The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 13, 1916, Image 5

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3U 'ioVA 7)0 Xs
Fieneh Kindlier- at Fogel'.
Mrs. Hiy Ontiniui spent Friday in
Miss t-Mlth MoKolgluin -pent .Satur
(luy in Hastings.
Attorney li. M. Halo of Franklin was
in the city Friday.
Mr tinii Mis dene Smith went to
Superior Monday,
Unwind Hamilton was up from
CI uide Hook Saturday.
Clns. Powell and .1. D. Cruns return
ed home Friday from Otnnhn.
New Summer Dress Goods now be
ing shown by Miner Bros. Co.
Mrs, J.C. Meyers left Monday for a
visit with relative at Clay Center.
Huy it today as you will need it to
night. French Flashers at Fogel's.
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. M. Weber spent
Sunday with relatives in Guide Hock.
J. II. Klllnger and son, Frank, and
Geo. Corner were in Hustings on Fri
day. Ed. Doyle returned homo from
h visit with relatives tit Amhotst, Fri
day. Mrs. L. Drowning of Norton, Kan
sas, speut Sunday in this city with
Messrs. John Crow and Oliver Pow
ell spent the UrsJ, of the week In Kau
Bas City.
Mrs. Uort Morbart and sister, Miss
Chailotta Bnrstetta, spent Saturday
in Hustings.
Attorney Dernard McNeny was at
tending to legal business hi Wymore
on Monday.
Claire MuKuno of Kbmun, Kansas,
visited at the K M. Garde home the
llrstof the week.
Henry Ludlow returned to his home
tit Oklahoma City, (ilka., Monday after
islting relatives in this eity.
Miss Lena Ludlow returned to her
home in this city Sntimlaviitter closing
a successful term of school at May
Mrs. C. K Cross and children visited
over Sunday at the home of her par
ents, Mr aud Mrs C. L. Owens at
Ernest Strayor, who is now tiring
for the C. U. ,v (. out of (Kfoid,
moved his family to that city the last
of the week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Cltus. H. Hill of Hast
ings, were over Sunday guests at the
home of her mother, Mr. Ilassinger
and family.
Misses May and Jessie Goodwin of
Knperior spent the week end at the
Pete Hansen home.
Mrs Jennie Young of Hasting-, Is a
guest at the home of her sister. Mis
Kiizubetli Foe and family.
II belt Wallace after a visit at the
home of his niece, Mrs Fdgar Cowden,
icturncd to his homo at Hampton
Jowa, on Monday.
Mr-. H. A. Creighton retnrnid home
from Chicago, Monday, where (die had
speut the past ton days visiting with
h-r sister, .Mrs. Chus. Wicss.
Cha. "'liult iclumi'd home from
Hasting-. Saturday and reports his son
w''o viii recently operated upon at
that place lis rapidly Improving.
Weosner.v Koontz shipped a car of
hogs to Kau-a- City, Miudny and
Ueesnor A Crow shipped two cars of
cattle to St. Joe, Joe Ctow accompany
ing tho shipment.
F. W. Cowden returned home Satur
day from eastern markets where la
purchased goods for that up to date
men's furnishing store, the Cowden
Kalev Clothing Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sutton were
called homo from Omaha the last of
the week owing to the critical con
dition of his father, Poke Sutton. They
returned to Omaha Monday.
Hoy Stevens left Sunday for Kansas
City to attend a Photographers con
vention nnil from there he will journey
to Cole Camp, Mo. aud accompany his
wife-home, she having spent tho 'past
few months with her parents at that
Dr. Clarence Caldwell of La Clede,
Missouri, and Dr. C. W. Caldwell
of Slater, Mo arrived in the city the
latter part of the week, called hero by
the serious illness of their brother's
child, Atttorney aud Mrs. K. O Cald
well. Tho little gjrl was taken to
Kansas City on Monday for medical
Ohio Potatoes
Only A Few Left
Seed Sweet Potatoes
.- Yellow Jerseys
Prices Reasonable Phone Your Orders
F. G. Turnure
lluy your iiiocorlc of Minor llros. Co. '
Hiiipst Moranvllle spint Monlay in
Hastings !
Phone todav jour Potato Order to
Miner Unit. Co
Mary PlcK ford at the Topee neM;
Monday. Otic day only. j
Mrs. Frank Miner teturned home i
Satutday from Hasting-. I
Mr. and Mis Hernnid McNeny ie I
turned from Hastings Saturday. '
FOH SALH An automatic shotgun
in good condition. W. L. Konn.
Mesdaincs Polnicky and 1-3. .1. Pul
sipher spent Friday in Hastings.
The ladies of the Methodist church
have postponed their Faster Da.nar
WANir.n o0 to So lbs., thrifty stock
hogs. Will pav premium over market
price. C. II. Miner Serum Co
Mr. and Mrs Clyde Wolfe are re
juicing over the arrival of it baby boy
at their home on Monday morning.
A baby boy arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs! Hen Zaehery, in the llrst
ward, on Saturday afternoon.
Misses Alfa and Marceline'ln
of Alton, viitod with lrleiids in this
city between tiaiusoii Monday.
L. H. McKimmey of Klue Springs,
arrived in the city" Monday evening to
visit at the home of his son, W. H.
McKimmey and family.
Hut thirteen more days before the
big, fi-passenger Overland will be
given absolutely froo to some one
by some of tho enterprising merchants
of tills city.
Dr. Warrick, tho specialist, will meet
pyo, ear. nose and throat patients nnd
those neo ling glasses properly lilted at
Dr. Datnerell's olllce. Tuesday, April
'25th. Hours 1 to ii only.
Mrs. Herb Froy nnd children after
visiting n couple- of weeks in this city
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C T.
Dickenson, returned to their home at
MoCook, Friday morning.
Prof W. P. Medlar accompanied by
Vernon Zeiss, Paul Polnicky, Howard
Friable, Kenneth Johnston, Hrue-t
Newhouse, Cecil llarrett, George Over
loose nnd Hubert Pope went over to
Smith Center, Kansas, Friday to attend
a track meet. Hod Cloud was out class
ed by.t score of .a to Jlti. Those scor
ing points for Hod Cloud were Polnicky
wno captured 'Jiid place In each tho
high broad jump and polo vault; Ver
non Zeiss, who took Hist in mile run
aud 'Jml in shot put; F.rnest Newhouse
llrst in half mile race; Cecil Harrett,
second in half mile race; Geo. Over
leese, llrst in broad jump.
The Chief olllce this week turned out
and delivered to the Seeretnry, O. C.
Teel, the new P.ilil telephone direc
tories for tho Farmers' Independent
Telephone Company, and those pa
trons who have not as yet been sup
plied with one, can obtain the same by
calling on tho secretary. The direc
tory, besides being absolutely correct,
up until Apiil 1st, as to name and
number, shows that tho Independent
Telephone Company, under its pres
ent able muuagoincitt, has made eon
hideiable progress the past year,' hav
ing added a number of now names to
its already large list of subscribers.
With the Small Town Girl, Villa and
His ll.iudlts. etc . on Sstuidny night,
a good vaudeville which consisted of
two Indians in a double novelty act, to
gether with llvo reels of pictures,
which included the tilth installment
of the Broken Coin, on Monday night
and that greatest of all tiugeiltes Sarah
Hcrnhiudt In Join Dore in live acts,
on Tuesday evening, the (irphoiiiu
theatre has' been taod to its tulle--t
capacity almost eveiy owning the past
week. Manager Cassil is proving to
be some judge of ttie class of enter
tainment most appreciated by his
patrons, and is certainly iccoiviug a
very llbcial share of pUronage.
Through the courtesy of Mr F. II
Cassil, the United church held their
Sunday evening service in tho Or
phetiui theatre on last Sunday even
ing and at this time It was announced
that this plan would be followed In
definitely. The theatre was full, the
Orpheum Orchestra together with a
large chorus under the leadership of
N. U. Hush furnished the music and
Hev. J. L. Decbe pi cached a very
masterful sermon, notwithstanding the
fact that his text, "Hell'h Blockade,"
covered considerable territory, tiud in
bringing out the principal points
found therein, caused tills distinguish
ed divine to make several very plain
S. & H. Stamps
Insure your Farm Property with
Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman
for the
Farm Central Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.,
Hastings, Nebraska
Phones: Otlice, Ml; Kesidencp. 17. Ml
A sane, safe, sound aud economical
plan of lire, lightning and tornado
Will your policy soon expire?
Write nic and let mo explain. No
obligation on your pat t.
M. F. Hickard of Guide Hock was In
the city Saturday.
Sam Temple of Kansas City was In
tho city the llrst of the week.
Who was the tlrst man to pny spot
cash for cream. J. O. Cauwi:i.i..
Frank Heal, of Alliance, spent the
weekend in tills city with his mother,
Mrs. W. V. Heal.
Mrs. H. 1). Morltz and children, of
Lincoln, spent last week in this city
with her sisters, Mrs II. l Letson and
Miss Josephine Hichard.
Frank Hlliuger left Saturday for St.
Joe, driving a new lluick automobile
thru, which Conductor MeV Snyder re
cently purchased from the Ford Sup
ply Co of this city.
C. F Sanuielson, of Illldreth, was in
tho city Saturday Mr. Sanuielson is
a candidate for the nomination of
Senator of tho twentieth district on
the Democratic; ticket.
W.vni i n -One farmer In each local
ity to Hot as our agent for AubuiH
Light "Skes". SHiS') f o b Auburn,
Indiana. Write or telephone Horck iv
laden, Hastings, Nebraska.
Wednesday. April 'JlJth, will bo a big
day in this city. At this time some
one will become the proud possessor
of the big, new ri-pasenger automobile
which scitne of the Hod Cloud mer
chants have purchased aud ate to give
away absolutely fieo.
VTTOfiSIT I,. 11 ItUUMElinr
At tin' primary election every voter
shou! 1 bo given a sopaiato iiun-pniti
sau ballot, on which are named the
candidates fur Judges of the coiuts,
who arc to bo selected regardless of
politics. In fact, the political faith of
the candidates is not allowed to appear
on the ballot or in the nomlnialinu
The question Is. the man for the
Webster County has a chance to help
give one of it.s worthy citizens an hon
orable position and at tho stimu time
help give this couuty what belongs to
it as the second laigest county in the
district, and never having had the
District Judge. The present Judge
has held the otlice two terms of four
years each aud an extra year, and
another man and another county
should have recognition.
L H. Hlnckledgo, of Hed Cloud, is
universally conceded to be exception
ally well (iialillcd for the position
and, in our judgment, the voters of all
parties will do well to cast their ballots
for the homo man and the home
& Son
01 9A
Monday, April 17
The first of the Paramount
program at tho Topco
In the
Dawn of
in which this idoliod star ndds'auol It
er striking oharaotoii.ition to her
wonderful screen successes, in the live
part adaptation of Fiances Hodgson
Burnetts gloat drama.
A wholesome play with an impres
sive story pleasantly told.
ili Tuesday, April 18
A Mutual Master Picture do Luxe
edition, presenting Ciane Wilbur In
llic stilling live-part diiuna ,,
A Law Unto
A gripping tale of luhcntiiie and
dating A splendid and entertaining
Wednesday, April 19
A Daughter of
the Woods
A lour pait giipping stoiy by the
Knickerbocker Mar Foatino Company.
The piugriiin ali-o Includes a good
comedy, the Hook Agent's Komauco.
Thursday, April 20
Another l'.irauioniit picture
Dustin Farnum
ir m'jmmmm
?w i
A 6tory of the Mexican occupation of
California in 1840-10
Among the many notablo scenes- in
this play are those hi which Mr,
Farnum rides his horse through a
church window and the night scene at
Kearney's Camp at Los Angeles.
If you enioy rod-blooded actions
dont miss seeing this splendid picture.
Friday, April 21
The Iron Claw
. '
one of the most successful pictures of
the year. n,
COMING, the' Girl and the Game-a
warm aud exciting' serial story with'
thrills galore.
J. O. Butler was in Bluo Hill, Wed
nesday, Mrs. Dernard McNeny speut Monday
in Hastings.
Seed Sweet Potatoes for sale.-Henry
(J. Dlederich.
Dr. Lawler was a passenger to Kan
sas City, Wednesday.
Mrs. W. P. Medlar returned home
from Hastings Monday.
Delaney llros , nnd Ancll Crablll each
shipped a car of hogs to Kansas City,
V. II. Thomas shipped one car of
cattle to St. Joe, Wednesday, lie ac
companied the same.
C. W. Kaley returned homo from
California, Wednesday morning, where
he had been spending the winter..
Paramount Pictures commence' at
the Tepee ntxt week with Mary Pick
ford on .Monday night and Dustin Fur
nuin in Capt. Courtesy on Thursday
night. Paramount pictures rank at
the top. Nothing in the line of photo
plays excell and few equal them.
,'fj WW PICItl-ODD 7 I
wrmircnftj jr
V I i i '
The Truth in
M 1
r! - im-v' tc?i
H J'rJr
1 Ti M
he Qoaiden-Kaley plotting Qo.
To the Republican Voters of Webster
As it has been impossible for mo to
make an activo campaign for the nomi
nation us Clerk of the District. Court
occatisc or nines in my family, I am
taking this ii'eans of asking youi sup.
port at tho primary election next Tues
day. I came to this county in 1ST I,
aud have been actively engaged in
business in this county for n number
of years. If elected to tho olllcu which
1 seek, I promise a fuithttil, business
like, administration This is tins (list
time I have been a caudldatu for pub
lic olllce. Your votes and inlluence
will bo greatly tippi eclated.
iidv Wu.Tr.uO. Wauui.n.
We are in the market for 100 to t'.Ti
pounds Shouts at market price deliver
ed at .Seiiun I'lant. Will pay for do
Ivory to plant. C. II. .Miner .-solum
Frank T. Swiitisou, of Clay Center,
is ii caiididatn for Delegate fiotu the
Filth Congies-donal Distiict to lh
Doni'iciatic National Convention and
is a man worthy of your suppoit at
the piiiuai hts April IHtli. Mr. Swan
son together with Hon. I'. W Mica re
presented this district at the Italttninie
Convention and helped nominate
Woodrow Wilson in HM'-' and today
stands for his re-iiomiuatlon and to
election. Henietuber him April IStli.
Five Act Hed Feature Feature
Violet Morsercan
"The Path of Happiness"
FRIDAY, April 14
Two Heel Drama
Trail of Wild Wolf
Oue Heel Drama
Nissinf Locket - Her Greatest Story
One Heel Comedy
"A Quiet Supper For Four"
As Fate Decides, Drama
Heart of Boneta 2 Reel Orama
Sunlight and Shadows Drama
Elevating Father Two Reel Comedy
Broken Coin No. 6 Two Reels
In Dreamy Jungle Town Comedy
The Boob's Victory Drama
Hlue Ulrd Photo Flays present Helen Wane Tho Distinguished
Fmotionul Actress
Secret Love in Five Beautiful Acts
World Film Corporation Presents Vivian Martin In
Five Reel Western Mastor I'ieco
Over Night In Five Acts
i . i J J
You've heard about the
nation-wide move m e n t
against misrepresen t i n g
goods for sale.
Here's our viewpoint: we
are in business to increase
sales from year to year.
To do this requires tho
confidence of (he people.
And to get this confidence
truth is an essential.
We believe that every
article we sell, whether it
be a collar button or a suit
of clothes, is worth every
cent we ask for it some
times more. We want you
to feel the same way after
you buy a thing.
If you should not feel
that way, the greatest
favor you can do yourself
and us is to bring it back
and give us your reasons.
We're open to argument
and want you to be, too.
Will you come in and
pass judgment on our
Spring stock of men's
To The Republican Voters
Having filed for tho leglslatnto on
tho Kcimblicitu ticket from tho Hitli
district I lll appreciate your voles.
I favor the passage of the prohibit
ory amendment. And if the amend
ment carries 1 shall work for the pass
age of laws to enforce It.
Also tho passage of a rural credit
More eillcleiit educational .system.
The elimination of "jokois'Mn sever
al good laws wo now have on our
statutes so they may bo enforced.
If nominated aud elected 1 shall
strive for ctllcictit, economic and pro
gressive legislation.
Yours ttuly,
nlv M. F. HlCKAKD.
Don't monkey with Loan Companies are not ready nt any and all times
to close your loan without delay. I
have some piivate money to loan anil
an unlimited amount ol eastern money.
1 lnie the lowest rate in tho state
with your choicu of llvo different plans
for Quaking loans.
I can make any loan that can be
I inmio uy any i. ompany, nun i can
uiaki) loans that no other Company
' will make.
.1 II. llnilcv. I'hone Hliick 101
Ollleo over Paul Storey's.
w -m tt-m- "
l "HHfo-na.Mt'i hiss! yagg2UI12M