H (9,a 1 j IT ) v. .. fly ' u . M i h jtato Historical S i-i ty VOLUME 11 X Newspaper That fllvcs The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $l.r0. KED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. -lAM'AIIV, H7, 1i)10. NUMBERS mmwfi i 5 v r3k W Ci - It Isn't Hard To It is only hard to stsri saving, and that is only because you think it is. SfeiS't saving today by depositing whatever monry you can spare in this bank where Ine safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, A RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITA I, Kliri.OOO ?jggm? a6SSSi -H5B- 'vCSSS Discount 25 Sale! on i Every Suit (Serges excepted) f) Every Overcoat ( exception ) g e Every Pair of Men's and Only One String to this and that is Cash. . . Green Stamps too. High School Girls Give A Leap Year Party en lusL Fridnv nii-'tit. tin1 "15. (J.'s." i. s. crot society liavlnir for wmbershlp uiuu twelve of the High School girls, enteilniiied the (. I OV which Is composed of twelve initio members of I tin; High School, uL u Leap Your Putty. Tin.' Invitations announced tltut. tin 'cirls would on II for thoif lespcctivo gentleman ul tlio Inter's club room!) near the hour of eight. Tlu it Iris luul previously decided tlioir ft ly it drawing, thus uwertulnlng the imtno of thcgentlenmii who was to ho each one's guest foi' the evening. The juilics arrived us pr m'hedtile, picked out her companion, and I ho two elites pi oeett toil thru Ihi! tit it 1 ii putt of town, occasionally giving both the- Miuh Si'liool mill Senior yoll for neanly ul I were Senior.-.. They then went to the home of Miss .Miiryhelli' llii'-siiiirer, whero fresh but tered popcorn mill rosy red apples were .serve i us n stutter ntnl at 8:l. they lelt for the. Tepee, lly previous iirraugcinei't, Mr. Wurreti luul teserv- ed seuts for them, mill they i-ntcied the Tepe, twelve on ii siile, repeating their yells on taking their" seuts. At theeoiicluslon of the picture show they serenaded seveTal of the lilih School teachers, rather they Intended to, but after discoursing their musical strains for a considerable period, they ascertained, in eaclt instance, that the teacher was not at home. As the hour hand neiired the figure XI the crowd entered the home of Miss Jennie .Miner. Here cards and music, both lnuiiai; and mechanical, was enj.iyed for the greater part of tlio hint hour of Friday. During this time a delicious lunch consisting of three kinds of sandwiches, pickles, Adam's Ale. lee cream and two kinds of cuke was served to this quests. Several of the p-trty possessing more of the "Night Owl" characteristics then the others, were unable to ond the festivities at mid night, and went to the depot to await tlio arrival of N6. 1 1, when they proceeded to "hoot" at the High School Casket Dull tram, on their return from Alma. The young men are loud and strong in their praise for the treatment they received at the hands of their lady friends and all are existing in the hope that the girls may see (it to repeat these Leap Year parties at frequent intervals. The following was the line up: Raymond Turnure Edytli Herriek Kenneth Wilson Grace Keagle Everett Stroup Nettle Springer Clifford Pope Zelma Wonderly Vernon Zeiss Murybelle Ilassengcr Paul Polnlcky Elizabeth Overman Will Storey Marguerite Fogel Eugene Ryan Beatrice McKcighan Harold Ludlow Mildred Polnlcky Russell Myers Jcnnlo Miner Ghas. Plchlcr Florence Johnston Paul Kidd Greta Eshelman Chamber of Commerce ! Transacts Business The regular meeting nf the I'nard of Director-, of the l Clou 1 Cliiim,Mr ' ol Commerce was held at the cluli ' ro.itnsnii Titesdav evening. At this time tin following business was trims aeti'il; The Secretary, F. W. Cowdcn. was appointed as n delegate to attend the: state meeting of Coinmoreiiil Clubs, j which will bo held at. Hastings on i February 10th. j Keport of F A. Turnure, manager of , the Red Cloud Concert Und, was read ' ntnl acci pte I. The Club decided 11 i win!. t taki' eliarge of the matter of suluititig funds for the support of the 1titi.il for the enduing year 'I lie Advertising Committee w.m iti st: iit'ted to older plu'cs for lettir head advertising President F. I). Mutirer appointed the billowing committee to confer With thoollleers of the Farmers' I'niou r lnt ivo to locating an elevator in litis cltv: O. C. Tool, Paul Storey, It. F. Uatinan, W. A. Sherwood, It P. WVes tier ami F W. Cowden. The Public Improvement Committee was instructed to confer with Ihe City Council on the proposition of opening Main street to the depot and lighting the same. Tlio plan as mapped out. by the Chamber of Commerco is to lia've Web star street extended straight through lo'che depot, doing away with the "jog" which Is now made below Division streot. This thorofitre to be paved and lighted as the "tJreat White Way" and it is the Intention of the Club to induce the railroad oflleials to so place their new depot, on its erection in the spring, that it will be directly west of tliis street and in this way un'ord the traveling public an opportunity of viewing a little of the city's enterprise from the trains. The Hoard uho discussed several other matters tolutivo to public im provements which they contemplate sZ2&&fri8$ ,!:."?."" -tffciv'1 .? - fmm r. &irr:Jm . , M? ir PAIL STOREY The Clothier PREPAREDNESS! Are you prepared to keep warm if this cold spell gets worse. The roads may become im passable. We have the COAL, the kind you want, and are prepared to make immediate delivery. Either Phone-Ind. No. 71 - Bell No. 60 THE M ALONETaYERY CO. "TALK WITH US AltVT Cf AL" j&m . .-.. ? i 'Ur h ) I I Z V-. ' I 1 j .'! i Ksl I w f V 5v iBjV I Mfflih-'y w oq Come lo Us and see if Your Eyes I need new glasses j & THE STUDY OF THE NEEDS OF YOUR EYES IS OUR BUSINESS AND OUR PROFESSION. DO NOT PUT OFF HAVING YOUR EYES EXAMINED AND PER HAPS FITTED OUT WITH APPROPRIATE GLASSES. HEADACHES, NERVOUSNESS AND MANY OTHER UNPLEASANT THINGS ARISE FROM NEGLECTING THE EYES. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DIAGNOSE YOUR CASE AND SUPPLY YOU WITH THE GLASSES YOU NEED. OUR PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist VS'C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector untieing in the spring The Chief Is pleased with the show ing made by the lied Cloud Commer cial Club and its able Secretary F. W. Cowden, why by the way is one of the best boosters to be found in the city, and we predict that before spring has faded into summer the citi.uus of tills city will have ample proof that the Ited Cloud Commercial Club Is an, oik'unlition composed entirely of boosters who get rosulls along public improvement linos. We are now prepared bettor than ever to do your woodwork and general blaeksinlthing. Al licers Is employed., by us. Hall's Hlacksmilli Shop. O: ll " ' HI Mil Five Men Killed In Wreck On Monday at 12:53 the McCook Hastings local freight, which at this time consisted of but the engine, four cars and caboose, met passenger train No. 7, known as the "Jitney," running between Lincoln and Oxford, in a head-on collision, in a deep cut be tween Atlanta, the first station west of Iloldrege, and Marcot, killing live men and reducing both engines to scrap iron. Tito dead are Engineer John Eckman, fireman C. W. Moll and brakeman Carl Neubauer, all of Mc Cook, and who wero part of the freight crew, and engiucer James Dully and fireman Lee II. Fogg, botli of Lincoln, and in charge of the passenger engine. Seven persons were injured, but not fatally, however. The passenger train was making about fifty miles an hour, and the freight about forty at tho time of tho collision. Nearly all of the victims of tho wreck are known to many citizens of this city, one of the men having rela tives residiug here. While as yet tho causo of tho wreck has not been officially determined, it is believed due to the failure of the freight to take A GLEAN - DP SALE illlflJliMllliiiillilBJlilillillJ 23l We Are Now Offering All Ladies', Misses AMD Children's Coats AT Jfe PRICE Blftl.littiiilf:; j:i:i;,:.i,!;ii::i!lil1l!'itiil!'ii(tl;il;-lil:!)ifl Just A Few Of The Good Ones Left. Come Early And Your Pick. 3 9 Also a. Few ' Siits At Bargain Prices R. P. Weesner & Co. vrjY f- ' 1 m y . H ' m Y the siding at Mascot. mnroraiM'!nM'MlM ty yKf . vwn m tWmWIEl