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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1916)
Vfo&5 "w ij.?;.t.a-- 1. ) A RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ttaMMfcMlVRfcJ"1 ? ' X m&xx&a 8 ? 8 Hot Water Each Morning 1 Puts Roses in Your Cheeks I o rrv(.ttBH'.sf. ,'i( ?::(. To look ono'a best nnd foci ono's best Is to enjoy an insldo bath ench morning to (lush from tho system tlio previous day's wasto, sour fermentn tlons and poisonous toxins before It Is absorbed Into tho blood. Just ns coal, when It burns, leaves behind a certain amount of Incombustible- material In tho form of ashes, so tho food and drink tnken each day lcavo In tho ali mentary organs a certain amount of Indigestible material, which If not eliminated, form toxins and poisons which aro then sucked Into tho blood through tho very ducts which arc In tended to suck In only nourishment to sustain tho body. If you want to sea tho glow of healthy bloom In your cheeks, to sco your skin get clearer and clearer, you aro told to drink ovory rooming upon arising, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphato In It, which Is a harmless means of washing tho wasto material and toxins from tho stomach, liver, kidneys nnd bowols, thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying tho entire alimentary tract, Then Blllle Will Have Birthday. (Jeorgo Washington Is n very real pcrsonago to little Millie (Itimbcrts of Evansvlllo. When nuntlu was tucking him into bed the night beforo Wash lngton's birthday, she said: "Tomorrow's Washington's birthday. Hlllle." Out of tho goodness of his heart Bllllo murmured sleepily: "And what Is I to give him for a birthday present, Autle Grace?" Indi anapolis Nows. FRECKLES Now U th Tlmfi In (let Uldof TheM Ugly Spots. There' no loncer tin- sllelitrgt nred of frellnc nnhamed of niir freckles, as th" prtiicrlptlon othlne double strength Is (uuranteed to remove these homely spots Simply Ret nn ounce of othlnc double strength from your druggist, and apply u little of It nlnht nnd morning ami you should soon lire that even the worst freckle? have begun In dlsippuir, while the llghti r ones havo vanlBhed entirely It Is seldom tliit moro thnn one uuuee Is neidrd to com pletely clenr tlin skin und gain a beautiful clrfir complexion. He Biire to nnk for the doubte strength othlnc. nil this Is Bold under guarantee of money back If It falls to remove freckles Adv. Their Place. "It's a wondor they don't tako horses on Arctic explorations." "What a foolish Idea!" "Not nt all. It's tho ideal place for old sl.ate3." Important to Mothors , Exnmlno carefully every bottlo of CASTOHIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Hears tho '1( Signature In TTfin for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Doubtful Optimist. "Are you an optimist?" "Yes. 1 think tho world Is getting better every day, although I must ad mit It looks like an exceedingly pain ful convalescence." People who aro always looking for trouble are nover satisfied when they find It. Over 90,000 Japanese make their homes In Hawnil. Wanted 4 Farm Hands Ijszilrz a K9!AnA.;K zw&e?Ltjm cmu WMIhh 2S5ftiQ2ir. . ,rsiiMraw.'-iii'w:r3rigM Refereaco required from all applicants. For special railway rates and other information apply to W. V. BENNETT, Room 4, Dee DIdg., Omaha, Nebr. AlWuJ Csstrfiis GsrcnsMBl Aicsl ....V.iiii t, beforo putting moro food into the stom ach. Olrls nnd women with sallow skins, liver Bpots, pimples or pallid complex ions, also tlioso who wake up with a coated tonguo, bad taste, nasty breath, others who aro bothered with head aches, bilious spells, acid stomach or constipation should begin this phos phatcd hot water drinking and aro as sured of very pronounced results In ono or two weeks. A quarter pound of limestone phos phato costs very little nt tho drug storo but Is sufficient to demonstrato that Just as soap and hot water demises, purities nnd freshens tho skin on tho outside, so hot water and lime stone phosphato act on tho Insldo or gans. Wo must nlwnys consider thnt Internal sanitation Is vastly more Im portant than outsldo cleanliness, be cause tho skin pores do not absorb Impurities Into tho blood, while tho bowel pores do. Women who dcslro to enhance tho beauty of their complexion should Just try this for a week nnd notlco results. Important Personage. Tom Why were you so extremely pollie to that old man? Is he a rich relative? Jack Sh-h-h! That Is my prospec tive father-in-law. TAKE SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS IF BACK HURTS Says Too Much Meat Forms Uric Acid Which Clogs the Kidneys and Irritates the Bladder. Most folks forget that the kidneys liko the bowels, get sluggish and clog gcd and need a flushing occasionally clso wo have backache and dull misery In the kidney region, severe head aches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys nctlvo and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain In the kidney icgiou, get about four ounces of Jnd Salts from any good drug store hero tako a tablespoonful In a glass o water beforo breakfast for a few day! and your kidneys will then act flna This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes nnd lemon Juice, com' blnud with Uthla, and Is harmless to flush clogged kldnoys nnd stimulate them to normal activity. It also ncu Utilizes tho acids in tho urine so it no longer Irritates, thus ending blad der disorders. Jnd Salts Is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithla water drink which everybody should tako now and then to keep their kld noys clean, thus avoiding serious com plications. A well-known local druggist says ha sells lots of Jnd Salts to folks who bo Hove In overcoming kidney trouble whllo It la only troublo. Adv. Its Sort. "That woman's tongue goes ns fast ns at; express train." "And It's always on tho rail." There isn't much self-love in tho make-up of the man who loves the enemy ns himself, 50,000 off experience at once on ihe farms off Western Canada To replace the young farmers who have enlisted for the war. Good wages and full season's work assured. There is no danger or possibility of Con- scription in Canada. 1 NEBRASKA! j STATE NEWS : : DATES FOR COMING EVENTS. April C-7-S Convention lCast Central Teachers' association at Fremont. April IMi- State Howling Tournament at Lincoln. April II to S- Nebraska "Pure Pood Week." April 2S-2H -Slnto T. P. A. Convention at Alliance. April IS Nebraska Primary Kleotlou Day. April LM-S.-i Savannah to Seattle High way Convention nt Omaha. May Hi to IS- State (. A. It. lCwanip nii'iit at Lexington May 1M-2S State Association of Com mercial Clubs' Convention at Omaha Juno i:t to lllStnto P. K. (). Conven tion nt Alliance. Juno KM 1-15 -flrcnt Western Handi cap Tourmiux u' at Omaha. Juno !i-(iSMi.l.-h War Veterans' Slate Convention at North Platte. Fremont horse buyers who have been acting for tho Kuropenii govern ments declare that notwithstanding the lemovnl of thousands or liorsea from Nebraska for Rhlpmcnt to Hug land and Ftiinee, that there remains an appan ntly unlimited supply. The price is no bigger than It was a year ago. They declare that driving horses of the finest iiialll. aro practically valueless, having been crowded off the market by the automobile. Improvements aggregating ?fi00,00fi will bo made In North Platte during tho building season of I'.tlfi. The largest amount to be oxpciuled for any ono Improvement will bo $100,000 for street paving. Other Improvements In tho business section of tho city will bo a $50,000 hotel, 110,000 bank build ing, $20,000 K. of C. club house, $15, 000 addition to tho Kilts' homo, $25,0011 parochial school and a $50,000 Junior high school. Material for the fourth unit of the hog division at tho South Omaha stock yards is being assembled and tho construction work will begin soon. It Is expected the work on this sec tion will be completed by September 1. Tho cost will be close to $150,000. With the completion of this unit tho yard company will be able to tako caro of hog receipts up to 500 cars a day. A letter writing day was held at Al llanco recently and as a result over 800 school children wrote letters to sonio relative or friend telling them of Uox IJntto county and Alliance. Tho Commercial club furnished n pamphlet to place in each letter and adults as well as the children took an active Interest in this novel plan to tell strangers about the possibilities of western Nebraska. Tho National Hetall Credit Mcn'.t association meets In Omaha in August for Its annual convention, holdln;; three days. IJ will bring yoo to 400 members from all over the United States; S. F. C.llllllan or Minneapolis Is chairman of the board, and K. C. Howell of Denver, secretary. The Magenau bridge, one of tho oldest crossings on the Klkhorn river, has been rropened to traflie, having been closed a year following the Hoods of last spring. Washington and Dodge counties Joined In the e. pense of erecting the structure which costs $::,ono. Though scarlet fever lias not been entirely eradicated In Omaha, It has been reduced to such an extent that reference Is rarely made to the epi demic, which threatened to sweep the city two months ago. Tho health authorities have the situation under thorough control. No less thnn $20,000 will bo tho cost of producing the historical parade for Ak-Sor Bon In Omaha this year, when, with fifty lloats and twenty-live groups of soldiers, Indians, cowboys, trappers nnd scouts, the history of Nebraska for tho last 300 years will bo repre sented. Tho people of Glenwood Park, Buf falo county, are making nn effort to securo a depot and station ncont. The population of the town Is small, but It Is surrouivled by a thickly bottled farming community. It Is on the Union Pacific railroad. Twenty-two blocks of the residence portion of Kearney, comprising one paving district, will bo paved thh spring. This makes approximately forty blocks of paving to be contract ed for this spring. Mnnagor William (Ducky) Holmes of tho Lincoln Western Lenguo c'ub announces tho purchase of Shortstop Stevenson frcm tho St. Louis Ameri cans. Stevenson was a member of the Rochester, N. V., club of the Interna tional league In 1315, .. Hastings democrats havo united on a plan to secure tho stato party head quarters during tho approaching cam paign. Tho central locntlon nnd un excelled hotel and railroad facilities nro among tho advantages claimed for tho city. Alfred Fowler, sou of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fowler, of Fremont, Is a mciii bor of tho winning Yulo wrestling team Hint has won tho Intorciillcglatu honors this year. Fowler Is a senior. Tho First Methodist church or Pre mont has received forty-eight new members, swelling tho membership to 895. This Is by far tho highest point tho membership lias ever reached. At a meeting of tho Allen Commer cial club a movo was started to se cure tho Burlington Itallroad company to put the electric llghta and city wu J tcr In tho depot. lNIBMnONAL SINWSO100L Lesson (By R O. srcT.T.nrtfl. Actio Director of Sunday School Course of llio Moody lllhlo Institute, ClilfiiKo.) (Coprlht, told, WVstrrn Neii"M'er t'nluii LESSON FOR APRIL 2 CONVERSION OF PAUL. LKSKON TLXT-Actn 9:1, 31 (.Sou alio lit. IT: I Tim. 1:12. 17). (tOI.DKN TI2XT-Faithful In the naylni: and worthy of nil nrceptatlon, that t'hllst .Imus came Into t tin wol M tu save kIiiiicm: of whom I uin chief. I Tim. 1.15 It. V. No other nion, savo our Lord, has madn such an Impress upon history as tho "Jew of Tarsus." Bead care fully nnd repeatedly Acts, chapters 9:22. 2.1 nnd 20. I. Raul the Man. (1) Physically. Wc know but llttlo of Saul (sco Kanisey, Conybcarc nnd others), but wo know from his labors that ho was n man of tremendous vitality. Distant Da mascus know of his work (v. lit) nnd ho hlmsolf testlllcs ns to hlB nctlvltles (22:3-20:11). (2) Religiously ho be longed to tho strictest of tho strict, tho Pharisees (20:5-0-11). His nngor at Jesus and tho disciples was a con suming passion; literally, ho "breathed threatening and slaughter" (v. 1). In all his violence ho was conscientious, but yet he was awfully and terribly wrong, and what Is more, his actions wero not alone against tho disciples but against Jesus (v. 5). (3) Politi cally Saul wob perfectly legal In keep ing tho law and In his executions In tho nnmo of the law. Doubtless ft member of tho Sanhedrim (2C.10), hla hatred knew no pity; It Included all who believed In Jesus. (4) Mentally this man transcends all who havo over followed Jesus. A man of Intense con victions, a Hlavo to a misdirected con hcIoiico, a tltnn of gigantic force and power onco In tho right channel. II. Saul Saved. (1) This man was first humbled (v. 4). God put forth his hand to savo tho elect nt Damas cus, though ho let Snul go a long wny In his mad career. When ho did act, It was "suddenly" nnd by means of tho Glory of Christ's resurrection (v. 7, I. Cor. 15:8). Though It was "about noon," yet this glory outshone tho brightness of tho Syrian sun (ch. 2G:13). Many who speak bold blasphomous words would nloo bo cast down did they hut really seo his glory. (2) Saul Is not loft thus strick en, but it is called from nbovo (v. 5). Tho question of Jesus (v. -1) wns a most startling ono nnd that, with tho miBWor to his honest Inquiry, convict ed him of what must havo been a lurk ing suspicion In his mind, viz.: that ho was wrong nnd Jesus was truly tho Messiah. III. Saul Sent. Tho first evidence 'of tho change wrought in Saul ww: (1) Obedience (v. 8). Ills companions hoard but did not understand. Thero Is no contradiction (v. 7, Acts 22:0), as this Is tho translation used clso whoro. Saul Is given throo days for meditation (v. 9), nnd ho mado good uso of tho tlmo. (2) Praying (v. 11). Tho result was (3) a vision (v. 12) (not only ono, ns thoro aro others ro corded), which resulted In changed In dividuals and nations. But his vision was (-1) a thorough commission (v. 15). (n) to tho Romans "kings," (b) Greeks "(icntllcs," and (c) Jews "children of Israel." Along with his vision and commission thoro wns giv en enabling power, tho enduomont of tho Spirit. Tho agent God choso for tho bestowing wna Ananias, not an of ficial, moroly "a certain dlsclplo' Tho gift of tho Spirit for power and Horvlco Is not necessarily by tho "lay ing on of hnnds." It camo to Mr. Moody as ho walked tho streets of Now York without earthly compan ions. But tho othor conditions wero fulfilled, a repentant, prayerful man nnd a ready and obedient servnnt who, though filled with fear and protest (v. 13, 14) yot takes God at his word nnd goes at onco to his tnsk. As wo read verses 17 and 18 wo discover that this spoclnl filling of tho Spirit wns very evidently given to Snul bo foro ho received Christian baptism read tho order of events carefully. IV. Saul Serving (1) At Damascus Saul Is given refreshment (ho always lays emphasis upon tho body) and straightway began to testify to tho nmazoment of tho people From Gnl. 1:1B, 17 It Is plain thnt ho did not romnin nil of tho tlmo In tho city, nor did ho nt onco return to 1i!b friends In Jorusalcm. This period Is Blmllnr to tho "hidden years at Nazareth" which our Lord spent oro ho begnn his min istry. It was n tlmo of rest, reflection, analysis, meditation and formulation of his "gospol" (Bora. 3:19-28). (2) At Jerusalem. His testimony wnB distasteful at Damascus (v. 23-25) and so ho sought Jerusalem, only thero also to find distrust and rejection. Thon Dnrnabas did n great work for tho Kingdom by showing his broth erly fellowship and treat and becom ing sponsor for him to tho early church. It was not long oro ho had to fleo Jerusalem and finally return to hla childhood homo, Tarsus (v. 31), Saul tho Phnrlseo becomes a preach er of tho Cross, tho Master Kmptro Bulldor. Let this lesson bo a trumpot call to tho unconverted in your class and school. Tho samo Jesus Is calling to day for other lives of sorvlco and testimony. ON PRIMARY U LIST OF CANDIDATES IN RACE FOR NOMINATION. PROTEST ATTORNEY GENERAL Itemi of General Interest Gathered from Reliable Sources Around the State House. Western Nfwspnper Union Naws Sfrvlcfc Following Is a list of the names filed with tho secretary of state for tho nomination for various federal and Ktato olllces, to bo voted on at tho primaries April 18: For President Hem . Woodtow Wilson, Kotiort tl lton, Iti'P lliMiiy l-'ord. Homy l CMubiook, Alliott II (iimimIiik. UoIh'M () Kohh. Pio. . Kukpiii! N P'ohm, tin L.imlrlli Vice President Mem John It .Moifhmd. Thotim It MhikIiiiII I Jf Klnirr ,1 llutliull, Wil liam U'tli-i.'i I'ro Itolicit II. ration, Cliircnci- Tine Wilson. Governor Doni : t'lmrli'i VV Pryon. Lincoln. V. I-' HtoccUor, Oncilm, Kolth .NVwIlo, Ninth Pl.ille Hop . Wltlliiln AludKott. IIiinIIiiki. VV niter A !roi,'r, UihuIki, Simuiol llo Mi'ICclvIc, Lincoln, Alirutmin I. Sutton, Oiiuhii, CIiiii-iii'ii .1. Mllox, ll.iHtliiKH, I'rog.; Jiinii'H F. IIiUihdii, Kiotnont IVo IiIih Indt'pt'lidrnt. Chiuti'i W. Ilijnn, Lincoln. Krllh Nftvlllc, North lMntte. Hoi' It. '., MllllltRii, Falrhury. 1'to.: J. t. Uiuvt'M, Peru. Lieutenant Governor Doni.: JniucM I'oarnou, Moorcllold; I'd i;nr Itouiucl, CoIiiiiiIiuh: Wllllutn It, It.ui nliiK. Union, Hvp. : II. I'. Slitimvwiy, Wald'lli'lil; Waller Kleehet. Johnson; Theodore K, NordKren, l'hllllpx. Peoples Imlent'tiili'iit: Jumux 1'it.utmii, Mooielleld; W It, MuiiiiIiik. Union. Secretary of State Hern, flimles W. Pool, llwimd.H. Hep.: AddlHon Walt, Lincoln; W It Smith, Clay Center; Wlllier S. Walte. Loop City; CLvinlu I', llen.Hel, Lincoln. I'mu . Will H Jay. Lincoln; Wlllier S. Walt p. l.oup City IVopleu Independent: Charlci W. Pool, HyannlH. Auditor of Public Account! Dciti.: William II. Hiullli, .Seward. Hep.: W. L, Minor. Moirlll. UcorKn VV. MiiihIi, University Place Projj : It. M. lllllan, Auburn. People Independent: William It. Smith. Seward. Pro : John D. Hob ertn, Wutertiuty. State Treasurer IJpmi : Hairy AiI.uiih, Chadron; (leoiKi V., Hall, Kruuldlii. Hep . W. II. Key noldH, Chudron; I'ranutln O. Ilutner, Omaha. Pioif.: William C, Ciuoln, Lln- i-oiiij urorKO i-j. nail, fraiiKllu. Peoples iiiorpcnopnt: lientKU p;, 1 lull, ITIlllKllli; Ilany Adams, Chndron. 6t.ito Superintendent of Public Instruction Uem.: John A. Woodaru, Seward; W. II. Clommonn, Kruniont. Hep,: A. O. Thomas, Kearney. ProR,: A. I). Thomas, Kearney. Peonies Independent: William II, Clemmotm, l-'iemout. Pro.: W. Kiikcmio Knox, Unlvertdty Placo. Attorney General Horn.: WIIHh K. Kurd, Madlnon. ncp.: Hohert W. Devoe, Lincoln: II. Ilalder min, Newman (Jiove; U. P. Andurbery, Mlnden. Pioir,; Harvey 13. Morrow, Ouiti Im. Peopled Independent: Willis 10. Heed, Madlimn. Commltiloner Public Lands and Dulldlngs Detn.: A. J. SIlRer, HnstiliKH; 1. L. Rhumvvay, ScottHblnrf; Henry Obermanu, Snyiler: K. II., hlncnln. Hep.: C. L. Heln. Lincoln; II. L. Cook. Lincoln. Peoplea Independent, A. J. Hllcer, IlantliiKti; O. L. Shuiuvvay, Scotts bluff. Railway Commliilonert Uem.: Andrew Clute, HiintliiKH! Victor R. WIIfoii, Htrom.sbutt;; Hdward KukIi loue. Hartley; W. H, HldKell. Alllanco; H. W. Hnlston. Omaha. Hen.: U. A. Hnndall, Newman drove; Honry T, (Jlitrkc, Lincoln; Walter JohtiHon, North Loup, Thomas Ixiiik. Hubbard. Pi ok.. T. J. CummliiKH. Ciab Uichard. Peoples Independent: Victor K. Wilson, Stroms liuru: W. H. HldKell. Alliance. Sou,: Victor 13. Wilson. StronmbtirK. Regent State University l)cm,: P. I Hall, Lincoln; H. D. Utn dls. Sou in d. Hep,: Harvey L. Sams, ScottHblurt; Oroide N. Seymour. i:ii;ln, Samuel C. It.iHNett, (llbbon; IMnnind (, Mctilllon, Umaha, Thomas M lluwltt, LexliiKlon. PniB ; Philip I. Hall. Un coil!. Peoples Independent: p. 1,, Hall Lincoln; 11. I). Iindls. Suward. Hoc: Henry J. Alierlv, Om.ilm. Pio . I,. C. till belt, (irund lal.ind; Anneltu Nusbltt, Lin coln. Protest on Attorney General. Attorney tlcnoral Willis Itood'a naino will not bo placed on tho re publican primary ballot by Secretary of Stato Fool, unless ho Is forced by u writ of mandamua to do so. Mr. Pool made this announcement, after a pro test signed by Chairman J. U. Mc Nlsh, of tho republican stato commit tee, had been filed against allowing Kccd's nnmo to go upon tho ticket. Tho protest was delivered to tho secretary of stato by' H. W. DoVoo of Lincoln, hlmsolf a republican candi date for attornoy general, nnd J. Held Green, of this city, a candldato for delegate to tho republican national convention. Reasons assigned by Chairman Mc Nlsh against tho placing of tho at tornoy gcncrnl'fl naino on tho republi can ticket wero that tho democratic and republican parties aro in no wny affiliated, and that Kccd has mado a statement under oath that ho af filiates with the democratic party, which disqualifies him from becoming n republican candldato nlso. A convict cannot bo required to loavo Lancnstor county nnd go to an other county to testify as a witness, according to Wnrdon Fonton and the attorney general's department. Frnest Dullingham of Ohoyonnn county, serv ing tlmo for stealing a horso, was di rected by the district court to Choy enno county to appear thoro to testify In a suit of tho state against a man nccused of horso Btcallng. Shorlff J. W. McDanlol enmo to Lincoln to con voy tho convict to Choyenno county. Tho prisoner refused to go and said ho would not testify. Fees from Food Commission. Food Commissioner C. R. Ilarman cleared up somo of his flnnnclnl ac counts with tho statu by paying $14, 722 to tho clerk of tho supromo court, ns oil lnspoctlon fees collected dur ing February under tho court's or der of January 20, and $515 to tho stnte tronsuror as tho proceeds of cold storago nnd commission mer chants' licenses Issued In February. Mr. Ilarman Is still retaining his fees for food nnd dmg Inspections and using them In payment of operating expenses of hi? department YOUTQLDMETHETRUTH ANDIWANTTHEPEOPLE TO KNOW IT" The following unsolicited letter has boon received from Mr. J. F. Ward of. Donalda, Alberta. It Is a plain state ment of conditions ns Mr. Ward has found them: "It Is with plcas- A Settler's Plain Letter. tiro I drop a lino to you. Wo hod a good yenr. Off of GG acres, oats and wheat, I got over 2.G00 busliols of wheat and oats. Oats went bore from f0 to 100 bushels por ncro, and wheat from i!i to HI! per ncro. Just boo m being here ono year nnd havo over 700 bushels of wheat. It Is now over $1.00 por bushel. Oats Is 42 conts, nnd go ing up. You told mo tho truth, and I want tho peoplo of Toledo to know It Hogs nro 8 conts; cattlo aro high. Canada Is good enough for mo. I hnve 5 good horsoB. I sold 2 good colts, 2 cows nnd 18 hend of hogs and killed 2. I have ( hogn lort. I got 400 bushels of potatoea off an ncro and a good garden last summer, lino celery nnd good onions. Ono neighbor had ovor 1,200 bushels of wheat, and sold over $700 of hogs nnd 2,000 bushola of oats. This Is a groat country. If you should tell tho peoplo of Toledo of this It would get homo of them thinking. Tho soil Is a rich black loam, and a pleas ure to work it. "Wo havo a wood farm. Wo havo a flowing well with soft wnter. It Is tho best wator In tho country. Some pooplo think thoy got to go to war when thoy como out hero. Thoy noed not bo nfrald of war. Thero Is no war tax on land; only school tax, $12.00 on 1G0 ncrcs, and road tax of two days with your team. Ijtcll you ths truth, thero Is no land In or around Tolodo as good as our land hero In Al berta. If anybody wants to wrlto us, gtvn them our address. "Wo havo had nlco wcathor. W havo had It qulto cold for ono' week, but no rain and sleet, and tho sua shines nearly ovory day, and It Is hot In tho sun. Conl Is $2.25 por ton. The peoplo nro vory nlco and good hero. Wo nro well enjoying tho West. Tho horses nnd cows aro feeding on tho prairies all tho wlntor. Wo Just havo two horsos In tho stablo to go tox town with. Yours truly, (Sgd.) J. P. WATtD. Donalda, Alborta. Fob. 9, 1916." "I was born In Wisconsin, but moved with my Statement of Steve Schweltzberaer parents when a boy to Stephen Co., Iowa. "I was thoro farming' for GO years. I sold my land thoro for over $200 nn aero. I moved to Saskatche wan, nnd located near Drlorcrcst In tho spring of 1912. I bought a half section of land. I havo good neigh bors. I feel qulto at homo hero the samo as In Iowa. Wo havo porfect safety and no troublo In living up to tho laws In forco. My taxes aro about $65 a year on tho halt section for ev erything. I havo had splendid crops. Wheat In 1915 yielded mo ovor GO bushels to tho aero. That Is moro than I havo over had In Iowa, and yet tho land the.'o costs four times as 'much as It' docs hero. Tho man who comos here now nnd buys land at $G0 an aero or less gots a bargain. - (Sgd.) 8. Schweltzbergor, February 9tb, 1916." Advertisement. Unfortunate. Hovvvll -IIo'b an unlucky follow. Powell Yes, ho Is always Johnny on tho wrong spot. FOR ITCHING SCALP And Falling Hair Uso Cutlcura 8oas) and Ointment. Trial Free. When tho scalp 1b Itching because of dandruff and oczoma a shampoo with Cutlcura Soap and hot water will be found thoroughly cleansing and sooth ing, especially It shampoo is preceded by a gentlo application of Cutlcura. Ointment to tho scalp skin. Froo samplo each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Goston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Tho woman who Is homoly enough to stop a clock 1b nover a success when it comes to stopping a stroot car. AN APPRECIATIVE LETTER. Mr. M. A. Pago, Oaceola', Wis., un der dato of Fob. 16, 191G, writes: Somo years ago I was troubled with my kldnoys and was advised to try Dodd's Kldnoy Pills. It Is now throe years slnco I fin ished taking these Pills and I havo had no troublo with my kldnoys slnco. I wns pretty bad for ton or twolvo years nrlnr in tnldne vnur Mr. M A. Pago trcntraent nnri wm eay that I havo been In good health slnco and ablo to do considerable work at tho ndvanced ago of sovonty two. I am glad you Induced mo to continue their uso at tho tlmo, as I am cured. Dodd's Kldnoy Pills, 50o por box at your dealer or DoddB Mcdlclno Co, Buffalo, N. Y. Dodd's Dyspopsla Tab lots for Indlgostlon havo boon provod, 60c por box. Adv. Naturally. "IIo's a very polished gontloman." "That's why ho shlnos In society." Doston Evonlng Transcript. if i