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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1916)
..' (!" fiat, t'iW'J, Tk r ei Smto UHorleal S ekty ggggV.-lIgl 2f?'KPS TV. lsac,: Sgg... ? r-rr -- k h. flliii.HV.iliVriii; ' .i.m! .gf.. 1 1 iii w t--t i , i , a iiii:::i. ! m iwrissf - miB jb32. sj a ar - wwa sra-irWL J5S - . -...,.,-. ,, r : 1 " 1 . .hi. i ..ii -i MUMm-M'. . ..'. .. ..ll1 V- W'.mi'4.,.m. . ..; .'-sar-ifcBi- - .ss m jtemm&mxK jwaF&y -,? if..MW -- mf'-mr.s.m mpi' hu k v- fel f wMKlmSlI.: - lMaMyfei MmEtB&JT JtLmami& z.Tf ur ic- .-. -. -..--- hium &!. v-ia. Vj liaiK - Jii a uiMi-.i.t iiTi;iniprw .i.i.viti' --- rm- ., - ., ; --.. rii.,1 riw i --. riu. h. -va,-i iif r-r c-,hh - ammmw r ..iii.i... v. -- .... .... m.- .. v--- v. -;--r -. -j i i - "i . jg--i i - h .Wi .r. , aKHn v - .. - jm r . Ttr--f"-i.-.r - .. -jkiv-v - " . " jii -i.- u . , .: m unt :i t- i -r hv tt:, i-rrrt ---BMnk j -ww -te--fc . -m ------ - -i .-hi ?.;..- r """' "tttttti ; &&&& '--SESaSSrfifeA'. 'O.?; Mffi i ,&l3:ffiSiajl2it33Flla it I .-A- t". rSS '-""iilSJ. aJr-AA9AWlr9K!HhlinSR9sSSS9l a M?M.M.-? : inria HssaBiiEfii&rasas l. -, r. t jv& j . mmimssnssimmsmmmm m, 'j-mmmmmmwmmWf x&imaAimj'Arirm Mara 1 er r Vtt4' nwn i ciwMAmimyamgggsii -v-r-S'feM.BHfc-, ' - "i r ik. n ii'-'BaiB nFr rz : .jm k v f "". w i. ' . vmij i FiHHBKJik uuahj w4iiK:i.4ibJiT flnnDaHi wjoj'ljvk- ..m a r.y'T--.m i r .iBk & y ry .mk'jul x. - - mZa h bch' m iBvaKHBHiJ-j.''t:wr cnif rf :f V7 fTyiAAABaAAAI. -AW. Atfl TAA J tiAAAAAASt X'j 1 J"AVi'iZ 1t Ari i . , . vmAAAAAAAAAAl A AAmAAAAlAAAAAAVAAAAAAAAAAASHlAVA'c..r?AV-AAV ri'TUXAAAAABAAAAAAhr-. AU A AMAAAA 1 1 itAW. 4HAlAAAAl f Jri,,J. 1 rfT-?A. L- MWvAlAAAAWMBlUMiHJAAAAAAASAAHf A ABAAAAAAAAAWlVAWIVAAAMAlAAAAf IRAw: rUTW?rc AVAAm 1 WM3Airai i 1 1 " I i i I 1 1 II hi itt I Mil i i i . fAWRrm'j-iA. yj,J,3fT!S'ii. IBB,cjiMA'AABBBAi-- ---:-isaiPiftgMg?t fiBBMBT. jmg ";- "a- ' , (; sraJ.. i ':'' '',1,: r e.. r. i it! t ?Sgi- rSiS K 'Oj'. r?f i!- A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME 11 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. MAltCII. 30, 1JM(. NUMBER M "" v. T ' It Isn't Hard To Save It is only hard to start saving, and that is only because you think it is. Start saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA CAPITAL. San.OOO J. I SPRING HATS PAUL STOREY The Clothier What are your building plans for spring? House, barn, fence or coop. The time to plan is NOW. Estimates Furnished Free L J THE MALONE-AVERY CO. TAU WITH US AlfVT YMIR SMUN PLANS" A Large Crowd Hears Bryan Speak llononililt' Willium .Jennings Uryun mlilro.NHMl iiu tiuilit'tiRe of nbout tlve liuiulii'd in the Orplieiun tlu'iitor horo Tuesihiy inniiiinu. Ho Mild liocamu to tulle to us about the most Importiuit ifjsne tliut li:iil over confronted tht! voturs of tliu stiito lint liefoie ln.'Kin nliiKliisntldrush Iiu prefaced his re murks by nl linling toJiatloinil aiulhtiito politics. Jiibtlfylng ids withdrawal from tliu cithluet he Mild that If the grout dally newspapers could express themselves unreservedly about any action of tliu President, if Senator Hitchcock was permitted to dissent from the program of the President hiirely he, Mr. l.ryun, as a privuto citizen ought to be given the priviledge of expressing himself as u private citizen. He said he did not agtvo willi the tonu of the notes ml dressed to (icrmiitiy and that he pre ferred to withdraw and he. able to speak his convictions than remain in the cabinet and he compelled to ro main silent. He said it was highly important that tho voters of the state should elect men in sympathy with needful legis lation since they would carry out the wishos of the peoplo whereas otllcers antagonistic to the desires of the people would do all in their power to thwart the passage of remedial measures. He said that were auy other man running for Governor than his own brother he would feel more free to talk upou the subject but his brother had a record of his own and had greatly assisted him in ids previous libors and as Afayor of Lincoln his brother had accomplished a great deal. His brother was heartily in favor of the prohibition amendment and if he is nominated and elected as Governor lie would be found on the side of the people. He emphatically charged Mr. Hitch cock with being a tool of plutocracy and said that the Senator joinod Wall Street in its fight agaiust the Presi dent. Touching prohibition ho said that he had voted agaiust the measure twenty six years ago, but that now he was for it body and soul aud would gire it all the aid He could muster. He had been blinded before but now there was no question but what the wet interests were combined into a big national corporation for the sole purpose of robbing the people. lie gave as the fundamental issue that the prohibi tionists must prove that alcohol was harmful. He then delivered as some believe his best address on this sub ject. His audience gave him hearty applause and be made hit after hit. The general opinion waa that Mr. Bryan delivered a great opeeoh here and the workers for the prohibition amendment feel that his visit will re suit in much good. Thruout the hour and a half ho was given the closest attention and he left witli an excollent feeling. Holmes Is For Blackledge Lewis H. lilackledge of Red Cloud, certainly stands high in the esteem of his acquaintances in the different parts of this judicial district. Petitions for the purposo of placing him in nomina tion for district judge have been sign ed up by over a thousand voters, with out an effort upon the part of Mr. Blacklcdgo to procure the same. It hns been purely conjectural, up to the present time, whether Mr. Black Idlgc would consent to get into tho race for that position. Now, in view of tho widespread sentiment expressed Mr, lllacklcdge las decided to make the raco. This decision upon the part Ol ail. UlUCKlCUgU win uo iiuucu wuu delight by his old friends here, where he spent his boyhood days. It is like wise a source of pleasure to the voters generally to be given an opportunity to vote for a mau of Mr. Dlackledgb'a ability and temperament for this re sponsible position Bays Editor H. B. Holmes In his Bloomington Tribune. m m FOR SALE An automatic shot-gun in good condition. Y. L. Koon, Much Good The Result Of Revival Meetings Uov. Martin is getting good results, j Last Sunday afternoon he spoke to over two hundred mon. The lecture was to the point and those who at tended protlted by his suggestions. Tuesday evening was (!. A. I! , V. 11.J C , Hoy Scouts and Camp I'ire (iltis'l evening. It was well attended and tliu I program given by the children was ap preciated by all. About ten took a stand for light on this evening. Wednesday evening was lliislness Men's evening Tills was a profitable meeting and well attended by t he business men. Next Sunday He v. Martin will preach at 11 a m on the subject of "Three Host Things in The World". In the afternoon he will auniii address a mass meeting on the subject, "The World's (rout est Tragedy " In the evening the subject will lie: "Today, Tomor rowWhich'.'" To night will be High School night and a good rousing meeting is expect ed. Saturday evening the children will furnish the program. A chorus of one hundred and fifty voices is announced. Come out and hear the children aud enjoy the program with them. Prof. Kchols is furnishing inspira tion to the meetings with his'' high class mask. ,,'ii i '' ymivma An Enjoyable Evening The A. O. U. W. and Degree of Honor Lodges held a joint open meet ing on Tuesday evening. At this time Deputy Grand .Master K. C Phillips, whs present und put on some very interesting screen work, which was highly appreciated and enjoyed by all. Hev. J. L. Beebc delivered a short ad dress nloug secret society lines, tho Hailey orchestra rendered some line musical selections, and a dainty luncheon added much to the evening's cutertttlument. h wrnlll ILL OQAQ iou can depend upon Our Time-pieces and Everything we sell e Her Mamma Objected What might prove interesting mater ial for an up-to-date comedy drama was inactcd in this city on Wednesday at high noon.' At this time, Mr. Sid ney II. Allen, of Clarks, Nebraska, and Miss Marie Miller, of Smith Center, Kansas, In company with her brother and wife, appeared before County Judge Ranney, secured a marriage license and were united in holy wed lock by this said official. Before the ink had hardly dried on the marriage certificate, the judge was calledjon the phone by the mother of the former Miss Miller, asking if the wedding had taken place and requesting, if not, that the judge refrain. She stated that her daughter was but fourteen years of age. There was nothing left, however, for the judge to do, bat to in form the lady she was a trifle late that the deed was already done. The frantio woman, in company with her son, immediately an toed to this city, but on reaching hero found that the bridal party were already upou the first lap of their honeymoon some where between this city and Hastings, whereupon Mrs. Miller and her son proceeded on to that city in nn effort to overtake them. What the outcome was, or will be, we are unable to state, but since the brido bore evidence of being a maiden of more than eighteen summers, made oath that she was and her statement wns substantiated by her brother and wife, the genial county judge can in no way bo blamed for the part he so unconsciously played. m t Mrs. H. Neurburg aud son, John, returned home Monday from Grand Is land where they bad been visiting rela tives. Mrs. J. F. Grimes and daughter, Miss Irraa, of Hastings, arrived In the city Monday to visit her son E. L. Grimes and family. Charley and Floyd Woods were call el to Belleville, Kansas, Sunday night on account of the serious illness of their mother. WHEN YOU BUY A WATCH OR A CLOCK YOU WANT TO KNOW FIRST THAT IT KEEPS THE RIGHT TIME. OURS DO. YOU WANT IT TO BE UP-TO-DATE. OURS ARE. YOU WANT THE PRICE TO BE RIGHT. OURS IS. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHF " ' E. H. NEWHOUSE Jowoler and Optometrist 3TC B. & Q. Watch Inspector S!lli;!:l:!,l!lllllll,lllraOTlli!l?'!,:l!::;:illlil,!::r!l'.',l!l:!:!ll','';l:!,,'llll':'l,h :'".:,;;iiiii:;iiii!'iKiuiiii!ii:"!i,i!'"!iiii,""!i!'iiiii,iiiii!iiiiiii,iiii!ii ATTENTION! STORAGE BATTERY OWNERS DON'T LET YOUR DEALER make you believe that you must have your battery sent away to be charged or repaired. We do this work at a very nominal price and save you express and time. OlvmUa A TrlMl-tlrctlon Or Your Money mack The Red Cloud Auto Co vyyvvy'vW'WvtA tptpiptyf0p ltVpp FARM GATES "CANT-SAG" FARM GATES We believe there is no better gate at any price than the "Cant-Sag" and there is no gate that can be bought for less money. Come in and let us convince you that, in this instance, the best is the cheapest. Please pay particular attention to this word CANT It spells the best. DI ATT a CDCCC ii-w , HXIJ HISff fltfKllp4 CHI NAM-EL Is The Finest Thing To "Brighten Up The Corner Where You Are" Yon can varnish in any color and do your own graining. A half pint will go over six chairs and n table. The clear Chl-nam-el Is the best floor varnish you can get and the Linoleum Varnish is especially prepared for use iu Linoleum and Oil Cloth. Try them once and you will use them again. CHAS. L. C0TT1NG. the druggist WWvaAA 'I WW. I m C m t. 'U