The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 30, 1916, Image 8
m - ? UiT, BID OLOUD, NEBRAl OHIIF i r; i . ! i f U 1 .' fe r i" i1 i & j I r j' ' I . 8 Pianos and Musical Merchandise 5 UNDERTAKING luADV KTTBNDKNTl Ci':s Answered Day or Night ED. ALL THE PHONES 3S3 msssmum S3S3 iiX3i g-yvv'r'''Vv' TWTANY YEARS of experience devoted cxclu- sively to the Harness and Furnishing business enables us to produce the best there is in Har ness. We do not say it as a boast simply as a straight fact and "we deliver the goods. We are doing a splendid business in single and team Harness and would like you to ask your neighbor how our products suit. Cf Trunks and Suit Cases Don't forget that we carry Trunks and Suit Cases. We have a good assortment to choose from and our prices are as low as the lowest. JOE FOGEL t Since the Citizens of Red Cloud Have Been Unable to Produce Slipless Side Walks, and Each Winter Many Falls Are Caused by Snow and Sleet... See Van Before Yoa Slip i M Geo. M. VanCamp, Agent For The Travelers o! Hartford The Oldest and Largest Accident Co. in the World PHONES: lid. 241 Bell 128 r, .;.' ".hi., j ii ii WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLAIT & FREES March Bulletin of Rate Attractions LOW ONE-WAY PARES TO PACIFIC COAST: The Spring season of low one-way fnres to California, Washington, Oregon Utah, Idaho, Montaua, will hist only from Mureh 23th to April I lth, inclusive. M2.G0 one-way to the Coast, uml ?27.iiO to Utah, Suit Lake, lilaho, Central Montana, Butte District, ete Apply early for through tourist (deeper Rcoommodntions In the Uurllng tou's through horvice routes, via Scenic Colorado, Salt Luke, to California or over the direct northwest main line through Hillings to Seattle. ROCKY MOl'NTAIN NATIONAL PARKS The coming Heason will bring the greatest volume of Kastern tourists luto Jloelcy Mountain National Estes Pari;, Yellowstone pjuk, tllaclcr Nutionul Park, yet recorded. Special tourwlll bo arranged by co-operation be twoeu the railroads rih! the Government. Automobile tours and routes will be greatly extended, aud the Rocky Mountain National Parks Tour Is going to be made tnoic attractive than ever. Such a vacation tour will pay you a tremendous health dividend, besides being the sceuic adventures of a life time. It Is none too early to be thinking over such a possible trip and asking me how it can best be made. AMACK McFARLANO BUILDING 'WVNv mrri c ; 1 HARNESS STANDS FOR -iVD QUALITY "D WW. it .,;j, ;ii!!iii'i!: i'a -,i ,:u mutnumwum N. m. muBH, rickmt Agant, Red Cloud, Nebr L. W. WAKKLCY, Qmnmral Paaengar Agt. loOt Fcirnatn Street, Omaha, Nebr. INAVALE Mrs, Olatile (Jonlev has been quite a'ok for a number of days but In some better. Mr. I5i rgei Is iihlH lobe out duoi.s again. N Mi- mi I M'v, line Kiel iM me up from G llde Uocli, Tiuv!n. tii'ht Mr. Dunn and mhi, KiIivhiiI, w.-nt io Itldoiufiigliiii, Muii.luy night ItluiH'li IJ iilii'i'suntiie up 1 ion) R l (J. mid, Siiturdiiy, letm iilng Mon diiy inoriiing. Ml and Mis. dim ley .Martin went to (Irli'uiis. Tuesday evening, to inul o a short i-il Mr. mil Mrs. L V. Thompson mid Mtii. Arelile, left Tuesday night for their honi'i ui Hilling-, Moiittuiu. Mr. and Mrs. tJeorgn JorgiMiSnii re turned Tiifsdrtj night tiom u short timt near Kurwin, Kiinsts. Miss Oeiieviuve Miller siie t .Sunday at homo. Mrs. Hi Dunn went to l!!ooinington, Tiii-d.iy evening. Mr. mid Mrs. N. K. Harvey wcro calling at Central, Monday. Mao Fulton Was ipiltu side a couple of days last week but Is able to be out again, Mim. Leoniud was itulte sick Satur day mid Sunday. Guy Stlckney, Dewey Itutledgo mid Olianeoy Saunders began work on the 8 utiiu Monday. Mr. Fisher Is m.v foremiin of si men. The U. .V M. had their pile driver here Monday and are putting in a eutient bridge west of town. Tuesday night, Itert Stunkard came t town and while' crossing the river bridge one of his foil into the ho o In the bridge but by Mr. Stunk arl's quick action the horse was brought to his feet without anvseilous uueiiieiii. this place lias Ueen danirer- ous for a number of weeks. Mr and Mrs. Uhailey Murth. and daughter Ulanch ret nine 1 Friday monrng fioni Wyoming. Charley says his home is where his hut is oil' now. A force of men have been papeiing and painting the Meat Market. -X ,3.tfl ii rTj "S.O-M.E Douchnut!' "Anv tlmo vnn w.inf rmn l'Oodic8 u:c Calumet Raking P.iv.-derl M7 mother uses it r.l"3'3 tried .all others she's Jcun-.cii licr lesson now she yti.l a to Ciilumct. ' UneniiLllL-d for mnttnr lender, wholesome, light bak- inrrj:. fnni!rrfnt l(nvninT W and r Jsing qualities uniform rcsuiis. iMouier says cammet Ii the r.iot cctncnlcil to bujr uioit eco , nnitillini Tryltalunc. Received Itiwlieit Awudl Vno Ctii .' frw t,i3!it in Aw. J Cm Cheap and bic canBaUincPowdersdo r eavoyou money. Culumctdocs-it'ePute and far superior to sour milk and soda. otl Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory Consultation and Examination Frkk 'Osteopathy tho Science of Healing by Adjustment." Given to the World by A. T. Still, A. I). 1374. tFFICE tVER SMITH SNfE STORE Horn Phones RED CLOUD, NEBR KANSAS PICKUPS (from Smith louutyi Mrs A W. Urp is on the sick list Lillian Unfiles has been very sick for the past two weeks but Is mhiu' bet'er now. Mlvs lUhcl Million returned to her work at Lcbftnoii after u fw ,nv. i-it with Ikjiiim folks. T. S. Spuirier has returned litune from TopekH u here he Im.l been ut-l tending the Republican convention Mrs. T. S Spurrier is iNiMng her' daughter, Mi. IJji- Tweedy, in Snmii , Center thl week. i 'J'he Pawnee Ladle. Aid met will, Mis. Lee Drown lh.t Fridnv. K.kmi i one took their fancy work and a good lime was had in uetietnl , Mrs. August Prill has returned home ' fiom ii visit with her son Oiu m.d ! liunlly In Yuma ooniitv, Coloiado. licit I'n.vna and family visited the Will Olosoii family lust Sunday. Pete L'lip and wife and Ueo. Cooksle of I ebation ntteude-' the Literary at Oilolo la.t Friday evening. There was no Sunday .school at Oriole cu account of the Wire snow "i diiftS the people could not get to that place The Oriole LniTles Aid met with Mrs. Geo Matson last Thursday. Sewing carpet rags was t lie order of the day and at l::io u splendid lunch was serv ed GIVES THE PEOPLE A SQUARE DEAL W. M. Fadermann, a Leading Druggist of Kansas City Stands By His Convictions W. M. FEOERMANN "I have always hellevcd," lie tmld, "that n druggist's ilrst duty la to the health of his customers. I tell my peo ple frankly that n safe, gentle, Inex pensive laxative such ns Itexall Order lies, kept In the home, will puy the big gest dividends of any Investment ever made. I recommend It as the best family laxative, because It is put up In tasty candy tablet form that appeals to men, women nud children alike, and Is ns delightful mid pleasing to take as It is' healthful." JH. E. ORIOEDRUO CO. l THE REXALL STORE. NOTICE. TO l'.M'I. V. I'IIAUKm You are litrcbj Pfitliletl that 011 the tlllt diiy of Novuinber Itflj Wllllicliuliiall. Pilaris tlloil a petition ai;:ilust you In Mic ilNtrlct court of Wvlwier county, Nebraska, the object ami nrajer of which are to obtain a illvoreo from you on the vtroiuul that that you have willfully ahniuloiiul U111 ilaliiMlt ultliom liimh! cause, for the term of two years last uast anil that you have wantonly refused to furnish suit- aoio maintenance for tho plalutlll. You are minimi to answer satit iiutlttmi on or before Monday, tho 15th. day of May, t'Jlti. WlI.l.llKl.Ml.N.V 11. PlIAKKS, l'lalnllir. hi the GHity Cnrt T Webster CMity Nebraska! HTATKOKN'KHItAHKA, I Webster county. f " IN the matter ot the estate of Mary Gouldle, deceased. UUKMTOKS of said estate will take notice, that tho tlmo limited lor presentation and dllDK of claims atcalnst the same U October Hth, IMG; and for the payment of debts Is March 7th, 1917, that I will sit at the county court room In said comity on the 16th day of October 1916, at 10 o'clock a. m., to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duty tiled. natod this t7h day of March, A. n., !!. (Seal.) A. I). HANNKV. County Judge. Ii the VsHRty Ceart af Webster ftaaty Nebraska. NTATK OF NKIIItASKA, Webster County. In tho matter of tho estate ot .Ihmioh Mil ton Steward, deceased. CHinmoUS of said estate will tako notice, that the tlmo limited for presentation and tltlmc of claims agslnst the same Is October 7th, 11)16; unit tor tho payment of debts U March 3d, 11U7, that 1 will sit at the county court room in said county on tho UMi day of October, A. D. Will, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to recelvo, examine, hear, allow, or iidjiiht all claims nuit objections duly filed. Hated this ad day of March, A. 1)., 1BK1 A. I). HANNKV, 1mi, County .Indue. In the County Court of Webster County. Nebraska. Mate of Nehrnhku, i Webster Couutv. f M In tho matter of tho estate ot Zylpha liarnes deceased. Creditors of said cstato will tako notice, that the time limited tor presentation and llllnKof clalmsnKalnst tho same Is (Septem ber 20th, 1016, and for tho payment of debts Is January Mh,,l9i7, that Uwlll sit at the county court room In said county on tho 26th day of Septeinbor, A. n. milt, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to receive, examine hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly tiled. Dated this 21st day ot February, A. I., 1DI6 (Seal) A. II. HANNKV, County Judice. IP 3 ElrHE Sew c Seoci i i.-g viachine jWotors Uf Why v.oii; yc.urseif to death pedaling a Sewing Machine whrn a Sew-IZ-7. Motor will do the work for you. They are li'ht, therefore do not bother you in your work. Will fit wnto any Sewing Machine with only one clamp. You can sew fast or slow bv nressinif I with your fort, minapulate one. like. Absolute You can Come in And See Them Demonstrated The Price Is Right ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer JEi! ME m 2s Il5l3 I K tience. and then your home will indeed be a happy one. Remember The Trading Stamps WALTER H. MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY 'IEK School Building, Red Cloud. Se.iled iroi(Hil will be m Lived bv tlip hcnoo loir.t nistrli't o.l, Wi-bsti" County. I ted (.loud, Nehnoika, uj until noon the Itli day of April, lulii. for the lutiiKhluv of alt material mid lalKir In the toiiHrurtlouof a Hh;hSclUHl Hullitlnvf. Illds hi ulio ho re ceKed tit the Mime tinn. .mil pinco for the plunihlnu, heailuk,'iiiuti-iitlimiiiu and iltc trie wlrluv mid in aceordauee with tho plans and spi-clileatlons rep;ind by . A. Ilradley A Company, Architects, i:.eham;u National II. ink llulldlm;. Htisiliiic, Nebraska. All Mils for this work must be made out on blank forms which will bo supplied by tho Architects. Said plans aud Rpecillcattons will be on tile with tho (Secretary of the Hoard and the Architects on and after March llth, IU16. All bids must be accompanied by an un. conditional certified check ot (tJOO.00) Five lluudred Dollars, on a Hod t'ioud Hank pay. able to the order ol C. J. Pope. Secretary. Any coutractoror contractors deUrlim to figure on the above named biilldlntc aud de siring a set of plans until date of lettlug shall deposit with" tho Architects a certified cheek tor Twonty-flve Dollars (25.00) as a guarantee that tho contractor will not only return plans but submit a bona tide bid to the Hoard ol Kducatlon on or before tho date of letting, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited to the Architects. Full Instructions will be found lu tliespet I flrattons. The school board reserves tho riiiht lo reject any or all bids. C.J.l'OPK, Secretary. FIRE .-- r- THK ALARM is h dreniirul thine OF" FIRE for the man without insurance. Every time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes up In his throat If the (Ire is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. TMLt COBT OF is so small that it INBURANCK need hardly be considered, The freedom from worry alone is worth it many times over Have xM Insure you to-day. d C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. 3G B Z 0 foot control. Any child can run them slow or fast as you B Furniture Dealer nrJJ 3BU m 3D ON THE FIRE That's when you beT gin to realize the kind of Groceries we keep. There is cooking satis- faction in them. Buy your Groceries from us. Save your money. Save your na- KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ROLLS DEVELOPED 10c MAIL YOUR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS OENTI9T VEt STATE ANN Red Clori a a - Nebraska WaU Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work GuarantMd) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish' You the Fixtures E. S. Gerber R.E.CAMP,D.C. Chiropractor . ( Independent 2l'J Phones L ' , ( Bell Red 101 Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED EST Office Ovkii Auihioiit's Stobe 3QE 7il F '" C. II. Miner Dr. S. 8. Deardorf, M. D. C. Manager Veterinary in Charge C. H. Miner Serum Co. PltODUCEHS Anti Hog Cholera Serum Rett ClMidf Nebraska Wire r Phnw at fur Exiease V. S. Ycterliary Llcene N, 45 v Ki It '4 1 IWuiiiv -I,,, 'r j'