. M. S., spoke In the Methodist church both morning and evening, entertaining und instructing the people in home missionary work as done by the deaconess. The Intermediate League now have seven p!e;cs in their orchestra. All who attended the Intermediate League picnic report a splendid time. The only thing to mar the pleasure was tho breaking of an axle which compelled some to walk home. The pastor will preach next .Sunday morning on "Proof Positive'. The (lospel Team from North Rranch will have charge of tho services iu the evening. Plans are being made for the ob servance of Children's Dav, June 11. m. IE & WHO ARE YOU? Call at the CHIEF office and get acquainted-ami then when YOU want printed matter of any kind YOU will know WHO WE ARE! w Just Two pAME into Our Store yesterday, who said they didn't see anything wonder ful about our Spring Styles They Were Both Blind Everybody else said they never before had seen such a mighty fine collection of the newest, prettiest Spring Styles in nobby garments. Come in this week and pick your spring clothes. This is the home ionable suits and of big values at The Cowden-Haley Clothing Co. ALWAYS City Council Holds Regular Monthly Meeting The City Council met last evening in regular session being called together by Mayor Dr. Robert Daraerell, the following members being preaent: Koontz, Hamilton, Saladen and Stevens. Minutes of meeting of April 24 and 25, read and approved. Petition of Geo. Smolser for Marshal presented to tho Council. Meyor Dam crell made the following jappointments. Guy Ziigler, superintendent of Water and Light Department ut a salary of $140 per month. P. H. Boner for City Marshall at $C5 pr month. Not confirmed. For Health Physician Dr. II. Cook. M. McConkey Street Commissioner for six months at $90 per month with team. $1 CO per day when extra team is used. , . i ' i . . i . and treasurer he instructed to pay l freight, t-xprtsi, postaita and ull labor bills und other items when O. K. by the proper oflklala. Annual reports of City Treasurer and City Clerk presented and placed on file. E. H. Niwhouso was present and Baked permission to erect a wireless mast in front of his store. The matter was referred to the Uuilding Committee with power to act. The hid of C. F. McKelghan for haul ing coal for the city at GO cents per ton and stand demurrage on not over two cars at one time, was accepted. Petition of C. A. Herrlck et al, for aide walk on south side block 9, Plati'a rssssnn "aiiiiiiiiiSBBaaiaaaaBBBBBBBBBaaaaaapj Saturday May 6 L. B. Wesselman Stock Co., offers the 4-act drama The Girl and the Shepherd Specialties Between Acts. Reserve Heats, Phone 111 Matinee at 2:.'1() ."o admission 'to nil. Mondey . May g THE BROKEN COIN 9th cpisode---2 reels. Also a 2-reeI Feature and One Comedy. Admission 5c-10. Tuesday . . May 9 Home Talent Play, given by amatuers of Red Cloud WHOSE HAT? Farce Comedy In Three Acts. Wednesday John G. Rae I The Tenth Commandment ! c People of fashr overcoats little money. RELIABLE. Addition, annex lot No. 29 by Ord and block 22 Red Cloud, was presented and ordered that the owners construct walks. Application of James Peterson to erect a brick building on lots 2 and 3 block 1 Williams Add referred to Build ing Coramlttea with power to act. Petition of W. T. Mountford et al, for Bidewalk on west aide of Locust street and aouth sido block 10 and 11, Smith & Moore's Add, presented and owners on wcit aide of Locust street ordered to construct walk. Petition of Sattley et al, for croft walk referred to Cross Walk Committee Councilman Stevens introduced the annual estimate of expenses for "year ending May 1, 1017, and moved iti adoption. Same to be approved br City Clerk and published. Superintendent Zeiglcr presented th proposition of an oil engine and motor driven pump to relievo tho present ma chinery at power house which would xwmq a saving of uhout $2000 in fueL ,,,......,... vjuuiiku iiinuuuiuu nun iu get prices on pumps and engines und report same. Mayor asked for nn expression on the appointment of a city attorney for th year and it was decided to dispense with services of same for the present, The following claims were allowed: JJ. McNeny, fjnld over) $100 00 P. A. Wullbrandt 1119 E. H. Weber 15 90 Mayer Coal Co 53 56 Geo. Trln G 7e II. A. Roats shipped 4 cars of cattle and : ears of hogs to Kansas City, Sunday, and with Kd Kellogg accom panied the shipment of Motion Pictures I 1 offers, in four acts May 10 m 1 ; 4.V iih ih