The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 30, 1916, Image 4
I .tlwMX I ,t 5k . j s. ! - "." RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i .8 J .'! 1 w i ' fii R i- THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska. PUI1LISUKD BVBUY TIIUHSDAY tmrrid tn tint l'oMofllrn nt Hut ( lotul, Ni li. nil Hccunri class Matter A II. McAKTIIUH 1'i;iii.imii:ii HK ONLY DKMOCItATK' I'AI'Ul WKIIHI'KH COUNT V IN Political Announcements Announcements Are Run Under This Head For the Sum of Five Dollars, Which Must Be Cash In Advance. Our Columns Are Open For Any Legitimate Advertising and We Wel come Announcements Regardless o Party Affiliations. FOK COL'NTY CLKItK I hereby iiiinimnco uiyaolf u can didate for tho olllco of County Clerk of Webhtcr County, subject to the will of wie voters oi i no Democratic! unci lVoplcH Independent purty nt tlm prlmnry election to be held April 18. 110. U. V. I'F.ltllV. FOK CLKKK OF DISTRICT COURT I hereby aiiiiniincnmvM.lfnt. n nmit. date for tho nomination, for a second term, nstJIerlt of the District Court, (subject to thu will of tho Democratic and Peoples Independent votois at the primary election to be held April H, 1'JIC Km i it L. McKbhhian FOR COUNTY AT'J'OKNKY. J hereby announce candi data for renominntlon as county attor ney of Webster county, subject to tho voters of the Democratic ami Peoples Independent parties at tio primary to be held April 1H, llMU. ": w,.IltnPPc.-.t8 y6llr support for ft tCT-ond term. Fiiank J. Mu.nimy. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for tho notnitmtlou of County Commissioner for district 4, subject to the will of tho Democratic and Peoples Independent votors at the primary election to be hold Apt 11 18, Hut), A. II. UIIAIIII.I.. F(fH COUNTY JL'DF.K 1 hereby aniioiinco myself as a can didate for tho olllco of County Judge, at the primary elect Ion to be hold on the 18th day of April, l!)lt, subject to thcwlll of tho qualMed electors of Wobstor County. A. I). UANNKY. ItKPHIISKNTATIVK Itlth DISTRICT I hereby announce myself as a candl date for renomlnatlon for the olllco of Kepresontatlve of tho iCth district sub iect to the will of tho Democratic and Peoples Independent voters, at. the primary election to bo held April 18th. (!. W. Liskskv. FOR COUNTY SHERIFF 1 hereby announce myself as a can. didate for tho olllce of Shell IV of AN ebstcr County, at the primary eleo tlonto bo held on the 18th 'day of April. 101(1, subject to tho will nt the Republican voters of Webster County. OMVKK 1). HKDtJK. FOR COUNT YCOMM ISSIONKR 1 wish to announce that 1 am a can didate for tho nomination of County Commissioner District Number One of Webster county, subject to the will of the Democratic voters of said district. A. II. UK 10 1 IT. TOR COUNTY SUPKR1 NTF.NDRNT , 1 hereby nuuouiieu myself as a can didate for the nomiiiatiod of County Kuporlntondent at tho primary elec tion to be hold on tho, lath of April, 1910, subject to tho will of the Demo cratic and Peoples Independent voters of Webster county. (IERTRUDK L. COON. FOR COI'NtVtRKASURDR I desiro to announce myself as a candidate for the nomination for oounty treasurer for a second term, subject to the will of the Republican 1'roKresslve Parties, at the primary election, April 18, loio. C. D ROHINSON. FOR COUN I Y ATTORN BY I hereby announce mytclf a can didate for t'ie nomination of County Attorney subject to the will of the liepubllcan party, at the primary April 18, 11)1(5. Your support will be appreciated. HOWARD S. FOB. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Thereby announce myself as a candl wUte for County Commissioner of the 4th district subject to the will of the .republican and progressive parties at Jtho primary to be held April 18th. R. W.Koontz. FOR CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT I hereby announce myself asa candl dte for the olllce of Clerk of the Dis trict Court, at the Primary Election to I held April 18th, lOlo, subject to the vote of the Democratm nf Wtiua wounty. Your support will be annro- t .olate --. ... --- iEO. W. nilTCIIIsON. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I hereby announce myself as a candi date for nomination for tho ofllce of County Assessor subject to the voters of the Republican and Progressive parties at the Primary to be held April 18th, 1010. 0. W. Hummel. OR REPRESENTATIVE tCth D1ST I hereby announce myself as a candi date for nomination for the olllce of Representative of the 4fh district sub dect to the will of tho votors of tho Kepubllcan party at tho Primary, April 38th. Cii.mii.kv IIcntkr. l'OR REPRESENTATIVE 4(Jth IJIST. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for nomination for tho olllce of "Representative of tho 10th district sub ject to the will of the voters of the Dcmooratlc party at tho I'rimary, April 3Bth. W. II. Ci.oii). FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby annoinico mysolf a candi date for the nomination of Coiintv Commissioner for district 1, subject to the will of tho Demuciatiu voters at the primary election to bo hold April 31 J. A.McAiiiiiur. FOK STATE SENATOOth HIST. 1 heieby uuiiounce Hint I have filed for tho Democratic nomination for Statu Senator, t!()tli .w........,..v.. r. 'u'ii') wv.. District, .subject to the decision of the primary election, April lHtli, 1010, arid will appreciate your support Cms H. Sa.MI'1 I.SIIN roit county siinniKF I hereby auniiunco myself as a candi date for I lie olllen of SheriiVof Welister County, at the primal v election to be Imlil mi tlm mtli iltiv nf Ain-ll I'ltli.mili. ject to tho will of the Democratio voters oi t turner eoiiniy. r iiamv inn i.u Citizens Ticket Mayor Hobt. Danierell. Oleih-0 C. Teel. Tri'iimiter S. It. Floraiiee. Kiifjlneer (J. II Ovcrlnj.'. Councilman, 1st ward Clark Stevens Councilman, 'iiu ward V. O. llatnil ton. Members of School Board L. II. DhiukleriKc ami C. A. Hcrrick. Independent Ticket Mayor F K. Maurer. Clerk -O. C. Teel. Treasurer S. U. Floraiiee. Knirlnocr O. II. Overtop. Councilman, 1st Ward IM. I'nlsi. phcr. Councilman, !nd Ward J. 0. Cnld well. Members of .School Hoard A. V. Ducker ami C. A. Merrick. City's Financial Condition The following shows tlio Jlitanclal condition of tho City of Rod Cloud at the close of cueli war for l)u n:i.i Mix. years as ttk,!J front tlm Clerk's minimi icporis: May 1. IfiUMayor i'otter retiring Wliterllond Debt S'i'iOOO 00 Electric Light Uoiid debt 1 1000 0() Claims unpaid 1278 UU Old Electric Light dobt 72io 00 S 11,178 DO Less uncoil Lew anil Cash on hand (less tegistered wrut9) 2.'18.l till 8 4'J0'jr III May 1, P.U2 Mayor Foe retiring Water linnd dobt $ U'JoOt) 00 Electric Light Hood debt.... 11000 0(1 Registered Warrants unpaid. til74 7:.' Judgments unpaid 1700 00 Claims mi niilrl 't7H H'i Old Electric LIglit debt 5500 00 S IS1.VI (51 Less uncoil Levy and Cash on hand .1031) 40 Total net debt S nil! 15 A n nw it ii It. ivim Int Iiwr this year at a cost of SHOO with an ml. ditlonal expense of .00 preparing for Installation which should be consider ed. May 1. 1D1!I Mavor TiirnnrH retlrlnir Water lloud dobt 8 '."JnoO oo Electric Light JJond debt. . . . loooo 00 Registered Warrants unpaid. DSO 80 Judgments unpaid lo.'i i!d Old Electric Lightdcbt unpaid .'.."HO Oo SlSSlbi! 15 Less uncoil Levy and Cash on hand 2s!lJ 07 Total net debt SU.:SU 3s During this year K'00 Suloou license was applied to i educing debt. May 1, 1U14 Mayor Sauudeis retiring Water lloud debt $ '.'IIOOO IK Electric Light lloud dubt.... bj()0 00 Registered Warrants unpaid. 1112 77 Old Klectrlo Light debt 1700 00 S:MJ42 77 Less uncoil Levy and Cash on hand :tlS7 50 Total net debt S.'EMSS 21 May 1, lillfi Mayor Dauicrell 1st term Water lloud debt 8 WOOD 00 Klectric Liuht Uond ililit 7.riiM) niv Old Electric Light dobt - lnt 3oOo 00 Registered warrants none Claims unnaid non S3 1500 OO Less uncoil Levy &. Cash hand on 402 8(1 Total net debt $2(18117 14 March 27, 101(5-Robt. Damerell, Mayor Wuter Bond debt 8 i8ftlK) 00 Klectric Light lloud debt.... 7500 00 Registered warrants unpaid, none Claims unpaid none Old Electric Light debt none 8 2C0OO 00 Less uncoil Levy and Cash on baud over 0000 00 Total net debt J 20000 00 A reduction of debt iu Hvo years of 822093.24. A reduction of debt under Mayor UamereH'h teini ofi:i,i55. Dated March L'7, 1010. O. C. Tekl, City Clerk Political Advertisement HARRISON C. PALMER CLAY CENTER KOB Supreme Judge PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Admitted to practice 1895. Member of American Bar Association Probate Judge of Clay County foi twelve years. No case appealed from his court hat ever been reversed In Supreme Court of Nebraska. LEGISLATIVE RECORD: Active In securing tho passage of th Insurance Code Dill, Workmen'! Compensation Act, County Tel ephone Bill and other reform meas ures. 'iTHE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE" A lifelong experience as a farmer teacher, lawyer, legislator and Judgj makes him truly "The People's Can didate." as a eatitllduto Political Advertisement BFSBsssssWVBBasaBlBssssaBssaBBBBi1 flLSrdh. IibbbbbbB mBBI nv BmHH BBsasasasTy saaaaaaasl bbbbbbbR 5 saaaasV BKaaaflal stttttts 02Z!i. isbbbbI BBBBBBBBBI WS """'' IbBBBBBBI slaaaaaaaS 4,? Islaaaaaal BBBBBBBBBM. . JtHIWB SBBBBBBaBsi BmB VtM iSBBH aaaaaaaaaaaas .f2iaaaaaaai BBaaaaaaaaaasB4 l& " m .BSBKBaaaasl BBBBBBBBBBBSaHBSaChJ BTgJBSBBBBBs GEORGE J. HUNT A Lawyer of Wide Exnerlnne For Associate Justice off the Supreme Court Twenty-flve .years, In Omaha, ten years In Bridgeport, westorn Nebraska, has made George J. Hunt a most de sirable candidate for the State Su preme Court. Those who know him call him "A young man with a ripe legal experi ence." MAYOR CHAS. W. Democratic Candidate Mayor llryan favors of Piesident Wlknn. For Governor the re-election Endorses business administration of Oovoruor Morehead. Mayor Bryan is urging a reduction of teleiihono I'Htes lli lira l... surance combine bill In last legislature, "wuk mo poiicy-noidcri probably s'0d,0o0.00 annually, and will continue to favor competition in rates. Favors sclentillc good roads building under supervision of state and county engi noers. Favors rural credits systei for farmers. Favors state hall insurance. Urges public development of water power to furnisli cheap electrlccurrent to light homes and operate machines on farms and in factoiiis. to supply heat and to opeiuto iutururbau rail ways Tlie'io practical and constructive ineasuies aro in operation in other parts of the country but impossible in iSeorasua on account of interference of special interests under leadership of booo interests and iheir lobbyists Help drive thetn out and legislate for Nebraska people the same as has been done for Lincoln people. Free the party and party machinery from inter f'jrenen of the special interests, and elect all county and state ollleors under the leadership of Mayor Bryan ascandl date for loverrmr. wlio lin Inn) .m...i. enco in executive affairs and who has a record of achievement iu Lincoln. Primaries April 18. FOR STATE SENATOR Chas.E. Samuelson.of JHildreth Cbas. E Samuelson, of Hildreth, Franklin county, is a candidate for State Senator, in this, the 20th Sena torial district. Mr. Sumuflsoii has been a resident ill the vielniiv nf III). dreth for an years, N now president aua manager of ttie iiiidreth Mercan tile Co., and bus many other (lnanc'a interests in Hildreth and Frankliu county. Petitions circulated by his friends brought him into the primary contest for senator, and having been active in Mate and county politics, onl v as any good citizen might in tho study of laws and economics, and possessing comprehensive, practical Ideas as to tho needs of Xohraska people, feels in lisklnc tho SIlllYuL'n of tlm vainu f this district that lie will if nominated and elected, be able to render faithful and satisfactory ssrvice. Mrs. H A. Creighton lett this morn iug for Cliicauu to visit rehftlves Ceo. Warren and SheritVO. 1), Ucdgo went up to Hastings this morning. Dr C V. Caldwell of Slater, Miss our!, arrived Sunday to visit ids broth or Attorney E (!. Caldwell and wife. Deputy Fire Warden N. 15. McCuiio of Lincoln was in dm city Tuesday In spei,tiuj:',thi' business houses and pub lie hillbillies. Mr. and Mis. Clia.s. ijulgloy who had been visiting lier father, Tom Mont gomery, returned to Council Hind's, Iowa, Saturday. aaaaaaaaiMllhMMCZrfW BRYAN Hjv HHs7 LHHHIIBsflF NEW ARRIVALS New Spring Suits! New Spring Coats! New Summer Dress Goods! Ngf Summer MiinshU Knit Underwear! Always the Best of Groceries! Trade With Us And Save Money On Your Purchases The Miner Bros. Go General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" Political Advertisement ITS KEteiLLE SCENES OF ACTIVITY AT HIS CAM PAIGN HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH PLATTE LETTERS FROM OVER STATE Favorite Candidate for Governor on the Democratic Side is Meeting the Voters, Making Speeches and is Becoming a Sea soned Campaigner. Ninth Pintle. Neb.. Mai eh 29. There Is nut a tiiifler place In Nebraska thun the Neville CuiiiimIkm Ile.uliiu. triers Forsooth, theie in not n busier man than Keith Neville-ieakhiK. wiltliiK, hand shaking, meeting oM fi lends anil makltiK naw ones there Is no moment of rest for him When llUme. mill hi atrlk n ilnnn. oui gait when on his speaking trips. Uut, he takes to It all like a duck to water, and it Is freely cnld that he has already become a seasoned cumpalxner. Like his dlstlnKUlKheil father, the late Cong-reivman Neville, he likes it. Not ven the Mexican war excitement tends to divert the popular west Nebraska can didate from his deteimlnatlon to win the fubermitorial Humiliation April IS. He eps right at It, by word and by letter, saying to the constant string of callers stockmen, faimers. business men, fellow democrats and friendly I publicum that b Is making a frank, clean, honorable campaign, bucked by no special Interests and shackled to no faction llrrnly re solved If elected, to KNKOKCK THE LAWS TO THE LKTTKIt. Speaking engagements will prevent Mr. Neville from mertliiK his old friend, W. J. llryan, who conies heie to speak for his brother, Charley, on the eve of next Tuesday's election. Mr. Neville Is being supported heio by those halng divergent lawn on the license question. Tho result of the contest will therefore have no benilng upon his cuuipulpn. It Is plain that one iiaallty of Keith Neville Impresses eei body frankness. He don't say one thing In the. western p.nt of the slate and another thing In tho custom, He Is 111 in, but not Olctatotlal, and is considerate of those who tako Issue with lit m In tho Htieain of letters which coma pouilnc In Horn demoeiats over the state, most nf them waimlv commend Air. NmvIIIo'h position on the issues of tlm day. Many of them begin, "I admlie our flunk and cnmlld maimer" Othei.s, "Your statement show (hut uil liue the coui ai; to be governor" And still "tlieiw. "I can use all thu lltei, ituie ou will send me becauso It rings Hue": and hundieds say, "I was Just waiting for a man like ou." Hut most of Ills letters, from fnr siul near, enthusiastically npplntid his now famous decl.uatton. "I am for WOOD ROW WILSON WITHOUT APOLOGY OH EXPLANATION." Farm Loans Ijinvost liitiM-ut, liL'st otlou att'l terms tu lie hail In tlw statu. Money nl ways ready. Call fir me at State IJuiU. " C. F. CTHBU sHliiiHr w DEMOCRACY'S FAvnniTr an,":. ' '':":"! :,"'';;i"11" "'"" ' ' " HENRY COOK, M. D. DKAI.KII IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES , HI I M- IW-U' f V II n rr-.i ifs, -. wtihiii IWall .iT'H.v tmr- , j y 'Jfc- WzTrr-Z-?-... Ciiiva&iailcVSUiL..; ' Low Price Loses out Against Low Cost pRICE may sell some things to farmers, but price alone is a poor argument compared with the records for low cost of operation made by Mogul kerosene engines. Because they run on kerosene, Mogul engines pro duce farm power at the lowest possible cost. You know what gasoline costs. You know, too, what kerosene costs Take the difference -multiply it iy the number of gallons of. fuel an engine will consume ih five years, figuring one pint of fuel per horse power per hour At what price must you buy a gasoline engine to make it cost you as little as a.Moful does? . Could you afford to ?WeeptH easo'necen8"le ?s a gift? See the dealer about this. He has the figures all worked out for you on all sizes of Mogul engines from 1 to SO H. P. , Intenutioi.1 Harvester Company of America (sKsrpsrates') j Kfegul kcrsnt) engines are hM by s White Hardware Co., Guide Rock, Neb. W. H. Hobart, Riverton, Neb. ki Political Advertisement IV $ J W J !"" k ""-!!p - lOT'wiiiiJiiiBiiianira "L- srt.'. .jt; .rr- ?.! "Sral! II 1 t MJVm- ,. W. F. STOECKER STANDS FOn Stall Ruulallcn of Brewers. BTD"WWSllllMB$wP,IIMlb,e.'p'rV'.V1 " m.iUl ,0 J0 ln co"0 ROADS fund. W. F. STOECKER Nsbrssks's DomocrslleCsndldalo FOR COVEPNQP mmrT'xi' .u :- xium. ii Xjajco?m.. i 4 I t ) - i! J Tv I i'. :i r. "Mrrmtmmf ....y.. 1 irt- w-nt. "WlHULjm1 !TA I jtAU't vMniv SMtiBWAfftA " . 2r i ft.tJ...,Jl-iL. f, iJiNfiurvsEf" HyaH JtmtAit "Ui8., Jtilkx RV.It,iiiV!!,M4-, .