The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 13, 1916, Image 1
i V I V. i Uto HUtoi' VOLUME 1 1 It Isn't Hard To Save It is only hard to start saving, and that is only because you think it is. St&rt saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. 1 ' WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA capital ' l"lt'l'tW'ft'H' 1 ' i it .iLllllllLuUm I. . I SPRING HATS PAIL The What are your building plans for spring? House, barn, fence or coop. The time to plan is NOW. Estimates Furnished Free THE MALONE-AVERY CO. "TAIK WIT! US AMUT YMIt IHHWi FLAM" f 4 " it t"it t t i, ' L l ' ! ,1 i. II 4 lil.n.uL. Ll ill STOREY Clothier A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty RED CLOUD, XEKRASlvA. APUIL Hi. 1!M. Death Ends Suffering Of Charles Dow Kaley, While It was known to almost every one In the community t hut the end j wa in u r for Charles Mow Kuley, yet n pallor of gloom M'etneil to settle over the city on Tuesday inclining when It lii'cmiiu known he had mm rendered his , oul to it- Maker lifter making it hard light for life for the pat nine weeks. Charles Dow Kaley was the oldest one of the twobojs of Sir. and Mrs. A. I'. Kaley. Ho was born at North Haiti inoie, Ohio, and was 11 years, 10 iiinnths and 0 days of aye. most of which time having lieen spent in this pity. Health did not penult the .voting mail to llnish sehool. he being loreed ,i lion t two .veins ago to have one of his limbs iimpntnted and tills operation I appaiently did not improve Ins condi tion Hard, indeed it is hard, lothinl; Unit one with how's ability, one who re gardless of his suffering always lind u pleasant smile and a friendly "giceting for all. one who but to know was to love and one with all of life yet beiore him should be taken, yet great is the consolation to be found in the fact that lie has bettered his condition and hK suffering is over. Funeral services were held at the home this afternoon at - .'10 conducted by Rev. lieobo. MRS FRANK D.RILEY Sirs. Frank 15. Ulle.v passed away at her home at the old Holland hotel in this city on Sunday eveliiliK, April Oth, Vised 27 years, 'J months, and 4 days. The lady Had neon tn poor health tor some tituo previous and the immediate cause, of her demise was heart failure. She was the wife of Frank B. Itiley, who Is now one of the proprietors of the above mentioned hotel. The re mains were taken to her old homo at Davey, Nebraska, on Slonrlay evening for interment. ' JAMES F. SUTTON James F. Sutton known to all as "Polk" for years a rebldent of the first ward passed away at his home on Wednesday morning after an illness of considerable duration. He was born in New York state and at the time of his demise was 71 years and Sildays of age He leaves a wife and several children Funeral services will be held at the South Side Mission Friday afternoon at 2:1)0, Rev. lteebe olllciating - A Letter From Rev. W. F. Cole The followiug letter from Rev. W.F. Colo will prove Interesting reading to his many friends in this vicinity: Al,A5iOS., Coi.o., April 5, 1010. Dear Friends: I wish to write to my many friends in Red Cloud thru the columns of your paper. First I want to thank you for the many visits I have had in the past with the friends thru your' paper. We have all enjoyed the weekly visits that it has made ever since we first struck Red Cloud. I am very sorry that I did not get to Red Cloud once, more be fore Jeaviug the state. I had thought I would but I became so much worse that I was afraid to stay nuy longer. First I presume that you would Tike to know just where we are. We are just about In the center of the state east and west and about thirty miles north of the New Mexico line. Then in regard to up in the air, we are up some for we are 7540 feet above sea level. You see we are even a mile above vou neonlc. This is strictly an irrigated country. The irrigating is done by wells and a dam in the river above us. There are many targe Mow ing wells. The main crops here are potatoes, neas. barley, spring wheat and oats. I have a very good church, 130 mem bers, a nice cement block church, with basement and Sunday School rooms. Tims far our reception has been very cordial and all seem to be doing their best to make us feci at home. I am feeling very much better tho I am tiot entirely well. I do not have the asthma here at all but the brouchal tubes are soro yet and I get tired when I preach twice and teach a Sinday School class, I havo a due mens' class. Tho children are both real well and seem to like It here very much. Mrs. Cole Is not feellug very well, she was all tired out beiore suo came and then I guess that the altitude Is nffecting her a little, I think after she gets tested aud a little used to the altitude that she will bo all right. We are praying for Red Cloud these days aud are trusting that the Lord will get hold of many of the hearts of men there and lead them to accept Christ as their personal Savior. Please each one consider this a per sonal letter and write to us. Your friend and brother and family. W. P. Cole. The King's Game A five-part special feature at the Tepee tomorrow, Friday night, featur ing Pearl White one of tho famous Qold Rooster. 2 -Tr?5J?i!!5Jni3?l???15S - two Weeks Each Year For SI.BO. County Commissioners Met On Tuesday l!l.n( Lot I'. Ni in:-, April It, lull! Hoard ol Count v Commissioner met iiuisuant to adjournment. Mcmbcis pHseiit vi: T .1. hapliii. Grant Mild. Icr, W. ! Hoffman. Floyd MeCalt and l'niil Morey Chairman of said Hoard. In the matter of Joseph Sudilek ill competent whom tluaiiliao I rank I. Smliluk ha entered into a contract wih a society known ns The I'oor Slsteis of M. Francis Convent of Lafay ette, Indiana, whuiebv thi said Mteis agien to care for said .his. Sadilel. in competent so long as lie shall live aud the said Frank l Sndilek as (iiiardian and Anna I'avelka 'istcrnnd Christeiia Sadilel; havo agreed to Minister all in teioslinieal and petsoiial property due said Jos. .Nulilck fiom tho estate of, his brother Antioiin Smlilck and as piovhleii in sm'Iioii H170 of liM.'l Stat utes of Nebraska. The Hoard approv ed said contract. 'the Uo.inl settled with the Road Oveiseer of district No. h"j Alex Uucklcs was appointed Road Overseer of district No. 1 1 and the clerk was dliectud to torward a bond to him. Tho following claims were audited and allowed and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. .1 A Burden S 12 10 HP Wcesncr 23 91 W (5 Warren I (!U Anna Bolle Snuiiogle 'Jl -10 11 Ludlow 8 lit) Will Schelick 17 2.'i Dr. Hoxsey ! 0 12 A Creigliton S3 00 Dr. Damerell 33 ()0 Purmers Ind. Phone Co fi 80 Platt.t Frees 10 if. ES Carter r,D SO Fruit. Fox 0. 30 Malono-Avory Co 52 03 RoySattley 8(1 Or. C I) Robinson 110 (3 Board adjourned to May Oth. m Miss McKelghan States Facts As u candidate for the nomination for Clerk of the District Court, on tho Democratic and People's Independent ticket. 1 desire to call attention to a few facts concerning the oillce. The term of ollli'e Is four years covering the same period as that of .Judges ot the District Court. From .lanuary, 1012, to. January, 10 10, 710 cases were entered on the trial docket, of which only fourteen were criminal cases aud some of these having been continued from tho pre vious year. The business of the oillce in 101.1 was nearly double that of 11)12 OF Organdies, etc., larger cities. 7 vIL. ' 1 tVs iKLr 5-J . mm -Bom New Coat For Caster Wear Expected Thle Week R. P. Weesner & Co. Red Cloud, Nebraska I " 'an'w-!?nhp-, 0"JfiW ;(W ffjffly "MILADY BEAUTIFUL" CAN FIND THOSE TOILET TOOLS SHE DESIRES IN OUR STORE-MANICURE SETS, BRUSHES, MIRRORS, COMBS, HAIR COMBS, PINS-EVERYTHING. SHE WILL FIND A LARGE, LUXURIOUS LINE TO CHOOSE FROM. AND THE STYLES RIGHT IN KEEPING WITH THE RECENT DECREES OF "DAME FASHION." WHENEVER YOU DESIRE JEWELERY FOR YOURSELF OR FOR YOUR FRIENDS, COME, SEE, OURS-YOU WILL LIKE IT: YOU WILL BUY IT; IT WILL PLEASE YOU AND THEM AS LONG AS YOU LIVE. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT i E. H. NEWHOUSE Jowolor and Optometrist l3TC B. & Q. Watch Inspector " i, l !si'u ip uini'ii'i iiu!..! EiKjIIE i "ixipi I! rrjwiu Tho increase In tho work has made It necessary to employ assistance at times but all clerk hire has been paid iioiii my own porrtouiii iiuiiis, uuii lias inline no extra expense ior ino lax pay eis of tho county. All oillce supplies and expenses arc passed upon by the Hoard of County Commissioners before being allowed. At the close of the year 1915, tor the first time in the history ol the county, A SPECIAL Easter Showing ALL THAT IS WEW IN SILKS IF you have visited our store recently it is not necessary to tell you of the popularity of our silks or of our success in catering to the needs of the people. Besides our usual full line of plain Taffetas' Crepes, Foilles, etc., we arc showing a beauti ful line of fancy silks that have just arrived all of which make an unusually attractive Easter Showing of Silks-- As it is with our silks the same can be said of our line of wash goods-our spring and summer display of Cascade Voiles, "Woven Splash Voiles, Silk Stripe Voiles, Printed surpass any display to be found outside of the ,rmi'sii mmaimyMfi'. t i' nuaiisek t; L OTI For Your Toilel Table ji' 'x i'i, :.!ii!ii",jiiiii , & jj:..-, in "ni'j'iu: a there were excess fees In this oftleati which have been paid into the county treasury." In conducting the oillce X have endeavored tn give the publics eilleieut and economical service, which perhaps accounts for this surplus. It has been customary in this county, to re-elect county ofllcials who havei. sorved satisfactorily, to a second term,, I shall appreciate your courtesy in this. respect but solicit your support upon, my merits. Fniili L. McKr.taiiA m ill" b Al .- m vs 'ill