The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 30, 1916, Image 5
.st RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF ' f mi f BV -ir&S IW SSi At the Topee Monday and 3Ys ioU 5o "Ws K. li. hkwsoii was in Jiiu Hill, Monday. W. H. CIoiul of Iiiuvule was in town Tuesday. Win, .leu'ciles of MeCook was hi the city Mondny. L i: Wolfe of HI ,)u IIU1 -petit Sun day in the city. ' Xew Summer Dress Goods now be Inir shown by Miner Hros. Co. Harry Moede went to Hlue Hill, Wednesday, to visit relatives. Mrs. Ilobt. Avery wont to .Superior, Wednesday, to visit relatives. .Mr. and Mrs A I Hly of MeCoolc were in the city Monday visiting friends. Will Oveiman returned to his home at Long Heaeli, California, Sunday evening. Attorney L. II. IMrtekledge was in Nelson the first of the week attending district court. Mrs. C. L. Owens of Franklin spent .Sunday with her daughter Mrs. C. K. Cross and family. Mrs. Arthur Uobinson came up from Guide Hook, Minday evening, to visit her mother Mis. Kreil Wittwer. Dr. C. 12. Cross returned home from Kansas Cty the. later part of the week vliere he attended a dental meeting. Tuesday. Mr. John 0. Laughlin and Mrs. Hellen Summeis, both of Hsbon, Kansas, were united in marriage by County Judge. A. I). Hanney. V. II. Cassil left Wednesday morn ing for Hastings, Lincoln and Omaha to look after some business matters pertaining to the Orphcum theatre. Wednesday, Mr. William A. Staple and Miss Marie Hnel Voigt, both of Republican City, were united in niar linge by County Judge, A. D. Ranney. The following shipped stoclc to Kan sas City, Sunday: Weesner & Koontz, 3 cars of hogs; Audi Crabill, I cars of hogs; Groveuor Stanser, 'J ears of cattle and Dave Bell, 1 car of cattle. The following shipped stoek to Kan has City, Wednesday: W. L. Weesner A Son, 2 cars of cattle, Mr. Weesner accompanied the shipment; WeesuerA Koontz, 1 ear of hogs and Delaney Bros. 1 car of hogs. NOVELTY MERCHANDISE LADIES Hand Bags Auto'Caps These Goods Will Interest You, Come In, This Week WW" LADIES' Receiving New Coats Daily. Some Very Pretty Garments. We Want You To Try Them On. Tuesday. April 3 and 4 (illbert Hoed went to Hastings. Mon day. Itov 1). Fiigeiald was in Superior Tuesday. .lames Oouldie was in Hluo Hill, Satuiday. Older your Seed Potatoes from Miner Itios. Co. Mrs. H. A. Cieightoii spent Saturday in Hastings with friends. Mrs. II. E. I'eteisou was in Hastings the later pait of the week. .1. II. Kllinger teturned home Sun day fiom St. Joe and Wyniore. Best and Most Soap for your money. 10c Cleanser for fie Variety Store. Architect and Mrs It. A. Bradley of Hasting spent Sunday in the eltv with friends J. W. Corbett departed Tuesday for Arthur, Illinois where he will visit relatives. Ilussel Myeis returned home Monday from Geneva where ho spent a few days with fiiends. Mrs. Fred Hustun who wnstheguest of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Oatmau has re turned to her home iu Superior. Miss Kathryne Hurke returned from Walnut, Iowa. Sunday, where she spent her vacation with her parents. Mrs. John Adams returned to her home at Cameron Junction, Missouri, Monday, after visiting with her daugh ter, Mis Ed Wittwer.' We are in the market for 100 to 125 pounds Should at maiket price deliver ed at Serum Plant. Will pay for de livery to plant. C. II. .Miner Serum Co Hert Person returned home from Omaha, Monday, where he had been in a hospital for several weeks receiving medical attention and is in a precarious couditiou. W.VNTi.i) One farmer in each local ity to aut as our agent for Auburn Light "Sixes". 81085 f o b Auburn, Indiana. Write or telephone Herck & Jaden, Hastings, Nebraska. The Misses Dessle Taylor, Marie Hollister, Margaret Beall, Fay Teel, Mamie Reilier, Grace Sherer and Ilertlm Doyle who are attending the state university at Lincoln came home Satur day to spend a week's vacation with home folks. FRESH LINE OF FANCY Neckwear Fancy Pins SPRING Insure your Farm Propel ty with Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman for the Farm Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Hastings, Nebraska I'MONTh' Oilioe, Ml; Residence, 17.MJ A sane, .safe, sound and economical plan of tin, nnd tornado Insurance. Will your policy soon expire? Wilto me and let me explain. No obligation on yourpait. Mrs. Clins. Woods went to Byron Tuesday. Miss Cecil Taylor was a Bastings visitor Friday. Phone today your Potato Order to Miner Bros. Co. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Warren 'were Hastings visitors Friday. Buy your buggy whips at Fogel's. Every tenth whip given away. The Misses Josephine Ulchards nnd Vernon Storey spent Saturday hi Lin coln. Mrs. Mac Cramer of Omaha is in the city visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Sell ult. Will Norris and Floyd McCall re turned home from Kansas City, Tues day morning. (Jeorge Michael returned from Lin coln, Friday, wlieie he had been for medical treatment. Guy Tennant returned to Green wood, Tuesday, after spending n few days here with his mother. Miss Louise Schumacher returned fiom Orleans, Sunday, where she spent her vacation with her parents. W.Nii:i M to 80 lbs., thrifty stock hogs. Will pny premium over market price. C. II. Miner Serum Co. SOUTINAVALE Mrs. Ora Kersey is numbered among the sick this week. Mrs. 11. F. Points is on the sick list this week Miss Bessie Johnson of Bed Cloud spent Saturday and Sunday with her aunt Mrs. W. B. Conley. Mrs. John Haul wick, who has been seriously ill, is slowly Improving at thib writing. George Junsun arrived Saturday evening from South Dakota for a short visit with his parents Mr. aud Mrs. Andrew Janseu. The Walnut Creek Farmers' Union local held a social gathering at the Rob't. Mitchell home Friday evening. About fortyfive were present. All re ported an enjoyable time and especial ly the ladles as the men served a sumptuous supper gotten up enthely by themselves. About fifty members and friends of Valley View Farmers' Union mot at the home of Mr. and Mis. Beit Stunk ard on Monday evening. After the regular businsss aud nineteen new members added to the list all enjoyed an oyster supper. Plenty of music was furnished and all reported a jolly good time. Oral Strickland and wife, (nee Agnes Steward) are the parents of a little daughter which arrived Friday, March 24th. Mrs. R. L. Hunsicker has been very ill for several days. , . Floyd McCall shipped stock to Kan sas City, Sunday. V."" Mrs. Harry Lindsey and children arc spending several days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.-Klncaid while her husband is preparing a new home for them In Wyoming. GOODS Auto Scarfs Etc. COATS TEPEE Thursday, March 30 BOYS WILL BE BOYS-A tin ci1 i eel comedy diamii HIS THREE BRIDES Friday, March 31 TOILERS OF THE MEAA very entertaining three-reel dtatua WHEN CHARLIE WAS A CHtO-Comedy. STARVED TO DEATH IN A RESTAUR ANT-Lmm: Saturday, April 1 THE KIDNARRED STOCK BROKER -In two reels THE FATE OF NO. I -A rail road story of tho Iluvanl of Helen series. HEARST WEEKLY. SELIQ NEWS DREAMY lO-Comedy. Monday and Tuesday April ,'! and I A five reel special comedy drama. New and sparkling and all the rage. I!uy your Oroceiios of Minor Hros. Co. Toilet Paper, large roll .'ii'. Variety Store. Mrs. (Jrant Turner "-pent Mondny in Hastings. Mis. James Mitchell is quite sick thin week. Karl Oiekerhon leturued to I'lemout, Wednesday. Clarence Hshclmau returned home from Lincoln, Monday. Mr. Paul 1'upaf.pciit Sunday in Su pel lor with her parents. Miss Ktliel Slawson returned home from Hastings, Tuesday. A, I). Denno went to (Jillete, Wyom ing, Monday, to visit relatives Wan run 10 or So head of cattle to pasture. T. . I. Kennedy, rfd '!. Spend your dollars where your pack age is the largest. The place, Variety Store. The Degree of Honor Kensington met with Mrs. M. A. Mercer yesterday afternoon. Mrs. George Kills and daughter of Hastings visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred liugley Tuesday. Mrs. S. !;. IJulley after spending a few weeks with relatives at llelvidere, Illinois, returned home Monday. Dr. Ilobt. Mitchell was called' to Tueulo, Colorado, Tuesday night, by the illness of his brother-in-law, Ed Taylor. Mrs. E. li. Gaze who had been visit ing her brothor C, D. Robinson and family for several weeks departed for her home at Portland, Oregon, Mon day. I Don't miss the special sale of Di&o I Phonograph Records at bargain prices now on at Corrixa A. Drugs. Jeweler. Real Baking 1MB'' -j rBSjRBSStSSSSSSSSmj I,' '' WSMmr ' .S.$ SSSSSma lk; '" tVH SSSmmJf'd 'V 4 . v i I - s ' - -- v Fowaer AbsolutelPure Mode from Cream of Tartar Dirivid from Grapis s The Truth in Advertising I Wrr-V.y' Hi V Jhe Qowden-Jyaley Qlotbing Qo. s "ALWAYS ia uiiiimvnriiu i W WIMItlHI IIMHtllllllllltll'llll II till IIHtMltl Every tenth buggy whip free at Fogel's. Miss Pearl Sherer was a Hastings visitor Saturday. Hev, J, M. Kates was a passenger to Hastings, Saturday. Miss Anna Nelhoti returned home from Hlue Hill. Saturday. x Frank Bloom of Hastings spent Sun day iu Hie city with lelntives. Mrs. O. G. Stevens and chlldieti went to Ulue Hill, Monday, to visit relatives. Mrs. Ed Wittwer returned home from I'Yauklln, Monday, where she had been visiting friends Mr. and .Mrs. liruee Robinson of Clay Center npi-nt Sunday with his patents Mr. and .Mr-. C. I). Robinson. .1. A. Hosmer of Dos Moines,, was tho guest of his brother, Editor A. C. Iloimerand wife, Sunday. Miss Xinu Simmons returuod Friday from Yo.-k and Lincoln where he had been spending her uiciition. I am now piepaied to do harness re pairing at my residence '-i blocks ea-t iimll north of High School P. L. Hansen. Independent Phone No 1 17. SHOW ONLY ON MONDAYS' DURING REVIVAL wi?-fc! tfcsB ill Monday, Grace Cunard "The Broken Coin" (Two Reels) ANIMATED WEEKLY (Current Events News From All Over The World) Two Good Comedies Two Complete Shows Every Evening 7:30 and 9:00 I II M S You've heard about the nation-wide move mcnl against misrepresen ting goods for sale. Here's our viewpoint: we are in business to increase sales from year to year. To do this requires the confidence of the people. ,) And to get this confidence ' truth is an essential. We believe that every article we sell, whether it be a collar button or a suit of clothes, is worth every cent we ask for it some times more. We want you to feel the same way after you buy a thing. If you should not feel that way. the greatest favor you can do yourself and us is to bring it back and give us your reasons. We're open to argument and want you to be. loo. Will you come in and pass judgment on our Spring stock of men's wear? i RELIABLE" A. T. Walker was iu Superior, Mon day, on business. Rev. J. M Hates was a passenger to Hastings, Saturday. Miss Ulaiicho liaikcr spent Sunday in Iuavalc with liir parents Cutting tho Druggist is agent for Sal-Vet the groat conditioner. Mrs. Ward Hyatt aud daughtor were piissengers to Hastings, Saturday. Attorney Hcruatd McNcuy went to Nelson, Monday, to attend district court Mr. ami Mrs. C. E. Stine of Superior were guests of Mr. uud Mrs. P. V. Co wden, Sunday. .Mr. and Mi h. Reruutd McNouy and daughter Helen an Ivcd home the last of the week fiom Kansas City. Cecil Essig returned to his homo at Ha ppjlllo, Coloiado, Wednesday after spending a few days heie witli relatives and fi lends. Emll Publicity, Laird Potter, Phil Sherwood and Charles Sherer who ate attending the state unlierslty at Lin coln arrived home Saturday for a week's vacation April M and Francis Ford in NO. 4 r i- if ,. & S ..v. j ORPHEUN ORCHESTRA FOUR PIECES Admission - 5 Qnd 10c urnure on ,( S. & H. STAMPS W'WW'T' F. G; T