rj&''&:i''' rr ,vU;-;'J?-' r - pv v. , 4- HP OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF f I Si A 1 , ) l n w 63SSMMBBB CftfiA OHHll 8 Pianos and Musical Merchandise 5 innlt tin UNDERTAKING wav rrnNDKWT Cr.il Answer ci! Djy or Night VpS A M I J"S CK 4 f " DfMM ' Ul VIl lf " ...!&. wt uft. jfiTiJU vfc ID. jfe ALL THF V.S&iV&'S - McrARLAND UUILDING )63S9CKZK2BE&sa& &3&S CS3&3&S D'VVA'"-Ur,'",,r ? t. M rv v-N-v'vr-'N''y''-r,r'''n 1 1 HARNESS FOGEL'S Buy Seed Corn Near Home Do not ut exoltod when you see a catalog from u distant seed house ltd. Tcrtlsliif,' seed corn Unit lilts produced marvelous leldh. Perhaps the ecl OllVml fOPhlllu WOUld DOt prodllCO till! hTirii" results when tditnM'il under Xe bn.s.a ojudlitiiH. The ruiiiMnltj' College of Agriculture has found that In most t'asi's tliu bell unltvo coin gives u fourth larger icld than tlio pi lc-u Inning variety limn another atutu. Tlio Xi.'lininkii Agricultural Co'li-Krt litts nlso found I hat It It even safer f ir wiitiTii grmwr to use their native hfi'd chau to try Unit from another section of tho same state. Cirn grown mitt home produced J. 5 bushels more limn that linpoited from another part of Nebraska. In any c.isi', however, it should always be tented. Tlio results of native in nun seed foiiipiiicil with imported .seed may be obtained fiom bulletin Xo. l'.'U of the Bulletin Department, University Farm, Lincoln. For Sale: Bred Duroc Sows Closing out entire herd, all iinnimipd Choice Hrecl (Jilts ?,10. All our tiled Herd Sow, l and 2 jeat.s old, Sl lAUEbCOXKLIXtS. Kriiiilcllii. Xobr. Farm Loans hnwps' 'i ten ! 1 ,: m t i,n and terms to In hh u. n,,. sfni. M mv always leadc Call for me at State l Hank. c V CtTiini HATIOHAL SLOGAN SUG GESTED BY PROMINENT mm OtOIBBIST. Vould Rommel tho Public to Prevent ! Sickncaj by Removinn tbe Cause STANDS FOR STYLE AND- QUALITY ANY YEARS of experience devoted oxcli sively to the Harness and Horse Furnishing business enables us lo produce the best there is in Har ness. Wo do not say it as a boasl simply as a straight fact and "we deliver the goods. Wo arc doing a splendid business in single and team Harness and would like you lo ask your neighbor how our products suit, Cr "D Trunks and Svat Cases s I & & s oJWWA.vW"N'P-W...yv v.jnWuwxw.WVWvc SSi 5 OfS V VH lit ? JWWOUSfis w MH ? ?KHSw m r 2"U"w.-",'vJl.iri. ' fevT w flts J "! s W V.imI Ilon'l fnt-ifi.l t'tnl ... ,.-,.-,. T..,.,l .l w., lumvu inui "i i.;ii) 11111111,-1 i I( Ct Wo have a good assortment lo choose from prices arc as low as the lowest. Cases. and our 1$ S $Lt r IG :an : E DC MM Ui Vt sis: rralH WII.M I M IF? WMsll " 111 f TKi'.tfl S J H W7 uuuu: owtn SEWING MACHINES We Have In Stock At All Times The Following Machines: Singer - Free New Home tt&Uii: lutiuit: Wi r i HENRY COOK, M. D. ii : nun 31 1 MAI III IN DRUGS, DOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES il"i"T" IT',!' '""i.l ssssmss ss oawesese x fl YOU WANT PNUlWEflTORAPHPRl (Hade Higbt, Lettered ligbt And Ereeted Hight SEE OVERIKG BROS. & GO. Makers of Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska VALUABLE LAND PUBLICATIONS mO 1IOUX BASIN OF VYOMINT.)pi.crlliis IhU new nBrleultural empire in central Wyoming leeenlly opened up by tho completion of the Hurlinton's new line; tolls about the advantages of Irrigation. snn, eropt, frult.H,' mlntuuls. oil, irns, how to seiuiio a GovoriuuHiit Irrltfuted farm-on mlhty easy tonus PUBIJ 110VKI5XMBX1' liAXDS-Tellsl.ow to llle on a hoiuostoail; about tho ohiuices for routers an. I farm bauds and the fieo Uovermnent lands btill open for BcttlPtneut alon the Hurlinglon In Wjoininjy. xuKsiu.a . Ait.ii mii uju t. UUI.UUAUO-Uontalns s,oine Mirprislnjf informntion about tho hplendid opportunities which exist in Uiistern Coloindo for iitrmors wlio mean business. uuiiiauuTmuJS'WKS XKUUASICA Tolls how to sooure a homo under very fuvorablo conditions and amid plimsiuH MirroundiiiK-, wheie land worth SlO per acre mbvoh years, no is now worth $.'!.'. and still uoliitf up. NOHTH 1'LATTR VALLKV -.Inst off the press; tells of the delights of lift, in hU "Kingdom of Alfalfa, Sue;ar Ileots and Livo Stoclt." S.B.Howard, Immigration Agent Burlington Route 1001 Kaniuui Street, Omaha, NoIh-. 0 o mmi ZZrOtt w&msM OSS) r- a 1! n 1 S r K c- Of, U T. D. EALLAHD a pminliiciit druwlst of Memphis sajs. "Mucli sldtiioss ooiihl and nild bo prcM'iited If the public would onlv re- member that constipation is one of the tlfsl cause. As a reminder, I would .surest thesdnxan, "'licMill Oidcrlies the la.Mithc tali let with the pleasant taste.' "I Mijw-Jt Kcxall Oi dct lies as I l;now their formula an-1 believe they aio (lie best remedy for rellovlni; constipation. They ..n be ucd by men, women or children " Wo have the exclusive, selling rights Tor this great laxative. Trial size, 10 cents H. E. GRICE DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE. NranvtMAKwwvA&s-v'aLM OfA. . N v ' W'l . aft ' Mr 4 xr-.r- .rrT"- nnytnini; ii!-:u. made with Calumet lh I'owdtr. Mother never cucli wholesome bakings she used Calumet. " It's Calurnct surety, pmlty, strd-iRtli.tliat inal-.es injl t iritoat rif;lit tlint c;iv ()tlioi.evMc:I!.il:imrl,ou( He fair to our!t.!f us C.ilumet RccmvcJ IlkheiJ Awn;ui A'ifl 'w tc llitnfi J'trf l in iuuntl l.iti. rtZW nr si'- 'I- ja had HI utril 2l Iforra.ty, Sjj crylul:- gj Ililli.illJ MJ manticv. Fw ' tav 91 & Cheap nndblcanBaUI'igPowdorsdonot ivavoiunoney. Calumi'tdocs-it'sPure and far uupcrior to sour inlllc nnd soda, COUGHS COLDS AND CciURhb, Sore Throat, llronchitls who knows but what any of these ullmeiits might terminate into seri ous pulmonary or bronchial affect ions. Wo know of eourso thatthero is no need of prolonging CourIis or Throat Troubles if you will only take our Compound vSyrup Of White Pine and Tar We back this remedy against the world ns a most valuable aid in the, relief of Coughs and Colds of all kinds. Cbas,.Ii. GOTTIflG ' The Druggist NOTICE! il iu' p i based the blacksmith hhop.iii' H, Mil'ictcil under t !io tiunA 'f Wi.n i.t A !iuk!s I ,un now piepaio I t.-i do General Biacksrni thing and Repair Vork I iiiv'.te all oid patrons of the shop. ,ii wi 11 a anyone else ileslr log w jrk nf tliU class hi gue mo a trial. Ira Woite. who fur yean lias been eiuplojed in this shop, has accepted a positiuii with me, and can be found at the old stand. CALL AND SEE US F. J. BARTUNEK It Would Be a Wafte of Time To Tell You the Good Qualities of These Machines. JusT: Ask Your Neighbor Thai Has Used One For 20 or 25 Years. CALL J AND SELT TtiSWI B ROY SATTLEY Ui ILo Licensed Embalmer um iMrtM'tMMLV9bL.w Furniture Dealer 3B i irU WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR AL ORDER.S .'hk PLATT & FREt ri y kJ c " M" "vtn.i,ui-nm. nmiwnnimmnr an i t-om. TRY AUCTIONEER... COL. R. C. PETERS SEE HIM NOW FOR SALE DATES He Understands Livestock Values and Has Enjoyed Great Success as an Auction eer That Gets The Money. I'HONB OK Winn DATES TO COL. R. C. PETERS Guide Rock, : Nebraska 2K',WW'W, i K ' v-yyA. ,r"jr.j-j.-,j-'-r 3T12I 1UP GA I M. ib&&lLa& .-& i &, Lji d The undersigned will sell at t'lildie Auction on bn fi.nn 3 miles S smith iiimI 2 j miles ci'tol Kod Cloud, on ? Tjursday, Febrsiary 24th Commencing At JO O'clock f i 34 Head of Stock s E. A. KING 7 Head of Horses I Mules 27 Head of Cattle Farm Machinery, Etc. TERMS: 10 months time at 10 per cent. Col. J. H. Ellingcr. Auct J. W. Auld. Clerk S THE ALARM is a dreadful thine OF FIRE for tho man without insuranco. Every time he sees the engines raeliif; alotih' his beait comes up in his throat If tlio lire is any w hero near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COST OF ts so small that It INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone lb worth it many times ovor Have us insure you to-day. C. "V! "Pretty fine looking sox to wear six months without holes." "Yes, Dad, and since wc all wear Holeproof, thcic's no more darning for tne." ho try lhi ljt utly uo ffht ( fcftt Dim dim thtm md difrt ihtm iKim tni iim llolfpruof Hrw rnj tt iht J fnJl ir nitnj kti pi rt iff (4itinir4 nt mmiht tuty 'iM it ihiii pio rilfd 0 a jvtt Ihi hrtli md t&ti tingle put em tut itifi fijti or fyn yo jf I prw pi t jrtt leprco. One Million Mrn, Wt rue i inj c hiMrt? n i wrifi4 IMfprfiol l it IOv TU) t rt1 an (If . frtftfi iH l ff Sl) (tie wn 4 d llifj f-f HM 1 i n it r pn pi ir u (IV 'f ir'r htfi1 U l.u ihtv f if i i iMtto r p w i hf ( .11 l J .k . J tfi t M ir In I Y-M 'iiTr i Ji'J'' I tnasiera n hiljff iftr ntinik iipitvtir otrFf' i i ntht .'J is ff I if l 'J i y i nmh .nj f fcht -ih i h'f tl thrr'tti Mt hit il mm inm , Tr in m II iTrpioul iomi tit ) rt il tf vl 3 . ii' II Ifpnnl for wrn tnJ Ik- TacirrssHrrrsascaTKQS! Prolit Sharing Stamps Given With Each 10 Cent Purchase IHfs. Barbara Phares j Y Agent For Worner Dros. CorsetB aud Buttorick Patterns W k. .. r f f ."' "i" .'""I'll a . l (' Reliable Insurance. rirn jru !i iul"1 "t t r .