The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 16, 1916, Image 7

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IN Bill
"Tape's Diapepsin" fixes sick,
sour, gassy stomachs in
five minutes.
Time it! In live minutes all stomach
distress will ko. No Indigestion, heart
burn, sourness or belching of gas, acid,
or eructations of undigested food, no
dizziness, bloating, or foul breath.
I'npo's Diapepsin is noted for Its
speed in regulating upset stomachs.
It Is the surest, quickest and moat cer
tain indigestion remedy in tho wholo
world, and besides it is harmless.
Please for your sake, got u largo
Ilfty-cent enso of Tape's Diapepsin
from any store nnd put your stomach
right. Don't keep on being mlsorablo
life Is too short you are not hero
long, so mako your stay agreeable
Rat what you like and digest it; en
Joy it. without dread of rebellion In
the stomach.
Papo's Diapepsin belongs in your
homo anyway. Should onooftho fam
ily eat something which doesn't ngrco
with th'cru, or in case of an attack ot
Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or
stomach derangement at daytime or
during the night, it Is handy to give
-the quickest relief known. Adv.
On a War Footing.
"Meyer," said tho professor In the
Lnndsturm to his next neighbor In Hie
line, after a successful charge against
tho English trenches, "as a student I
havo rather often had to give you a
pretty low mark. Hut as a comrado
1 havo to grade you 1-A."
Jlrlsl Try This! Makes Hair Thick,
Gloisy, Fluffy, Beautiful No
More Itching Scalp.
Within ten mlnutos after an appli
cation of Danderlno you cannot find a
olnglo traco of dandrulT or falling hair
and your scalp will not Itch, but what
will please you most will bo after a
few weeks' uso, when you seo now
hair, flno and downy at first yes but
really now hair growing nil over tho
A llttlo Danderlno Immediately dou- )
bles tho beauty of your hair. No dlf- ,
fcrence how dull, faded, brittle anil j
ecraggy, just moisten a cloth with
Danderlno and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking ono small
strand at a time. The effect is amaz
ingyour hair will be light, fluffy and
wavy, and havo an appearance ot
abundance; an Incomparable lucter,
eoftness and luxuriance.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderlno from my store, and provo
that your hair is as pretty and soft
as any that it has boon neglected or
Injured by careless treatment that's
all you surely can havo beautiful hair
and lots of It If you will just try a lit
tle Danderlno. Adv.
What Did He Expect?
For nearly an hour the salesman
had been dilating on the marvels of
the motor cur lie was trying to soli.
"And tho price of tho car Ib $750,"
tho customer murmured thoughtfully.
"Does that Include everything?"
"Yes oh, no, of course, the lamps
nro extra."
"Lamps extra!" said tho customer
sharply. "Hut they aro shown In the
"My dear sir, so is a very beautiful
woman," said the salesman smoothly
"but we do not glvo a lady with every
Eat Less Meat and Take Salts for
Backache or Bladder Trouble
Neutralize Acids.
Uric ncld in moat excites tho kid
neyB, they becomo overworked; get
sluggish, ache, and feel llko lumps of
lead. Tho urlno becomes cloudy; tho
bladder Is irritated, and you may bo
obliged to seek relief two or thrco
times during tho night. When tho kid
noyB clog you must help them Hush
off tho body's urinous wasto or you'll
bo a real sick person shortly. At first
you feel a dull mlsory In tho kidney
roglon, you suffer from backache, sick
headacho, dizziness, stomach gets sour,
tonguo coated nnd you feel rheumatic
twinges when tho weather is bad.
Eat less meat, drink lots of water;
also get from any pharmacist four
ounces of Jad Salts; tnko a table
spoonful in a glass of wator beforo
breakfast for a few days and your
kldnoys will then act flno. This fa
mous salts is mado from tho acid ot
grapes and lemon juice, combined
with Uthla, and hns been used for
generations to clean clogged kldnoys
and stlmulato them to normal activity,
also to noutrallzo tho acids In urlno,
so it no longer Is n sourco of irrita
tion, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is lncxponslvo, cannot In
Juro; makes a delightful effervescent
llthla-water drink which evoryono
should tako now and then to keep tho
kldnoys clean and nctlvo. Druggists
hero say thoy sell lots ot Jad Salts to
folks who bollovo In overcoming kid
ney troublo whllo It Is only trouble.
, 6omo husbands would do almost
anything to render their wIvob un
speakably bappv
coric.HT a c-
Oiir.ik't, on the sliuiinr Knlror I'rlt?..
iKiiiH'Unril hiitiiiil from Australia, rti .1
I'll! Ill IllH Il'l'l Ill-It ll-lll (.'lIUl'll, WllO
tt-ii vo-ir lu'futu Imil ruliit-il IiIm father
ami lilm.silf, Is doiiil, uml Hilda tlmt I Ill
Ion Tie, who nIiiiii-m the Hluli room Willi
linn, knows C'nivt'ti nml hImi I tlum-liu
Mil null-, a fuiiiH'i miKhtior nml piny
II. ate When ll d.ulv puiii-m romp
uboanl at Sotittiiimfi"ii Toyc n-mN Unit
Ciuun Inii been iiiiinli'icil nml i-ills
Caznli't's ilriiim m-i-oiid slKlit Hi- lliliil-t
jf dolus a little iiiiiuliuii ili'tiTtiu- worlt
on tlif i-nee himself In the imln to town
they diHcuss Hit' iiuirilfi, whleli hiih com
milted ul ('azali't'H nlil home Tovt' hears
fioin C11..1IW that .Senium, who hail lioen
I'nruli-t'M friend anil thu iiie;nt for
Cnien'n tllshont'ntv, bus been released
fiom prison Oualot wot a tlown Iho
rlei ami inroln Ulitmlii'. Tovt- also
riiiiiiH to nee Iiit ami ti'lN Cnxnlet that
Hi niton Iiiih been nrriHted, hut its ho
ilnusii l believe the ulii i i rk ih Ktiltty he
w khIiib to ferret out Hip Itiurdeier.
( nznlet ami Hliiiiche k to Cnzulet's tilil
homo nml meet Mr Dilnkwatur of Soot
.mil it i il ('nzalut tsw with llrlnkwn
ter to tho library wheru tho niimlfr was
committed, shown him n neeret imhsiiku
Iip know as a hoy, ami lends tlio way
tjiroucli It. In town Toye. tnlUliiK with
Ciiz.ili-t about the murder, kukkohIs linger
prints nn the weapon found In the secret
iii8siiK as a tnoaiis of trapping the mur
derer and succeeds In securing u print f
Cuzalet'a bund.
Cnzalet excused himself with deci
sion. He had a full morning in front
of him. Ho wns going to seo Miss
.Mncnnlr s brothor, son of tho late head
of his father's old firm of solicitors,
nnd now one of the partners, to get
them either to take up Sermon's case
themselves, or else to recommend a
firm perhaps more accustomed to
criminal prnctlce. Cazalot was always
apt to he elaborate In the first person
singular, either in tho past or In tho
future tonso; but ho wns inoro so
than usual in explaining his consid
ered Intentions In this matter that
lay so very near his heart.
"Coing to see Scruton. too?" said
"Not necessarily," was the short re
ply Hut It also was elaborated by
Pa.alct on n moment's' consideration.
The fart was that he wanted llrst to
know If It wero not posslhlo, by tho
Intervention of n really Influential law
cr to obtain the prisoner's Immediate
release, at any rate on ball. If Impos
sible, ho might heBltato to force him
self on Scruton in the prison, but ho
would see.
"It's a perfect scandal that ho should
be there at all." said Cazalet, as he
rose first and ushered Toyo out Into
tho lounge. "Only think: our old
gardener saw him run out of the drive
at half past seven, when the gong
went, when the real murderer must
bnvo been shivering In tho Michael
Angdo cupboard, wondering how the
ilovil ho was ever going to get out
"Then you think old man Craven
bogging his poor pardon was getting
out snino cigars when tho man. who
ever ho was. came in nnd knocked
him on tho head?"
Camlet nodded vigorously. "Thnt'B
tho likeliest thing of nil!" ho cried.
"Then the gong went thoro may even
hnve come a knock nt tho door and
thero wns that cupboard standing open
at his elbow."
"With a hole In tho floor that might
have been mndo for him?"
"As It happens, yes; he'd search
every inch like a rat In n trap, you
sen; nnd there it was as I'd left it
twenty years before."
"Well, It's a wonderful yarn!" ex
claimed Hilton Toyc, and he lighted
the cigar that Cazalet had given him.
"I think it may be thought ono If
the police over own how they mado
their find," agreed Cazalet. laughing
and looking nt his watch. Toyo had
never heard him laugh so often "Hy
the way. Drlnkwater doesn't wnnt nny
of all this to come out until he's
dragged his man before tho beak
again "
"Which you mean to prevent?"
"If only I can! I more or less prom
ised not to talk, however, and I'm
sure you won't You know bo much
already, you may Just us well know
the rest this week as well as next. If
you don't mind Hooping It to your
self "
Nobody could have minded this par
ticular embargo less than Hilton Toyo.
Ho saw Cazalot off with a smllo that
was ns yet merely puzzled, and not
unfriendly until he had time to recall
Miss Blanche's part In tho strango
affair of the previous afternoon
Soy weren't they rnther intimate,
thot.0 two, even if they had known
I each other all their lives? Ho had It
' from Hlanclio (with her second ro
I fuml) that sho was not, and never
I hnd been, engaged. And a fellow who
only wrote to her onco In a year
still, thoy muBt have been darned In
timate, nnd this funny uffnlr would
bring them together again quicker
than anything.
Say, what a funny affair it was whon
fou en mo to thing of Itl Funny all
through, It now struck Toye; begin
ning on board ship with that dream of
Caznlet's about tho murdered man,
leading to all that talk ot tho old
grlovnnco against him, and culminat
ing In his actually finding tho Imple
ments of the crime in bis Inspired ef
forts to save the man of whoso Inno-
lie was so positive Say, If
iorr3 -u-kkih. cy-MAMy
that Cuulet hud not been on his way
home from Australia at the time!
Like many deliberate speakers. Toyo
thought like lightning, and hnd touched
this point befoio he was a hundred
yards from the hotel ; then he thought
of something else, nnd ictrnced his
steps He retraced them even to the
table at which he had sat with Cazalet
not very many minutes ago; the wait
er was only now beginning to clear
"Say, waiter, what have jou done
with the menu that was In that toast
rack? Thero was something on It that
we rather wanted to keep."
"I thought thero wns, sir," said tho
Kngllsh waiter at that admlrahlo ho
tel. Toye, however, prepared to talk
to him llko an American uncle of
Dutch extraction
"You thought that, and you took It
"Not at nil, sir. I 'appened to ob
servo tho other gentleman put the
menu In his pocket, behind your back
ns you wero getting up, becauso 1
passed a remark about It to thu head
waiter at tho time!"
Fair Warning.
It was much more than a mnp of
tho metropolis that Toye carried In his
ablo head. He knew tho right places
for tho right tilings. Ho gnzed criti
cally at his boots Ho was not so
dend sure that he had struck tho ouly
man for boots. There had been n
young fellow aboard tho Kaiser Fritz,
qulto a little bit of a military blood,
who had come nshoro In a pair of
cloth tops that had rather unsettled
Mr. Toyo's mind just on that ono
Captain Aylmcr hnd said ho would
liko to havo Toye see his club any
time ho was passing nnd cared to look
iu for lunch. He hnd said so as
though ho would llko It a great deal,
and suddenly Toyo had a mind to take
him at his word right now. Tho Idea
began with those boots with cloth tops,
but that was not all there was to it;
thero was something else that had
been at the back of Toyo's mind nil
morning, and now took cbargo In
Aylmcr had talked some about a Job
in tho war ofllce that enabled him to
lunch dally at the Hag; but what his
job had been aboard a German steam
er Toye did not know and wns not tho
mnn to Inquire. It was no business of
his, anyway Reforcnco to a card,
traded for his own In Southampton
Water, and duly filed In his clgnrotte
case, reminded him of tho ling's prop
er style and title. And thero he wus
eventually entertained to n sound,
workmanlike, rather expeditious meal.
"Sny, did you seo tho cemetery at
Genoa?" suddenly Inquired tho vis
itor on their wuy back through tho
hall. A martial bust had been ad
mired extravagantly before tho ques
tion. "Never wnnt to see it again, or Ge
noa either." said Captain Aylmcr
"Tho smoking-room's this wny."
"Did you say you wore thero two
days?" Toyo was cutting his clgnr as
though It were a corn.
"Two whole days, and wo'd had a
night In tho nay ot Naples Just be
fore." "Is that so? I only camo aboard at
Gcnon. I guess 1 was wlso," added
Toye, as though ho was thinking of
something else. There was no sort
of feeling In his voice, but ho was
sucking his left thumb. ,
"I say, you ve cut yourself."
"I guess It's nothing. Knife too
si.arp; pleaso don't worry, Captain
Aylmer. I was going to say I only got
on nt Genoa, and they couldn't glvo
mo n room to mysolf. I had to go In
with Cazalet; that's how I saw so
much of hltn."
It was Toyo's third and separate In
dependent attempt to lntroduco the
nnmo and fame of Cazalot as a natural
topic of conversation. Twice his host
had llstenod with adamantine polite
ness; this tlmo ho was enjoying qulto
tho second-best liqueur brandy to bo
had at the Rag; and ho leaned back
In his chair
"You wero rather Impressed with
him, weren't you?" said Captnln Ayl
mcr. "Well, frankly, I wasn't, but it
may have been my fault."
"I was only going to nsk you ono
thing about Mr. Cazalot." Toyo said,
"and I guess l'vo a reason for asking,
though thero's no tlmo to state It now.
What clld you think of him, Captain
Aylmer, on tho wholo?"
"Ah, there you havo mo. 'On the
wholo' is Just tho dllllculty." said Ayl
mer, answering tho strnlght question
readily enough. "I thought bo wns a
very good chap as far as Naples, but
after Genoa ho was another being I've
sometimes wondered what hnppened In
his three or four days ashore."
"Throe or four, did you say?"
And nt the last moment Toyo would
havo played Wedding Guest to Ay!
rncr's Ancient Mariner.
"Yes; you seo, ho knew theso Gor
man bouts waste a couplo of dayB at
Genoa, so ho landed at Naples and did
his Itnly overbad Hath.' h good Idon,
I thought, especially as he said ho
had friends In Home; but wo never
heard of 'em befotehnnd, nnd 1 should
have let the whole thing strike me a bit
sooner If I'd been Camlet. Soon
enough to tnko n hand-bag and a l
toothbrush, eh? And I don't think I
should have run It iiulto so lino nt
(tenon, either. Hut there are rum '
birds In this world, nnd always will
be!" '
Toye felt one himself as ho picked
his way through St. Juntos' siiunrc.
It It Inn! not been Just nfter lunch, he ,
would have gone straight and had a
cocktail, for of course be know the
onlj place for them. Whnt he did was
to slue round out of the sipinre, nnd
to obtain for the asking, nt another
old haunt, on Cockspur street, tho
latent little time-table of continental
trains This he cnrrlrd. not on foot
but In a taxi, to the Savoy Hotel,
where It kept him busy In his own
room for the best part of another hour
Hut b that tlmo Hilton Toye looked
mote than tin hour older than on sit
ting down nt his wtltlug-tnble with
pein-11 paper and the little book of
trains; lie looked horrillcd, ho looked
dlitiesHi'il. nnd yet he looked crafty,
detet mined nnd Immensely nllvo. lie j
proceeded, however, to tnkr itomo of J
thu life out of himself, nnd to udd still
more to his npparent age. hy repair
ing for more Inwnrd light to a Turk
ish bath
Now the only Turkish bath, accord
ing to Hilton Toye's somewhat exclus
ive code, wns not even a hundred
ynrds from Cazalet's hotel; and thero
the visitor of tho morning ngaln pre
sented himself before tho afternoon;
now merely a little worn, as a mnn
You I'd
Any Frlendi
will look after losing n stono nn hour
on n warm afternoon, and a bit bluo
ngaln about tho chin, which ot course
looked a llttlo deeper and stronger on
that account.
Cazalet was not In; his friend would
wait, and In fact waited over an hour
In tho llttlo lounge. An evening paper
was offered to him; he took it listless
ly, scarcely looked ut It at first, then
tore It in his nnxloty to find something
he had qulto forgotten from the
newspaper end. Hut ho was waiting
as stoically as beforo when Cazalet
arrived in tremendous spirits.
"Stop and dlno!" ho cried out at
"Sorry 1 can't; got to go nnd see
somebody," said Hilton Toyo.
"Then you mutit havo a drink."
"No, I thank you," said Toyo, with
tho dcclslvo courtesy of a total ab
stainer. "You look as if you wanted one; you
don't look a bit lit," said Cazalot, most
"Nor am I, sir!" exclaimed Toyo.
"I guesB London's no place for mo In
the fall. Just as well, too, I Judgo,
siiico l'vo got to light out again
straight away."
"You haven't!"
"Yes. sir. this very night. That's
tho worst of a business that takes you
to nil tho capitals of Europe In turn
It takes you so long to flit around that
you nover know when you'vo got to
start In again."
"Which capital is it this tlmo?" said
Cazalet. His exuberant geniality bad
been dashed very visibly for tho mo
ment. Dut already his high splrltH
wero reasserting themselves; Indeed,
a cynic with an enr might havo caught
tho noto of sudden consolation In tho
question that Cazalot asked so briskly
"Got to go down to Homo," said
Toyo, watching tho effect of his
"Hut you'vo Just corao back from
thoro!" Cazalet looked no worse than
"No. sir, I missed Rome out; thnt
was my mistake, and hero's this situ
ation been developing bohlnd ray
"What situation?"
"Oh, why, It wouldn't Interest you!
Hut l'vo got to go down to Rome,
whether I like It or not, and 1 don't
llko It any, because I don't have any
friends thoro. And that's what I'm do
ing right hero. I was Pondering If
you'd do something for mo, Cuzulul?"
"If I can," said Cazalot, "with pleas
ure." But his smiles wero gono.
"I was wondering If you'd glvo mo
nn Introduction to those frlonds of
yours In Home I"
Thoro wnB a llttlo puuso, and Cazn
let's tonguo Just showed between his
Ups, moistening them. It was at that
moment tho only touch of color in his
"Did I tell you I'd any friends
Tho sound of bis voice was porhaps
less hoarse than puzzled. Toyo mado
himself chucklo ob ho sat looking up
out of somber eyes.
"Well, if you didn't," said he, "I
guess I must bate dreamed it"
UK! fral
Colds Make Backs Ache
TVflOHK aching hacks, more kidney troubles comu In March, than In
any other month. Slushy sldewalkB, dampness, raw winds nnd
sudden changes cnuso chills and colds. And chills or colds tend to
hurt the kidneys. It Is good sense to uso a kidney remedy when recov
ering from n cold nnd nt any tlmo when suffering from a lnmo back,
sharp pains when stooping or lifting, dizzy spullB, Irregular or annoy
ing kldnoy action, uud a run-down, nervous statu.
Don't delay and tako a ehnnco of getting dropsy, gravel, Hrlght's
dtseasn or uomn other serious kldnoy dlscaso. Uso Doan's Kldnoy
IMUs, tho hest-reeommended, special kldnoy remedy. All over tho
world grateful people frankly pralso Doan's.
Here What Nebraska People Say:
r W. Ilcnl. rotlrod fnrmor. Ful
lortnn, Not., hiii-h: "My kldnoy
troublo iH-ttnn with a dull uclm In
my liack. 1 tliluk It wiia duo to a
odd and It continued to Kt wnrHO.
Tlui kliltioy Hi'crotlotiH worn too fio
quont In ptinsiiKo unit I lont much
rest nt night. My buck wnn ho
painful tlmt I Imil Imrtlly u mo
mont'H comfort. Notlilnir hi'lped mo
until I lined Uoiin'H Kldnoy IMUs.
'J'ht-y wero Juat what 1 needed and
tlxcd mo up In mich good Hlinpo that
I haven't find heed of thorn bIiicc."
DOAN'S "p'ffiLV
At All Stores, 50c a Box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
iTcl A mn prosperity was oevrx to great.
IfYVi Ajfa Regarding Western Canada as a grain
wheat, more oats, more grain for feed, 20 more cattle than
last year and more hogs. The war market in Europe needs
our surplus. As for the wheat crop, it is marvelous and a monument of strength
for businessconfidencetobulldupon, exceeding the most optlmistlcprcdicUons."
Oats averaged In 19 1 5 over AS bushels per more
Barley averaged In 191 5 over40buaholspor acre
Prices are high, markets convenient, excellent land, low in price either im
proved or otherwise, ranging from $12 to $30 per acre. Free homestead
lands are plentiful and not far from railway lines and convenient to good
schools and churches. The climate is healthful.
There U no war tax en land, nor la (here any conacrlptloa. For complete Infor
mation hs to hett locations for settlrment, tetluced railroad rates and descriptive Illustrated
pamphlet, address Superintendent Immittration, Ottawa, or
W. V. DENNETT, Room 4, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nebr.
Canadian Government Agent
Taking a Short Cut.
"I'm perfectly willing to help you,"
said the practical philanthropist, "but
you oufUit to try to help yourself when
tho occasion prcsonts Itself."
"Tho Inst tlmo I did that It got me
Into a whole lot of troublo," unswered
tho shabby visitor. "In fact, I spent
soma years In durnnco vllo."
"What do you menn?"
"I helped myself to tho contents ot
another man's cash register."
Important to Mothers
Examluu carefully every bottlo ot
CASTOItIA, a safe and suro remedy for
Infants and chlldron, and seo that It
Hears tho
Slenaturo of
In Use for Over 30 Yearn.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Custoria
"I llko thnt man Johblcs."
"He's straightforward."
"That's (juoer. Everybody says he's
a crab "
The Other Groundhorj.
Knlcker What wero you wonder
Mocker Whether tho pork barrel
saw Its shadow.
A patent has been granted for an
egg Hubstlttitn mado chlotly frorathor
oughly cooked yams.
Clean the Blood
Spring Is tho tlmo of tho year when
wo should put our houso In order.
Wo'ro run down after a hard wlntor
after grip, colds, catarrh. It's tlmo
to tako Dr. I'lerco's Golden Medical
Discovery purely vegotablo and frco
from nlcohoi. or narcotics. It will
ecarch out Impuro and poisonous mat
tor nnd drlvo it from tho nyatcm. Iluy
"Discovery" now In tablots or liquid.
It will dlssolvo tho poisonous accu
mulations and ropluco the bad blood
it drives out, with rich, puro blood full
of vital force.
It will elenr the skin; eczema, pim
ples, rash, blotches will dry up und
dlsappenr; bollt carbuncles and other
ovldences ot tainted blood will pass
away, nover to appear again.
L- V-7 IT MS . 7
"Vm so nervous
Mrs. D.ivld Itockle, 1SG1 Maxwell
Ave., Fremont, Neb., nays: "A por
nlntont, dull actio across tho ntnall
of my tmck onimcd mo no end of
misery. It wiih thu. result of n cold
on my kldncyn. I couldn't alocp
woll on nccoimt of tho pains in my
back nnd was miserable Doan's
Kldnoy I'llln cured mo nnd I am
glad to nay that the euro has
Three Hundred Million
Bushel Crop in 1915
nau fn fltinli I nntl with nn umr am
says: "Canada's position today is
sounder than ever. There is more
Just Before the Battle.
Her Husband Do you know, dear,
that I found my llrst gray hair this
Ills Wife Oh, glvo it to mo, John,
and I'll keep It us a souvenir to re
member you by.
Her Husband Whnt'H tho matter
with mo keeping it to romombor you
Ills Wife Wretch! l'vo a good
mind to go homo to my mother
Her Husband Huh! No such luck.
Would Need a Long Reach.
"Tho average man Is said to con
sumo a thousand pounds of food a
"Ho couldn't do It at our boarding
Not Gray Hairs bat Tired Eye
make uh look older than we nro. Keep
your Kycs vouni; nnd you will look young;.
After tho Mnvlus Murine Your Eyes. Don't
lull your nco. Murine Kyo Remedy Co.,
Clilcugo, Bends Kyo liook on request.
Then Why7
"Will you marry mo, Ethol? My
family Is all one could wish for "
"Then why do you wnnt mo?"
Dr. IMcrcc's Pleasant Pellets are th little liver pills put up 40 yean
iiK". Thoy regulate liver and bowels. Adv.
A sluglo nest of tho Australian
bush turkey hns been found to weigh
llvo tons
"Anurlc" is u reio . discovery ot
Doctor l'ieno, who 13 head o. tho In
valids Hotel, Cuffalo, N. Y. Expert
mentB at Dr. Plcrco'u Hospital for boy
oral years proved that "Anurlc" 13 a
wonderful eliminator of urk acid. For
thoso easily recognized symptoms ot
inllammatlon as backache scalding
urlno nnd frcqu nt urination, ns woll
as sediment In the urln or if urlo
acid In tho blood has causei rhonnm
tlsm, it Is simply wondorf i' how b rely
"Anurlc" acts; and In gravel nd goat.
Invariably tho pains and stiffness rap
idly disappear.
Oo to your nearest drug store and
simply nsk for a GO-ccnt package ot
"Anurlc," or send Dr. Tlorce lOo for
trial pkg.