The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 02, 1916, Image 7

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Jump from Bed
in Morning and
Drink Hot Water
Tells why everyone should drink
hot water each morning
before breakfast.
Why Is mnn nnd woman, half tho
tlmo, fouling nervous, despondent,
worried; somo days headachy, dull and
unstrung; somo days really Incapaci
tated by Illness.
If wo all would practlco Insldc-bath-iiiB,
what a gratifying change would
tako placo. Instead of thousands of
half-sick, anaomlc-looklng souls with
pasty, muddy comploxloni wo should
soo crowds of happy, healthy, rosy
cheoked pcoplo everywhere. Tho rea
son Is that tho human system docs not
rid Itsolf each day of all tho wasto
which It accumulates undor our pres
ent modo of living. For ovcry ounco
of food and drink taken Into tho sys
tem nearly an ounco of wasto matorlal
must bo carried out, elso it ferments
and forms ptomuino-llko poisons which
are absorbed into tho blood.
Just us necessary ns it Is to clean
tho nshes from tho furnaco each day,
before tho firo will burn bright nnd
hot, so wo must each morning clear
tho insltlo organs of tho rovlou3 dny'a
accumulation of Indigestible wasto nnd
body toxins. Men and women, wheth
er sick or well, aro advised to drink
each morning, beforo breakfast, a
glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of llmcstono phosphato in
it, as n harmless means of washing
out of the stomach, liver, kidnoys nnd
bowols tho indlgcstlblo material,
wasto, sour bllo and toxins; thus
cleansing, sweetening and purifying
tho entiro alimentary canal beforo put
ting more food into tho stomach.
Millions of pooplo who had their
turn at constipation, bilious attacks,
acid stomach, nervous days and sleop
less nights havo becomo real cranks
about tho morning inside-bath. A quar
tor pound of limestone phosphato will
not cost much from your druggist or
at tho storo, but is sufficient to dem
onstrate to anyono, its cleansing,
sweotoning and freshening effect upon
tho system. Adv.
Tho true secret of fcmlnlno beauty
Is to be born pretty.
To keep clean nnd healthy take Dr.
Pierce's l'lcncant Pellets. They regulate
liver, bowels and stomach. Adv.
Tho nge of reason depends nltogeth
cr on the man; some men never at
tain it.
throw Oil Cold and 1'revent Urlft.
Vhen u irol a mid cunilrw on, tako I.A3A-
Cold mid Hrlp Onlf O.m IIUOMO (JUINLNa'
W JUUVMSclKtmlureontHix ioC
Up His Sleeve.
Patlcnco Looks as if ho had some
thing "up his sleeve," doesn't ho?
Patrice Ho has. It's a wrist watch
Not Grnj Hairs lint Tired Eyes
make us looK older than wo aro. Keel
your Eyes yuuni; nnd you will look yountr.
After the Molcs Murine Your Eyes. Don't
tell your ace. Murine i:ye Remedy Co.,
Chicago, Bends Kyo liook on request.
Hsrcules and the Countryman.
A eountiytnan was'drlvlng his cart
along a road tilled with ruts when ono
tho wheels stuck In tho mud nnd
tho horses were unable to draw tho
rart out of it. Tho countryman at
onro began to call upon Hercules to
liolp him out of his dUIli'iilt;
"Put your shoulder to tho wheel,"
said llorenlcs. "Whip up your horses
nnd help thorn, for that Is 'tho only
way to obtain Iho aid that you want."
They nro helped who help themselves.--
From tho Fables of Aopop, tho
Time it! Pape's Diapepsin ends
all Stomach misery in five
Do some foods you eat hit back
tasto good, but work badly; forment
into stubborn lumps and cause a Blck,
sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or
Mrs. Dyspoptlc, Jot this down: Pnpo'a
Dlapopsln digests cvecythlng, leaving
nothing to sour and upset you. Thore
never was anything so safely quick, so
certainly effective No difforenco how
badly your stomach Is disordered you
will get happy relief In flvo minutes,
but what pleases you most Is that it
strengthens and regulates your stom
ach so you can cat your favorlto foods
without fear.
You feel dlfforcnt as soon ns "Pape's
Dlapopsln" comos in contact with tho
tomach distress Just vanishes your gases, no belch
ing, no eructations of undigested food.
Go now, make tho best investment
you over made, by getting a large fifty
cent caso of Pape'o Dlapopsln from any
storo. You roallze in flvo minutes how
neodloss it Is to suffer from indigos
Uon, dyspepsia or bad stomach. Adv.
Its Kind"
"Is your husband's dosiru to bo an
aviator a trial to you?"
"Ob, It ia a soar aflllctlonl"
Economies of the Rich.
Knlckcr Onsollno la going up.
Docker Maybo wo can run the car
pa champagno and drink oil.
& I A I fc
August Hfldt, chief agriculturist ol
tho Scott Bbluff Sugnr company, du
clnrcd while In MncOun routulln;: up
(loruiun-nuxslan families to woik in
Iho beet Ik-Ida the coming spring, that
nearly one hundred families, rtvrc
Kent 600 or 700 pcoplo, will be em
ployed, the greatest exodus of the
kind In the history of Lincoln. Ho as
serted that during the year IMG mote
taw product was used by the Scotia
bluff Sugar company than any other
factory In the United Stntes.
James P. English, district Judgo,
formor county attorney nnd prartlc
ing attorney In Omnha for more than
thlrty.flvo years nnd well known over
tho state, died at his home In Omaha.
It was tho trial nnd conviction of
Arthur Hausor, murderer of W. II,
Smith, which cost tho life of Judge
English, In tho opinion of physicians
nnd friends.
A second quarantine for snnll
pox has been placed recentl)
on the Soldiers' home at Grand
Islnnd by City Physician Phelan. The
first quarantine was released after the
outbreak had been kept down to tin
ono victim The number of vIcMtns
cannot be ascertained nt this time
but Is believed to be limited.
Willlnm West, a fanner residing In
tho southwestern part of Km mis.
county, unearthed an Indian grave or
his farm lecently nnd In It found the
pettilled bones of an Indian. The
skull shows a deep concussion. There
wns nothing metallic found, hut there
were numerous (lint arrowheads and
stono battle axes.
Whllo operating a gas engine nt Al
len, Davo W. Johnson got his right
nrm caught In the ragged edge of a
belt twisting him around tho flywheel
nnd whirling him around until bin
weight stopped a six horsepower en
gine. Ills right hand was broken and
Ills hips, back and ankles were badly
Tho saloon question will come tc
a vote in North Plntto at tho cltj
election, Thursday. April G. A petl
tlon bearing 70 names has been Hied
with the city clerk asking that the 11
cense question bo put to a vote. This
number of signers Is more thnr
enough to force the issue Into the cltj
Elghly-flvo new members were
added to tho enrollment at the Y. M
C. A. at Fremont, as n result of u
four days' campaign conducted by the
inemhershiup committee. This brlngt
the totnl membership to 719 and the
committee hones to Increase tho total
to 7f)0.
Tho girls of a club Just being op
ganbed In the Tecumseh Hls-h school
entertained their mothers to a ban
quet recently, 100 being in attendance.
The organization of tho club Is fot
the Improvement of social conditions
with the students. A club has also
been orcnnlrctl by tho boys.
The Madison county seat removnl
election will bo held March 23, accord
ing to a decision of the county com
missioners. Madison offered no pro
test to the election, having failed in
six weeks' lime allotted to shako the
Norfolk petition.
A fanners' union, consisting of
seventy members has boon organized
nt Holdrege. TJie union will either
buy or build an elevator in the city,
nnd will confine Its operations to the
buying of grain and selling coal.
Tie permanent organisation of IV
Farmers' union en-operative grain ele
vator nt Olenvllle hns been effected
Tho enmpanv has a paid up capital of
".eoo, nnd la orp.tnlyed under tho
Nebraska coopeiatlvo law.
fillicers of Compnn O, Nebraska
National (iuard of Unstlngs, have
launched a campaign of preparedness
It Is hoped hv those connected with
the movement to All tho company to
Its full quota.
Tho safo In the postolllco nt Dodgo
wns blown by robbers and loot to the
amount of $fiOO cash nnd stamps was
obtained. Mall sacks wero rifled, but
nothing of value wns taken from
Tho plans nnd specifications for thn
steel bridge' to bo built across tho
Niobrara liver nt the Parshall cross
ing, Just south of IJutto, are ready for
Omaha bank clearing for the week
ending February 1"th made a gain of
over $0,000,000 oer the totnl clear
ings for the corresponding week In
191 B.
Columbus won tho state volley ball
chnmplonshlp by defeating Fremont
In tho final round of tho tournament
nt Columbus In threo straight games.
Omaha, Fremont, Norfolk, Grand Is
land, York and Unstlngs associations
wore represented.
With $10,000 actually subscribed, a
low $100,000 building for tho Univer
sity of Omaha is nn assured proposi
tion. Ground will bo broken by Juno
and the building will bo ready for tiso
noxt September nccordlng to plnns of
the board of trustees.
As the result of experimenting with
a dynamite fulminating cap, Frank
Schave, aged 22, of Grand Island, em
ployed by the Kohler hotel as a fire
man, Is minus nn eyo nnd ono finger.
Henry Allen, the founder of tho vll
lago of Allen, and who gave his land
for tho slto of tho town, died a few
days ago. Ho was ono of tho oldest
fiettlers of Dixon county.
Ralph R. Clayton, a schoolboy of
Siomor, has established a wlreloFB
station at hli fathor'B place and can
pick up wireless mc8';"S from Ar
lington 8tntlon. V.
n c vv a
New Styles in
7W gf fflsWIP i V vu .
Jww 6 & v 'kbbbk:! to. K . .,n : r"
Ono-pleco gowns, dovelopcd In ac
cordance with the now silhouette do
crood by fashion, nro quaintly charm
ing, with trim waists, fitted bodies
and spreading linos below tho waist.
It 1b somowhnt dllllcult to reconcllo
tho modorn twoploto tailored suit
with this revival of styles which anto
dated it by many yenrs. It takes
clover adaptation, even of tho light
weight fabrics for spring, to accom
plish tailored suits that do not Ioso
character by conforming to tho lines
now in vogue.
In tho suit shown abovo, tho tailor
has met his problems successfully. It
is mado of gnberdlno with a plain full
skirt that Hares In tho approved man
ner. In tho short coat a belt is set in
that confines it to the waist at tho
sldos and bnck and supports a peplum
that ripples about tho bottom in do
f Ian co of tho severity which hns been
required of tallormndcs heretofore.
Itut tho cont presents a very trim and
flnlshcd appearanco at tho front,
Popular Styles in
Among tho groat diversity of styles
In now utility blouses offored for
spring, thoao that aro meeting with
best success nro of good materials,
woll mado and rather plain. As In tho
now lingerie much resorvo as to dec
oration is notlcenblo in them, and
much nttoutlou to good workmanship.
This bespeaks an advance in popular
itasto which Is making Itself folt in oth
er directions as woll. Even In inex
pensive fabrics manufacturers say that
consumers demand neat effects, wov-on-ln
figures Instead of printed ones,
and aro appreciative of good manage
ment of color.
Tho two blouses shown hero aro
typical oxamplcs of moderately priced
styles designed for general wear. Tho
blouso at tho left Is mado of llnu cot
ton vollo and depends for decoration
on plaltlngs of tho vollo and horn
stitching. It fastens with small pearl
buttons and exceptionally well-made
This modol Is cut with a shallow
yoko at tho back which extends over
the shoulders to tho front. The body
of tho blouso Is Joined to tho yoko with
pipings of tho vollo, and tho sleeves,
collar and cuffs nro set In In tho snmo
way. Hemstitching ia Introduced in
tho hemming of tho kuifo plaiting,
which edges tho collar nnd cuffs, In
tho horn of tho collar and in tho front
of tho blouso. Tho collar Is very wldo
uid supported by wires at tho back
f-jid neck. It Is mndo closo fitting nnd
wrinkles about tho neck. Tho sleeves
aro long and at tho waist lino an elas
tic baud is inserted in n half-Inch hem.
The blouso nt tho right Is of white
vollo banded with a light color. Uluo,
tfjji, rose, and lavender aro liked, and
malzo finds occasional admirers for
theso bandings.
la tho blouso pic
Kpi-" V flu '' "U : I ' "' II
wL -s r l"" " l-y T ' m
E 111 III III WrWWIIWHWW I "W-I " ' ' ' "" " " " " - I Ml" ,F
III I I I . I ' ' ' " ' '
Tailored Suits
. ill ,is
where the waist lino Is unbroken.
Tho slcovcs aro notably original In
cut and nro Hnlshed with flaring,
turned-back cuffs neatly bound with a
narrow brnld. Tho same finish out
lines tho collar that Is cut to roll about
tho neck and Is high In tho back.
Thoro nro wldo reverH nnd tho coat
fastens to ono side with threo buttons
that extend from tho waist lino down
ward. They aro Joined to threo but
tons, sot opposlto to them on tho
panel, by narrow braid. Smaller but
tons nro aot on tho sleeves and they
aro further decorated with braid.
Somo of tho now suits nro llnlshod
with smart rows of stitching. Novelty
buttons nnd pockets eomo In for con
siderable attention, and short capes
havo tho prestige of tho favor or Paris
to give them assurance. Thoro 1b va
riety In everything but outline Even
in this regard tho tailormndo suit will
bo allowed a certain degroo of Indlf
foronco to tho modo nnd need not at
tempt tho great nmplitudo that marks
other gowns,
Utility Blouses
Hired hero tho banding Is In a fairly
strong shndo of bluo nnd is horn
stitched to tho edge of tho collar and
pockets and let Into tho cuffs In tho
Bamo way.
Hemstitching Is featured In this
model. All tho scams nro hemstitched
and the collar is set on with It. Tho
back is cut to extend over tho shoul
ders to form tho short yoko nt tho
front. A group of lino tucks extends
from tho neck to tho wnlst lino ut tho
back and from tho yoko to tho lino of
tho bust on each side of tho front.
A very slmplo pattorn of dots and
scrolls, In bluo floss, outlines tho
pockets and appears on the collar, and
a bit of openwork Is Inserted at tho
bottom of each pocket.
Thcso blouses nro among those
which may bo bought rcadymndo at
prices ranging from two and a half
to flvo dollars. Thoy aro machino
mado but tasteful and practical,
Homemade Spool Holder.
A slmplo yet handy article to hold
tho spool when crocheting or sowing
may bo mado from n hairpin. Take u
common hairpin nnd bond tho two
ends In towards each othor. Insert
thn ends of tho pin in tho ends of a
spool. Slips tho head of the pin over
a button on your blouso. Tho spool
will turn ns tho thread Is used. Thero
Is no tangling of thread or slipping of
tho spool to tho floor.
Russian Coats.
Russian evening coats of rich bro
cade, with Immonso borders of fur, aro
- ' delightful and plcturosquo gurmenta.
The 1 tilled States department of
agriculture has Just published a thli-ly-elghl
page soil survey of Nemaha
county, based on the woik of (he do
pattment and the Nebraska soil sur
vey. The county In a heavy coin pio
dueer, one aero of being grown
for every uero of all other crops com
bined The report contains nn ntinlyn
la of the vailoiiH soils eneounteied In
lite county Forty-two per cent of 1h-
urea of the county Is made up of Car
linglnn slit loam, which Is considered
a good agricultural soil. A foutth of
the county Is mado up of Marshall
silt loam, which Is Hiild to ho the best
ioll for grain farming, A part of the
county la mapped as Knox silt loam,
This Is almost entirely devoid of or
ganic matter and is sticky. Near Peru
and Drowning a number of nt chard i
nro supported In this soil and grape
do very well on the upper slopes The
remainder of the county was found
to consist of alluvial tonaco sella
of good quality.
County Superintendent A T Holt
7en, Fdltor Mitchell of fleshier, editor
of the Deshler Itiitler. and Paul Gru
pie are touring Thayer county, adver
tising the county fair, which will bo
hehl this fall nl lleshler This wilt
be the third annual county fall, and
motion pictures will l tal.en by
PmfesKtir Condnt and his asMstnnts.
The total sugar In et acreage -on-tinetid
for mn In the North Piatt'
dMilet In rully Il.oOO nere-i This Is an
IneriiiiP tif 1, 200 acres over PHI. The
terilton In which this nennp I" lo
en led Is between North Pintle and
Sutherland. Very few If any cimirne'H
have been made from North Platte
east to the county Hue.
The Hev F. M RIshou. pastor of the
Fltst Methodist church or Fiemont,
received 272 new members Into h'n
chinch nnd baptl'ed lltl ut a Sund-iv
morning's service recently. This wan
a record day, both for Fremont nnd
for llr Slsson'a ministry, extending
over a ixrlod of forty-two years.
The I year-old daughter or Mr and
Mrs. Wot7ol Cooper or Scotia wns In
stantly killed while her parents were
watching the blasting or Ice nt III"
Union Pacific bridge I here. A large
piece of Ico was thrown high In the
air by nn explosion and fell onto the
child, crushing her skull.
New national guard companion nro
likely to 1m! Installed at Aurora,
Schuyler and David Clly. All of thero
places formerly had companies, but
gnve them up two or three years ago
They are anxious now to get tho good
out of ml'itnry training nnd to demon
nimtn ilielr Interest In national do
Fifty-flour pupils of the lloiureg"
schools have enrolled for the school
gnrden work for tho coming summer.
The schools nre also operating a
poultry nnd eug contest Twenty-rour
pens or chickens havo been entered
in tho egg contest, which began Feb
ru.iry 1.
Albert Gerbor of Duncan wns killed
hy nn explosion of a stick of dynamite
held In his hand whllo breaking up
Ico nt the Platto river brldgo ono mile
south of Duncnn. Mr. nether nail
lighted tho fuse to the dynamite, but
It wns short and went otT In hit)
Twnho spans of the nulomnblle
bridge across the Platte river a'
Louisville wero torn out by Ice floes
nnd the railroad bildgo was slightly
A petition signed by one hundred
Ileatrlco voters has been filed with
thn city clerk asking tho city com
missioners to submit the question or
licensing saloons to a voto of the pco
plo at the city election In April.
Citizens of Sheridan county nre
making nn effort to establish a farm
demonstrator In the rmmtv Mertlne
have been held nt Hay Eprlngs, Hush
viiin nnii r.iiiilon In support or the
A call has been Issued ror a spe
clnl school election on March 11, at
Oakland, to vote bonds for $15.000 to
build n new high neliool building, re
placing the ono destroyed hy fire on
December 29.
Threo hundred qu-irts of grape
Juice wns used to quench the thirst
of Nebraska lawmakers wFien they
nnlhered at the annual banquet of V
Nebraska Legislative league In Lin
coin Just recently.
At P.rownvlllo about fifty eight
acres of f rawberrlofi wero raised this
Reason. Nn other placo In the state
has ns mnnv ncrcs In slrnwborrlos af
this town In nichardson county
That n Phelps county fnlr will be
held In Holdroiro next nutumn was dor-
lnitely decided by the board or direc
tors of tho Phelps County Fair asso
It la reported that Wilkinson &
Vnndees of Denver, who havo bought
Iho Cross & Itoberts electric light
company nt Scottsblufr and will build
an Interurban lino tbeown that cltj
and Gorlnc. They also plan on spend
Ing $fi0,000 on the electric lighting
nlflnt at Scottpbluff.
A $05,000 addition Is being planned
hy thn holding company of the Clarke
hotel nt Hastings. It Is expected tc
havo tho rooms completed In time foi
the state democratic convention
July 2,r..
A ferry boat that had been frozer
In tho Missouri river nt Plattstmutfc
all winter, waB cnrrled away whor
tho Ice broke up last week. No trace
ot It has been found.
W. A. Tlourko, ownor of the Omaha
Western Lcaguo baseball club ha!
mado nrrnngements for tho fnm tr
train at Ueatrlce for three woeks
starting March 20.
Aurora will soon havo a wholes?
telegraph station as a Jowolry storo nl
Hint placo la planning to install one
In order to obtain correct tlmo ftoiu
Your First
Should be of Your Health
It is a priceless posses
sion and deserves utmost
care. One of the greatest
drawbacks to health is a
weak stomach, but this
can soon be corrected by
careful diet and aid of
Stomach Bitters
It Is a reliable first aid
Ho Was Right.
A man rushed to tho entrnuco of a
luuntlo asylum In tho in Id'. I o of tho
night nnd yelled to tho keeper to lot
htm In.
"Lot me In!" ho cried. "1 havo sud
denly gone Insane"
Tho keeper woko up, thrust hla head
out of u llrst-story window and bel
lowed down In n rago:
"What7 Come hoio nt thin tlmo of
night? Man, you must 'o crazy!"
Of Your 8kln nnd Make It Fresh and
Clear by Uslnn Cutlcura. Trial Free.
When suffering from pimples, black
heads, redness or roughness, smear
tho skin with Cutlcura Olntmont
Then wash off with Cutlcura Soap and
hot water. These Bupor-crcamy cmol
llonts do much for tho skin bocauso
thoy provont poro clogging,
Froo samplo each by mail with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. L,
lloston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
If a woman Is homely alio trios to
persuado herself that she has a clussto
A headless woman ts fortunato la
bolng able to talk without putting hor
Bolt to tho troublo of thinking.
A Miss Is bettor than a mllo.
mnn would enro to kiss a mllo.
Color Plans
staff of Interior decorators is nt
your disposal to assist you with
your spring decorating.
These experts offer you dependable
free advice on how to treat your walls
bo that they will harmonize witlmndnct
off to advantage your lloor covering,
furnitme, draperies, curtains and
wearing apparel.
They also want to tell you about the
tiandsomo decorativo wall nnd ceiling
border effects that can be obtained by
the use of Mencils tha very latest
wriruue in wan uecorauon.
Stencils ordinarily cost from SO cents
to $3 00 each; but If ou will write for
the free "Alabastlne Packet." contain
ing hand colored pi oofs of 12 of the
very latest ntcncil effects, we will tell
you how you can have jour choice of
these and MX) others at practically no
expense. Write today tor thU abiO'
lutilyfre decorating urvice.
Alabastlnn in S lb. packaftes, In dry
powder form, ready to mix in cold
water, is sold by paint, hardware, drug
and general stores everywhere.
Alabastine Co.
Its CrudiUl. B J. Out lUsUs. MUL
Tho moat fashionable and
populerTnbloDossort. Makes
your tablo comploto.
Beautiful Doooratlvo Rod-po8--Dollclou8,
Nourishing and Hoalthy.
Nothing so dollghtful for the
tablo or elck room.
Sovon flavors and colors.
At your grocore, or by mall!
at SI.2U tne tiozon.
Wstios K. CoteraB,
l'almt Jjtwyrr.WutilUKlon,
DC. Advice and looks tr.
Bates reasonabje. HUtieat references, lkt swtloes.
II EAI C corn, fruit, UveaUxk, pur best In Uis
do Uoods. II. 1 Kloier, Grand Junction, Uulurada
"11" CHICK Itt.MKDV prevents Whltu Dlar
rhea In liuby Chicks. No sick chicks. Samplo
10c; clrcuUr. lieu Coux, HiiiS.MIsnuiila.Mnot,
Nebraska Directory
Rooms from 11.00 up single, 76 cents up double.
i lim s -