The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 03, 1916, Image 6

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Uniform Dny nnd Wnrje for All
Clnsccs of Lnbor Conl Muot Dc
Weighed Before Bclmj Screened nnd
Paid For on Mine-Run Basis.
Indlnnnpnlln, Jnn. 31. Tlio Unltotl
Mlno Worlmra of America on Krlilny
adopted tlio roport of tlio ncnlo com
mitten, which iiHkcd for n rnlso of ton
pur rent for tlio blttmiinotiH miners
and worKoni nlioiit tlio mlnoH nnd 20
nor cunt for tlio unthriielto workcrH.
Van miner of PlttHliniKh Is clinlrmnn
of tho Hcnlo cotmnlttcu. Tlio domnnda
will bo brought boforo tlio hltumlnoiiH
opcrntorH nt Mohllo Fcbninry 8 nml
before tho nnthrnclto operators nt
Now York Kebrunry 21.
Tho tic tn an (I ii follow:
For bltuinlnouB dlntrlcta:
All conl to bo weighed before being
screened and pulil for on n mine run
Ton per rent per ton Incrcniio nt
tlio bnulng point.
Ton per cent IncrcnBO on nil dend
work and ynrdago.
Twenty per cent IncrcnBO on all dny
Uniform day and wngo scalo for all
classes of outsldo and InBldo day la
bor. Proper readjustment of tho ronchlno
differential at tho busing point.
Tho eight-hour day shall apply from
bank to bank.
All 'local Inoqualltlcs and Internal
differences to bo referred to tho vari
ous districts affected for Bottlcment.
Contract In effect for two years.
Weekly pays.
Every other Saturday nn Idlo dny.
Tho demands of tho anthractto min
ers formulated at their trl-dlstrlct
convention held at Wllkcsbarro, l'u.,
September 7 to 10, 1916, aro reaffirmed
and indorsed.
Washington Atks Powers to Agree on
Set of Rules for Submarine
Washington, Jun. 31. A suggestion
that all tho belligerent countries sub
scribe to a declaration of principles
governing attacks on merchant ves
sels and forbidding tho nrmlmc of
such vcHsels ImB been mndo by the
United States in nn effort to estab
lish tn International Inw a generul
policy dlBpoBlng of many of tho vexa
tious problems uriBlug from tho de
velopment of submarine warfare.
Identical notes havo gouo forward
asking tho various countries at war
to say specifically whether they nro
willing to join In Btich nn ugrcement
Tho declaration of principles would
Thnt noncombatnuts may expect
protection under tho rutca of In
ternational law nnd the principles of
humanity when traveling on merchant
That warning must bo given before
a merchantman Is attacked.
That bolllgerent-owuod merchant
ships must obey warnings to stop.
That merchantmen shall not be
fired on except in caso of rcslstnnco
or flight
That no merchantman shall bo
sunk except where It Is ImposHltno
to supply a prlzo crew, or until pus
scngers nnd crew nro plnced In'trnfety.
Tho nolo voices a warning that this
government Is considering adoption of
a policy under which nil armed mer
chantmen thnt enter ports of tho
United States In future shall ho con
sidered war vchsoIb. subject to tho
established regulations governing in
President Nominates Boston Lawyer
for Vacancy on Bench First
Jew to Be Named.
Wnshln ton, Jnn. 31. - President
Wilson sent to tho sennto on Friday
tho nomination of Louis Demhlr
Hrnndols of Boston to bo Supremo
court Judgo, to fill tho vacancy caused
by tho death of Joseph Ituckcr Lumnr.
Mr. Brnmlels Is tho first man of
Jewish nationality to ho mimed to
tho Supreme court bench.
Ho Is well known In tho legnl world
Slnco 1897, when ho became senior
membor of llrandcls, Dunbar & Nut
ter, ho has been prominently connect
cd with mnny importnut litigations.
Ho was counsel for the shippers In the
advanced freight rate Investigation
before tho lnterstnto commerce com
mission: ho was nlso counsel for tho
people In the proceedings Involving
tho constitutionality of tlio Oregon nnd
Illinois ten-hour law for women. Mr.
BrnndclB Is fifty-nine years old
Johnrton-Wlllnrd Films Barred.
Boston, Mnss., Jan. 31. The moving
picture films of the Jnck Johnson
Jess Wlllnid prlzo fight nt llnvnnn
aro excluded from tho United States
on a decision handed down by the
United States circuit court of nppenls,
Six Hurt In Powder Blast.
Philadelphia, Jan. 31. There wero
our explosions In rapid succession nt
tho Carney's Point (N. J.) plant of tho
DuPont Powder company and six work
men wero Injurod, threo seriously. Tho
accident occurred in No. 3 plaut.
if fir -"" .BMBES 2Kiii H r t f 1 Eeuvrf
British Suffer Heavy Losses In Effort
to Cut Through to Kut-EI-Amara.
London, Jan. 27. Whllo tho British
aro sacrificing thousands of men In a
heroic effort to cut their way through
to Kut-el-Amnrn, where General Town
slicnd and n British army nro bottled
up by tho Turks, the Russians to the
north aro making tho Turks strain
overy nerve to keep thera from com
ing to tho aid or tho British.
Tho grand duke's victory near Kr
zcrum proved to bo oven greater than
early reports showed. According to
Rcutcr'B Telegraph company ' 4.00U
Turks were captured by the itusslnus.
whllo tho number killed, wounded and
forced Into scattered flight wan enor
mous. Tho dispatch ui'ila thnt the Rus
sians took Bcores of machine guns
nnd a great iunutlty of munitions.
"Kugngemcuts contiuuo nt the Kut-el-Amnrn
positions," snys tho report.
"British forces coming from Imam All
Ghcrbl attacked on January 21 the
Turkish position near Menlnrie, ub.iut
thlrty-llvo kilometers (21 miles) east
of Kut-ol-Ainara, on both sides of the
Tigris river.
"The engagement lasted six hours.
Tho Turkish wero repulsed several
kilometers to the eastward.
"On tho battlefield tho British left
about 3,000 dend. Tho Turkish losses
wero comparatively slight.
"British soldiers taken prisoner
stntcd thnt the British nlso had lout
3,000 men In dend and wounded in th.
preceding cugngemcuts near Sliolk
President Delivers Preparedness Ad
dress Before Railroad Men U, S.
Should Rush Defense Plans.
New York, Jnn 29. "Plans for the
readjustment of tho United States
nrniy must ho formulated and carried
out without dulny, for wo do not know
what tho circumstances of unother
month or another day may bring
This wns tho warning sounded by
President Wilson on Thursday before
the members of tho Railroad Business
usHoclntlon nt the Waldorf hotel. It
was tho president's first speech In the
campaign for piepnrednesa mid ho em
phasized the urgent necessity for Im
mediate action and predicted that ade
quate methoda will he employed to In
crease tho army and navy no that
Amerlcn need fear no foreign power.
Insistence that tho American people
love peace, but must bo treated Justly
nml must harmonize Internal racial
and religious differences, marked 1 Is
address before n conference of l.fiuu
Now York clergymen of nil denomina
tions. Ho declared that pence wns in
consistent with abandonment of prin
ciples nnd loss of self-respect.
Tho president repeated his opposi
tion to action by tho federal govern
ment on tho woman suffrugu question
In Bpenklng to 200 members of the
Congressional Union for Woman Suf
frage who cnlled at his hotel nnd
would not leave until ho saw them.
Ho reltorated his position that he
would help the cause in Individual
slates wherover possible but politely
turned usldo efforts to rross-oxiunluo
Montenegrin Generals Surrender.
Berlin (via wireless to Snyvlllo, L.
I.), Jnn. 29. Advices from Vienun on
Thursday any thnt (lenernl Vulmvltch
has MiiTemlerod to the Austrlaus nt
Uuullovgriid, together with several
other Montenegrin generals
Russ Statesmen to England.
Petrograd, Jan. 29. Tho upper and
lower houses ot thu Russian parlia
ment will confer shortly on tho sub
ject of a visit of inemhors of the
dui';a to Knglnnd. This visit probably
will bo made faster.
Bachelors and Widowers Will
Forced to Serve In Army
Ireland Excluded.
London, Jan. 2H. All that Is needed
to mako military service compulsjry
in Great Britain Is the king's slna
turo to the conscription measuro.
which passed tho house of lords ou
Wednesday on the third reading.
Tho bill wns Introduced In tho house
of lordH after it had passed the house
of commons on tho third reading by
n voto of 383 to 30, mnny lnbor mem
tiers who hnd been believed foes ol
conscription voting with tho ministry
The provisions of tho measurb ex
cludo Irelnnd from conscription on the
ground thnt she Is an allied but In
tegral kingdom.
Under the bill bachelors and wid
owers between eighteen und forty-one
years may bo forced to serve In tho
Married men. ellglhles who have
conscientious scruple:? ngnlnst military
service clergymen, mon engaged in
Indlspcnslhlo government work, men
who nro sick, mon who have persons
dependant upon them for support und
cripples nro excluded.
England, Scotland and Wales aro in
eluded In tho hill.
The king Is .peetcd to sign the
hill nt once. From Its Inception in tho
hrnln of Premier Asqulth King George
has been nn earnest ndvocnto of the
conscription mensuro.
Bristol, Knglnud, Jnn. 28. The Brit
ish labor conference, by n voto of 1,
847.000 to 200,000. gave Its npprovnl
to tho government's conscription hill.
Tho resolution In favor of support
ing tho government, wns pnsscd nmld
cheers shortly niter the threodny sea
slon of the lnbor conference opened.
Paris Admits Reverses as Great Teu
ton Offensive Continues Nleilport
Cathrdral Destroyed.
London, Jnn. 27. Apparently unills
mnyed by tho defeat of their terrific
effort to break the nllled lino near tho
mouth of the Ysor, tho Germans re
newed their attacks nnd, according o
officii! French ndmlsslnu on Tuesdnv,
gained u foothold In trenches on the
Arras-Lens road.
Germuns mndo dospernte charges op
the Arras-Lena road. Though th
gnlned n foothold at several places, the
French for tho most part dlslodgnd
Berlin reports tho destruction of the
cnthedrul nt Nlouport by nrtlllery flro
The ofllclnl statement says:
"Tho tower of Complo nnd the cntho
drnl nt Nlouport, which offered excel
lent observation poHts for the enemy,
wero destroyed.
"Knst of Nniivlllo our troops attacked
ono of tho foremost trenches of the
French, following sonic successful
mine exploslo is, and captured three
machlno guns nnd 100 prisoners
"A German aeroplano squadron at
tacked tho military establishment?
and nerodromn at Nancy, and the fne
torles nt Baccara."
Dunkirk, In northern France has
been shelled by German nernplnnep, It
wns officially announced by tho admi
ralty Two aeroplanes wero In the
squadron thnt attacked the city. Tho
hospitals are nt Dunkirk.
Eight Lost With Schooner.
San Francisco, Jnn 31. ICIght men,
tlio crow of tho steam schoonor
Aberdeen, wero given up for lost on
Friday when wreekago from tho boat
began coming nshoro two miles nnd a
half below the harbor entrance
Tourists' Baggage Burnu.
Jacksonville, Fin., J m. ?'. After
thieves hart robbed tho Union dupot
here they H"H tiro to tho baggego room
nnd tho stiucturo wns burned to tho
ground. Tfto luggngo of many north
j ern tourists was destroyed.
Nebraska Delegation Favors Approprl-
atlon cf $00,000,COO Continental
Army Not In Hlnh
IVeMtcrii Newspaper Union New fuivlua.
tun Diego, tal. One hunured lives
jae been lobt, and charming lltt'o
villas for fifty miles north or tho Mexi-
an lino Ho desolate from hursted
lams nml reservoirs unused by Hoods
md cloudbursts. With the death toll
'n tho Otay valley seeming y ostnb
"lulled at fifty, and nil re'lef agencies
v .irking in that direction, icports
reached hero of HooiIb sweeping tho
5an Lulu Hey and San Pasqual valleys,
Jouhling tho loss of life. With com
munication almost altogether cut oil',
II was Impossible to list accurately
tho number of the dead; conjecture
4iid meager reports alone wero avail
able. Seventeen bodies were taken
out of San Diego bay. Theso had
been swept down when the lower Otay
reservoir went out Thursday, nnd tho
current of the flood wns thought to
havo carried mnny others out to sea.
Army Not In High Favor.
Washington. While Prosldcnt Wil
ion Is carrying to the country his ap
peal for adequate defense ono of tho
vital elements of tho program, he has
roeommended to congress tho conti
nental nrmy faces serious opposition
In both tho senate nnd house military
committees. Such an army, described
by Secretary Garrison us embodying
tho most attractive scheme that could
bo devised to give a national test of
the problem of training an adequate
number of federal volunteers in pcacn
limes, would bo expected to provide
400.000 mon of tho total of approxi
mately 1,000,000 which tho entire plan
Is calculated to make It available.
Nebraska House Delegation Favors
Appropriation of $-0,000.
Washington. An appropriation of
$50,000 for snagging tho Missouri river
along tho Nebraska shore Is urged
upon tho river nnd harbor committee
by tho Nebraska house delegation. All
th house members except Mr. Slial
lenberger, who was detained at an
other meeting, were present and spoko
In favor of the npproprlntlon. Speak
ing for that section of the river touch
ing his district Representative Ueavis
declared that river navigation would
bo of great benefit to producers of
thnt Koctlon, who, he declared, were
greatly handicapped because of the
lack of railroad facilities. Many farm
ers, ho said, wero twenty miles from a
railroad and n part of thu year could
not reach the markot because of bad
roads. He said the snagging of tho
river would aid navigation and pro
vldo means for reaching the market
now unavailable.
Paris. Twelve persons were killed
nnd thirty Injured In a Zeppelin raid
on Paris Saturday night. This is the
first raid by Ocrmnn nlrshlps on tho
French capital slnco March, 1915, when
two Zcppollns dropped a score ot
Warning of the approach of the Zop
pollns wns first given nt 9:40 p. m.,
when neroplnno scouts reported sight
ing tho hostile craft. All lights In tho
city wero immediately ordorcd extin
guished. The city wns plunged Into
utter darkness In anticipation of tho
attack. Tho Zoppellns, however, pene
trated tho outer aerial defenses and
dropped Bevoral bombs.
Turks Evacuated the Trenches
I-ondoii, Ocncral Townshend. com
minding tho British forces invested at
Kut-EI-Anmm, In Mesopotamia, has
roported that the Turks hnvo evacu
ated their trenches on the bind sldo
of tho defenses nt Kut, and hnvo ro
tired, generally speaking, to about a
milo from tho British entronchments.
Lincoln, Neb., A total of $1,520 was
realized In Lincoln on Jewish relief
day. That, togothcr with other con
tributions expected within tho next
few days, probably will bring the total
close to $2,000, tho amount hoped for
by the committee in charge.
Brandels Appointed to Supreme Court
Washington, President Wilson has
solcctcd Louis D. Drandols of Boston
to bo associate Justice of tho supremo
court to succeed tho lato Justice La
mar. Mr. ItrnndclB' nomination was a
surprlso everywhere in official circles.
Ho hnd not oven been mentioned for
tho vacancy. Mr. Urandcls Is a lawyer
who hns been much in public life
during tho last throo years, not only
in legal work, but In various move
ments for social betterment. Ho Is
a Kcutucklan by birth and Is GO yean
old. . '
List of British Casualties.
London. Premier Asqulth, In n writ
ten roport, says that tho total British
casualties In all flolds of operations up
to January 9 wero 519,407, of whl h
24,122 wero officers and 523,345 of
other rnnkB. Tho winter's Inactivity
nn tho fighting lines Is reflected in tho
comparatively light losses of tho Brit
ish during tho last fow weeks. The
previous official report mndo by Pre
mler ARqulth on Decomhor 24, gnvo
"nPiinKlen up to Decomhoi 9, at 528.
'27. rhowlng n Jobs In tho liitervonlnr
month of 21,240 or CS5 dally.
Investigation of Situation Will Soon
Be Started,
Tho Nebraska state railway commis
sion In u telegram to tho interstate
rommcrco commission nnd to Con
gressman Charles H. Sloan of Ne
braska supports ConRiPSHinnn Sloan's
eiTorm in rniitrro'H to correct the pres
ent enr shortage. Tho railway com
mission's telegram closes with n re
quest for a federal Investlrntlon. Kill
wny Commissioners Clarke, Taylor
nnd Hall say Nebraska railroads are
short 2,r.00 cars necessary to till or
ders for loading. It says n (ontin
uanco of tho car shortage m.iy result
In a serious finnnclnl loc3.
T.lvo stock Fh!pmcnts wllli'n Ho
state of Nebraska during the fiscal
railroad year ended June HO, 10 1" (
amounted to (Jo. SSI carloads, bcln.: ;
nearly 7 POO carloads more than the
preceding year. Shipments of IHo stock
from Nebraska to other stales aggre
gated 11,070 ears, nn Increase of nearly
Lumber shipment", both ."Into and
Interstate, have been decreasing al
most steadily for tho past six jeara.
Lnst year the number of cars chipped
within Nebraska was 2 02S, being loss
than In any former year since T'OS In
clusive, and only one-fourth ns mnny
as In 1011. The shipments of lumber
received from other states last yr-ir
came to 21 .'SO carloads, which was the
lowest number In o'gh' years.
Coal shipments In Nebraska for th
fiscal year of 1011-1." were only I.UiS
carloads, or only a little over half as
many ns In the preceding annum
Shipments from outside tho state to
Nebraska, however, reached 71,721 car
loads, being 5.000 more than the year
before and the largest of any year
except 191 3.
The foregoing figures are exhibited
In a tabulation made up in the office of
the state railway commission.
Rulings of Sanitary Board.
Tho Nebraska Sanitary Board has
adopted regulations regarding tho ship
ment of stallions and Jacks into tho
state of Nebraska that require a health
certificate. This health certificate
made after inspection by a graduate
veterinarian must show that stallions
and asses brought into thu state nro
free from 'such hereditary, Infectious,
contagious or transmissible diseases
as: urethnl gleet, melanosis, periodic
opthalmln (moon blindness), laryngeal
hemiplegia (roaring), dnurlne, glan
ders, farcy, and that such animals nro
free from the following defects or
blemishes: cataract, (glass eyo)
chorea. St. Vitus dance, strliiT halt,
bono spnvln, ring Lone, side hone, curb,
with curhy formation of hock, or Is
Eerlously defectlvo In conformation, or
vicious disposition.
Dr. Fast Goes to Hastings.
Dr. W. S. Fast, for tho last three
years superintendent of the Institute
for feeble-minded at Beatrice, has
been tendered the position of superin
tendent of the hospital for the insane
nt Hnstinge, the largest In the state,
to succeed Dr. M. W. Baxter, who re
signed recently following nn investi
gation by tho board of control into
his accounts.
After n conference Friday with tho
board of control Dr. Fast accepted tho
new position, whlih gives him charge
over twice the population as ho has
supervised nt Beatrice, nnd broadens
his field of work.
Since the state board of education
lands nnd funds authorized a reap
pralsement of state school lands In
Howard county, resulting In a decrease
of $17,000 In the total valuation, re
ported by the county hoard, It is be
ginning to hoar from other counties
Tho commissioners of Cherry county
complain against tho appraisement put
on school lands in their county last
spring, after lind Commissioner Beck
man and Secretary of State Pool had
been thero to look over tho tracts.
Thero Is still somo land In Cherry
county to bo appraised, 'x he county
board members thought it would he a
good thing If members of tho staio
board would como up nnd go over tho
;round with them.
Cost of conducting stnto govern
ment In all Its branches varies from
$10.40 per capita of population In New
York to $3.70 In Kentucky. Thoao are
tho oxtromo figures. Nebraska is be
low the average of all tho states with
a figure of $4.49 per cupita. This
Information is contained In a report
received by Auditor Smith from a New
rk official, who gathered data op
'ho matter.
State Money for Irrigators
Somo of the funds appropriated by
the last legislature for tho encniirngo
ment of pumping irrigation which waE
left to tho disposal of tho regents of
the University of Nebraska, aro stll1
available. According to the provisions
of tho hill, tho money may ho received
by any responsible Individual or organ
ization in tho western section of tho
stnto who will contribute a like amount
of hlt or their own funds. 'W hen tho
plant Is comploto and tho- well has
proved to be n success, tho contribu
tion from the state Is to bo returned.
If tho well Is not a success, tho ma
chinery is to bo sold and the proceeds
divided equally.
The first section of the nnnual roport
of tho state railway commission, filed
with tho governor, shows that during
tho year 1915, fifty-nine licenses wore
Issued to public warehouse firms. Tho
report idlcates thoro will bo un In
crease this year. The commUslon be
lieves tho law Is o good one nnd has
proved very beneficial to farmers who
do not wish to sell on current markotu.
but prefer to hold for better prites.
What would you glvo to bo
perfectly well? All you havo
got, of course. It may bo that
your t rouble Is of n catarrhal
nature. Catarrh of tho head.
Catnirh of tho stomach. Ca
tnrrh of somo interim! orgnn.
If so, Pcruna will help you on
tho road to perfect health. If
you want to ho convinced, buy
ono bottlo. No further argu
ment will bo necessary.
Coughs Golds Catarrh
All Oft.
"How did tho bowling contest comiv
out last night?"
"Nobody had any spare chango for
tho plnboys. so they went on a strlko."
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets nrc ther little liver 'pills put up 40 ycnr
nt;o. lliey regulate liver and bowels
Love is not only blind, hut seems to
be unable to detect a gin breath of
long standing.
Policemen, llkn rainbows, aro apt to
appear after tho storm Is ovor.
Don't think becnuso a woman Is out
spoken that sho can bo nuttnlked.
Why That Lame Back?
Morning lameness, sharp twinges
when bending, or an all-day back
ache; each Is cause enough to sus
pect kidney trouble. Get after the
causo. Help the kidneys. We
Amorlcans go it too bard. We
overdo, overeat and neglect our
sleep and exerciso and bo we are
fast becoming a nation of kidney
sufforera. 72 more deaths than
In 1890 is tbo 1910 census story.
Uso Doan's KIdnoy Pills. Thou
sands recommend them.
A Kansas Caso
W. C. Lines. 703 Till
nolo St., Noodeslia,
Knn., says: "The llrst
symptom of my kid
ney trouble wan dlzzi
noss and It often pot
so bad I had to stop
work. My head ached
Intensely nnd I had
pains above my hips,
day and nlclit. Donn'H
Kidney rills removed
theso ullments nnd
whenevor I have felt
tlio slightest return nt.
lurt Tilll a
tnck, from a cold, this mcdlclno has
orouKiit gooa results."
Ct Doan's at Any Store, 50c a Bos
The Army of
! Growing Smaller Every Day.
responsible they
not only give rch
they perma
nently cure Con-
ibpition. Mil
lions use.
them for
Indigestion, Sick Heidtche, Sallow Sltia.
Genuine must bear Signature
Tho most fashlonnulo and
popular TabloDcsBort. Makes
your tablo comploto.
Bonutlful Docoratlvo Rocl-poa--Dollcloua,
Nothing so delightful for tho
tobloor sick room.
Sovon flavors and colors.
At your grocors, or by mall,
at SI.20 tho dozon.
DATERITC Watann TC. C'olnnan,
ra p b.u llirrC
Hut reasonable, IlLghest rtfenma. IkstMiyluca.
AGENTS MenWimm:blitsller.lOO profit.
tf nut MUafttctory VluUUer Uo Now llaTenfouno
Nebraska Directory
Omaha, Nebraska
FiinnPEAu pi iu
Roomn from 11.00 up Mingle, 75cr nu up dimli'e.
cafe: puices keasonaijle.
1, Moillrnll 3. Hiirrlrnli a. OlwtHrlruli
4, .ulnr.Uury O, -Uiiy l)ri.titiuiiit;
Training ftcliool for nursei In councctlon.
open In nil repuuiblo rliinlduns
Kur further liilurmuUimiHldri'Sii
A. A. SMITH, VI. DSuraon
Mury IjuiiiIiuj Mi-uiorliil IJonultul
IIASl'INUS, M-.ll.
IK'' I A
are .imbV r
.VCZ&aW Wll II.E.
Mltr ivc.k
.savm hill5.
ar JgVc
t .
u r