" V 'MHH? T-Vl ,tJfiH'-t- "IW0BI-; YfUTT't ' -vWtWranNpv-' t? - -WMH' - "MfiB.W ' ri , rwB "infWf5Nf' "" ---' laMAwirm tt5Mtt!3teV RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF P sHsS BBt1 sVir fr V I I "'jt i " STOMACH Mf 6AS, IISM "Pape's Diapepsin" fixes sick, sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes. Tirao itl In Ilvo minutes all stomach distress will go. No Indigestion, heart burn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, or foul breath. Papo's Dlapopsln is noted for Itl speed In regulating upset stomachs. It Is the surest, quickest and most cer tain indigestion remedy In the wholo world, and besides It Is harmless. Ploaso for your sake, get a largo fifty-cent case of Papo's Dlapopsln from any store and put your stomach right. Don't keep on being miserable life Is too short you aro not horo long, so mako your stay agreeable. Eat what you llko and digest It; en joy It, without dread of rebollton In tho stomach. Papo's Diapepsin belongs In your homo anyway. Should one of tho fam ily cat somothlng which doesn't ngreo with thorn, or In caso of an attack of Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or Btomach derangement at daytlmo or during the night, It Is handy to glvo tLo quickest relief known. Adv. Somo men aro regular In tholr hublts but their habits aro ilorco. Dr. Pierre's I'cllcta are hot for liver, bowels ntul Ktoinnch. One little Pellet fur a. laxiUue tliii'i: for a cathartic. Adv. And the smaller the girl Cae largor tho doll necessary to satisfy her In cipient maternal Instinct. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottlo of CASTORIA.tisafo and sure remedy for infants and children, and soo that it rinnra Hn Signature of U&t&7&gfa In Uso for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria A Ripe Old Age. Tho London Gazette, the most aus tere and formal of all English newspa pers, Is celebrating Us two hundred and fiftieth birthday. The vast majority of Londonors havo never seen the Gazette, and many Ilvo In ignorance even of tho oxlstcnco of such a nowspaper. For It Is tho olll vial organ of tho Dritlsh government, and its circulation is limited to ofllclal circles or to thoso who nro willing to pay the ilxed price of 25 cents a copy. In tho ordinary courso of ovonts tho Gazetto is published every Tuesday and Friday, but when occasion arises special supplements aro Issued at S cents each. Sinco tho outbreak of tho war boveral of these Hupploments havo been Issued each week, and thcro has occasionally been tiulllcicut de mand from relatives of thoso men tioned In the ollicial dispatches to cause tho reprinting of a particular edition. Had Reference In Colors. Sho (colly) Will you lovo mo when my hair turns gray? Ho (brutally) Yes, but not when It turns muuvo or Nllo greon. You had hotter uso another braud. Rich mond Times-Dispatch. Best Test. "How was tho show?" "Great. You know it was a failure In Now York." ' Motto of tho "Watch and prey." confldenco man: A GOOD CHANGE. A Change of Food Works Wonders. Wrong food and drink causo a lot ot troublo in this world. To change Is first aid when a person 1b ill, particu larly from stomach and nervous trou bles. As an Illustration: A lady In Mo. was brought around to hoalth again by leaving off coffee and somo articles of food that did not agroo with her. She says: i "For a number of years I Buffered with stomach and bowel troublo which kept getting worso until I was 111 most of tho time. About four years ago I loft off coffee and began using Postum. My stomach and bowels Improved right along,' but I wob bo ro ducod In flesh and so nervous that the least thing would overcomo mo. "Then I changed my food and began using Qrapo-Nuta In addition to Postum. I lived on these two princi pally for about four months. Day by day I gained In flesh and strength un til tho nervous troublo had disap peared. I feol that I owo my health to Postum and Grape-Nuts. "Husband was troubled, for a long time, with occasional cramps, and slept badly. Finally I prevailed upon him to lcavo off coffeo and take Postum. After ho tried Postum for a few days ho found that ho could Bleep and that his cramps disappeared, Ho novor went back to coffeo." Namo given by Postum Co., Dattlo Crook, Mich. Postum comoB In two forms: Postum Cereal tho original form must bo woll boiled. lCc and 25c packages. Instant Postum a soluble powdor dlBBolvos quickly in p. cup of hot wa ter, and, with cream and sugar, makes dollclouH bovorago Instantly. 30o and GOo tins. Doth kinds are equally delicious and cost about tho same per cup. "There's a Reason" for Postum. cold by Grocers. -- NEBRASKA I STATE NEWSJ t : Crawford will havo a new post oltico building, finely equipped. It will bo 30x10 feet in dimension!;. At a hog sale near Iloca a few days ago llfty head of Poland-China sows and gilts brought an average prlco ol 4.GT. Tho citizens of Trenton aro arrang ing to entertain the meeting of th Republican Valley Editorial associa tion on March C. Tho Omaha municipal auditorium lost $1,200 in the first six mouths ol its operation, according to llgurei furnished by tho city. The Kearney Country club has filed articles of Incorporation with tha district clerk. Tho club Is Incorporate ed to the sum of $10,000. Ab tho result of injuries sustained when his hand became caught in a cornsheller, Emll E. Alusll, a farmei residing near Clarkson, lost his left arm at tho elbow. Ambrose C. Epperson of Clay Cen ter has announced that ho will be n candidate for ilelegatu-nl-largo to the lepublieun national convention at Chi cago at the Apiil pilmary. Miss Anna A. Gordon, national president of the Woman's Christian Temperance union, will attend the tnlil-contlnental eonforonco of tho un ion at Lincoln March 8 and 9. Seventh Day Adventists, at the mid-west conference at Lincoln, an nounced that plans aro under way to conduct an Adventlst evangelistic campaign in Omaha next summer. At a special election held In Crof ton Jubt recently a proposition to ex tend tho present water system car rled by a good majoiity. Work wll' bo started as soon as weather per mils. Hoalth Commissioner Council ol Omaha announces that there aro now 2in houses under quarantine for scar let fever and seventy-four additional patients at tho Isolation hospitals, o total of 2S9. Omaha Is tho eighteenth city in th United States In postolflco money or dcr business, leading such cities ai New Orleans, Baltimore and Denver according to figures Just Issued bj PoFtmnster Wharton. II. II. Pease, editor of tho Beemei Times, has announced his candldacj for the nomination for representative of tho Twenty-first district, subject to tho will of the republican voters ai tho primaries, April IStli. 191C. Tho Nebraska Record, a monthly paper published by Goorgo E. Don schotter at Loup City, has suspended publication. Mr. Benschottcr has moved his plant to Hay Springs, whore he expects to publish a paper. C. W. Chambers of Table Rock ho came champion checker plnyer ol Nebraska when ho won two games lost one and drew throe in tho finals with I. T. Brooking of Funk nt Hast Ings, during tho state checker tour nnmont. A movement has boon started in Omaha to organize a wireless signal corps. It is said Ihoro aro over fifty men In tho city who understand wire loss telegraphy. Tho uso of Fort Omaha will bo asked for to carry on operations. E. H. Kyscr of Atlanta was wlnnei of tho silver loving cup at the second annual show of tho Southwest Ne braska Poultry and Pet Stock asso ciation which was held at Holdrege recently. The cup nwnrdod was foi tho largest and best display In one breed. Perhaps the most unusual funeral In Nebraska's history was conducted In Hastings when nearly COO people attended tho funeral of J. O'Connor, aged recluso whoso body had gone un burled for thirty months, whllo claimants fought for his flOO.000 estnto. Moro than seven and a half million bushels of grain were received on tho Omnha market In January, accord ing (o tho monthly report mnde by Socrotary 'Manchester of tho Omaha Grain exchange The receipts for tho same month In 1915 were less than half that amount. Bayard II. Palno. of Grand Island, has prepared his petition for one ol the nominations for district Judge nnd will fllo tho same In tho near future Thcro aro at present throe candidates fVr tho non-partisan nomination, though It Is expected thcro will be others. Word has boon received In North Platto that tho Union Pacific railroad officials havo accepted plans and spe cifications for the construction of n $90,000 station to replace tho depot burned some tlmo ago. Syver Backer, an old tlmo resident of Brown county, but who died n month ago nt North Bend, Ore., and who loft no heirs In Amerlcn, willed his estate, consisting of about $00,000, to tho Lutheran church nt Drammen, Norway, his old boyhood home church. Wolves nro getting ro bold In Sarpy county that they havo begun to chaso children homo from school. Mnny farmers of late havo been losing chickens, lambs, pigs and oven young calves. At tho annual meeting of tho Y. W. C. A. at Grand iBland reports show that over 6,000 calls by young and elderly women were mado at tho headquarters of tho association dur Ing tho past year, and that over COO girls havo been directed to work through the agencies of this association. Lincoln pn motets ate planning or cunlrutlnu of an amateur baseball league this year Tho rlt Irons or Nlobiaia will soon votu on Issuing bonds for a now chool building. Ewmgollstle meetings will be held In Wjmore for the net six weeks. A tabet uncle has been built. Tho Boy Scoutri at Keatney ate agi tating the question of piovldlug a club room for the company. The Leaver City Flouring mills burned to the ground ti few days ago with a loss of $in,000. Crawford has an organization of Seventh Day Ad enlists, with a mem bership of thirty-eight. Tho annual meeting of group ono of tho Nebraska Bankers' association will be held In Beatrice May 10. Over 100 Eagles, members of aerio No. 147, attended tho dedication of their new $75,000 home at Lincoln. Tho Dostolllco grounds at Beat rice and Holdrege are to be Impi ov ert at the expense of the federal gov. eminent. W. J. HcrboH, formerly publisher of the Cedar ItupltlH Outlook, has pur chased the Lindsay Post from John M. Hetley. John 1-5. Bartholomew of Columbus vas found dead on tho Union Pacific right-of-way near Schoeders mill. It Is believed heatt failure caused his death. Directors of the now Fremont Ho tel company havo elected Frank Fow ler president. The new hotel Is to bo built in the spring nt a cost of $175,000. Tho rtato of the banquet for law- nuikeis and former lawmakers of No htaskn scheduled for Febtuary 25lh at Lincoln has been changed to Febru ary 21th. The petition for a saloon nt Crooks ton, which had a lemonsUaneo filed against It, was withdinwn at do hear ing, which pot mils Ciookston to bo dry this year. Lincoln, after a lively contest, suc ceeded in landing the 1917 convention of tho Nebraska Retail Dealers asso ciation, at their mooting last week In tho capital city. Whllo carrying home a box of Ilvo ducks, John Sehlpnmnn, a resident ot Fremont, slipped and fell on tho ley walk and broke his neck. He died almost Instantly. A large number of converts nro re ported in tho revival meetings which nro being held In tho Methodist church at Oakdalo under tho leader ship of Mr. Mabel Quam Stevens. While soldering a bailel brought to the shop where ho Is employed Tor repairs, Elmer Bush of Morse Bluff was quite badly burned when the ro coptaclo exploded. He saved himself from a severe burning by rolling In a snowbank. Tho Nebraska Telephono company has puichnupd controlling Interest In the Edgar Home Telephone company. They hao Just completed the con struction of n complete outside sys tem, moving all polos to tho alleys where possible. Along with paving construction going on In Kearney thcro Is a dis cussion as to the narrowing of tho streets In the rosldonco section of that city. Tho streets as laid out aro very wide, and tho paving will bo heavy unless the sticcts aro narrow ed down. One hundred and fifty-threo pleas uro cars, shown by slxty-ono manufac turers, twenty-six commercial cars from nineteen firms, and a balcony full of motorcycles will constltuto the chief display nt tho Omaha Auto Show In tho Municipal Auditorium, February 21 to 20. Omaha's new Grain Exchange build ing, when finished, will have ono of tho most elaborate systems of wiring In any building In the country. Pren ent wiring plans call for about seven-ty-throo miles of telephone, electric light nnd telegraph wires, none of which will be visible. Leonard Nlms, who lives near Ta ble Rock, topped tho St. Joseph. Mo., hog market recently with a carload of porkeis of his own raising and feeding. This Is tho second yenr In succession In which Mr. Nlms' win- tor shipment has sold nt the top for day nn which they were sold. Now thnt the Nebraska Stato league has disbanded, there Is talk In a number of towns of tho defunct cir cuit of organizing independent teams. It Is posslblo an Independent league, with two or three games weekly, may bo formed with Hastings, Beatrice, Falrbury, Kearney nnd ono or two other towns In tho league. A load of lnmbs from the leaders Bros. lots at Richfield, sold for 111 per hundredweight on tho South Omnha market a few days ago. This is tho top mark of tho season and tho highest price ever paid this season of the yenr. Tho building fovor seomB to hnvo solzod tho population of Crete. Tho now Congregational parsonngo was completed a fow days ago; tho now Methodist church Is nearly ready, and several fine now residences aro being built. Justice Archer ot Plattsmouth sen fenced George Hobson twenty days In Jail for killing quail out of season. Citizens of Beaver Crossing at a meeting nt that placo recently per fected tho organisation of a, communi ty club. A legislation, civic Improve ment, transportation, publicity and on tertnlnment committee was appointed Tho boot sugnr company at Scotts bluff nald $2,118100 to farmers fot sugar boots last year nnd $00,000 to Its employees. 210,000 tons of boots wero mado Into 700,000 bags of sugar, each bag weighing 100 pounds. MS M NEARLY 60,000 WERE LAST YEAR LICENSED URGE INCREASE OVER 1914 Items of General Interest Gathered from Reliable Sources Around the State House. Wfitern Newspaper Union News Service. Secretary of Stato Pool has com piled tlguros concerning automobllo licenses paid to tho different countlea of tho state during tho years 1914 and 1915. These figures show nn Increase of 18,512 during 1915 over tho preced ing year. It Is also shown that but ono county In tho stato failed to regis 'or more cars in 1915 than In 1914. namely Thomas. Following aro tho figures: 1314 Adams is 1015 71(1 17 111 27 .r.o srs :io i Ml H2 l.Oi'S !'4H M.4 t:ta :nn 273 S02 72 vc I Antelope ,. Aitlmr .... II inner ... . HI ilno .... IliM'tll" It llllltll Howl 54s y 2S 17 755 :id.i 1S7 Kill Ili'iu n liun'.iin r.Tn Hint 717 I tm Irr ..., 1' ISM Ci-il ir . . . , t'li.im- ..,, ('In II v ... Clipjeiinp CI iv Colfax .... !MI7 77rt r.'.i'i u.i; 'JUS '.'III Ton 572 I7 tinilm; Cimter 051 J. A. OLLIS Of Ord, recently elected president of the State Board of Agriculture. D.ikotu , 212 U.iwu.i lt," U.iuHon 42'i Deuel f.2 Dixon 3S.r DoiIkd lis l)nui;tus 3,(117 Dtimly 10J l-'llltuorn (Mi Franklli 317 Frontier 134 Fllltl.'lH 3.14 ClIK" KM) Canli'ii 84 Carlli'lil !il nospcr I'll Oritnt 34 (Ireclcy 20ri Hnll 727 Hamilton 7r,9 Ilailnn 2U0 Hacs i;:i Hitchcock !i6 Holt 4R2 Hooker 21) sr.t 2t'J r.oi nit; t!4S 1,353 D,4!IC 20U 74 4M 24G 451 1.2M 130 117 11,0 r.s 352 1,1!U 1,038 374 134 205 H72 3'. r.4! S42 U!S 4 Ml 131 127 112 h09 3,r,2.r, 743 50 I low aril 357 Jeffotson .IoIuihoii ,, Kcuincy ... Keith Kpyn Paha Kimball .. Knox Lancaster . Lincoln .... IoRan .... Loup Mntllson . . r 414 421'. 387 i-.t !5 C4 r.r.o 2,4r.2 444 ir. 4!) sr.f. r.i 1.1X1 31 B7fi 154 cm 771) fi19 1,21(1 r,2fi if." r.27 r.73 1,312 1,01(1 420 X13 110 K0.I 4'U 1.4-7 414 1.172 323 274 107 4 IT, 850 13 421 4N4 1.015 732 504 !i7 1.216 50,140 .-Mci'iiorflou z.i Merrick 43K Morrill 7 Nance 273 Nemaha 4'jt; Nuckolls Mil Dtoe 'Mr, Pnwncn 41.1 Perkins 74 PhPlps 274 Pleice 4fl2 Platte 1,001 Polk nil licit Willow ;.. 2ir lllchnrdson CiM Rock 7'. saiino r.r.:s Sarpy 2ii; Saunders 8", 7 Hcottfl llllirr 274 Reward r,14 Sheridan " Sherman ir, Sioux , r.7 Stanton 2'ifi Thayor lifts Thomas It Thurston 234 Vnllny 310 Washington 712 Wavno nos Webster 2XS Whcnlcr 4fl York 1,041 Totals 40,508 Legislative League Reunion. Overwhelming Interest In politics this year Is expected to nrouso much Interest In tho annual reunion of tho Nebraska Legislative league, and hun dreds of men ovor tho stato who havo seen solonlstlc scrvlco nro expoctcd to bo in Lincoln February 24 for tho event. Governor Morehend will prob ably bo toastmaster. This Is a rather now duty for tho oxocutlve, but Secre tary Richmond says ho will accopt It and will bo ready to glvo each of tho dozen or so spcakorB n send-off. 8ehool8 Must Teach German Tho supremo court of Nebraska unanimously hold that German or other Ruropoan languages must bo taught In public schools nbovo tho fourth grado ns an oloctlve study when fifty parents or guardians of pu pils petition. Tho court has alarmed tho judgment of tho judgo of tho dis trict court glen in a Nebraska City caso Instituted by Charles Thayer. Tho lower court Issued a writ of man damus compelling tho school board to teach German. Tho school board np- k pealed tho case to tho supreme court of Nebraska wher prominent attor- IiWImtional SONMrSOlOOL Lesson Illy B. O. R!3M.i:ntt, Acllni: Director of Sunday Hchool Cmirm-, Moody llltilo ItlMltlltP ) (1'oi'wU.lit. ISU, WrMirn Nrwipapt-r Union ) LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 20 CHRI8TIAN BROTHERHOOD. I.KSSO.V TIOXT-ActB 4.li-6:16. UlH.DKN' TICXT l.no onu unother from tliti hour! ffivi'iitly-1 Pol. 1:22 II. V Tho yauhodrln had tried threaten ing upon tho dlsciptoH and this Is gen erally pretty weak business. But their threat meant danger and the dis ciples wero nut unduly puffed up ovor tholr deliverance. With all tholr be lieving friends thoy prayed and In ro spousu tho Holy Spirit enmo upon them in still further measuro (4:2:1-31). L The Splrlt-Flllcd believers, 4:32 37. Tho two sections of this lussou aro really one and aro designed to bring out sharply tbu contrast be tween tho Holy ijplrlllllled church and an evil spirit-tilled man. The communism ot tint eaily chutch was (a) Christian communion (sou -.11); and It was (b) tor a special occasion ; (c) It was bouowilutit o.icfr bad ac cording to Ills 'needs" (I .11, :5); (d) it was voluntary (5 1), and (o) It roc ognUcd tho right to private piopcrty lseo fi.4. !)). He, tho Holy Spirit, does bring that unity, that altruism, thoso iictUo MK-lnl relations and services of which l'cutcuMtuI communism Is tliu typo, t'nlty ami loo are seen In gen ulno Christianity In all ages, but tho tonus of tholr expresulou may differ. 'I ho power of tho Holy Spirit wan manifested, not merely In lovo and unity which it produced, In tho broth erhood thus evidenced, but ulso In tho testimony given fur tho Lord Jesus Christ, "with great power gavo tho apoBtles witness to tho resurrection ot tho Lord Jusun." There is much witness to tho resurrection of thu Lord Jesus Christ in our day, hut not alwayB "with great power." When wo nro filled with tho Holy Spirit It is ot Jesus, und especially of bis resur rection, that wo will bear witness. Another result of being filled with tho Holy Spirit was that graco was upon all. "draco" means favor. Wo aro not told whethor it was God's favor or man's favor that was upon them. It seems to Imply both (bco Luko 2:52). No man looked upon his own interests, hut "ovory man on tho things of others." Distribution was mado according ns each had need, not according to his ability, not according to his notable service. The pro-oml-ncnt illustration of Christian lovo in tho brotherhood at Jerusalem was Barnabas. If wo had moro of such today wo would havo loss of union Inbor troubles and missionary deficits. Wo do well to consldor carefully tho bIx distinguishing features of this early church: (1) A praying church (4:24-30), (2) a Splrlt-IUlcd church (31), (3) n united church (32), (4) a witnessing church (33), (D) a minis tering church (34, 35), (G) a multiply ing church (3G, 37). II. The Devil-Possessed Unbeliever, 5, 1-16. Barnabas had rocolvcd great pralso for what ho had done nt tho im pulse of tho Holy Spirit In his llfo. It Is an exceedingly fair picture, but the Bceno of tho early church had been from foes without, now it faces tho greater peril of foes within. And when this great question, regarding tho de ity and personality of the Holy Spirit, Is first brought to light, God, through his church, dealt with it In a stern manner. Tho dovil 1b always present ing his Imitations of ovorythlng good and holy. Ananias and Sapphlra wero not willing to make a llko sacrifice Thoy, too, "sold a possession," but thoy secreted a part of tho prlco and brought tho rest with tho intent to do colvo tho church. Tho Holy Spirit quickly informed tho church of this hypocrisy and, Splrlt-gulded, they woro not deceived For Ananias to Ho In tho atmosphere ot lovo and con secration engendered by tho Holy Spirit mado his crlmo tho mord unpar donable. Tho samo words are used in describing his actions as thoso used In describing tho actions ot Barnabas up to a certain point. But what a dif ference wo bco subsequently. In tho caso of Barnabns his act was a deed of self-forgetting lovo; In tho caso of Ananins It was ono of calculating hy pocrisy. Wo thus see that tho early church was not ub perfect as somo would havo us imagine it to bo. Tho second section of this para graph (vv. 12-16) Is a record of what tho results of this vindication ot tho Holy Spirit woro. First tho Spirit camo upon tho apoBtlos and literally overflowed upon all thoso about them. In tho second placo thoso who woro thinking of Joining tho church for mer cenary motivos wero bold back from so doing (v. 13). If tho Holy Spirit wero present In such powor today thoro would bo fewer hypocrites who would dara to Join thomsolvcs to It. Tho dccoptlon of Annnlas was delib erate (v. 4); ho had talked it ovor with his wlfo (vv. 2, 9), and ho was a gravo danger to this early church. It threatened to choko tho very fountain of lovo and unity which had nprung up in tho midst ot tho solllsh world. Tha stern Judgmont that camo upon Ananias and Sapphlra was richly mor lted and indoed was gracious, for It Iftod and savod tho church. Not a Bite of Breakfast Until You Drink Water Says a glass of hot water and phosphate prevents Illness and keeps us fit. Just nn coal, when it burns, leaves behind a cot tain amount of incom bustible material in tho form of ashes, so tho food and drink taken day after day leaves In Uio allmontary canal a certain amount of indlgostiblo mate rial, wldch If not completely eliminat ed from tho system each day, bocomos food for tho millions of bactorla which InfoBt tho bowels. From this mass of loft-ovor waste, toxlna nnd ptomalno llko poisons nro formed and suckod Into tho blood. Men nnd wdmon who can't got feel ing right must begin to tako lnsldo bnths. Beforo eating breakfast each morning drink a glass of real hot wa ter with n tcaspoonful of llmcstono phosphate In It to wash out of tho thirty feet of bowels tho previous day's accumulation of poisons nnd toxins ami to keep tho entire allmontary canal clean, puro and fresh. Thoso who aro subject to sick bond ache, colds, biliousness, constipation, otlteis who wnko up with bad tasto, foul breath, backacho, rheumatic stiff ness, or hnvo u sour, gassy stomnch after meals, nro urged to get a quarter pound of llmtiiilono phosphajo from any druggist or storekeeper, 'and be gin practicing Internal sanitation. Thin will cost very little, but la sum clout to mako anyone nn enthusiast on tho subject. Itemomber lnsldo bathing Is moro Important than ntitsldn bathing, bo causo tho skin pores do not absorb Impurities Into tho blood, causing poor health, whllo tho bowel pores do. Just an soap and hot water cleanses, sweetuus ami freshens tho skin, so hot water and llmcstono phosphate act on tho stomach, liver kidneys and bowels. Adv. The Only One. "Can you propose any remedy for this deadlock?" "Yes, why not use a skeleton koy?" No sick headache, sour stomach, biliousness or constipation by morning. uec a lucent box now. Turn tho rascals out tho headache, biliousness, indigestion, tho sick, sour Btomach and foul gasesturn thorn out to-night and kcop them, out with Cascarcts. Millions of men and women tako a Cascnrct now and then and novor know tho misery causod by a lazy liver, clogged bowola or an upset Btom ach. Don't put In another day of distress. Let Cascarcts cleanso your Btomach; removo the sour, fermenting food; tako the excess bllo from your liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poison In th bowels. Then you will feel great . A Cascaret to-night straightens yon out by morning. They work while you aleep, A 10-cont box from any drug store means a clear head, sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver and bowel action for months. Chil dren love Cascarcts because they, never gripe or sicken. Adr. j Their Trade. "I wonder moro speculators don't mako aviation trips." "Why speculators?" "Becauso thoy'ro used to taking flyers." TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Olrlsl Try Thltl Makes Hair Thick, Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful No More Itching 8calp. Within ten minutes after an appli cation ot Danderlne you cannot find a elnglo traco of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what will please you most will bo after a fow weeks' uso, when you Beo new hair, flno and downy at first yes but really now hair growing all over the ecalp. A llttlo Danderlne Immediately dou bles tho beauty ot your hair. No dif fcrenco how dull, fadod, brittle and scraggy, Just molston a cloth with Dandorlno and cnrefulty draw it through your hair, taking ono small strand at a tlmo. Tho effect la amaz ingyour hair will bo light, fluffy and wavy, and havo an appearance ot abundnnco; an incomparable luster, softness nnd luxuriance. Get a 2G cont bottlo ot Knowlton's Danderlno from any store, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's all you surely can havo beautiful hair nnd lots of It if you will Just try a llt tlo Danderlne. Adv. Tho traveler wants full faro at ho tels, but ho doesn't object to halt tart on railroads. "CSfflElS" FOR SLUGGISH BOILS Wivmm