The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 24, 1916, Image 5

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W'SWr'' ""r ftrft(
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Bulletin ot The Week's Doings
fresh Lowneys lit Miner BroB. Co.
See Uonkllnft's Duroc Advertisement.
Frank Starr is on the sick list this
Every tenth buggy whip fiee nt
I'ogol's. ,
Rev. J. L. Heobc returned hoiveftom
Alma, Friday
Dr. II. E. Asher returned from Hust
ings, Saturday.
Charley Powell spent Sunday in
Alum with friends.
Frank Peterson lutuined home from
Kansas City, Friday.
Mr and Mrs. J. V. Corbetr spent
Tuesday in Hustings.
A-1 piano for sale at a baigulti.
Bandmaster J. II. Hot.
C. L. Horriok ot Inavale was in the
city Friday on business.
James Mcintosh and .Too Crow re
turned homo Friday from St. .Joe.
Miss Mary Peterson returned homo
fiom Kansas City, Friday morning.
Si) 00 per bushol Alfalfa seed. Have
only 30 bushel at this price.-C. J. Piatt.
Mrs Curtis Geor was called to Frank
lin, Friday, by the illness of her moth
er, Mrs. Ludlow.
Mrs. Cora Johnson was called to
Hastings, Friday, by the illness of her
daughter, Mrs. Sam Fair.
Edward H. Cook and daughter of
Nowato, Oklahoma, are in the city
visiting his father, Dr. Henry Cook.
Miss Josephine Essig who is teach
ing school at Bloomington spent Sun
day in the city the guest of Miss Anna
George D. Beeson, an artist of con
siderable ability, has spent the past
week painting pictures in the R. P.
Weosner store'window.
Will and Walter Johnson of Man
kato, Kansas, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Gard the week. The two gentle
men being brothers of Mrs. Gard.
Miss Adaline Koller of Denver, daugh
ter of Vice President Koller of the
Colorado & Southern railroad, spent
the week end in this city with Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Gcllatly.
Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will mee
eye, ear, nose and throat patients and
those needing glasses jjtted at Dr.
Damcrell's olHce, Tuesday! February,
20th. Hours 12 to 6 only.
Ed, fcipaelj jpent m$A fetl?f ?(
going up u spend the day with George
Overlng, who is still confined' in-w hos
pital at that place. Ed reports George
as doing nicely, altho it will be some
time befcre he will be able to return
horiuVtJ h.fl'J ;w UiX
Lloyd Hlnes,retutneJ bon Snnday
from Caldwell, Texas, where he closed
the season with the musical show "The
Girl at the Wheel". He will visit his
parents for a mouth, prior to joining
the concert band of Ringli'ng Bios',
circus which opens at the Coliseum in
Chicago in April.
Will Shoemaker has resigned his
position as conductor on the street car
line. He has been succeeded by Ed
Wlttwer, who formerly was head barn
man at the Crabill stables. Mr. Wltt
wer was succeoded by Ray Simpson,
' former day clerk at the Royal hotol,
and Ray was succeoded, in turn, by his
brother, Howard, who for some time
past has acted in the capacity of chief
custodian at the Hunt baibcr empoi-urn.
We Have Your Spring Coat
Right here in our Coat Department is exactly the smart, loose Coat you need
for spring wear; Voluminous enough to slip on easily over the present "fluffy
ruffle" fashions in dress. Made from the popular novelty materials, universally
in vogue. We list some specially attractive garments, all reasonably priced:
Navy and Tan Chuddahs
Black TalietUs
Garbardeens, taffeta lined novelty cloth garments, trimmed in Braids
and Velvets
Belted and Circular styles
White and Rose Corduroys and Chinchillas
As you see our stock includes both dress and utility models,
the latter most generally known as "Sport" Coats.
Come in and see them while our stock is complete. Try
those which attract you-no obligation to decide immediately
m -A Green J HM
Charley Hunter of Inavale was in
the city Tuesday.
John Craus returned this morning
from Kansas City.
Attorney V. .T. Munday was lu Lin
coln the first of tho week.
Warren Longtin of Hastings was i
the city Tuesday evening.
Miss Loulso Schumacher spent Satur
day lu Orleans with her parents.
A. D. Grubcii of Blue Hill was tinns
acting business in the city Wednesday.
Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue Hill
was in the city Wednesday on business,
Ed Wiggins and Ooorge Drake each
chapctuned a car of cattlo to St. Joe,
Mis, Rueben Schultz went to Guide
Rock, Wednesday, to visit Mr. and
Mis Aitnur Robinson
.Mis. T. Hatlleld went to Jamestown,, Wednesday, to visit tier son,
Cm t Hatfield and family.
If you have headache or ey. ear,
nose or tin oat trouble see Dr W.miek
Tuesday, Feb. 20th. Ilouis 1 to rt
Mis. Mattle Roberts letuined from
Imperial, Wednesday, after having
visited her parents fur a few weeks
Bandmaster J. E. Beta went to Car
rol, Iowa, Sunday morning on business.
He teturned home Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nolan, who had
boen visiting his brother. Alfred Nolan
nud family, ( have returned to their
home at Kinney.
Lawrence Pierce has purchased the
small white house of Henry Dlederich
which was located on the corner of
Seward and Division streets and the
first of the week John Barkley with a
force of men moved the same to the A.
B. Pierce farm west of town,
J. A. Casebeer stopped off in this
city between trains on Wednesday and
favored this office with a fraternal
call. The gentleman is the editor of
the Blue Springs, Nebraska, Sentinel,
and likewise bears the distinction of
being the oldest newspaper man in the
point -of service in the state. He was
enroute to McCook.
The Chief this week received five
hundred large two color posters, for
the business men of this city, who are
to give away, absolutely free, on Wed
nesday, April 2Cth, a new 101G model S
passenger Overland automobile. The
bills were printed by the Western
Newspaper Union of Ltncoln and are a
work of art, to say the least.
Owing to a desire to get trains over
the road on a faster schedule, C. B. & Q.
officials ordered a switch engine to be
put in operation at thjs place. The
engine arrived in the; tiity the last of
th week and on Sunday 'evening the
''flnpt." homn vnrlri 'T'fc'n w iwUrtflfnn
will be done at night! and as vet'-a
permanent crew has apt been'selected.
On Snnday noon, a double wedding
was solemnized at the Hon df'Rev. G
V?. tHammel. Orvalijupp jwd Miss.
Sadie Rudd and FraiifiRudd and Mis$
Addie Crawford wereJBhe contracting?
parties. Both the young couple are
residents of Smith and -Webster county
and are well and favorably known.
The young men will engage in farm
ing and of course the women will be
come exemplary farmer's wives.
A. C. nosmer, who has been in
failing health for more than a year
past, is still contied to his home, where
he was taken a week ago Monday,
after becoming seriously 111 at his
office. Brother Hosmer is a news
paper man of considerable ability and
has been in the trnmo so niauy years in
this city, that his henity salutation
ami friendly smile is missed by old and
young alike, and the enttio community
unite in wishing he may soon be seen
around old huuuts nguin.
?. 6. Tuaure k Son
Stop and Shop
Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns
Insure your Farm Property with
Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman
for tho
Farm Central Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.,
Hastings, Nebraska
Phones: Olllee, HOI; Residence, 17.M5
A sane, safe, sound and economical
plan of tire, lightning and tornado
Will your policy soon expire
Write me -uid let mo explain. No Ion on your pint.
Buy your buggy whips at I'ogelM
Every tent li whlpghcn away.
FOR SALE An iiutonintlc shot-gun
In good condition. W. L, Koou.
Glen Walker was in Guide Rock
Mrs, Bornatd McNeny was in Hast
ings Monday.
Doctor Nellie E. Maui or spent Sat
urday in Fiaukllu.
S C Mitick letiirned homo ft out
lloidiege, Monday.
Alva and Tai tors Slieunan went to
Guide Rock Tuesday.
Mrs. Al. Slaby letuined homo from
Guide Rock Saturday
Mrs. George Smelter went to Rier
ton, Friday, to visit lelatlves.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A Fnlrfleld of Hast
ings were in the city Saturday.
Misses Mary and Beda Peterson
left Saturday for a visit with relatives
at Kearney.
Mrs. John Weesner and children
wcut to Superior, Sunday morniug, to
visit her parents.
Chas. Howe of Pauline, spent Sat
urday in the city. He was enroute to
Guide Rock to visit relatives.
Miss Cecilo Thornton, the popular
Domestic Science teacher, spent Sun
day with friends in Guide Rook.
Mrs. Llnnic Carl, a national W. C. T.
U. lecturer, will be here Friday, Marcli
3rd. Further announcement -later.
Rev. J. L. Beebc was called to Alma,
Wednesday, to unite in marriage
Sherman Zeigler and Miss Grace
Suitor. i
Miss Sadie Fish, the obliging central
girl for the Bell telephone company,
spent Sunday with her parents at
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. McCallum of
Bladen spent Sunday In this city the
guests at the home of her sister, Mrs.
C. A. Schultz.
Mrs. Chas. Barrett arrived borne
Saturday from eastern1 njarkets where
she purchased -.a. Jlne 4ofsprip&;and
summer millinery. '
Mrs- LwP Albrlght.ireturncdlthomel
Saturday, from Omaha; whare. she-had
been visitipr.her swv ,anerwoaa i Alt -
bright an4,famHyrs U .-'
F.J. Mccormick or Jewell nouncy,
tTaneac mul Ulsi TiVltM RncnnlHc nf
"117 T.f.i- li '-. ' ' .
RokiiiJBrttQcli were united in marriage
"r.""?a Vrl ; , .,
at three o'clock on, Wednesday, after
noon by Rev. G. W. Hummel at his
home south of this city.
W. H. McKimmey left Wednesday
morning for McCook, being called
as a witness in the trial of Wmojeffer
els vs two or three well known insur
ance companies doing business1 fn'this
state. The suit is brought by Jcffcries
to force payment on certain insurance
policies held by him, covering the old
Burlington hotel, which was destroyed
by fire in this city in the spring of
1914. Tho Insurance companies, it is
alleged, refused payment on tho
giounds of arson, notwithstanding the
fact that JclFerlcs, together with one,
Nathan Carey, weie tried and acquitted
on tins charge.
Monday and Tuesday
Fob. 2 and 21)
The Turn
of the Road
A Five Fart
far Kxcollence
Featuring Joscnh Klleore. Naomi
Childers and Virginia Pcason with an
nil Star Cast. A big play with a Strong
Wednesday and Thursday
March 1 and 2
The Shrine of
A Five mart
Specat Feature
A Beautiful Colored
Made in California and colored in
France. Features Jackie Saunders,
known as the Maud Adams of the
A beatlful production, exqulsit and
up to the mark, with a high class and
interesting story.
Regular Prices l.Oand 5 ,
Mrs. Frank ChsscI. went up to-t-Alon
Frldkv. ' '
.'!" i :.
'"1 i'-1! ,3.-. U . .- '.!5
, wer.ry uanscn snippqai a
cattle to St. Joe on Suudiji '..MWll'l
.eesner & Koxintz shipped a (jfrof
attle and one Of hogs t6 Ranm 5rty
wtf i .uwjui ,
aaaamkaie GilELrflM
maW jHqe
.lM tha ,aIjf fllihtar barn, and
h. ui, (rnni . i,n.infli un i Wm.
the week from a busincs imp to Wray,
-i ...
i4)iuraau, r, -. ,
The Degree .oljjlpnc
met with Mrs. Elitabeth Vtk yesterday
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ludlow went to
Guide Rock Tuesday morning for a
6bort visit.
Messrs. A. T. Walker and Frank
Herrick left Sunday for Omaha to
attend the auto show.
Ivan Dickenson returned Sunday
from Wray, Colorado, where he was
looking after his farm.
Art Shccley returned to his homo in
Hastings, Saturday, after a short visit
with friends in this city.
Mr1 and Mrs. Spencer 15. Bailey left
Monday morning for Bulvlduro, Illi
nois, to visit her parents
Mis. K. B. Gave of I'oitland, Oregon,
ariived Tuesday to visit her brother,
C I). Robinson and family.
Mrs. F. L. Smith left Sunday fcr
Enid, Oklahoma, being called thcie
by the serious illness of hor sister.
Weesner & Son shipped two cars of
cattlo to Kansas City Sunday. John
Weesner accompanied the shipment.
I. W. Edsonof Minden was in the
olty the last of the week visiting his
son, Editor W. D Edson and family.
Chas. Schultz returned home Sun
day from Wray, Colorado, where he
bad been attending to some business
After a two weeks visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Win, Llppincott, Mrs. Winnie
Gould returned to her home in Omaha
Mrs. Wm. Burdick returned to her
home near Guide Rock, Monday, after
visiting with her sister, Miss Carrie
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robinson re
turned to their home in Guide Bock
Monday, after spending tho week end
with her mother, Mrs. Fred Wittwcr.
Mrs. Barbara i'harcs left Sunday
for eastern markets to purchase goods
for her store. During her absence the
store is in charge of that charming
and obliging young lady, Miss Itettn
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Wilson nud
family of McCook, Mrs. Chas. Wolfe
and childieti of St, Francis, Kansas,
Miss Uraco Wilson of Wheeler, Kansas,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, A mack and family
of On ford, were called here the last of
the week by the death of Mrs. John
Ie99n K?'' $Zii9GSLm
Men's Fine Wool
and Wool Silk
Union Suits
Sizes 34 to 48
A Special Underwear Bargain
of High-Grade Material
See Them On Our Front Table
Overcoat Sale
Balance of Overcoats at Almost
Cost Price. Don't Want to Carry
Any Over. Come in and See
Them. They Are Real Bargains
he Qoiaden-Kaley Qlotbing Qo.
Martin is comlngl
Two good farms for rent
A. Saladcn.
W. II. Cloud of Inavale was on our
streets Saturday.
John Rose of Blue Hill was in the
city Monday evening.
J. F. Winters of Lincoln was in tho
city the last of the week.
Mrs. Silver Longtin of Alma is In
the city today visiting friends.
Wanikh 10 or 50 head of cattle to
pasture T. J. Kennedy, rfd 2.
Mrs. B. W. Stewart left this inorHlf
tbtfin Whit it,tofe
4lt UoM
.JPrrKJW. PJijCbolHon
OWifo Utfek With
.&,. -....(La " "S
lf"tUl T I'llV f
Evans with a I
tms w
mantling the brlckwiw1
wd r iorcc oi men is
perron insult
similar feat on tho old 8al'o,6,n115uff9Mf-,
preparatory the erection of a md
ejn brick garage, on theBe ,lot6,,by
that enterprising personage, Jas. Pet
erson. GRAND
ai AeW?jzn7ZmuWvZem
F. H. CASSIL. Manager
Red Cloud, - - Nebraska
Wednesday JIareh 1
The Greatest and Most Beautiful Notion
Picture Artist on Earth
Clara Kimball Young
A modern version of Alexandre Dumas immortal
drama of Plot and Passion
Special Orchestra Music
Mrs. Tony Clark spent Friday in
Mrs. C.J. I'latt spent Sunday witk;
relatives In Rtvcrton.
Wm. Roats was in Akron, Colorado,
the last of the week on business.
Miss Jola Coplen returned home
from' Kansas City the last of the week.
Eugene Perry return to Holdrege.
Monday after a visit at the Will
Brown homo.
The Union 1'rayer Meeting will be
held nt the Brethern church next
Wednesday evening.
'tfjCkUWpSi.'returned Tuesday from
Iowa, where he had
Ins oflllayville, Mi6-
cltor vliiUng his mothtr.
ns, this wek.
kfrand Drevcrs of Cowlcs
Wedllsdav and while
dflicelaf pleasant call.
ohn Throckmorton returned hone
Saturday from Happyyllle, Colorado,
he having spent a fcW days vlsitta
the Lyman Essig family who now re
side at that place. ' '
i& h