The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 03, 1916, Image 3

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    'VW'ffV vt
Time itl Pape's Diapepsin ends
all Stomach misery in five
Do Romn foods you cat lilt back
tasto good, tint work badly: ferment
Into stubborn lumps nml cause a side,
Bour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or
Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down: Pupa's
Dliipcpsln digests everything, leaving
nothing to sour and upset you. Thcro
never was anything so safely quid.-, so
certainly effective. No difference how
badly your stomach Is disordered you
will get happy relief In llvo minutes,
but what pleases you most Is that It
strengthens and rcgulatos your stom
ach so you can cat your favorite foods
without fear.
You feel different as soon as "Pape's
Diapepsin" comes In contact with tho
Btomach distress Just vanishes your
Btomach goto sweet, no belch
ing, no eructations of undigested food.
Go now, mako tho best investment
jrou ever made, by getting n largo fifty
cent case of Papo's Diapepsin from any
toro. You rcaliro In flvo minutes how
needless It Is to miff or from Indiges
tion, dyspepsia or bad stomach. Adv.
After a man has taken out an acci
dent Insurance policy bis wlf thinks
It a wasto of money If nothing hup
pens to him.
Not Ormy Ilslrs bat Tired Eyei
make us look older than wo are. Keep
your Eyes young nnd you will look young.
After tho Movies Murine Tour Kyen. Don't
tell your oge. Murine Eye Remedy Co.,
Chicago, Bcnda Eyo Book on request.
His State.
"Is the old man swearing off this
"No; ho'a swearing mad."
Crusted With Dandruff Yield Readily
to Cutlcura. Trial Free.
Cutlcura Soap to cleanse tho scalp ot
dandruff crustlngs and scallngs, and
Cutlcura Ointment to sootho and heal
Kchlngs and Irritations. Nothing bet
ter, surer or moro economical than
theso Bupcr-crcamy emollients for hair
and scalp troubles of young or old.
Freo sample each by mall with Dook.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dcpt. L,
Poston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
'"1 am Invited to attend Smith's
wooden wedding, and 1 supposo thoy'll
expect mo to make a speech. What
can I say that will bo suitable to the
"Oh, Just mako up something out ot
your own head."
To half pint of water add 1 oz. Hay Hum,
mall lox of Iiarbo Compound, and H oz. of
cjyeerino. Apply to tho hair f.wlco a week
until it beooinea tho desired shade. Anydrug
gist can put this up or you van mix it at
homo at very llttlo cost. It will gradually
darken streuKod, fudod gray hair and re
moves danilniH. It Is excellent for fulling
hair and will mako Imrth hair soft and glossy.
It will not color tlio scalp, la not sticky or
creasy, aud dues not rub oil. Adv.
Scheme Never Works.
At ono or thoso largo affairs In a
studio a guest went up to his host
and asked for an Introduction to the
woman In pink.
"Why, certainly, I'd Introduco you to
to her In a moment, but 1 can't re
member her name"
"Her namo is Miss Smythe."
"Coruo along then. Er by tho way,
what's your namo?"
Says Drugs Excite Kidneys and Rec
ommends Only Salts, Particularly
If Bladder Bothers You.
When your kidneys hurt nnd your
back feels Boro, don't got scared and
proceed to load your Btomach with n
lot of drugs that exclto tho kidneys
and Irrltato tho cntiro urinary tract.
Keep your kldnoys clean like you keep
your bowels clean, by flushing them
with a mild, harmless salts which re
moves tho body's urinous wasto and
etlmulates them to their normal activ
ity. Tho function of tho kldnoys 1b to
filter tho blood. In 24 hours thoy
strain from It COO grains of acid and
wasto, bo wo can readily understand
tho vital Importanco of keeping the
kidneys active.
Drink lota of wator you can't drink
too much; also get from any pharma
cist about four ounces of Jad Salts;
take rt tablospoonful In a glass ot
water boforo breakfast each morning
for ". fow days and your "-.Idneys will
act flno. This famous salts is made
from tho acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with llthla, and has
boon used for generations to clean and
stlmulato clogged kldnoys; also to
neutralize tho acids In urlno bo It no
longer Is a source of Irritation, thus
ending bladder weakness.
jffd Salts Is Inoxpenslvo; cannot in
Juro; makos n dollghtful effervescent
llthla-watcr drink which everyone
should tnko now and thon to keep
their kldnoys clean nnd nctlvo. Try
this, also keep up tho water drinking,
nnd no doubt you will wonder what
becamo of your kldnoy trouble nnd
backache Adv.
Pop Liked the Circus, Too.
VlBltor Did you go to bco tho circus
when it was hero?
Boy Nn, sir. Pop was sick In bod
TWI llll I !
Awi r .
Hubbard Essays
Thor hnint nnthln folks like better
in' ther names In a newspaper No
matter whether they're rich an' In
fluent In! cr pour an' obscure -no mat
ter whether thoy llvo In Wolf Center.
Montana, ct on Fifth Avenue, In New
York, tli sight o' ther names in print
hns th' same Irresistible fascination.
For these are limelight days, an' out
buddy seems f realize that they must
git In th' public eye er waste ther
sweetness on th" desoit nlr.
.Some folks have publicity thrust
upon 'cm while others walk right Int
tV newspaper nlllce an' personally su-
- n'ifr r 1 co a I
"I Wouldn't Be Surprised If Ever' Hoss Thief Kept a Scrap Book an' Ever'
Burglar Buys a Mornln' Paper FerTher'a a Hankerln' Fer Publicity Even
Among Thieves."
pervl6o th' thing. Even folkB that
give liberally In th' case o' somo great
calamity hang around till thoy see that
ther name has been spelled right. All
they ask In return Is a little publicity
in a modest way. I wouldn't be sur
prised It iver' hoss thief kept a scrap
book an' over' burglar buyB a mornln'
paper, for ther's a hankerln' fer pub
licity ovon among thloves.
In llttlo towns nothln' worries a
woman as much as t' start on a visit
an' not find a nowspnper reporter at
th' depot. Lots o' times she'll turn
back. In cities thoy telephone th' so
ciety editor, cr drop n personal in th'
want ad box.
Th' raco t' reach th' newspaper of
fice witli th' first roastiu' car o' th'
season is ono o' th' excltln' an evor'
pop'lar contests in th' rural namlets.
Ther halnt no bcjewcled potentate In
th' Fiji Islands that feels his oats any
ruoro'n th' old resident that walks int
Professor Alex Tansey on the
Decline of Modesty
Ilrlght an' glowln', aftor his Indian
club exorcises, Prof. Alex Tansey last
night demonstrated t' th' mothers o'
"Th' Homo Trnlnln' league" that ho
wuz keen an' observant although a
Mr. Tnnsoy nddresscd th' clubon
"Th' Dcellno o' Modesty," an' many
whispered npprovals followed his bit
in flings at th' paBsin' show Said
"Ono o' th' most romarkablo things
t'dny t' my notion, Is how a man In
th' full possession o' his faculties can
keep hia mind on his business when
he looks nbnut him. I wish t' say.
"Those o' You Whose Memories Kin
Be Appalled When You Stand on
Rain er Shine Rain Preferred
Made Since Those Stirrln' Days
If I may bo permitted t' do so, that th'
effect o' th' slashed skirt toward re
trndin moral progress In this country
kin scarcely bo comprehended, much
less estimated.
"Thoso o' you whoso momorloo kin
go back f th Jersey waist an' th' Mun
cle roller Bknto must bo appalled when
you stand on th' pust olllco corner any
afternoon, ruin or shine rain pre
ferred an' note th' progress degener
acy In dress has made slncu thoso
stirrln days o th' early eighties. If It
wuz a mistake f givo Independence
f Cuby how for grentcr wuz th nils
tako t' give Independence t' th' waist
lino? Many problems In th' homo
t'dny aro directly traceablo f th' ever
Hhlftln an' migratory waist lino, Th'
daytlmo hodico too, might easily he
called class legislation in dress Blnce
It makes th' rich throat specialist
richer an' poor father poorer.
"Women an' girln who used t' drlnl.
nldorlrerry wlno on th' sly now go
directly from th' musical comedy f th
caro when ono llttlo red well soused
cherry may mean n ono-way ticket o'er
th' downward trail.
"T'dny our current llteraturo Is
tccmln' with brazen underwear adver-
th' sanctum o' some edltur with n
bough bearln' ilftytmo perfect full
blown peaches, lie knows it's a cinch
(bat he'll git at least a eight lino no
tice next f th' readln" matter. An'
hoT git his hair cut an' wear n collar
n.i' necktie fer nearly a week after U'b
Sometimes a feller 'II run fer olllco
Jlst f pass liis cards around with his
picture mi 'em. He llmiron more on th
limelight than he does on th' salary o"
th' olllce.
Flvo er six rnttllif good newspaper
write-ups. if they follow in rapid tuic
cession an' git good top-o'-th'column
positions, will almost, if not qulto,
land a foller In th' hot glare o' th"
kerosene lamps o th' Chnutauqua
stage. An' onco a feller gits his hands
on n llttlo easy Chnutauqua money his
Inclination f foller th' humbler pur
suits o' lifo dwindle t' nothln'
Ther's ovor'thlng in publicity. Th'
grocor that don't ndvortlso may havo
th' bout prunes In th' world but no
buddy knows It. Th' girl thnt hides
hersolf finally passes away nlnglo nn'
unhappy, nn who'd over know n feller
had a watch If ho dido' wear a fob?
When Miss Fawn Llpplncut ontor
talii3 tli" Eureka Hrldpo club or takes
a trip she pays th' samn caroful at
tention in glttln' th' fact In th' home
nowspaper that sho uses In select In
her prizes cr packin' her suit case
Yistorday sho said, "I've got a aunt In
Pennsylvania that I'm dyln' f visit
but ther's no newspaper In her town."
(Protected I'V Ailnmn Nrwrpiipt-r fervhn 1
tlsomcnts nn' sickly romances. A great
full-pngo plcturo that probably cost
eight times as much as th' story will
show a limp gnzellcoyed queen wrlg
glln' and smllln' In th' embrace o' n
faultlessly dressed planner movor with
a Jardiniere o' palms for n back
ground. Under th' insplrin sceno we
read; 'Clnspln' lrnogcno passlonntoly In
his strong arms, Harold kissed her
agin, an' agin, an' agin.' Right now
many daughters in our best homes are
anxiously wnltln' for th' next num
ber t' see whether Ilnroid married th'
girl cr ran away.
"What would our mothers o' ylster
Go Back t'th' Muncle Roller Skate Must
th' Pust Office Corner Any Afternoon.
an' Note th Progress Degcneraoy Has
o th' Early Eighties."
day say If thoy know that Dame
Fashion had finally turned out n sum
mor frock that Is suitable for either th
motor or th' steam car, nn' at th' same
tlmo so constructed that It will nctu
ally moot th' most rigid social exlgen
cles somothln', It seems, our rcg'lar
trnvclln' dresses hnvo been unable f
do? Whether afoot er In a spring
wnson mother used t' git by In n
black alpaca an' a Paisley shawl, an'
sho didn' llvo bo unhappily evor after
wnrd at that. Agin wo aro faco t' face
with another short sleovo summer
with Its burnt forearms an' goat knoo
clbowB. Will nothln' fiavo ub from
tlilB annual ordeal wo may well nBk?
"In theso dayB o' Bldmpy apparel an'
extrnvaKnnt plnasuro th' Rorloun-mlnd-cd
Klrl Ib as scarco as htiBlncsB men at
a political primary, an' th' taiiRO frock
an flat hcols, superinduced by th'
sloppy Peruvian amblo. will, If 1 may
bn permitted t' oxprcsa It, bo u con
stant menace t' th' trafile alonu th'
straight an narrow pntli."
Concludln' Professor Tansoy uuld:
"nut, my friends, tli' most nstonlshln'
thini; o' all Is how anything as sonslble
an th' shirtwaist has held on all theso
(Protected by Adams Newspaper Service)
Ily !'. O. KKM.HttS, Actlnir Plroctnr e.t
Nunliy School Cotirxe, Moody Illhle
Itmti'uti )
.Ci'DrlRtit 1911), WcrtiTli NirinH-r I'nlim.)
l.rprtN Ti'XT- Aots 4 i-n
((ii.ip.N '1 i-AT-Wuti li o, slnml fnM
n imi. r,iiiii. nuit yo In. iihmi. io sinuiK.
I CVr 10 IX
'I he Hist seven chapters of tho hook
it Ads hnve been designated as the
JeuiMilcni petiotl. Chapter I deals
with tho ascension of our Lord; chap
ter ', tho baptism ol the Holy Spirit;
chapters 'A-1, tho early contllcts in
Jerusalem. In our lesson ot last Sun
day wo had tho story of Peter and
John dealing with tho lame man while
on their way to tho templu. Follow
ing this experience they wero nil
prisoned, tho first imprisonment men
tinned tor any ot thoso who accepted
the tlospel. As the disciples wero
donllng with tho multitude! tho rulers
ot tho tomplo carno upon them and
weie much put out (v. 2) that tho dis
ciples should preach tho resurrection
ot Jesus from tho dead. Tho signifi
cance ot this la better understood
when wo remember that tho JowIbIi
Sanhedrln was the great court or Jow
IbIi law composed ot seventy-one load
ing men of tho nation. Calaphas, tho
noblo high priest 'by Homan appoint
ment, and Annas, tho real high priest
according to Jewish law, wero both
there. This body was largely mado
up of tho Sadducccs. tho sect which
did not bollovo in tho resurrection
from the dead.
I. The Imprisonment, vv. 14. Pe
ter nnd John being brought boforo this
tribunal wero fulfilling llternlly the
prediction of Jesus (Matt. 10:17). Tho
attempt on tho part of tho rulers to
provent tho preaching of tho Gospel
by this method rcnlly nugmonted Its
being henrd throughout tho nation.
Peter had seen this body of men on
the night when our Lord was con
demned. II. The Trial, vv. 6-22. (1) Peter's
words vv. B-12. Jewish wonder-workers
wero nccustomed to perform mar
vels by tho ubo ot Bomo namo, so the
council very naturally asked Peter
and John "In what namo" thoy hud
healed this man. Tho real object of
their question was their attempt to en
trap tho disciples and find a baslB of
accusation and condemnation. Hut nt
that moment tho Holy Spirit carno
ugaln upon Peter and filled him (Matt.
10:10, 20; also Luko 12:11, 12; Acts
V.-S, 0). Tho coming of tho Holy
Spirit is for every emergency of tho
Christian. Peter had been filled with
that Spirit nt Pentecost and was again
llllcd a llttlo later on (chapter 2::il).
Thus wo sco that tho coming of tho
Spirit is not onco for all, though Pen
tecost was onco for all, but that tho
filling is repented ub each new emer
gency may arise, (a) Potor acknowl
edged tho authority of thoso who wero
dealing with him (v. 8), but (b) ho
gavo Jesus credit (v. 10). It was Jo
bus who had died, ho wiib also risen,
and tho risen Christ hnd effected this
miracle, (c.) Turning upon IiIb ac-
accusers Peter charged them with tho
death ot Jesus. Ho (v. 11) Is tho
foundation ot their mlrnclo and their
faith. Peter claimed that in Jesus
nlono (v. 12) could salvation ho found,
nnd Implied (sou last clauso of this
verso) that his accusers wero lost
men. Petor'8 deportment in all of
this is wonderfully skillful, gentlo nnd
courteous, yet bold, fearless, frank
and outspoken. Wo need to remem
ber this when wo recall how blunder
ingly Peter had conducted his conver
sation before his enducment by tho
Holy Spirit There wan no compro
mising of tho truth and no glossing
over their guilt.
III. The Result Upon the Discipleo,
vv. 19-22. Tho book of Acts is plain
ly tho record of tho deft utterances of
Bplrltuat men. Peter had closed IiIb
appeal (v. 12) with tho Btatomont
that tho only wny wo could bo saved
must be through this means. Tho
council wore in a dilemma; thoy
wanted to punish Potor nnd John, but
could not, for tho pcoplo wero glori
fying God for what hnd been dono.
Peter and John declared thus fear
lessly that tho teachings of the
schools was not In accordnnco with
that, for had not Jesus risen, nnd had
not this miracle boon performed? Tho
Holy Ghost's boldness m these untu
tored mon has always been a perplex
ity to tho scholastics of tho world.
'J heir boldness was duo to a sense of
God'B nearness and carried with It a
liko sonso of their responsibility to
him (sco vv. ltf, 20).
The only solution, on tho part ot tho
pcoplo and of tho priests, was they
took knowledge that "theso mon havo
been with Jesus." This is tho sola
i ..' 4 ' , . , . , ..
Uo" ot m"ny ,I?y8to8 ?f .day.
Companionship with Jesus makes
ordinary men extraordinary.
I Tho Sanhcdrln asked, "What shall
) wo do with thoso mon?"
A bettor question would havo boon,
"What shall wo do to bo saved?"
IV. Tho Early Church, vv. 23-27. Six
points about that church: (1) It was
u praying church (vv. 21-30); (tl) It
was a Spirit-filled church (v. 31); (3)
It was a united church (v. 32); (1)
It was u wltiicsaliiB'church (v. 33);
(0) It was u ministering church
(vv. 31, 35) ; (C) It was a multiplying
church, (vv. 30 and 37) for there
wro mnnv converts added.
Wrong Impression.
A Quaker fell nnloep In mooting and
soon began to suoro. For nwhllo tho
nasal notes wore soft nnd smooth and
did not disturb tho worshipers,-but
filially tho sleeper let out u fow ex
tra kinks and tho effect wiib n trlllo
"Friend llecl.l.ih,'' whispered nn
acquaintance, digging tho other In tho
ribs. "1 think then had better nrouso
"What did theo say? Whnl did theo
sny?" cried lleyeklnh, somewhat con
fused "What Is tho matter?''
"Nothing, Fried llereklah." wan tho
quiet rejoinder of tho other, "only
theo was snoring a little, nnd I was
afraid thai outsiders might think the
spirit had moved thee to n trombone
solo Instead of nn oxpreaaloii of thy
convlctloni!." Philadelphia Telegraph.
"I'd liko to look nt somo engage
iitniil rings, please."
"Yes, sir. .lolltnlro, I Bitpposo?
What nlio do you wish?"
"Oh, I guess you'd better glvo mo
a sort of medium size. I don't know
Just whom I'm going to givo it to
To Portlfy The System ARalnst Orlp
wli-n Crip I iiievili-nl I.AXA1IVH IIKOMO
UU1NINK ilitttiM bo Liken, llil rmnliliullon
of Otiiiiina Willi otlior Ingtmllnits, dnsirn
icrnii acts if Tonio ml l.aiativc mul lliu
keeio llio tylmn In condition to wllliUtnl
Co'iK (rip il Influent. There l nnlr one
"IIKOMO OtllNlNK." It. W. CKOVK'S lf
naluie on boi. 150.
The New Hat.
Mrs. Do Stylo Women arc an ex
pensive blessing.
Mr. Do Stylo They are expensive.
Any woman may drive her husband
to drink, but nho can't mako him tako
stealth fer
6kk Women
For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound Has Been
Woman's Most Reliable Medicine
Here is More Proof.
To women who arc suffering from some form of
woman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking
down, the three following letters ought to bring hope:
F its
iLUsryteTi.f i"l
well as over.
rinkhaxn remedies." Mrs. Matmib Asbacij, JNortii Lranuon, wis.
Testimony from Oklahoma.
Lawton, Okla. "When I began to talco Lydia E. PinWiam'a
Vcgotablo Compound I scorned to bo good for nothing. I tired easily
nnd had hcadaohca much of tho timo and was irregular. I took it again
before my littlo child was born and it did mo a wonderful amount of
good at that timo. I nover fail to recommend Lydia E. rinkham's
vcgotablo Compound to ailing women Ixjcauso it lias done so much
for mo." -Mrs. A. L. McCasland, G09 Havo St, Lawton, Okla.
rrr - z r. "-"- - "
From a Grateful Massachusetts Woman.
Ttoxbury, Mass. "I was Bufforinp; from inflam
mation and was examined by a physician who found
that my troublo was caused by a displacement.
my symptoms wero ucanng ciown pains, uuukuuiiu,
and sluggish liver. I tried several kinds of medi
rino: then I was asked to trv Lvdia E. rinkham's
Vcgotablo Compound. It has
nln'iQPil in lin in mv mnril (rood
and highly recommend it."
1 Ilayncs Parle Itoxbury, Mass.
Tf vnn TCfinf nti(nlnl ndvlnn
Ej IMnlcliam Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your
letter will bo opened, read and answered by u woman and held
In strict confidence
wheat, more oats, more grain for feed, 20 more cattle than
last year and more hogs. The war market in Europe needs
our surplus. As for the wheat crop, it Is marvelous and a monument of strength
for business confidence tobuild upon, exceeding the mostoptimisticpredictlons."
Whoatavoragod in t9f 5 over 25 bushels ficracrm
Oats avoragedin 1915 over 45 bushels per aero
Barley averaged in 191 5 over 40 bushels par aero
Prices are high, markets convenient, excellent land, low In price either Im
proved or otherwise, ranging from $12 to $30 per acre. Free homestead
lands are plentiful and not far from railway linc3 and convenient to good
schools and churches. The climate is healthful.
Thero la no war lax on land, nor Is (hero any conscription. For complete Infor
mation (is to heat locations for settli mem, I educed railroad rates and descriptive illustrated
pamphlet, address Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa, or
W. V. DCNNCTT, Room 4, Bee Dido., Omaha, Nebr.
Canadian Government Agent
in cases of poor ap
petite, imperfect diges
tion, inactive liver and
clogged bowels is
A household
years. ' Try
a bottle
for 60
li'iii '
will inliitt- hillaiui'tl, swollen
Joints, Sprains, Urulses, Soft
Bunches: llenis nous, rou
infected sores quickly
as it is 11 positive antiseptic
and germicide. Pleasant to
uki dor not tdlstrr oi ttmm
th hill, ni you rn wctk U Loin.
2.00 (tf hottlr, drllmril.
Dock 7 M free.
AUSOHHINE, JK.tfc tntiirptie llnlmtm (of minktn.
rrJucii 1'a.lnluL. Swollni Vclni. Vn, Sirslni. IUuIkii
ton riln 4 Inrl.minitlMi. Trlft 11.00 txt bottle M
.r.ltt. of iillMf-d. Will ull rou mm U -o- rU Tilil lltil lt IPC lu itimn.
W. F. YOUNG. P. 0. F..10Tmtltlt ,Sprtnofleld,Mi.
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 6-1010.
M ft
"rJnrl.h Cnuidnn. Wis. "When I was 10 years
old I gob married and at 13 years I gavo birth to
twins and at Jen mo wun very jmor xicaiiii. x coum
not walk across tho floor without having to sit
down to rest and it was hard for wo to Iceen about
and do my worlc I went to a doctor and no told
mo I had a displacement and ulcers, and would
havo to havo an operation. This frightened mo so
much that I did not know what to do. Having
heard of Lydia M. FinldianYs Vcgotahlo Compound
I thoutrlit I would eivo it a trial and it mado mo as
I cannot sav enouuh in favor of tho
. . - . . i-.
cured mo and I am
hnalth bvusinirit
Mrs. IS. M. Osgood,
wrlto to Lvtllal
111! ,
Three Hundred Million
Bushel Crop in 1915
Farmer pay for their land with one year's crop
and prosperity was never so great
RecardiriK Western Canada as a grain
producer, a prominent business man
says: "Canada's position today is
sounder than ever. There is more