The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 13, 1916, Image 6

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Dealers Agree to Keep Retail Rate at
Eight Cents Conference With
Henlth Commissioner Results In
Peace After Seven-Hour Debate.
Chicago, April 10. Tlio fanntirn
have won tliu milk war und tlio con
Burner will not ho tlio victim This
wa tlio i;lat of an announcumcnt on
l'rldny hy Health Commluulonur Hob
crtuon at tlio conclusion of ncKOtln
tlona between ronresontutlvoB of thu
dlHtrlbulora and iiroducera.
Tho iiroducera will Bt tholr price
of J1.G5 a hundred pounda, and tho
conaumcr will pay tho old prlco of
eight cents.
Tho gunrantoo of tho old prlco camo
from tho olllcera of tho ilowmun Dairy
company, whoao aurreuder ended tho
Bovcu-hour parloy.
Tho Burrcndur of tho Ira J. Mix com
pany und tho Uowman company Icuvcb
tho Hordeu Conduiiaud Milk company
tho only ono that baa not Blgnud tbo
It required a seven-hour conferenco
to end tho Btrlko.
At ton o'clock In tho morning Wil
liam IMnnow, mayor of Cryatal Lake
who had asked Health CommlBRlonor
RobcrtRon to tnko tho Inlllutlvo in
Btcpa to end tho Btrlko; It. II. Swift,
tho president of tho i'roducora asso
ciation; W. J. Klttlo, Boerotury; C. II.
Potter, chairman of tho lighting milk
board, and formor JudgoQcorgo Urown
of Sycamore called upon tho health
Doctor HobortBon Immediately sum
moned tbo dealora.
At tho cloao of tho conforonco Proal
dent Swift or tho Milk Producers' asso
ciation wob jubilant.
"It la a deserved victory for ub,"
ho said. "1 think wo understand each
other botter now and can como to
terms again without a strugglo. Great
credit should bo given Doctor Robert
son for calling us togethor and bis pa
tlonce In averting a break two or three
Foreign Minister of Mexico Ssys No
Permission Has Been Granted
to United States.
Qucrctaro. Mox., April 10. Tho Mex
ican government has not glvon tho
American government permission to
uao Mexican railways for any purpoao
whatover, said Gen. Cnndldo Agullur,
Mexican minister of foreign relatione,
after a meeting of tho Carranza cabl
not on Friday.
Gcnoral Agullar denied vigorously
Btorlca published In tho American
press to tho effect that tho Cnrranza
government had given pcrmluslon to
the United Stntea army forces to uso
Mexican railways for transportation
of foodstuffs and supplies.
"1' rectify thoso fnlso stato
monts," said General Agullar to a cor
respondent. "Tho Mexican government
has not given tho American govern
ment permission to use Mexican rail
ways for any purposo whatover."
Ohio Senator Elected Temporary
Chairman of Republican Conven
tion at Chicago.
Chicago, April 10. Warren G. Hard
ing, United States sonator from Ohio,
was elected on Friday temporary chair
man of tho Republican national con
vention on Juno 7 by tho subcommit
tee of the Republican national commit
tee, in session at tho Congress hotel
Senator Harding Is a dycd-ln-tho-wool
Btandpat Republican. It was ho
who placed tho nnnio of William How
ard Taft boforo tho Republican na
tional convention in 1912.
Tho commltteo announcod that Wil
liam F. Stono of Hnltimora would bo
temporary Borgcant-at-nrms, and
Georgo L. Hart of Roanoko, Va., tem
porary ofllclul reporter of tho conven
Steamer Simla Torpedoed and Sunk In
the Mediterranean Danish
Vessel Destroyed.
London, April 10. Tho British
tteanitihlp Simla hau been torpodoed
In tho Mediterranean. Eleven mem
bers of tlio Asiatic crew woro drowned.
Tho rest wcro saved. Tho Simla be
longed to tho Peninsula and Oriental
Steamship line.
Capture by a Gorman torpedo boat
tf tho Swedish steamship Vega Is re
ported from Copenhagen.
Millionaire Dies.
Now York, April 10. Arthur Spiegel
of Chicago, director and officer in a
dozon corporations, died hero of pneu
monia. Spiegel was only thirty ono
years old. Ho was tho principal own
er of a $20,000,000 mail-order Urm.
Auto Kills Two.
Sugar City, Colo., April 10. Col. A.
r. Moacly, one of ttc. wealthiest cat
tle growers in Ino West, and A, L.
Ross, a rancher, woro Instantly killed
on Friday when their automobile
turned turtle.
f (ffiSH
Declares Allies Rejected Peace Offer
War to Finish Now Will
Keep Poland.
Berlin (by wireless to Sayvllle, L.
I.), April 7. Chancellor von Doth
mann-Hollweg Indicated In bis spoocb
In tho rolcbstag on Wednesday that
any suggestions of peace on tho basis
of destruction of Prussian military
power would mako possible only ono
answer tho German aword. He said
that if Germany's adversaries desired
to continue- tho slaughter of men and
devastation of Europe tho guilt would
bo theirs, and that Germany would
have to "Btand It as men."
Tbo chancellor protosted vigorously
against tho report that Germany now
or In tho future contemplated nggrca
slon against tho United States. Tho
chancellor said:
"Tho latest offspring of tho calumni
ating campaign directed against us is
a report that wo. after tho end of this
war, Bhall rush against tlio American
continent, and that wo shall attempt to
conquer Canada."
Tho chancellor Insisted that tho con
flict must bu fought out to a finish and
that guaranties of peace In Kuropo
must bo forthcoming after thla con
tllct is over
Dr. von Ucthmann-Hollweg declared
thcro must bo a now Belgium. At tho
samo time ho said that It must not
ho expected that Germany could over
again deliver Into Russian hands tho
Polish provinces captured by tho Teu
Commander of Submarine Refused to
Give Crew Time to Leave Vessel
Before Firing Torpedo.
Gibraltar, Apr1!! 7. Eight of tho
crow of tho Spanish stoaraor Vigo,
torpedood In tho Ray of DlBcay, woro
drowned through the refusal of tho
Gorman submarlno commander to al
low boats to be lowered beforo tho
ship was torpedood. Tho survivors
brought this report on tholr nrrival at
tho Spanish port of Alguclras.
London, April 7. Lloyds reports
tho sinking of tho British steamor
Bondow, from Liverpool, with a loss
of one of tho crew.
Two other vessels have been sont
down by submarines In the last twenty-four
hours Tho Norwegian steam
er Arena was sunk In tin Cnttegat.
Its crow was saved and brought to
Ymuldon by tho trawler Claire.
British Munition Plant Is Destroyed
by Fire Fire Accidental, Soys
London. April 6. Flro that broke
out lato last week In ono of tho gov
ernment powder factories In Kent
caused a number of explosions result
ing In approximately 200 casualties,
tho minister of munitions announcod.
The (lro Is still burning, but la now
hello cd to be undor control.
"Wilson Cafe" Closed.
London, April 10 The correspond
ent at Amsterdam wires Hint tho Ger
man commnndor at I.ouvaln, Belgium
has closed a now enfo which had been
named the "Wilson cafo." In honor of
tho American president.
French Killed In Revolt.
Manila, 'April 10 Passengers arriv
ing hero roport a native uprising at
Saigon, tho capltnl of French Cochin
China, and an attack upon tho local
prison. A French offlcor and several
soldiers worn killed
. '.. ..-
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Berlin War Office Announces Capture
of French Positions Southwest
of Douaumont.
Pnrls, April 6. A powerful Gorman
attack against the first lines of the
French south of Douaumont was re
pulBed and tho Germans were driven
back In tho direction of Chauffour
wood, which lies to tho northwest. The
French artillery concentrated their
Ore on tho retiring Germans, who, ac
cording to tho official statement Issued
on Tuesday by tho French war office.
Buffered considerable losses.
On tho west of tho Mcuso a Gorman
attack against Haucourt failed.
Tho text of tho statement follows:
"In tho Argonno district we have
bombarded certain of tho Gorman or
gnnlzatlons. particularly In tho region
of Montfaucon and .Malancourt.
"To tho west of the River Mouse
there has been artillery fighting of con
siderable vlolcnco along tlio front from
Avncourt to Malancourt. East of the
Mouho tho night passed relatively
"Tho Germans havo made no attack
against tho front between Douaumont
and Vaux re-established by our counter-attacks.
"French batteries havo boon par
ticularly actlvo In firing upon enemy
positions In this region. Tho enemy
has responded but feebly.
"East of tho forest of La Pretro a
strong reconuoissanco by tho enemy
has been dispersed by our flro
"In Alsaco French batteries were
successful in shelling a German supply
train on tho highway between Thann
and Muolhausen."
Slayer of Sheriff Trapped In Barn by
600 Men and Boys and
St. Charles. Mo., April 7. Lafayette
Chandler, thlrty-tlvo years old, the
negro who shot and killed Sheriff
John II. Dicker of St. Charles county,
was trapped In a barn aoven miles
from St. Charles on Wednesday and
slain by a posse of moro than 000 men
and boyB After wounding Sheriff
Dicker nnd Deputy Sheriff Olondorfl
ho set fir- to tho barn. With tho
building in flames, ho camo to tho door
and waved his hands, asking that ho
be permitted to surrender. His ap
pearance called for moro than a thou
sand Bhots.
Amsterdam, April 8. Leave Is
again being granted to employees of
tho stnto railways who request It.
This Indicates that the crisis In Hol
land has passed.
Now Orleans, April 8. Two peraons
were killed, flvo injured and a num
bor of buildings destroyed when n
small cyclono struck tho fashionable
suburb of Gcntilly Terrace.
Airmen Bombard the Turks.
Athena, April 8. Turkish encamp
ments near Smyrna nnd Fort Knstlakl,
guarding tho entrance to tho Gulf of
Smyrna, woro bombarded on Thursday
by a squadron of allied aeroplanes and
badly damaged.
Consul Confirms Report.
Washington, April 8. United States
Consul Oabnruo at Havre, France, In
a roport to tho state department, con
firmed dispatcher that tho Norwegian
ship Baus was sunk either by a mine
or a torpedo. Four persons perished.
1 n- I
M '"
England Has Decided Not to Change
Her Tactics Mexico Grant Use
of Telegraph Lines to
Wrstfin Newspaper t'nlon Npws Service
Berlin. The German government Ie
ablo to announce that no German sub
murlno or warnhlp was responsible for
tlio explosion which damaged tho iJrlt
IrIi Htoamshlp Sussox. When Gprmnny,
on April G, handed Ambassador Ger
ard nn Interim nolo replying to tho in
quiries of the United States govern
ment regarding tho Sussex and four
other Btcamers, tho matter of respon
sibility wns still in doubt and tho In
vestigation was still proceeding. Tho
German foreign office, appreciating
the agitation in the United States over
these cases, transmitted nn Interim
response declaring the readiness of
the government should tho Sussex
prove to havo been destroyed by n
German torpedo contrary to tho under
Btnndlng with tho United States, to
make nil reparation. Including the pay
ment of compensation.
Grants Use of Telenraph Lines.
Rnn Antonio, Tex. Co operation to
& limited extent by the Mexican mili
tary authorities in tho work of tho
American punltlvo force1? in Mexico
was Indicated by tholr offer to General
Porshlng of tho use of tho to'egraph
and telephone lines. Tho offer was
made to tho aviators who landed in
Chihuahua last weok nnd wns reported
by General Torslilng to General Funs
ton. Tho drivers of the noroplanes
that visited Chihunhua said they had
been treated courteously by General
Gutierrez, commanding officer at Chi
huahua, after it was determined that
they had como on a friendly mission,
although before that fact was deter
mined by the alarmed public a few
stones had been thrown at them and
a shot or two fired. No ono was In
Britain Decides Not to Change Her
London. Tho determination of the
Brftisb authorities to go through tho
malls with a fine-tooth comb is Indi
cated by tho departuro from Kirkwall
of tho Danish liner Frederick VIII for
Now York without her malls, which
havo been sent to London for examina
tion. Inquiries by tho Associated press
to the foreign ofllro havo developed
tho statement that tho total overseas
exports of Germany, now only from 4
to C per cent of those of normal years,
go exclusively through tho mall with
tho exception of exports shipped to
tho United State3 under license grant
ed cargoes purchased boforo Mnrrh 1,
1915. In explaining this Lord Robert
Cecil, minister of war trade, said that
any other lenkago must bo Infinitesi
mal. The minister added that tho
foreign office therefore felt thnt the
examination of westwnrd bound ships
was necessary if German trade wns tc
be stopped absolutely.
Further Pursuit Difficult.
El Paso, Tex. Tho pursuit of Villa
has been brought to n definite halt, ac
cording to a statement made hero by
nn American army officer holding a
position of responsibility.
"Thero is no use blinking the facts,"
he said. "Even a layman should be
ablo to understand that General Per
shing, with the relatively small num
ber of men under his command, can
not maintain a lino of communication
anywhere from 300 to fiOO miles long
and at tho samo tlmo press tho pur
suit of a bandit into a country where
ho is known to havo thousands of
umpathizcrs, if not active supporters.
Washington, The issue over which
tho United States nnd Great Brltlan
havo disputed more than a century
and which was partly responsible for
ono war between the two nations, has
bristled up again. Great Brltlan, in a
lengthy noto, refused to comply with
tho American demand for releaso of
thirty or more Germans taken from tho
trans-Pacific liner China, February 13.
The Gormans are now hold somewhere
In tho Orient.
Spain Wants Explanation.
Madrid, April 7. Via London, 1:1b
a. m. Tho Spanish cabinet has do
cldod to instruct tho ambassador at
Berlin to request from tho Gorman
government explanation of the sinking
of the Spanish steamor Vlga and a
definition of its policy with regard to
tho rights of neutrals on tho seas.
Detroit. Henry Ford of this ploco
defoatod United States Sonator Will
iam 'Alden Smith of Grand Rapids,
Mich., for the republican' nomination
by a majority of from 3,500 to 4,500.
Feeling of Relief at El Paso.
El Paso, Tex. Secretary LanBlng'B
flat denial tint tho government was
considering tho withdrawal of tho
troops from Mexico, was received hero
with a decided fooling of relief. Two
classes especially, army officers and
American refugees, wero emphatic In
their pleasure over the official qulotus
which had been put on tho persistent
reports that tho Pershing expedition
wns to be abandoned. Washington,
and not Guerrero or Satovo, is the
focus for all eyes on the border at
Leci Thr.n $100,000 Will be Spent by
Less than $ 100.000 will bo spent this
year by tho board of control for now
buildings nnd other permanent im
provements at the various stato insti
tutions. Tills docs not Include pro
jects already under way which wcro
commenced last year.
The chief Item on this year's build
ing program is tho new building at
tho Norfolk hospital for Insane for
which $G0,000 wns appropriated. Tho
architect, J. C. Stltt of Norfolk, was
expected hero Tuesday to Hiibniit pre
liminary plans for the board's ap
proval. Other Itejis on the list aro a laun
dry for tho Mllford Soldiers' homo for
which $10,000 has been provided, mid
a dairy barn and silo at the Mllford
Industrial homo for women. These
structures aro to cost $11,500. Tho Be
atrice lnstltuto for feeble-minded Is to
get n dairy barn, a eIIo and n refrigera
tion plant, funds to tlio amount of 58,
000 being avallablo for this purpose.
A refrigeration and bakerv plant to
cost close to $8,500 will bo constructed
at the Grand Island Soldlcra' home.
Stopped Sale of Cattle.
Because a bunch of cows which F.
L. Owen had advertised for sale at
Chadron wore shipped from Omaha
without being tested, on tho represen
tation that they wore intended for
rnngo stock, Deputy Stnto Veterinarian
McKIm refused to permit them to bo
sold. McKIm went to Chadron nftcr
getting word from tho local authori
ties there that Owon was attempting
to disposo of these animals as dairy
Chadron la enforcing, a rigid mill:
ordinance nnd tho officials there did
not wish to tako chances on any pro
duct which might provo to be tuber
cular. Accordingly they asked the
stato veterinarian's office to see that
no cattle were allowed to bo sold un
til they had first been tested nnd found
freo from disease.
Owen had eight of tho untested ani
mals at the salo, nnd six others at his
ranch near Wayside. Tho deputy
stato veterinarian tested tho eight and
spotted one which had tubercular
symptoms. Ho also arranged to havo
the other six tested. All of this was
at tho expense of the owner.
Tho result of McKlm's visit was that
nothing was sold at tho advertised
sale, although Owen had some animals
there which had been regularly in
spectcd and tested.
Treasurer Hall Has a Plan.
Stato Treasurer George E. Hall will
recommend to tho next legislature a
chango in tho law which, if complied
with, will permit tho state hoard of
educational lands and funds to buy
county and school district warrants.
At present the stato can buy county
nnd school district bonds. Treasurer
Hall believes county and school war
rants aro just ns good us bonds. They
aro based on tax levies. Ho will also
iccommcnd the apportionment of the
temporary school funds for the sup
port of tho public schools whenover
tho fund reaches $100,000, which will
moan about eight apportionments
each year, Instead of two, ns under
tlio present law. This would get tho
money to the school districts in small
er sums, but oft oner nnd would not
permit tho fund to lio in tho stato
trensury until tho seml-annunl period
Railroads Own Big Acreage.
Six NofcraBka railroads own 105,591
acres of Nebraska land for right of
way purposes, according to figures
compiled by Secretary Borncckor of
tho state board of equalization. Tho
roads Included in Mr. Bernccker's
tabulations are Burlington, Union
Pacific, Northwestern, Omaha road,
Rock Island and Grand Island. Tim
Missouri Pacific is not included be
cuso its figures are not complete. The
holdings of tho different roads in right
of way acreage Is given as follows:
Burlington, 45,976 acres; Union Pacific,
30,544; Northwestern, 19,210; M. & 0.,
4,191; Rock Island, 3,616; Grand Island,
Stanton county must pay to the stato
of Nebraska $2,275 of Insane fund tnx
owing slnco 1891, together with $3,234
Interest on that nmount, if the stato
supremo court should sustain findings
made by J. 11. Broady as referee in
tho suit brought by tho stnto against
that county. Mr. Broady filed his re
port In tho supremo court clerk's office.
It Is wholly In tho state's favor,
awarding Judgment for tho entlro
amount claimed.
Tho collogo of agriculture will offer
a four weeks' course In the use, caro
and solcction of power mnchinery, In
cluding automobiles, this summer, be
ginning Juno 5. Tho course will in
cludo shop practice and a general
study of gasolino nnd oil engines,
steam tractors, and automobiles. In
struction ts open to men eighteen
yenrs and older, who havo finished the
eighth grade. Men of maturo ago who
havo not completed the eighth grado
will bo admitted by special permis
sion. $750 In Cash Premiums.
Tlio South Omaha stock yards in
terests offer $750 to members of tho
Nebraska boys corn club to bo used
to pay expenses for attending a corn
club congress to bo hold nt thu col
lego of agriculture nt Lincoln. Tho
money Is to bo avallablo only In coun
ties whero flvo or moro contestants
comploto tho season's work in raising
nt least an acre of corn. Tho corn
club Is conducted cooperatively by
tho United States department of agri
culture and tho stato college of agriculture.
Be Reasonable
With Your
Don't overload it when it is
weak rather help it back
to its normal condition and
thus avoid a spell of Indi
gestion, Constipation, Bil
iousness and weakness. Try
Stomach Bitters
You will find it of great as
sistance. Get the genuine.
Social Inanities.
She You know, Mr. .Jones, I
thought you much older than you are.
Ho Oh, no; not a bit, I assure you.
When a married woman boglns to
Juggle dumbbolls it's her husband's,
cue to cultivate tho acquaintance of a
dlvorco lawyer.
It Never Came Back
Backache SufTcrcr! Thousands will
tell you what wonderful relief they
have had from Doan's Kidney Pills
Not only relief, but lasting cures. If
you arc lame in the morning, have
headache, dizzy spells and irregular
kidney action, don't wait. Use Doan's
Kidney Pillu, the best recommended
special kidney remedy.
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. H. J. Perrel,
Central City, Neb.,
says: "I had dull pains
In the small of my
back which were
caused by weak kid
neys. I rested poorly
and at night my back
and whole body
seemed to ache. Morn
ings I felt weak, tired
and languid. I tried
numerous remedies,
but without the least
relief until I tank
Doan's Kidney Pills.
Tlioy cuird me and I
haven't had to use
them since."
Cat Doan's at Any Store, 80c a Baa
Save the trademark signature of Paul F.
Skinner from all packages and exchange free
for Oneida Community Silverware. Write
today for free 36-page recipe book and full
You Go
They Know
FOR 35 years Alabastine has
been the choice of house
wives who take particular
pride in the decoration of
their homes.
For 35 years Alabastine has
been sold everywhere by paint,
hardware, drug, and general
stores. It Is known by dealers
and users alike as the"tint beau
tiful" for walls and ceilings.
Alabastine is adry powder that
mlxci perfectly In cold water. You
can apply it yourself or your local
painter will do the work reasonably.
Be sure that you Ret AlabaMino
brought on the job in properly
labeled packages.
Freo Color Plans
The best decorators advise the use
of stencils to produce contrasting
wall and ceiling borders. Ordi
narily, stencils cost from 50 cents to
S3 00 each: but if you will wnte for
the free "Alabastine Packet," con
talnins hand colored proofs of 12 of
the very latest stencil effects, wo
will tell you how you can have
your choice of these and 500
others at practically no expense.
Write today for this absolutely
fit dtcorattng tentc.
Alabastine Co.
3S6 CniTin. M Grind Rapids, Mick.
Wntsoa V Coletnaa,.
l'mcnt l-itwj rr.Vt ksiilntcton,
D.L. Ailvlra anillmiikii ln.
reuonible. Uliueat rexertnix. ltettsorrlue.
lusiratrd, Instructive, IlJ.pnx.' UxlX Kin. bk.
SOo. 1'lorldn Annual Co., HI. Ausinttlnr, Ha.
I . .
Nebraska Directory
Room tram 11.00 up single, 76 cents tip doubU.
nvtrv j