rv- Vst'to Hlslorictvl Svii ty 'S f e a9S aC-rrri... -i-Sl:g3SUJv5jg??-'.... ST .r-rss jt v " f i. 'ill' r",, '" , M" X t kk r-mmmKW if 1'MIITIl i mi kMh - - - - .u tWXi' i f i m i - -T-. 1 -..., ,M. T"T .. B-T it i " -- T"t -- r -'- tori 5i r" 'J 4 i sfeimi .asssffi ;si' iiiffifflSM? "-w cWiyyBey. -.-' .rr i . ..-'vtxatwmrkkr" muvw tf"r. c- ti s-s-iTJ ?- iji rv iw-'--' .vk&.ii;irtuJ4JSBfi.o:s2S4 -'J,'.; -j -: - -. ygr 'ikssHWffigsi2mEy :: jyammssssesHH VrVB-aMHWK W tHrtl tafc- fSaKMBJI'j11 Xr&mral .. ' -- Tirf TiTTTTT' I f irTifl- lMillfnr'MlTft ft' ITrTriVTr r-f-f f"r3 nm. (L-i aimBv fKTi x-iBr i. vvpmmmi i t' -r n.T'VMnjMvK am fn,r4iu. u.. w mr- "i-mh .ptztih hhhim tmimf iwi hmtmmb mn ! LiHWibanMrnHFBavBBBEHBrHuHnl,iu)BKM'7rnva'iii'vr" i-r.ir."Mit w, ..aan1 iswBBWwrzEfcivsiats. tw?iw . - -.'i's7ttyfc&.wvs3F wiBrcntni. aiin jpjw-r7HT5jyKf tWftrv -G3ES5aiMi? - m i -rg ' im -"i!! -KSBgi rpRSffiJS - , TfGaSgsrr - '" "yil ''kt'ijd iCrfvt'jBrv ! -rLiv .'if. s WAr3 A NeKspaper That fllves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 91.50. VOLUME 41 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FEBKUAKY, 3, liHG. NU3LBERG ..,,,,.,.,.,,,,. . , , It Isn't Hard To Save It is only hard to start saving, and that is only because you think it is. Start saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slale of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTV BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAl'ITAIi S2.",()IIH Discount 25 Sale! ON Every Suit (Serges excepted) Every Overcoat ( exception ) e Every Pair of Men's and Boys' Trousers Only One String to this and that is Cash. . . Green Stamps too. PAUL STOREY The Clothier fe3it3i' -m- m PREPAREDNESS! Are you prepared to keep warm if this cold spell gets worse. The roads may become im passable. We have the COAL, the kind you want, and are prepared to make immediate delivery. Either Phone-Ind. No. 71 - Bell No. 60 THE MUONE-AVERY GO. "TALK WITH US AIOUT COAL" City "Dads Hold Regular Meeting Tlio City Council met in rtKnliir Mis sion Tuusdiiy cvfiilnir with Mnyor Daint'iall pieshUiitf Moulders pi oh cut: Koniit, Sulmhm mid Caldwell. Th minutes of January till, ineulitif,' was read and uppiored A committee lrom tlio Cliiituhur of Coinmeieu was present am! niesenttid tlio matter of openiiiK the itllov at the numi! vim wi MUIMIVI ILll'Ut Illilidll 11 straight line to the r.iiltoiid right of way. A motion uas made iv Koont and seeonded by Cihtwell that the Mavor appoint n coiiiinitlee of two lium the j Counell and two fiom the Cluiiniier of 'CnmiiiPii'e to eonler with the prnpeity j owners nnd iieeeitam the ;osts of ion verting the alloy niton stieet. Jlotlon e in led. Mayor appointed Koont. an.i (.S.ihiilen ftoni the Couneil mid I'resi. i dent Mantel nnd Roi'ielniy Cundeii ol j Hie unaiiioi'i ol Comuioice. j Keportofs K rioiiuiL-o, City Tnti'i mer. mis lead and oulerod nhiLod on (lie Tim mutter of tlio old claim of CJoorire l lauson for &i0 wheiein lie elainis that iiuiount duo for back salmy in Mnj l'.H 1 was taken up. On motion the elalm was lefuned buck to Mr. Claw son to itomie tlio siuno and state when and wlieie he woikod. Motion eai riud A motion was made and seconded thnt &()." do tiansferrcd trom Water lfunil to Water Lovy Fund ami SHU from thu Kleutilit Light Fund to lvlou tiio Light Levy Fund and instruct tlio City Treasurer to tuko up out stand ing warrants In thoso funds. Curried. Moved by Koont 7. nnd seconded by Saladon that, Supt. Zeiglor be instruct ed to hayo tlio power house roshiuglod Carried. The following claims wero allowed: Ciuy .eigler 6110 00 W A I'-itten sO 00 Hurry IiufTor 7.1 00 10 II Weber , '-.' fi Sit Florance 210 01 OCTeol IS-00 (Jraiit CI11 istv -5.1 00 Arthur (Jllbert 11 So 1 :io 1:1 no 82 (50 :. 01 no on :ir 37 10 00 Morhurt I3r hundprland .Sup Co Maver Coal Co M W DuntonCo Mutual OilCo Mid-West LlectiieCo Curtis Goer Treasurer's Statement Feb. 1, 101(5. Mayor and City Council, City Hcd Cloud, Xob: Gentlvtnon: ' I submit statement cover ing receipts and dlsbuisemeuts of my otlleo for the period from January J, 1010, to February 1, 1U1G. Occupation Fund Amount on hand Jan 1, '1(5 S ll.'t .SS nisbuihomeuts 17 U0 Hiilancu 8 0(3 08 Water Fund Amount on hand Jan. 4, '10. $ U 21 Ueeoljits OtiO (5.1 l.alunco Osl 80 Water Levy Fund lltilnnco on hand Jan. t, '10 27.1 11 Balance 273 11 General Fund Amount on hand Jan. 1, '10. .6 UM2 71 Disbursements 192 02 Balance 100 00 Klectric Liglit Fund Amount on hand JUu. 4, 'KL.SlO.'lo 05 Receipts lOoO 00 30,50 0.1 Disbiirsetnonts 1203 07 Balauco 8 t'il 08 niectrlo Light Lovy Fund Iliilaiicoon hand Jun. 1, '10... 13 1 W I)isbur6cmeiits IK) 07 Halatice '.., 23 n Flioinen'n Fund Amount on lianil Jan. I, '10... $ l.'ll Co Disbuisements 41100 Young Folks Make Splendid Showing I At the state coin show held in Lin coln last week wo notice that Webster I county came thin with llylng colors, j Kllery liuoper receixod Hist prize tor tlie ten best eats of coin any viuiety. I I Iiene l' gir is state champion of the. sewing club and Altu Coon is statu champion o'f the cooking club This Is 11 splendid showing for our young folks and the entire county is pioud of their iiehievcnieiits. 1 1 J. M. Steward Laid At Rest I Tin fi. lowing w is taken fiom Tlio I Lnuuiistei. uhiti. Diilv ICiiL'le under date t Siit 111 ii iv. J,iiiu try 22nd: Theliiih of Uiiii .) M.'.Nitw.iul will urilve ill liieleMlh', Sundav, evening I nun lied Cloud, Neb, where his death necuiii'd Tuu'siluy ill the 11 ce of 7.1 yeais Tin' leiiintiis will lie taken to t he iioiiii .if Ins liri)thr, Lewis Mew mil, who le-idi-s ut the old Stewaul liomesteiid ut IJiitch Hollow. The fun. 'ml will he ciindueted 011 londiu, .Ian 21th ut 1 o'clock p in, ut liilti.li lliillow ehuieli, whole us 11 boy lio utti nded Sunday school and divine sen iee'i e'leh Suu'diiy with his pin cut, lirntln is mid visteis. He will be hulled beside ills wife, Amelia Dun nick Ktewind, who died nine veins ago. Deceased was pionilneiilly connected with the Lancaster Public Schools as principal of the North building and served conspicuously as County L'epro scnt'ittve in tlio Legislature hi '"(!, 77 and '78, and attracted much attention by always wearing a fur cap and arc tics. Ho aspired to tlio oillco of State Treasurer the first time Judson Har mon wab oieuted, but was not iionilmit ed. He resided at Miucy, and left there eignt vears ago to make his homo with Ids eldest son, Clmiles U. Steward at Red Cloud. Neb. Tlio following ohildrdu survive and it is expected will be present at the obsequies: Charles 13 , of lied Cloud, Neb ; Claieiicc, of liladen, Nub.; Llllo, wife of Uev. Charles Ilernstein, of .Sandusky, ().; Lewis M., of Saginaw, Mich.: (trace, wife of John Aubushon, of Hod Cloud, Neb ; Miss Florence M , music teacher, ofUrclovillo. Alsotwo druthers, Lewis W. of Dutch Hollow, Dr. Charles of Aslivllle, and one sister, Miss Small of Amanda Deceased wns always an active mem ber of the Lutheran church, Royal Neighbors Install lhilance S'J GO Recapitulation Occupation Fuud 8 90 08 Water Fund c8l 03 Water Levy Fund 275 4 1 General 4 GO 00 Klectrio Light Fund 824 08 Hlectrlo Light Levy I'll 43 Firemen's Fund 89 00 Total 924.14 .11 Registered Warrants Outstanding Occupation Fund $205 it Water Lovy ail .'14 Hlectrlo Light Levy 78 2d S. R. Florance, City Treasurer The memheis of Rosebud Camp No. 2028, R. N A., met at the Woodman hall, January 2(ith, for this purpose of installing their newly elected olllcers for the ensuing year as follows: Oracle Neighbor Burgess. Vice Oraclo -Neighbor Hall. Past Oracle Neighbor Hcrlvner. . Chancellor-. Neighbor Pulsipher. Recorder Neighbor Hines Receiver Neighbor Marshall, Marshall Neighbor Patten. Ass't Marshall Neighbor McConkey. Inner Sentinel Neighbor Harwood. (inter Sentinel Neighbor Roubal. Manager Neighbor Stevens Physician Neighbor Stockman. Musician Neighbor Warren. Captain Neighbor Hlnes. Also chat actors i follows: Faith Neighbor Hines. Modesty Neighbor Stevens. Courage Neighbor Harwood. UnsolUshtiess Neighbor Hunt. Dndurance Neighbor Ryan. After tile installation of olliccrs which was presided over by the install ing oilicer Neighbor IOiuuia Scrivner and the Ceremonial Marshall Sadio V. Bailey wab over tlio Neighbors repaired to the dining room where division No. 2 served u very nice supper to which all did ample justice IOverybody piesont did their respect ive duties well ami had an evening of enjoyment and ut a late hour bid each other good night and depot ted for their respective homes fooling them helves amply icpaid for being prosont. O.s-u Who WsTiikiii:. Our Jewels jJgaM RECOUNT YOUR OWN LITTLE TREASURES WHICH YOUR HEART HOLDS DEAR-A WATCH, A PIN, A RIN6-AND YOU WILL SEND LASTING" VALENTINES TO THOSE OF WHOM YOU ARE FOND. "JEWELRY" IS THE THING TO SEND. OUR STORE IS THE PLACE TO BUY IT, BECAUSE YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY DEPEND UPON THE QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICE OF ANY PIECE OF JEWELRY YOU BUY FROM US. ASK OUR CUSTOMERS. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT E. H. NEWHOUSE Jcwclor and Optometrist :3TC. B. & Q. Watch Inspector u'nMiiiJMWTi j'.jmiii.'. -a n nr, - rn!!iuin.'.auHBLjnMB HENRY COOK, M. D. ii:.w,ut i. DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES o i'iim:iiiihiiiimi'ii 11 iraidniiraiiiiiiraii mmmn n r 1111.. w 11 iilj niuii raiiuiiin, iiilii r!rrai!iii!iiii.i!iiiiii!L'iiiiii!i.nni! mi, armBmi jpt n mi bu NSsrEggrai -'WIIIIIJJ i 3Q E E1E m January Weather Report Temporature: Mean 10 deg; maxi mum fill dog. on Ith; minimum 17 below zero on l.'lth Precipitation: Total 0 77 inches. Snowfall: Total 5 inches. Number of days Clear 12, partly cloudy 0, cloudy l.'i. Dates of Hall 20th, Sloot 20th. Prevailing wlud Direction N W 11 days. Remarks: On 12th and 13th, 43 hours of below zero temperature and 10 days of below zero Ciias. S. Ludlow, Observer, LOST A ladles new coat in suit box, with R. P. Weesner & Co's name on box, between Weesner's store and the river. Finder return to Weesuer's store. SEWING MACHINES We Have In Stock At All Times The Following Machines: Singer - Free New Home muu; (AUiuuii It Would Be a Wasle of Time To Tell You the Good Qualities of These Machines. Jusl Ask Your Neighbor That Has Used One For 20 or 25 Years. CALL IN AND SEE THEM ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer I 111 QG Furniture Dealer in I saisjtt Ickty ncpttc ant to itnsn kttolf. ninktn. lliultm boille L.u wilu. d.Mllt. 916. I i- xai