The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1916, Image 5

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lift' V nalL' JU7 in KiliK- i F KxmBB&SH
'frw jWlHFHHr H9IU ' hKKmHfl '
Sarah Bernhardt in Jeanne Dorc
At Tho Orpheum, Tuesday Evening. April
3Vs oU io "Xs
George Corner was in Ditto Hill,
New Summer Dress Goods now be
ing shown by Miner Uros. Co.
Mrs. C. C. MeConkey and daughter,
Miss l'earl, spent Monday lu Hasting'.
FOR SALH-An automatic sliot i;"n i
in good condition. W. u Koon.
George llradshaw, of Hlooinington,
is spending thu week in this city with
J. V. Corbett returned home Satur
day from a visit to the scenes of his
boyhood at Arthur, Illinois.
Col. U A. Fate of Cluv Center, was
attending to business alYairs in this
city the latter part of tho week.
Clark Stevens and sons Hoy mid O.
(. and daughter Miss Margaret .spent
Sunday in Smith Center with relatives.
Mrs. .J.J. Kyan after visiting rela
tives here for n few week- returned to
her home at Greeley, Colorado, Mon
day. Miss Florence Kellogg who isuttend
ing (he state normal at Kearney spent
the weekend with her parents Mr and
Mrs. John Kellogg.
Mis FIosiio McKiminey, having
closed a very successful seven months
term of school at IMison, returned
home Sunday morning.
Miss Minnie Trout, who is teaching
school at, Indiauola, spent thu week
end in this city at the homo of her
parents, Mr. and Mis Phil Trout.
Miss Mary Christian, who is teach
ing school near Funk, .spent the week
end in this city at the home of her
patents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Christian.
Mrs. Put Carpenter who was called
to this city a few months previous
owing to the serious illness of her fath
er, Polk Sutton, left Monday evening
for her home at Oakland, California.
Harry Eldredgo left the llrst of the
week for Stockton, Kansas, where he
has accepted a position in a garage at
that place, which, by the way, is oper
ated by John Schlief, a mechanic of
considerable ability, who for a number
of years was employed in this city.
I.oyd Hines after spending the pRSt
two months at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hines, left
Wednesday morning for Chicago
where he reports for rehearsal with
one of the Hingliug Bros circus bauds
preparatory to the opening of the sum
mer season.
We Satisfy That Hungry Feeling
It Depends On You. If You Want The Best We Have It
"Welcome Things"
The Spring Time Brings
rrmsh mtrawberrl
Every day is bringing In
new shipments of wonderfully
delicious Louisiana berries,
the very best to be had at this
store; pint boxes at - - 5c
Rmdlaheat extra large
round variety, tender and
crisp, per bunch 5c
Fresh Carrots per
bunch 10c
Tomatoes, linn, smooth
and good color, per lb. 5c
Loaf Lettuco that is
cstt a nice
F. G.
K It. Slawbon spent Saturday in
Phone today your Potato Order to
Miner Pros. Co
Joseph Martin attended a cattle sale
lit Wymote, Saturday.
Who was the llrst man to pay put
cash for cream. .1. 0 C.w.mvr.i.i..
lMnvil Mi'ChII tiift Mutiiliiv ninrnliur
foP omnlm to iittoml to some business
Mr. and Mis Frank Sutton left .Mon
day for Omaha at which place Frank
Intends to complete Ills course In tele
graphy. District Judge I lurry S. Dungan of
Hastings, was attending to matters
connected with his otllce, Jin this city
on Friday
Mrs. V. P. Medlar, after spending
several days with her parents at Clay
Center, returned to her homo on Fri
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James Sllvey of lua
vale, spent Sunday lu this city with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. I).
Frank Cassll of tho Orpheum theatre
returned home the last of the week
from Lincoln and Omaha, where lie
had been attending to business affairs.
V. L. Weesner returned home Sat
urday morning from Kansas City,
to which place he had accompanied a
shipment of stock.
Mrs. H. C. Hubbel and daughter and
Mr. Frank Koyce of Lebanon, Kansas
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Gilliam the latter part of the week.
Mesdames Grant Turner and Charley
Kldredge, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moede
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bliss
and fuinlly. and t). . Stevens went to
Uluo Hill, Monday mottling, to attend
the golden wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. Wllliutn Moede.
Dr. Stockman accompanied Harry
Yost to Lincoln Friday where the
young man underwent an operation for
appendicitis. The doctor returned
homo the llrst of the week and reports
Harry as having stood the operation in
tine form and that-he is doing as well
as could be expected.
Phil Sherwood, Charles Sherer, Ktnll
Polnicky, Laird Potter and the Misses
Bertha Doyle, Fay Tcel, Oessie Taylor,
Margaret Beal, Marie Bollistcr, Mamie
Peihcr nud Grace Sherer returned to
Lincoln, Monday, to resume their
studies at the state university, after
having spent the spring vacation under
their various paternal roofs.
White Houe-Baby
no small beets in a can 15c
Per Can
Per Do.en
"Old Master Coffee"
absolutely best to be had.
per pound 40c
San Mar to Coffee
should bo used In e.sery homo
that is now paying Ittc a pound
for coffee, This coffee 30c
''WW fvv Av A'WrfW,W
White House Tomatoes
reUlu their delicious natural
tluvor, Per can 8c
I Insure yntir Farm Property with
Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman
tor the
Farm Central Mutual Fire
i Insurance Co.,
Hastings, Nebraska
FitONE.s Olllcc. Ml; l'esidciice. lT.'.O
' A sane, -aft", sound and economical
plan of flro, lighti.Ing mid tornadb
Will your policy soon expire?
Write tne and lot mo explain. No
obligation on your part.
Buy your Urocertes of Miner Hro9. Co.
Father Fitzgerald spent Friday in
Mrs. KdgarCowden went to Cowles,
Tuesday, to visit relatives.
Hon. 0. W. Llndsey spent tho week
end in Hastings and Lincoln
Buy your buggy whips at FogelV.
F.very tenth whip given away.
W. II. Rosencrans was looking nftor
real estate business In Blue Hill oil
Vanii: ."0 to So lbs., thrifty stock
hogs. Will pay premium over market
price. C. 11. Miner Scrum Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Hay Simpson are tho
proud parents of a baby girl which ar
rived at their home Tuesday morning
Mioses Helen Kendall and Margaret.
Sweet of Superior spent the weekend
lu this city the guests of Miss Allison
Attorney L H. Blackledgo went to
Lincoln Monday morning to attend to
legal alfalrs now pending before the
Supreme com t.
Charley 'Pennant after spending the
winter with relatives in this vicinity
left Monday morning for his home at
Calgary, Canada.
Mrs. John MeCraeUen, of Kivertoti,
mother of Mrf. Dan M. Outlier, spout
the weekend In this city at the home
of her daughter.
Mis. U. H. Gilmoro of Guide Bock
spent the weekend at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Lewis Kent, who resides
southeast of this city.
Dr. llobt Mitchell returned home
Saturday morning from Pueblo, Col
orado, where he was called by tho seri
ous Illness of his brother-in-law, Mr.
Ed Taylor.
Howard Yost wont to Lincoln, Satur
day motning, to spend a few days with
his brother, Harry, who recently under
went an operation for appendicitis at
that place.
Dr. C. W. Caldwell returned to his
home at Slater, Missouri, Monday
morning, after n short visit at the
home of his brother, Attorney E. G.
Caldwell and fiimily.
Mr. and Mts. Charles Aniack and
family of Oxford and Mr. and Mr.
Curt Wilson and family of McCook
wero in the city Monday attending the
funeral of Bert Person.
Mr. and Mis. Chas. Woods nnd
Claude Woods returned fiom Belle
ville, Kansas, on Sunday night being
called to that place about a week ago
owing to the serious illness of Mrs.
County Superintendent Gertrude L.
Coon mid City Supeiintendent Prof.
Whitehead returned (he last of the
week from Central City where they
were in attendance at an Educational
Mrs. Hiwry Burden, sister-in-law of
Mrs. Frank El linger, returned to her
home at Axtell, Monday, after spend
ing several days at tho Frank Elliuger
home northeast of this city. .Mrs,
frank ijiuuger accompanied ner hs
fur as Hastings,
Ripe Olives In Bulk
direct from California, extra
nlt'e 35c t
A Full Line
of -
Garden and Flower
Pure Jams, quart Jars
Blackberry, ltnspberry and
Strawberry. Per (t jar 30c
Gasafras Bark
A good Spring Tonlo. Per
package Qc
11 C Schultz Is on the sick list this
The theatre going public of this clt
was treated to quite u little out of the
ordinary on last Monday evening at
the Orpheum At this time Manager
Frank Cassll gave his pultons two
acts of Vaudeville besides the tegulur
live reel progi am which included the
fourth Instiilliueut of that interesting
serial "The Broken Coin.' It sure
made some hit-two cupacllity houses
mid many were the remaiks that Mr.
Cassll may see his way clear to repeat
the vaudeville attractions at frcipient
Mr. Keith Neville, of North Platte,
Democratic candidate for the nomina
tion of governor of this great state of
Nebraska, is in the city today the
guest of Attorney Bernard McNeny.
We acknowledge a pleasant call from
the gentleman, and wo are also pleased
to state that In our judgment Mr.
Neville possesses tlioso earmarks es
sential for one seeking such u high
honor. With tho withdrawal of W. K
Stoecker, of Omaha, from the guberna
torial race, It look's to us as if Mr.
Neville had clear sailing.
Week Marks Passing
Of Three Citizens
Gilbert Ashton Person
After making a hard light for life
for the past year and a half Gilbert
Ashton Person passed away Saturday
noon at his home lu the west part of
this city.
He was born October 2:., HT7, at
Harmonv. Warren county, New Jer
soy, and moved with his parents to
Kansas in the spring of 1SS0 and there
grow to manhood. In the fall of t stilt
he came to Bed Cloud and was united
in marriage to Miss Dottle May Wilson
on March .'Id, P.iOt, and to this union
wore born four children who together
with his wife, three brothers and two
.listers arc loft to mourn his early
The funeral services were conducted
at the Methodist church Monday after
noon, Kov. Myers olllciatiug, and the
I. O. O. F. lodge conducting tho ser
vices at the grave.
Mrs. Harriet R. Mountford
Mrs. Harriet Kuth Mountford, wife
of Chas. Mountford, passed away at
tho homo of her father, Frank Cirahaiu,
who resides in the east part of this
city, on Saturday, after several weoks
Illness. Tho lady was no years, 1
month nhd 'JS days of age and leaves
besides her husband, one daughter,
ouo sister, two brothers and a father
to mourn her early demise, She was
married in October 1007 to Charles
Funeral services were conducted at
the Mt. Hope church, by Kov. lrimcs,
on Monday and interment was made
in the Mt. Hope cemetery
Mrs. Anna Marker
Mrs. Anna Murker passed away at
her home In Catheitou precinct on
Saturday, April 1st. The funeral ser
vices wero held at the New Virginia
M. K. church on Sunday April '.'ml.
Will Boren Weds
Miss Flora Shute
On Sunday morning at ten o'clock,
at the home of Rev. G. W. Hummel,
with tills distinguished divine olllciat
iug, occurred the wedding of Mr. Will
iam T. ltoren utid Miss Flora D. Shute.
itoth of the contracting parties are
well and favorably known in this com
munity, the groom being the sou and
only child of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Uoren,
old and highly respected residents of
this county, und the bride being a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (ieorgo
Shute, who for years have resided in
Joweli county, Kansas.
William T., liorcn was born and rais
od in this county and since Jenving
school has been engaged in farming
with his father. He is a young man of
industrious disposition and possesses
those qualifications essential in mak
ing for his bride a home equal to', any.
Miss Shute is a graduate of the Red
Cloud High school and for the past'
few terms has taught school at Dickens
in Lincoln county. Sh'e Is a young
lady, who besides being 'fair boilr' of
face and figure, possesses that quality
which plainly demonstrates she will In'
every way put forth an equal share to
ward tho making of a huppy home.
The young couplo have gone to
housekeeping on the farm of the late
K. N. Roberts southwest of this city.
The Chief pauses to join with their
many friends in wishing thorn a long,
happy and prosperous life.
Don't monkey with Loan Companies
that arc not ready at any and all times
to close your loan without delay. 1
have some piivatu money to loan and
an unlimited amount of eastern money.
I have the lowest rate in tho state
with your choice of live different plans
for making loans,
1 can iniiku any loan that can he
made by any Company, and I can
tunica loans that no other Company
will make,
J. II. Pulley. Phone Pluck In I
Olllce over Paul Storey's.
U Tkfl TVnii1 ;
w) l2LM
rpS j a 0 i r
Jhe Qomden-Kaley Qlotbing Qo.
Every tenth buggy whip free at
Miss Laura Hedge spent Saturday lu
Seed Sweet Potatoes forsule..-Henry
(!. Dlcderlch.
Mrs. liiicniii White went to (tulde
Koek, Tuesday, to visit relatives.
Miss llaol Koblnson went to Lin
coln, Tuesday, to attend the wedding
of her cousin.
Jack Wisecurvor is now driving a
now Foid cur which he purchased of
Havel .t Corner.
W. V. Deal has gnuo to Alliunco
where hu will spend the summer with
his two boys and look after land Inter
ests at that place.
We are in the market for 100 to 1Q5
pounds Shouts at market prico deliver
ed at Seiuiu Plant. Will pay for do
livery to plant. C. H. Miner Serum
Karl L. Spcnce, of Franklin, famous
us a nowspupor man likewise mi aspir
ant for public olllco spmit. the weekend
lu this vicinity repairing Ills political
w - . O ' 1
I tmBMfltg 111
This Week's Program
In rive Acts a and tOe
Plot And Counterplot 2-Recl Imp Drama
Dads Dollars and Dirty Doings 2-Reel Comedy
The Strong Arm Squad 1 -Reel Rex Drama
That $675,000 Action
Charlie Chaplin-The Funniest Man in the World
Broken Coin No. 5 Rolloux Whips A Dozen
Sea Dogs and Land Rats L Ko-Komedy
Daughter of Romance Big 2-Reel Western Picture
Sarah Bernhardt in Jean Dore In Five Acts
(Tristan Ueitiard's (Jreat Tragedy)
Clara Kimball Young in "Trilby" 5 Acts
HJllil. All
You've heard about I he
nation-wide move in e n 1
against misrepresen ting
goods for sale.
Here's our viewpoint: we
are in business to increase
sales from year to year.
To do this requires the
confidence of the nconle.
And to get this confidence
truth is an essential.
We believe that every
article we sell, whether it
be a collar button or a suit
of clothes, is worth every
cent we ask for it some
times more. We want you
to feel the same way after
you buy a thing.
If you should not feel
that way, the greatest
favor you can do yourself
and us is to bring it back
and give us your reasons.
We're open to argument
and want you to be. too.
Will you come in and
pass judgment on our
Spring stock of men's
Order your Seed Potatoos front
Miner ltros. Co.
Kd Uurr of (Juido Ihiclc was in tho
city Wednesday.
Davo Salt.tnuu catno down "from
Urund Island, Monday evening
I.T Amuck was attending to busk
ness alVulrs In Hustings on Monday.
Hlton Pope returned homo this week
from Uuiikloinaii where he closed n
successful term of school.
Mr. nnd Mrs Orrln Hedge, and family
returned homo Saturday from Kene
suw where they had been visiting rela
tives. Wa.vii.ii One farmer in each local
ity to act as our agent for Auburn
Light "Sixes". SK8" f'o b Auburn,
Indiana. Write or telephone Hcrck &
.laden, Hustings, Xebrask.i.
On lust I hursduy evening the Exe
cutive Board of tho Chamber of Com
itieice met mill tunong other business
manors attended to wus tho closing of
a leuso on their present quarters for
ahother year with the privilege of
three years at the rate of SJ7.r0 per