The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 02, 1916, Image 5

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Bulletin of Tha Week's Dolnfs
Fresh Lowneys at Miner Bros. Co,
Every tenth buggy whip free at
Father Fitzgerald was In Superior,
Curtis Dally of Inavale was in the
city Saturday.
Attorney Bernard McNeny was in
Hastings, Monday.
A 1 pianovfor sale at a bargain.
Hand master J. E. Bctz.
Hear Litmte Carl at' the Congrega
tional church on Friday evening.
Mrs Claude Way. of. Hastings visited
her sister, Mrs. A. E Boles, Monday.
99 00 per bushel Alfalfa seed. Have
only 30 bushel at this price.-C. J. Piatt.
George Matkin of Inavale was trans
acting business iu the city Thursduy.
Mis. E. II. Webber and children
spent Sunday in Cowles with relatives.
Mrs. Mattie Roberts and daughter
were passengers to Imperial, Monday
Large and complete line of Wooltcx
Coats and Suits just received. Miner
Bros. Co.
Mrs. Ed Fearn went to Hastings,
Saturday, to visit her son, Oris Foam
tmd wife.
W, H. Cloud of Inavale was attend
ing to business affairs in this city
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Moede left Mou
day for Imperial whore they will mahc
their home on a farm.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. King who have
re&ldert,in Garfield for several years
moved to town this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Oris Fearn of Hastings
nre the proud parents of a baby girl
which was born Saturday.
A. T. Walher returned homo from
Omahn, Friday, whore he had been at
tending the automobile show.
G. W. Lindsey was :i passenger to
Denver, Monday night. He went out
to buy cattle which he will feed.
Low Aubushon returned home from
Kansas City, Tuesday morning, where
he had n car of cattlo on the market,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker returned
home from Omaha, Monday evening,
where they had been attending the
automobile show.
Messis, Robt Avery and Mike
Finkeubluder left Wednesday for
Omaha where they will attend a
cement dealers' meeting.
Editor Karl Spenco of tho Franklin
News was in tho city Sunday evening.
He had been visiting relatives nt
Bladen and was enroute home
The W. C. T. U , will meet witb.Mrs.
Christiana Hanson on Wednesday
afternoon, March 8th. Topic: Union
Signal ana Temperance Literature.
Paul Storey had tho Interior of his
store re-papered and painted last week
which greatly improves its appearance.
Mr. Storey has made several changes
in the arrangement of his large stock
of gents' furnishing goods, so as to en
able him to better display the various
lines. Chief among these changes is
the removal of the pants department
to the rear of the btore, where now
each pair can be found nicely arranged
on hangers. He has removed tho
shoo department from the center of
the room to the south side and in this
way hus secured additional floor space.
ut Your Kitchen on a Ousines Basis
Duy your Table Supplies as a Business Man Buys his Mer--cnandise,
where you can always get what you ask for,
and get the best quality, the best service, at the lowest
possible price.
Spinach, peck sack full
Pascal Celery, very nice,
Head Lettuce, solid heads
Always excel
Strawberry, Red
Raspberry, Cur
rant. Large Glasi Jars
F. G. Turnure & Son.
C. S. Sluyter of Hastings was in the
city Friday.
Guy Kelglcr bpent Monday night In
IMverton with his parents.
Miss Eva Foster spent Sunday with
friends at Republican City
George Corner returned home the
first of the week from Omaha.
Wanted-40 or 50 head of cattle to
pasture. T. J. Kennedy, rfd 2.
Clyde llowcn returned home from
Kansas City, Tuesday morning.
Will Tabor of Omaha was in the city
the first of the week on business.
Silver Longtin, of Alma, came down
from that city Wednesday morning.
George Atkinson left Monday for
Imperial where he will work on a
Mr. and Mrs. Mitt Stevens of Smith
Center, Kansas, are visiting at the
home of Lon Eddy today.
I am now nrprmied to dr hnrnnss rA-
pairing P. L. Hansen, 2 blocks east
and 1 north of High School
Frank Peterson returned homo tho
last of the week from Omaha where he
attended the automobile show.
Mrs. Becky Ehells of Culbertson
came down Wednesday morning to
assist iu caring for Mrs. J. O. L hid ley.
Will Tanquary moved his household
goods and family to llloomlngton, Fri
day, where they will make their future
William Sharpneck of Alma came
down Wednesday morning for a visit
at the home of his daughter, Mrs
Frank Cassil.
Don't miss the special sale of Diso
Phonograph Records at bargain prices
now on at
CoiriNO X- Mircin:i.i,'s
Drugs. Jeweler.
I'M. Cook nud daughter returned to
their home at Xowato, Oklahoma, on
Friday night, after a short visit with
his father, Dr. Henry Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Simpson, after
visiting tils mother, Mrs. N. R. Simp
son, for several weeks, returned to
their home at Cody, Wyoming, Friday.
The many friends of Mrs. A. Lindley
mother of Mrs. C. .1. Piatt, will be'
sorry to know that she has been very
low since tho first of tho year at tle
homo of her son, It. G. Lindley, nt
Robeit and Helen Raines left Sun
"day to join their mother, Mrs. R. F.
Raines at Shu Diego, California. Mrs.
Raines has purchased property at that
place and it is her intention to make
it her future home.
Linnle Carl n nntional organizer and
lecturer for tho W. C. T. U. will speak
on some phase of the temperance
question on Friday evening, March 3rd,
at tho Congregational church. Give
her a hearing.
A.N. Wnechtcr of Riverton was In
the city Saturday, and while here paid
this office a pleasant visit. The gentle
mau informed us that he iuteuded to
this week, move his family to eastern
Colorado, where they will make their
future home.
Architect Bradley of Hastings re
turned home Wednesday morning after
attending to business affairs in this
city. The gentleman is furnishing tho
plans for both the now High school
buildings to be erected in this city and
Guide Rock.
On Thursday evening at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Keut, occurred tho marriage of
their daughter, Miss Tillle, to Mr.
Dale Montgomery, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W E. Montgomery, who reside south
of tills city. Rev. Geo. Hummel olll-ciated.
Vegetables Every Day
- 25c
- 5c
- 10c
Like mother used to dry
Per package
Every Fridiy. Pur U 25:
Insure your Farm Property with
Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman
for the
Farm Central Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.,
Hastings, Nebraska
Phones: Office, 304; Residence, 1750
A sane, safe, sound and economical
plan of fire, lightning and tornado
Will your policy soon expire?
Write me and let me explain. No
obligation on your part.
Mrs Ernest Welsch spent Friday in
Tames DeWitt was a passenger to
Lewellen, Monday.
Gus Holmgrain went to Guide Rock
Wednesday morning.
A. B. McArthur was in Bloomington,
Monday evening, on business
Buy your buggy whips at Fogel's
Every tenth whip given away.
FOR SALE An automatic shot-gun
iu good condition. W. L. Koon.
Mildred Ireland returned to her
home at Mt. Clare, Wednesday morn
ing. Mrs. Margaret Pinuey of St. Louis
is visiting nt the home of her brother,
N. W. McDowell.
Miss Dorothy Potter left Friday for
Portland, Orogon, to visit her sister,
Miss Bertha Potter
Miss Fern Averlll returned home
Monday from Des Moines, Iowa, after
buying her.'spring line of millinery and
visiting relatives.
McCook Styles NcNeny
"Silver Tongued" Orator
At two o'clock Saturday morning
the jury returned a verdict in tho Dis
trict Court in the caso of Wm. Jeffries
and Martin B. Holland vs The Ger
many Fire Inc. Co., the National Fire
Inc. Co., and the Glen Falls Inc. Co.,
iu which the defendants woro repre
sented by Messrs. Roso fc Wells, of
the firm of Stout, Roso &. Wells of
Omaha, Nebr., and tho plaintiffs were
represented by Bernard McNeuy of
Red Cloud, tho hitter being tho well
knowu and commonly called "silver
tongued" attorney of that city.
The caso euvolving the collection of
87,0011 Insuronco on tho Burlington
hotel building which was destroyed by
(Ire at Red Cloud, about one year ago,
was one of tho most hotly contested
cases that has been staged at McCook
in many a day. The trial of this wise
began on Wednesday last and con
tinued until Saturday afternoon.
The total amount of tho verdict
agaiust the Insurance Companies was
7,000, or the full amount asked by
Tho pi inciple features were the ad
dresses to the jury of Mr. Rose on be
half of the defendants and that of Mr.
Mr. McNcny on behalf of tho plaintiffs.
Principally MeNeny's argument to the
jury was one of the most forceful, con
vincing and fluent oratorical efforts
that it has been McCook's pleasure to
hear in many ii day Monday's Me
Cook Gazette.
City Marshal Graut Christy went to
Superior this morning and returned
with Lincoln Endsley. Tho young man
was charged with having taken n fur
overcoat from Burr's livery barn at
Guide Rock and bringing the same to
this oity where ho sold it to James
Gilbert for S3. He was arranged be
fore Judgo Rannoy this morning,
plead guilty and was ussessed a line of
S."0 which together with tho costs of
the prosecution he is boarding it out
with Sheriff (). I). Hedge.
Leaf Lettuce, per bunch - 5c
Shallots, green onions per bunch 10c
Turnips, per pound - - 3c
Lrar . i . i ...ii !";
Don't Fret
Over Hard Salt
IfeT il CM Hxur-i
A Long Life Ended
John Bcniiohamp, an old pioneer of
lis county, who for years hus made
his home with his daughter, Mitt.
George Drake, in Garfield precinct,
passed away on Tuesday morning after
a short illness. Mr. lleauehamp was
born in Torre Haute, Indiana, .May 2t,
183.1, and was SOyeais and 0 months of
age at the time of his death. He leaves
a number of children besides other
relatives to mourn his loss. The fun
eral was held from his late home this
John Rutlcdge spent Sunday in Ina
vale with his family.
Clarence Reed and Rev, Blunt came
up from Guide Rock Sunday night.
Blanch Barker camo up from Red
CloQd Saturday night and returned
Sunday morning,
Mrs. Hastings spent Friday in Red
C. E. Joyce and daughter went to
Red Cloud Friday.
Mrs. Deislcy and daughter Ella rl
turned Friday from a f iw days visit
with her daughter Mrs. II. B. E. Hill
and family at McCool Junction.
Tho M. E. Ladies Aid met Friday to
sew for Mrs. Clyde Pitney.
The Royal Neighbors held a market
at Dunn's Stole Saturday P. M.
Miles Putman moved Wednesday on
to the Koont. place recently vacated
by Mr. W. Nolan.
Mrs. 1. W. Thompson and son went
to Riverton Monday night to visit at
Georgo Thompson's.
ThoM.E. Ladies Aid met Wednes
day with Mrs. Burgess.
L. C. Ruby is building nn addition
to Ids house recently vacated by Mr.
Fisher. Chailey Olmsted is doing the
Mrs. Guy Barker and daughters, alto
her nephew, Avery Topham, went to
Aurora, Friday, to meet Mrs. L. W.
Thompson and son, Archie, of Billings,
Section Foreman Bert Fisher and
family have moved into tho Woleott
propei ty recently vacated by John
Mrs. W. Renkel is going to move in
to the property recently vacated by
John Brown.
Real Estate transfers.
Real Estate Transfers compiled by
B. W. Stewart, Bonded Abstractor anil
Attorney, Red Cloud. Nebraska.
Chnrles M Hiner and wife to Jan
Peterson i.92 f,t lots 2,'J and 21
blk 27 Red Ciou'l wd $ 750
II C Miner and wife to J as Peter
son wd cGO ft lots 23 and 24 blk
27 Red Cloud 500
John Dovcy, Sr. and wife to
John Dovey, Jr. ecd eel 25-3 9 1
W. L. Rhea and wife to Vern Bot
tom wd lot 9, bl. A, Spenesa
Add, Bladen 2500
Frederick W. Kcich and wife wd
inftac4 10-3 9 5200
Clara J. Largent and huedund to
' J. C. Foutz pt ae4 3-1 9 2500
Ruaaell Shields and wife to F. W.
Lirchner wd nj nw4 14 3 9.... 7600
Robert F. Funk et ill to I. A.
Banks qcd lot 9 and 10, bl. 0,
Sweezya Add. to Blue Hill.... I
A. D. Ranney, Co. Judge, to Be
rente Weasels et al decree e 13
Janette L. Neville to RubbcI W.
Shield wd aw4-4 10 1
Katcrina Hcasman to Ruaaell
W. Shields wd nj ne4 11-311 . . . . C000
Russell W. Shields to Katrina
Heasman wd aw4 34-4-10 12000
W. L. Bennett and wife to W. H.
Hoffman wd pt n2 nw4 aw4 8-4-11
A. D. Ranney, Co. Judge to Mary
Ann Thomas et al nw4 20 3.10
and loteC-7-8 bl. 16, Cowles De
cree George Johnston and wife to
Minnie Magavln lota 9 and 10
bl. 6, Gruealla eub. div. Rohera
add, Blue Hill .....' 850
A. D. Ranney, Co. Judge, to W.
H. Hoffman decree J int. lot 5,
bk. 11, Bladen
G P Bordenaon and wife to Jaa
Peteraon wdlot 3 blk 1 Williams
add to Red Cloud 800
R W Koonfz and wife to Jaa
Peteraon wd lot 2 blk 1 Wil
liams add to Red Cloud 1000
Charles E Vaughan and wife to Julia
C Vaughn wd Iota 7 to 12 6lk 11
Vanceaadd to Guide Rock.... 500
Delia M. Comer et al to Frank
Boom et ul wd lot 4, bl. 11, Bla
den moo
Hugh L. Rykcr and wife to Er
win L. Christy wd ej nw4 2-2-9 3S00
E. M. White and wifo to Howard
M. Simpson wd lot c South
Heights Add. to Blue Hill.... 1250
Erneat S. Strickland and wifo to
William A. Crary qcd lot 1, bl.
127, Guide Rock io
Chaa. E. Britton and wife . to
Maud Cady wd lot 1(3 and 17, bl.
uulde Rock 200
Svlveater Smith to S. It. Florence
wa ejBW4U10 5500
Mortgages filed $90,104 00 during 3
"Mortgages released 191,421 00 during
3 week.
Men's Fine Wool
and Wool Silk
Union Suits
Sizes 34 to 48
A Special Underwear Bargain
of High-Grade Material
See Them On Our Front Table
Overcoat Sale
Balance of Overcoats at Almost
Cost Price. ' Don't Want to Carry
Any Over. Come in and See
Them. They Are Real Bargains
he Qouiden-Kaley Qlothing Qo.
James Gilbert was an Inavale visitor
on Friday.
Ed. Burr of Gulriu Rock was in tho
city Wednesday,
Bye Shophoidson nt RivurUiu was iu
tha city Wednesday.
J. M. Btirgeai went to Hastings,
Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Hannah White ot Host wick
spent Friday In thin city with frieudH.
Miss Nellie Bean of Lincoln is the
guest of Miss IMitli MeKclghiiu, this
The Bible class of tho Unitod church
on Sunday morning will tlNoiiss "Ms
Morality a .Safe Religion?"
Mis (ttjorgo OIiiiimhi returned home
Wednesday morning from a visit with
her daughter ut Hartley.
Verlin Thy lor returned homo Sunday
evening after spending a tow weeks
with relatives and friends in Lincoln.
The folloAing shipped stock to
Kansas City Sunday: Wecsner it Son,
1 cars of cattle; Weesner & Koontz, 2
cars of hogs; Dclauey Bros., 1 car of
hogf; Lew Aubushon, 1 car of cattlo
and Will Aubushon 1 car of hogs.
Change of Program Daily
jHitiftHVM 111
F. H. CASSIL. Manager
Admission 5 and 10c
Red Cloud,
A Shubert Feature
Presenting Robert Warwick in
"The Flash of An Emerald"
Tuesday, Night, March 7
Big Red Feather Feature
Friday, March 3d
Watch This Space For Weekly i
Special Orchestra Music
Miss- IMIth Herrlelt and her urand
luother, Mrs. Nancy M. tJieen were
Hastings visitors tho last of tho week.
Mrs. J. M. Wecsner and children re
turned home Monday evening from
Superior where they had been visiting
her patents.
Mrs. (iooigfi Ilollistor wont to Lin
coln, Friday, to visit her daughter
Miss Marie, who is attending tho state
C. IJ.& (J. Roadmasler l'hil Trout
and wile returned homo Wednesday
nun ning'f roiii a visit, at various Paeitio
Const points.
Fi-.mlt Peterson was in (Juldo Rook,
Wednesday, where he submitted a bid
on the heating plant fur tho now school
building to be erected at that placo.
Maik McCouker, after spending
several weeks iu Kansas City, where
ho was lecolviug medical treatment,
returned home the (list of the week
much improved iu health.
Miss Mary Chribt'iui who has been
teaching school near Fuuli, arrived
homo Saturday. Owing to it number
of cases of small pox in that vicinity,
the schools have closed, temporarily.
T-itt .