1 "J -t'Miw w ".-rw .rtrM RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF If FAVORS I). S. PIMT LENATE PASSES AMENDMENT TO ARMY BILL PROVIDES NI TRATE FACTORY. WILL COST $15,000,000 Final Determination of the Issue Must Awnlt Action by Conference Com mittee of the Two Houses Bond Authorized. Washington, April 17. Chntnplons of ii government hydroelectric plant to produce nltruto for tho mnnufno turo of war inunltloiiH and fcrtllls'or won their light In tho HOiiato on Friday by Inserting an amendment proponing un appropriation of IIO.OUU.OOU for that purpowj Into tho Chamberlain army increase hill. Tho voto wan 411 to 22 Ah tho nltruto plant miction In tho houso bill wan defeated v. hen tho Hay bill was under coiiHldoiatlon there, llnal determination of tho Ibhuo muat await action by tho conforenco com tnlttoo of tho two Iiouhob. Tho action wan batted on an amend ment by Senator Smith of South Caro lina. It would provide for tho Halo of Panama canal bondu by tho govern ment for raising tho required J 10,000, UdO and tho president would bo au thorized to doHlgnnto not moro than livo water power alien to muko thorn available for power plants to innnu facturo nitrates. Products of theso plantH not needed for manufacture of munitions of war would bo sold for tho manufacture of fertilizer "and other tiBeful products." Senator Wadsworth urged adoption f IiIh amendment to rcqulro olllcers .nd enlisted men upon entering tho National Guard to take an oath to oboy tho orders, both of the president nnd of tho governor of tholr state. On a roll call for tho proposal tho vote was 23 to 22, less than a quorum, and tho ecnato reccBscd. TEST OREGON 10-HOUR LAW Brief Filed by State Insists Short Hours Tend to Better Use of Leisure. Washington, April 17. Tho state of Oregon ten hour maximum work day law lf under test In tho supremo court on an appeal by Franklin O. Hunting of that statu, who was convicted In tho ntnto supremo court of having violat ed tho law. lie appealed to thu higher court on tho giound that tho state Uiw violated tho fourteenth amend niont of tho United States Constitu tion. The brief In tho Oregon answer to tho appeal denies there is any con flict between tho state law and tho constitutional amendment, as not up, and liibiHts on tho legality of tho law. In one part of the brief, It Is argued: "Aftor continuous work, a cortnln amount of leisure nnd recreation is n physiological necessity. Tho worker's condition determines In largo meas ure whether or not ho takes nduntngo of opportunities for solMuiprovemont or legitltuato onjoymunt. Tho work er who has not exhausted his energies by overexertion turns instinctively to Mio bettor uso of lelsuro." SHOOTS SHERIFF, KILLS SELF Tramp, Brought to Bay by Posse, Blows His Brains Out Fires on His Pursuers. Now Hampton, la., April 17. A tramp on Friday shot and probably fatally wounded Deputy Sheriff Frank Horror nnd thnn. tirnnelit ti Imv hv a posso composed of almost tho ontlro town, fought a revolver battlo with Uiom and finally turned tho weapon on himself and sent u bullet through his head. In search of suspects In connection with tho blowing up and looting of tho Northern Lumber company's snfo, Horzog found tho tramp In tho rail road yards and began to question him. In reply tho trnmp drew a revolver and shot him through tho nbdomen. Tho dead man has not boon Idontl Hcd. Pnpers show ho recently was in Oak Park, III. DR. T. J. BURRILL IS DEAD Former Vice-President of the Univer sity of Illinois Succumbs at Urbana. Champaign, 111,, April 15. Dr. Thomas J. Ilurrlll, vlco-prealdent of tho University of Illinois from 1879 to 1912 nnd famous as a bacteriologist, died at his homo In Urbana. Ho wns known as tho "grand old man" of tho faculty. Britain to Call Out Boys. London, April 17. Great Britain will shortly call to tho colors its elghtcen-yoar-old boys, according to reports In tho lobby of tho house of commons. Woman Robbed of $3,090. Now Havon, Conn., April 17. Miss Francis 1 Martin, bookkcopor for n hnrdwaro company hero, was hold up on tho Rtrrct at tho cntranco to tho company's otllccs by nn unidentified man and robbed of $3,090. U. 8. Navy Maneuvers Over. Newport News. Va April 17. Tho first ships of tho Atlantic fleet to ro turn from winter manouvors In Cuban waters tho battleships Utah, Florida nnd Louisiana, anchored In Hampton Hoads on Friday. THE GASOLINE PROBLEM PilfJl i w '&&-F- SSTSi; &J WAtMINOTON STAR. RUSS REPORT GAINS NEW TERRITORY OCCUPIED CAUCASUS ADVANCE. IN Overseas News Agency Says Greek Government Barred Passage of Troops of the Allies. Potrograd, via London, April 13. Tho olllclal communication Issued hero nays: "On tho Dvlnn front thcro have boon artillery duols. In tho region of tho Ikskull brldgehoad tho Ger mans tried unsuccessfully to nbsuuio the offonsivo. "In tho region of Dvlnsk and south ward In thu Lake region tho enemy artillery In many sectors manifested great activity. "Caucasus front Southwest of Krzo rum our troops coutlnuu to occupy now giound." llorlln, April 13 (by wireless). An Overseas News agoncy report from Athens says that tho Grcok govern ment has rofuscd tho roqucst of tho entente powers for permission to send troopB through Greek territory from Corfu to Salonlkl. Tho reason given Is that Corfu is infoctcd with choloin. London, April 13. A Heutor dls patch from Athens says thnt tho Drltlsh and French ministers In formed Promlor Skouloudls of thu Intention of tholr government to land forces from tho harbor of Ar gostoll nnd olsowhoro on Cephalonln, one of tho Ionian Islands, a fow tulles west of tho mainland. Tho llrlllsh and French ministers informed Premier Skouloudls there were imperative needs to closo tho hnrbor, adding that tho harbor trar tie would bo continued with tho least posslhlo dllllcultics. Tho premier announced In cnor- gotic terms that Grcoco would pro test against what ho toriuod this now Infringement of her sovereignty, tho dispatch says. SUGAR FAMINE IS FORECAST Chicago Dealers Expect the Retail Prloe to Jump to Ten Cents a Pound. Chicago, April 15. Tho specter of sugar at ten cants a pound hovers over tho country. And, trnlllng nlong behind it, in tho possibility of a sugar fain! no. Not ono Chicago wholcsalo grocer would consent to being quoted on tho present and futuro condition of tho American sugnr market. All agreed that tho retailor will before long bo forced to tax housowlvcs ton centii a pound, Judging by present Indira tlons. Tho latest oatlmato of tho Cu ban sugar crop tluda It cut 100,000 tons beenuso of drought TIiIb leaves n vlslblo supply avallablo of 2,900,000 tons for a domaud exceeding 4,000,000 tons. To Force Another Vote. Wnahlngton, April 15. National Guard supporters In tho aenato have decided to force another oto on tho fodoral volunteer army plrni adopted several days ago. Thoy hao strong hopo of killing tho proposition, al though Senator Chamberlain, chair man of tho military affairs committeo, believes tho provision is In tho bill to stay. Artist's Wife Wins Decree. Now York. April 17 Tho story of n studio raid and a pretty nctresa mod ol, reclining on a couch In hor nightie, won Mrs May E Comprls n divorce from Mnurlco Comprls, a woll known mural artist. To Seize Prizefight Films. Washington, April 17. Tho treas ury dopnrtment notllled Dudley Field Mnlono, colloctor of customs at Now York, to boIzo tho Johnson-Wlllard prlzoflgUt pictures now on exhibition there. P.i--Sft-. U-BOATS SANK SHIPS GERMANY TELLS U. S. VESSELS WERE LEGAL PREY. Thinks Sussex Hit a Mine Another Steamer Was Torpedoed Near tho Scene. Ilerlln, April i-f (by wireless) Tho German reply to tho American nolo concerning tho damaging or sinking of livo steamships contains the statement that thu steamers Knglishmun, Eaglo Point, Manchester engineer and Her wlndvnlo were destiojed by German HUbmailuos. evidence Is presented to show thnt theso vessels wero tor pedoed legally In accordance wltli the rules of war. Tho noto states that n German sub marine torpedoed a steamship In tho vicinity of tho place at which tho clian mil steamship Sussex was damaged by an explosion, but that tho evidence ut hand indicates that the vesel tor pedoed by tho submarine was not tho Sussex. Tho commander of this submarine, tho noto say3, mado a sketch at thu time. This sketch has been compared with a photograph of tho Sussex uud has been found to show dissimilarities in build, unangement of stacks, etc. Therefore it Is presumed a mine was rospousiblo for tho damaging of tho Sussox. In tho way of corroboration, It is stated that Gorman naval forces destroyed 2G ltoatlng minus on that day. Regarding tho enso of tho English man, Manchester Engineer, . Eaglo Point and Ucrwlndvnlo, It In stated they were signaled to halt, but disre garded tho signals. Thereupon warn ing shots wero ilred. Tho statement Is mndo that tho sub marine commanders assured them selves bofora sinking tho ships that tholr destruction was justified and that tho crows wero nafoly In boats, no man being loft aboard the vessels. $40,000,000 BILL IS PASSED Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Goes Through the House Voto Is 210 to 133. Washington, April 13. Tho rlvert nnd harbors appropriation bill, carry ing J40.000.000, was passed by the house by a voto of 210 to 133 Tho bill now goes to tho nonato. The senate passed Its substltuto for tho house f:eo sugar repeal icsolutlon, extending tho present duty of ono cent a pound on sugar until May, 1920. Tho voto was 40 to 32 1 IMPORTANT NEWS ITEMS I Rome. April 15. Mnny persons wero killed nnd Injured by an ava lancho in tho Swiss canton of Valais Now York. Apt II 14. Richard Hard ing Davis, famous novelist nnd war correspondent, died of heart dlseaso Tuosday night at his homo In Monnt Klaco, N. Y. Mexico City, April 15. General Manuel Pnlnfox and General Francisco Pacheco, two of tho loaders In Cmll lane Zapata's revolution, hnvo been murdered at Tcpextlan. Sink Two British Ships. Harwich, April 15. Tho sinking of two lirltlsh steamships, by German Biibniuilucb was teported hero. Thoy wore tho llobort Adamson, 2,978 tons, of Sunderland, and tho Angus, 3,UU tons, of Dundee. Maillecs Steamer In Port, Now Yoik, April 16. Tho Danish steamer Fredeilck VIII urrlvcd hero without 607 sacks of mall with which it started from Copenhagen and Chris tlanln. Tho mall was removed by the Urltluh uuthoiltloB at Kirkwall. STATUS OF MILITIA SEEK FEDERAL CONTROL OF NA. TIONAL GUARD. NEW VERSION OF ATTACK American Soldiers Were Unarmca When Tired Upon by Mexicans Will Negotiate Agreement With Carransa. Wt(Hi Nv.p,iu r t'filutt N'ws f-VrvlT Washington. -Two more provisions designed to strengthen the federal btatus of the national gttaid have lit'en wiitten into the senate army 1)111, in the (ourso of a debate onlheticd by charges that federal funds provided the national guard in past years had been foolishly thrown av.ay ai.d In homo rases embezzled, the sen ate adopting amendments tiding thnt all olllcers of guard above the rank of tain bo paid $500 a ear by pro flic the guardsmen on enlistment he required to take an oath to obey orders from the prenldent, as woll ns tho governor of their respective states. To Negotiate With Carrania. Washington Pretldent Wilson has decided to Inform General t'arranr.a in response to bin request for withdrawal of the American troops from Mexico, that tho United Staten will negotlato for nn agreement along those lines The United Stnten government Is willing to agree to fix a limit on tho dlstanco American troops now in pur suit of Villa shall pioeeed into Mexi co nnd to make that limit much far ther south than the troops already hnvo proceeded. The United Stnten government is willing to give nssur nnrcs that tho American tioops will bo withdrawn within "a reasonable time." or as soon as it Is definitely es tablished that Villa has reached a point where ho can bo dealt with hot ter by the fnrnuu,i forces. Washington American troops will bo withdrawn from Moleo Immediate ly if Francisco Villa is dead. Admin istration officials made this unqualified statement commenting on reports from Mexico sources, that tho bandit's body had been discovered and was being taken from Cuslhulrlnchlc to Chihua hua City by special train NEW VERSION OF ATTACK. American Soldiers Vcre Unarmed When Fired Upon. San Antonio. Tex The Americans on whom the Mexicans at Pnrral fiied wero unarmed, according to an uncon firmed version of tho incident current In Chihuahua nnd transmitted to Gen oral Funston. According to this storv forty of tho troopers entered Parral, presumably to purchase supplies, and were fired upon. Two were killed and tho remainder retreated to the main body of troops encamped outside the city. Tho attacking forco pursued them, and wero met bv n fire from the Amei leans, who were using a machlno gun, killing forty Mexicans Accord ing to this story the attacking party comprised Cananza i-oldiers nnd civil lans. Advocates Compulsory Military Drill Torrcon. Mex General Trevino, Cnrrnnrn commandei here, is advocat ing founding military colleges In all tho large centers of Mexico Compul sory mllltnry drills in the olementary Fcnools nnd tho training of a mini mum of 100 000 men yearly. Ho snyn thnt by tho execution of this plan Mexico would have in ten years' time 1.000,000 trained soldiers and thnt tho mornlo nnd phvslquo of the nation would bo vastly Improved. Record of the Submarines. Berlin. A statement Issued by tho Germnn admiralty, under date of April IS. says that in tho month of Mnrch eighty trading vessels belonging to hostilo countries with nn nggregato tonnago of 207 000 worn sunk by Ger man submarines or their mines. Suppressed Irish Newspapers, not 1 in. Advices received from Am Btordnm by tho Ovpiuoas News agencv state street fighting has occuned at several points nlong the coast. The British military authorities are report ed to have taken control at varioun places nnd to havo suppi eased moro Irish newspapers Breadstuffs Exports Decline. Washington. Amei icin breadstuffs exports, which broke all records tho first year of tho European war, are shown In figures mado public by tho bureau of foreign ami domestic com merce to havo declined steadily In re cent months. In February foodstuffs idilpmonts reached tho vnluo of only J3S.700.000 ngalnst ?C!4.000,000 tho samo month Inst year. Breadstuffs ex ported during the last eight months totalled $26(5,500.000 compared with $358,250,000 for tho corresponding period of tho year before Not Enough Life Boats. Berlin. A dispatch from Athens says: "A Grcok nnvnl ofllcer who was on hoaid tho cross channel steamship Sussex when sho was damnged by nn explosion, makps a report of tho oc currence. In which soveinl Greeks lost tholr lives. Tito nlliccr assorts thoro Is no reason to hellevo tho Sussox was torpedoed and doclaros that the vessel must hnvo struck n mlno possibly ono of British mnko According to this report tho Sus?o.x carried only four llfo boats whlrli were not nufllclent to ac commodate pacsengers and crew. THE NEBRASKA HOG. One of the Most Profitable of the State's Industries. Charles B. Lee, In chnrgo of tho hog and cattle Investigations at tho university farm, is of tho opinion that the hog Industry can bo moro vvidoly adopted to meet general conditions In ngriciiltuial ureas of the stato thnn any other branch of live stock farm ing. During the year 1915 Nebraska stock raisers marketed 750,000,000 pounds of pork. At an average price of G'A cents ii pound this roptescnts u valuation of $4S,750,000. In the same yeai the statu produced 22S.000.000 bushels of torn, valued at $111,000 000 and 1,000,000 tons of alfalfa. Feeding evidence Indi cates that where hogs aro Icing fed for the market four nnd u half pounds of com and a half pound alfalfa will pioduco one pound of pork. Had all of the corn produced In Nebraska dur it:g 1915 been fed to pigs on tho basis figured above 2,815,000,000 pounds of pork would have been predttced worth $183,975,000 Deducting $7.000 000 as the value qf the alfalfa used, pricing ll at $10 per ton, this leaves an Increase of $01,000,000 over tho elevntor prlco of coin. This would mean nn averago increased profit of $450 for every rarmer In the stale Governor Appoints Mother's Day. Governor Morehead has Issued his "Mothers' day" proclamation, calling upon Nebinskaus to observe May 14. Following Is thu governor's proclama tion: "Tho second Sunday In May has for lovcral years past been observed as Mothers' day, u beautiful custom, and ono thnt 1 think appeals to every Individual, young ami old alike "Some of our mothers aro old and wrinkled and gray, but thoy nic still beautiful to us. Their hands may now tremble with ngo but thoy aro tho same hands that enred for us in infancy and childhood and nothwlth standing her years her heart is still joung. "In special memory of her It would be llttlng and nppropiiato to wear a flower in honor of her. our best friend, nnd It will he n beautiful tribute and ono that will do un good. "In keeping therefore with pa3t cus tom, I, as governor, t.et apart Sunday, May 14, ns Mothers' day and requests that It bo celebrated as biich In tho manner most appropriate to hoclctles, churches and individuals. "Witness may hand and the great seal of our state, this 8th day of Apt II. 101(1. "JOHN II MOREHEAD. Governor." Illegal Ballots Have Been Printed. Tho pobtotllco address of candidates for otlico must not bo printed on pri mary or general election ballots. Sec retar.v of Stato Pool has been Informed in some counties tho county cleiks havo had tho postotllco address of can didates placed on the primary ballot. Ho says tho law forbids this and it should not bo done Any voter could compel the reprinting of ballots of this kind by npplying to tho couits for nn order. Tho law limits the word ing of ballots to tho name of tho can didate, his political party and a squaro In which the voter may mako a cross If he desires to vote lor tho candidate. Never In tho entire history of the Aus tralian ballot law In Nebraska has tho law permitted tho postolflco address of a cnndldnto to bo printed on a goneral or primnry ballot. Food Commissioner Makes Charges Stato Food Commlslsoner Hnrman has asked Lancnstcr County Attoinoy linger to fllo complaints against sev eral Lincoln drug firms for violating tho food and drug law of Nebraska. Testimony wns placed beforo the county attorney to show thnt ono Btoro Is selling n patent modicino on which tho word "euro" is printed in tho label. Tho modicino purports to bo a euro for constipation. Mr. Hnrmnn says tho word "cure" constitutes misbrand ing. Thin Is on tho theory that tho modicino in not a euro, and thereforo tho label is considered false. Tho evi dence In other cases shows that cer tain drugs bought are not up to tho legal standard of purity and strength. Tho drugs analyzed by the food depart ment wero spirits of camphor, tincture of lodlno and sweot spirits of nitre. A suggested list of rations for chicks from tho time thoy aro hatched up to maturity may be had upon application to tho poultry husbandry section of tho coTlege of ngrlcultuio. Tho sheet Is of convenient bizo for tncking up for reference. Under n new rulo adopted for tho purposo of limiting tho number of banks to tho needs or communities tho ntnto banking bonrd has refused to Issue a churtor to tho Creston Stato bank, recently organized. In tho nb sonco of n law authorizing tho legis lature, In fact, having refusod to pass r law tho board seeks to limit tho number of banks by adopting rulos for tho regulation of banks. Several yenrs ago It was decided that the state board could not refuse to chnrtor n stato bank organized' by rellnblo per ions. Carl Vroomnn, nsslbtant socrctary of tho United States department of agri culturo, will dellvor tho commence ment address at the school of agricul ture at Lincoln on April 20. The graduating class consists of ninety eight membors, the largest class In tho history of tho school with tho ex ception of last year Tho class la com posed of thirty-four rlrls and sixty four boB. Tho prospective graduates aro from thiity-elght different No brnska counties. Tho stntca of Iowa tnd Kansas aro also represented. Spring Colds Are the Worst They lead to catarrh and pneumonia. They weaken the entire system and leave It un able to resist the uttdden changes. They interfere with your digestion and lessen your ac tivity. Neglected they roon become tlut dread disease known as sys temic catarrh. Don't ncclcct them. It's costly as well dangerous. peeuna Will Safeguard Yen Have a box Ferttna Tab. lets with you for the sudden cold or exposure. Tono your sys tem up vith a regular course of the liquid Pctuna, fortify it against coldj, get your digestion up to nor mal, tckc ciro of yourself, and avoid danger. If you arc suffering now be cin tho treatment at once. Give Naturo the help she needs to throw off the catarrhal inflammation, and again become well. Peruna has been helping people for 44 years. ThousandJ of homes rely on it fur cougho, cold csd indi gestion. It's a good tonic lor the weak, as well. The Peruna Company Cotumbu Ohio BLACK LOSSES SOnCLY PREVENTED tu Culler' ntatkltej PMU. Ixxt priori. fra4i, fMiable; rtCrrred br mtm Ktuclmn!, lu. tiny protect whcr otritr vaulnei fall. Wrllo tut buoklcl M trmrmoolilt. 10. don pkie. lll:klrg Pill $1.00 SO.doM . Ulactlti Pills 4 00 tls unv lnhh.r. tmt Piiltrr'a Nut Th MijwrtoritT of ("utter nrodueti l dnn Uj ocr It jean or arm lallcluic in vacclnri tnd if real only, lnl!t on Cuttrr'a. If unobtainable. orJ-r itlrect Tha Cutttr Laboratory, Ocrkeley, Cal., or Chicago, III. .. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet iirrpftMlun o rnnlf. Ilelrm to orrullraCoiIandruU. ForReatoring Color amd (Ul.ll,fnn..M.i. l?tti3 If at SfA tOo..nd)IOQH)runrHtJi. Ill fl Pf p wmm Peculiar Fertilizer in Tasmania. TaRDianhi Ih a groat farming uud fruit country nnd thcro is a good local market for nil thu sprat oil tiliale from tho distilling retorts Tho rock from which tho oil Iiaa hcun taken soils at $2 per ton for agricultural uses. Tho assayn do not disclose any rich fertilising matter in tho spent shale, jet when it Is pnrvori7cd nnd difatrlhutcil over farming lnnds and garden soils it produces such wonder ful results as to make tins demand for It greater thnn the supply. It appear? to act on tho soil mechanically by aerating it, nnd possihly, hy rondenslnp molsturo from tho atmosphere and transferring it to the c-roixi It is ex pected that tho prices ohtninablo for tho cpent shale will eventually cover mining nnd retorting costs. Dr. Ar thur Hcluyn-nrown. In Tho Kngincer Ing Mag.ilno Little Mistake. An old gentleman of eighty-four hav ing taken to tho altar a young damsel of about llftccn, tho clergyman said to him: "Tho font is at tho other end of the church." "What do 1 want with tho font?" said the old gentleman. "Oh, I beg jour pardon," said the clcrlc, "I thought you had brought thlf. child to bo christened." Misunderstood. "Whenever she asks heir husband for money ho gives hor usscnt." "Gracious, whnt a mean man!" GOOD REPORT Doctor Proved Value of Pottum. Physicians knov, that good food anr drink, properly selected, nro of tho ut most Importance, not only for tho re lief of dlseaso but to maintain health even when ono 1b well. A doctor writes, "I count It a pleas ure to say a good word for Posture with which 1 have been enabled to re lievo so many sufferers, and which I count, with Its valued companion. Grapc-N'uts, ono of tho daily blouslugs. "Coffee was banished from my own. tahlo somo tlnio ago and Poatum used regularly in Its place." (Coffee Is In jurious to many persons, bccaii3o it contains tho subtle, poisonous drug, caffoino.) "I frequently find It necessary to In struct patients when thoy take Pos turn for tho first time- to be cpiho sura that It Is properly mado according to directions, then it has a clear, soal brown color and a rich, snappy taste, as woll as health giving qualities. Tho abovo letter, received ovor tCD years ago, is fully confirmed by a re cent letter from tho doctor, hi which he says: "It is a pleasmo to render a good report covering a product of which I am so enthusiastic a friend. "I am using in my homo your Poa tum Cereal In both Us forms. And, what Is moro, I am having It used In tho families of boy oral patients i which thcro nro children, and alt unite in endorsing tho lino qualities of your admirablo product." Namo given by Postum Co, Battl Creole, Mich. Postum conies in two forms: Postum Cereal tho oiiglnnl form must be well boiled. lCc and 2Gc pkgs. Instant Postum a soluble powder dlsbolvos quickly In a cup of hot wa ter, and, with croam nnd sugar, makos a delicious bovetngo Instantly, 30c and 50c tins. Doth forms aro equally dollclouu and cost about the samo per cup. "There's a Reason" for Postum. sold by Groceri. f 1 ,