rvftws v.n nr.nnn N v. rt?. a b w a nntos 4 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF To Get Fertile Eggs Cull the Hock rigidly for weak stock. Select on the ImMs of vljor, -i.i. unit production. Vkv I'M'y mature sUn-k. I'se r..ale of the laie, vigorous type, i.uuiiig well-developed liretiiU. strength of liono. good .! oil comb tniil wattle, unit brltrht eye-. lieme.aber the male i.s halt thu Hook. It 1 ,) necessiry to buy new blood every , ar. A uV-i ruble inal- slioulil bo ued for two or tunc your- for best result Allow stock fiee access to rnvs range, unit feed sparingly. I'niltry Suction, College of Agriculture Nebraska Beautiful Tree, shrubs, plunts iiml vines judic iously planted mound a house niiikc it n plnco of beauty in which to dwell Now is thu time to look iiround about you and sec what Is needed to make your homo more attractlvu. If every home owner would plant a tree, vine, shrub or plant each spr'ng Nebraska in it few years time would be known f rin coast to coast as one of tlio most delightful places In which to live. I'laii this spring to help make each neighborhood and community a hotter anil nioro attractive place in which to 1 ve by beautifying your own home grounds roi.tTU'At. AnviinrisiNn r "1 Ed. Mathes' CLEAN-UP SALE fa' I II ,J w HHMS9S9S9SSHS9S9S3S9HHM .aaaaac?' .aaaaaaaaas. wv I 4j N r. V TTkmlwua&JLston H. E. GRICE DRUG CO aMty IfJMBMlff i.?y 7 LLaaaaaaaaV 5iaV Does It Run On Kerosene? TAHE most important feature of a farm power engine today is the fuel it uses. That, more than anything else, determines its usefulness and economy. At present prices of gasoline and kerosene, you could not afford to accept a gasoline engine as a gift, if you had to use it. You could better afford to pay a big premium for a Mogul kerosene engine. See the Mogul work on kerosene. Ask your dealer to show you the difference in fuel cost between a Mogul in any size from 1 to 50-H. P., and a gasoline engirre of the same size. The figures will surprise you. International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) Mogul kerosene engine are told by White Hardware Co., Guide Rock, Neb. W. H. Hobart, Riverton, Neb. At Wotner, Kansas, Commencing At 10 A. M. On Thursday. March 30 V Kmf VtftWV KEITH NEVILLE Democratic Candidate for Governor1 Born and roared in Nebraska, i m Stands for a constructive rather 1 7A than an experimental program. MJ His election will mean a con- C tinuance of clean, busincss-hko and eflicientexecutivo administration. saaWaaalT BaaaaaaaaaaWaBaV1 . aaaaaaaaaaaVaaaEP'ift? -aaHBSSw March Bulletin of Rate Attractions LOW ONlvWAV KAU1W TO PACITIC (OAST; This .Sprint,' season oflow one-way fares to California, Washington, Oregon Uu!. Idaho. Monlaiia, "will last only fiom March 'J.'.tli to Apiil 1 ttli. luelii ive. i32..Vi one-way to tho Coast, mi.i 27."' ti Ut ill. Salt Iike, ldahci, Central Montana, Uutto District, etc, Apply curly forthioujrh touilst hleepr-r accommodations in tlio UurlinK ton's'llirontr1' hfrvlot' route!, via Scenic Colorado, Salt l.iUe, to California or ov.'r the dir.ct north AOHt.muln line through IStlllnp. to Seattle. ROCKY MOI'NTAIN NATIONAL l'AKKS: The cumiiifr season will bring tlio greatest voliuno of Eastern tourists into KoeUy Mountalii National Estcs nuic, i ellowstono I'.uk, iiiueier .National l'nrlt. ybt recorded. Speelal tours will ho arranged by co-operation lie tween the railroails mi I the (lovernmont. Automobile tours ami routes will be greatly exten i - . and the Rocky Mountain Nutlonal l'arks Tour is coins? to be inade n.oie attractive tlinn ever. Such a vacation tour will pay you a tremendous health .lividond, bo-ddes being tlio scenic adventures of a life time, It Is imiio too eaily to be thinking over buoIi u possible trip and asking me how It can best bo made. N. B. Bush, Tlckot Agent, Red Cloud, Nebr. L. W. WAKELEY, General Passonger Agt. lOOt Farnani Street, Omaha, Nebr. . 1 56 Head of Stock-House and Lots 1916 Model Overland Automobile MIAMI L SUnOR Rtftlliean Capiat dr eiiMMr JdK Satton aUuxU for anoew agaaMBt to Uacfttloiial IoaUtM tloM, SUU Wattr Power DatvIob- meat. Irriftfoa, Ts RedaeUon, Better Piblle BervUw. the Abe41ik Bout of the Brewery and 8tooa, tad Better Kaforceaeat of Law. THI DRYS CAN WIN A VICTORY Y CENTCRINQ ON 8UTTOH Horses and Mules 12 head 3-year old horses and mares: 5 head 2-year old horses and mares: 1 coming yearling colt: 2 mules coming 4 years old; 8 mules 2 years old: 1 mule 3 years old: 3 jinnies, all are extra good: 1 brood mare 10 years old; 1 grey mare 7 years old. Cows and Hogs 2 good milk cows; 20 head of fine brood sows. 1,000 bushels ear corn. 1 wagon and 1 buggy. !,i Fine Home at Auction What is known as the Dr. Watts resi dence in Womer, will he sold at this sale to the highest bidder. This is a nice property and makes a fine home or would be a good investment. Terms will be made to suit the purchaser. Its the chance of a life time. 1916 Overland Auto This is a 5-passcnger car, a new 1916 model that is in excellent shape and is as good as new. Better come and bid if you want a good car cheap. LUNCHtBY WOMER HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY TERMS:-Ten months at 10 pt r cent. Tormt to suit on house and lot. ED. MATHES V: Hester & Brown, Auet. Emmett Womer, Clerk J Political Adveiitisinu SBBBaaaaw: 'fy''h ".' ifSBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaftBaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaWlWS'''' JaaaaaaaaaaflRHHaaP TOBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. BamW&r7KarcAoJaaaaawXy'.::: -X aaaaaaaaaamSar aaayUtfBaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaSvvTkaaaaai X-SCElBaaaaaaaaVBaK&'PSBVV'v JaaaUttKxV ... ' " ' - 'ffisffil lllaaaW ? 'lEaaal " JUDGE ALBERT J. CORNISH Candidate for Judge of the Su preme Court. Is now serving his twenty-first year as Judge of the district court of Lan caster County. Reputed to have a profound knowl edge of the law, absolutely Impartial and human In his Judgments. Mature, but vigorous and active. His neighbors have five times want ed him to be their Judge. HARRISON G. PALMEB GEORGE J. HUNT A Lawyer of Wide Experience For Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Twenty-five years In Omaha, ten years In Bridgeport, western Nebraska, has made George J. Hunt a most de sirable candidate for the State Su preme Court. Those who know him call him "A young man with a ripe legal experience." WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLAIT & FREES &uiiUbM,ai;iii' :nui'iiii, vm -i ' r : ;i, ww w:mm r "WiBiiiirawiwiasM 1:11 n mMisamcni'MitMnuirji HENRY COOK, M. D. UKAl.KI! IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES Hi- "! ; ". "' ,"' g.. " 'i.iip. a iiii: ,;:;'.:""':!"" T'ir,.. IF YOU WANT A: CLAY CENTER 1'OU Supreme Judge PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Admitted to practice 1395. Member of American Bar Association Probate Judge of Clay County foi twelve years. No case appealed from his court hai ever been reversed In Supremt Court of Nebraska. LEGISLATIVE RECORD: Active In securing thu passage of thi Insurance Code BUI, Workmen'i Compensation Act, County Tel ephone Bill and other reform meas ures. 'THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE" A lifelong experience as a farmer teacher, lawyer, legislator and Judgi makes him truly "The People's Can , dldate." ... RRua a sm nawk. " b-i s1 iJa std r&yi w aW VOluHEHT OH A IWAKKER jBade Right, bettered Hight find Erected Right SEE: Ssa i ia a it hxM g,) THE ALARM is it dretuirul tliinu OF" FIRE for tlio man without insurance. Kvery time he sees the oiih'iuo.s ruuiiiff aloiin Ills liemt comes up In his throat If the fire Is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth it many times ovei Have us ItiMire you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. 8 OVERlflG BROS. & GO. (if Makers of Artistic Monuments yl Red Cloud, Nebraska $t93 Poi.iTir.vi, AnvnitTM.vo HsuBe'"!aa W. F. ST0ECKER STANDS FOn Stat Riiulttlon ol Buwtrs. Tai ill Liquors by Riiiddi Stamps Itsuid by cm nlssloo. Hlhir Tu en Wklskij t is la OOOD ROADS tut. Balance ol Miuy ti si distributed preptrtlauttli aneoi ALL public sebsois. W. F. STOECKER Ntbraska'a DttnoeratleCandldst FOR GOVERNOR If m mm J Jaal i CXW,.. t trdtfj tfeJ