The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 27, 1916, Image 5

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IT J .1
liiMireyour Farm Pioperty with
Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman
for Hit !
Farm Central Mutual Fire!
Insurance Co.,
Hastings, Nebraska
1'rlOSES: litlivo, :t04; Uesidetico, 17.M)
A atu. Mife, sound Hiul economical
plmi of lite, llghtr.lng ami tornado
, Insurance.
Will your policy soon expire?
Write me and let me explain. Xo
obligation on your part.
French Flashers at Igel's.
luy your Groceries of Miner Pros.
Hev. I) Fitzgerald svas In Superior,
A. T. Walker went to Kansas City,
Sunday, on business.
Roseoe Woesner was a passenger to
Kansas City, Sunday.
Alf. Saladon was In Hastings the last
of the week on business.
New Summer Dress Goods now be
ing shown by Miner Bros. Co.
13ye Shepherdhon of Kiverton spent
Sunday In the city with friends.
Who was the llrst man to pay spot'
cash for cream. .1. o. Caldwell.
Mrs. Arthur Robinson of Guide Hock
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Fred Witt
wcr. Mrs. J. A. Bradford and children
spent Kastcr in Hastings with her par
ents. Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue Mill
was In town Monday attending to legal
Attorney Bernard MeNeny was In
Superior, Monday, attending to some
legal atVairs.
Clarence Carpenter went to Seldon,
Kansas, Sunday, to attend to some
business matters.
An entirely new version of what a
Penny will buy, at the Itexall Store,
May 4th, 5th and Uth.
Mr. and Mrs. James Sllvey of luavale
spent Sunday with her parcuts, Mr.
nnd Mrs. A. I). Wondcrly.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Zeiglerof Uiverton
spent Sunday in this city with their
son (5uy Zeigler and wife.
A. H. Carpenter, Charles Itust and
John Saladen - returned home from
Seldon, Kansas, Saturday.
Miss Lucy Ludlow, of Franklin spent
Sunday In the city with her sister,
Mrs. C. .1. Geer and family.
Otis Lepjjett, of Franklin, was in
the city, Monday, visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. II W. Leggett.
Barney Pearson, of Hastings, theat"
.rically known as "Idaho 11111", was in
the city Saturday evening visiting
friends between trains while enroute
Don't Forget
Our Big Line
Of Children's
Wash Dresses
lA'E are showing the coats shown in the above illustration and many more
" besides. There are styles at prices that will please you.
lAE have a special value
Gray and at
Two Specials -Ladies' Black
Ladies Oxfords and Slippers, $4.00 regular
F. G. Turnure
Buy your Groceries of Miner Bros. Co.
Come to lied (loud and do your trad
ing Harney Sutton was la Bloomlngtoii,
Ed Amuck was in Auiora, Tuesday
on buiiness.
Dr. Lawler spent Sunday in Superior
with friends.
Col. H. A. Fate, of Clay Center, was
in town Wednesday.
C. A. Schultz was transacting busi
ness In Franklin, Monday.
Mrs. Kd Auiack spent Friday in Blue
Hill with Mrs. Peter Merten.
Fred Temple, of- Kausas City, was
in the city Satutday on business.
Tony Clark has purchased u new
Ford car from the Ford Supply Co.
Ueo. Fairfield, of Guide Hock, was
in town, Wednesday, visiting friends
At Hoffman was a passenger to Blue
Hill, Monday, where he will after his
L. A. Graves, of Grand Island, spent
the last of the week in the city with
New (Jucen Quality Shoes and Low
Shoes are now being shown at Miner
Bros. Co.
Miss Martha Murphy left Friday for
Grand Island to spend Faster with
Save Your Pennies: They're worth
up to Sl.oOat the Hexall Store May
ltli, Hth and Oth.
Howard Hunt, of Rivet ton, was
visiting his brother, Will Hunt and
family, Wednesday.
Mrs. Vera Hatfield, of St. Joe, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Bert Hatfield this week.
Mrs. (Jeo. Lindscy returned home
from San Diego, California, Sunday,
where slio spent the winter.
Mrs. L. M. Luce of Denver, Colorado,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Lindscy this week.
Mrs. D. II. Sorivner retutticd to Ben
klcman, Sunday, after visiting her
children hero for the past week.
Col. J. H. Elllngcr returned home
Wednesday from Wray, Colorado,
where he had been on business.
Weesner and Koontz shipped two cars
of hogs, and Delaney Bros., shipped one
car of bogs to Kansas City, Sunday.
Found: Three new curtains belong
ing to a Ford car. The owner can
have same by paying for this notice.
One Cent for a Dollar and a Half
Hot Water Bottle. Wouderf ul Isn't it?
At the Rexall Store May 1th, r.tli and
T. H. Bailey returned home the
of the week from Omaha where he had
been visiting his sons Will and Grant
Mr. and Mrs, C. It. Crone of York ar"
rived in the city, Saturday, to visit
their daughter, Mrs. Frank Peterson
and family
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowen and
children of Esbon, Kansas, spent Sun
day in tiic city with her mother, Mrs.
N. R. Simpson.
If You Need a Rain Coat or Auto Coat
in all sizes and in Tan,
and Colored Hosiery, worth up
spa Ipsl
"The Man
From Mexico"
A famous comedy success, in i
five parts, introducing
and a Star Company
Monday, May 1st
Thursday, Nay 4
Artie Diokcrson returned homo from
Lincoln tho.last of the week.
Big three act comedy at Orpheum
Friday, May 0. Fun for everybody.
F. C. Buschow, of Blue Hill, was
transacting business in the city, Mon
day. Miss Greta Tuvaure returned from
Superior, Sunday, where she visited
Harry Buird, solicitor for the St. Joe
Stock Yards, was in the city the llrst
of the week.
Your opportunity to cut the cost of
high living. At the Hexall Store May
lth, fitu and Cth.
Mrs. K M. Etrc returned homo .Tues
day, from York and Lincoln, where
she visited relatives.
Gus Holmgraln went to Hastings,
Wednesday, to visit Ids daughter, Mrs.
Warren Lougton and family.
Lyman Esslg, of Happyvillo, Colo.,
was in the city the llrst of the week
visiting relatives and friends.
Mrs, Will was called here from
Lincoln the lat of the week by the
illness of her mother, Mrs. Sim Rob
ertson. We Are Well
Stocked In All
Lines Of
Dry Goods
lVe solicit your
inspection oj our
Blue and
to 60c Special, 29c
value, now priced at $1.23
& Son
Vf JOJiN BATinYMOiaj 7
(J. W. Lindscy went to Lincoln this
Mrs Bernard MeNeny went to Hast
ings this morning.
I j. A. Walters was u Blue Hill visit
or visitor, Saturday.
Sheriff O. 1). Hedge ' and Charley
Whitaker wero in Hastings today.
Mrs. A.JH. Keeney of Denver Is the
guest of Dr. Nellie Maurer this week
When In need of printed matter of
any kind call at tho Chief olllco the
home of "Quality" printing.
Mrs. Frank Bloom returned to Hast
lugs, Friday, after visiting her mother
Mrs. A. Soderlln for some time.
MayO Is the time, Orpheum is the
place, nuf ceil, take her to that home
talent show and mako her happy.
John Hamilton Jr., was up from
Guide Rock, Wednesday, visiting his
brother, W. G. Hamilton and family.
Curt Wilson came down fioni Me
Cook, Tuesday, to visit his father, John
Ever been to Washington our nation
al capital. Then come to the Orpheum,
Friday night.
Charlie Chaplin, the funniest man in
tho world, at the Orpheum, Saturday,
April 2ffh, in Tho Mix-Up.
P. A, Wullbrandt was a passenger to
McCool .liiuctiunand Exeter thin morn
ing where he will visit his brothers.
Hesorve your seats for tho Wessel
man Stock Co , Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday. Phono In for reserva
tions. Mrs. A. I). McMurruy returned home
from Polk, Tuesday, whore she had
been visiting her danghtei for several
w eeks.
Our stationery values will bo won
derful: A pound of paper for one
cent. The Itexall Store May lth,
and 0th.
Howard Alles came in from Hoi
drege, Saturday, and is again back
on duty as messenger on the Hustings
Our Toilet line is the best the market
produces. One Cont will buy Fifty
Cent's worth at the Hexall Store, May
4th, Mb and Cth.
Max went to Hastings, FrlVay,
to accompany his wifo home from the
hospital where she had been receiving
medical treatment.
Attorney Bernard MeNeny returned
home from Lincoln, Saturday evening,
where he had been attending a session
of the Supreme Court.
Miss Maude Fishe returned to Blooin
ington, Saturday, after spending H few
days in .this city last week with her
sister, Miss Sadie Fishe.
Kobert Hcilie- returned homo frcin
Lincoln. Monday, where ho visited
his brother and sister who aro attend
ing the State- University.
Bert Bower, John Hose, Frod and
Henry Watterman. Jake Duss and
Fred Krueger, ot Hliiu Hill, were,
county seat visitors Monday.
Perry Anderson, after spending last
week in this city with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. K. W. Anderson, returned to
his home at AiishIiiio, Monday.
I wish to thank tho voters of Web
ster county for their splendid support
or my candidacy for Clerk of District
Court at tho recent primary election.
Edith I.. McKoighan.
Mrs. W. H.McKimmey and daughter,
Miss Flossie, and son, Karl, and Marion
Funk were in Cawker City, Kansas,
Wednesday, attending the wedding of
a relative.
I wish to thank the merchants and
citizens of lied Cloud and vaclnlty for
awarding me the automobile in the
drawing which took place Wednesday
K J. Gordon.
Prof. A. A. Leltoy of Geneva comes
to us the first of May to take charge of
our brass band. The professor has
been a successful musical instructor
for many years and comes woll recom
mended. Red Cloud Is very fortunate
In securing the services of such an
able man and wo are looking confi
dently ahead for some excellent musi
cal productions. He will give private
lessons of all kinds on string and'
brass Instruments. There Is an ex
cellent opportunity for now material
in the band and hero is just the chance
for the younger mon to net a musical
Mrs. John Weesner went to Superior
Methodist Mention
Thtee persons wore baptised and re
ceived info the church Sunday morn
Miss Glaze will be with us Sunday
morning and possibly in the evening
representing the W. II. M. S.
Sunday-school is beginning to revive
as the small-pox scare subsides.
Splendid progress Is being made by
the two chorus classes.
Intermediate Leugue every Sunday
The self-denial offering amounted to
e8,.'J5. Thank you.
Speeial meeting on Friday night of
the men's committee.
Dont forget the Bazaar on May tlth.
Ladies will be sure to bring in their
work by Friday.
S9S9n rar p "r' ;j tssssai
This Is Hat Week
We Talk Hats Think Hats
And Are Selling Hats
You Must Have A New Hat
For Summer
The New Soft Hats In Pearl, Steel,
Smoke, Green and Amber
A Beautiful Line of New Suits and
Furnishings For Easter Wear
fiat In line-Dress lln
I Jhe Qomden-Kaley Qlotbing Qo. I
Mrs. Krnest Straycr of Oxford was
in town Friday.
Mrs. W. A. Sherwood was a Hastings
visitor Saturday.
Fresh Fruits and Green Vegetables
at Miner Bros. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. George VanCamp wero
in Hastings, Friday.
Mrs. Sarah Copley was a passongcr
to Hastings, Friday.
Miss Pearl McConkey returned horn
from Hastings Monday.
Miss Fannie Mlksch spent Sunday
with her sister at Mt. Clare.
Cash Scrivner returned home from
Lymon, Colorado, Sunday eveuiug.
Buy it today as you will need it to"
night. French Flashers at Fogel's.
Miss Marybelle Hassiuger returned
home the last of the week from Hast
ings. Cherral Konntz, Ray and Don Beat
on, Warren Nelson and Marion Funk
were in Blue Hill, Monday evening.
Mr. Kd Watson and son Frank, of
of Wouier, Kansas, spent Tuesday in
town, at. tho home of Chus. Steffens.
losoph Steele returned to his homo
at Alexandria, Friday, after visiting
his sister, Mrs. J. M. Burgess, for sever
al days
Lew Conrad, or Hloomlugton, was
in the city between trains, Monday
cveniug visiting friends. He hud been
visiting his father at Hluo Hill, and
was enroute home.
Attorneys F. K. Maurer, F. J. Mun
day and K. U. Overman autoed to
Bloomington, Monday, with Attor
ney L. H. Blackledgo in his ear and
attended district court
Mr,nd Mis. J. M. Hewitt, of Grand
Island left Fiiday for Neosha Falls,
Kansas, after visiting their daughter,
Mrs. Kison. They wero accompanied
by their nelce, Miss Addle IIotchkLss.
4 ikB
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 1, 2 and 3
The Wesselman Stock Co-
... , Reserve your seats NOW. Phone 49.
Children 15c Adult; 25c Reserved Seats 35c
Chas. J. Ross, in a visualization of Sidney Rosenfeld's
dramn of political strife, taken around our National Capital.
Th.H;,hens.ilT'fdN!ovAcio, iHAKLilfci CHAPLIN
In a 4-actContinuous Scream The Mix-up. 1 other reel.
and up
Whose Hot is at the Orpheum, May !).
Kd Burr, of Guide Rock, was in town
Miss Josephine Richards spent Sun
day In Homeland.
Mrs. Mary Seaton returned home
from Cowles, Tuesday.
Hoy Molfet, of Rlverton, waa in
tho city, Wednesday, visiting friends.
Mrs. A. Mulehead of Omaha, visited
her bhter, Mrs. U. C. Letson, Monday.
Mrs. E. Arnold of Blooinlntou spent
the week end with her daughter, Mrs.
A. E Boles.
MIsseB Marie and Lydla Trout wore
passengers to Harvard, Saturday, to
visit relatives.
We dont want you to feel disappoint
ed: Tills is a warning. The Rexall
Store, May 4th, Mil and Oth.
Mis. O. A. Schultz and children re
turned home from Hastings, Friday,
where her son Burtraml has been in
a hospital receiving medical treatment.
The season of Lightning and Torna
does is approaching. Don't delay too
long for tho Insurance you may need.
O. M. VanCatnp, General Insurance.
Pasto the dato up where you won't
overlook it: It means real money to
you. Tho Rexall Store, May 4th, 5tU
and 0th.
We are in the market for 100 to 125
pounds Shouts at market price deliver
ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for de-.
livery to plant. C. H. Miner Serun
On Tuesday morning, about five
o'clock, the citizens of this city were
aroused from tliefr peaceful slumber
by the ringing of the lire bell. Upon
investigation the bam on Tom Mont
gomery's pioperty in ti.e first wurd was
discovered on lire. Before tho lire de-
, puitmeut arrived k same hud burned
to the ground.