T-ii5rt63U' i- RED OLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF HBbklW x A m ffeHMfl at -1 in: ii:im;i: Moi. a.sd MU'lMlpJ MON'OW A! 3Vs "ioU io "VXs Fresh Lownoys at .Minor ltros. Co. W. V. lliohurds of Guide Rook was in the city .Monday. Wanii.ii lOor mo head of cattle to pasture. T. . I. Kennedy, rfd 'J. Mr and Mrs. T. 1C. McArthur spent Sunday in Mt.Clurowlth relatives. Harry Duckies returned home ttte last of the week from Bird City, Kan sas. Clarence Johnston shipped a car of thoroughbred ca'.tle to Grand Island, Monday. Dr. Ilrookman of Guide Rook was i the guest of Dr. K. V Nicholson. Sunday. Mrs. C. J. Geer returned home from Franklin, Sunday, where she visited . her mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Chancy returned home Thursday from a visit with rela- I tives at Superior. . Mr. J. il. Robinson of Guide Rock ' were in the city this week visiting their daughter, Mrs.' Ruben Schultz. 'V , Misa Helen .McNany entertained eighUen of her little girl friends at ;'a party at the Tepee on Saturday after-' noon. , i Miss Mollle Ferris returned home I from Grand Island,') Monday, where' she 'has. spent the rJast two months visiting relatives. ', , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones, after visit ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Uriffetb, have returned to their home at Clay Center. Alvin Pope arrived Saturday from , San Francisco to visit his mother, Mrs. Laura J. Pope, and brother, Paul. He Was enroute to New York City. ; I will W in Kansas City thrive; March 20Qi. Attenaintr n coarsei o 'Dental LeVturfs so?my otflde wiK b closed rutrVhe!JTh. Dr. C. B.-Cro I Will Kellogg speut Sunday in this $Ity visiting his father, Ed. Kellogg, and sister, Miss Jessie. He was enroute to his home at Seattle from New York citJ' .. .- . MIsSTearl Sherer, who h teaching school at, Riverton, returned home Friday on account of illness. She is reported as being very ill at this writing. II. V. Wheeler. V. C. Cootter. and C. S. Slyter with the Lincoln Telephone A Telegaaph Company, with head quarters at Hastings, spent Friday in this city. .Bandmaster J. E. Uetsc returned the Inst of the week from Carroll, Iowa, and left Sunday, in company with Mrs. Hetz, for tlfat place where they will make their future home. Miss .Mary Christian returned to Funk Saturday to resume her school dutle, after a few weeks enforced vacation, incident to small pox pio vniling in that vicinity Ilcv. W. F. Cole and family left Fri day for Colorado Springs, Colo , where they will make their future home The change is madu in hope-, that the climate may prove beneficial to Rev. Cole, he being a Millcrcr from a severe cuso of bronichul trouble. Saturday, Mar. 18 ,s theTdoayBuY SUNKIST California Selected 1 HccatiEc Oranges itro at their host, in flavor ami swectucRH. 2 IJecatifu this is the tiino to start all-spring and all-minimer Oraiige-nating habit, ing the blood pure, ane in the proper assimilation of other foodn. uv a IJceauso wu are making SI'KCIAL I'KICES on Oranges and will sell you a .Suiikist Orange Juice K.Uraotor for only UJo. Sunkist Oranges 1 8c to 38c per doz. rder a week's supply of habit of eating oranges every day the year 'round F. G. Turnure & Son. rn - Mm m' i . li:i!N.i.. Al -J It I Friday U St. Palrifk'- day. I Dr. I. nil.ir vits in Franklin, Monday. W. A. Kent was in Guide Rock, Mon day .1. . IJutier went up to Illue Mill, Tuesday. Rye sheplieidson of Rivet ton was in town Monday. Mrs. A. I.otson is reported on the sick list this week. .1. A Fairfield mid family of Hast ings spent Sunday In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Hunter of Inavalc, were in the oily Monday. Mrs. Wni. Rohrer went to Keuklc man, Saturday to visit her son, Lou. Wilbur Hamilton and family spent Sunday with relatives iti Guide Rock. J. Q Ucnson, piano tuner of Super ior, was plying his craft hi this citv Friday. Ed. Wittwer and family were pass engers to Franklin, Saturday, where they will visit relatives. Roy Stevens returned Friday from Olatbe, Kansas, and Kansas City, Mo., where he visited relatives. Miu Marie Jernburg returned home Saturday from Sutherland where she closed a successful term of school. Mr. And Mrs J. L. Doner of Norton, Kansas, spent Sunday in the city with his brother, P. H. Boner and family. Miss Josephine Esslg, who is teach ing Bcbool near lUooralngton, snen? Sunday in the city with Miss Anna Jernbarg. Mrs. C. E. Hill returned to her home at Hastings. Friday, after visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Iiass Inge. and family. , I Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank' Watkfns "of Hastings spent the week cud as guests affisa n. jfiargaret uvtn y reuirnea jto hr home, in St. Lo-fls&Taesday; after a short visit at .the home of her brother, Noah-McDowell and family. I am now prepared to do harness re- pairing at my 'residence ' blocks east and 1. north of .High School P, h. Hansenr- 'Independent Phone No 117.' Hon George Lindscy and Mayor Dr. Robt. Damerell, were among those from this city who attended the big Democratic banquet in Hastings, Tues day. District Judge Harry S. Dungan and Court Reporter George M Jlutrd ot Hastings, ariived in the city Monday at which time the March term of dis trict court, convened. John Hamilton of Guide Rock went, to Hastings, Monday, and accompanied his brother, Howard, home. Howard recently underwent an operation for appendicitis in a hospital ut that place. The Jirst installment of the serial picture, "The llrokcu Coin," was shown ut the Orpheum on Monday evening, and was witnessed by a large crowd. The pictures weio fine, as was also the music dispeised by the Orpheum or chestra thinughoiit the entire even ing. The next installment will bo shown on next Monday evening. Read the story in this issue of thoChiof and plan to sec it shown in pictures Mon day evening. WHY ORANGE DAY- the delicious, sweet oranges. Start that healthful ' Insure your Farm Property with Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman for the Farm Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co., .of Hastings, Nebraska Phones: Otlloe, .'101; Residence, I'M! A Mine, safe, sound mid economical plan of lire, lighti.lng and tornado Insurance. Will your policy soon expire? Wiito mo and let me explain. Xo obligation on your part. A Uoien of Cowlos was hi the city Tuesday. Mrs. C. D Robinson Isiopottod very id tltls week. 1' 11 Webber an. I family speut Sun day In Guide Rock. Mr. Clias. Hunter of Inavale, went t. Hasting", Tuesday. Mis, W l .Medlar lef; Tuo-diiy !! a visit with her parents at flay t etitet. Wilhud Crouoll left for Fremont, Iowa. Ttieday to id tend a horse sale MI-.S Florence Howell of Hasting-, spent Saturday in this city with ti lends. Mr.s Steve Taj lor of Riverton was a guest at the Geo. Snielser homo on Saturday Mrs. Roy '.ent and sons of McCook, visited her mother, Mrs. Conover, on Saturday. Meredith Rut lor Is quite sick at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. E. Ilutler. Mr. and Mrs Phil Trout left Mon day for Warwick, Oklahoma, where they will visit relatives. C. L. Owen of Franklin spent Sun day as the guest at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. E. Cros9. Mrs. Ivan Dickenson left Monday for Denver, where she was called by the serious illness of her father. Herb Ludlow has purchased the C. E. Strong residence formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Wcosner. Miss Ester Pearson of Orleans arriv ed in the city Monday to visit with the Mis-es Marie and Anna Jernburg. Dr. NeUle E. Maurer left Saturday for Chicago and Kansas City where she will take a snort course along snecial dental lines. ' t- Graurtark was shown at the TepM on Monday and xuesaay evenings an,q was pronounceu oy tnose wno1 wiineei ed it as being oi a very nign oruer. g Don't miss the special sale of 'Dis Phonograph Records at bargain price now on at r Com so A MiTcni:ut Drugs. Jeweler. '; Citv Superintendent P. M. White head, and -Oavk iBtevens were ainon those' from here who attended the bi Democratic banquet in Hastings o Tuesday. - 'Wif .(Atndng the oototrtovp attorneys m tending court we noteC A. M, Walter , o nine Hill.1 Walter VWwvttt Ueatric P. E. Uoslaugh of Hastings, and H. If.' Mauok oi iNetsou. t Recording the grandeur and splend or of that world-famed Grand Canyon! of Arizona, and abounding w,lth. thrill ers of the first water, the latest of. the bitr western plays to be adapted for, the screen. "The Great Divide", has been completed for presentation and. will be shown at the Tepee next Mon day afternoon and evening and Tues day. Workman Lodge Entertains At the regular meeting of the A. O V. W. lodge on Tuesday evening, Grand Master Workman Frank Anderson, of Holdrege. and Deputies Fred Broad Held ot Omaha and E. C. Phillips, of Table Rook were present, and each gentleman made a short, interesting speech, which was highly enjoyed by all present. The local ollioers had prepared a short program for the en tertainment of these distinguished guests, which consisted of speaking, singing, instrumental music, etc. A dainty luncheon was also served dur ing the evening, and at a lato hour when nil departed for their homes, it was witli the feeling that they all had spent a highly profitable, and en joyable evening. Oranges Tliey aid in keep TEPEE Monday and Tuesday March W and 2t The GREAT DIVIDE Scenicnlly Beautiful and Perfectly Played A big western play in live pints and cue of the tnott pretentious ulTering .u t ollered The Gloat D vide vas ptodiu'od In i in Grand Canyons of Arizona Room ding all ot Its giaiiilure anil splendor and abounding with thrillers of the llrst water prominent among which is the tremendous landslide in which the entire side of a mountain Is forced away. Americas Greatest Western Play Willi the most beautiful scenic views ever shown in any picture. Natinee Nonday Afternoon At 2:30 Hegular Prlcmm C. E. Bowon of Franklin was in the city Tuesday. Frank Bloom of Hastings was in the city Tuesday. C. E. Strong of Culbcrtson was in the city Wednesday. I! B, L. Morgan of Alma is the guest of Rev. J. L. Beebe. George Overing went to Hastings Wednesday morning. A. R. Kirkpatriok of Guide Rock was in town Tuesday. Ole Bergman of Catherton township was in town Wednesday. ' O. W. Blair of Lincoln arrived in the city Wednesday evening. Mrs. Frank ftssil,.wcnt, to Alma Tuesday morning to visit relatives. Contractor Cha's. "BrubaVcV 'has "' ffi- stalled ncw.rout; in the Havel garage. Unas, steward we,nt up ,to urami Island this morning to attend a Short horn.Cattlfrsalek- Roy Robinson of McCook' spent SiVi day in the city witli his nfurentsi Mr. Bod Mrs. C. D. Robinson. ' ' The, Hoafd of Education has design ated next week as Spring vacation' week for the grade school only." ' " Mrs Julia Warren, returned home Tuesday evening from Washington', Iowa, where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs, Evelyn Morrisoh and family. F. W. Cow den and h. II. Black lodjfe attended the banquet given by the Adam's County Democratic club at the Clark hotel In Hastings Tuesday even ing. NOTICE-.-Ev I.uth. Zion's Congr gatiou. Sunday morning, March lUth, German services will be hold, begin ning at 10 a. m. hereafter at 11 a. Ill English services. Ev. I.iith. Pastor. "The Great Divide" is heralded as one of tin most evpunsivo productions which has beon produced by any of the makers of motion pictures and it abounds with thrill upon thrill mid a statidaid of nlioto-iiliiyliiL,' which be speaks credit for everyouo. At the Tepee next Monday afternoon and evening and Tuesday. A True Love Feast Over three hundred Demiicials, ion leseuting every faction it: Nebraska democracy, assembled around the banquet board in the dining and giill room at the Clarke hotel, in Hastings, on Tuesday evening The banquet, which whs given uudor tint auspices of the Voting Men's Democratic associa tion, was pronounced by all who at tended from this city, as being a true love feast, with a careful uvolduuco of the Issues that have brought about differences of political opinion. Following the banquet toasts were made by W. II Thompson, of Grand IslanA, I. J. Dunn, of Omaha, C. W. lirvan. of Lincoln. Keith Neville of North Platte, W. F. Stoecker of Omaha John V. Outright, of Lincoln, Edgai Howard of Columbus. M L. Corey of Clay Center and W. I). Oldham of Kearney, all of whom, without excep tion, endorsed and praised the admin Istratlon of Woodiow Wilson. Adds New Improvements The Orpheum theatre management is still adding new up to date Improve ments this week in the way of decor ating the whole Interior of the theatre. The woik Is being done in the latest conventional design and the coiling is toned so as to get the full hnnuty in toned liglit for Illumination during the pictures, furnished by the indirect lighting units just installed. Moral inspectors insist on more light In tlio theatres and in order to provide this e.tt-K illumination, without detracting from the clearness of the tllin pictures, indirect systems must he used. Tim thrall c will be lighted at all .times with a soft light that does not Interfere with the pictures. Tills theatre also utos a inliiitsa silver fibre screen which produces 'a picture that is'gmtiuiit I to he frvu fiom eye strain and flicker. H makes the front .eats as dnsli.able as the tear souls on that account The studios in Omaha are now painting the scenery for the staue. Five complete sots will bo used arid every new modern Improvement will be included in this theatre equip ment before the manager's plans will bo fully executed. I ii 'Minn mi'iifflHt'mtnitjtHn imi h i iff f HOT I il ' M, I II HI1.1 Suits made to S your measure Wo arc njjonts for two of the bitfiavst and most exclusive Men's Tailor'ma Houses in America Meyer Co. B. Kuppenheimer & Co. Suits made lo measure in all wool guaranteed fabrics $15.00 to $40.00 A Perfect Fit Guaranteed Or Mo Sale We have also received this week exclusive designs and patterns in Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits in Ready-to-Wear. THE BEAFORT An exclusive Kuppenheimer model for men who want to dress young $20, $22.50 and $25 COME IN AND SEE he Qomden-Kaley (jlothing Qo. "ALWAYS ii i imiiniimuimui'iiiiuNimmihiiuiiiiM .'Grant Christy was in Blue Hill, Monday. ' Rvaro Inntli Iiiioitv whin fi.n nt Fogcl's. '. . George Corner wars in Blue Hill on Monday. Ed. Crary of Guide Rock. was. In the city Saturday. Emanuel Peters of Guide Rock was in the city Monday. Mrs. Pete Arnold and baby returned to Lincoln Saturday. Bert Stevens of Smith Center, Kan sas, was in the city Monday. iHam Temple of Kansas City is in the City this week visiting frieuiR ("'John Fountain returned home Frl lay irom Missouri valley, low i.iji. .. - . i . 11 n Valley, iqva. ... Atiitiitumattc shot gun' JnJ Wljlj. Koon.., aynard umf daughter, run MrtifK ai u ifuuu (idunuiun, Mrs W.A. May Isabel,, spout Saturday in Hastings Attorney and Mrs. L. II. Blnckledge spent Friday and Saturday in,. Hast ings. ' "" Geo. i:. Smith left Friday for Gillette Wyoming, Ft (day, to look at some land. Mr. and Mis, Guy Zelgler returned home Saturday from a short visit with relatives in Riverton. Miss Helen Murphy returned to her homo at Grand Island the last of the week after visiting friends in this city. SHOW ONLY ON MONDAYS DURING REVIVAL Monday, March 20ft; "The Biota Coin" (2nd Installment) Flirting A LaCarte (Comedy) The Silent Member (Rex Drama) Animated Weekly (Current Events News From All Over The World) Two Complete Shows Every Evening 7:30 and 9:00 ORPHEUM Admission - i "iHI r in .k I'l ' i v RELIABLE" Geo, J. Warren spent Friday in Superior. ; Mrs. W V. Ileal spent the week ea4 In Cowles. Dr. A. K. Holes returned Mondaf from Frunklin. -. V. lLTabCTrBturnid to his home i Omaha, Sunday. ' ' Al. Staby Is tpilte sick at his noma in the tirst ward. Jack Waller of Cowles'spent Snndif In this city" with iclatlves. Cottiug the Druggist is agent ,for Sal-Vet the great conditioner. Buy your buggy whips at Fogcl's, Every tenth whip given away. , Will Kuehn was in Grand I si an Tues,dy wlOi h cur oljinettle. ' Xdlti Butler fvun ftft,iliie IIUl Monday to wuVk 071 theUejeptione lipc. Attorney A. pi. Walter of Illue Hill came down Monday to attend 'district court, Mrs. Ginntironchfri o'f Guido'-Itociy spent Sunday at the Thomas Emertoa home. Mr. and Mis R. P. Weesner atil family have moved into Mrs. J. L. Miner's lesideuce. Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meel eye, ear, nose and throat, patients and those nee ling glasses properly Uttfiet l)r Damorell's otlloe, Tuesday, March ' '28th. Hours I to ii only. ORCHESTRA .5 and qc S 1 3 m im IlvtVi ,M..:.4,jMWV.ijrM-- IM. ,l ILMMIipWMH K,MM, . xtoEMVfr