- '-"WOWM RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF A h- -v Jf u 6 GAS, DYSPEPSIA AHDIGESTM "Pape's Diapepsin" settles sour, gassy stomachs in five minutesTime it! You don't wnnt a Blow remedy when your Btonmch Is bad or nn uncertain one or a harmful ono your stomach la too valunhlo; you mustn't Injuro It. Pope's Diapepsin Is noted for Its Bpccd In giving rellof; Its harmless ncss; Its certain unfailing action In regulating sick, eour, gassy ntomachs. Its mlllloiiB of euros In Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach troublo has made It famous tho world over. Koop this perfect stomach doctor In your homo keep It handy get a largo fifty-cent caso from nny dealer and then If nnyono Bhould eat something which doesn't ngreo with them; If what they cat lays llko lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causoB head ache, dizziness and nausea; eructa tions of acid and undigested food remember as soon as Papo's Diapepsin comes In contact with tho stomach all bucU distress vanishes. Its prompt ness, certainty and caso in overcoming tho worst Etoma.h disorders Is a reve lation to those who try It. Adv. When thero is u famlno in the mat rimoutal Hold at home a girl goes to Rome other town to study music or tcuch school. throw Of I Colds tnd Prevent Crip. w..,",, t"n fr,l n e,M cotllng on, tnko I.AXA TIVK IlHOMO yOlNINK. It itiih.twi nnw ol W OUOVU'Sslunaturuonboz.-JJo. How to Talk to the Wounded. "Whut tho bodies can't Btand, you know, ma'am, Is cold atcol." "Yes, I suppose It gets cry cold this tlmo of tho year." London Punch. Vne Murine after ISxpoiare In Cold, CuttlnK Winds nnil Dust. It ltcntorc, Refreshes nnd rromotuB Eye Health. Good for all Eyes that Need Care. Murine Ryo Ilemedy Co., Chicago, Bonds Eyo Uook on request. A Question. "This Is tho 29th of February, isn't it?" "It Is." "Thoro's one thing I can't figure out." "What Is It?" "Whero was I this day a year ago. and what waB I doing?" Easy Victim. "You Becm to bo in a melancholy mood this morning." "Yes, I'vo been thinking about the thousands of poor follows being killed tu Europe." "Still, that isn't your rault." "I know It, but you Bee, 1 don't awn any war stocks and thero Is nothing to prevent my yielding to acuto de pression." Americans Great Match Users. "Every man, woman and child Id this country uses an average of ten matches each day," remarked J. A. Hunter of New York, representative of a large mntch company. "It Is es timated that tho match manufacturers of the United States turn out every day more than l,70u,u00,000 matches. Of this output 1.000,000,000 nro con sumed in this country. Our people havo como to bo very extravngant In the ase of matches. A decado ago a pipe smoker might keep his plpo go in. by way of the kitchen flro and a pipe lighter; today he wouldn't think o! it Tho greater use of cigarettes also has Increased tho consumption o. matches, as have pas and gasoline etoves, which aro continually turned on and relighted. "There has been an Increased manu facture of patent lighters and a new etyle of gas stovo with patent lighter attached, and these havo helped to cut the sales of matches, but only to a small extent" MORE THAN EVER Increased Capacity for Work 8lnc Leaving Off Coffee. Many formor coffco drinkers who have mental work to porform day af ter day, havo found a better capacity and greater enduranco by using Pos turn instead of coffco. An Illluols woman writes: "I had drank coffeo for about twenty years, and Anally had what tho doctor called 'coffee heart.' I was nervous and extremely despondent; had little men tal or physical strongth left; had kid ney troublo and constipation. "Tho first noticeable benefit which followed tho change from coffeo to Postum was tho Improved action of tho kidnoya and bowels. In two weeks my heart action was greatly Improved and my nerves steadier. "Thon I bocamo less despondent, and tho deslro to bo active again ahowed proof of renowed physical and mental strength. 1 formerly did mental work and had to giro It up on account of coffee, bti' lnco nslng Postum I am doing hard mental labor with less fatigue." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Postum comes In two forms: Postum Cereal the original form must bo well boiled, 15c and 2Gc pack ages. Instant Postum a eolublo powder dissolves quickly In a cup of hot wa ter, and, with cream and sugar, makes delicious bovcrago Instantly. 30c and 50a tins. Both forms aro equally delicious and cost about tho same per cup. "There's a Roason" for Postum. sold by Grocers. MAN WALKS IN AT HIS OWN FUNERAL Body of Victim of Automobile Ac cident Was Said to Be Riley's. Cincinnati Edward ltllcy of Do trolt walked Into tho homo of hit alster, Mrs. Charles Hecker, In East Fifth street, the other day and put n Btop to his own funeral. Ills weeping relatives at llrst stared. Thou followed embraces, and tho body of a man killed In an auto mobile accident In Detroit and sent hero as that of Hlloy was removed to an undertaker's parlors. Hlloy declares that tho stranger whoso burial us his came so near hap penlng was Fred Ellis, a derelict, tc whom ho gave an old coat not long ngo. At Detroit, according to tho po lice, Mrs. Becker nnd her husband both recently Identified tho remains AL asSi l5SiBsfK'ffJ Put a Stop to His Own Funeral. of tho man, and on this Identification a check for J1.G00 from an insurance company waa presented at tho Beck er homo hero in payment of their loes. However, tho real Mr. Hlloy refused to let his sister cash tho check. Tho Wayno county coroner at De troit directed tho disposition of tho body that was turned aside. Tho presence of tho two postcards from Mrs. Becker to Hlloy found In tho coat, It is said, explained Riley's Btory. ARRESTED AT PRISON GATE Convict Caught Twice at Leavenworth, Kan., as He Finished Terms. I.eavonworth, Kan. Georgo Rob erts, alias Pete Miller, alias Frank Hardy, has had troublo "passing tho gate" nt tho fcdoral penitentiary. Ho waa brought hero tho llrst tlmo to servo a thrce-yenr term on tho chnrgo of robbing a post olllco in Nebraska. When about to pass out at tho end of liia term ho was arrested and taken to Iowa on tho chnrgo of robbing a post olllco In that state. Ho pleaded guilty promptly and received another sentence of ono year, which ho fin ished recently. Roberts was bidding his comrades farewell at tho guto when Deputy United States Marshal J. M. Moyera arretted him again. Ho la now held awHlting tho coming of government of ficials to tako him away for another trial on the chargo of robbing tho poBt olllco at Pino Bluff, 111. Ho Is only twenty-seven yearB old. CHASED HOME BY PANTHER Missouri Farmer's Wife Haa Terrify ing Experience and Narrow Es cape From Death. Gainesville Mo. Screams of a pan thor a few nights' ago sent tho cold chills creeping up tho person of Fran cis Holland, aged cattleman and sent tho coon dogs homo with their taile Invisible, shivering with fright. It wnE tho first panthor heard In Ozark couii' ty In four years. Tho animal is bo Uoved to bo In tho vicinity of "Beat Caves," olovon miles southeast ot horo. Rocontly, a panther visited this part of tho country, Mrs. Noah Webb wifo of a farmer living near Mam moth, had a narrow escapo from doath. Tho cat followed hor half s milo and, as she reached her gato charged. She got Into tho houso be foro tho panther closed In. ROOTS UP A CAN OF GOLD Hog Unearths Nice Little Bunch oi Coin on a Farm In Ken tucky. Murray, Ky. A can containing J300 in gold was uprooted from tho ground by a hog on tho farm of Bud Ray, near Jones' Mill, in Houry county, Tonn. Mrs. Richard Collins, a neigh bor of tho nays, has Jald claim to tho monoy. Mrs. Collins says hor hus band onco owned tho farm on which tho money was found, and that alio loaned him the amount contained in tho cau Bhortly beforo his doath. Af tcr his death, fiho says, tho monoy could not be found, although his books containod a record reading: "Throe hundred dollars canned," AT If cross, feverish, constipated, give "California Syrup of Figs." A lnxntlvo today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children simply will not tako tho tlmo from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with wasto, liver gets sluggish ; stomach sour. Look at tho tongue, mother! If coat ed, or your child Is listless, cross, fev erish, brcntli bad. i est loss, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or hns soro throat or nny other children's ailment, glvoa tenspoonful or "California Syrup of Figs," thon don't worry, because It Is perfectly harmless, and in a few hours all this constipation poison, sour bllo and fcrmcntliM! waste will gently move out of the bowels, nnd you hnvo n veil playful child again. A thor ough "Insldo cleansing" Is ofttlincs all that Is necessary. It Bhould bo tho first treatment given In any Blckncso. Bowaro of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask nt the store for a GO-ecnt hottloof "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of nil ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Adv. Improver" Process of Freezing Fish. It Is iiiintHiuccil tl i.t a Danish com pnny, with Iiinditiarlui8 nt Copen hagen, is utilizing n now process for freezing llsli, which Is declared to bo a decided Improvement over previous methods. Itcrunt demonstrations re sulted In tho freezing of herring In a half hour, which, under tho system provlously employed took soveral hours. THICK, GLOSSY HI Fl Girls! Beautify Your Halrl Make It Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try the Moist Cloth. Try as you will, after an application of Dandcrlnc, you cannot find a single traco of dandruff or falling hair and your Bcnlp will not Itch, but what will plcaso you most, will bo after a few weokB' use, when you soo now hair, fino and downy nt first ycB but real ly now hair growing all over the scalp. A llttlo Danderlno Immediately dou bles tho beauty of your hair. No differ ence how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderlno and carefully draw it through your hair, taking ono small strand at a time. Tho effect is ini mrdlato and amazing your hair will bo light, fluffy and wavy, and havo an appcaranco of abundanco; an Incom parable luster, softness and luxuri ance tho beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Got a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlno from nny storo and provo that your hair Is ns pretty and soft as any that It his been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's all. Adv. Unpleasant Outlook. Flrt Tommy (It. tho trenches) Wofchor lookln' so blue nhaht. Bill? Second Tommy .lebt got a letter from tho missus, tcr say 'or sister Is puttln' up wly 'or and 'us got tho measles. It ain't 'nrf a go, It nln't, wlv mo goln 'ome on leave tomorror, und a dangerous troublo llko that in tho 'ouse. London Opinion. KIDNEYS CLOG UP FROM EATING TOO MUCH MEAT Take Tabtespoonful of Salts If Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers Meat Forms Uric Acid. Wo aro a nation of meat caters and our blood Is filled with uric acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to bo constantly on guard against kid ney troublo. Tho kidneys do their utmost to froo tho blood of this irritating acid, but becomo weak from tho overwork; thoy get sluggish; tho cllmlnatlvo tis sues clog and thus tho wasto Is ro taincd in tho blood to poison tbo en tiro system. Whon your kidneys acho and fcol like lumps of lead, and you havo sting ing pains in tho back or the urlno Is cloudy, full of sediment, or tho blad der is Irrltablo, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you havo sovero headaches, nervous and dizzy spoils, sleeplessness, acid Btomach or rheumatism In bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; tako a tablespoontul in a glass ot water beforo breakfast each morning and in a few days your kid noys will act fino. This famous salts Is mado from tho acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lltbla, and has been used for generations to flush and stlmulato clogged kldnoys, to neu tralize tho acids In urlno so it is no longer a sourco of Irritation, thus end ing urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inoxpenslvo and cannot Injuro; makes a delightful efferves cent Uthia-watcr drink, nnd nobody can mako a mlstako by taking a little occasionally to kcop tho kldnoys clean and active. Adv. His Reasons. "Why does a dog lick your hand?" "I suppose to put on you the etamp of approval." MOTHER M CHILD'S iNiTIMriONAL SHNBSrSfflOOI Lesson Hy R. O. 8nLLnrtS. Acting Dim-tor ot Hiiiuliiy School I'ourso of tliu Moody initio liiwtUutr, I'lili-ugo ) K'ui) rlijlit, lllt), Wi'Ktrrti Ni-wnimiirr Union.) LESSON FOR MARCH 26 REVIEW THE GREAT TUDE. MULTI III: MilN'd I.KHKON Itfvcl'itlun 7.9-17. (JtU.MKN TIIXT They hIiiiII huiiKur nc ni'.ic-, ni'itlii'i UiltHt nny iiinii-, niltlit'i xli ill tho nun Ntilki- upon tlii'tn, noi- tiny liciit, for tho liiinli Hint In In tho inMit of tho tliioiic nhnll ho thi'lr nhrliliriil, niul nil. ill Kiililo thorn iintu fountain of u. iMm of life, anil (oil nhnll ulpo uwiiy n't tours f i tun tliult oyoM Itcv. ,:li!, 17. I General Information Omitting lessons -I, 7 and II, all of the past quarter's work has to do with tho early, tho npostollu church, covering n pei hid of time from A. I). ItO to per haps A. I). 37, Mix or seven years. The chief events are tho resurrection of Jesus, tho coming of tho Holy Spirit, tho chnngo In tho npostles, particular ly Peter, tho coiiMTsinu and baptism of ".000 believers, fellowship and won ders worked among thcao believers, the beginning of persecution, tho solectlon of seven deacons Stephen's testimony and death, tho dispersion of tho Chris tians, tho work of Philip, great growth In the early church. Historically thio lessons havo to do w.tli the things thut .leans began and continued to do after his resur rection through tho power of tho Holy Spirit. It 1b, therefore, ti story of tho power of tho risen Christ. Tho prin cipal characters aro of two classes. (1) Tho leading workera. Ot tlieso nro: Peter and John, apostles; tho 120 dis ciples, Barnabas, tho seven deacons, particularly Stephen and Philip; tho Ethiopian eunuch nnd Gamaliel, who gavo some friendly assistance. (1!) Tho chief enemies: Those who falsely accused tho apostles, tho rulers of the Jews and tho temple, Ananias und Sapphlra, Saul and Simon Muguus. It is not difficult to paint a word plc turo of tho events of tho past quar ter. This may bo done by assigning to separato pupils such questions ns: Whore, when and why did tho event of this loBBtm occur? To another pu pil assign tho task of telling whut ho thinks tho sccuo looked llko, und to still another to name tho chief per sons mentioned in each lesson. Let thoso assignments omit lessons 4, 7 and 11, which do not chronologically fit Into tbo work of this quarter. Tho remaining pupils Bhould bo primed to supply any omitted facts and to cor rect any mistakes. I. The Coming of Power. Lesson 1. Tho ascension of Jesus is ono thut shows us tho risen Christ as tho giver of tho Holy Spirit and ho is tho All Powerful Ono who haa carried for ward tho thlngB Jesus "began to do." Losson 2. This Is very much tho samo except that It suggests the man sldo ot this transaction. As tho early dis ciples obeyed, they received. In llko manner tho Spirit Is given todny to thoso that "aBk him." Lesson II shows what offect wo may anticipate when wo proclaim tho fact ot tho risen Christ. II. The Use of Power. Lesson 0 (omitting No. 4) has to do with tho dally walk and work of thoso who had so recently received this newly bo Btowed power. Through his servants, Jesus, by tho power of tho Spirit, heals and mnkcu strong tho lame man at tho templo gate a caso of "applied Christianity," tho povor of practical social service. As u result of this sorvlco Peter and John (Lesson G) had opportunity to givo their testimony to tho rulors, tho result ot which con founded tho enemies who thought thoy had conquorcd Christ at Calvary the uso of powor In testimony. Tho fur thor ovldenco of how this now power was using men is that given in lesson 8, tho Christian Brotherhood at Jeru salem. III. The Test of Power. Stephen (lesson 10) wus one of thoso who had been sopnrated for tho caro of tho temporal affairs of the early church, yet hlB testimony and murtyrdom cub lly makes him mora famous than most of tho apostles nnd forover exalts tho layman In tho Christian church. Ono other (lcsBon 12) of thoso Bevon deacons, Philip, wus also so signally used and blessed that his nurao and deedB aro almost as familiar to ua as Is tho work ot Stephen. In tho first caso this nowly bestowed powor filled tho witness with a calm uobs and courago that will always re main an inspiration, whllo In tho sec ond illustration Philip so gavo hlmsolt to tho direction and leadership of tho Spirit as to go whero ho was sent; and when to human Judgment his presence was essential to tho carrying on ot a great revival, ho oboyed tho now command and loft tho multltudo to deal with a stnglo Individual. Jesus makes no referenco to tho "mass consciousness" and tho Holy Spirit's power recolves no greator or more far-reaching test than that which had to do with its dealings with tho individual soul. Each teacher should seo to It that oach scholar shall road theso olght chaptors soveral times, it possible bo fore tho review occurs, in order that thoy may seo tho quarter's' work as a whole, for it 1b indeed ono Btory: tho story ot tho rlson Christ winning mon to hlmsolt and oqulpplng them to go forth in obedience to his last great command (Luko 21:40-49; Acts 1:8.) XOemenitee Jnvalicb Now in Good Health Through Use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Say it is Household Necessity. Doctor Called it a Miracle. All women ought to know the wonderful effects of taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases: Hardly Able to Move. Albert Loo, Minn. " For about a year I had sharp pains across iny back and hips and was hardly able to inovo around tho house Sly head would acho and I was dizzy and had no nppotito. After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound and Livor Tills, I am feeling stronger than for years. I havo a littlo boy eight months old and am doing my work all nlono. I would not bo without your remedies in tho houso as thero aro nono liko them." Mrs. i E. Yost, 011 Water St., Albert Lea, Minn. Three Doctors Gave Her Up. rittsburg.Pcnn. "Your medicine) has bolted mo wonderfully. When I was a girl 18 years old I was alwavs sickly and dolicato and suffered from irregularities. Tlirco doctors gavo mo up and Bnid I would go into consumption. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound and with tho third uottlo began to feci lictter. I soon bocamo regular and I got strong nnd shortly nf tor I was married. Novf I havo two llioo Btoufc heiiHhvnlilldron nnil nm ablo to work hard ovory day." 'Mrs. Clementina DuiinniNo,34 Gardner St.,TroyIIil!,Pitt3burg,Penn. fAll women aro invited to write to tho Lydia E. Plnkham Medi cine Co., Lynn, Musi., for apeciul advlco, it trill be confldentluL Synthetic Eggs. An AuBtrlun Bclentlst of Ortiz Ih eald to liavo bean making synthetic eggs. Ho has buon ablo to extract tho al bumon contained in tbo blood of bullockfl, Bliccp, lgB, nnd other anl mala slaughtered for human cotiBuinpt tlon, and to present it in such u form that it baa no traco of its origin, cl thor in taato or smell. As prepared by bis system, It Is a coarso, yellow powder to which bo baa given tho nanio of bucmatalb. Ilia proccaa has already boon applied In a number of Gorman and Austrian abattoirs, and haomatalb 1b In use In many honpltalH of tho Central empires as a substitute for egga. It dissolves la water, nnd can also bo used in tho preparation of pastry and other dishes. HOW WONDERFULLY RESIN0L SOOTHES ITCHING SKINS! If you havo eczema, ringworm or other itching, burning, aloop-destroy-Ing skin-eruption, try Rcainol Oint ment and Rcstnol Soap and soo how quickly the itching stops and tho trou blo disappears. Reslnol Ointment 1b also an excellent household romedy (or dandruff, sores, burns, wounds, chaflngs and for a score ol other uses whero a soothing, healing application Is needed, Reslnol contains nothing of a harsh or Injurious naturo and can bo used freoly oven on tho most irritated sur face. Every druggist sells Rcslnoi Ointment and Reslnol Soap. Adv. Accounted For. "What was It your client failed to put a good face on tho matter?" "Hn changed countennnco." Anyway, one-half the world knows that tho other half Is looking for the best at It. To Build Up After Grippe, Colds Bad Blood Take a blood cleanser and alterative that starts the liver and stomach into rigorous action, called Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery becauso ot one ot its principal ingredients tho Oolden Seal plant It assists tho body to manufacture rich red blood which feeds the heart nerves brain and organs ot tho body. Tbo organs work smoothly like machinery running In oil. You tool dean, strong and strcn oua,v Buy "Medical Discovery" to day and In a few days you will know that the bad blood Is passing out, and new, rich, pure blood Is filling your veins and artorie. Ilnrrislmrjr, 1'onn. ""When I wns Hitiglo I suf. forctl n meat deal from fonmlo wulaiuss becauso my work l-oiiik.'11c(1 mo to otiind all day. I took Lydia K. l'inkluim'B Vegetable Compound for that and was mado stronger by its use. Aftor I wns married I toolc tiio Compound again for a fcmalo troublo and after three months 1 passed what tho doctor called a growth. Ho naid L wns a miraclo that it caino away as ono generally goes tinder tho luiifo to havo thorn removed. I novcr want to bo without your Compound in tho house." Mrs. Fiiank Knoiii,, 1012 1 niton St., llarrlaburg, Tonn. Wwmm COLT DISTEMPER You enn prevent thin lnnthnnme iHneniiA from runnlnp tlirniiKh your iitnbln und curt all tho colts nufferlnR with It when you hoeln tho trcntmont. No matter how young;. HI'OIIN'H In aate to une on any colt. It In wonderful how It pruventn nil dlHtempcri, no matter how colts or horse ut any iiro aro "exponpil. ' All Rood druscRlnts and turf Koodn houses and manufacture sell HI'OHN'N at 60 cent nnd $1 a bottle; 15 nnd S10 a dozen. SI'OHN MRniOAfc CO., C'hrmUtB and UnclrrloloBliU, UonhcH, lad., U. 8. A Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver I right the stomach and bowels arc right CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gcntlybutfirmlycomj pel a lazy liver do its duty. Cures Con. itipation, In digestion, Sick Headrche.' and DUtret After Eating- SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature BLACK LEG LOSSES SURELY PREVENTS! br cmtw't iiukut pin. I-o- tirlctit ftetb. niuu: pnfimd by nil pruii MCtUM vviiiara iHKBBin, oacmw inn irttMt WDtr MMT VIMIIM fill. rtlMt whir ttmr imIhh ft Writ for booklet tnd WittraooUu. II-Dom ikif. BluklM rim I.M io.om ikn. aiukita Pint Vtti Uh inr Injector, but Cutttr'f bMt. Tta Nptrlorlty of Cutur proddcU U du to orir If ftira ot mwttlUtnt In vtMlaN Mrum Mir. latlit CuttK'i. If unobutntblt, ordtr dlract. Tk CvtUr Latiratiry, Strkiliy, Ctl., tr Ckltto, !& Knew the Drama, Too. Father, In tho hall, has been stand ing for an hour whllo Mllllcont and Harold bid ench other good night la tho doorway. "Farting," quotes Harold, "Is such sweet sorrow that I could say good night till" At this speech father gots a Shake spearean inspiration of his own and tramps down the stairs. "Seems to mo," ho assorted, "there) Is too much adieu about nothing horo." Philadelphia Ledger. The Reason, "Why do thoy call a baseball th sphero?" "HnrauBO It 1b whirled." BACKACHE, LUMBAGO Uric acid causes backache, natal hero and there, rheumatism, gout, gravel, neuralgia and sciatica. It waa Dr. Pierce who discovered a new agent, called "Anurlc," which will throw nut and comptoly eradicate this uric acid from tho systom. "An urlc" is 37 times more potent than lithla, and consequently you need no longer fear muscular or articular rheu matlsm or gout, or many other dis eases which nro dependent on urla acid within tho body. If you fool that tired, worn-out fooling, backache, neuralgia, or it your sleep Is disturbed by too frequont uri nation, go to your best drug store ant ask for Doctor Pierce's Anurio Tab lets, full treatment GOc, or send It conts for a trial package of "Anurlc" Tablots to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' HoteL B T "iMinADTFDC MfF VITTLE i.H HIVtK ppMm pjrii.i.a pr- QP f m $&t?&&ttg I Buffalo, N. Y. m "ti Bi V'.l a t-jM.A .,-.