il,"t'W -V,- 1CD CLOUD, N.EBRAIKA, CHIEF 3SS3scrKsrawsCT $fcl&3-&3&Bsn!EBS& i. S Pianos and Musical Merchandise ? Web f A fF IGST . HlUKt bounty 'J a si t I fat i.t ' Jsi, u & UNDERTAKING lUKDY KTTENDHNTl Call ljsircrcc Day or Night ED. AMACK Tiai.nrirT-rjrfi.TfTi v, r ., stfr.;rTTawcrAnrrmi7 RrVNTJWrriRfTrWrrMM sfifi 140 SO ARM ( ot: a i: AT AUC m N ! ! ILL THZ PHONES McFAKLAND BUILDING BER lHMg 1 C'lnvAlK JJ vm w 'j FOGEL'S HARNESS STANDS FOR STYLE AND- QUALITY Absolutely Pure Made f rem Cream of Tartar NO ALUM-NO PHOSPHATE ODvs YEARS of experience devoted exclu sively in the Harness and Horse Furnishing MANY x sivcly In the Harness and Horse Furnishing business enables us to produce the best there is in I far- 5 ness. We do not say it as a boast simply as a straight i'act and "we deliver the goods. We are doing a splendid business in single and team Harness and would like you ti ask your neighbor how our products suit, Cr Trunks and Suit Cases ? ' 1 1 i ' JOE FOGEL Don't forget that vc carry We have a ifuml assortment In choose prices are as low ,s the low. .1. I'runks and Suit Cases. from and our P i ii ? Since the Citizens of Red Cloud Have Been Unable to' Produce Slipless Side Walks, and Each Winter Many Falls Are Caused by Snow and Sleet... See Van Before You Slip I Geo. M. VanCamp, Agent H l For The Travelers of Hartford m " The Oldest and Largest Accident Co. in the World K PHONES! Ind. 241 Bell 138 jawurr'imr him j, ihv-93SSS S3CSiC3I NOTICE! 1 am now prepared to do all kinds of General Blacksmithing at my old stand, one Block east of Piatt & Frees lumber office. Would like to have all my old customers, as well as any one desiring first class work, call on me. Early Oats Yield Most i:t I.t u its , leitu-.l un nei.iki nf 11 busheK mo' c an Men- Hum tin- uite outs In u test (if '2(1 .u let .. a the Agricultural llxpei itiient 1 1 t ! i i ul Lincoln. 'I'll" e,ul nineties which ripened .1 ul v 11, on the nciime, Ifld cd .7) II bushel, while thne that npcii cil duly '.JO pioilin'O'l about in 1 bushels Khcisnti, Hint, ami Teas Itiii me iimoiifj the eat I.t vatic It' tlmt pr.vid best Alimlii.' the In it' viitieties. ti,o L'licolu Hill- hate Kiteti tin1 I f-t io stilts AIm ut uljjlit necks hii nun- (jives the lii'st losiilts ulien K'lk'i von oats mo (hilled Mid about ten pecks an utile when they iu sown Vai it ties with lurifer grains rcipiitt' u cor lespiiiullii'ly lifiiviei' utto of secdlnp. Annual Report '1 hi Kiiiiiial n pi 1 1 i.t the NiUim-Ioi SUte llnrticultunii society for lll."i I iinw i'lV the pies- Tin it pott contains lluee IiuimIi t-il pH.'v' oT the latest In foinmlioti on tiuil, iliwei, efetnhle mimI in mouitnr In Nibrislta It is full II tn-ti tilfd w tin tent m'cii full pifi' "(.'ravinys ul fimi, ll u -i mill vi fi't'itile m'i'iii s mi Nobm-.l.ii I nt s I'vi'iy pi'i'si'ii iu'i ii Ht l in an pbu-e of hoi luuli me slioii ( hae i'i.ih School Building, Red Cloud. sr ildt proposals mil Ik i iiImi) l the M'huiil Im.irit liNlrli I Nil J lstt c I uiinty ttel t'l'iuil Ni braok'i. up iinlli iniiiii tit lib ila nrApilt. Ituii, In tin turnlslilii.' nf all in tli rial ami I'llinr In tin iniistiiictliui nf a 1 1 lull Siliool 1 ttiltd lit ;. Illds Hill nisi) lie io i liil at tlte same time anil plum lor the p nin'iilni,'. IttatliiK ami Mutilation ami ultc trie w 1 rln u-ami In aitoulant'e with I lie plans nml xpiilllealluus pn parid by It. A. Jtr:nlle A l'utupan, AiihllcilH, llxeliuniie .National Hank ItalliltiiK' llastlims, NilirasKa. All hlils lor thli uirk inuxt belliaib'iiut ni blank' forms which will be Mipplicil 1 the Aniilluts. Salit pliinn ami Hpi.i llk-iillons will bo mi file with the Meretar.x nf the Itu.inl ami the AnblteciH tin anil alter March l!th, 1U1H. All hlils inttst be atcntnp'tnlttt by an tin. ccrtllli'd cluck nf tfuOO.OOi 1'lvo lliimlreil liiillari, mi a Ucil Citiuil Hank pay able to the onlerot I'.J. Pope, tertiary. Any tiiniractoror contractois iltslrlnv to IlKiiremi theulHJie named IiuIIiIIiik and du sir I nn a set nf plans until d.itu nf lettlm,' shall dt posit with the ri;lilti('tsa (( itllldl iluck lorTHcaty-IHe HollarH (iVuO) as a Etiarantce that the (ontractor will not only rituru plans bat submit a b ma title bid to the Hoard nf IMnt itliiu ou or lit lore thedate of lettluif. nlhi rwlse the ill pill will lie foitiltulto the Atihlttds I'ull lust ructions will be futinil In the Npn I Iliatlons, The school bniird n set is the rUht hi nji 1 1 an) or a I IiKIf. t ,.i. p(pi:, Mcrt tnry. s s s s s ij C T. DICKENSON 5 In the Count) Court 01 Hdistrr County Ntiurnskrt. hl'' Nlltl:sK , i ( lister t iiuutj . i In tin m.itur of tin (Male of Mary (ioilblb. ill ceased. rlti:i)ll't'ltSof said istate will take notice, that the tlmo limited lot pitscntallon and IIIIiik of clalmsai;.ilust the same Kth'tobcr llth, lillii. and (or the p.ij incut nf ill hts Is Marih Ttli. I'JIT, that I will sit at the count) court room In s.tld county on the I llth ila ut l)i tolii r l'llil, m Uo'iloik a. in. .to re ciIm, cMiiulni, luar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections dlll llleil. li.mdililH tTlnl.iyol Match, A. l I'.ilti. iMal.) A. I. UANNI'.Y, I mint) .lude. i s In tltfi County Court of Webster County Nebraska. s xmcji)MWATrzr fjnxaxrY'MBATr-j-'--- Tuesday March 21 s s rmrrmxrxximai nmnr :iw.ticti,i - AT 2 P. -HI. Sale to Take Place on Farm Located Two Miles East and Two Miles North of Red Cloud, Nebraska. '."' .holl", W ti 8 As I mn leu vinjr tin. nte 1 will sell ut I'uh'ie Auction Io the. Iticliet lilililet- the folloivlr.c de ,etl estate uii.l till peisotial pioperty the -eon. 'I'l.e Southwest (J.ia.ter S-ctlon (JO) in Township (I) Katip'tl") West of (ill) I'. M.. except twenty .,.,.. i,Mi..r huietotoie s.,(l to .1 W. IJohei (son. Iieitlk' ! on tiotn me .-soi tli Mile of said hInivc (leser.hi, I (jimrtoi M-ction, leaving lilt Afie- uuciiiltnif to ( ino'it Survey, nil in Webster (Jonnty, Xebra-hn. Ti:i!MS: Ten l'eieeiit of I'mchnse P. ic.. (J ish dav of bule: -2.00 Match 'J"i. I'.llS. f nti-i i-m at cent Semi Antiuiilly; llalatiee.M nvb 'J.V l'UO, who,. l'o,ssio i Will lb- (ihe.i. Abstiuel slum In Title toKother with Wat ranty De-d Delivetc I to I'uiehiiser .l ii"h -jr., IDHi. I ll'HOVi:.Mi:."lN -The r mm house with elnse.l in poieh, innv b.iru I'MJ' lonn for J U ., . ems hen hmise hO. Ilo house l'Jl I. well mi 1 troi w iter. !' neivs iiiuler pn. , J . er. - ( ,- ,,, nieadi n, li.nil lies level li lolling MjUj II ach li mm, .suii'h Loam lo Iliaw 1 1 .. For Further Information Address - cilbed North :t snip loVei n- T I'll petted Mini ; -" fieri h s n 8 8 8 Nebraska Realty Auction Oo IB 8 Central City, Nebraska I!- Col.M. A. Carraher, Auct. I' ni A. Larson', Manager forge M. Stanley Owner, Red Cloud, Nebraska KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies KOMiS nKVELornn-iOo NAIL TOUR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures E. S. Goo-ber Ammmi i , jfJ FJCm. Iiiwv.wvgsg3sg csesSsSwAii;, I?, (ps'vro,'vr''''N'vr' r 'ijr FARM GATES "CANT-SAG59 FARM GATES We believe there is no better gate at any price than the "Cant-Sag" and there is no gate that can be bought for less money. Come in and let us convince you that, in this instance, the best is the cheapest. Please pay particular attention to this word CANTIt spells the best. s s s s PLATT & FREES s l K in M lilt VsK , i hstt t t'oilllt). Is the luiilter of thotstitte nt liliui. Mil tuu Stl M.llll, llllt.lSCll, t HI. IU lull-Mil Mihl istale will titke untlee Hint tin time lluiltul tot nrit-cntnlloii ttuil lllliu iUI ilius awilnst tin Miniu Is Uitolur Ii l'llil mill (in the :iv till lit of ilehlx Is Mill ill .11 HUT, I Mill sit lit theiouuo enurt rii'itii In s'llil ciiiiiii) uiillio Ulti h l Hi loin I . D. Il'lll. lit It) o'cUil'k, A. M., to uliIm iMiiiiliu, luiir, nUiiw, or uiljusl till tlnlnis timl olijii'llous iluly l.lul. nttullhis Ulilin ul Miiich, A.D., IIUi. f it. it.NXi:. !si i I'ouuty lu,Ur. V. II. Miner lr. S.'.s. Iii.intorf, M. P. r. I Mutuiitir In ( liari;o ' C. H. Miner Serum Co. -I'ltOHLCKU's- Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense I). S. Vetrrlnurv License No. 45 ON THE FIRE That's when you be- IhI gin to realize the kind of Groceries we keep. There is cooking satis faction in them. Buy your Groceries from us. Save your money. Save your pa tience, and then your home will indeed be a happy one Remember The Trading Stamps WALf EK H- MARSHALL THE SANITY RY GROCERY I SSSESSSSBSSSSas DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVEi SUTE BANK Red iom! Nebras Im 'vAvsA In Hit: Count Court of Webster County. Nebraska. Mnti ut NetirnsUn. t , W'eb-Uti t uiiulj. i" In the nisUtir ol the ismti ol .lilui ItnriUHiltiiniM, t'rulltorH ut siilit estate Mill litKu nollce, tlmt thu time llinltul lur nribtuliillon timl lllluu utcliitiustiKtiliist the sa mi' Is tseptutu her'iMli, 11110, nml tor the payment of ilehtHlB .Inuunry Otli.-IDI", that 1 will sit at the county court room In salil county on thu Alth itay ol hepti'iutiir, A. l. I'JHI. at 10 o'clock, A. M.. to ricelM", examine, hear, allow, 01 iiiUinit nil claluiNtiuit ulijicllonsilul.v lllul. nateil this 'list il:i ul l'iliruar, A. !.. 141(1 (Mill) A. I'. U.VNM'A. t'ouuty .ImlKe. K, E. CAMP, D. C: Chiropractor Itidepetulent 'Jl'2 PhBnP8 I llell lle.1 101 Dr. A. E. Boles OSTEOPATH Physical Diagnosis Labaratory COSSUWATION ANI KX.VMI.WIIO.N Vw.V. 'Osteopathy tlio Solenee of Healing by Adjustment." Given to the World y A. T. till, A. 1). 1674 OFFICE OVER SMITH SHOE STOKE ltoui I'iiones UKI) CLOUP, NKDU March Bulletin of Rate Attractions LOW DM'. WAY I-'AIIUS TO I'ACIl I' CUAST Tlie M.niir sens-.n of low oiu-.w ij f,,res to Cilifornl.t, W.isliinir.n Divon Utnli. hliilio, Miuitutiii. w II lu,t i.nly fioin Mareh -Joth to April 1 Ith. in Jus ive. .'W .: ohm vmi to tl. i. ( ,MHt. nn -rr :n to Umji. stlt l.nUe, Mai,,,. Ci-ntr-il .Moiit.lll.i, Unite Dlstn.t ete. wcim.n Aj.plv e.iny r.ti tluotuli tiniiisi hloeper mvoinnioilntions m tl,fc JiU.lK. tutiV tln..iiuri seiviee nuUh vm Su-nle Cnlorndo, Stilt iH(H, to California nrnw't iliniliieet itoitli.'Ubt iimin line tliiough lllllli's to.vuttli'. COCKY M()l N'TAIN XAIMONAL I'AKKS- The LMiiimtr season will brine; the Kivute-t toltimo of K.istt-rn tuuiits into Kocltj Miiniitiiiu NhHoiihI Kstis IMiU, Yellow.stono lt).ik, (Jlaeier Xntiotml I'niU, yet ieeoi.le.1. Speelnl touts will he iirrniijjt.d l.v eo-operiMiou he twoen thu iMiliomlN niul tliu Clovernment. Antoiuohile touts mul u)utes will he Kieittlyextemle.l, unit tlte Koolty Mottntuln National Parks Tour is , Kuliifr to he iiwilu uiuif iitlmutlw tlinn ever. .Slid, n vacation tour will nuv you it tietuen.lous health dividend, he,ides being the Rcenlu adventures of n life time. It Is none too eiuly to be thinking- over such a pos5lhle trio and asking tue how It can bet he made. L w WAKeIeZeUAgnt: ,lwl 0,o,,,, Nu,,r- Wm WAKELEY, Ocnoral Patsongor Agt. 1001 I'm nam Street, Omaha, Nebr. mmmsivf:T: wir" - i ( -Jl M m H fu- u't i vu- -SS!X.V"".i-t. fff r Ci:.-i?' i