The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 16, 1916, Image 6

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    ? ritnrr -t ffn
Crown Prince's Army Launches New
Drlvo Eact of Verdun Fierce Ar
tillery Duel In Progress Foil At
tempt to Wreck Bridges.
Iximluii. March 13. With Fort do
Vnux ngnln In lYonch hnndB, accord
ing to tho olllclnl statement from
Ilcrlln, tho crown prince's troops
launched u now nnd doBpornto urtll
lory attack nKiiliiBt tho cntlro French
lino cast of Verdun, pouring thousands
of tons of explosives Into tho French
Tho olllclal communique Issued nt
I'nrlH iIIhcIobob a vlolont artillery bom- ;
bardrncnt ngnlnst Hlx, Moulnlnvlllo.
VIlIorcsSouB-Uonchnmp and Hoiigcn,
which llo to tho cast of Verdun and
Bouth of Vnux.
In addition to thla terrlllc ntlncU
tho Oernmiia resumed their desperate
action west of tho Mouse, sacrificing
thouBanilB of men In tho recapture, of
position! In tho Corlieuux woods,
which woro taken by tho French on
Wednesday. In this battle, one of I ho
moBt despornto and sanguinary of tho
Verdun campaign, tho Teutons mado
assault after aBsault upon tho French
positions, IobIiib men, according to tho
French communique "out of all pro
portion to tho objective Bought."
Those attacks wero repulsed until tho
Germans brought up 20,000 men nnrt
launched their ontlro Rtrength In tho
great drlvo which cleared tho woodB
of tho French, but left tho ground car
peted with dead.
A German ruso, apparently to blow
up tho bridges on the Mouso bolow
Verdun and thus hamper the supplies
of tho French and cut off tho retreat
of troops Is revealed In tho Rtntcment.
which doclaroB tho Gormans set float
ing mines In tho rlvor. Tho French,
howovor, fished out tho mlnoB boforo
thoy did any damngo.
Destroyer and Torpedo Boat Hit
Mines Sent to Bottom Off
East Coast.
London, March 11. Tho Hrltlsh de
stroyer Coquctto nnd torpedo boat No.
11 havo been sunk by mlncB, tho ad
miralty announced. Four olllcurs and
41 men nro missing, nnd It 1b believed
thoy perished.
Tho Coquotto, a Bhlp of 3fiD tons,
was armed with one 12-poundor and
flvo Bjx-pondcrs. Sho carried a crow
of Blxty men nnd was commanded by
Lieut. Frederick A. Warner.
Tho torpedo boat No. 11 wob armed
with two thrco-lnch gmiB and thrco
18-Inch torpedo tubes. Sho carried a
crow of 3D men. Tho torpedo boat
displaced 253 tons nnd was built In
Harry 8. New Leads Indiana Senate
Race by 8,202 Votes Goodrich and
Adair Increase Leads.
Indlannpolls, Ind., March 11. With
2,794 of tho 3,177 precincts of thestnto
In nnd with Harry 8. Now leading by
8,202 votcB, word was received on
Thursday from James 12. Watson that
ho admitted h had been defeated on
tho first chnlco votes In Tuesday's pri
mary for tho Republican nomination
tor United States senator.
James P. Goodrich and John A. M.
Adair continued to Increase their leads
In tho contests for tho nomination for
governor on tho Republican nnd Demo
cratic tickets, respectively.
North Dakota Senator Withdraws His
Resolution Warning Americans Off
Armed Ships Tells Why.
Washington, March 10. Senator Mc
Cumber brought his resolution warn
ing Americans off armed shlpa before
tho scunto ami then withdrew It bo
causo, he said, thoro woro very strong
indications) of n settlement of tho U
bout controversy without congression
al action.
Senator McCumbor read n briof
statement saying thut In view of what
purported to bo an authoritative state
ment from Secretary of Stato Lansing
that Americana woro to bo Indirectly
but effectively warned off armed ships,
ho considered tho purposo of his and
tho Goro resolution accomplished.
Mrs. Heflln Dies.
Lnfayctto, Ala., March 10. Mrs.
Thomas J. Heflln, wlfo of Congress
man Hotlln of tho Fifth Alabama dis
trict, Is dead at tholr homo hero.
This One Breaks Record.
Washington, March 11, Tho treas
ury dopnrtment'B "consclenco fund"
has boon mado richer by $30,000. It
was tho largest Bum over contributed
to tho fund. Tho money camo In n
lettor dated Philadelphia.
Austrian Ships for Turks.
Romo, March 11. Two of tho most
powerful of Austria's drcadnnughts nro
lielng propnred in Dalmatian por.ts, the
Trlbuna says, with tho Intention of
forcing thn allies' blockade of tho Adrl
ln In order to reach tho Dardanelles.
Big Victory for President Wilson
When the Measure Is Tabled
276 to 142.
Washington, March 9. Tho houso of
representatives capitulated completely
to tho Wilson administration. By two
test votes early In tho day It showed
Its conlldonco In President Wilson and
on Tuesday night It crowned n day of
chaos and confusion by tabling tho
now fnmoiiB McLcmoro resolution,
warning AmorlcniiB off armed ships,
by a voto of 27G to 142. Tho first test
voto resulted In a victory for tho ad
ministration adherents, 250 to 1G0, and
the second resulted In 271 votes for
tho Wilson policies against 138 oppos
ing. Roth votes wero on parliamentary
phases of tho situation, but thoy clenr
ly forecasted tho voto that was to come
In the evening.
Wnrnlnga that no nation "divided
ngnlnst Itself shall stand" wero re
ceived In solemn sllonco. Excoriation
of American citizens whoso "foolhnr
dlness nnd recklessness" In traveling
on bolllgorcnt shlpa might "plungo Uip
country Into war" wan cheered.
Tho llnal argument and nppeal which
aroused tho houso most waa tho de
mand that thb country stand firm bo
hind tho president In his fight.
E. H. Gary of U. S. Company and Six
Corporations Named In Ohio In
quiryWage Trust Is Alleged.
Youngstown. O., March 9. Indict
tncnts wero returned on Wednesday
by tho Mahoning county grand Jury
ngnlnst tho Youngstown Sheet and
Tube compnny, tho nrlnr Hill Stool
company, tho Youngstown Iron and
Steel compnny, tho United Stutes
Steel compnny nnd B. II. Gary, execu
tive chairman of tho United States
Stcol compnny. Tho defendants uro
charged with having formed n trust to
fix the wages of common labor In vio
lation of tho Inwa of Ohio. Theao In
dictment followed n sweeping investi
gation of tho Fast Youngstown rlotB
and lnbor troubles In January. In
dictments wero returned also ngnlnst
Mayor W. II. Cunnlnghnm and alx
councilman of East Youngstown.
charging them with being financially
Interested In property purchased for
village purposes.
London. March 11. Rrltish troops
In Gorman EaBt Africa havo occupied
Tnveta and Salaltu. It was olllclally
Petrognul, March 11. TurKlsh-Per-Blnn
troops under German ofllcers nro
evacuating tho Poralnn city of Ispa
han boforo thn Russian advance
London, March 10. Gorman nnvnl
and military prisoners In the United
Kingdom totnl 13,821 and nil of them
receive tho snmo pay ns British sol
dlers, according to a stntoment mnde
In tho house of cotnmoiiH by Harold
J. Tonnant, parliamentary under see
rotary for war.
German Town Swept by Fire.
Amsterdam, Marrh 11. A great lire
has destroyed warehouses and a largo
quantity of murchnndlso at Muonch'-Mi-Gladbach,
a town In Rhenish Prussia,
sixteen miles southwest of Dusseldorf.
Tho damage was extensive
British Commandeer Liners.
New York, March 11. Olllclals of
tho White Star lino conceded thnt the
freight ppneo In tholr transatlantic
steamships had been comnmudeorod
by tho Hrltlsh government for the nc-
commodation of munitions und grain.
Kaiser's Government Will Yield If
Great Britain Heeds Interna
tional Regulations.
Washington March 10. Count von
BcrnBtorff, tho Gorman ambassador,
on Instructions from his government,
handed to Secretary Lansing on
Wodnesduy u long memorandum ox
plaining In detail the German position
in regard to nrmed merchant ships uud
the cnuscs lending up to tho decision
of tho central European powers to tor
pedo without warning all armed mer
chantmen of their enemies.
Tho memorandum contains tho nllo
gatlon that Groat Britain had taken
advantage of tho contention of tho
United Stntes that Americans must bo
snfo on defensively armed merchant
men, to hnvc thoHo ships net offen
sively townrd enemy BiibmerBlbles.
Tho Germnn government expiesses
a willingness to operntc Its submarines
in accordance with International law
prevailing prior to the war, provided
Great Britain does not vlolato tho
same laws.
The German government concedes
that as submarines nro a new engino
of wnrfare, international law us at
prosont constituted makes no provi
sion for their uso.
Tho memorandum contends that tho
ovldouco appended to tho Into German
announcement proves that British
ships armed ostensibly for defense
have been Instructed to act, and hnvo
acted offensively, and that they nro
not peaceful traders, aa tho United
States was assured they would bo by
Sir Cecil Sprlng-Rlco. tho Hrltlsh am
bassador. Tho memorandum also reiterates tho
provlous declaration that submarlno
wnrfaro was begun by Germany In re
prisal for tho announced Intention of
Grcnt Britain to starve tho civilian
population of tho central empires.
Thn memorandum also refers to tho
long-standing friendship between tho
United Stntos and Germany, and ex
presses thn hopo that the American
peoplo will, when familiar with thn
explanation offered, fully appreciate
the position In which Germany finds
herself ns a result of the blockndo.
By wiy of supporting the contention
that Germany's reprlsnls aro Justllled,
tho memorandum cnumorutcH various
actions of Grcnt Britain, which hnvo
oporntcd against tho Intorests of neu
trals and their citizens. These nro
cited to show that Great Britain has
violated International lnw,
Interstate- Commerce Commission De
cides In Favor of Railroads In
Western Rate Case.
Washington, March 11. Tho Inter
state commerce commission has grant
ed substantial rnto Increases to west
ern railroads In n dcclalon In tho
western ndvanco rato caso No. 3, fol
lowing decisions favornblo to tho
railroads na to ninny commodities
linndcd down Inst year In tho llrat two
parts of this caso. Tho decision de
clares Justified tho proposed Increase
from 30,000 to 40.000 pounds In tho
minimum carload weight on grain.
$100,000 to Pension Ministers.
Wichita. Knn., March 10. A $100,000
endowment with which to pension
aged Methodist ministers wna stalled
on Wednesday afternoon ut tin south
went Kansas conference of Methodist
Earl Curzon Hurt in Accident.
London, March 10. Earl Curon of
Kodloston, lord of the privy seal, Is
confined to his residence Buffering
from a fractured left elbow, the re
sult of nn accident, according to an nn
nouueoment mado bora.
n it
State Affnlro of the World Cannot
Be Settled Without Her
Carranza Issues a
Wr.Mern NewEii-ipiT Union News Service
Columbus, N. AL- -Reports multiply
that Francisco Villa la disintegrating
the force of 1,500 lo 2,50 J men whom
ho used to support or to make tho Co
lumbia raid last Thursday.
American military authorities say
that If possiblo It would have been
advisable to go after Villa Thursday
when his raiders lied southwnrd. They
were then demoralized and wore drop
ping loot nnd war material before tho
attacks of fifty nino men under M.iJ.
Frank Tompkins, Requests of Col.
Herbert Slocum, commanding tho
Thirteenth cavalry, nnd of Major
Tompkins to be allowed to renew tho
pursuit Friday with a lorgor force
wero denied pending tho organization
of tho largo punitive expedition.
Issues Manifesto.
Mexico City. General Cnrrnnza hos
Issued a manifesto to the nation de
claring that under no elrctimstnucea
would the Mexican government grant
the right to the United States to vlo
lato Mexican territory by Bonding In
an armod force In pursuit of Villa
without consent nnd tho reciprocal
privilege being first obtained and ad
mitted. It was sent to confidential
agents of tho first government at
Washington to make Immediate repre
sentations to this effect.
Cannot Settle Affairs of the World
Without Her.
London. Nation, In nn article dis
cussing tho position of the United
States aB a world power, says:
"America Is slowly moving away
from her old mooring and will shortly
havo entered more consciously and
definitely Into world politics as a
great power. It would be Idle for tho
European belligerents to pretend thnt
they will nnd can settle tho affairs of
tho world without her. America's
strength, both materlnl nnd moral,
will ho relatively so much greater that
her will and intentions must operate
with weight upon the policy of re
construction in Europe"
Germans Gain More Footing.
Berlin. French nssaults in massed
formation against tho newly won Gor
man positions on tho left bnnk of tho
Meuso northwest of Verdun were re
pulsed with heavy losses to tho at
tackers, Saturday, sayB tho olllclnl
stntoment. Slnco tho present opera
tions wero commencod In tho Mouso
region, the atatement adds, 2G.472 un
wounded French soldiers nnd men and
189 guns and 232 machine guns havo
been captured.
Were Found Discriminatory
Washington, Rates of tho Colorado
& Southern, nnd other roads on coal
from South Canon, Colo., to Wyom
ing, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kau
nas were found unjustly discrimina
tory by tho Interstate commerce
commission In so far as thoy exceed
ratcB from Walscnhurg, Colo., to Uio
snmo points by moro than 25 cents
per net ton.
Saved His Toll, Anyway.
Sioux City, la. Almost dead from
exhaustion and freezing from repeated
drenchings, Jay Kerns, laborer, was
roscucd at Sorgcnt Bluffs after float
ing fourteen miles on un ice cake. Ho
was refused tho uso of tho Missouri
rlvor brldgo hero because ho had no
toll money and tried to cross on tho
Ice, when it began breaking, and ho
Jumped from enko to cako until ho
landed on ono ten feet in diameter.
Ho was twice immersed.
Washington, Despite tho perils of
submarlno warfare 400,000 persons
crossed tho Atlantic between Ameri
can nnd European ports as passen
gers Jast year. Figures assembled in
the bureau of navigation show that
250,000 of them traveled on vessels
owned by tho belligerents.
Washington. Tho treasury depart
ment has asked tho houso to pass a
bill providing for admission freo of
duty of 145,000 pounds of dry color
to bo Imported by tho bureau of en
graving i J'd printing from Germany.
Tho request was rot'errud lo the ways
and means committee. When it nr
rived discussion of tho dyestuffs short
ago was in progress on tho floor of
tho houso, resulting In tho doubling
of nn Rom of $5,000 in tho ponding
legislative appropratlon hill for exper
iments in color ataudnrds by tho bu
reau of standards.
Fatalities Among Non-Combatants.
London. Tho number of non-combatants
killed by Great Britain's eno
mles slnco tho beginning of wnf ag
gregates 3,153, I'romler Asqulth writes
In reply to a request for Information
by Major Hunter. Forty-nliio men,
thirty-nino womon nnd thirty-nlno
children wero killed In coast bombard
monta. Ono hundred nid twenty-seven
mon, ninety-two women and llfty-sovon
chlldron woro killed in air raids. Ap
proximately 2,750 non-combatants lost
tholr lives on board British merchant
and fishing vessels.
State Treasurer May Require Pay
ments at Such Intervals.
Stato Treasurer Hall'B fight to com
pel monthly remittances from county
treasurers was brought to n success'
ful llnallty when tho Nebraska su
preme court handed down n decision
upholding his legal right to require
payments at such intervnls. The
enso decided Is thnt brought by Hall
ngaliiBt Tronauror W. G. Uro, of
Douglas county, for a writ of man
damus compelling tho latter to pay
over stato funds In his possession.
It Is held by the court, In brief,
that county treasure aro required by
law to make settlements with the
stnto In Februnry and October of each
year, and thnt tho state treasurer may
roqulro payment of Btato fundB from
county treasurers nt other times. The
demand of State Treasurer Hall that
county treasurers should remit once
a month thn ptntc funds In tholr pos
session la dcclnred to he a reasonable
Muzlk Gets Life Term.
Emil Muzlk, convicted of wlfo mur
der, sentenced from Douglas county ns
tho second man In Nnbrnska to suffer
death by electrocution, will not bo ox
cutod for tho crime, hut will Instead
recelvo a sontenco of life imprison
ment. Tho stnte supreme court In re
viewing Muzlk's case, has ruled that
tho evidence wns sulllclenl to austnln
his conviction, but not to Justify tho
denth penalty, and It therefore re
duces tho sentence. Muzlk's defense
was Insanity. He cut his wife's
throat wllh a thin tablo knlfo ono
morning because alio urged him to
got up out of bed and go to work.
Tho opinion of tho high court, writ
ten by Judgo Fawcctt, tnkes tho
ground that whllo Muzlk wns probably
not Insane In tho UBtial sense his mind
nevertheless wns abnormal nnd the
degreo of tho crlmo wa3 not so great
as to call for captlal punishment.
New Plan for State Reading Circle.
"A cnurso of reading for teachers
that will lead somewhoro" Is the an
nounced purposo of tho stato reading
circle board, which met nt tho state
superintendent's office to select read
Ing matter for tho coming year. Ac
cording' to Superintendent Thomns, a
member of tho board, It alma to bring
about theao changes:
Modornlzo nnd reform tho reading
courses for teachers.
Establish n three-year courao which
will ho used ns a means of rcnowlng
certificates nnd giving credit in col
leges nnd normal schools.
Recommend a dozen or moro books,
from which tcnehors may chooso n
line of study suiting their individual
Tho' reading clrclo board comprises
State Superintendent Thomas, Aletta
Neff of Holdrege, I. N. Clark of1 Paw
neo City, W. T. Poucher of Tcknmah,
and W. T. Davis of McCook.
State Land Increase In Price.
Tho stato board of educational lands
and funds has disposed of re
quests from Howard county for a re
duction in tho appraised value of 5,
38S acres of state school lands under
leaso In that county. The board
adopted a resolution declaring It to
bo tho sense of the board that the
appraisement of 1914, mado by tho
county board of Howard county ho al
lowed to stnnd. Tho adoption of this
resolution was a pollto way tho board
had of rojectlng requests for n reduc
tion which havo been beforo the
hoard In different forms sovcral times
during tho past year. Tho resolution
of tho board recites that In vlow of
tho advice of tho attorney general's
department that tho stato board has
no power to chnngo nn nppralsement
npprovod by a former stato board
In 1914, nnd In view of other mat
ters sot forth In tho resolution, the
former appraisement should stand un
disturbed. Must State Party Affiliation.
An elector who falls to state his
party nfllllatlon nt tho time ho regis
ters will not bo allowed to participate
In any primary, according to nn opin
ion which has been furnished to Ad
dison Wnlt by County Attorney linger.
Mr. Walt wroto to tho county attor
ney, informing him that 152 mon who
had relstored hart failed to Btato their
party afTillatlo nand nsklng lilm what
their status would bo in tho primary.
Mr. linger finds that section 2180 of
tho statutes provides that failure to
glvo party nfllllatlon will not Interfere
with tho right of n person to voto at
tho general election, but that ho can
not voto at tfco primary.
Tho Nobrnska stato fair board will
go after the Gotch-Stocker wcstllng
match to bo hold Labor day under
Gono Melody's promotion. "Wo enn
show Mr'. Melady something attrac
tive," said Secretary Mollor. "Wo bo
Ilcvo wo can provide sovcral thousand
moro peoplo thnn could any other
point at that tlmo." Tho fair will bo
on at that dato.
Charles W. Pool of Hyannin, hns
filed with tho secretary of stato as a
caudldnto for ro-olcction to that olllci
on tho democratic ticket.
Alleging that It has no prosont pur
poso to vlolato fho Nebraska 2-cont
faro law, butl nslstlng that tho re
straining order of tho Nobrnska su
premo court now In effect Is an in
fringement upon its right to apply for
relief to tho United States court If It
should see fit to do so, tho Northwest
ern rnllroad has filed In tho former
tribunal a demurrer to tho state's pe
tition and a motion to dissolve tho
order. A similar motion and a do
murror havo boon tiled on behnlf of
tho M. & O. road, which Is part of tho
Northwestern system.
A Watchful
The Stomach, Liver and Bow
els arc real factors in health
matters, and it is a wis"
plan to watch them care.
fully. As soon as the
appetite wanes, or the
digestion hecomes
impaired, recourse
should be had to
Stomach Bitters
Reduces Bursal Enlargements,
Thickened, Swollen Tissues,
Curbs. Filled Tendons. Sore
ness from Bruises or Strains;.
stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain.
Does not blister, remove tlie liair or
lay un the horse. 2.00 a bottle-
it dtucgists or delivered. Book 1 M free.
ABSOUBINE, JR., for manki.ul-an.
antiseptic liniment fnr bruises, cuts, wounds,
strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. It
heals and soothes. 51.00 a bottle at drug
gists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you
write. Made in the U. S. A. by
Watso I. Colrtnan,
l'lUtnl l.wer,iuililui;lon,
II. C?- Ailvlrf. Ami hiifilf fr
Bale reasonable 11 latitat references, ileal services.
The Optimist.
Charles F. Murphy, tho Tammany
leader, praising optimism, said:
"When I am looking for cheery,
bracing optimism, 1 often think of thc
Btrcct musician playing 'Christians'
Awako' on a cornet In tho midst of a
driving snowstorm on Christmas day.
"Tho snow fell, tho wind blew, nnd
tho musician, standing in a deep drift,
tooted awny when a lady passed.
"Tho man looked down at his shab
by attlro and suid to himself proudly
nnd optimistically:
" 'How lucky It's only my shoes
that's full of holes. They don't show
at all In this deep snow.'" Wnanlng
ton Star.
Mr. P. C. Caso of Welcomo Lake,
Pa., writes: "I Buffered with Back
acho and Kidney Trouble. My bead
ached, my sleep was broken and un-
rcircsiiing. i roit
heavy and sleepy
after meals, was
always nervour
and tired, had a
bitter taste In my
mouth, was dizzy,
had floating;
specks beforo my
eyes, was always
Mr. F. C. Caso.
thirsty, had
dragging sensation across my loins,
dlfliculty In collecting ray thoughts
and was troubled with short
ness of breath. Dodds Kidney Pill
havo cured mo of thoso complaints.
You aro at liberty to publish this lot
tor for tho benefit of any sufferer who
doubts tho merit of Dodds Kidney
Dodds Kidney. Pills, 50c. per box at
your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co.r
Buffalo, N. Y. Dodds Dyspepsia Tab
lets for Indigestion have beon proved.
60c. per box. Adv.
A Whale Market.
Jonah complnlned.
"Wo nro always advised to buy at
tho bottom, but thoro Is nothing for
sale," ho cried.
The Philosopher.
Mrs. Knicker Outdoor work is
Weary Wllllo Outdoor idloness is
much moro healthy.
London has 1.500 rjhurches.
The Army of
Is Growing Smnller Every Day,
responsible they
not only give reliet
tney pcrma-
stipition. Mil
lions use
them for
Indixtition, Sick Hetdstne, SilW Skin.
Genuine must bear Signature
Nebraska Directory
Omaha, Nebraska
. ." - bunurKtn ruin
llooms from tl.OO up hIiiBIc, 75 cents ip double.
Regent Rain Goats
Federal Rubber Heels
j11" -
sssKa r a nTcn'c
BaSCfjB ffll I Lb
4SsilV HIVtK
JSrK. cihtim'cS
I W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 12-1918.