The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1916, Image 3

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Items of General Interest Gathered
from Reliable Sourcci Around
the State House.
Western Newspaper Union News Servle.
Hlxty-suvcn Nebraska IiIrIi schools
npiieur on tho uccroditud list of sec
ondury bcIiuoIb of tlio state, as un
proved (his spring by tho North Cen
tral Association of CoIIckcs and Sec
ondary Schools. Nine new secondary
uchools appear on tho list: Alma.
Madison, Nelson, North Horn!, Osceola,
b'ldnoy .StronisburB, West Point nnd
York academy.
The higher Institutions of Nebraska
upprovod by tho association aro the
college of liberal arts of CrolRhton
university, l)oaiu llastliiRS, Nebraska
Wesleyan, Kearney and Peru state
norniul schools, nnd tho University ol
Tho list of accredited high schools
follows: Albion, Alliance, Alma, Ash
land, Auburn, Aurora, lleatrlce, lien
son, Llalr, Broken Bow, Central City,
Columbus, Crete, K.ilrbury. Knlrllold,
Fairmont, Kails City, Kranklln acad
emy, Fremont, Friend, Fullcrton,
Geneva, Gothenburg, Grand Island,
Harvard, Hastings, Hastings academy,
Havclock. Hebron, Holdrege, Hum
boldt, Kearney, Kimball county high
school, Lexington, Lincoln, Teachers'
collego high Bchool, McCook, Madison,
Mluden, Nebraska City, Nelson, Nor
folk, North Bend, ' North Platto,
Brownell hall, Crclghton ncademy,
Omaha, Omaha South high school
Osceola, Pawnee, Itavcnna, Bed Cloud
Schuyler, Scottsbluff, Soward, Shelton
Sidney, Stromsburg, Superior, Tecum
Boh, Tokamah, University Place, Wes
Icyun academy, Wahoo, West Point
York, York academy.
Two Room Structure for the Deer
Creek District.
Stato Superintendent Thomas has
Information concerning a practical
demonstration of the Interest awak
ened in rural school district No. 10 In
Madison comty. This is known as
tho Door Creek school district. The
district contains twolvo and three
fourths sections of land with an as
sessed valuation of $144,129.
At a special meeting, held recently,
tho district voted a levy of $5,000 for
tho purpose of rrecting n modern two
room school building. Tho architect
employed by tho board has drawn
plana providing two rooms, each 33x33
feet, with twelve-foot ceilings, tho
rooms separated by folding partition
which may bo opened to mako ono
largo assembly, room for community
center meetings. Tho basement will
havo fuel room, furnaco room, gymna
sium, manual training room, sewing
room, domestic science room, nnd girls'
toilet. Water will bo piped from a
windmill to a supply tank, and a sewer
ISO feet in length will provide drain
age. Tho school rooms will havo
modern equipment, proper lighting,
nnd tho grounds will ho mado attrac
tive. A rural high school is already
rrmlntalnoil in this district.
Rural Community Confernce.
A conference for rural llfo workers
will bo hold at tho Collego of Agrl
culturo from Jnno 14 to 23, 1910. It
Is not tho purposo of tho conforonco
to provldo Instruction In tochnlcal
ngrlculturo, but rather to discuss
means and methods for bringing about
a bettor rural community llfo. Tho
program will Include lectures nnd dis
cussions on the rural church, Its
function nnd program; tho consoli
dated school; recreation In rural com
munities; boys' and girls' clubs; farm
management; rural cconmlcs; valuo
of soil culturo, and animal husbandry.
It Is expected to havo present Prof.
C. J. Galpln, lecturer on rural sociol
ogy of tho University of Wisconsin;
O. H. nenson, national leader of boyB'
and girls' clubs, of tho United States
department of agriculture: Mrs. Nel
lie P. Snydor, canning demonstrator,
of tho aamo department, nnd Herbert
M. Morao, who has had extenslvo ex
perience with religious and social sup
Teachers Elect Officers.
Tho-southeastern Nebraska Teach
ers' association at tho Friday after
noon meeting in Lincoln, elected tho
following officers: Presldont, Mrs. T.
F. A. Williams, Lincoln; vico presl.
dont, J. K. Campbell, Wymore; secre
tary, Miss Frances Chatburn, Tecum
eah; treasurer, E. Q. Hopkins, Wllbor;
exocutlvo commltteo, Earl Meyer, Ge
neva; J. A. Doremus, Auburn; MIsa
T. F. A. Williams, Lincoln. Six hun
dred and flfty-flvo tcarhors registered
at tho association Friday morning.
Stato Treasurer Georgo Hall has
given out a statement that ho has
been advised by tho attorney general's
offlco that ho is fully warranted In
paying out claims to tho secretaries
of a number of stato boards, among
them tho boards of health, pharmacy,
optometry, osteopathy, rmbalraers nnd
veterinary oxnmlners. Tuoso boards
havo been paying their fees Into tho
state treasury to bo hold In trust.
Treasurer Hall nnnouncos that In tho
future ho will countersign warrants
signed by their secretaries, and allow
he money to bo withdrawn.
April 10 to 15 Nebinska Clean-up nni
Palntup Week.
April 22 State Letter Carriers' Con
ventlon at Grand Island.
April 2S 29 Stato T. P. A. Convention
at AUInuci.
April IS -Nebraska Primary Electlor
April 21 25-Sav:uinah to Seattle High
way Convention at Omaha.
May 2 Omaha-Llncoln-Denver Good
Bonds nssc'lutloii convention nt
May 10 to IS Statr. G. A. R. Encamp
nient nt Lexington.
May ir.-18-Slnte Dental Society an
nual convent ion at Lincoln.
May 17 -Nebtnskn Bankets' conven
tion, Group Ono. at Uentilce.
May 24-25 State Association of Com
mercial Clubs' Convention at Omaha.
Juno 5 and C Pageant of Lincoln,
presenting "The Gato Cit "
Juno 50 Spanish War Veterans'
Stato Convention at North Platte.
Juno 12 to 15 Tra-is-Miosisslppi Bak
ers' Ass'n convention at Otuahn.
Juno 13 to 10 Stato P. E. O. Conven
tion nt Alliance.
Juno 13-1 1-15 Grent Western Handi
cap Tournnmont nt Omahn.
Juno 19-20-21-22 American Union of
Swedish Slngetn, West. 1)1 v., con
certs nnd convention nt Omaha.
Juno 20 to 21 State Stockmen's con
vention at Alliance.
Juno 21 to 23 FiatcrnnI Order of
Eagles, Btato mooting nt Lincoln.
Although Norfolk got a majority ot
tho votes cast In a county Beat re
moval contest, tho county sent will
remain at Madison for unother two
years at least. Norfolk polled 2,875
votes, Madison 2,504, giving Norfolk
53 per cent of tho total of tho 7,459
votes. Sixty per cent was required
by law to make tho change. Tho larg
est vote ever cast In Madison county
prior to this was less than 4,300. Mad
ison's campaign was mado upon the
Issue that removal would Increase
taxes. Norfolk urged Its railroad cen
ter nnd tho fact that It Is tho melt op
oils of tho county as a reason for
Additional advances In tho prices
of farm Implements havo been an
nounced by agricultural machinery
houses In this tenltory. Perhaps tho
most notable Increase, because of Its
proportions, Is a ralso of from 5 to
15 per cent In tho pi Ice ot farm gaso
lino tractors. Tractor manufacturers
declare that they are being utterly
Ignored by steel mills, who are entire
ly occupied with filling orders for
war munitions.
Consldotlng tho poor hay crop and
Boft corn John Peterson of Stanton
county did unusually well with n
bunch of cattle ho has fed for about
flvo mouths. Last November ho
bought fifty-two head ave: aging nt
that time 8S7 pounds nnd costing
$7 00. Last week tho snmo bunch of
stock averaging 1,210 pounds sold at
$9.10, a gain of 323 pounds in weight
nnd $2.10 In price.
Secretary Conners of the Grand Is
lnnd Commercial club has received
news that Grand Island Is to huvo n
now Union Pacific depot nt once. Tho
news was contained in a letter from
President Mohler of tho Union Paci
fic dcclailng that an appropriation for
tbo samo had been authorized and
thnt tho architect was completing
plans and details of them at Omaha.
Following a government statement
that meat pi Ices aru 12.7 per cent
higher than tho last Hlx-year average,
end probably higher than ever befoic.
It. C. Howe, manager of Armour &
Co., packers, Bald recently while In
Omaha that he believes tho limit has
been reached, and that unless prices
go down, tho people will quit buying
Tho announcement that Hastings
soon will start eleven mlleB of new
paving, that four or flvo now business
buildings nro to start soon nnd that
contracts already havo been left for
moro than n acoro of new modern
homes, hns attracted scores of labor
ers and mechanics from Nebraska
and adjoining states.
Tho annual convention of tho Ne
braska Fraternnl Order of Eagles If
scheduled to tako place In Lincoln on
Juno 21, 22 and 23.
Word has been rocolved In Omaha
from Savannah, Ga., of tho great In
terest being taken there In tho pro
posed Savannah to, Seattlo transconti
nental highway, which It Is proposed
to outllno and mnp off at a big moot
Ing to bo held In Omaha April 24
to 25.
Gago county's fourth gopher exter
mination club has been organized nt
Fllley. Thlrty-slx fanners residing
on tho various sections of tho town
ship wero named to havo chargo of
tho extermination work.
Twenty-two blocks of tho residence
portion of Kearney, comprising ono
paving district, will bo paved this
sprlqg. This makes approximately
forty blocks of paving to bo contract
ed for this spring.
Tho city of Albion Is contemplating
tho construction of a $50,000 hotol. A
subscription campaign is now on. An
Omaha concern offors to loan half the
necessary funds.
Officials of tho Burlington rnllrond
have promised tho city of Scottsbluff
a new passenger station to bo com
pleted Bometlme during the next ysar.
Stop That Ache !
Don't worry about a bad back.
Got rid of It. Probably your kid
neys nro out of order, llesumo sen
Blblo habits nnd holp tho kidneys.
Then, kidney backache will go;
also tho dizzy spells, lameness, Btlft
ncss, tired feelings, nervousness,
iheumntlc pains nnd bladder trou
bles. Uso Donn's Kidney Pills.
Thousands recommend them.
A Kansas Case
Mis J No
Intnl. WU Klcknpoo
St, Hluwutiin.
Kiin.. anys: "I was
running down with
Klilnuy (llnoaso for
yenra nnd finally
gnt no IiiiiI I could
fcureety got about
tin h o u s c. My
1'nitin, foot nnd an
lilei suolleil terri
bly The doctors
-mid It Nns rlioii
mntlMii. I wut also
subject to illwv spells ami the lililnoy
secretion1) worn ummtiirnl I finally
tti il Ooiiii'h Klilney I'llls ami soon tlio
tiirldiL'lio left the hwoWiikh ilKip
poured and I felt butter In every way."
Cat Doan'a at Any Store, SOe a Bo
DOAN'S vrv
To acquire wealth Is dllllcult, to
keep It Is more dlillcult, and to spend
It wisely Is most dllllcult.
A Hot Time.
"What caused tho coolness between
rou nnd Jones?"
"A heated argument."
o. .............
t II 111 , It'll I
nopes women win
Adopt This Habit
As Well As Men
Glass ot hot water each morn
Ins helps us look and feel
clean, sweet, fresh.
Happy, brignt, alert vigorous and
vivacious a good cloar skin; a nat
ural, rosy complexion and freedom
trom illness aru assured only by clean,
healthy blood. If only every woman
and likewise every man could rcallzo
tho wonders of drinking phosphated
hot water each morning, what a grat
ifying change would tako placo.
Instead ot tho thousands of sickly,
anaemic-looking men, women ami
girls with pasty or muddy complex
ions; instead of tho multitudes ot
"nervo wrecks," "rundowns," "brain
fags" and pessimists wo should see a
vlrilo, optimistic throng of rosy
cheeked peoplo overywhoro.
An lnsido bnth is had by drinking,
each morning before breakfast, a glass
of real hot water with a tcaspoonful
of llmcstonn phosphate in it to wash
from tho stomach, liver, kidneys and
ten yards of bowels tho previous day'a
lndlgcstlblo wnsto, oour fermentations
and poisonn, thus cleansing, sweeten
ing nnd freshening tho ontlro alimen
tary canal beforo putting moro food
into tho stomach.
Tlioso Bubject to sick headache, bil
iousness, nasty breath, rhoumatlsm,
colds; and particularly thono who
havo n pallid, sallow complexion and
who aro constipated very often, aro
urged to obtain a quarter pound ot
limestone phosphate from any drug
gist or at tho atoro which will cost
but a triflo but Is sulllclcut to demon
strate tho quick and romnrkablo
change in both health and appearance
awaiting thoso who practlco Internal
sanitation. Wo must remember that
lnsido cleanliness is moro important
than outsldo, becauso tho skin does
not absorb impurities to contamiuato
tbo blood, whllo the pores in tho thir
ty foot of bowels do. Adv.
Love is blind otherwlso few lenp
voar glrlB would proposo.
ink, fcmi
Jj.' ..The New Miller & Paine ". illtPis- ' '
. . .'Department Store p-' gjfljl5 .pBfe '1 III
ii: k ...Lincoln, Nebraska f .iWgS WSSlfrllH -'rV'-v'f
rfSjfii,lf b 4 r I all II II 'i i 'VmIsIbIii B H 1 W 44a3 VaM t WW7?1
S3 III 4SsMmisffWl USnIS 9 19 SI 9 '? niS KfliHl
IHWtl i a n winmlBnl ill 111 1181 S233 Sull 15a5rffRww5fr,'l,i FPlrW
This modern fire-proof building occupied exclusively by Miller & Paine Department Store. Built of buff brick and ivory-colored terra
cotta, with green trimmings. Includes nine floors (3JA acres of floor space.) Height to top of tovrer, 156 feet
And Likes the Laws in Western
1 "I lived nenr Lee, Illinois, for 4C
yrniH. I enmo to Saskatchuwan in tho
spring of 1912 and bought land near
Bt let crest. 1 havo fartuud this land,
10SO acres, over slnco. I havo had
grand crops. In 1914 I had 100 acres
of wheat that yielded 40 bushels to
tho aero. I sold this wheat at $1.50
per bushel. I liko tho country and my
neighbours. M y
taxes on each qtinr-
There Is No
War Tax So-
tor seuliou (100
ncres) aro about
$32 n year. This
covers municipal tax, school tax, hall
lnsurnuco tax overythlng. There Is
no war tax Bo-called. 1 like tho laws
In forco hero. Thero Ih no compulsion
to mo In any way. I am Just as inde
pendent hero as I wan In Illinois, and
1 feel thnt my family and I nro just oa
well protected by tho laws ot tho prov
Inco ns wo wero In our old homo in Illi
nois. Whnt I cam hero Ib my own.
I havo seven children and they tako
their placcn nt school, in sports and
at all public gatherings tho same as
tho Cnnndlau born.
(Sgd.) M. P. Tysdal.
"February 9th, 191G."
Wo reprint tho following nrtlclo,
complete, without comment, from tho
latest number of tho "Saskatchewan
Farmer," an agricultural paper pub
lished at Mooso Jaw, Saskatchewan:
"Tho attempt to
chock emigration
from tho United
8JatoB to our pral
rlo provinces by
publishing alarming
Former Iowa
Farmers Are
Dolno Well
In Canada.
, ing statements nbout tho enormous
war taxes that aro being paid hero
$f00 on a quarter section yearly
about forcing young men to enlist for
tho war; about tho cold, no crops nnd
any old story thnt by ltn extravagant
boldness might Influcuco men nnd
women from venturing north to Can
ada, is really In tho list ot curios to
our people. Knowing tho country, wo
can hardly tako it sorlously. Our gov
ernments, however, dominion nnd pro
vincial, aro taking stops to oxposo tho
false statements that aro being made,
and thereby keep tho channel open for
continuing tho stream ot settlers that
has boon flowing to us for tho past
decade. Advertisement.
Rotterdam's Trade Grows.
Tho sea trade of Holland's great
port, Rotterdam, was Increased tro-
i mendously Blnco tho war broko out,
and It Is now necessary to deepen tho
channel connecting tho port with tho
North sea to a depth of 3S feet, which
later will bo continued to 41 feet nt
high tide, tho operation Involving re
moval of moro than 10,000,000 cubic
yards of earth by dredging.
Important to Mothers
Examine curufully ovory bottlo of
CASTOIUA.aBafo and Buroromcdy for
infants and children, and sco that It
Bears tho
! In Uso for Over 30 Years.
J Children Cry for Fletcher's Cusloria
Tho only thing thnt makes a man
tolerant of his wife's relatives Is
for her not to havo any.
Dr. Pierce's I' PcllcU nre the
original little liver pills put up 40 years
ago. They rcgulute liver nnd bowels. Adr.
Tho stronger tho langungo n man
uses tho moro confidence a woman has
in his bravery.
Potato Doughnuts
retain the moisture several days. An
excellent wholesome food when mado
with the pure
EC Baking Powder
Always sure to please.
Try a can today at our risk.
A Handy Book containing 10 Cook
ing Lessons and 54 Tested Kcclpca will
bo mulled you FKEI2 If you will send
your llama and nddtcss to
Sold by
No Occasion to Worry.
"My husband u (illicit so over thn
run i m nt of gas wo bum."
"Tell him that Is u mutter to mako
light of."
That Itching, burning nkln-troublo
which keeps you scratching and dig
ging, In a sourco ot disgust to others,
as well as of torment to you. Why
don't you get rid of It by using HobI
nol Ointment? Physicians havo pro
scribed it for over 20 years. In most
cases, It stops Itching tnstnntly and
heals eruptions promptly. It is very
easy and economical to uso. Sold by
all druggists. Adv.
Whnt Began It.
Any Wife How had I better havo
my now dress mado?
Any Husband Small In tho hill.
Sometimes it is n man's cownrdlco
that keeps him from getting In bad.
Macaroni or
The Quality Food the
tastiest, most healthful
and most economical
food that can grace your
At All Good
Save the signature of
Paul F. Skinner
on each packaRc nnd obtain a
set of Oneida Community
Par Plate Silverware free.
Write us for full particulars
no obligation and we will
send you also a beautiful 36
page book of recipes all free.
Write today.
The Largest Macaroni Factory In America
Invton, l u llookilrt-e. Illnlv
eat relereooea. ikat rteulta,
for Recipe)
Silly mill s.
"What is your favorite luno. old
"Fortune, dear boy."
They oucu tried to shut a woman
up In a lunatic asylum but they say
sho kept on talking.
Nebraska Directory
Koom $1.00 Willi Bath SI. 50
R. W. JOHNSTON. Owner and Manager
Glass, Paints
Tho blcBMt Mock In tlio West ot evarythlng. Qlus,
Paints, Varnlilioj, Brushes. W manufacture Art
Olass, Kawneer Slots Fronts. WESTERN GLASS
& PAINT CO.. 12th and M. LINCOLN. NEB.
For all Stovti,
Ranoea, Far
ntcai, Stea
and Hot
Water Plants
If jour local itmli-r will not atippty
jun, write u itlrtict. giving hi mime.
Regent Rain Coatt
Federal Rubber Heels '
For anle In auma of J10O, $500, etc., up to 10,000
on fariim nnd Lincoln property, to net 3, iH and
C per cent, free Trom taxea. Hume aecurltlca wa
ch on ilrmnnii before due for commlatlon of
oncmonth'a Interest. Aluo money to lend. Writ
12G N. 11th LINCOLN. IfEBu
Dyers Bros. & Go.
Botter Trr Them With Your Next Buslnou
1. MlMlli'illl 2. Nurirlriill a. llattrlrull
4, I.uliorutoryj O, A-ltiiy Dvpurtinenu.
Tralnlnir tclimil fur nortr In roonectlon.
(Jprn to all riiut4iolu phyalclana.
Pur f urtUvr Inturmatlon aildrua
A. A. SMITH. M. D SortfaoM
Mury LannliiK Memorial lloauiuU
ii i 1 1 mi i iMj3gKsnM
iu 'sllffll IJJj lilt (it'ii
&tr M