The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 03, 1916, Image 2

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copyRiciiiT a cr,- ronP3-ArHiLC. ccvtv-i y-
Cnrnlrl, on tho t earner Knlrr Frltr.
tiuincwiinl liouml from Australia, crlu.i
in in niH ui'i unit Henry t ntrn, win
t'li yuir.H Iji'foro liml iuImciI lili failier
kiiI liliiiHulf, Ih ili'inl mill iIihIh Unit II !
mi Tdc. wild HlmriN tlm Dtiitrroom with
mi, known Cr.ivi'ii unit iiIho llluui'lin
'Iiii'tmlr. it formi-r nululiliur ami tilay-
CHAPTER II Continued.
It was n worry samplo of Ills tnllc.
Illlton Toyo did not initially mix the
cndy metaphors thnt nevertheless
lad to p.'itlbfy un Inner censor, of hoiiio
f 'Mlorlty, lieforo they wcro allowed
leave inotio ueuneraio lips. 101
fv, In IiIh strange excitement, word
1 tono nllko were on the level of
( stogo American's. It was not Ichb
In extraordinary.
c'You don't mean" Cazalet scorned
jbo swallowing "nbout Henry Cm-
You don't moan toaay ho'a dend?"
LnBt Wii1nnRilnv nltrlif!" Tnvn
J cd at Ills paper, "No, I gueBH I'm
S ng. BccmH It happened Wedncs-
Z but ho only paused away Sunday
C rnlng."
'aznlot still sat staring nt him
C ?ro was not room for two of them on
C Jlr feet hut Into his heavy stare
ro canio n glcnm of leaden wisdom.
-.-Jils wna Thursday morning," ho
1, "bo I didn't dream of it when it
ipencd, after all."
J. r.You dreamed you saw him lying
T d, and so ho was," said Toyo. "Tim
' 'oral's been today. I don't know,
awayji llmt nremB t0 mo jHt nij0ut tm,
hOW nnvt linnrnat Hilniv in nAfilm. tl.. !.
porpctratcd In n vision."
"Crlmo!" cried Cazalet. "What
"Murder, sir!" snld Illlton Toyo.
"Willful, brutal, bloody murder! IIcrc'B
tho paper; better read It for yourself.
I'm glad ho wasn't n friend of yours,
or mlno cither, but It's a bad end oven
or your worst enemy."
t Tho paper Muttered In Cazolefs
Cllltch ftH 11 lull! ilnnn In Tnvn'u. hnl
cxti that waa as natural aB his nuzzled
fiown over the coptlc allusions of a
Journal Hint had dealt fully with tho
ascertainable facts In provlous Issues.
Some Tow emerged between tho linos.
Homy Craven had received his fatal
Injuries on tho Wednesday of tho pre
vious week. Tho thing hnd happened
in his library, nt or ubout half past
seven In tho ovenlng; but how n crime,
which wits apparently u profound mys
lory, had been timed to within a mln
uto of Its commission did not appear
among tho lutost particulars No ar
rrfit had been made. No cluo was men
tioned, beyond tho statement that tho
jpollce were still searching for a dcfl
'nlto Instrument with which It was ovl
d.ctitly UEEiimod that tho deed hud been
committed. Thero was In fact a closo
description of an unusual weapon, a
special constable's very special trun
cheon. It had hung ns a cherished tro
phy on tho library wall, from which it
jwu8 missing, whllo tho very Imprint of
a silver shield, mounted on the thick
end of tho weapon, wns stated to have
been discovered on tho scalp of tho
fractured skull. Dut that was a tittle
of special reporting, typical of tho
enterprising sheet that Toyo had pro
cured. Tho InqucBt, merely opened on
the Monday, had been adjourned to tho
day of lssuo.
"We must get hold of nn evening pa
ler," said Cazalet. "Fancy his own
famous truncheon! Ho bad It mount
ed and inscribed htmBclf, so that It
shouldn't bo forgotten how he'd fought
(for law aud order at Trafalgar Square!
That was tho man all over!"
His volco and manner achlovcd the
excessivo indlffcrcnco which tho Eng
lish typo holds duo from Itself after
any excess of feeling. Toyo also was
himself again, his alert mind working
Keenly yet darkly in his acuto eyes
"I wonder If It was a murdor?" ho
speculated, "I bet It wasn't a delib
erate murder."
"What else could It havo been?"
"Kind of manslaughter. Dclibornto
murderers don't trust to chance
'weapons hanging on their victims'
"You fcrgct." said Cazalet, "that he
(was robbed as well."
"Do they claim that?" said Hilton
Toyo. "I guess I skipped some. Where
docs It say anything about his being
"Hero!" Cazalet had scanned tho pa-
Eor engerly; his finger drummed upon
ho place " 'Tho police,' " ho read out,
In some bort of triumph, "'have now
peon furnished with a full description
pt tho missing watch and trinkets and
tho other at tides belloved to havo
been taken from tho pockets of tho do
ceased.' What's that but robbery?"
"You'ro dead right," said Toyo. "I
missed that bomehow. Yot who In
thunder Hacks a mnn down to rob
ind murder him lu lit b own home? Hut
when ou'vo brained a man, because
you couldn't keep jour hands off him,
rou might dellboiatoly do all tho rest
to make It scorn liko tho work of
.hleveu "
Hilton Toyo looked a Judgo of de
liberation as ho measured his irrefut
able words. Ho looked something
toora Ctualct could not tear his bluo
eyes from tho penetrating pair that
met them with a Bomber twinkle, nn
enlightened gunto, qulto uncomforta
bly Miggestlvo ut Btich n moment.
"You aren't a detective, by any
chnnce, aro you?" cried Cazalot, with
clumsy humor.
"No, slrl Hut I've often thought I
wouldn't mind being one," said Toyo,
chuckling. "I rather flguro I might do
something at It. If things don't go my
way In your old country, and they put
up n big enough reward, why, horo'H a
mnn I know ami a pluco I know, and I
might havo a mind to try my hand."
They went nshoro together, and to
tho snino hotel at Southampton for the
night. Midnight found the chunce pair
with their legs under the tmtno heavy
Victorian mahogany, devouring cold
beef, ham nud pickles as phlegmntlcal
ly us commercial travelers who had
nover been off tho Island In their lives.
Yet surely Cazalet wns less depressed
than ho had been boforo lnudlng; the
old English nlo In a pewter tnnkard
oven elicited a few of those nnccdotos
and piquant comparisons In which his
conversation was at Its best. It was
at Its worst on general questions, or
on concrete topics not Introduced by
himself; and Into this category, per
haps not unnaturally, roll such further
particulars of tho Thames Valley mys
tery ns woro to bo found In an ovenlng
pnpor at tho Inn. They Included a frag
mentary report of tho adjourned In
quest, and tho uctual offer of Btich n
reward, by tho dead man's Arm, for
tho upprehonslon of his murderer, as
"You Aren't a Detective, by Chance,
Are You?" Cried Cazalet.
mado Toye's eyes glisten In hts sa
gacious head.
Hut Cazalot, though ho hnd skimmed
tho many-headed column boforo sit
ting down to Buppor, flatly declined to
discuss tho tiagedy his 11 rat night
In the Train.
Discussion was inevitable on the
way up to town noxt morning. Tho
two strungo friends, planted opposite
each other in tho first-class smoker,
traveled Inlnnd simultaneously on
grossod In a copious report of the
provlous day's proceedings at tho coro
ner's court.
Tho medical ovldcnco waa valuablo
only ns tracing tho ratal blow to somo
such weapon as tho missing trun
cheon; tho butler's ovldonco explained
that tho dinner-hour was seven thirty;
that, not five minutes before, he had
seen his master como down-stnlro and
enter tho library, whore, at sovon fifty
llvo, on going to ask It ho had heard
tho gong, hts had obtained tm nnswor
but found tho door locked on tho In
sldo; that ho hud then hastened round
by tho garden, and In through tho
French window, to discover tho de
ceased gontleman lying In his blood.
Tho head gardener, who lived In tho
lodge, had sworn to having seen a
baru-hcaded man rush past his win
dows and out of tho gates about tho
sanio hour, ns ho know by tho sound
lug of tho gong up at tho houso; they
often heard It at tho lodgo, In warm
weather when tho windows woro open,
and tho gardenor sworo that ho him
self had heard It on this occasion.
The footman appeared to havo boon
less positive as to tho tlmo of n tele-
phono call ho had answered, thought
It was between four and llvo, but ro
membored tho conversation very well
Tho gentleman had asked whether Mr.
Craven was nt homo, had boon told
tlmt ho was out motoring, asked when
ho would bo buck, told ho couldn't say,
but beforo dinner somo tlmo, and what
namo Bhould bo given, whereupon tho
gentloman had rung off without an
swering. Tho footman thought he was
a gentleman, from the way ho spoke.
Hut apparently tho pollco hnd not yot
succeeded, In tracing tho call.
"Is It a dltllcult thing to do?" asked
Cazalet, touching on this Inst point
curly In tho discussion, which even ho
showed no wish to avoid this morning.
Ho had dropped his paper, to find that
Toyo had already droppod his, and
was gazing at tho flying Eugllsh fields
with thoughtful pudiera about els eom
ber eyes.
"If ou ask me," ho replied, "I
should like to know what wasn't diffi
cult connected with tho telephone ays
torn In this country! Why, you don't
havo n system, and that's all thero la
to It. Hut It's not nt that end they'll
put tho snlt on their man."
"Which end will It bo, then?"
"Tho river end. That hat, or cap.
Do you see what tho gardenor Bays
about the man who ran out baro
headed? If ho went nnd left his hat or
his cup behind him, tlmt Bhould be
good enough In tho long run. It's tho
very worst thing you can leave. Ever
henr of Franz Mullcr?"
Cazalet had not heard of that Im
portant notoriety, nor did his Ignor
nnco appear to troublo him nt all, but
It was becoming more nnd more clear
that Toyo took on almost unhealthy
Interest In tho theory and practlso of
violent crlmo.
"Franz Mullor," ho continued, "left
his hat behind him, only that and
nothing more, but It brought hlm to
the gallow-B even though ho got over
to tho other sldo first. Ho mado the
mistake of tnklng n slow steamer, nnd
that'B Just about the ono mlstako they
never did mnko at Scotland Ynrd. Give
them a nlco, long, plnln-Balllng stern
chase and they get there by bedtlmo
wlrolesB or no wlreloss!"
Hut Cazalet was In no mind to dis
cuss other crimes, old or new; and ho
closed tho digression by assorting
somowhat roundly that neither hat
nor cap had been loft behind In tho
only caso that Interested him.
"Don't bo too sure," said Toye.
"Even Scotland Yard doesn't Bhow all
Its hand at once, In tho first Inquiry
that comcB along. They don't give
out any description of tho man that
ran away, but you bet It's being cir
culated around every polico office In
tho United Kingdom."
Cazalet snld thoy would give It out
fast enough If they had It to give. By
tho wuy, ho was surprised to see that
tho head gardener wns tho same who
hnd boon nt Uplands In his father's
tlmo; ho must bo getting an old mnn,
and no doubt shakier on points of de
tail than ho would bo likely to admit
Caznlet Instanced tho alleged hearing
of tho gong as In itself an unconvinc
ing statement. It was woll over a
hundred yards from tho gates to tho
house, and there wcro no windows to
open in tho hall whero tho gong would
bo rung.
"I've dreamed of tho old spot so
often," ho said at length. "I'm not
thinking of tho night beforo last I
meant in tho bush and now to think
of a thing like this happening, there,
In the old governor's den, of all
"Scorns like a kind of poetic Jus
tice," said Hilton Toyo.
"It doos. It Is!" cried Cazalot,
fetching moist yet fiery eyes In from
tho fields. "I snld to you tho other
night that Henry Craven never was a
whito man, nnd I won't unsay it now.
Nobody may over know what no's donn
to bring this upon hlm. nut thoso who
really know tho mnn, nnd Buffered for
It, can guess tho kind of thing!"
"Exactly," murmured Toye, as
though ho had Just said as much him
self. His dark eyes twinkled with de
liberation nnd debato. "How long la
It, by tho way, that thoy gavo that
clerk and friend of your3?"
A keen look pressed tho startling
question; at least, It startled Cazalet.
"You moan Scruton? What on earth
mado you think of him?"
'Talking of thoso who suffered for
being the dead man's friends, I guess,"
said Toyo. "Was It fourteen years?"
"That waa It"
"Hut I guess fourteen doesn't mean
fourteen, ordinarily, It a prisoner be
haves himself?"
"A llttlo moro than ten."
"Then Scruton may bo out now 7"
Toyo nodded with dotestable
aplomb. "That gives you something
to chew on," Bald he. "Of course, 1
don't say ho'a our man "
"I should think you didn't!" cried
Cazalot, whlto to the lips with suddon
Fossilized Bacteria.
Marvelous as were tho discoveries
of such prehistoric monsters as the
mammoth, tho mastodon aud the stego
snurus, they are now eclipsed by re
cent investigations which show the
most minute microbes and bacteria
In fossil form. Tho ancestors of our
modern Infectious disease germs and
microbes havo been found In fossils
of tho earliest life on earth Fossil
bacteria huvo been discovered In very
ancient limestones collected by Dr
Charles D Waltott, secretary of the
Smithsonian Institution, In Gallatin
county, Montana. The bacteria cou
slst of individual cells and apparent
chains ol cells which correspond In
their physical appearance with the
colls of micrococci, a form of bacte
ria of today Tho world has believed
that bacteria wero modem forms of
llfo. but now we are mnde to realize
that they existed In tho dnwu of world
history, many million years ago.
Tho Costly Elovator.
Elevator or vortical travel for tho
nverago multistory factory, floor to
floor, is seldom over 15 foot, yot In
traversing that distance, together vlth
Btnrtlng, stopping, and with tho same
loading and unloading tlmo, we can
travel In tho same tlmo an equivalent
distance of 100 feet horizontally. One
rnctory manager, of an Inquiring turn
of mind, estimated In his particular
plum that tho coat of olovutor sorvlco,
wngos of operator, power, repairs and
tlmo consumed by men using tho ele
vators, amounted to ubout S per cent
of bis puyi oil. Engineering Magazia.
Corduroy Featured
Desldes fur-fabrics, which gave
chance for a welcome variety In sep
arato coats and Jackets to bo worn
with cloth skirts, corduroy hus in
creased itB popularity for this purpose.
I.Ike fur-fabric It Is moro effectively
used ns a wrap, with Bklrt of a plain
material, than In suits, unci It makes a
hundsomo full-length coat for either
street or dressy wear.
Its adaptability to many purposes Is
explained by Its manufacture in many
colors and of cotton as well as wool
or silk. Tho quieter colorings aro
chosen for utility coats, tho bright
hues for sports coats, and the rlchor
qualltloa provide wraps for evening.
Tho last nro almost always furnished
with big fur collars nnd cuffs.
An effective model In a corduroy
short coat Is shown here. It is in tnupo
color with collar and cuffs of thu mate
rial, and even the largo lint buttons
covored with It. The skirt Is of the
heavy, glossy woolen cloth known ns
"kitten's ear," matches It In shade,
nnd It seems that no other color Is
Advance Styles
For tho Binnll boy recently arrived
at tho dignity of blouse and pants
nothing radically new hus mado its
appearance in the suits designed for
spring, it Is lu llttlo details of finish
ing nnd an occasional minor chungc In
construction that novelty may bo
found. Those who wish to get tho
sewing for spring under way arc safo
In mnklng up his washable sultn and
play rompers of tho usual fubrlcs.
Halted blouses and bloomcm, or
straight punts, nro mado of colored
chambrays or linens. Sometimes thoy
combine a color with whlto, moro fifton
a plain and a striped patturu, nnd Just
nbout as often twu colors, In tho sumo
suit. These servo, with his lompcrs,
as In past seasons for his dally vcar.
Whlto linen suits 1111 lu his needs for
moro pretentious dress, uml these or
volvotcon suits bespeak his best effort
to do honor to formal occasions
Ilompora that look trim nro mado of
chmubray or sorgo, villi straight pants
and long, plain body, cut in ono plcco.
They open down tho buck anil nt tho
waist lino nnd havo a bolt for the ma
terial that buttons In front. It Is
slipped through narrow ctrups of tho
fabric btltched to tho body of tho gar
mout. Tho neck Is round aud split a
llttlo way down tho trout It la fin-
yKttffiPk w
O ! WL I
C tS: r
y -r
I I m IHBBHt ;.-?
r""i liiWi vbhbH) hh v . .?: '
tl TIB - IH VD
in Winter Wraps
quite bo beautiful in tliesj fabrics.
Hut In the better qualities Russian
green and warm brown leave nothing
to bo desired in harmony of color and
material. They are very fine In cordu
roy. The coat pictured Is a loose-hanging
garment with a little definition given
tho waist line by a bash of tho cordu
roy drawn through narrow straps of It,
that are to the coat. The sash
ends are finished with small silk tas
sels. A coat of this kind in any of
the reserved or staple colors may bo
worn over dresses In almost any color.
Forecasting Short Jackets.
Short JucketB will bo worn this
spring. Styles tend more toward tho
1810 aud 1S50 periods. Skirts will
bo longer and milled and waists will
he tighter. Paris Letter to Harper's
Nothing is prettier than the gold
dotted evening Kcarf for a debutante
for the Small Boy
gffiftk si
" O
Islu-d with a narrow sailor collar uml
tho sleoves with cuffs. A small patch
pocket at tho left sldo and two short
stinps ncross tho split at tho nock,
fastened with a button nt each end,
give a bit or snappy finish.
A velveteen nud a Ilnon suit are
shown hero. Hoth nro mado with
straight pants nnd belted blouso. Tho
velvet blouso ts plaited, with slashes
under tho plaits through which tho
belt Is slipped. Tho shallow V at tho
front of. tho neck is filled In with a
white dickey, and tho small Bailor col
lar, wldo cuffs aud bolt aro all of
The linen Biilt for midsummer is cut
on tho simplest lines, with sleoves and
hloubo In ono piece. It is easy to mako
and reduces tho work of laundering to
tho minimum.
Fur on Transparent Raincoats.
Tho transparent raincoats that nro
made of a lino silk fabric treated with
cettain oils which render It wr.tor
pioor have been worn a lot In tho East
this year at wlntoi sports. Thoy mo
often seen with fur collars and cuffs.
Look and Feel
Clean, Sweet and
Fresh Every Day
Drink a fjtass of real hot water
before breakfast to wash
out poisons.
Llfo Is not merely to llvo, but to
llvo woll, cat woll, digest woll, work
woll, Bleep well, look well. What a
glorious condition to attain, and yot
how very easy It Is if ono will only
adopt tho morning insldo bath.
Folks who aro accustomed to fool
dull and heavy when they arlso, split
ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul
tongue, nabty breath, acid stomach,
can, Instead, fool as fresh ns a daisy
by opening tho sluicca of tho syEtom
each morning and flushing out tho
wholo of tho Internal poisonous stag
nant matter.
Evoryono, whether ailing, sick or
woll, should, each morning, bofore
breakfast, drink n glass of real hot
water with a tcaspoonful of llmostono
phosphato In it to wash from tho
stomach, liver, kidneys nnd bowola the
provlous day's Indlgestiblo waste, sour
bllo and poisonous toxins; thus cleans
ing, Bwcotcnlng and purifying tho en
tiro nllmontary tract boforo putting
moro food into tho stomach. Tho ac
tion of hot water and llmostono phos
phato on an empty stomach la wonder
fully invigorating. It cleans out all the
aour formentatlons, gasos, wasto and
acidity and gives ono a splendid ap
petite for breakfast. Whllo you are
enjoying your breakfast tho wator and
phosphato is quietly oxtractlng a large
volumo of water from tho blood and
getting ready for a thorough flushing
of all tho insldo organs.
The millions of pooplo who aro both
ered with constipation, bilious spoils,
stomach trouble, rheumatism; others
who havo sallow sldiis, blood disor
ders and sickly compfoxlons aro urgod
to get a quarter pound of llmostono
phosphato from'uny storo that handles
drugs which will cost very llttlo, but
Is sufficient to mako nnyono a pro
nounced crank on tho subject of In
ternal sanitation. Adv.
Accounted For.
"Do you enjoy entertaining social
ly?" "In a way," replied Mr. Cumrox.
"When wo havo a party nt my own
houso so many people don't look me
over and wonder how I happoncd to
get Invited."
Save Your Halrl Get a 25 Cent Dottla
of Danderlnc Right Now Also
Stops Itching Gcalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair Is mute ovidenco of a neglected
Bcalp; of dandruff thnt awful scurf.
Thero Is nothing so destructive to
tho hair as dandruff. It robs tho hair
of Its luster, its strength and its very
life; eventually producing a feverish,
ness and Itching of tho scalp, which
If not remedied causes tho hair roots
to shrink, loosen and dlo then the
hair falls out fast A little Danderlne
tonight now any tlmo will surely
savo your hair.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
Dandcrlno from any storo, and after
tho first application your hair will
tako on thnt llfo, luster and luxuriance
which la bo beautiful. It will become
wavy and fluffy and have tho appear
ance of abundance; an Incomparable
gloss and softness, but what will
please you most will bo after Just
few wooks' uso, when you will actual
ly see a lot of fine, downy hair new
hair growing all over tho scalp. Adr.
"What a beautiful complexion Mrs
Blank has tonight."
"Yes; I've noticed that, too. I won
dor what druggist Bho la patronizing
Prof. Aug. P. W. Schmltz, Thomas,
Okla., writes: "I waa troubled with "
Hnckacho for nbout twonty-flvo ycara
When told I had Hrlght's Disease in
Its lost stages, I
tried Dodd's Kid
ney Pills. Aftoi
using two boxes I
wa3 somowhat ro
llovcd and I stop
ped tho trentment
In tho spring of
tho noxt year I
1..1 .!. -4
Prof. Schmltz. tack. I went for
Dodd's Kldnoy Pills nnd thoy relieved
mo again. I used threo boxes. That
Is now threo years ago and ray Back,
ncho has not returned In Its Boverlty,
and by using another' two boxes a llt
tlo later on, the pnln left altogether
and I havo had no troublo since You
may use my statement. I recommend
Dodd's Kldnoy Pills when nnd wher
ever I can." Dodd's Kldnoy Pills, GOc.
per box nt your dealor or Dodd's Medi
cine Co., nuffalo, N. Y. Adv.
Hettor think threo times beforo eii-i
trading a dollar from your pocket to ,
Invest In a get-rlch-qulck proposition.
A girl novor looks older tunn Bho is
unless sho has her hair in curl papers.