The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 03, 1916, Image 5

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Bulletin of The Week's Doings
; '
-r ..
IVt'sli l.mviH-ys hi .Miner I'.ros. Co
lOvery tftitli bucpv whip fri' it
Milto Dunlin of ISliie Hill was in tm
city Monday.
Mri, K. V. Anderson Is on tlm " U
llfit tilts Wl'C'lt.
Silvi-r liOiiptln of Minrlft) was in tiu
city Siitimltiy. Anmok was in Gulth' I'oi'lt, li
day, on business.
Tlio County Commissioners ui',1
meet next Tuesday.
Clark Crow spout Sunday in Guide
Kock with relatives.
Vesta lOiuiek was a passenger to
(Snide Hoolt, I'tid.iy.
.Ins. l'oterson was a passenger to
Guide ltock, Monday.
Jolin King of Xortliport is visiting
relatives in tho city this week.
Attorney Kernard MeNeny went to
Nelson, Monday, on business.
Miss Louise Schumacher spent Satur
day in Orleans with her parents.
Edgar Mcintosh returned home the
first of the week from Gratia Island.
Sovoral of tho merchants have been
very busy invoicing the past two weeks.
John Crnns accompanied (!eo. Over
ing to ft hospital at Hastings last Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Koon have moved
Into their new rcsidouco northwest of
this city.
Hugh Heal of Alliance is in tho city
this week visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. V. Heal.
Mrs. L. P. Albright went to Omaha,
Monday, to visit her son, Sherwood
Albright and family.
Mrs. Arthur Hoblnson came up from
(iuide Rock, Sunday, to visit her moth
er, Mrs. Fred Wittwer.
Mnrk McConkey left Sunday even
ing for Kansas City whore he will re
ceive medical treatment.
Mrs. Hernard Fruit returned home
Sunday from Riverton where slio had
been visiting her mother.
Mrs. Georgia Perkins and Miss
Myrtle Porter of Lincoln arrived iu
the city Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. E.
M. Oard.
Mrs. Fred Guud returned to her
home at Bluo Hill, Monday, after
spending a fewdays with her mother,
Mrs. J, L. Miner.
Everton Foo of Sheridan, Wyoming,
arrived in the city Tuesday morniug
to visit his mother, Mrs. S. W. Foe.
and brothers Attorney II. S., and Glen.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dickeuson, who
have been residing at Inavalo for
several years, moved to tins city last
week. Mr. Dickenson is a flrstclass
blacksmith and will open an exclusive
horse shoeing shop iu the Fulton
building on South Webster street.
Geo. Overing was obllgod to return
to the hospital at Hastings last Sat
urday. Georgo was recently operated
upon for appendicitis, at a hospital
there and had been home about a
week when It was found necessary for
him to return for additional medical
This Week's Special
:-: Clearance Sale Price on :-:
$2.00 Fancy and Plain Imported Yarn Dyed Fabrics
$1.50 Serges, Poplins, Chuddahs
$1.25 Serges, Poplins. Chuddahs, &c.
$1.00 Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, all weaves, at
75c Wool Goods, all weaves, at
60c Wool Goods, all Weaves, at -
50c Wool Goods, all weaves, at
Think of these Prices. You can buy now at an advantage
F. G. Turnure & Son.
S. & H. Stamps.
1 WtiBmsJBM
At Tho Topee Monday and
I'.fi mi-- 'l'i n .i.V Vurfvtv tuie.
Mr. K. W. Cuplen went to l.'iicolu.
Mis. .1. ,. U union spout .Miiinliiy in
I'ert Dickey of MeCook was iu the
city Sunday.
G fi. itiekard of Guide Hock was In
the city Monday.
C. 1j. .lones of Esbon, KiuKii1', was
iu the city Monday.
Frank Starr was a passenger to'i
Grand Island, Monday.
E. A. Hawkins was n passengor co
Denver, Sunday morning.
Dr. C. E. Cross spent Sunday iu
Iloldrego with his brother.
Attorney L. II. Hlackledgc was iu
Nelson, Monday, on business.
liny your buggy whips at Fogel's.
Every tenth whip given away.
FOR SALE An automatic shot gun
in good condition. W. L. Koon.
Clias. Palmer spent Sunday in Ilia
vale with his sou, Hoy, and family.
Jeff Myers of Boulder, Colorado, is
in tho city this week visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Hobt Avery and son,
Doyt, returned home from Kansas
City, Friday.
.T. P. Uroderson of Maquketo, Iowa,
was transacting business in the city
the first of tho week.
Mrs. Wni. Bohrer went to Nelson,
Friday, to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Walter Iloby and family.
Mrs. Baker and children left Friday
for Norton, Kansas, where they will
make their future home.
Misses Mario Hollister and Margaret
Ideal, were home from Lincoln last
week vlsitingtlleir parents.
' Mr. and Mrs. Eli Houehin left Fri
day for Wheeler, Kansas, where they
will make their future home on a farm.
Mrs. James Pliir and daughter, who
had been visiting her sister, Mrsvltoy
Oatman, returned to Saronville, Mon
day. Mrs. Win. Burdick returned to Guide
Kock, Sunday, nfter spending a few
days here with her sister, Miss Carrie
J. E. Yost the popular Fourth Ave
nue butcher, returned home the last of
the week from his trip to Kansas City
and Swantou.
Miss Myrtle Hughes, who has been
visiting at the home of Sheriff O. D.
Hedge, left Monday morning for Guide
Rock to visit with the Hedges at that
place. The lady will return here be
fore going to her home in Iowa.
Sato Prices in force from Monday
Until Saturrday Night
Insure your Farm Property with
Frank T. Hoon, Ficldman
for tlu
Farm Central Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.,
Hnstings, Nebraska
I'mm's: (ltUce, .'10 : llo.sLleni'O, 17.M'
A sane, safo sound and crnnomleal
plan of tire, light t. lug and tornado
Will ytiiir pulley sonii expire
Write nil' nnd let nu exlain. No
nl. ligation on your part.
Attorney E l". (Herman was attend
ing district court Iu Mcl'onk on Tues
day. ,1. 11, Ellingoraud Mitt Steele went
to Akron, Colorado, Sunday, to buy
Rev. and Mis. ,1. 10. .larlioe and child
ron of Lincoln are In the city this week
visiting friends.
Mis. Jus. Doyle came up from Guide
Kock, Sunday evening, to visit u few
days with relatives.
() ('. Boll of Lincoln spout a few
days the tlrst of thiMvoek in this city
the guest at tlio home of Goo. Warren.
Tin Senior class of tho High school
entertained tho Junior class at a ban
quet in the Masonic hull Wednesday
Mrs. Delia Woods returned her to
home in McCook, Wednesday morning,
after spending a week here with her
mother, Mrb. J. (). Llndley.
Mrs. W. 15. Kizer returned to her
home at Lincoln, Wednesday morning,
after a week's visit at tlio home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Robertson.
Got one of thoso Ski-lllu Granite
ware, something new, seven articles to
pick from. From -13c to 7to, nil large
pieces. One week sale. Variety Store.
Chas. Steward returned hor.'o Mon
day from Circlevllle, Ohio, to which
place ho accompanied the remains of
his father, tho late J. M Steward, for
Bert Carr has rented tho building ou
North Webster street, formerly oc
cupied by the late J. A.Tomlinson and
will install a stock of wall paper and
paints in the same.
The W. C. T. U. will meet with Miss
Cotting next Wednesday afternoon at
2:30. This is the Frances Wlllard
Memorial meeting and will be of In
terest to alL You arc invited.
The Franklin Boy Scouts will be
here next Saturday to play their re
turn game of basket ball with the local
Scouts' team. Everybody torn ont
and boost for the home boys. Tl
game will be called at 3:30, admission
ten cents.
Wednesday was ground-hog day and
he surely saw his shadow. Ho was re
ported to have emerged from his win.
tor home.latb" in tho fore noon and
since the sun was shinning as only n
Nebraska sun can shine ho 6aw his re
flected image on the snow and Immc
dlatcly returned to his burrow fully
convinced that winter is here to stay.
Consequently we will have six weeks
more of winter if we can bolieve this
venerable animal. Most of the folks
think that if we are to have the wlnttr
we had better have it all In a lump and
then have a big fruit crop this sum
mer. Hot or cold we are all helpless
in the matter as no one was successful
in catching the ground hog and keep
ing him from '-coming back".
$1.59 yd
$1.29 yd
.98c yd
89c yd
59c yd
49c yd
43c yd
Pictorial Review Patterns
Friday and Saturday
lVh I mill -.
The Master Touch
In Two Ft eels
Another of tlio Athenian's of .1
Uufus W'Hllitigfniil mill llltiekle Daw
Till: I.OVi: I.IAII ii thnv n-el.lnunn
fnmi Hut "Wlin I'njs" merit's, feiilurlng
Uulli Kolinul wiih u Slur Cast.
Monday and Tuesday
Feb. 7 iiml s
The House Of A
Thousand Candles
A Flvc-Rool
Special Feature
l'rom iho well known novel if id
uiiinee mid adventure, of love, valor
and mystery.
Regular Prices 10 and r
Wednesday and Thursday
Feb. i) and 10
A Splendid
Flvc-I9ccl Feature
Hazel Kirke
One of the standard plays of tho
American Stage and u great favorite,
featuring Pearl Whito, (the NebrasUn
(iirl from Walioo) and u Star Cast.
Regular Prices 10 nnd 5
Miss llliinehe HnrUor was called to
Inavale, Saturday, on account of tho
serious illness of her father.
County Superintendent, Miss Ger
trude L. Coon, and City Superintend
ent, P. M. Whitehead, returned home
the last of the week from Lincoln
where they attended a meeting of the
County and City Superintendents, both
taking part in the program.
Methodist Mention
The revival season draws near.
The social helpers will entertain In
the basement of tho church Thursday
evening, the Misses Averill and McCal
lum are the hostesses.
Union Revival meettngfr'wtll begin
March 0th, or possibly not until the
i3th. ;
The Epworthj League will begin a
new series of programs for their Sun
day evening meetings. Miss Ueezley
is the leader next Sunday evening. A
question box is one feature of tho pro
gram. The, pastor wijl address tho children
next Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock, de
livering nt thattimc Ills biittlo sermon.
Tho parents will know where their
oliildien are if they are not home nt
tlio usual time. ,
The Ladles Aid society will meet tlio
same us usual this week, ihoro Is
much work to be done and a full at
tendance Is desired. Dorois was the
first president of auy aid society. Its
a scriptural institution.
Don't foriret the Union prayer meet
ing. It will be hold this week at the
(Brethren church, the time is 7:30.
The Methodist Yeur Book shows an
increase in the total enrollment for
1010 in all departments of the Metho
dist Enisconal Sundav School of 313.
801i Our total enrollment Is reported
to OB 4I4U'4U.
The Epworth League is planning nu
entertainment ana Dasxet supper a
week from Friday night. Everybody
is invited.
At a meetlns of the committee Sun
day evening it was decided to hold the
meetings iu the opera house. This is
a union effort and trust evervbodv in
terested in the advancement of the
kingdom of God will make arranee
ment to do everything possible to
maue it a success.
Better Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Line of Supplies
Stevens Bros.
U. II. Miner Dr. K. S. Deardorf, M. I). V.
Veterinary In t'lmrtjo
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Anti Hog Cholera Serum
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Wire or Phone at Our Expense
II. S. Veterinary License No. 45
Notice of Final Repot t.
In the County Court ol Webster eoiiiilv.
In the inntter of the cxtato of I'mnl: .
All DerHQIlX IlllCrcHlcd In hulil i-klntu nri
heroby notlikd that the Ailiiilulntratnr has
men a unai account ami report of his admin
istration, and a petition lor llnal settlement
ofnu account and adUtrllmilou ol thu pro
I'Lcdsamonu credllorsaud a dlsclmruu ironi
hlstnihl, which have lx tin Mil for htarlnis
before Mildiourt on Iho isth day of February,
WW, at 10 o'clock ,. M, .when all persons inter
ested In the promises may appear and con
tent the siniiu.
Uatcd this 1st day ol February, IUHL
'. A. II. It.lN.NKV,
County Judi;o.
s vlSCOUflls
., ,- , .
Wc Have A Very Good Assort
ment of Overcoats Still on Hand
Not a Big Line But What Are
Left Are Good Coats and Are
Real Bargains. ? 5
Men's Heavy Weight Suits
25 Discount
Should Appeal To The Careful
Buyer At This Season of Cold
We Sell Good Shoes
! j
he Qomden-Valey Qlothing Qo.
r kliilllJilillll!'l!ill!!l!tlll.lliU.I
jST"'3iMf III ill 1 jKitSrfv
tience, and then your home
Remember The
Since the Citizens of Red Cloud Have
Been Unable to Produce Slipless Side"
Walks, and Each Winter Many Falls
Are Caused by Snow and Sleet...
See Van Before You Slip
Geo. M. VanCamp, Agent
For The Travelers of Hartford
The Oldest and Largest Accident Co. in the World
PHMESt M, 241 Bell 128
Wade Hight, Lettered
Hight And Fweted Right
Makers of ArtisticlMonumcnts
Red Cloud, Nebraska
That's when you be- IhJ
gin to realize the kind
of Groceries wc kcjjp.
There is cooking satis
faction in them. ,
Buy your Groceries
from us'. Save your
money. Save your pa
will indeed be a happy one
Trading Stamps
tv tfl
' me
ifwjflw 'rffeir