The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 20, 1916, Image 7

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', t$
viji m
'it I
f" &
jrfffiifcfl&lk r
For light,
wholesome cakes,
biscuits and pastry, use
Always safe and reliable. If it
isn 't all we claim your grocer
will refund your money.
Save the trademark signature of Paul P.
Skinner from oH packages and exclunge free
for Oneida. Community Silverware. Write
today for free 36-page recipe book, and full
Wee Easier Cards SKIS r!
lnj. etc, lie. 1'Al'lO 0A11D CO. lra.l
Witonn.Ootomin,Wftn- U. Ilookifrrn lllitli
061 relornncpii ileal reaului.
IS for too. 24 nlco Ksmtor.
m-rai ifrw i-
ililun, nu.
Nebraska Directory
Free Concert.
"Hollo!" sutil 11 volco at tho othor
end of tho iiliono. "Is that tho night
"Yea." replied that (unctlonnry.
"What rnn 1 do for you?"
"1 want you to send somebody up
and niako that man In the next room
stop snoring. I can't sloop a wink."
What room aro you In 7" asked tho
"No. fill. It's the man In No. 01 who
Ih doing tho snoring."
"Hut my dear sir." paid tho clork,
"do you realize that tho man In No.
51 In Slgnor Squullorlni, the famous
tenor, and that we aro not charging
you a cent extra for tho privilege of
hearing him?"
1, Mmllrull 2. MirclrMls 3. OMtutrlruli I
4, ijUKirutoryi f, X-Kuy Ui"iiiliiiciiU.
TnilnlrtR whom rnrnnrvmn lonuicuoa.
Open In all rrptitatiNi (iliy-l.-:i hh.
I VI flllUll'.r lUllltUJ.LUoIlllCillU'vl
A. A. SMITH, M, I)., Sxxrftmotx '
Mnry lJiniilni; nH'innrlil Hospital
HAS'llMlt, M It.
jwk, MflFXlXStTli Ty!
Dressed Wife as Widow.
Ucallzlng that ho was dying, Karl
Kellams, throe duj.i hoforo his death,
asked his wife to buy a black mourn
ing dress and cil so that he could seo
her as she would appear ut tho fu
neral. To satisfy him. Mrs Kellams
dressed In mourning and stood at his
bedside. Kellams had been sick of tu
berculosis for some months. Ho re
cently returned from Phoenix. Ariz.,
where ho had pone In tho hope that
the chmmo In climate would benolit
1 1111. Philadelphia Itecord.
Never cat pie with a knlie. It's prop
r to eat oh"w with pie. but knives
should be rati 11 alone.
How we dislike to pay for things
after we have worn them out.
Buy materials that last
9 m m
0?k&&WSFrt'03 TSf . $T
is. t"V w n f-( r..j f-u rr,i t'i t.viT."
For tnle by dealer
nt reasonable prices
Fully fjuarnnteetl
General Roofing Manufacturing Company
ii-...,.i..i .... ....fni-iuti-r.tnflim-SnaatvlJtuttdtnalvptn
" "'"" '" ?"" ' ."" . ' . ."...". r,...,.....k I.....I. . Ir...!.. CItln.U I
tr,.T,oi, rb k ir . 1 1 -.. "SK, '.K Cuta u.i uu- Wi
Ask your Lumber Dealers to buy Certain-teed Products from
Curtis. Towle & Paine, Lincoln Distributors
"Thcro goes another married man,"
said the girt nt tho candy counter.
"How do you know?" asked tho
"Ho used to buy a three-pound box
or candy twice a week, and now ho
buys half a pound once a month."
Tho mikado of Japan Is going to
build a $".,01)0,000 hotel on imperial
ground In Tokyo.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome toy
Purely vegetable
act Bureiy an
gently on the
liver, cure
ache. nii.
neaa. nnd Indlnestion. Tlicy do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
lq jsammx 'hotcdc
mtK!9$ ITTlE
jBKm Bdiii:.
At Palm Beach.
'Havo you read much llction since
you havo boon hero?"
"No, but I havo listened to a lot."
Important to Moth ore
Examine carofuliy every bottlo ot
CASTOUIA, a safe and sum remedy for
lntanto and children, and boo that it
near3 the
In Use for Over SO Years
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
They Sure Do.
"Oh, yes, tho professor Is a very
learned man. His specialty is Interna
tional law. His thesis on that subject
won him his doctor's degree."
"Well, goodness knows tho Interna
tional lawa need a lot of doctoring."
,of GzS
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 17-1916.
"What Is this man charged with?"
aaked tho magistrate.
"Dynamite!" was tho unanUnoua ro
ply of the six cops who had made the
The Mississippi is tho only tldolosa
river In tho United Statos emptying
Into tho oconn or Gulf of Moxlco.
Some men don't know enough
stop boring nftor Ihoy strlko oil.
Thousands of women who aro now
blessed with robust health ennnot un
derstand why thousands of othor wom
an continuo to worry and suffer from
ailments peculiar to womon when tuey
can obtain for a trifling sum Dr.
Plerco's Favorlto Prescription which
will Bnrely and quickly banish all
pain, distress and tnlsory and rcstoro
tho womanly functions to health.
Thin nrcacrlntlon of Dr. Pierce's ex
tracted from roots and herbs Is a tern
peranco remedy.
To Rot rid of Irregularities, or ca
tarrhal coudltlon, to avoid pain nt cer
tain times, to ovorcomo irritability
and weakness, waste no time, but get
Dr Plerco's Favorlto Prescription In
liquid or tablet form this very da7.
This 13 a recent discovery of Doctor
PIcrco, head of tho Invalids' Hotel,
Huffalo, N. Y. Experiments for sev
eral years proved that there Is no
other eliminator of uric acid compa
rable For thoso easily recognized
symptoms of inflammation as back
ache, scalding urine and frequent uri
nation, as woll as sediment in tho
urino, or If uric acid iu tho blood has
causod rheumatism, "Anurlo" acts
quickly. In rheumatism of tho joints
In gravel and gout, invariably the
pains and stiffness which so frequcntlj
and persistently accompany tho dis
ease rapidly disappear.
Send Dr. Plorco 10c for largo trln'
package. Full treatment BOc. All
(of rHu vA
Watch Youir Colts
For CoiirIih. Colda ntuJ Distemper, nnd at tho nrst symp
toms of imy bucIi ailment. Klve Hmnll doses of that won
iiiVrru) n-moily. now tho moit usod In ijxlstcnco.
uinui " "'fesi-onivs iijti:mit.h compoumi
k ernts and a bottle, V nnd J10 the dozen, of any
6.?..r.,..; i,i,n rtn.Tlr or delivered iv
CHAPTER XIV Continued.
Toye cocked his heud at both ques
tion and answer, but Inclined It quick
ly as Oazalet tinned to lilui bofoio
"I went In and found Henry Ciaven
lying In his blood. That's gospel- It
was so 1 found him 11iik Just wheie
he had fallen In a heap out of the
leather chair at his desk. The top
."ighthairl dinwer of his desk was
jpen. the key In It and the rest of the
bunch still swIii!;!!!';' A revolver lay
ns it hud dropped upon the desk It
luid unset tho Ink and there weie
cartridges lyltiK loose In I ho open
drawer, and the tovolver won loaded.
I swept It back Into the diawer, turned
the key nnd removed It with tho bunch
Hut there was something else on the
desk that slUer-mounted truncheon
and a man's cap was lying on tho
lloor. I picked them both up My
llrst Instinct. I confess It, was to ro
move every sign of manslaughter and
to leave the hcene to be reconstructed
Into one of accident seizure any
thing but what It wai,!"
Ho paused as If wailing for a ques
tion None was asked Toje's mouth
might hnxo been sewn up. Ills eje-i
were like hatpins driven Into his head
Thu other two him ply stared.
"It was a mad Idea, hut I had gono
mad," continued Ctmilet. "I had hat
ed the victim alive, and It couldn't
rhange me that he was dead or dyliiKI
that didn't make him a white man.
and neither did It necessarily blacken
the poor devil who hud probably suf
fered ft 0111 him like the lest of us
and onl struck him down iu self
defense. The levolver on the desk
made that pretty plain It was out
of tho way, but now I saw blood all
over the desk as well; It wan soaking
Into the blotter, and it knocked the
bottom out of my idea. What was to
be done? I had meddled already; how
could I give tho alarm without giving
myself away to that extent, and God
knows how much further? Tho most
awful moment of the lot came as I
hesitated the dinner gong went off In
the hall outsidu the door! I remoni
bcr watching the thing on tho lloor
to i5ee If it would move.
"Then 1 lost my head absolutely. I
turned the key iu the door, to give
myself a few seconds' grace or start;
it reminded me of tho keys In my
hands One of them was one of those
little round brnniah keys. It seemed
familiar to mo even after so man
years I lool ed up. and thoro was my
father's Michael Angelo closet, with
Its little, lound bramah keyholo I
opened It as tho outer door was
knocked at and then tried Hut my
mad Instinct of altering every pes
slide appearanco. to mislead tho po
IJr-o, stuck to me to the last And I
took tho man's watch and chain Into
tho closet with me, as well as tho
caji and truncheon that I had picked
up before.
"I don't know how long 1 was abovo
ground, so to spenk. but ono of my
father's objects hud been to make his
retreat sound tight, and l could scarce
ly hear what was going on In the room.
That cneouiased me; and two of you
don't need telling how 1 got out
through the foundations, because you
Xnow all about tho nolo I made my
self as a boy In the floor under the
oilcloth It took somo finding with
slnglo matches; but tho fear of your
neck gives you eyes In your finger
ends, and gimlets, too, by Jove! Tho
worst part was getting out at tho
other end, Into tho collars; there were
heaps of empty bottles to move, ono
by one, before thcro was room to open
the manhole door and to snulrm out
over tho slab; and I thought they rang
like a peal of bells, but I put them
all back again, and appaicntly
nobody overheard In tho scullery
"Tho big dog barked nt mo like
blazes ho did again tho othor day
but nobody seemed to hear him either
1 got to my boat, tipped a fellow on
the towing path to tako It back and
pay for it--why huvon't the police got
hold of hi in? nnd ran down to the
bridge over tho weir. I stopped a big
car with a smart shaver smoking his
plpo nt thu wheel I should havo
thought he'd have come forwaid for
the reward that was put up; but I pre
tended I was late for dinner I had in
town, and I let him drop me at the
Grand Hotel He cost me a liver but
1 hud on a waistcoat lined with notes,
and I'd more than live minutes In band
at Charing Cross If you want to
know, It was tho time In hand that
gave mo tho whole Idea of doubling
back to Genoa; I must havo been half
way up to town beforo I thought of
He hud told tho whole thing as he
always could tell an actual experi
ence; that was ono reason why It rang
eo true to one listener ut every point.
Hut the sick man's sunken eyes hud
atanced from their Bockots In cumu
lative nmazomeut. And Hilton Toye
laughed shoitly when tho end wus
"You llgure somo on our credulity!"
was his liifit comment
"I don't Ilguro on anything from
you, Toye, except a pair ot haudcutlu
it a llrst iuaUltincnt!"
Toye rose In prompt acceptance of
tho challenge. "Seriously, Caalet,
you ask us to believe that you did all
this to screen a man you didn't have
time to lecognlzo?"
"I've told you tho facts "
"Well, I guess you'd better tell
them to tho pollen." Too took his
hat nnd stick Hcruton was struggling
from his chair. Hlanche stood petri
fied, a dove under 11 serpent's spell, as
Toy, made her a nnrdonlc bow fiom
the lauding door "You bioke jour
side of the contract, Miss Hlnuehe' I
guess It's up to me to complete."
It was Scruton's raven croak; ho
had tottered to his feet.
"Sure," snld Toye, "If jou'vo any
thing you want to say as nn Interested
"Only this- he's tcld tho truth!"
"Well, can ho prove It?"
"1 don't know," said Scruton. "Hut
I can!"
"You?" Hlanche chimed in there.
"Yes, I'd like that drink llrst. If ou
don't 111 1 11 it. Caalot." It was Hlancho
who got it for him. In an Instant.
"Thank out I'd say inoio If my bless
ing was worth having-- but here's
something that ts Listen to this, you
American gentleman I was the man
who wiote to him In Naples Leave
It nt that a minute; It was my second
letter to hlni; tho llrst was to Austra
lia. In nnswer to one from him It
wns tho full history of my downfall I
got n wnrder to smuggle It out That
letter was my one chance "
"1 know It by heart." said C'anlet.
"It was that and nothing else that
mado mo leave before the shearing."
"To meet mo when 1 camn out!"
Scruton explained In a hoarse whisper.
"To to keep me from going stialght
to that man, as I'd told him 1 should
In my llrst letter! Hut you can't hit
those things olT to the day or tho
week; ho'd told 1110 wheio to write
to hliu on his voyage, and I wrote to
Naples, but that letter did not get
tho other door. "VellT Aren't jou
going too? You wero near enough,
you lire' I'm an nreespor all light"
bo dropped his voice "but I'd bo prin
cipal If I could Instead of him!"
Hut Toye had come back Into the
room, twinkling with tiluuiph. even
rubbing his hands "You didn't see'
You didn't seo? I never meant to go
at all. It was a bit of bluff to limit"
him own up, mid it did, too, hull)!"
The couple gasped.
"You mean to tell me," cried Cnzn
let, "that vou believed my story all tho
"Why, I didn't havo a inonient'H
doubt about It!"
Camlet drew away from tho chuck
ling creature and his crafty Klco.
Hut Hlancho cauio forward and held
out her hniid
"Will you foiglvo me, Mr. Toyo?"
"Hiiro, if I had anything to forglvo
It's the other way around, I guess,
and about time I did something to
help" He edged up to the folding
door. "This Is a two man Job, Cazalot,
the way I make It out. Gueas It's my
watch on dock'"
"The other's the way to the police
station," said Cazalot densely
Toye turned solemn on the woul.
"It's the way to hell, If Miss Hlancho
will forglvo mo! This la 111010 like
the other place, thanks to you folks
Guess I'll leave the angels Iu charge'"
Angelic or not, the pair wero alone
at last; and through the doors thoy
heard a quaveilng croak of welcome
to the rather huiiinu god from the
American machine.
Tni afraid he'll never go back with
yon to the hush," wblspeied Hlancho.
"I'm afraid, too. Hut I wanted to
tako somebody else out, too I was
trying to say so over a week ago, when
wo weie talking about old Venus
Potta lllunehlo, will you come?"
(Ilv U. O. BKM.KKH. ActtnR hlicotor f
Hiitiilny Helmet Cmiriu of tho Moodr
Hllll'l lllHlltUlf, Cilll'lHTO.)
(Coi right, 19lf, Writirn Nrwupajier Unloa.)
. M i. M UiWUH" I' IU
I nKSff
fir-rCi' t
i II
i' i' i m . ni" uwtm
W '1 BlVfiwi
1 J "''"' ww.w
Presumably He Knew Dutlen of His
Pooltlon, Dut He Was Not Pro
ficient In Spelling.
Tho worst thing about the following
Is that It Is true, and what's mote,
that It happened In one of Pitlshuigh's
Tho girl, stylishly attired, mopped
up to the still inure stylishly-attired
floorwalker and inquired whole the
would 11ml the chirfon. The lloorwalk
or consulted a notebook. Her surprise
eamo when he giavely told her thai
they did not keep chllTon
"Why!" she gasped, "you cannot
possibly menu that "
Iu her eagerness sho stepped closer
to the styllhhly-attlred mail than Idea
nor Gale says a stylishly attlied woni
an should, and looked over hts shoul
der at the notebook.
"Oh' I see." she said. lint ly. us she
moved oft to ask the girl at tho glove
counter about tho chiffons Tho mail
had been looking under tho s's. Hal
liiuoro Star.
"You Broke Your Side of the Con
tract, Miss Blanche."
smuggled out. My warder friend bnd
got tho nick. I had to put what I'd
got to say so that you could read It
two ways So I told you, Cazalet, I was
going straight up the river for a row
and you can pronounce that two
ways. And I said 1 hoped I shouldn t
break a scull but therc'B another way
of spoiling that, and It wns tho other
way I meant!" He chuckled grimly
"I wuntod you to Ho low and lot me
lie low If that happened. I wanted
Just ono man In the world to know I'd
dono It. Hut that'B how wo came to
mlsu each other, for you timed It to a
tick. If you hadn't misread mo about
the river."
Ho drank again, stood stralghtor and
found n fuller volco
"Yet I never meant to do It unless
ho mado mo. nnd nt tho back of my
brain I never thought ho would. I
thought ho'd do somothlng for me,
after all he'd dono beforo! Shall I
tell you what ho did?"
"Got out his revolver!" cried Caza
let In a voice that was his own Justlll
cation as well.
"Pretondlng It was going to bo his
check-book!" said Scruton through his
teeth "Hut I heard him trying to
cook It Inside his drawer. Theru was
his special constable's truncheon
hatiKliiK on tho wall silver mounted.
for all tho world to know how he'd
ritood up for law and order In the sight
of men! I tell you It was a Joy to
feel tho weight of that truncheon, and
to see tho hero of Trafalgar Square
fumbling with a thing ho didn't un
derstand! I hit him us hard as God
would let me and tho rest you know
-except that 1 nearly did trip over
the man who swore It was broad day
light at tho tlmo!"
Ho tottore'd to tho folding-doors, and
stood there u moment, pointing to
Cazalot with a hand that twitched as
terribly as his dreadful face.
"No tho rcBt you did tho rest you
did to suvo what wasn't worth sav
ing! Hut I think I'll bold out long
enough to thank you Just a little!'
Ho wus gone with a gibbering smllo
Cazalet turned straight to Toys at
Trapping Partrldnes.
How partrldgoa uro trapped In Vir
ginia and Worth Carolina, In thu win
tor, la described as follows: A net
measuring from lfi to 30 feet, and
nbout eight Inches high, Is put down
with BtanehloiiB; horizontally in tho
center 1b an opening similar to the
hoop nets fo. Hulling, tho opening
In tho net Is cono shaped, diminishing
in size. Tho Hotter mounts a liorau
and starts at the distant side of the
Held, riding In a walk nacswnni nnd
forward, his objective point being tho
nut. If he encounters a bunch ot
birds thoy will run beloru tho liono
Ho then begins to bo direct IiIb horao
iu, to drive ihein to the net, being
nlways enroful not o Hush thorn
When ho reaches tho net tho blrda dla
cover tho opening and enter, the
wholo process being similar to driving
sheep Into a pen. When tho birds
are safe tho nettor dismounts and so
cures his game.
Food by Proxy.
Most of us know somo particular
food or drink, tho deslro for which la
stimulated In us by reading about it
Hut tho writing must bo bklllful or if
not skillful, artlessly good Tho cruder
method of tho stage produces the same
effect; all smokers havo oxporlenced
tho almost overwhelming desire to
smoko which comes upon them when
someone lights a cigarette on the
stage, thoso ttrango and rapid rcstau
rant meals of tho fabhlonablo theater,
when a party sits down at a tablo and
is whirled through six coursea in
nbout llvo minutes, surrounded by
chnmpague bottles In Ice buckets and
truys of liquors, havo an abaurdly ox
citing olfect.
Not a Nation of Singers.
In this country, though wo have pro
duced many line voices, wo have never
become a nation of singers. There uro.
it Is true, In most or the leading cities
choral societies, but tho singing of
largo groups of peoplo Ib comparative
ly uncommon among uh Hero la u
matter for regret, for umong all large
bodies of slngcrB whuro thoro has been
more or less trnlnlng the eHect Is beau
tlful and Inspiring In fact, there are
few things In music more Impressive
than tho singing of hundreds of
Throttling a Scourge.
Prediction la mado by government
health olllclals that In a few mnro
ycura typhoid fever will bo almost as
rare as smallpox This prophecy la
bated on the rapidly Increasing use of
tho vaccine and consequent immuniza
tion of cntiro localities from tho dla-iuuie.
I.KSHON Ti:T-I Cor. 15:1-21.
(U)t.liKN TIIXT-Now luilh Christ boon
rnlNcd from tho dead, the llrst fruits of
them Unit uro iiHlcrp.-t Cor. 15:30.
If teachers can Imprest! Indelibly
upon tho minds of their scholars tho
fnct that Jesus roso from tho dead and
Is as truly altvo today hb when walk
ing tho hills of Galileo this ropotltlo
of tho Kaster story will not bo In valm.
For tho pupils to tako notoa of tho
points of tho argument and to reclto
upon thoso notes at tho end of tho
class hour would greatly holp to fix
tho facts In their minds. This account
considered today Is perhapa thu old
eat written record wo havo of this
great fact, written about fifi A. I).,
beiico tho significance of verso six.
1. Tho Triumphant Fnct (vs. 1-4). If
Christian workers would bo mora fa
miliar with this passage they would
more Intelligently understand what
tho term "Gospel" means. Tho fact of
tho resurrection loomed larger In
Paul's mind than tho virisln birth; tho
former was and Is tho grenter miracle.
This, ono of tho supremo ehnploru ot
tho Hlhlo, tolls us what tho Gospel In,
and what Its results aro to ho. (1)
What It iu. Not a now euro Tor tuber
culosis, nor a now social environment,
hut tho good news of ono who wub God
Incarnate (Pan, does not uso bin earth
ly nnino Jesus), Chrlat tho Anointed
One, who died for our l lis Just an tho
Scriptures hud foretold, mid wns bur
led. On tho third day. "according to
tho Scriptures," I Iu roso again nnd hi
now and over shall bu allvo. Any Gos
pel that. Ignores tho Incarnation, pas
sion anil resurrection of Jesus is fuluo
to tho Scriptures nnd n lie. (i!) Tho
lesult of preaching or testifying to
this great program la twofold: llrnt,
salvation, "saved, restored to right
relations with God;" and second, per
severance, "wherein yo stand." Tho
"God-story," good newu, ovnngol or
gospel they aro all tho same -Is "tho
povvor of God unto salvation," and tho
strong doctrino of the resurrection
will cause men to walk straight, to
stand upright. "Christ died for my
ulna nccordlng to tho Scriptures" (Iso.
II. Witnesses to the Fact (vs. 5-12).
Paul (v. H) recolved tho resurroctlon
truth from rnnny witnesses, whom ho
proceeds' to enumerate for It was not
a matter of his own Invention. Tho In
credulity of tho disciples nt tho first
Is frankly recorded (I.uko 24:12). Jo
sub did not appear llrst (o John, Pllato
or tho Sanhcdrlu, but to a woman, nnd
tho chnngo of tho apostles from a
spirit of despair to that of conlldont,
Joyous certainty was most nstonlshlng.
Thcro nro eleven recorded uppear
nnccs of Jeans aftor his resurrection,
nnd not one of them was mado to his
enemies. Paul docs not mention nil
of tho appearances. Ho Is probably
naming only H1030 persons, witnesses
of his appearances, with whom ho had
conversed, or at least a fow from ench
group. (1) Peter, roforred to Indirect
ly in I.uko 24:34; (2) tho upoBtlos, to
bo oxact, tho llrst ton, Judas bolng
dead and Thomas nbaent; (3) tho upos
ties with Thomas present; (4) llvo
hundred, tho only record of this great
company, though perhaps Implied In
tho "brethren" of Matt. 28:10. "Half
a thousand witnesses aro enough to
ostubllsh any case." Of thoso the
greater number wero allvo twenty-five
years after tho ovent; (5) James, prob
ably our Lord's brother, tho honored
head of tho Jerusalem church; (6)
"Then all tho apostles," a largor cir
cle than tho twelve (seo Luko 28:48,
Acts 1:0-8). This may havo been tha
apponranco in tho morn at tho Sea of
Galileo; (7) "mo also.'
III. The Fact Applied, (vs. 13-20).
Tho Corinthians, to whom Paul was
writing, did not deny Christ's immor
tality, but Boomed to deny that tho
same power which had raised him
could bo applied to us who are only
human. Paul unswors this by present
ing four areuments:
(1) Tho resurrection of Christ
proves tho possibility of tho resurrec
tion from tho dead, if only of Jesus.
Tho Sndducoea taught tho contrary.
Tho Stoic3 taught that tho doad wero
ro-absorbod In God. To say Christ 13
not risen Is to claim death as annihila
tion, to destroy faith In Jesus (v. 14)
and to impugn the testimony ot thoso
who nnd seen him (v. IS). A dead
Christ means dead Christians (v. 17)
and our heaviest sorrow will bo to faco
tho gravo (v. 18).
(2) Tho Christian is "in Christ," and
his resurrection carries ours with it.
Paul's emphasis upon this term "in
Christ" (vb. 18, 19, 22, 23 and elso
whero) Is Importnnt to noto.
(3) ChrlBt, tho second Adam, brings
Ilfo; our common human nature dlos
like as tho first Adam, but our second
Adam roso and "in him" wo llvo.
(4) If Christ conquered death only
for himself It was no real victory, nor
could ho Blvo baclc to tho Father a ro
doomed world.
Death Is tho last "onomy," for until
sin Is banished It will bo prcccul
(Horn. 0:23).
Sro'liN MUU1CAL CO., Clii-iuLU, (io.liin, lnd U,
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