v vi 1 "fitoJ 1 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF rSis6R3friR fr I .b J&" r-sjf j V f if I 1 T fff : r,V & ' f T A' i . A V - $-' -' ,'lfl ' . I is rs- 7 ' WWWWiViV.W.V.V.V.VAl HOMENEWS Bulletin of The Week's Doings AV Fresh Lowncys tit Minor llros. Co. Every tenth bngy whip free nt rogolS. Chas. Kesslcr returned to Hastings Wednesday. A. T. Wullcor luft for Kansas City, Wednesday morning. Mr. nnd Mrs. II N Uutledgc mo on the sick list this week. Mrs. E. A. Harlan and daughter left Wednesday for Kansas City. Mrs. Dclaney nnd sons Will and Joe nro on the blck list this week. Uuy your buggy whips at I'ogol's Every tcuth whip given away. FOR SALE An automatle shot-gun In good condition. W. L. Kaon. Mrs. Frnnk Ellingcr wont to Camp bell, Wednesday, to visit relatives. Henry Errctt loft Tuesday morning for the Soldiers' Home at Grand Island. Mrs. Al Beers went to Orleans, Mon day evening, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Foster. James Teterson went to Omaha the first of tho week to attend ft meeting of the Implement Dealers' Association Mra. Ilnrry Cramer returned home the last of the week, after spending a month with her parents at Geneva. J. D. Crans arrived home the first of the week from Mitchell, South Dakota, where ho had been visiting his daugh ter. We arc now prepared bettor than over to do your woodwork and general blacksmlthing. Al Beers Is employed by us. Hall's Blacksmith Shop. The most liberal options arc to bo bad in that new style of farm loans. Cheaper rates. One of oldest compan ies doing business in this state. B. W. Stewart. Mrs. John Rawls left Tuesday morn ing for Lovcwell, Kansas, in response to a message announcing the serious Illness of her mother, who resides at that place. Rev. W. F. Cole and family returned to their home in Guide Rock, Wednes day. The Rev. came up to conduct the funeral services for the late Viotor Fulton. T)arrel Burden left Sunday for St. Joe. He will stop at Pleasantown, Kansas, on his way home, where he and his wife, who is now visiting at that place, will spend some time. The following bhipped stock to Kan sas City this week: Wcesnor &Koontz, 3 cars of hogs; G. W. Lltulsey, 2 cars of cattlej Delancy Bros., 1 car of hogs )ind D. B. Stunknrd, 1 car of hogs. Rtillnrd Fentress left the first of the week for Chilicothe, Missouri, where he enters a school of telegraphy. We understand, however, that tho young man returned home Tuesday morning, but we were unable to learn the cause. Rev. J. L. Bebeo was called to Heaver Crossing, the first of the week, to con duct tho funeral services of Mr. John Evans, an old settler of that com munity. The Rev. informs us that ho conducted tho funeral services for tho old gentleman's wife, llftecn years ago. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE OF READY-TO-WEAR We Have Placed Our Entire Stock Oi Ready-To-Wear Garments On Sale At Yz PRICE Suits At Less Than One-Half Any Suit In Our House-Many Worth Up To $22 SALE PRICE $8.00 Ladies', Misses and Children's Cloaks Vz PRICE A Fine Selection of Ladies' Skirts Yz PRICE . F. G. TU WE & SOU Green Stamps Cleve Loy Is on the sick list. Frank Mcintosh went toGuldo Rock Sunday. Mrs. John Kellogg went to Lincoln, Monday. J. II. Ellingcr went to Campbell on Monday. C. M. Smith went to Campbell on Monday. Geo. Harris was in Guide Rock, Monday. T. A. Good of Cowles, was in tho city Saturday. Vesta Emick came down from Grand Island, Monday. I Fiank Starr left Monday morning for Grand Island. F. It. 1'erry went to Supeiior tho ivbi of the week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Butter spent Sundny in Guide Hock, W. M. Kaminsky left tho first of tho week for Oskaloosa, Iowa. Newton Slebert returned home from Itluc Hill, Mouday evening. Misses Viola Spiers and Laura Pierce returned Sundny from Omaha. L. N. Graves of Grand Island, was in the city the first of the week. Mr. Peterson of Orleans is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Al Beers this week. Mrs. E. A. Creighton went up to Blue Hill, Monday, to visit relatives. J. G. Benson, the piano tuner, was up from Superior tho first of tho week. Miss Ceclle Thornton spont Sunday In Guldo Rock with Dr. and Mra Brookman. Mrs. W. P. Medlar returned home thi first of the week from a short ylslt with her parents at Clay Center. County Superintendent, Miss Ger trude L. Coon, was visiting schools in tho north part of tho county this week. r.on. Holllster left Tuesday morning for Lincoln, after receiving word of the serious Illness of hla father at that place. Bandmaster J. E. Betz was in Ina vale on Friday evening, where he furnished the muslo for a masquerade dance. Geo. M. VanCamp, the hustling Insurance agent, went to Wymore the first of the week to attend to some business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Fulton of Crete, arrived in tho city Sunday, being called here by tho death ptjfcis brother, Viotor Fulton. If your plows, dUcSj of other farm implements needs repairing let us do i. tT- ....J.lan rviii- vanrV to trlvc It. "We guarantee pur, work to give satisfaction. Hairs uiacKsmuu ouui, Besides the proceedings which were rmi.liKl.Pil in last week's Chief, the commissioners' b'c fore adjourning checked up the various county officers. Mrs. Cora Eldrcdgo'and little daugh ter, of Omaha, visited with friends in this city, between trains, on Monday evening. The lady was enroute to Naponee, to visit relatives. Salesmen are tho big money makers. Here's a chance for you to cam 8125 or more per month. Write us im mediately. Unlimited opportunities. Peninsular Oil Co., Detroit, Midi. Will Arnold, a popular drug clork, who for some time was in the employ of C. L. Cottlng, returned to his home at Akron, Colorado, Friday night, after a shqrt visit with friends in this city. With Your Purchases Insure your Farm Property with Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman for tho Farm Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Hastings, Nebraska Phones: Olllee, HOI; Residence, I'ftG A sane, wife, sound nnd economical plan of fire, lightt.itig and tornado Insurance. Will your policy soon expire? Write mc and lot mo explain. No obligation on yourpnit. J. I). Crans went up to Hastings on Tuesday. Jim Ryan loft for Omaha, Tuesday, morning. Bring your sptlng repairing to 1 hill's, IllnchMuith Shop. John Mclunery left Monday for Iloukler, Colorado. Orrln Hedge went down to Guide Rock Tuesday morning. Chas. Strong of Cnlbcrtson was In tho city the last of tho week. Attorney P. J. Munday was In Lin coln tho first of tho weak on business Al Beers, tho first class blacksmith, Is employed by us. Hall's Blacksmith Shop. Miss Myrtlo Boner, who Is toachlng school at Inavale, spont tho week end with her paronts in this city. Robt. Avery went to Lincoln, Wed nesday morning, to attend tho Lum bermen's Association meeting. Miss Blanche Boner, who Is teach- Inp school nt Rlvcrton, spent tho week end In this city with her parents. Mrs. W. T.Mountford, Mr. Douglas, Mrs. J. O. Lindley, Mrs. Chas. Stefllns and Lon Eddy are rcporteu as beiug seriously 111. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Trueblood went to Franklin, Monday evening, to spend a few days with her brother, Owen Whltcley, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huston, of Su perior, came up Saturday evening to attend the Oatman party, and remain-' ed over Sunday visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Will Mlksch, of Oneada, Kansas, arrived in tho city Saturday to visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Mlksch. Tho W. C. T. U., will meet with Mrs. Jessie MoBride next Wednesday after noon aC2:30r Toplci '"Social Welfare" chapter 0. Leader MrsillerthacBailoy. Mr. and Mrs.! Ilarrv Goble of Ft. Cobb, Oklahoma, arrived In the city the Qrst of the week to attend the lun eral of his brother-in-law, V. U. Ful ton, which was held Tuesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Throckmorton returned home the first of the week from Franklin County, Indiana, where they had been visiting relatives and friendb. C. M. Smith after visiting his daugh ters, Mrs. A. A. Baker and Mrs. II. B. Thomas, tho past two weeks, returned to his homo at Kckley, Colorado, this morning. Will Aultz, left Friday for Polk, Nebraska, whoro he is employed as a telegraph operator. Mrs. Aultz will remain for a few weeks visiting nt the homo of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. I). McMurray. John E. Yost, of tender meat fame, left Wednesday for St. Joe nnd Kansab City, to attend to some business nffalrs. On his return homo ho intends to stop on at Swnnton, where he will visit with relatives for a few dnys. The Life of Our Savior, said to be the most benutiful of nil motion pie tures, will be shown nt tho Tepee ou next Wednesday and Thursdny, and Manager Warren Is to bo compli mented en behalf of securing pic tures of such d high order. Ted Harris, E. H. Newhouso and A. B. MoArthur were in Guide Rock, Wednesday evening. Mr. Harris is tho Installing officer tor tho 1. O. O. F. lodge, and ho assisted by tho other two brothers, installed the officers, for tho ensuing torm, at that place. After lodge the members enjoyed nn oyster supper. If you have not enjoyed a good laugh for many a day, don't fall to witness. "Excuse Me," which will be shown at the Tepeo Hgnin tonight. Tho pictures were exhibited before a large crowd last nltrht, and while of a Httlo different naturo than those here tofore exhibited on special feature niuhts. thev 6cemod to moet with the approval of all, judging by the hearty laughter each change of scene brought forth Grant Turner nndCtias. Moede taken a load of household goods to Lebanon, Tuesday, remaining over night. (Jrant reports attending u show entitled, "A Missouri Girl," which, so ho states, was far superior to anything of the kind be had ever witnessed. He also informs us that the girl, In question, was a "peach," and that, try as ho might, he could not refrain from thinking how easy it would be, (were he not iv man of family,) to steal the "peach," and mako a oleau get-away, aided by the well kopt Kansas roads. Broad statements, indeed, for such u conservative man as Grant? TEPEE A Spoclnl Five-Reel Rrogant Friday and Saturday Jan. ill and '21 THE PURSFIT OF PLEASt'RK A pnweiful thrci'.reel diama with Ruth Kohuid in the lead. THREE RINGS AND A GOAT-A two-reel comedy, the second in the Adventures of .1 Rufus Walllngford sei ies SATFRDAY MATINHK nt 2 o'clock Monday and Tuesday Jan. 21 mid "." Neal of the Navy THiirrnBNTii stoky IWTHB NR-WS WEEKLY and A COMEDY , Wednesday and Thursday Jan. 20 and 27 Wednesday Afternoon At S O'clock The Life" Of Our Saviour A 9EVEN REEL COLORED MASTERPIECE sinmn ftvn thousand vcars ntro there was born at Nazareth Ho whoso teach ings have enlightened the world. Tho events of Jesus' life from tho manager to the ascension, Is tho most stirring story or all timo 10 an vuo rucc u mankind. The Patho company, to QUI a long felt want, organl.ed a company of the best actors and produced The Life of Our Saviour, an accurate, superbly acted dramatic visualization oi uesua jdllrney on earth. ti.o nnmniiniinn nt thin i-hrnnnloffv of Jesus is truly an achievement worthy of the highest pialse as it IfntlifMlIt? nml ornnlltr.Jlllv DOrtrBVS with grace and dignity His suffering t.1 fltiol nMilnvnmnnt. T its work represents a iiietime oi carof al studv and an ImmprisQ ilunncial outlay, and because of Us tremendous suniecl is mc worms ureaicst urnum. , The. picture Is.-L'atho Colored and exquisitely arranged so as to bring to tlie viBlon ajffraphlc. realization of tho uititiltn simplicity, yei uionumcuiui strength of Jesus. Afternoon at. 2 O'clock Evening at 8 O'clock Regular Prices 10 and 5 Miss l'earl McConkey spent tho week end with friends in Iuuvale. Will Bohrer spent Monday in Bloom iligton visiting his brother. Mrs. A. E. White tr Uostwick Is vUttlug relatives In this city. Chas. Emlck went up to Grand IslBnd, Friday, to visit iclativos l W. Cowden was attending to business matters in Byron, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomas returned liomofiom'HastingN, Wodnesdny even liBi Miss Gertrude L. Coon, the nble county supeilutondout of schools, was in Blue Hill, Friday. Petor Btodorsouof Maqiioko'n, Iowa, arrived in tho city Friday to attend to some business matters. FOR SALE-1'oland China Male Hog, 1-year old, weight 250. John Copley, Idavale, Nebraska. Misses Alfn and Marcelene Longtin, of Alma, camo down Saturday, to visit with friends for a few dnys. Joe Tonham, Sr., returned homo from Blue Hill, Wednesday evening, where he had been visiting his son, George Topham, and family. SOUTiTlNAVALE Harve Farnham's little son, Melvin, has been quite sick with the lagrippc for suveral days. Several in this vicinity arc putting up ice this week nnd it is twelvo to fourteen inches thick. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stokes Jr , nro tho proud parents of a Httlo daughter born Saturday evening. Charles Milker's family have all boon sick with tho lagtippc. Mrs. W. T. Whiteley spont Saturday and Sunday with her son Owon White ley and family at Franklin and helped care for tho new granddaughter which is a late arrival nt their homo. Miss Anna Janson is assisting with the work at Frank Stokes' duriug Mrs. Stokes' Illness. FOUR ACES Are Good Calling Cards. They Cannot Class with Ours, However. Come In and See Our Stock. Special Bargains ! w ! .,-i tjSMlWW""-"" c3 rnidHT lots TH HOUSL Of Kl'ITeNHCIMM Jf J .wv W JlSrfB C 1 JiT WE ALSO SELL SHOES-GOOD SHOES THAT ARE GUARANTEED TO WEAR LET Um MHOE YOU NEXT TIME Jhe Gomdetialey Clothing (Jo. "ALWAYS tience, and then your home Remember The MHifllKriMKil CJifillLi k WALTER W- MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY ' i Since the Citizens of Red Cloud Have Been Unable to Produce Slipless Side Walks, and Each Winter Many Falls Are Caused by Snow and Sleet... See Van Before You Sliji. Geo. N. VanCamp, Agent For The Travelers oi Hartford The Oldest and Largest Accident Co. in the World PHONES! Ind. 241 Bell 128 IF YOU WANT A: PIWPIIT JWade Right, Lettered Right And Erected Right SEE: OVERlflG Red Cloud, For January On Kuppenheimer and Clothcraft DISCOUNT On All Suits and Overcoats Except Blue Serges. A Perfect Feast Of Bargains For Tho Money Saver. .'. .. RELIABLE" ON THE FIRE That's -when'' you be- j gin to realize the -kind of Groceries -we keen. I There is cooking satis- ' faction in them. ' Buy. your Groceries 'from us. Save your I money. Save your pa will indeed be a happy one Trading Stamps i. OR A PftPR BROS. & GO. Suits and Overcoats 25 l Makers of ArtistlclMonumonts t Nebraska M m ; 'of V i I .Si V :jmm K i ii t