vteiim i RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF S 1 ; ill .Class of Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit Open sluices of the system each morning and wash away the poisonous, stagnant matter. Those of ub who arc accustomed to fcol dull and heavy when we nrlBo; splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid Btoni ach, lamo back, can, lnstcud, both look and fool as fresh as a daisy always by washing the- poisons and toxins from tho body with phosphatcd hot wator each morning. Wo should drink, beforo breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate In it to flush from tho Btomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels tho provlous day's Indigestible wasto, Bour bllo and poisonous toxins; thus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying tho en tire alimentary canal beforo putting more food Into tho stomach. Tho action of limestone phosphate and hot wator on nn empty Btomach Is wonderfully Invigorating. It cleans out all tho sour fermentations, gases, wasto and acidity and gives ono a splendid appetite for breakfast and It Is said to bo but a little whllo until tho rosoB begin to appear In tho checks. A quarter pound of lime stone phosphato will cost very llttlo at your druggist or from tho Btoro, but 1b BUtuclcnt to mako anyono who Is bothered with biliousness, constipa tion, stomach trouble or rheumatism a real enthusiast ou tho subject of In ternal sanitation. Try it and you aro assured that you will look better and feel bettor in every way shortly. Adv. During the Bugsome. The Golf Insect Whcro did tho Beetle fall off his game, caddlo? The Caddio Insect At tho seventh hole, sir; he lost four strokes getting over an anthill. No sick headache, sour stomach, biliousness or constipation by morning. Oct a 10-ccnt box now. Turn tho rascals out the headache, blllousnoes, Indigestion, tho sick, sour stomach and foul gases turn them 0".t to-night and keep them out with Cascareta. Millions of men and women take a Cascarct now and then and never know tho misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowclB or an upset Btom ach. Don't put In another day of distress. Let Cascareta eleanso your stomach; remove tho sour, fermenting food; tako tho excess bllo from your liver and carry out all tho constipated wasto matter and poison In tho bowels. Then you will feel great A Cascarct to-night straightens you out by morning. They work whllo you sleep. A 10-cont box from any drug storo moans a clear head, sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver and bowel action for months. Chil dren love Cascarets because they never gripe or sicken. Adv. If a man was hurt every time be Is scared ho would never llvo to reach throe score and ten. An averago man breathes about 21 cubic foot of air Into his lungs every bour. PAINS IN SIDE AND BACK How Mrs. Kelly Suffered and How She was Cured Darlington, Wis. "I was very Irreg ular, and had pains in my side and bock, but alter taxing Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vogotablo Cora pound Tablets and using two bottles of tho Snnntivo Wasu I am fully convinced that I am enth.il cured of theso trou bles, and feel better all over. I know your remedies have dono mo worlds of good and I hopo every Buffering woman w'Jl givo them a trial." Mra. Anna Keixy, 710 Chestnut Street, Burling ton, Wis. Tho many convincing testimonials con stantly published in tho newspapers ought to bo proof enough to women who Buffer from thoso distressing Ills pecu liar to thcirBcx that Lydia E.Pinkham'8 Vegetable Compound Is tho medicine they need. This good old root and herb remedy has proved unequalled for theso dread ful Ills; It contains what is needed to restore woman'o health and strength. ; If tlioro is nny peculiarity in your caso requiring special ad vice, write tho Lydia E. Pink, linin Medicine Co. (confidential),, Lynn, Mass for I roo advice. WETS" FOR SLUGGISH BOWELS mTXvJ'I ',T iw y. W V, I Sport .Lmssb-bminmmmmmbmi Coat of White Chinchilla Woo chinchilla In dark colors Is an old favorito for winter coats, and Ih worn by men, women and children. It remained for tho smart sport coat to bring out tho uncqualcd fitness of white chinchilla for garments in which stylo is of as much Inportnnce as warmth, and both aro essential to 8UCC0SB. Whlto chinchilla appears with over Increasing frequency In midwinter coats for llttlo girls, and smart sport coats for women. Tho latter aro cut In simple lines and long, like tho coat plcturod, or shaped like sweater coats. Many novel touches in llttlo details of finishing mako them Interesting, and they are carefully and beautifully finished. These points nro demonstrated by the coat Illustrated hero very clearly. It has a big convertible collar which may bo buttoned up about tho cars, and tho rovers aro faced with molro plush In black. Very accurate parallel rows of machine stitching ornament the coat at tho bottom and adorn tho collar, cuffs and pocket flaps. Tho buttons aro whlto composition barred with hlnck, except tho two that fasten tho metal bolt across tho front, which Is finished with tabs of black at each Bide. Theso buttons aro black with whlto rims. Tho sleeves and body portion of tho coat are lined with soft black satin, and tho shaping of tho sleeves nnd Last Word in r?&!!& Tho demands of tho tourist and of thoso women who keep pace with the midwinter social affairs savo tho mil liners workrooms from utter deser tion at this time. Soon they will bo Qllod with workers preparing for spring, when ovoryono wants now bendwear. Dut now thoy aro quiet, and designers havo lolsuro to occupy their time with mattorB of ornamonta for tho coiffure and hats for formal dress. With tho rich and beautiful fabrics snd trimming stuffs at hand, It Is no task for tho designers to create tho picturesque styles they lovo so well In silk and metal laces, In mallncs and furs, aud wonderful flowers, they find an inspiration. Two of the latest models Tor dressy wear aro shown In tho picture above Ono of them Is of black chantilly lace and black satin and Is merely a softly draped crapo or cap of satin and a halo of lace wired and lifted near tho front Into bocomlng lines. A very small nosegay of fine blossoms is posed ngnlnst tho baso of tho crown, but tho flowers nro not vlslblo in tho picture. Thoy nro Just tho touch of color and gayety that belongs on this model. This Is ono of tho fow millinery cro atlons which may bo adapted to tho young or tho maturo woman. A little less width of brim for tho matron, and m it- arm's-cyu is noticeably original and appropriate to the material. A coat of this kind will pass muster wherever discriminating eyes will bo mot and outing coats are worn. Com fort and stylo go with it and that polso which belongs to the wearer who Is conscious of its fitness. On Your LIvlnQ-Room Table. Tho genial glow of reading lamps makes the living-room tablo these cool nights tho most cheerful and rest ful place in the house. On thlB occa sion tho runner for tho tablo should havo a largo amount of consideration. Whllo cushions aro Important, they are In tho shadow and any shabblncss or dofects in them will bo softened. Dovoto then your best encrglos to hav Ing a supply of tablo runners that will do you and your homo credit. Cross utltch always has about It, when In tho proper colors, a sugges tion of warmth and comfort thnt ac companies nn other kind of embroid ery. Perhaps 't Is becauso it brings to mind grandmother's day with Its open flreplnce and Ub bright oil lumps that Bent out a glow of warmth to thoso who crowded about them with their books and papcrB on a winter evening. Pooplo don't talk about tho weather In Limn, becauso it never rains thero. Winter Hats perhaps a hint of sedate coloring In the flowers, adapt it to her style. Tho second hat is decidedly a boll shape, with top crown of uncut velvet In any color that may bo chosen, the sides of gold or silver lace and a brim edgo of narrow fur banding. It Ib fin ished with a flat camella, posed at the front, and Is a rich-looking and com fortablo hat, but tho Bhapo Ib becoming only to cortaln typeB of fnces. Copper Dish Cloth. Among tho cleaning agents thero aro two recent additions to tho list that aro well worth while; ono Is tho coppor wire dish cloth which comes In thrco sizes for tho cleaning of pots and pans and Is much more effective than tho chnln clotliB, as It does not chip or crack tho enamel. Tho other Is steel wool; this comes In a roll, and a llttlo bit pulled orr, which has tho feeling of a bunch of horsehair and looks not unliko It, will clean enntnolwara perfectly simply by rub bing It over tho surface. It may also bo usod for brasses and glusswaro. IJso with It a nonalkall soap, If any, and always rlnso tho article and pol Ish with a dry cloUt, aftor it U cleaned, SIOiCH MISERY GAS, HI 'Tape's Diapcpsin" fixes sick, sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes. Timoltl In flvo minutes nil stomach distress will go. No indigestion, heart burn, sourness or belching of gas, nctd, or eructations of undigested food, no doziness, bloating, or foul breath. I'apo's DlapepBln Is noted for Ub speed in regulating upset stomachs. It Is tho surest, quickest nnd most cer tain Indigestion remedy In tho wholo world, nnd besides It Is harmless. I'Icaso for your sako, get a largo fifty-cent caso of I'npo'n Dlnpopsln from any storo nnd put your stomach right. Don't keep ou bolng miserable llfo Is too Bhort you nro not hero long, so mako your stay agrcoablo. Knt what you llko and digest It; on oy it, without drend of robolllon In tho stomnch. Papo'n Diapcpsin belongs in your homo anyway. Should ono of tho fam ily cat something which doesn't ngreo with them, or In caso of an attack of Indigestion, dyspopsln, gastritis or Btomach derangement at daytlmo or during tho night, It is handy to glvo tho quickest relief known. Adv. "Play Ball, Never Mind Shells!" Tho (icrnian artillery wuro doing their best to urnso u small town from tho map, says a war correspondent. Every fow minutes thoro would bo a deafening crash and the remnlns of a houso would soar skywards en veloped in a cloud of smoke. In a Hold in tho outskirts of tho town somo Canadian soldiers, rolloved from tho trenches for a fow days, wero Indulging In their favorite game of "bnsebnll." Tho pitcher had Just pitched the bull and tho batsman had hit an easy catch to ono of tho field ers when a hugo slioll lauded In tho adjoining Held. The fielder's nttontlon was fixod on the shell, which burst with a deafening crash, and ho mlssod tho catch. "For tho lovo of Mlko," roared tho pitcher, "if you aro going to play baseball, play basoball, and quit watch ing tho Bbolls." Hotel to Have Food Albums. Ono of tho Now York hotels tins provided a food album to help tho Jadod appetites of their guests. Hero after who'n you boo a menu printed In French, you may banish tho look of bewilderment, for tho food album will translato it for you. For Instnnco, if you soo "Jouno 1'ordreau" on tho monu, and opposito pago 15. Just flip back tho book to that puga and you will sco tho plcturo of a well-douo bird, surrounded with a cunning tombstono of rice. "Thut is partrldgo, smoth erod In rice," tho waiter explains. And In caso the diner does not llko tho plc turo ho may tako tiio book and go through it until ho llnds something that appoals to him. Heavy Reading. FlatbuBh Tho poslotllco directory of London for tho present year weighs almost flfteon pounds. Oousouhurst Evon so, somo Eng lish men of loiters produce soni6 heav ier books than that Yonkera States man. Lots of mon go whero duty calls and stand around with their hands in their pockctB aftor they get thero. Wash ington Star. This Investment Pays Health Dividends -And it's handy at your Grocer's. The average man or woman seldom considers health value seriously until doctor bills have to be paid. If asked the cause of most phvsical ills, the majority of doctors would likely say, "wrong living, which includes wrong eating food that is lacking in certain elements essential to health. The famous pure food Grape-Nuts is made of whole wheat and malted barley, and supplies all the rich nutriment of the grains, scientifically processed to retain thqir mineral values phosphate of potash, etc so necessary in the balanced up keep of every part of the body. Grape-Nuts is ready to eat direct from the package; is easy to di gest; has delicious flavour, and with cream or good milk is a well balanced food. Health from right living i3 the finest possible dividend, and to those who have it all thing are possible. ( There's We will tell you how wo send you n complele set of Oneida Community FREE with yfi 1 Gunrctnte a pattern. Lenrn nil nl Send Coupon for Full Information Let tit Irll you how you rtn feme complete et nl OneU'n Commu nity I'nt I'lMo Silvrtwato witliSkinner'a Product. Intliemf-antlmaaavethfl Nine Macaroni Spaghetti Eaa Noodles Cut trade-mnilc from Duck' mart. Chranrr lo buy Skinner's bv the caift 24 mrLmi.l. All annii arnr.ra eilSkinncr tiHftCatonirroaucia ;r.;. . - . - - ..; . HAD TOMMY "UP A STUMP" Matter of Perch or Roost Somewhat Mixed, but Figure It Out for Yourself. "What's a roost, dad?" asked Tommy. "A roost, my son, Is a polo upon which chlckons sit at night," replied his father. "And what's a porch, dad?" "A porch Is what chickens porch on." "Thon, 1 supposo, dad, a chicken must roost on a porch?" enmo tho fur ther Inquiry. "Of course," was tho smiling reply. "And they could porch on a roost?" "Why, y-y-os," answered dad. "Dut If chlckons perched on a roost, thnt would mako tho roost a porch, wouldn't It? Dut If, Just utter soma chickens hud perched on a roost and mitdo It a perch, somo mora chick ens camo along nnd roosted on tho perch and made it a roost, then tint roost would bo n porch and tho porch would ho a roost, aud somo of tho chickens would bo pnrchors and tho others would bo roosters, and" Avoid the Deformity. Do you know why It Is that most noses point cast? Tako notlco In this regard of tho pooplo you meet, and you will seo that their noses nearly always aro turned qulto markedly to tho right, instead of bolng sot straight on their faces. It Ib a deformation at tributable to tho fact thnt since early childhood thoy havo UBcd their hand kerchiefs with tholr right hands, giv ing tho noso each tlmo a tweak to tho right. Good Advice. "Keop your oyoa on Uio Bky not on tho ground." "You mean that It Is better to be a skyscraper than a muckrnker?" a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Sold by Grocers everywhere. n a a I Sklnotr Mlf . Co . Dtpt. E, Omaha, Nb. 1aa leml mo full Information how t ran nhtiln IOntMa Community lor rial Mlrerwara i tartnv tl. lmU mark aignalurvt from iikltui.r'a Maiannl ueu. AJJmt.. W! Par Plate Silverware Macaroni Products teed ten venrs. uriuni w renin I about this grand offer nnd about the Kinds of Macaroni Products Cut Spaghetti Elbows Soup Rings Macaroni Alphabelos Vermicelli Skinner Manufacturing Cow Tht Lsrtttt Afararonl Factory in Amurica Dept. C Omnhn. Neb. LIKELY TO HAVE LONG STAY Recruit's Retention In Barracks Might Almost Be Said to Be for His Natural Life. A recruit In Kitchener's army was re cently sont to tho barracks of a large provincial town. Shortly after his ar rival thoro ho thought ho would Ilk to soo tho Bights, and askod for a pass from his sergeant, which he promptly rccolved. Aftor wandering round the town to his heart's content ho tried to find his way back, and be ing unacquainted with tho pluco this r' was no easy matter. Eventually he reached barracks somo hours late, to' bo brought beforo his sergeant tor aa explanation. Sergeant What Ib the meaning ol your turning up so late? Recruit 1 lost my way, sir. Sergeant You lost your way? Recruit Ycb, sir. Sergeant Well, you had hotter stay In barracks until you know tho town bottor. Dismiss! Brutal Frankness. "I camo within nn aco of having fight with n pacifist this morning." "You Burprlso mo. Evidently be waa not sincere." "Oh, yes. That was tho troublo. We woro both sincere 1 told him ex actly what 1 thought of a pacifist and ho procoeded to tell mo exactly what ho thought of an apostlo of prepared ness." No Time to 8pare. "Now that tho foptball season I ovor and It's rathor too early for base ball, I guess our boy at college will be ablo to do a little studying," said Mra. Dubwalto. "I'm afraid not," answered Mr. Dub walto. "Ho writes me that his social duties havo been Badly negloctod." . V .wwywarn SL.A.