The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1916, Image 4
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nobrnslm PUDL1SHKD EVKHY THURSDAY Entered In tin I'ofiliillUnnt lUd loid,.tb. n Hccond nnwi Mnttir A 11. MtAUTHUU IM'iimhiii.i: tub only nr.Mm uath pai'I-k WKIINTKU COUNTY IN Political Announcements '.Announcements Arc Run Under This Head For tlio Sum of Flvo Dollurs, Which Must Do Cash in Advance. Our Columns Arc Opi-n For Any Legitimate Advertising and We Wei come Announcements Regardless of Party Affiliations. FOR COl'NTY CLHRK I lierel)) announce iiijsolf 11 can (Dilate for tlu olllcis of County Clurli of "Webster County, mibject to tlio will of tho voters of tin- DeiuuuTHtlu mid Peoples Independent, imrty nt tlio -primary election to be held Apiil 1H, I'JIO, U. 1 I'nmv. .FOR CMJRK OF DISTRICT COURT I hereby annonnco myself us n oiiikII tluto for the notnlnutlon, for a second term, hr ClerU of tlio District Court. Mjbject to the will of tlio Democratic and Peoples Independent voter tit the primary election to be hold April 1H, "1H10. Km i it L. McKkioiian FOR COUNTY ATTORNKY. I hereby announce myself umi ciindi date for renoinlnation ns county attor ney of Webster county, subject to the voters of tlio Democratic, and Peoples Independent parties nt tlio primary to beheld Apt 11 18, 11)10. I will appreciate your support for n fcccond term. Fiiank .1. Mi'ndav. FOR COl'NTY COMMISSIONER 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for "tljo nomination of County Commissioner for district I, subject to the will or tho Democratic and Peoples Independent voters at the primary election to be held Apt II 18, lino. A. It. CiiAim.i. FOR COUNTY JI'DtiH 1 hereby announce, myself as a ran didatc for the olllce of County .Indue, Bt the primary election to lie hold on tho Ititli day of A pi 11, llUO, subject to the will of tho qmilllied electors of Webster County. A. D. RANNKY. as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Statu Senator, UOth Dlsirlct, H.ibject to tlio decision of the primary election, April 18th, 1010, and will appreciate ymir support. Cux H. SAMfi t.Sos F0RC0L'NTY"slinRIFF I hereby announce myself as n candi date for the otllce of Sheriff of Webster County, at th" primary election to be held on tin- lHth day of April lOlH.stib Ject to the will of the Democratic voters of Webster county. Fiiank llrrn it The robins, blackbirds and a host of songster) say that spring has arrived but have you quit using coal'.' When Is spring anyway? The American importers along tho Mexican border seem to be taking lessons fiom tlio'J'iirhs. One day Villa Is surrounded, the next day ho is not surrounded, ho has lost a leg, ho has not lost a leg, ho will bo captured In u very few hours, he has escaped and so on and so forth. These enterprising repot tors scorn to think that the American people UUo to have some thing to thrill over, at any ruto they aro doing their level best to keep on tho front pugo of all dallies. When the Turks resort to misrepresentation we say that they arc very subtle mid sly and that theypertoim that was be causo"tls their nature to" but When our own cltlens tic tho same methods It biings to mind a snappy word some times used by one of our ex-Presidents. J.EPRKSKNTAT1VK tilth DISTRICT I hereby announce myself as a candi date for reuomlnatioii for tho olllco of Hepresontutlvoof tliu Kith disttict sub ject to the will of tho Democratic and Peoples Independent votcis, at the finniury election to bo held April IStli. d. W. I.IMiSUY. FOR COUNTyThERIFF 1 hereby announce myself as a can didiito for tlio olllco of Shell IV or Webster County, at the primary elec tion to bo hold on tho IStli day of April 101(1, subject to the will t the ltopublican voters of Webster County. OLIVER 1). HKDC.E. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER 1 wish to announce that I am a can didate for tlio nomination of County Commissioner Disttlcl Number One of Webster county, subject to the will of the DcmocintU' voteiMif said district. A. 11. lIRKiHT. JFOR COL'NTY "sl'lMCltlNTENDENT I hereby announce myself as a cm didatc for the iinmluatioil of County Superintendent at the prluiaiy eleo tion to lie held ou the IStli of April. 1010. subject to the will ot the Demo cratic anil Peoples Independent voter of Webster county. OERTRUDE h. COON. The board of education has n hard nut to crack. The bids for tho new high school building arc about fifty per cent in excess of available funds and it looks liko everything would have to bo done over again. It has been suggested by u number of pei sons that to duplicate tho Lincoln building would bo an excellent solution of the problem. That building was erected at n, cost of S'Jo.oOO and it would seem that it would bo large enough for the high school. The Intel lor would need dlilerent airaugemonts but that ought not to ho very expensive. Allowing fifty percent increase to tlio cost of materials the Lincoln building could bo duplicated ami still remain within the S.l),0o() voted. Wo imdor.tand that tho board already has tho plans unil .specifications for that building. This suggestion is worthy of careful consideration and it might incut all the needs of the district. Plan to witness Small liernhardt's last anil greatest iic'iic.U'inent, a live act tragedy, which will be shown at iho Orphcum ou next Tuevhiy even-lug. POLITICAL ADVERTISING FOR COUNTY TREASURER 1 deslio to announce myself as u candidate for the nomination for county treasurer for a second teim, subject to the will of the Republican Progressive Parties, at tho primary election, April 18, 1010. U. D ROUINSON. FOR COUN I Y ATTORNEY I hereby announce myself a can didate for t'ie nomination of County Attornoy subject to the will of the .Republican party, at tho primary April 18, HUG. Your support will be appreciated. HOWARD S. FOE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSION Bit I hereby announce myself ns a cundl flate for County Commissioner of tho 4th district subject to the will of the republican and progressive parties nt the primary to be held April 18th. R. W.Koonw; JX)R CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tho olllce of Clerk of tho Dis trict Court, at the Primary Election to 1m held April 18th, 1010, subject to.tho Tote of tho Democrats of Webster county. Your support will bo appro elated. Geo. W. lltnciiwm. JUDGE ALBERT J. CORNISH Political Advertisement FOR STATE TREASURER HARRY ADAMS Democratic Candidate Prtsint Tnasurtr of Dawts County A vote for him means, placing the State Treasury on a proper footing and the elimination of the present method of public office for personal and family benefit. Vote for Harry Adams, a real democrat, for State Treasurer. LaaaaifeteiJLt mA J tJaaaaaaaaaaX ttJaaaaaaaBi cBTaTaTaBBBBBTaL HBBBBBBBH MAYOR CHAS. W. BRYAN Democratic Candidate For Governor .Mayor Itryan favors the re-election of President Wilson, Endorses business administration of tiovernor Morchead. Mayoi III van is urging u reduction of telephone rates lie defeated lira in surance combine bill In last legislature, savitiK tire policy-holders probably 8sOO,(K)0.()0 annually, and will continue to favor competition in rates. Ftvoi sclentllh good roads building under supeiislon of state and county etiyi. neei.s. Favois rural credits systci foi funnel.. Favors stati) hull insurance Urges public development of water power to furnish cheap elt'ctrii-ctirrcut to light homes and opento m.icliiui's on farms and in factories, to suppl.v heat mid to oper.ite intui urban rail ways. 'these practicil and constructive measures in o tu operation in other parts of tho country hut impossible in Nebraska on account of inteif-ronee of special interests umlor leadership of liooe interests anil their lobbyists Help drive them out and legislate for Xchraslut people the same as has been done for Lincoln people. Free the party and party machinery from inter ference of the special Interests, and elect all county mid state oltlcers under the leadership of Mayor Ilryan ascandl date for governor, who has had experi ence In executive a Hairs and who lias a record of achievement in Lincoln. Primaries April 18. NEW ARRIVALS -""--airBsjBarMM iwaMrjrM- i m7wmmmmmmtmmmmmmsmmmmmBtMnmm New Spring Suits! --.. irar'-jrarararBrBrararararararBrfBramrfiaanM mmmmmmimmammmmmmmmmmmmmm New Spring Coats! New Summer Press Goods! New Summer iHunsinS Knit Underwear! Always the Best of Groceries! Trade With Us And Save Money On Your Purchases The Miner Bros. Co. General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" Political Advertisement "VIC" WILSON For State Railway Commissioner The dsmocrntlc candidate who chnrncs thnt the present commission f.ivors the corporations. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I hereby announce myself as ncandl date for nomination for the oflice of County Assessor subject to the voters of the Republican and 1'roRresslve parties nt tho Primary to be held .April 18th, 1010. (. V. lll'MMEI.. TOR KBPKKSKNTAT1VK 40th D1ST I hercbv announce invself ns ivnumll. "ilttto for nomination for the olllce of .Representative of the 40th district sub ject to the will of the voters of the Republican paity attho Primary, Apiil J8th. Ciiaki.kv llr.Ti:u. Candidate for Judge of the Su preme Court. Is now serving his twenty-first year as judge of the district court of Lan caster County. Reputed to have a profound knowl edge of the law, absolutely Impartial and human In his Judgments. Matur, but vigorous and active. His neighbors have five times want cd him to be their Judge. POLITICAL ADVKUTISING WHAT AND FOR WHOM ARE YOl'? TOUREPRKSHNTATIVB 10th D1ST. 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for nomination fo'r the olllce of Representative of tho Itlth district sub jfet to tho will of tho voter, of the Demociatle party at the Primary, April iSth. W. II.Ci.mi). FOR COUNTV'COMMISSIONHR I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination of County Commissioner for disttict J, subject to tho will of the Demnciatie voters at the primary election to be held April J8th. J. A. McAltilirii. FOR STATE SENA'! OR !Mth DIST. 1 heieby announco that 1 havo filed .rassYBBBs. BBBBBBBkVHl BBBBBBBBBh? y Ba BBBBBBBLBBHiBBBW- -""s .H BBBBBBBbTO" " bbbbbbHbk s BBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV BBbBbU &rJS'.'.. . && y- PyTv "t? " ss.'M';.'1. VA tw'yJ , Si SJ Author of Bank Guaranty and other laws. Stands for restricting public service corporations to a reasonable return jpon the values of their properties, ind efficient service. "WIN WITH WILSON" , Primary Election April 11, 1911 CHI-NAM-EL Is The Finest Thing To "Brighten Up The Corner Where You Are" Yon can varnish in any color and do your own (i'iiiniii(. A half pint will po over six chairs and a table. The clear Clii-natn-cl is the best lloor varuiMi you can set ami tho Linoleum Varnish is especially prepared for use ill Linoleum and Oil Cloth. Try them once and you will use them acMln. CHAS. L. COTTING, the druggist 'NjsXsNsVs NNsVvVVJ. I s s I ARE you for America. FIRST'.' ARK you for PEACE; Peace and Prosperity; Peace with HONOR? If yes, you arc for Wood row Wilson. THEN, vote for an original Wilson man; vote lor Wm. M. PEEHLER for UeleKate, to St. Louis. A icsident ot Nuckolls County for mate than a thiul of a century; Seivcd as County Judo eleven ycats; ALL THE TIME A DEMOCRAT IF you mean Wihon, vote for Peeb ler; if elected he will stand without hltchiup. If you mean Wilson, Primary Day, mark opposite Pcebler's name. Pilmary Apiil IStli, UUO. ARTHUR F. MULLEN Omaha, Neb. Candidate for fylember of the National Committee of the Dem'ocratlc Party for the State of Nebraska Primaries April 18 VOTE FOR HIM Ncm Rate en Farm Loans 1 can now nrnlu you a lower rate on Farm Loans than was over made in tills county batons Rest option given mid money always ready. I also havo pilvato money to loan on leasonable terms. Please write mo or call for me at State It ink, Red Cloud.-0. V. Catli-er. Road ie Chief. ". pJBM :BSt. v w IBBBBBBBBBBI nrr 1SBBBBaBAA'.',':?x BpBpSBI - vj, "Ss BBBBBBaT?7 bbbVbBHRIp'',vC' aaBft BBBBBBBBBBVilSBVb HHlllfe VS' BBBBBBBBBBBBBWs9WV4MIWsl?iflFJ bHbjBw?vv-' Are You Wasting The Price Of a Titan Engine? 'TPITAN engines run on kerosene. Average cost of gasoline so far this year, 16.9 cents per gallon. Average cost of kerosene 7. 7 cents per gallon. Gasoline costs over 100 per cent more than kero sene. Gasoline is going up steadily. Kerosene js not. At present fuel prices Titan engines, using kero sene, save their owners about 1. 1 cents per horse power per hour. Are you running a gasoline engine ? What horse power is it? Figure what you'd be saving if you had a Titan kerosene engine. Rather surprising isn't it? How long would it take that saving to pay for a Titan engine of the same size ? International Harvester Company of America (bctvrperttcJ) Titan kerosene engines are told by J. H. Morris, Riverton, Neb. KARL L. SPENCE Editor of o -! Franklin County News .' . Franklin, Nebraska -.. Republican and Progressive Candidate for State Senator 20th District In the County Court of Webster founly Nebraska. STATllMI'N'I'lll'.AMvA. I . I Webster County, 1 I. tlio mutter ot tlio estate ot Mary (iimhllc ilicenhod Franklin, Webster and Nuckolls Counties C'lti:ilT()K8of salil istatowlll take notlro. Your Support Will 13a Appreciated that tho tlmo llnillnl (or preistiuatloii ami limit; 01 cininis:i'':iiiiKi tiio Mime iU( tobcr Crr! Of Thanks Wo wiMi to tluink tin- frli'inl. ami ui'iuliliors for tl, oh' ax'lhtinco iltnitiw tlu hii'Un-Miiiil liiitli of our l)tslovvl wifu uiiil tliinulitor. Oliarlov Mountfoiil. 1m link (iialiiiui aiulolillilron. llth, t'JIli; ami for thu pay incut ot ilchts Is Marili Ttli, 1U17, that 1 W!I i.t nt tho county com t loom In b.ild county on the UUli day ot Oi'tobtr lUlil, nt 10 o'clock u. in., to re echo, cxnnilui', hear, allow, or adjust all claliui anil objection duly tiled. Dated this tTIi d.iy ot March, A. I)., Illlil, (Seal.) A. I). HANNI'.Y, i.'ounty Imltfc. Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory CONht'LTATtoV VXD ExAMl.VATIO.V Fnr.l. 'Obteopathy tho Sotenco of llcaling by Adjustmotil." Given to the World by A. T. Still, A. I). 1671. OFFICE OVER SMITH SHOE STORE Horn Phones RED CLOUD, NEDU i H 1 '? .- & m t v- W