The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 13, 1916, Image 8
1ZD CLOUD, MKBlAliA, CHIEF v HHB tiM HBBit99 s Pianos and Musical Merchandise UNDERTAKING L.DY KTTENDHNTl CnU' Answered Day or Night An Open Letter From F. E. Payne K E3. AMAC ALL Wr PHONES - McFARLAND BUILDING- CS6SflK2R!SSSES3B5 &3&S 5 vnrvi e 3 HARNESS STANDS FOR 4 QUALITY K NTf "f t A TIC . f ,......?.,..... iIli.i.IhI finlti mN l n'jAimiL uxtjunuuui; uuxucu c.i-m- sively to the Harness and Horse Furnishing business enables us to produce the best there is in Har ness. We do not say it as a boast simply as a straight Tact and "we deliver the goods. We are doing a splendid business in single and team Harness and would like you to ask your neighbor how our products suit. M- ? "D Trunks and Suit Cases Don't forget that vo carry Trunks and Suit Cases. We have a good assortment to choose from and our prices are as low as the lowest. JOE FOGEL b n jpmmi 'i : i ...iiuu'ii'jiiii Luimwia wi,;:.i.7.ij mui i arLWura' . v.: run rati oiaiii'mv:!; Ki iSi m HENRY COOK, M. D. DKAI.KU IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL J' SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES k j mm: iiii;ih,,ot ran " : . 'ii ' n 'n:iax . u Wi 1 1 :i mii v: ir i n wmw r u'i i. ":'., ; n ,f;. t .; umm ra Seasonable Announcement of Vacation Tours To The Pacific Coast, The World's Greatest Rail Journey: UounJ trip Stinnr.Or Tourist rate OiXerul haslH only 8io, dully, comment; itiff May 1st, K'ood to retain to October Hist Slightly higher for tho circuit tour, IncltuUiiK l'rtcllle Const steamer voyage or Shasta Route. The Bur )li(,'tonV through-sori'luc Const routes via Denver and Scenic Colorado or through the Northwest direct or vlii the Denver-Casper-ll'iK Horn Basin line givhiK the holder of a IturlttiRtoii Coast ticket combination of routc6 that includes the bcenic, the highly developed regions and the attractive cities of the West. New Arrangement For Yellowstone Park: The Cody, East nud Scenic entrance to the Park will have excellent auto mobile service to the Lake Hotel. This is one of the World's scenic auto tours, via the Government Shosuonl Dam, through the Forest Reserve and over Sylvan Pass during Park season. Pacific Coast passengors may go into the Park via Cody, resume their rail journey out via Gardiner, pay lug extra only for such Park bidetrip accommodations as they take. If you will inquire you will learn how llurllntfton through coast Hues offer you tut greatest inducements. M. B. ffUll, Ticket Agent, Red Cloud, Nebr. L. W. Waktley, General Passenger Agent 1004 Puruam Street, Oninlui, Nebr. . j. U. It. Miner Manner Dr. S. S.Dc.irdorf.M.D.C. Veterinary lu Chnrgo C. H. Miner Serum Co. Anti -lMtODl'CKIlS- Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense I). S. Veterinary License No. 45 Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your Hpuse And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Goober KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROM.S DEVEI.Ol'ED-lOc N4IL VOIR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STTE IANK Red Cloud a -' Nebraska Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED tar Office Ovku Ai.nmoirr's Store lv am:, M.mii. .rll 10th, WIG. KdKor lied Clotnl Chief. IJeur Sli: -A, your paper Is the only Democratic paper In tin; county mid I hidiu; chalniMii of the Democratic Central t ouitnlttei- I wish to tulilibss mi open letter to the Democrats ol the county in ri'tr.ird ti tho eiunllilatoh on nil s'iiN' ticket the t'Oliclu they sh'tnl lur. .- Mr. I' W Ilfj'Ui frtV' pr.icl.i-al nud . piotf-hive munniires lor the nooct of tlit-1 ntlif people "I tin1 state. .Mr. i Bryan N for -late hall luminance, to pay tho farmers hull losses, the h'lmc ti- ue have a hank Kiiitiuntee fund. I I hi'llove that the neiits an ucic collect eil with niir tuv on all ilecdud anil I IcHn'il lainl out-Mo of Ineotporulud vilini)s tuiil c.tift. "ill pay tnir iiver Ui'li.ill lti'5'. l'ffl'.ip' it would not I paid last year's. Imt 1 believe that it will pay tne ineiue 01 ieiny years. Ift it acciitniilato us u hull insurance fund ami lielon to tln fininers' of the state, the ume as the llanl (.Juarantee Fund belong to the hanht'is of the state until it Is needed to p.iy losses. The hull provision is ood and should he adopted bj the statu Mr. Hryan is aiminst the stloon. All reasotiahle folUs should lie HK'alnst the saloon. I ht'lievo that u uiHJoiity of the people of the statu arc nuninst the s.iloon and o should hi' with the majority. The saloon interests hi the legislature worit for the corporations and special legislation that they dishe for tlielr own Interests and no for t lie people, Kveryoue should load Mr. Dunn's ad dress in the Commoner, lie telln the people who lias been nothing for their interest-, at WashitiKtou mid Lincoln. 1 do not believe tint, Mr. Koville should be nominated because he says he Is for the saloon. 1 notice that people at North Platte, Mr. Neville's home town, don't believe in the saloon for they voted them out the other day, as did a great many other towns In the state, so you see that a majority of the people of tho statu are against the sa loon. I bclievo the people should sup port the candidates that say they aie not for the saloon. Mr. Neville say he isa teetotlar, jel he stulilles him self by sajliiii tttu t he is going to vote against prohibition, lie says he wants regulation. I notice there are a gicau many people tiicil ol regulation iv tno way they voted election day Inst week. Mr. Neville says it tho prohibitory anienilineiil carries he will enforce its provisions Tho prohibitory amend ment lias no provisions to enforce un til the leirislntuie enacts laws and they are signed by the governor. And then ho goes on to say, I am opposed to tho etiactmout of impiactlcal experimental and needless legi-lation. Justus much to say that lie would veto any law that was cnn'-ted to get rid of the saloon. Hnl if we get a legislatuie elected that does not believe in the saloon and eloct Mr C. V. Hryan and other state otllcers that believe in prohibition, we aie liable to get prohibition As Mr. Dunn says, wo have a light, against s'jecinl privileges in this state, lu the Democratic party in Nebin&lca for b number of years tho spokesmen for these interests have sought to control the organization. They tried to take tho management of the state campaign out of the linn 1s of Clmiinmti Thomp son two years ago and they ceased their efforts in this regard only wlieil it becamo apparent that there would be an open revolt against the entire state ticket if they did not tako their hands on. At the last session of the legislatu ro the house of representatives passed u bill providing for the submission to the people a call for a constitutional convention, there wereonlv iiIiih votes against it This bill was killed in the senate When a motion was made to take It from tho slfilngcommiitee and bring it befnie the senate for action, the ni'ition was oted down, securing only thiee l)i iiioi'ratic votes, those of ileal, Hyglaud and (Juiuhy. It was notorious that t'ie corporation-liquor interests were opposed to giving tho peoplo mi opportunity to vote on the question of calling a constitutional fonvention and they killed the bill with democratic votes. Now fellow Democrats, when we go to the polls, April the Hth, let us seo to It that we nominaie eauuiuates iliac will stand tin for Nebraska. Now as to Mr. Hitchcock, candidacy for the U. S. senate, again 1 say it would be u mistake to elect, him. lie worked against the government bank ing bill and he helped to defeat the cover nieut shipping bill. The House passed the bill, it went to the senate and the Republicans in the senate with ttie help of seven Democrats, de feated the bill. Mr. Hitchcock voted with the Republicans to defeat the bill. I think It was one of the great est chances to help the people of the couir.ry, that we have hud at auy time In our'history. We could have built up n great trade with South America and I believe that the farmers of this country would have got from 15 to '.'5 cents moie for every bushel of wheat the shipping rates doubled and trlbled since the shipping bill wa& defeated. The insurance rates have trebled also on account of tho risk of shipping in tho shlppitig trusts ships. Mr. Hitchcock was a very strong factor in taking tho profit out of the farmers wheat crop lost hund reds of millions of dollars to tho farm ers and tho railroad companies of this country. All tho elevators along the seaboard blocked with grain and the railroad sul Inns loidcd with oars that could not unload for the want of shipping across tho sea, to a hungry market. If the Kovernmcnt could have put. SlOO.000,000 in shipping ves sels, instead of so much preparedness that Mr Hitchcock is trying to foist onto tho country, tho farmers would have been benellttod instead of tho big interests. Tho government could have shipped our grain for ono half what the shipping trust is taking fiotn the poople and muke a good profit on tho investment It has beeu quite a loss to the railroad companies as they could not cot to use all their cars for being loaded on sidings, and the peo ple lost their profit that they 6hould have had to keep the railroads rolling stock busy. Now brother Domourats, of Veb6ter county, let all of us go tho polls the 18th and vote for men that stand up for Nebraska and let us vote for V. J. Hryan to go to the St Louis conven tion If we ever did need him at a convention we need him now to keep Miry Plckford, In "The Dawn of a To morrow," Achieves Ono ol the Greatest Triumphs In n touching ami beautiful char acter, that of Glad, tho little waif of tho Kast Side slums, who In lur dark est hours never loses Iter fultli In the, S.ipreni" lining, Mary I'ickford aliaiis' a degiee of o.xer in "i'lio Dawn of a Tomorrow," the latest Fatuous i'lsneis I'lini Company's prod ii-'ion. tricn'ii than any (if her past tMiiarlnthli pur-' ti'iiyals, Tii'.s mitrtlile film n lactation of Frances Iludgs m DuriutiS tlnilliug i.ramii of tudiii and titiit row. is the cut rent feature am act!' n at the Tepee j iieNl M-tnl iy on the Paramount I'to grtitn One dnt only. j fiutllr. For ,'illlM-T'i head of .Stock Steers of g"oil gia'le. avitinje weight Ti'O. Dan (lather, Red Cloud I Tho V C. T U. will r.u-et on Wed-! tu'silav afternoon with Mr. John Coon, i Ionic: chapter In hoelal Nil fare ' Leader Mrs hmina Coombs, Lutheran services sjitn (I ty. Apt P U5 h: German, 10 lr. a in , le.Nt Luke 'J'.', I'i-'JO, Lnglish, 11 a. in , text-John si. n;.r,!)A S.'h'ial, Pastor. Mrs. P. V. Woodworth who had been visiting henlHiighter, Mis. U. C. Ridley and family, departed Wednesday for Independence, Iowa, to visit hersons lr IE HE 111 IB E NOTICE J. P. IMward, ilulcinlnnt will take unlet that on tlioiwtli. tiny of March IvUi Martin llarrah. ilaliitlil' illdl hh pctttlon lu the hlstrlrt lourtof Wi-lisier count Nebraska, aitalnit said iMruilaut. tlicohjict and pr.iytr ot u lilch h to olitatn Jiuluinuit against said It-fi iiitniit In the sum of slUI.OO ami Interest tliLrtunnt 10 percent from Noeniher 'Jud. IIHi upon a certain Jmk'iuciil rendered aalnst sald.I. !'. ICdwariln and In fawir of this plalutlll which Judgment was rendered on tin -nd. day of November l!Hhi an action then pi'iidlin; before. V. A. I!lce, Justice of the Peace In and for Dtuver. ( lt, and Deli ver County, ( oloiiulo In wliU It Martin liar rah was planum and .1. I', I Mm .ml defend ant. '1 lint In couuri'tlou w lib said petition llleil In the 1'lstrlct Court of Webster County. No biaska. wasnlso lllid as a part of the hiiic proncdlm; an allldaxlt for the purpose of hu'urlnu an attachment against ald defend ant on thi'urotmd that hu Is a lion rexldelil of ebs'er County, Nebraska and has no per'onal property lu Webster (ountj, Ne braska subject to cNicutlon or atlarhtmnl but lias teal estate in said count) which is subject tiieMcutlou and attachment. i on are- required to answer said petition and attachment proeeedtitijon or before t he ' of My mill. M MtriN II u-.itwr li 1'ied Mauri. r. Ills Attornc. SewEZ Sealing iaebine JHotofs Why work yourseif to death pedaling a Sewing Machine when a Sew-E-Z Motor will do the work for you. They are light, therefore do not bother you in your work. Will fit onto any Sewing Machine with only one clamp. You can sew fast or slow by pressing with your foot. Absolute foot control. Any child can minapulate one. You can run them slow or fast as you like. Come In And See Them Demonstrated The Price Is Right ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer II IE1ES 3ME Furniture Dealer 3 El I 3 J r E DE1E E EtFFIFFE Ul NOTICE. 1() I'M I. ( . rtfAUIN: oll are hi rebj totltled that on the Ittli da of Noieiubcr Itll'i Wlllheliulua II. Pilaus tllid a petition aitalnst you In the district court of Webster ('utility, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce front ou on the uroiiud that that you lme wllKully abandoned the plalutlll without ood cause, for the term of two years last past and that you have wantonly refused to furnish suit able maintenance for the plaltitltr. You arc required to nnsner unlit petition on or before Monday, the 15th. day of May, 1111(1 Wtt.l.llM.MINA It. PlIAItKS, Plalntlir. Statement of Ownership. Etc. .Statement of ownership, management, cir culation, ctc.reiiulred by the act of C'onijrfss of Amtust'JI. t'Jl'J. of Tho lied Cloud Chief published weekly at Ited Cloud, Nebraska, for April l.llllll. I'M I tor, MaunKlmc lMltur, lluslness Ma mi ner and Publisher and Owner: A. II. Me Arthur, Ited Cloud, Nebr. Known Iwiul hold ers, uiorlunneH. none, Silyiiedit A.ll. McArthur. .ivorn to and subscribed before me tills 10th day of April, HUB. imiiI s. K. I'loranee, Notary Public. Mycoinmlssloa expires (let. IT, PJIH. "Tor nnnr tm MACirm?? Sunday Night At The Orpheum At 7:45 Mr. Beehe will uncover sin and point out some local conditions and places that need to be radi cally changed. Sunday Morning Service At Congregational Church Mr. Bush is leading a special chorus at the Orpheum Sunday nights. All interested should report to him. Bring your Billy Sunday Song Books. G Orpheum Orchestra Will Play 11111 1 IE In the County Court of Webster County Nebraskn, STATU OF NI'.IIUASIvA, I ,. Webster County, f ' In the mutter of the estate of Mary riouldle. decensed. CltKUITOKBof said estate will take notice, that the tlitto limited for presentation and llllng of claims aitnlnst tho samo Is October Hth, lull); and for tho payment of debts Is March 7th, 11)17, that 1 will sit at the county court room In snld county on the tilth day of October 1016, at 10 o'clock a.m., to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust att claims and objections duly tiled. Dated this t'h day of March, A. I)., Ill 10. (Soal.) A. I). RANNKY, County Judge. WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES 3 PC ami Mice tf FlMl Ref t. In tho County Court of Webster county, Nebraska. In tho matter ot the estate of Mary J, I'robasco, deceased. All persons Interested In said estate are hereby notified that tho Admlulstrator has tiled a ilual account and report ot tils admin istration, and a petition for final settlement of his account and a decree distribution of norsonalty and assignment ol reality, and a discharge from tils trust, which have been set (or hearing before said court on the 28th day ol April, 1910, at 10 o'clock A. M when all pi r sons Interested In tho premise's may appear and contest tho same. Dated this 7th day of April, lUlii. SK.M. s A. D. ltA.NNKV, County Judwo. 5S5-'3fMlllllllll1 1 cSl jmu mmm " " " SvUuulliii -"m R.E.CAMP,D.C. Chiropractor ( hulepentlent 212 Phones Ut,Ue(Mol ON THE FIRE That's when you be- Igin to realize the kind of Groceries we keep. iThere is cooking satis- faction in them. Buy your Groceries .from us. Save your I money. Save your pa tience, and then your home will indeed be a happy one. Remember The Trading Stamps ' WALTER W- MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY m D1H Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory Consultation and Examination Frkk 'Oateopathy tho Soienoo of Healing by Adjustment." Given to tho World by A. T. Still, A. D. 1871. OFFICE OVER SMITH SHOE STORE Horn FnONfiS RED CLOUD, NEBR vVNvV Vfc FARM GATES "CANT-SAG" FARM GATES j We believe there is no better gate at any price 5 than the "Cant-Sag" and there is no gate that can be J bought for less money. j Come in and let us convince you that, in this instance, the best is the cheapest. Please pay particular attention to this word CANT It spells the best. the war lords down. Yours truly, P. E. PAYNE. PLATT & FREES 0VAvava,nvvW vAvAviAvAvyAvsA a jrssJ V ft f ' i 'A i f I