The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 23, 1916, Image 6

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Conditions In France Sold to be Very
Satisfactory German
Offensive Again
WcMrrn Nrwppiipcr Union New Service
El 1'iiHt), Tux. Punclio Villa linn
been driven Into a (I'm) by the inpld
advanco of ttic American troops), ac
cording lo Information received In dlB
patclieH front the front, and in tele
graphic messages to General tlnhilel
Gavlia, the Chihuahua commander nt
Everything seems now to depoud on
the nlilllty of tlin Cnrranzn garrisons
to hold their end of the net. On three
sides of llio hnudit chief, he is hemmed
In by strong Cnrranzu columns, while
on the fourth the American soldiers
are driving forward with amazing
Villa is reported In tho Jlabrleora
lako region on tho ranch of Mrs.
Fhooho Hearst, which ho has ravaged
several times In the past. Dabricora is
about llfty-llvo miles south of Oaleana,
whoro one section of tho American ex
peditionary forco has arrived nnd Is
pushing forwurd nt tho rate of thirty
tbrco miles a day.
Offensive Again Slackens.
London. Tho German offensive In
tho Verdun region, now Hearing tho
end of its fourth week, has again slack
ened decidedly, both Paris and Ilerlln
reporting tho continued absenco of In
fantry operations by cither side. Tho
big guns hero and thorn along tho
front in tho vicinity of tho fortress
aro Intormlttently pounding opposi
tion positions, but tho chief activity
Just at present seems to bo by the
airmen. Numerous raids by French
viators aro reported by tho Paris
war olllco, tho points bombarded in
cluding tho railway stations of Con
linns and Motz. Tho showers of heavy
shells dropped aro dcclnred to have
been effective in causing numerous
explosions and fires.
Conditions In France Declared to be
. Satisfactory.
Pnrls. Although .Franco spent more
than 22,000,000,000 francs In 1915, tho
financial situation Is satisfactory,
thanks to thotFronch Internal loan
which In being malntnlucd abovo tho
rato of Issue, said Felix ltlbot, minis
ter of finance, during a discussion of
tho appropriations required for tho
second quurtor of 191fi In tho chamber
ofdeputlcs. With only ono dlBscntlng
vote tho chamber adopted tho credit
of 7,800,000,000 frnncs Tor the second
quarter. This Is equivalent to a dally
expenditure of 87,000,000 francs.
Minister Hlhot said that whllo
Franco would soon bo spending DO,
000,000 frnncs a day, England would
bo spending 110.000,000. and sho Isnblo
to support tho imposition of now taxes
much better, beeauso Franco Is con
cerned wtih tho dllllculty of purchasing
supplies nbroad, such ns coal, grain
and meat for tho army and civil popu
lation. Many Recruiting Substations.
Washington. Tho recruiting officer
nt Omaha will have clmrgo of tributary
recruiting ofTlccs at Des Moines, Lin
join and Sioux City, under tho plans
now being made by tho war depart
ment to enlist quickly tho 20,000 addi
tional men for tho regular nrmy,
authorized by congress last wook. Ono
hundred and seventy-two substations
will bo opened in various parts of tho
United States.
Opens San Diego Exposition.
San Diego, Cal. Tho Panama Cali
fornia International oxpoaltlon was
formally thrown open to tho world
Saturday with twenty nations par
ticipating ns exhibitors to Justify tho
"International" which was added to
tho exposition's tltlo for Its second
year of existence nnd with approxi
mately 20,000 visitors crowding' Its
sunny courts nnd (lower tilled patiou.
Mexicans Reported Excited.
Douglas, Ariz. With Mexicans hero
and In Agun Prteta greatly excited
over tho American entry Into Chihua
hua, eight troops of tho First cavalry
havo been placed near tho border lino
facing Agua Prletn. Carranza soldiers
mobilized at Cabullona .eighteen miles
Bouth of Douglas wero reported to
havo Informod Governor E. P. Callos
of Sonora that ho has sold out to tho
Amorlcnns. Messengers from Cabul
lona stated that tho 3,000 troops thero
bad ordered Callcs not to visit their
Sugar Prices are Soaring
Now York, The continued strong
tono of tho raw Btigar market has
sent tho prlco of granulated to the
highest lovnl recorded slnco tho out
break of tho European war. Ono of
tho Inrgost Amorlcan roflners quoted
tho granulated product at 7 routs
whllo others advanced tho prlco to
6.90 cents. Tho high prlco was at-
trlbutcd to tho recent nctivo demand
for sugar from abroad, owing to tho
email European acreage of beet sugar
end tho large doinostla buying.
McMlllcn to Take Course In Private
Aviation Cchool.
Captain II. K. McAlllleii, aviator ol
tho Nebraska national guard has been
selected by tho American Aero club ol
Now York as one of tho six avtatort
to bo chosen to take n froo course In
tho Curtis aviation school at Newport
News. Tho club will ndvanco 200 to
pay his cxponscs and will pay for his
courso of Instruction In tho ubo of the
particular typo of Curtis machine
which ho will bo compelled to ubo. The
club, for tho alleged purpose of build
ing up n reserve of nvlators In case ol
need by tho government In Mexico In
chasing bandltH through the moun
tains, says It will Btnrt with six men
chosen to tako tho courso of training.
Arjtitant (Jcneral Hnll hns received
notice of tho club's offer and Is wllllnc
to accept It.
rtarman Wants Gasoline Embargo.
C. E, Harmnn, Nebraska food com
missioner, has asked the democratic
mombers of the Nebraska delegation
In congress for an embargo on tho ex
portation of American gasoline. lie
aBks that this he done so that tho ex
portation will not Incrcaso tho prlco
or the product in tho United States to
a prohibitive point.
In his letter to tho democratic
members of tho Nebraska delegation
Mr. Harman says tho price of gaso
lino has nlmost doubled In four yenra
and tho prlco has Jumped In ono yenr
from 10 centB a gallon to 1814 cents
and 20 cents n gallon. Ho sayB tho
prlco In Nebraska Is now too high and
In eastern 'states It Is unreasonable. Ho
has been Informed that tho prlco In
soino states Is 40 cents a gallon nnd
the owners of automobiles In many
cases havo ceased to uso their cars. Ilo
bollovcB an embargo on oxportntlon
of tho Amorlcnn gasoline will not only
conserve nn Amorlcan resource, but
will bo made easier on people's pocket
Government Aid for 8tate Roads.
A copy of tho bill which has been
favorably reported In tho United
States scnato, proposing government
aid to tho states In tho construction
of good roads ,hns boon rocclvod by
State Englneor Johnson as a member
of tho American Association of State
Highway Ofllclals. Tho bill proposes
tho following appropriations:
First yoar, $ 5,000.000; second, $10,
000,000; third, $15,000,000; fourth $23,
000,000; fifth, 150,000,000.
Theso sums nro to bo given to tho
states which will Bpcnd equal amounts
of their own monoy ns they rccclvo
funds from tho government. Ono
third of tho federal appropriations
will bo apportioned on tho basis of
mileage of all roads within the state,
one-third on tho basts of tho state's
area and one-third In proportion to tho
population of tho state.
Ready for.Moblllzatlon.
General orders havo been lssuod by
Adjutant Genoral Hall of tho Nebraska
national guard to tho captains of tho
thirty-two companies throughout the
stato regarding mobilization, so ns to
bo prepared for a quick assembling of
troops should a mobilization order bo
Issued. s In addition. General Hall has
called for four now companies of In
fantry In tho guard, and they nro bo
lng organized at David City, Schuyler,
Wayne nnd Onmlia. According to Gon
oral Hall, tho addition of tho four com
panies will put tho national gunrd Into
first-class condition, and It will bo fully
ready for mobilization Bhould such nn
order come.
Would Protect American Flag.
Tho uso of tho American flag on
papor napkins, which aro crumpled and
thrown away, In advertisements which
nro usually destroyed, are desecrations
of tho ling, according to Mrs. A. K.
Gault of Omaha, a prominent mcrabor
of tho stato Daughtors of tho Revolu
tion. Mrs. Gnult Introduced n resolu
tion for tho Omaha chapter of tho D.
A. It. at tho stato conference that a
printed list of such mlsuacB of tho flag
bo prepared and distributed gonerously
by tho "Daughters." Mrs. Gault bo
lloves that desplto tho present work
of tho I). A. It., tho desccrntoin of tho
flag Is goneral.
Fourteen counties of tho state and
their treasurers aro mado defondanta
in nn Injunction suit brought In fed
oral court by tho Great Northorn rail
way. Tho total amount of monoy In
volved Is J1CM0. Tho enso origi
nated over tho taxing of tho Bleeping
cnr8 of the defendant whllo they
were in use on tho Burlington ays
torn In this stato.
Discuss Mobilization of N. N. Q.
Mobilization of tho national guard
of Nobraska under plans of a different
nature than wore proposed by tho mil
itary board a couple of years ago,
when It looked as If Moxlcan Inter
vention wns In sight, is llkoly to tako
placo If Nebraska troops aro called
Into tho Hold this tlmo. Definite
plans havo not boon announcod by
General Hall, but It Is known that ho
considering tho advisability of go
ing into the mattor at length with
his military ndvlsora.
Worms Destroying Library Records
Two worms, a sixteenth of an Inch
long and ono-thirty-sernnd of nn Inch
wide, wore captured by Stato Librarian
Llndsey In nn examination or tho
books In tho atato house bnionient
which havo been rnlded by an army of
tho posts during tho past monMt.
"They nro doing hundred of dollars'
ivorth of harm," said Mr. 1. in 'soy. "nut
tho fact that thero Is no room In tho
stato library fur our hooka prevents us
from paving our records. Most of tho
daniago tlnn far bus been dono to
court records,
Spelling will bo It, In tho schools
of Lancaster county this spring, for
somo eight thousand students In the
fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades
aro already plugging nwny In prepara
tion for a big spelling bee to be held
nt Lincoln April 28. It will be one ol
the old fashioned kind of spoiling
boeB where the Bpeller will havo to
stnnd up nnd faco a rapid Ilro test m
oral Bpelllng.
Five silver cups hnvo been offered
a n Bpeclnl premium to bo awarded
at (ho national swine show In Omalio
October 2 lo 7. Tho trophies will he
of handsome design and aro expee'ed
to bring out keen competition. The
will bo olTered for tho best boar nnd
three gilts farrowed Blnco February I
this yenr, In the following breeds: l'o
Innd China, Berkshire, Duroc, Hamp
shire nnd Chester Whites.
That It pays well to feed hogs In
Box Butte county even though the
corn has to be shipped In to do It, Is
shown In the case of E. L. Gregg,
breeder. He bought sixty-one head of
hogs ut tho yards In Alliance and fed
them corn for sixty-two days and sold
tho porkers nt a clear gain of $;109.
'Ihey showed nn average gain of 85
pounds each.
Mrs. Samuel Johnson of Boone pre
cinct, Boone county, who parsed away
at hor home recently, nt the age ol
SO years, took a larger part In popu
lntlng Boone county than any other
person, It Is believed. Mrs. Johnson
hnd fourteen children, thirty-one
grandchildren, thlrty-threo great-grand-children
and ono great-great-grandchild.
C. E. Shea, who has conducted tho
Broken Dow Republican for something
over a yenr, has sold tho plant to J.
K. Hcwett, who has for somo years
been a member of tho Alliance Tlmea
forco. Mr. Hewett, tho new editor, la
a practical newspaper man and under
his management tho paper will bo re
publican In politics.
Tho Dodge county board of super
visors Instructed County Attorney S.
S. Sldncr to bring suit against the
nlnotcon Insurance companies which
havo Insurance on tho county court
house, destroyed by Ilro at Fremont
thrco months ngo, to forco tho pay
ment of the full amount of tho lo8s,
Gcorgo Crumrlnc, an aged farmer,
living ono mile south of Phillips, Ham
ilton county, was Injured, perhaps fa
tally, when ho was run over by his
own automobile. Tho aged 'man suf
fered a serious scalp wound. The
top of tho head had boon torn almost
completely off.
John Dobbs, a - grain " dealer of
Beatrice, who has Just Inspected n
number of winter wheat fields In
Gage county, reports that the crop is
In excellent condition, having passed
through tho winter In good shape.
Four train loads of horses, consist
lng of lie cars, wero shipped from
Grand Island Inst week for tho French
and Italian governments, This was
tho largest shipment of horses ever
mado out of Grand Istand.
Excavation work on the annex to
tho Clarke hotel, Hastings, bus com
menced. Tho addition will cost
$G0,000, nnd will consist or lirty-tour
rooms and a banquet room with a
seating enpnclty of aOC persons.
A movement la on foot for a new
rural high school In Maple township,
involving tho six districts of the town
ship In Its support and benellts. Sen
timent seems largely Jn favor of Uio
proposed new school.
Tho Lincoln city commissioners
have put a ban on bonfires nnd none
will bo allowed in that city tills spring.
The renson for It Is the likelihood of
fires being communicated to other
Tho West Point council has raised
tho Baloon license fee to $700. Ever
since the enactment of tho Slocumb
law the license has boon tho minimum
$?00. There are eight saloons In tho
Farmers of Midland township, Gago
county, have organized a Gopher club,
for Uie purposo of combating tho pest
Each member Is to bo taxed a small
amount to finance the club.
A recruiting station of tho U. S. ar
my hns been opened nt Lincoln, It
Is In clmrgo of an officer from tho
headquarters at Omaha,.
A freo dental dispensary is being
planned In Omaha,
"Idaho Bill" Pearson, frontier show
man, of Hastings, nnnounccs ho in
tends to organlzo a troop of rough
riders for sorvlco in Mexico. Ho wilt
seek recruits among the cowboys of
At a special election tho city of
Kearney voted out saloons by a ma
jority of 322 votes, tho largest o'cr
recorded against the saloons. The
"lection was a llvoly affair, tho total
voto being only thirty-two less than
tho total vote cast nt tho general
election In 1914.
Tho annual old fiddlers' contest
will be held at the Young Men's Chris
tian nssnelctlon, Omaha, on March 27.
All the contestants must be 50 yenrs
or more. In past years contestants
have attended from nil over tho state
of Nebraska.
By a voto of (100 to 170 Norfolk
voted fEQ.QOO bonds for pnvlng street
Intersections. This means about ?lx
nil'es of paving In Norfolk this sum
mer. The city gns plant nt Poncn wl'l Ik
ill'contlruid after April 30. Electric
(ty will be used.
TO $500 PER TON.
Items of General Interest Gathered
from Reliable Sources Around
ths state House.
Western Newepnper Union News Servlcs.
The war Is assisting nn Infant Ne
braska Industry to grow. During the
past week announcement wns made of
a new company being organized to
tako potash from tho briny lakes In
the neighborhood of Antloch, and
northeast of Alliance. For somo
months a company has been shipping
concentrated brine from theso lakes.
Tho water contains a stronc solution
of potash. Potash Is not found In all
the lakes, but in a fow tho water con
tains It in solution nnd In somo of
them there is a deep deposit nt the
bottom of n mixture that yields potash
In a larger quantity. This is brought
to the surface, concentrated and tho
concentrate shipped to market In tank
cars. Tho demand for war munitions
hn3 Increased tho demand for potnsh
so that tho price has gone up from
$39 n ton. tho normnl prlco before tho
war, to ?Q00 a ton. At tho latter prlco
tho product Is said to bo too valuable
for uso as fertilizer, although It Is an
excellent fertilizer nnd nt lower prices
finds a ready market In some agricul
tural sections.
Tho United Stntos geological survey
has shown an Interest In this mattor
since the demand now exceeds the
SUnnlv nnd tlin tll-lffl line innn nn tt
has Instituted a wido search for potash
Have Troubles lr Other States.
Slnco discovering a fow days ago
that "book beetles" had been eating
In tho buildings of 1,000 copies of tho
1903 session laws of Nebraska, stored
In tho basement of tho capitol, Clerk
Lindsay of tho supreme court has
found out that other states are also
having trouble with tho same post. He
has sent somo of the grubs which do
tho damage to Profrssw Bruner nl
the University of Nebraska, and the
.latter Is making an Investigation to
determine whoro they come from, what
they feed on, and how to got rid of
Somo bound volumes of tho Louis
iana court reports have Just como by
mall to tho supremo court clerk's
olllco and nlRO an old sot of twenty
volumes of the Texas Reporter. All
of , theso book's contained th ellttlo
worms which develop Into "book bee
tles," and all had been damaged to
Another peculiar discovery was
mado when a copy or tho 1913 "session
laws of Nebraska was taken out of Its
original papor wrapping nnd found to
be Infested with tho embryo beetles.
Tho wrapping ltsoir was Intact. Tho
Inreronce rrom this is that tho eggs
are deposited by tho parent Insect In
the leather, paste or other raw ma
terial that goes Into tho binding, and
that tho young ones hatch out in tho
book nnd ent their way out.
County Treasury Examiners Ma
honey nnd Stcch have gone to Omaha,
under orders from" Stato Auditor
Smith, and nro checking over tho
county treasurer's bookB for n year
back In order to find out how much
ho was owing to tho Btnto at tho
beginning of every month. Tho audi
torhas announcod that Uro will bo
charged with the penalty of 10 por
cent Interest on moneys so held by
him. Tho amount of interest Is llko
ly to run abovo $5,000. It Is ox
pocted that Uro will resist payment,
which means that tho auditor may
havo to bring suit to collect tho pen
alty. Other county treasurers who
failed to remit monthly after bolng
directed by State Treasurer Hall to
do so will also have the penalty
charged against them for tho times
thoy havo been respectively delin
quent. Dr. F. S. Marnell of Nobraska City
has been appointed pathologist or sec
ond assistant physician at tho Lincoln
hospital for tho Insane. Dr. Marnell
has been a practicing physician for
many years, and hnd four years' ex
perience as physician at tho stato hos
pital for lnsano nt Mt. Pleasant, la.
Opnose the Antl-Convlct Labor Bill.
The Nebraska stato board of con
trol will Join tho boardB or many other
states to lobby against the passago of
bills In congress directed against con
vict mado goods, Tho Nnbraska board
has practically abandoned the contract
labor system nnd' Is gradually branch
lng out In tho work of manufacturing
goods by convict labor directly undor
stato supervision. Warden W. T, Fen
ton of tho stato pcnltentinry has beon
authorized by tho Nobraska bonrd to
attend a hearing before the senato
committee- on education nnd labor,
Requests Filing for the Kaiser.
Secretary of Stale Pool has received
a petition nominating Wllholm Nohon
zollern for president or tho United
.States. It wns rocived by mall. Mr.
Cool Is or tho opinion that the potl
Hon In not rrnulnn but ho prank or
jolcor, and ho wl'l not fllo It. It
Mtrpnrts to bo Bl-m-'d by democrats
IIvIiik In Lln.o'n. Twity eight names
nro nttnl-rd o It. Jo'unnes Schmok
or, Anhin,re- P crh r 't. von Illnton
burg, Stml; !.' ii-rBp, Karl Kuesol
baumni nnd other names aro on tho
Why rheumatism and lumbago sufferers should drink phosphated
hot water each morning before breakfast
rust M
Just as coal, when It hums, leaven
behind a certain amount of lncdmbus
tlblo material In tho form of ashes, so
tho food and drink tnken day after day
leaves In tho alimentary canal a cer
tain amount of indigestible material,
which If not completely eliminated
each day, becomes food for tho mil
lions of bactcrln which Infest tho bow
els. From this mass of loft-over wasto
material, toxins and ptomnlne-Hko poi
sons, called uric acid, Is formed and
then sucked Into tho blood whero It
continues to circulate, collecting grain
by grain In tho Joints or tho body
much llko rust collects on the hlngo
as shown abovo.
Men and women ,who suffer from
lumbago, rheumatism or Bore, stlfT,
ncMng Joints should begin drinking
phosphated hot water, not as a means
to magic roller from pain, but to pro
vent more uric acid forming In tho
system. Before eating breakraBt each
morning, drink a glass or real hot
water with a tcaspoonful or llmestono
phosphate In it. This will first neu
tralize and then wash out or the stom-
No Barber BUI to Pay.
Thero Is a barber's shop In Cape
Town at which Sir l.eandcr Starr Ja
meson can always havo n haircut and
shave for nothing. Years ago "Doc
tor Jim," then In practice, attended
tho barber's wito during a dangerous
Illness. Though his skill alio recov
ered. Tho husband was deeply grate
ful; but ho was not In a position to
pay. Instead, h offered to give "Doc
hor Jim" a freo haircut and shave
for the rest of his life. Whenever Sir
Leander Is In Cape Town he goea to
tho shop, and tho barber carries out
his bargain.
, , '- -
Soothed and Healed by Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment. Trial Free.
Smear tho afTectcd skin with Cutlcura
Ointment on end of finger. Lot It re
main flvo to ton minutes. Then wash
ofT with plenty of Cutlcura Soap and
hot water. Dry without Irritation.
Nothing llko Cutlcura for all skin
troubles from Infancy to ago.
Freo aaraplo each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Tho Ancient Mariner shot the alba
"1 mistook It for a neutral canary."
ho explained.
"Wo aro maintaining a strict neu
trality." "Hardly! We aro praying that the
right side may win and nro quite con
vlucod as to which Is the right Bldo."
To keen clean nnd healthy take Dr.
Tierce's Plensant Pellets. They regulate
liver, bowels and stomach. Adv.
However, many of us aro ror any
brand or reform that's taahlonablo
Insure your crops and farm property against HAIL
STORMS in the Old and Tried UNION FIRE IN
Our new rates and plan of payment will make it
worth your while to see our local representative first.
28,000 satisfied Nebraska farmers testify to our
honorable dealings of more than a quarter century.
Send for booklet containing a list of 2,000 individual
losses paid in the year 1915
ach, liver, kidneys nnd bowels tho pre
vious day's accumulation or toxlns.and
poisons; thus, cleansing, sweetening,
and freshening the entire nlimcntary
canal, each morning, boforo putting:
moro food Into tho stomach.
A quarter pound of llmestono phos
phato costs very llttlo nt tho drug,
store but Is Bulllclont to mako any
rheumatic or lumbago Buffcrer an en
thusiast on tho morning Insldo bath.
Millions of people keep their Joints,
freo rrom these rheumatic .acids by
practicing this dally Internal sanita
tion. A class of hot wntor with n t.n.
spoonrul of limestone phosphato, drank
borore breakraBt, la wonderfully Invig
orating; besides, It is an excellent
health mensuro becauso It cleanses the
allmontary organs of all tho waste,
gases and Bour fermentations, making
ono look and feel clean, sweot and.
fresh all day.
Thoso who try this for ono wenk
may find themselves free from sick
headaches, constipation, bilious at
tacks, sallowness, nasty breath and1
Btomach acldltv.
Children for Farm Work.
The Kent (England) education com
mittee has again decided to release
children twelve years of age and up
wards from school attendanco tor em
ployment In ngriculture during ths
summer months. Children of not less
than twelvo ycara or ago aro oIeo to
ho released thla year for employment
In home duties If thereby their moth
ers can be employed In ngriculture.
Theodore Roosevelt was tho young
est man over elected to tho presidency
or tho United States.
Get This FREE
Uai nUI mm ...
And the Agency ftr Your Territorj
Pe.ULCar Frec?nd qualify to makcflOOa
000Aai?ea.r.aIld,UD l.n.th0 Automobile Busi
ness. A Potal brines full details of this gnat
whp&uenr u l,ua"' "
U,3 J5W1 C0LLEGE, Inc.
North Clark Street nnd Chicago Avenue. Chicago. III.
Nebraska Directory
1, Meillrali 8. MirKlrali S, Obatatrlcali
4, Laboratory! S, X-Uay Uepurtmeau.
TralnlBg school fornnnn In connection.
Open to nil rt-putablo ilijlclan.
For further luformatlun addrusa
A. A. SMITH, M. D Sxxrgmaa.
uurj iwuiiiiik memorial iioauiuu
3mI t sbb? bbb IbTbB sW m- T Tr. i 1
i 4
-K. .
as V-y )m?j-'i. r-'i
-llB'Stl - Jt1