The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 27, 1916, Image 7

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and get a complete set of Oneida Commu
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Skinner Mfg.
Lartttt Macaroni
factory in Amtma
Dept. F
Editor Your Jokes uto boo J dopo.
old man.
Contributor That so?
Kdltor Yes, they put mo to sloop
ra eons
For sick headache, bad breath,
Sour Stomach and
constipation. '
Oct a 10 cent box now.
No odds bow your liver, stomach
or bowels; bow much your bond
aches, bow miserable and uncomfort
able you arc from constipation, Indiges
tion, biliousness and sluggish bowels
you always get tho doalred results
with Cascarets.
Don't let your stomach, liver and
dowels malco you miserable Tako
Cascarets tonight; put an end to tho
licadacbo, biliousness, dizziness, nerv
ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach,
backacho and all other distress;
cleanso your Inside organs of nil tho
bllo, gases and constipated matter
which Is producing tho misery.
A lucent box means health, happi
ness and a clear head for months.
No more days of gloom and distress
If you will tako a Cascaret now and
then. .All stores sell Cascarets. Don't
forget tho children tholr llttlo In
sides need a elcniiBlng, too. Adv.
The lire of genius Is lucky when It
can keep tho not boiling
Stop scratching!
Resinol relieves
itching instantly
That itching, burning skirt-trouble
which keep! you scratching and
digging, is a cource of disgust to
others, as well as of torment to you.
Why don't you get rid of it by using
Resinol Ointment t Physicians have
prescribed it for over 20 years. In
most cases, it stops itching instantly
and heals eruptions promptly. It U
very ejay and economical to use.
Tlt t Tf Mmplicitr tunl
Kill siitixHii una wonntr
ful tutclirrf ll compart,
nuwra antgnsna ipitn
did bitching qutiitiM. i
jour deslfrs or wills us.
1041 t. Jitvw M.
tuition, 1.C, liookifrt. 11 Uh
ati rcfenaooa. ileal reouitt
ArirNTC Men, worueni Ma artlor. 100ft pmflt.
AUUlid UfnrjbiHlr nmxis It. Miiner bui'k
it out taUafactory. VllolUor Co., New llaren, Cum.
Nebraska Directory
Byers Bros. & Co.
n.minrAnrnDV CT?X7inX?
&Aliornv,iuni .. w
-Belter Trj Them With Your Next Business
nllKlTBIDC WRED in a few day)
ttUr I UHE without pilri or a sur
real ooeration. No pay until cured. Writ"
U1L WltA. aotl lf ldr.. Owmh.!et
Par I'lato
Save tho Trudc-Maric Signature
Macaroni Products
Skinner's Products
t frt r4k nrLnrl A 'f V Xk
pnceu meal.
by the cato 24
All good
J . '
' a mti. Lo.
Drpt. F
" n l. tf.L
"1 hopo you'ro saving some of tho
money you made In war stocks."
"You bet 1 urn. An fast as 1 got
it 1 Invest It In more stocks."
To half pint of wntorndd t nz. Hay Rum, a
timiill box of limbo Compound, and H oz. ot
glycerine. Apply to tho lmlr twlco a week
until It becomes tliu desired shade. .Any drug
gin can put this up or jou can mix It at
homo at, cry llttlo cot. It will gradually
durl.en Rtreal.H, fndeil gray hair, ntid re
moves damlriitl. It 1b excellent for fulling
lmlr mill it 111 iimke harih lmlr pott and glossy.
It wilt not color tho scalp, Is not sticky or
,'reasy, ami dots not ruu on. auv.
Remembered Christmas Lesson.
bile stoking tho furnace father de
molished tho electric lamp, leaving tho
basement in darkness. Turning to his
small Mn, who stood watching, ho
'Where was .Moses when the light
went out?"
And his small son, who was n Sun
day school pupil, promptly replied:
"In tho manger."
'Tape's Diapepsin" settles sour,
gassy stomachs in five
minutes Time it!
You don't want a slow remedy when
your stomach 1b bad or an uncertain
one or a hnrmful one your stomncb
Is too valuable; you mustn't Injuro It
I'apo's Diapepsin Is noted, for its
speed In giving relief; Its harmless
ness; Its certain unfailing "action In
regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs.
Its millions of cures in Indigestion,
dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach
trouble has made It famous tho world
Keep this perfect stomach doctor In
your homo koop It handy get a large
fifty-cent caso from any dealer and
thou If anyone should cat something
which doesn't ngrco with them; If
what they cat lays Uko lead, ferments
and sours and forms gas; causes head
ncho, dizziness and nausea; eructa
tions of acid and undigested food
remembor as soon as Papo's Diapepsin
conies In contact with tho stomach all
such distress vanishes. Its prompt
ness, certnlnty and caso In overcoming
the worst stomach disorders Is a reve
lation to thoro who try It. AdT.
Big Difference.
"I thought the old man left all ol
his money to charity."
"Oh, no to charitable Institutions."
When Housework Drags
Keeping houso 1b hard enough
when well, Tho woman who has
a bad back, bluo, nervouB spells,
and dizzy hendachos, has a hard
lot, for tho family tasks nover lot
up. Probably It's tho result of kid
ney troublo and not tho much-feared
"woman's weakness." Strengthen
tho Kidneys witn uoanB munuy
Fills. They aro as harmless as
they aro effectlvo and mny bo used
for children with weak kldnoys, too.
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Nathaniel Cor
by. N o 1 1 k li. Ne..
aye: "My kidneys
wcru very weak and I
lmcl pains In my back
and limbs. After ft
hard dny's work, my
tmrk was especially
painful and mornings
1 was lamo and boto.
The kidney secretion
wi ro Kcanty or.d I
waa inlHcrablo In ov-
I till a
i'iv h iiv, sib euuii ua - , . .
I took Doan'a Kldnoy rum i reu oti
tor nnd continued uso removed the ali
ments. I havo used this medicine
wiiu una rcsuiu."
Gt Doan'a at Any Store, SOo Bex
DOAN'S vxsy
Tho tlty of l'lulnview Is soon to
erect a $I0,0UO hospital,
Oakland Is planning to leplaco
their buiied school houso with a lire
pi oof structure.
Howlers of Nebraska will hold tholt
unnual tournutnent the week of April
3rd ut Lincoln.
Owing to tho unfsiNornble weather
woik on tho tiering HUgur factory has
been nearly suspended.
II. H. llurkett of llartlngton has
announced his candidacy for tho of
fice or district Judge on tho nonpar
tisan ticket.
Omaha was selected as the 1017
meeting place of tho Nebraska Farm
era Union by the convention which
met at Grand Itdand recently.
Four hundred delegates attended
tho State Firemen's convention at
Crawford last week. Aubutn was so
looted lis 1017 convention city.
Owing to tho shortngo ot enrs a
number of elevators have closed down
and others are running only one and
two days a week in Adams county.
Tho contract for tho eonstiuctlon
of the new postolllee building at
Aurora, has been let to Herman Con
stiuetlon Co. or St. Louis, at 1 111,327.
Several tires In Fremont In tho last
few weeks, tho origin of which has
been puzzling firemen and authori
ties, has resulted In an Investigation
being made.
Information from a source Indicat
ing reliability, is that Itoss L. Ham
mond of Fremont will bo a candidal
for the republican nomination for
United States senator.
Saturday, January 15 was an un
usually huge hog day on tho South
Omaha market, 1M7 ears were received
or about lS.OOO head, the largest Sat
urday run for a long time.
Crowds are Increasing and the pas
toral committee of tho Rayburn re
vival meeting at Fremont Is or tho
opinion that tho tabernacle, seating
1M00 people, will have to be enlarged.
The Gray evangelistic campaign
being conducted at Roomer for tho
past six weeks, has closed. About 100
conversions and many reconBocratlons
resulted fioin tho evangelist's labor.
H. 1). Wlmmer has bought the Corn
stock News from Fdward Holder. Mr.
Wlmmer wns formerly publisher of
tho News, and la well known In tho
Falrbury Is expecting tho telephone
and telegraph company to Install
lines to that town and rebuild a
swltchhoanl costing ?10,000, tho en
tire expenso of tho tebuildliig to be
I. A. Rencau of Rroken Row, secre
tary or tho progressive republican
Mute committee in 1912, has an
nounced his candidacy as dclegatc-at-large
to the republican national con
vention. Tho 1'addock hotel nt neatrlco,
which has been closed for nearly
three years, has reopened. Not less
than JH.OOO hns been spent in re
modeling tho building and almost a
like amount In refurnishing the hotel.
Charles Tally of Alliance has been
appointed to fill the vacancy In the
legislature caused by tho resignation
of Representative F. M. Rroomo of
Alliance, appointed receiver of tho
federnl land olllce at Valentine.
That grocers nnd butchers of
Omaha lose $202,800 annually
through bad credit business is tho
contention of an editorial in tho Gro
ceiy Reporter, tho olllclal publication
of the Omaha Retail Grocers' asso
ciation. Francis L. Hayes of Chicago was in
Crete recently, In the Interests of his
plan to rnlse $10,000 as Nebraska's
Bharo of a fund of $2,000,000 which Is
to be established In tho United States
for the aid of rotlrod Congregational
Tho new milk nrdlnnnce, providing
for the testing of dairy cattlo and the
Inspection of nil dairies In Beatrice,
is provltiK populnr among dairymen
ns well as citizens generally. Over
tlilrty-ilin permltB have been taken
out by dairymen up to tho present
time, the ordinance going Into effect
January 1.
From the ruins of the Sunnysldo
homo recently destroyed by fire nt
Hastings will soon nrlse an attract
ive, modem brick building far sin
pnsslng tho old ono and much better
equipped nnd arranged for the com
forts of both old people and children.
This was tho promise mndo by mem
bets of tho oxocutlvo board to fret
ting old peoplo wh6 mourn tho losn
of tho home.
Tho program for tho seventh nn
nual convention of tho League of Ne
braska Municipalities, which Is to bo
held In Kearney on February 0 and
10, has just been compiled. Uxtenslvo
arrangements are being mndo by tho
commercial club and city administra
tion to greet tho visiting city officials
from other townB who aro expocted to
attend to tho number of no less than
ono hundred.
Several Women's clubs from over
Tho Post Is tho namo of n new pa
per launched this month at Donklcman
by C. L. Kctlnr.
Robert R. Windham of Plattsmouth
aa elected president of tho Nebras
ka Territorial I'loncorB organization
at tho annual meeting at Lincoln. Ho
succeeds Louis A. Dates ot Sprlngflold.
Omnlin people paid $1,14G,928,1G for
Btieet car rides, telephone servlco and
Has during tho threo months ending
December 31, according to reports ot
public servlco corporations fllod with
the city clorlf.
I , unlit brought fiO'f. on Ihe South
Omaha maiket too dnv hut wook
Columbus hnM u municipal sKiitug
rlnii lluiidieds of people, old and
young, ate enjoying the spent.
Road Ismu'h ot JJ.iiMHiu foi scweiH,
$100,000 Tor paMim inlet xect Ions and
$50,000 for woio' fotmully up
piovcd b. the Omaha louucil.
The Douglas t'ount Dry Campaign
I'oiniintlee which will couduel tho
campaign In Douglas conn I. v for a
ptohlhltiou iimeniluii ut for Nebraska,
has IsMiied an appeal for .t luud of
$22,000 for the county.
A number of new pining districts
will be created In Menu ice this year,
boosters Tor the propositions now
being out with petitions which will bo
submitted to the city eoiuiuissloni'in
within the next few weeks.
A train of elghiieii etus of Inn sea
left (!iaml Island teeeutly for thtough
shipment to the Atlantic. The hoises
were puieluised there by contractors
ror the French government and aro
being rushed to the teabo.ird.
A company of twenty six men at
Reeini r has orgauizi d to continue tho
good work started for good citizen
ship by the recent levlsal meetings
that hao stirred the people ol the
town 'Ihe purpose Is to organize a
('liens' league.
The largest run or sheep ror any
nut day on the Omaha market In
weeks wan on baud .Iniiuaiy 10, stl
unites calling Tor seventy-nine cars or
lli.oon head. This was I, not) greater
than for tho corresponding day or last
The llltle S year old daughter of Mr.
and Mis I). I). Shaw, rildlng near
Callawit), while going to school one
inoinliig during (lie reet it cold spell,
had lu-r hands so badly froen that
amputation ot the llngeis was neces
The Cortland board or education
hns disposed ol $1 1,200 bonds to tho
state, and will begin the election of
a new school building In the near fu
ture. The bonds weie voted over
two yean ago, but their legality was
iU stioued.
Kighty-nliie persons "hit the trail"
ut tho titst call in Hie revival being
conducted in St. Paul by Irwin bt oth
ers. The meetings, which stinted two
weeks ago, ate largely attended.
An Institution for the study nnd
prattlco of Christianity has been or
ganized at Hastings. Neatly all the
l'rolestant churches are represented
in tho inoveinen't. It Is argued that by
united action church activity can bo
greatly Increased.
The Omaha Automobile show, which
will be laid under tho auspices of tho
Omaha Auto Dealers' association,
Fehiuary 21 to 20, will have novel ex
hibits which have never been west.
One Is n chassis, plated with gold,
which has attiacted unusual attention
In eastern markets.
Tho engine, drill and complete out
fit for prospecting for oil on the John
Larsh place, seven miles noutheast of
Murry, is on hand and d: tiling is to
begin soon. Twelve thousand acres
of land have been leased contiguous
to tho Larsh farm and many fanners
are assisting in financing tho scheme.
Showing extreme leniency to tho
man who had endangered his life by
running him down with an auto on
Now Year's Day, Kdgar Howard, edi
tor ot tho ColumbuB Telegram, secur
ed tho release of tho man upon the
payment of the small line. Tho man
Is Henry Frerlchs, residing noar
March 4 to II Is to be Rnby Week
' ! In Nebrafka and all over the United
States. Sponsored by tho children';?
bureau of the United States Depart
ment of Lnbor nnd assisted by thou
sana of members of women's clubs all
ovor tho country, nn effort will bo
made to bring about a better under
standing concerning children's prob
lems. Mm. W. II. Streeter of Attrorn has
given to that city a tract of land con
sisting of twenty-eight ncres. Tho
lnnd hns been accepted by tho city
and will bo converted Into a park and
recrentlon place She asks that It rn
named Streeter park In honor of her
husband who was ono of tho lending
business men of Hamilton county for
many years.
Tho F.lgln Community club held n
meeting recently nt which time tho
proposition of putting up n building
was enthusiastically endorsed. Tho
society contemplates the expendlluro
of $12,"i00 for a building! which will
nfford club facilities, auditorium, read
ing rooms, committee, dl'Mng nnd
women's rest rooms, etc. Tho club
has a membership or 200.
William Strattman. n fanner near
Grand Island. Is determined to ba
certnln hereafter that a dead hog Is
really dead beforo becoming loo famll
Inr with It. He was assisting a neigh
bor In slaughtering. A porker was not
bleeding fteely enough, In his opinion,
and after the usual thrust had been
made nnd It had become quite nll'I and
he was about to move Its head for an
additional thrust with his knlfo when
tho hog mndo a lunge at him and bit
off a finger.
Records kept by tho Associated Re
tailers during December, and Jast
mndo public by Secretary J. W. Met
calfe, Indicate that Omaha's popula
tion growth by persons moving In
from other localities is 8,100 a year.
Nebraska's gteat high school bas
ket ball tournnmnnt gives promise
this year of attracting 100 tennis. Tho
sixth annual tourney will bo hold in
Lincoln March 8-11. Within four days
from the tlmo tho first announce
ments wcro mnlled out, there had
como twenty-six ree,ue8ta for informa
tion and ontiy blanks.
tlty K O HDt.l.nttH, Acting Director of
the Htlii.luy Hcliool Cotllsc! of tliu Moody
llllilc llHtltillo of ClilciiKO )
(((ip)illit. 1918 VWali-rn Ncuapnpcr Union.)
LllflfiON TF.XT- Acts S
(lOI.PlW Ti:.T lVlrr suld, "fillvor
mill kM lutvo I none, luit what t Imvn
tluit Klvo t (lire In tin liaitii! of Jesuit
Christ of Nimuroth. walk." Acts 3:6 It. V.
Tho coming of power (chnptor 15) Jb
soon tested outside or tho circle of
believers. It Is put to n public, lest, la
tried as to Its olllcacy physically, I. o
has tho Holy Spirit power physlcnlly
as well as over the spirits of men?
I. Tho Appeal to Peter nnd John, vv.
1-10. Following Pentecont Ibodlsclplos
seem to have continued their accus
tomed mode of life. (1) Tho apostlcB
and worship (v. 1). As yet, nnd In
deed for many years to come, there
wns no partlenlnr sepatatlon of Jews
and Christians
Praying men like these two leaders,
Peter and John, continued to fulllll
their temple duties. Tho ninth hour
wns the prayer hour, tho hour of sac
ritlce (Fa. 2l:i0, I Kings IS Ilfi.
All true approach to (tod must bo on
the grounds of sacrifice (John 110,
Hob. 0 22) nnd wo must remember
that this hour was tho ono at which
Jesus died for us, our sacrifice (lleh.
10-10, 20).
Fmphasl.e tho need and Importance
of worship and prayer.
(2) Tho mulcted ono (v. 2). This
man had been there often and made
his usual appeal; Iris expectation was
limited to material aid (v. 5); ho mny
or ho may irot have been familiar with
Christ and his teachings, but some
thing unusual was about to happen bo
causo the two to whom ho appealed
really knew God and on them now
rested this new power In tho world.
(3) Tho apostle's responso (vv. 1-7).
Peter took a good look nt tho mail
(v. 4). Peter was changed by n look
(Matt. 107) What ho Haw was the
man's fundamental spiritual need,
(al Demanding tho nian'H undivided
attention, Peter gave the man what he
had not not what tho man wanted or
Peter's words. "Look on us," nnd
Paul's "bn ye followers of mo" (I Cor
4-10) aro in no wise egotistical, but
In each case the fearless appeal of n
man wholly God's, men conscious or
I ho endowment or power, trying to
seize tho wavering wills or men that
they might point them to Christ
(b) Peter nroiiBod tho man's expect
It Is usually men lacking In silver
nnd gold who give to tho world Its
greatest blessings and highest good
(I Cor. 4:11).
Fvery effective Christian worker
must base his appeal upon tho facts
of a peisonal experience (f. Pot. 4:10,
11). (d) Peter bade tho mini to do
tho very thing ho (humanly) could not
do, but the thing which, "In tho nanu
of Jesus Christ" ho would bo able H
(4) Tho result. (1) Upon tho mnn
There Is no doubt art to tho complete
nest of tho euro (v. 8). Ho had
"strength;" was "lifted up" from his
former position of weakness; In
"leaped" (literally, ecstatic Joy); hi
"walked," continuous nctlvlty; and In
"worshiped." thanksgiving and renew
ing of strength. (2) Upon tho people
(a) "All tho peoplo saw. ' Tho) may
not havo heard or comprehended the
woids or Peter, but they did witness
tho transrormatlon. (b) "They took
knowlcdgo" (v. 10), thoy began to ob
serve, even ns tho world always does,
tho ono who professes his faith
In Christ? (c) Thoy wcro filled
with "wondor nnd ntnazoment" (v
10), thoy could not understand.
No moro can tho world of today
(sco I Cor. 1:18, 23) really compro
bond the Christian. Thoro was no
guesswork, howovor, about this mlr
ado, and, ot tho peoplo who witnessed
it and worn so filled with wondor nnd
amazement, many wero converted
(eh. 4:4).
Tho mlrnclo served to get for tho
gospel n good hearing and It accom
plished Its purpose (Rom. 1:10).
II. Peter's Appeal to the People,
vv. 1 1-26. Notice It was tho man who
attracted tho crowd, not Peter or John,
for ho engcrly hold tho disciples while
tho crowd gathered (John 6:10, 11).
This may suggest tho weakness of the
man's faith in that ho doponded upon
Peter nnd John rnthor than upon Jo
sua. (1) Peter solzcd this opportunity
(v. 12) and began his Balutatlon by
taking advantngo or tholr curiosity.
Potor eagerly turnod tholr thoughts
from hlmsolf unto Jesus. Ho wlshod
to divert attention from hlmsolf nnd
used tho miracle for tho doublo pur
poso of glorifying Josus Christ and to
convict theso men of their sin.
Versos 13, 1-4,-15 contain tho charges
whereof Potor and John wore "wit
nesses." Thoy wero not to look upon
"us" as though thoy had dono any
thing, r.or was It somo new God ot
whom thoy witnessed (v. 13). The act
of tho crucifixion, ho grants, may havo
boon consummated In Ignoranco (v.
17), but olnco Qod had raised Jesus
from tho dead, and this doctrlno ot
tho roBUrroctlon was now, therefore
thoy ought to repent oven though
tholr acts wore In accord with propli
ooy. Pctor appoals to Jewish pride. Is
such on appeal logltlmatol
Get the Habit of
Drinking Hot Water
Before Breakfast
Says we can't look or feol right
with tho cystnm full
of poisons.
Millions of folks bnthn Internally
now instead of loading tholr system
with drugs. "What's an Inside bath?"
you say. Well, It Is guaranteed to per
form miracles if you could holluvo
these hot water enthusiasts.
There nro vast numbers of men and
women who, Immediately upon arising
lu the morning, drink a glass of real
hot water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone pbosphnto In It. This In a very
excellent health measure. It is In
tended to Hush tho stomach, liver, kld
noys nnd tho thirty feet of Intestines
of tho previous day'B waste, sour bllo
nnd .luillgesttblo material loft over In
tho body which, If not eliminated every
day, become food for tho millions of
bacteria which Infest tho bowels, tho
quick result Is poisons and toxins
which nro then absorbed Into tho
blood causing headache, bilious at
tacks, foul breath, bad tasto, colds,
stomach troublo, kidney misery, sloop
leosuuss, Impuro blood nnd alt sorts
of ailments.
Peoplo who feol good ono day nnd
badly tho next, but who simply can
not gut footing right aro urged to ob
tain u quarter pound or limestone
phosphato rrom any drugglBt or Btoro
keeper. Thin will coBt very llttlo but
Is Biinictout to uiuko anyone a real
cinnk on tho subject or Internal sani
tation. Just nn soap and hot wntcr act on
tho skin, cleansing, sweetening nnd
rresbunlng, so llmostono phosphato
and hot wator act on tho stomach,
liver, kldnoys nnd bowols. It 1b vast
ly moro Important to bathe on tho In
side than on tho outside, becauso tho
skin porcn do not absorb Impurities In
to tho blood, while tho bowel pores do.
There Is no ago limit for gonornls
In tho Mrltlsh army, tho only iitnndnrd
being efficiency.
Important to Mothors
Exnmluo carefully every bottlo of
CASTOR1A, a safo nnd Btiro romedy for
InfantB and children, and boo that it
Rears tho
' &tf&!
In Uso for Ovor 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Custom
Desplto tho fact that ho Is over
ninety yonro of ago, J. II. Fisher of
Cleveland. O.. Is still nt tho forgo.
Medicine Which Made Sur
geon's Work Unnecessary.
Astoria, N. Y. "For two years I
was feeling 111 and took all kinds of
ionics, x was gct
inp; woroo every day.
I had head
. I coukl
not walk straight
becauso of tho pain
in my back and Iliad
pains in my stom
ach. 1 went to a
doctor and ho said I
must go under an
operation, but 1 did
not go. I read in
tko paper about
Lydia E. PJnkham'a Vegotablo Com
pound and told my husband about it. I
said ' I know nothing will help mo but I
will try tills.' I found myself improv
ing from the very first bottle, and In two
weeks timo I was ablo to sit down and
eat a hearty breakfast with my hus
band, which I had notdone for two veors.
I am now in the best of health and
did not have the operation." Mrs.
John A. Koenio, 602 Flushing Avenue,
Astoria, N. Y.
Every ono dreads tho surgeon's knife
and the operating tabic Sometimes
nothing elso will do ; but many times
doctors Bny they aro necessary when
thoy nro not Letter after letter comes
to tne Pinkham Laboratory, telling how
operations wcro advised and were not
performed: or.if performed,did no good,
but Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Com
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