JgEM State Historical 3vciity J5 I & a 1 S3 m. 4SL X r i . A NewsMIr That flWes The Newt Fifty-two Week Each Year Fir $1.50. VOLUME 44 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MARCH, 2, UHO. NUMBER Mfc It Isn't Hard To It is only hard to stBtt saving, and that is only because you think it is. . Start saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but. by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL. SS5.000 HUM UffMBfflm Va. ; j : -' SPRING PAIL STOREY The Clotliler II HHM "Ve33 What are your building plans for spring? House, barn, fence or coop. The time to plan is NOW. t Estimates Furnished Free is Orpheum Theatre I Is Duly Opened , Lour before 7:45, which was the hour set for the opening of the Mew Orphentn theatre, on Wedutsdny even ing, every seat in tjie bouse whs filled, stauding room was at n premium aud largo crowds blocked the entrance to the theatre. "Cam I lie" a Shubert feature, with the well known motion picture artist, Clara Kimball Young, taking the leading part, whs the at traction for the evening and was pro nounced by alt as a picture (urntahlng much food for thought A live piece orchestra discoursed sweet musical strains throughout the entire evening entertainment, whicn aloue was worth the price of admiss Ion. f Mr. Cassll has spared neither pains nor money in fitting up the Orpheum with the latest and best equipment required In the operation of a modern picture theater having installed a modern curtain on which to exhibit the pictures and the best picture machine obtainable. By diligent work he managed to complete his entire plans before the opening, even to fin ishing the orchestra pit and the- erect ion of a stage, which is some two feet larger each way than any other in the city Two shows were given last night and second one was also witnessed by ft full house. Mr. Cassil intends to oonduct the theater on the highest Scale possible, securing only the best in the Bhow line be it either pictures or road shows. lie has given to the theater going public of this city a place of amusement which is second to none and is entitled to n liberal share of patronage. THE MALONE-AVERY CO, "TALK WITH IIS AltVr YOUR SPRINB PLANS" Carl Lindstrum Is Killed By Train Wednesday morning, about 8:15 Curl Lindstrum section boss for the C. 13. and Q , at Lester, was struck uud in&tuutly killed by an extra stock train which had left this pluce for Ha&tiugs a few minutes after eight. The accident occurred near what Is known as the Frisble crossing. Mr. Lindstrum, in company with his young son, was pushing a push car, going the same directlou us was tho train. A high wind was blowing aud it is pre sumed he did not hear the approaching tiain, although the boy did and leap ed to safety. Coroner A mack was notified and un Inquest wos held with the following result: "We find that Carl Llndstrom's death was caused by being struck by a train running from McCook to Hastings, and that the accidetit occurred about 100 feet south of the railroad crossing where the public road crosses the truck ote half mile southeast of the road junction ut Lester. We find that the train whs stopped about 100 feet from where tho body wits 'truck. Tluit the englnct-n a ml flicmitu could see but u few rods ahead of the englue." signed: S W. Ftisblc. Foreman. L. M. ICust. O. M. ItiUlor 'W. A. 1'a.uio .1 (i. lirittoit F. H Frlsbie. Mr. Lindstrum had been section boss ut tuh pluco for several veins and was considered us n careful uud faithful employee Ho was a mint about l.r. j cuts old and leaves a wife aud several childieii, the youngest u baby ol but a few mouths. Funeihl services will bo conducted ut his lute home at Lester, Friday afternoon, after which the remains will be taken to Oxford for burial. Ted McArthur Takes Unto Himself A Wife This afternoon at 2 o'clock, nt the home of Ilev. G. W. Hummel, south of this city, Mr. T. K. McArthur was united in marriago to Miss Pearl Ire land. The groom, who is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. McArthur, is au exclusive Webster countv product, having been born and raised In this city. He is a young man of exemplary habits and while of a quiet, unassum ing disposition, counts his friends by his acquaintances and holds the ootid-1 denceofall Since leaving school he has been engaged with his father in farming and has fitted up a co.y home for bis bride, on his, mother's farm, two and one half miles north of this city. The bride came to this city about three years ago from Mt. Clare, and has blnco made her home with the Dr. Henry Cook family. She is a young lady of ninny accomplishments, enjoys a wide circle of friends and shows by her every action she possesses those qualifications essential in the making of a home. The young couple, after a few weeks, will be at home to their many friends, on the farm north of tills city where they will begin house keeping with the, entire coramnnity wishing that their Journey together ,thru life may be a long) happy and prosperous one. ' We Are For Bkeldedge The 'Chief hopes that our townsman, L. H. Iilackledgc, will conclude to enter the field for the nflice of District Judge of this judicial district. Tho district comprises the counties of Adams, Franklin, Harlan, Kearney, Phelps and Webster. Webstor county is second in population in the district and Is entitled to the Judge, novcr hav ing had that ofllclal. Since Judge Duugaii, of Adams county, has. now held the office for nine years we believe that It would be none else than fair were another lawyer and another county recognized by the voters of the district for that ofllce, although the present Incumbent bos filled the posi tion, so far as wc know, in a very creditable manner. Suoh positions arc honorable ones which should be passed around among the persons who are deserving and well qualified to fill them. Mr. Blacklcdge Is especially dtted by temperament, character and train ing to hold the ofllce of District Judge, He is a successful lawyer of over twenty five years experience, the last sixteen of which have been in Web ster coudty. His praotlec has extended largely to other counties, as well as in the Supreme Court. He is general ly recognized as being one of the ablest lawyers in the district, and Is particularly known as being always on the square. He is gentlemanly and courteous in his bearing, although somewhat tesened uud dullbornlo In octi.on. He seems to us, and to many citizens wiiom wo nave iieiinl express tiicmselvus. ns especially well qualified for the place and we hope lie will make the taeo. ' District Court Convenes Monday, March 13 The March term of district court will eonvwie In this city on Monday, March l.hh. There me Uftj -four civil cases on-the docket uud the following gentlemen will comprise the jurj : isTMiiMiBm ran niraw itj wiintw " M h i &J4j ri iLLLLLW Stl Kfy X?B&'JiiiZXr- 1 3 u Hrais. s km mi imv iimcvjfTfT n Have the Right Jewelry for Each Occasion TnllKiiuiriliiionnirTii tur- r m in s inr-nuin ir-la.r-i i-.u ill sn wr iim nui.ir i t. vururt iiiirt iii 11 rnrai, .ir wwt-i t. is . '48 WHEN AN ARTICLE COMES FROM US IT. IS, EXACTLY WHAT WE REPRESENT IT TO BE. LONG YEARS OF'EWqNENCE HAVE TAUGHT US WHO ARE THE RELIABLE DEALERS IN OUR LINES. FROM THEM WE OBTAIN OUR GOODS. ' . -, , v . ; . - WE,MAK&"qUALITY" RJGHTi THEN THE PRICE RIGHT E. H. NEWHOUSE c Jeweler and Optometrist I3TC. B. & Q. Watch Inspector ' tiwiiii ii'ipum d:iii iiiuiui iw," p iu U'limii ir u ,iuw 'mi'iimi ivi iiuwuciiiiii'ittinrni qm ,in " ,' ft fh Lost or Strayed A Polled Hereford heifer, coming yearling, from the herd at the Sher wood farm. Will give 810 reward for any Information loading to her recov ery. lien Heed. (500 l J. It. Hoguto S. A. Finchor limery Iteau William Kile W. O. Norrh T. W. McOlure Joseph llartft U. K. Harris James Zltek Oeorge Voile is Chits. Dlekersou Emery Lawler William Spllker C. D. rishel Albeit Uueker Joint Cuir Van Xegly II. II. Miner S. E. Johnson Fred Fuller D. B. Stunknrd George Moulton Charles Norris Elso Rose A BEAUTIFUL SHOWING OF THE NEWEST OF SPRING SUITS AND COATS Checked coats, fancy plaid coats, mixture coats, full all Wool Serge and Poplin coats--the , new new loose back styles, belted coats, leather trimmed coats, etc. Mesdumes C. T. and Ivuu Dickenson spent Sunday iu Uladen with relatives. PRICES: $5.00 to $30 t P. Weesner & Co. t-t?' . K! V 7'. ounfttKo dlallkoofhUnlEhbortnvj rw ,