The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 24, 1916, Image 6

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'Jurist Clarence W. Sessions Rules Ac
cused Men Need Not Leave Mlchl
gan and Asserts Charges ol Con
spiracy Were Not Proved.
Grnnd Kaplds, Mich., Feb 21. Six
men charRou" by tho government with
reBonnlblllty for tho loss of more thtui
700 IIvcb In tho KuBtlund disaster do
not havo to go to Chicago to stand
This decision waa handed down on
tTrldny by Federal Judge Clnrenco W.
HchbIoiih, sitting as a commissioner
in tho district court hero. Ho denied
tho governments application for a
warrant of removal for tho dofcndantB.
all of whom llvo. in Michigan.
Tho finding of tho court means
practically that nono of tho defend'
antB will ever bo placed on trial by
tho government. There Is a possibil
ity that If nny of them Journey into
other Htntos than Michigan they may
bo seized and another nttempt at ex
tradition made, but It Is declared to
bo a remote ono.
Tho men, Indicted hero, who fought
extradition and defeated tho govern
ment nro William II. Hull, president
of tho St. Joseph-Chicago Steamship
company; (Jeorgo T. Arnold, general
nanagor; Harry Pcdcrson. captain;
obop!j M. KrlckBon, chief engineer,
Mid Robert Hold and Charles C Eck
Uff, fcdornl Inspectors.
Judge Sosslons, In his opinion, Bald,
tho government had failed utterly In
All attempts to show conspiracy and
In making his decision the Judge
"Tho dend cannot bo restored to
llfo. Tho Borrows of tho living can
not bo lessened by claiming other vic
tims. Tho majesty of tho law cannot
bo uphold nnd vindicated by taking
mon from their homes to Btnnd trial
among strangers upon accusations
which there Is baroly a scintilla of
proof to sustain. Tho ovldenco In
this mntter wholly falls to establish
tho probable causo for believing any
of these defendants guilty of any
crlmo chnrgod In tho Indictments."
Former Priest Pays Penalty for Slay
ing Girl in 8ing Sing
Osslnlng. N. Y.. Fob. 21. Hans
Schmidt, tho unfrocked priest who
murdered his sweetheart, Anna Au
muoller. was put to death In tho elec
tric chair In Sing Sing prison on Fri
day. His laBt words were:
"I send a hearty greeting to my
mother. My last thoughts aro of her.
Oootl-by, all friends."
With a linn step ho walked to his
death, and on his wny to tho chair ho
asked forgiveness from all ho had
"offended or scandalized," and In turn
forgavo nil who had offended him.
Tlirco shocks wero necessary.
It Ib believed Anna Aumuellcr wns
murdered on September 8, 11)13. It
wns on September 5, 1UKI, that pnrt of
her body wns found lloatlng In tho
river off WoodcllfT, N. J.
When ho was arrested tho priest
mado a full confesalon. Ho said ho
had klllod tho girl nnd that ho had cut
uor body Into ulna pleccB
Canal Route and Naval Base Treaty
is Approved by the Senate,
65 to 18.
Washington, Feb. 21. Tho sennto
m Friday by a voto of G5 to 18 nul
led tho long winding nnd persistently
opposed Nlcnrnguan treaty, whereby
tho United States would acqulro n 3D
year option on tho Nicaragua!! Canal
routo and a naval haso In tho Gulf o
Fonsecn for KU0O.O00.
Included In tho rntllkntlon rcsolu
t'on was a provision declaring thnt
tho United States In cbtnlnlng tho
naval baso does not Intend to vlolnto
any existing rights m tho Fonseca
Gulf of Costa Rica. Honduras nnd Sal
vdcr, which had protested ngalnst
IT proposed acquirement.
immediately aftoi tho sennto hnd
acted, Scnor Chammorro, tho Nlca-
raguan minister, ,nld ho expected
ratification of tho convention by his
lovernmont would soon follow.
U. 8. Refuses New Sea Order.
Washington, Fob. 21. All diplomatic
and consular olllclals abroad havo
bcon notified In n circular communi
cation from tho stato department that
the position of tho United States 1b
that merchant ships havo a right to
carry defensive armament.
Eloper Sent to Prison.
MadlBon, Wis., Fob. 19. Charlos
Follansbco cf Waterloo, Wis., nt Su
perior wns sentenced to two and n
half years in Leavenworth prison for
violation cf tho Mnnn net, Follnnsbeo
eloped with Mrs. Anna Kolly,
Flames Wreck Steel Plant.
Bridgeport, C.nn Fob. 19. The
plant or tho Farlst Steel compnny was
almost destroyed by llro, with a loss
estimated at ubcut $400,000. Tho com
pany furnishod Bteol for tho Reming
ton Arms company.
More Than 40,000 Mado prisoner
Two German Commanders
May Be Lost.
London, Fob. 18. Led by Grand
Duko Nicholas, tho Russian army of
tho Caucasus has captured tho great
Turkish fortrcsB of Erzcrum, In east
ern Asia Minor.
Tho following official statement was
given out on Wednesday In I'ctro
grad: "Grand Duko Nicholas has tele
graphed to tho ompcror as follows:
"'God haB granted to tho bravo
troops of tho army of tho Caucasus
such great holp that Erzorum haB
been taken nftor llvo days of unprece
dented assaults.
" 'I nm Inoxprcsslbly happy to an
nounce this victory to your Imperial
majesty.' "
Moro than 40,000 Turkish troops
wero captured In Erzorum with tho
Investment of tho orlress, according
to Tlills dispatches. Two noted Gor
man leaders, Hold IWarshals von dor
Goltz and Llmon ven Sanders navo
recently boon reported at Erzorum. It
Is not yet known whothcr they es
caped. Erzcrum Is tho chief town In Ar
menian Turkoy, and as tho center of
Important roads and strntcglc lines
Ib of vnBt importance Its enpturo
opens a now rond to Constantinople.
It hna u population of about 40,000,
and lies nt un nltiludo of 6,250 feet
In tho Cnucasus mountains. It wns
tlrst hold by tho Turks In 1517.
Lansing Satisfied With Revised Agree
ment, Out Wants Assurances on
Liners' Safety.
Washington. Fob. 18. Tho Luslta
nla caao Is hold up nnd tho cntlro
question of submarlpo wnrfaro re
opened as a result of tho and
Austrian declarations that armed
merchantmen shall bo sunk without
warning, It was dcclarod on Wednes
day by a high ofllcial of tho stato de
partment. After n conference with
Count von HeniBtorff, tho German am
bassador, Secretary of State Lansing
announced that tho Lusitunla case de
pends "upon how BUbmnrlr.o warfaro
is f? bo conducted In tho future." Tho
rovise of tho Lusltnnla answer, sub
mitted by iho German amhnasalnr, is
sntlBfnctory to tho administration, and
It was admitted thnt it would bo for
mally accepted, provided tho adminis
tration is told that passenger ships
aro not to bo sunk without wnrnlng.
School Children Lose Lives During
Panic in Opera House at
Mexla, Tex.
Moxla, Tox., Feb. 18. Nino persons
wero burned to death nnd llftoen poo
plo Injured when a llro hero destroyed
tho opera hcuso, whoro tho public
schools wero holding nn art exhibit.
Sovoral other stares and resldoncoB
woro dostroyed by tho llnmcs which
originated In a grocery storo recently
Missouri Strckman Killed.
St. Joseph, Mo., Fob 21. Her
ryman, leading stockmnn and prcini
tier.t hero for son:o yenrs, was shot
nnd klllod by William H. Richardson,
an employee Tho two men quarreled
over n business dual.
Woman's Estate $1,074,054.
Now York, Feb 21. Miss Cnthurlno
A. nilss, a daughter of Cornelius N
Illlss, loft an cstnto estluintoJ In a
Blato tax appraiser's report filed at
$1,074,054. Shu possessed a collection
I of jewels worth almost $80,000
Workers Are Suffocated While At.
tempting to Flee From Blast
Two Rescuers Lose Lives.
llutto, Mont, Feb. 17. Twcnty-ono
dead and missing sums up the extent
of tho tiro that visited tho depths of
tho Pennsylvania mlno, ono cf tho
properties of tho Anaconda Copper
Mining company. Nino bodies havo
been recovered; for tho missing, no
hopo is entertained. All wero victims
of u firo which started near tho air
shaft of tho mlno about nine o'clock
nt night. Two cf tho dead wero res
cuers, who wero overcomo whilo at
work underground.
All others w'ero suffocated whilo try
Ing to escape. Tho disaster was tho
worst In Ilutte, with tho exception of
tho powder explosion January 15, 1895
when nearly sixty persons lost their
lives. Two hundred and twenty men
wero at work In tho Pennsylvania
when tho cry resounded through tho
dopths, "Gns has broken loose."
Tho dead: Zeblna Uardwoll, Dort
DuLong, Gcorgo TIppctt, John Sodor
man, Juck Drennan, William Kelly,
Neil Uronnan, William Mitchell.
Tho missing: Fred Curnow, Frank
F. Ferguson, John Inch, Frank Mc
Enny, William F. Reynolds, Walter
Stcego, Leo Whltraoro, Uranco L.
White, Ed Pfcffcrlo, Charles R. Self.
David Carlson.
All night rescuers went down tho
shaft at great risk to themselves.
Moro than ono hundred trips were
made by parties of rescuers after the
llru was discovered.
Wnshlngt n Report Says U. S. Diplo
mat at Petrograd Has Broken
Down Under War Strain.
Washington, Feb. 17. United States
Ambassador Goorgo T. Maryo, at Po
trograd, Russia, has broken down un
der tho war strain. Ho has decided
that ho must retire from tho diplomatic
service. Confidential advices rocolvod
hero on Tucsdny say that tho ambas
sador either already has resigned, or
will do so In tho Immediate future
Ambassudor Maryo's confidential
secretary, Ray Raker, reached tho
United Statos Monday, and hurried to
Washington. Ho declined positively
to discuss tho report that ho had been
commissioned by tho ambassador to
present his resignation to President
Wilson. Ambassador Maryo was born
In Maryland, but has lived for many
yenrs in California.
Copenhagen, Feb. 17. Tho Swodlsh
government has decided to ask parlla
ment for $G,200,000 to defray thu. cost
of maintaining neutrality defenses,
Bays a dispatch from Stockholm.
Amsterdam, Fob, 17. According to
tho Echo llolgo, threo persons woro
killed nnd ten wounded at Assonedo,
Holgiuni, when German soldlors fired
Into a crowd assembled to protest
against further Gerniun requisitions.
Alleged Train Bandit Taken.
Kmumerrer, Wyo., Fob. 21. James
Cutler, ngod twenty-three, a aheap
herder, was arrested chnrgod with
holding up and robbing a Union Pnclllc
passenger train at Rock Springs ten
days ago.
Solms Throw Inkwells.
Oklahoma City. Okla., Fob. 21. Tho
greatest disorder prevailed Ir. tho
house of representatives when tho llo
wns passed between Nesbltt nnd Snma
during a debato. Sovoral lukwollB wero
Raymond Makes Appeal to Availablo
Young Men Many Fatalities as
Result of Mexican
Western Newspaper Union News Service.
Washington. The proposal to
amend the Income tax law so as to
Include smaller incomes is virtually
certain to be abandoned in favor ol
nn Increased rate on those already
taxed, it is dcelurcd by democratic
house leaders. Sentiment ngalnst
lowering tho exemption limit in ordor
to provide additional revenue for tho
preparedness program crystallized, It
was said, In the democratic causus
Thursday night, when Democratic
Lender Kltchln declared against
(hanging tho present minimum of $3.
000. Since then protestnnts against all
reduction plans havo become more out
spoken dally, Leaders declare that
virtually tho entire preparedness rev
enue burden would be met with In
come tuxes. Tentative bills looking
to raising $100,000,000 solely by an in
creased lncomo tax rato aro being
discussed nnd will bo offered soon In
Data on Mexican Situation
Washington. All of tho stato 6c
pnrtment's data on the Mexican situa
tion asked for by Senntor Fall has
been transmitted to tho senate by
President Wilson, nnd was, under
motion of Chairman Stono of the
foreign relations committee, ordered
printed as n public document. In a
letter from Secretary Lansing, accom
panying tho report, it is said that
seventy-six American citizens were
killed in Mexico In tho years 1913,
1914, 1915, ns against forty-seven in
tho tlirco years preceding it and that
twenty-six civilian Americans and six
teen soldiers wero killed on American
soil In tho samo three years, as a
result of Mexican troubles.
Redmond Makes an Appeal to
Available Young Men.
London. "Wo must not and will not
tolcrnto tho Idea of our Drltish regi
ments being reinforced by any but
Irish soldiers," Bald John Redmond,
tho Irish leader, In a manifesto to tho
peoplo of Ireland, in which he nppenls
to tho young men who arc still avail
ablo to Join reserve battalions and bo-
gin training that tljey may bo ready,
If needed, to fill every gap in the Irish
army In tho field.
"Our gallant fellow countrymen at
tho front," said Mr. Redmond, "hnvo
commanded mo to mako this appeal.
In your namo I promised them In
Franco and Flanders that Iroland
would Btnnd by them. Will you fulfill
thnt promlso? Lou aro under no com
pulsion, save thnt of duty."
Wants Messenger Sent.
London. Tho Observer, In an edi
torial, says that only the events of tho
noxt few weeks can show how tho
now Germnn program will affect tho
relations of Washington, London and
"The possibilities nro Incalculable."
says tho Observer, "and wo shall do
very well Indeed to restrain our
tongues with premnturo Judgment and
any sort of evil npoaklng nt PrcBldont
Wilson's expense. Wo earnestly hopo
that Sir Edward Grey will adopt tho
suggestion to send some sufficiently
distinguished and authoritative states
man upon n mission to tho Amorlcan
government nnd tho Amorlcan people.
No one could compare with Viscount
Bryco for such a mission."
Butto, Mont. Twcnty-ono men
probably havo perished, according to
tho rescuo workers nt tho Pennsyl
vania mlno of tho Anaconda Copper
Mining Co., in a firo which broke out
In ono of tho levels whoro 220 mlncn
woro at work.
London. New votes of credit
amounting to approximately 400,000,
000 pounds, will bo asked by Premier
Asqulth of tho houso of commons. Tho
now votes will bring up tho totnl of
war appropriations to 2,002,000,000
Big Decline In Birth Rnte
Berlin. Tho declining birth rato In
Germany, which was nttractlng atten
tion boforo tho war Is receiving moro
serious consideration at tho present
time, In viow of the losses sustained
In the field. This subject was brought
up today In tho budget commltteo of
tho Prussian diet. A representnttvo of
tho ministry predicted that unless n
radical chango had been mado Ger
many would soon bo in tho position of
Franco, with deaths exceeding births.
Tho speaker also referred to tho hlgt
rato of infant mortality.
Washington. Out of tho chnos
seemingly provnillng In tho houso of
representatives over tho preparedness
program may como nn unnnlmous re
port on tho military bill. No mili
tary bill In recont yenrs has boon
brought Into tho houso without a mi
nority report. It Is ngrood thnt It
unnnlmlty In thn commltteo can bo
exhibited in tho special mensuro now
bolng frnmod, thn most Important that
has been prepnred In nenrly twenty
years, tho ndvocatos of proparcdncss,
Irrespective of party will havo achlov
ed a smashing victory,
Tuesday, April 18, Is Day Get
By Law.
Governor Morohend has Issued bin
proclamation for a prlmnry election to
ho held Tucsdny, April 18, for tho fol
lowing purposes:
To express n preference for candi
dates by each of tho political parties
for president and vico president of tho
United Stntcs.
For nominatlon-at-largo of two can
didates at large and ono from each
congressional district In the stnto for
presidential electors by each of tho
political parties.
For thoelectlon of four delegates-nt-largo
and two from each congres
sional district In tho stnto to tho na
tional convention of the respective po
litical parties and for u like mini
bor of alternates.
For tho election of ono national
committeeman for each of tho said
political parties.
For tho nonpartisan nomination of
two candidates for chief Justice of tho
supremo court to fill vacancy nnd six
candidates for Judges of the supremo
Ily each political party, tho nomina
tion of ono cnndldato for United
States senator.
Ono candidate for congress from
each of the six congressional dis
Also candidates for tho following of
fices : Ono governor, ono lieutenant
governor, ono railway commissioner,
two regents of the stato university,
one stato auditor, ono stato treasurer,
ono secretary of state, ono attorney
general, ono commissioner of public
lauds nnd buildings, ono superintend
ent of public instruction, thlrty-threo
Btato senators In twenty-eight sena
torial districts. 100 representatives
from tho seventy-seven districts. DIs
trict Judge
Objects to Commissioner's Figures.
Tho figures cited by, tho Nebraska
railway commission to prove that tho
Chlcngo, Rock Island nnd Pacific Rail
road company can maintain a 2 cent
passenger rato over Us Nebraska lines
nnd still realize a fair profit nre not
at all satisfactory to tho Rock Island.
Tho company has a lot of llgurcs of
its own showing that tho rate is un
reasonable and unfair.
In a thlrty-pago statement filed with
tho clerk of tho fodcral court Thurs
day afternoon B. II. Smith, nn ac
countant and rate export employed by
tho Rock Island, mnkes an exhaustive
review of tho "volumo of exhibits"
prepared by U. G. Powell, rato expert
for the stato railway commission, nnd
details wherein ho believes Mr. Pow
oil and tho commission have erred In
preparing their side of tho case In tho
suit brought by tho Rock Islnnd to
bring about a higher passenger rato.
Somo of the commission's figures, Mr.
Smith maintains, should not be given
serious, consideration. Others, ho nr
gues, wero reached without apparent
basis of fact.
Form of Primary Ballot Uncertain.
Secretary of Stato Pool declines
Just at present to mako nny ofllcial rul
ing on tho form of tho bnllot to bo
used in the stato primaries, April 18.
Tho last legislature changed tho bnl
lot law for general elections so as to
havo tho names of tho candidates and
propositions printed in threo columns,
Instead of ono, thereby cutting down
tho length nnd Increasing tho width
of the sheet. Mr. Pool Is personally
of tho opinion, however, that tho
BlaiiBer act rolatlng to tho ballot for
general elections doos not apply nt
tho primaries, and that tho party tick
ets should bo mado up according to
the old style. Others nt tho capltol
tnko a different view, pointing out that
tho legislature novor Intended to hnvo
two different ballot forms in uso, that
tho primaries aro governed by tho gen
eral election law, except whoro thero
is specific provision to tho contrary.
An opinion from tho stato legal de
partment will probably ho secured by
tho socrotary of stato for his guid
ance. Secretary Allen Resigns.
Socrotary A. B. Allen of tho stnto
railway commission has nnnounced
his resignation fiom that position.
Simultaneously he nnnouncod tho ap
pointment of Thorno A. Browno of Lin
coln as his successor. Mr. Allen will
retire to a farm which ho has pur
chased In Johnson county, near Tecum
seh. Ho will leave about April 1, and
Mr. Browno will assume tho full duties
of secretary of tho commission at that
time. Tho retiring secretary was state
oil inspector under Governor Sheldon,
nnd was private secretary to Governor
For Rural School Improvement.
With tho object of making rural
schools moro efficient, n stato confor
onco of county superintendents and
rural school board members will bo
called In tho near futuro by Stato
Superintendent Thomas. Ho has boon
asked to do this In a resolution adopt
ed by tho Farmers' Grango organiza
tion at Mcrnn, and has replied that
ho will bo glad to act on tho sug
gestion when thoso who mado It Bhall
indicato what would bo tho most con
venient tlmo for peoplo directly Inter
ested in tho rural schools to attend.
Doputy Attorney General Barrett
has written County Attornoy Don C.
Founts, county attorney of Adams
county, that n consolidated school dis
trict becomes llnblo for tho debts of
tho Torlous districts forming tho con
solidated district. School district 48
of Clay county had a bonded dobt of
$3,000 when It consolidated with dis
trict 84 of Hamilton county, and ills
trlct 52 of Hall county. Districts h'5
nnd 69 also figure In tho matter, but
Just how is not explalnod In tho at
tornoy general's opinion. Ho holds
that tho now absorbing district ns
eumes tho liability of the old district.
Especially if you have any
symptoms of Stomach, Liver
or Bowel weakness, such as
Always be on the safe side
by resorting to the famous
Stomach Bitters
promptly. It helps Nature.
Tho world's richest tin mlno Ib ono
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Treat Your Scalp With Cutlcura and
Prevent Hair Falling. Trial Free.
For dandruff, itching, miming scnlp,
ho causo of dry, thin and falling hair,
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment aro most
effective. Touch spots of dandruff and
Itching with Cutlcura Ointment, 'rhen.
shampoo with Cutlcura Soap nnd hot.
water. No treatment moro successful.
Freo sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, DcpL L
lloston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Paper matches aro built into a new
paper cigarette box.
To Prevent The Grip
Coldi cnv Grip I.mntlvn Unimo VnlDlno re
moves Mio emit.-. 'Ih.-rn In only ono "Ilrotnci
yulnlno " E. W. URUVBt! signature un box. 26c.
It is caster to thwart a villain
tho stnge than in renl llfo.
Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pellets are the
origin. il little liver pills put up 40 year
ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Adv.
Naturally poets aro born, but cook&
nro better paid. Thoro's a reason!
As well ba young at 70 as old
at 50.
Many elderly peoplo suffer lamo,
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ney Pills. They havo helped
thousands, young and old, and aro
recommended by thousands.
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. M. M. Brown.
Albion, Neb., says:
"For several years
weak kidneys trou
bled me and at times
my back pained
severely. I wns mis
erable when 1 did
any Btooplnj; or lift
tnff. I had dizzy
spoils, my head
ached anil I Rot bo
iipi-i-iiur. I trinucht I
would bo frnntio. I tried liniments and
plastorH, but nothing helped mo until
1 iifuu Moan fl ividiiey cms. iiiey uxuu
mo up In good shape."
Gat Doan'a at Any Store, 50c a Bex
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cure
fail. Purely vegeta
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but gently on
the liver.
Stop after
dinner dis
tress-cure ,
improve the complexion, brighten theeyea.
Genuine must bear Signature
by Cutter's Dlacklea Pills. Low
priced, freeh, reliable; preferred by
Weaiim smcknien. txvsms they
protect where other vaeelnet foil.
Writs for tookl-l and tntlmnnlili.
lO.doM k. Blackleg PIMl 11.09
BO-dOM DkQO. Blackleg Pllli 4.09
ITr an lnlcttor. but Cutter's boat.
Ibt (iiportorltT of Cutter product li due to oter IK
Team or ipwUllilnc in celnn and terumi only,
Intlit on Cutttr'i. If unobtalnttle, order direct.
Tho Cutter Laboratory, Berkeley, CJ., or Chlcaio. III.
Wataon K.Co1-mriB,Wasb
Eton. u.i.. iHnanirce. iiiku-
rtierenots. .do naiuia.
Nebraska Directory
DIIDTIIDEf CURED in a few dyj
nUr I Uftk without piln or a sat
eical operation. No pay until cured. Write
UK. WUAV, S08 Ilea lildo;., Omaha, Nab.
1. Medical) is, HurKl'U 3, (Ihntntrli'iil!
4, i.aborutory .1, X-llay ltiurtinuiiu.
Tralnliiir Khoot for nuroi In connectluo.
Oprn to nil r.'puUbli. pliielrluuii.
Vur f urllier InforuiuUun uddrui?
A. A. SMITH, M. X.,Surgon
Murr Laiiulntr Moracirlul lluiIUii
UAS'lNUS, Mill.
w "Ertrv
Tk Victurt
g p-
.jfaTaTaTJTCaS bbiitti e
KSm Wixpq
JFVK " bka'
v ajcL