rr WrTLS RED CJLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF ft. TRADE HAL IN WESTERN CANADA Not a Myth but an Actuality Shown in the Returns of Ag ricultural Statistics and Every Department of Trade and Com merce. Tho trado revival In Manltobn, Sas katchewan and Alberta is an actuality tnd not a myth. Thero 1b toduy .1 spirit of optimism in tho air, just as jwo ycarB ngo thcro provallcd tho op poslto spirit of pessimism. A general trado revival haB been felt in evory department of business in tho Pralrlo Provinces. Tho agricul turists aro in hotter shape than they liavo ovor been beforo in their lives. No farmers of any country aro In bet ter financial condition and in a more general stato of prosperity than aro tho farmcrB of Manitoba, Saskatche wan and Albartn. Tho farmers have harvested a record crop a crop which enriches them to tho extent of some thing over f400,000,000. In tho cities tho prosperity of tho country has been reflected. Every where business is on the hustle. Tho wholesalers and tho rctnllors and tho implement dealers find business good. The banks and other collection houses find collections satisfactory, and finan cial men dcclaro that westerners aro paying up their debts. In Winnipeg tho bank clearings hnvo been tho larg est in history, exceeding somo wcoka tho figures of Montreal and Toronto. Tho grain shipments havo been tho biggest in tho history of Winnipeg and In tho history of tho twin ports, Fort William and Port Arthur. Tho mall order houses bavo had n big year, tho rush of fall orders exceeding all previ ous years and taxing tho capacity of theso establishments, whoso most son gulno expectations havo been exceeded by tho actual business done. Tho tide has turned in western Can ada. Tho pcoplo of tho West aro forging ahead, forging ahead In actual production and in creation of wealth, gtvlng generously to charltablo and other funds, paying up their back dobts, whllo going along carefully as regards any creation of new debts. Thoy aro economizing but not scrimp ing, acting cautiously but not miserly. Tho financial heads of eastern Canada, of tho United States and of Europe are no longor criticizing western Canada: rather thoy aro unstintedly offering their praiso and their compliments. The financial press recognizes that tho tido has turned in western Canada, and it has been published to tho world. Tho condition of western Canada at tho close of 1915 is one of optimistic prosperity, backed by tho samo deter mination of western peoplo to go on increasing their productiveness and maintaining tho records which they havo nlready established. Tho trado rovlval of western Canada is tho happiest featuro In tho business survey of tho whole Dominion for 1915 and In tho outlook for 191G. Adver tisement Two Styles. "I bollcvo in tho mailed list." "And I In tho paclllst." Baltimore Sun. TAKE SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS IF BACK HURTS 6ays Too Much Meat Forms Uric Acid Whtch Clogs the Kidneys and Irritates the Bladder. Most folks forget that the kidneys, tike the bowels, get sluggish and clog ged and need a flushing occasionally, else wo have backache and dull misery In the kidney region, severe bead aches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. Ton simply must keep your kidneys active and clean, and tho moment you feol an ache or pain In the kidney region, got about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug storo here, take a tablespoonful In a glass of water beforo breakfast for a few days and your kidnoys will then act lino. This famous Baits is made from the acid of grapes and lemon julco, com bined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged kidnoys and Btlniulato them to normal activity. It also neu tralizes the acids In tho urine bo it no longer irritates, thus ending blad der disorders. Jnd Salts is harmless; inexpensivo; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everybody should tako now and tiion to keep their kid noys clean, thus avoiding serious com plications. A well-known local druggist says he soils lota of Jad Salts to folks who bo Hove in overcoming kidney trouble whilo It Is only trouble Adv. Tho man who praises tho baby wins tho mother's smllo. fjot flrnr HMrs lint Tired T.ytft make ui look older limn wo aro. Keep vnur rve youim and you will look ynurur ifter tne MovlfH Murine. Your Hyes. Don't til vo r Ve Murine Hyo nrmody Co.. Chicago, Scnda i:yu Uoo" on rcqueat. T'10 pcoplo of llrazil aro olther rich or poor, there being no mlddlo class. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days &'V,'le. iffi fipPlWVitlou iiwi relict joc It's easier for a woman to fool anj man than It is to keep him fooled. MlUMnONAL SIlNMrSfllOOl Lesson 'By K. O. BIJU.UHS. Actlns Director of the Humluy HpiiooI Course of tho Moody nilite Institute of Chicago.) (Cop) right, 1M6, Western Newspapir Union.) LESSON FOR JANUARY 9 tHE COMINGOFTHE HOLYSPIRIT, LESSON' THXT-Artn 2:1-11. flOLDUN' TKXT-Know o not thnt y nre ti temple of (loil, and Hint tin Kplrlt of God dwellcth In you?-l Cor. 3:1 It. V. Good teaching demands tho uso o( tho concrcto; objective teaching is fundamental and essential. Tho incar nation Is God's objective teaching, "God manifest," (a) to rovcai him self, John 14:9; (b) to tako away sin, I John 3:5; (c) to dostroy tho works of tho devil, I John 3:8. So llkowiso Pentecost Is a great objective lesson. This chapter has beun divided ns fol lows: (1) Tho Coming of Power (vv. 1-13), (2) Tho Empowered Witness (vv. 14-36, (3) A Powerful Result (vv. 37-47). I. Power, 1-4. At tho end of our last lesson tho disciples were in prnyor. Tho Lord's promlso (1:5) was conditioned upon obedience At last "tho day" arrived (Lov. 23:15-21). Their hcartB wore fused and tho fun damental requirement for service, tho baptism of tho spirit, carao upon them. Thoro has been no need slnco then to tarry any time at all to rcceivo a like blessing. Lack of unity has much to do with our not receiving tho spirit now and tho consequent lack of power. Suddenly from out of heaven camo a mighty sound (v. 2) and it is such a wind that tho church needs today. Thcro wore threo manifestations at this tlmo and ono other subsequently (seo 2:44, 4:34, 35; G:4). (1) Wind. Let us keep clear tho difference be tween symbol and spirit. The mani festation was "as wind." Wind Is mys terious, universal and mighty, but liko Elijah on tho mountain God is not alono ns a mighty tempest. Tho sound flllod tho wholo house. Wind Is ligurativo of Judgment (Jor. 22:22, Hos. 13:15) of the Spirit (John 3:8), also of heresy (Eph. 4:18). This last suggests tho vagaries and imitations BUggosted or abetted by Satan to keep us from tho truth. (2) Fire. This symbolizes power, light, heat and purl fying, but the Are was not the spirit nor do we recall another such mani festation slnco (3) Tongues. Tho fire took tho form of tongues which parted or portioned themselves out to "each ono of them" though Peter Is alone Bubsoquently moro prominent. Every manifestation of tho spirit le always that of somo now power for Christ (I Cor. 14:2-19). 11. Perplexity, vv. 5-13. Tho ques tlon may nriso, had tho spirit been soon bofore? and tho answer Is "yes" (Matt. 3:16, .Ino. 1:32). What then was new? Tho answer to this Is the program of power. Tho first evidence of power was tho gathering of tho peo ple (v. 6). Tho disciples at onco testi fied to each of the sixteen classes men tioned (9-11) of tho "mighty works oi God." Not of tho gift, but tho giver, a different sort of testimony thnn that given by many who todny profess to havo tho gift ot tongues. The second result was ayi amazed pcoplo, "per ploxed," for them ns now tho world cannot understand tho spirlt-flllcd man. Theso spirit-filled men forget self and wore lost in their testimony (v. 11). It Is of interest to noto that they did not even say much if anything about tho spirit himself. Their testimony, for which many later gavo their lives, was regarding God's mighty work of the resurrection of Josub from the dead (vv. 24, 32). The splrit-fllled man is sure to em phasize this mighty work and the evl donee of the spirit in a man's lifo is his loyalty to a crucified, risen and ascended Lord. A third result was that people mis understood and charged drunkenness, a fact solzed upon later by Paul to teach us the truth (Eph. 5:18). Tho only sure euro for intemperance, or any other evil, is an infilling of the holy spirit. Tho final and complete fulfillment of tho prophecy (vv. 14-21, Joel 2:28, 29) of which Pentecost was a partial fulfillment will be in tho "day of tha Lord." Hut then, as now, all who call upon him shall be saved (v. 13, Rom. 10:13)'. "Somo mocked," oven as today ridicule, or parody aro the enemy's choicest weapons. Pente cost is an event well attested, that marked tho ushorlng in of a new dis pensation, that was misunderstood, but one that can bo verified by experience. Pontccost was a revelation, a mani festation of a now spiritual kingdom, distinctly Christian, that oxposes sin and exalts tho son. Pentecost is a prophecy of real Christian unity, ot a spiritual adminis tration, ot ChrlBfs intercession and an ovidonco of an abiding presence When wo aro splrit-fllled the Lord Josus Christ will occupy tho wholo horizon of our .experience, our testi mony and will control our service. Tho spirit-filled servant can oxclalm "Tho Lord (Jesus) is my shophord," ho Is Lord, ho is my shepherd; he Is, not has bcon or will bo, but ho is my shop herd. Tho gift of the spirit must not be confused with tho spirit's "gifts" () Cor. 12) whereby wo are enabled to do tho work ho directs in order to glorify tho son not tho church, nor man, noi a religious experience, but tun Lore Josub (Gal. 2:21), II Tim, 1:7). INDIGESTION, GAS OR SICK STOMACH Time It! Pape's Dlapepsln ends all Stomach misery in five minutes. Do some foods you eat bit back taste good, but work badly; ferment Into stubborn lumps and causo a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or 'Mrs. Dyspoptlc, Jot this down: Pnpo's Dlapopsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. There novor was anything so safely quick, so certainly effectives No dlffercnco how badly your stomach is disordered you will get happy relief in flvo minutes, but what pleasos you most is thnt it strengthens and regulates your stom ach so you can eat your favorite foods without fear. You feel dlfferont as soon as "Papo's Dlapepsln" comos in contact with tho stomach distress Just vanishes your stomach gots sweot, no gases, no belch ing, no eructations of undigested food. Go now, mako tho best investment you ever made, by getting a largo fifty cent caso of Papo's Dlapopsin from any store You roallzo In flvo minutes how noodloss it In to suffer from indiges tion, dyspopsla or bad stomach. Adv. Aluminum alloy pistons tu motor-car engines wear excellently with the usual lubrication. r CARE FOR YOUR HAIR Frequent Shampoos With Cutlcura Soap Will Help You. Trial Free. Procodo shampoo by touches of Cu ticura Ointment if needed to spots of dandruff, itching mid irritation of tho scalp. Nothing better for tho com ploxlon, hair, hands or skin than theso Bupcr-crcamy emollients. Also as preparations for tho toilet. Proo samplo each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. L, BoBton. Bold everywhere. Adv. Another Land. Tho kindergarten teacher was try ing to- glvo her small charges a fool ing of somo othor locality than tho ono In which thoy dwelt. They did not grasp tho idea ob well ob sho wished, and after a whllo sho said: "Who knows about some othor land? Can nnyono hero tell mo?" "I can," Bald four-yoor-old John. "Very well, what land can you tell mo about?" "Sweet land of liberty," said John, showing plainly how ho had profltod by tho dally exorcises in patriotic singing. His Point of View. "Do you think human holngs ought to bo chloroformed when they reach tho ago of sixty?" asked tho student of deep problems. "Certainly not," nnswered tho misan thropic person. "Hy tho tlmo peoplo aro sixty years old thoy hnvo dono about all tho devilment thoy can da and a fow years moro or less don't mako any difference." Just for the Trip. "Our friend Twobble 1b a potential peace crusader." "What do you mean by that?" "If ho wero invited to go along with all expenses paid, ho'd accept tho invi tation regardless of whether peace were in sight or not." Even a botanist nay not bo ablo to recognize a blooming idiot when be boob one. LACK OF MONEY Was a Godsend in This Case. It is not always that a lack of money Is a benefit. A lady in Ark. owes ber health to the fact that she could not pay in advanco tho fee demanded by a spe cialist to treat her for stomach trou ble. In telling of her caso sho says: "I had been treated by four different physicians during 10 years of stomach trouble. Lately I called on anothor who told me ho could not euro me; that I had neuralgia of the stomach. Ehon I went to a specialist who told o I bad catarrh of tho stomach and said ho could euro mo in four months, but would havo to havo his money down. I could not ralso tho neces sary sum and in my extremity I was led to quit coffco and try Postum. "Tho results havo been magical. I now sleep well at night, something I had not done for a long timo; tho pain in my stomach la gono and I am a dlfferont woman. 'Every tlmo I had tried to stop cof feo I Buffered from sovero headaches, so I continued to drink it, although I had reason to bollovo it was injurious to me. Dut when I had Postum to shift to it was different. "To my Burpriso I did not miss cof feo when I began to drink Postum. "Cotfeo had been steadily and surely killing mo and I didn't fully realize what wbb doing it until I quit and changed to Postum." Namo given by Postum Co., Uattlo Creek, Mich. Postum cornea in two forms: Postum Cereal tho original form must bo well boiled, 15c and 25c pack ages. Instant Postum a solublo powder dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa ter, and, with cream and sugar, makes a doliclouB boverago Instantly. 30c and GOc tins. Both kinds aro equally delicious and cost about tho samo por cup. "There's a Reason" for I'OBtum. old by Qrocerg, SAVES TRAIN, GETS ( DINNER AND JOB Tramp Finds Broken Rail, Sig nals Freight and Averts a Wreck. Chesfon, In. Lo Roy Perkins al ways hit tho trail. That Is, he walked tho railroad ties and wherever they would lead him thero ho would go. Ho had no homo, no Job, nothing. Several dajs ago Perkins was per forming his usual feat. A tramp was his only company. Ho enmo across a broken rail n short dlstntico from Red Oak. A big trnln was duo In a fow minutes. Perkins Bcratehed his head and thought. It wns tho Hrst bit of thinking ho had dono. The tramp was dispatched to Red Oak to notify officials thero. Perkins started up tho track to flag tho freight. Ho waved his coat and suc ceeded In causing tho engineer to ttlow up, but not until Biivoral ears had passed over tho track. Hut tho train He Waved His Coat. was going bo slow the wreck was averted. Superintendent N. C. Allen of the Crcston division of tho Durllngton heard of tho incident. Ho Immediate ly notified tho railroad officials to pro vide Porklns and his companion with transportation whoro they cared to go. Porklns said ho couldn't cat paste board. So ho was given a now cloth ing outfit, entertained at a big dlnnor, and then provided with a Job as brake man. FARMER IS KIN OF KINGS Charles Benson of Wisconsin Claims Relationship to Crowned Heads of England and Belgium. Chctok, Wis. Charles Benson, six ty, living on a farm near Chctck, Is re lated by blood ties to tho crowned heads of England and Belgium. Ilia grandmother was a sister to Mario Loulso Victoria and first cousin of Queen Victoria. Sho was also a sister of Leopold I of Belgium. Brought up to a Ufo ot toil, Bonson mado Evansvlllo his homo for tho bettor part of his lifo. Benson novor discussed his relationship to royalty. H1b mothor, who died many yenrs ago, received letters and pres ents from tho lata Queen Victoria, her cousin. WOMAN KILLS URGE EAGLE Enjoys Distinction of Being Only Woman to 8lay Bird Without - Aid of Weapon. Rolla, Mo. Mrs. J. H. Arthur, who lives near Laquoy, Pulaski county, probably enjoys tho distinction of be ing tho only woman in Missouri to kill an eagle without tho aid ot n weapon. Recently sho heard a nolso in tho chicken yard and saw a largo eaglo swoop down on tho flock. A watchdog rushed upon tho eaglo and knocked it to tho ground. Mrs. Arthur grabbed a long ploco ot wagon tiro and struck it with all her might, breaking its nock and right wing. Tho eaglo measured six foot four Inches from tip to tip. THIS FOOTPAD IS FINICKY Insisted Upon Taking Woman's Toilet Articles as Well at Her Valuables. Highland Palls, N. Y. A footpad who hold up MrB. Evolyn Durocher of Stony Point, lu Summltvillo, selected hor tollot articles among othor things ho took from her handbag. Ho emerged from behind a tree and, ordering hor not to mako un outcry, Boizcd her handbag. Ho took from It a watch, a purso containing $16, comb, bottle of cologne, can of toilet powder, mirror and powder puff. Then ho throw tho bag, containing her railroad ticket, hor handkerchief and a copy of a deed, at her and fled. Farmer Lost Legs In Corn Husker. I'routs Station, O. Frank Kliulo had both logs so badly mangled when ho foil into a corn husker that thoy had to bo amputated at the knees. His condition la critlcoL nTvTVffv ,! iPf- H 'V' aaV m 'W -fi wMJmJ - pi 4 -AiWilNrMLw im aw . w-w U- i I ii i I m i , U WaW im WaW lam i bbbbT I J am. W& i . V..44 kJL- - - k5 i vm i r " i hv y hi jiiiy A-"ii-iJr J 1 Macaroni 2 Sp.il, .til 3 Etf NooUlc circle -raWaa it. !:r ViW; m-Asm ':, aWAJSvA' ? ' 'aWA y",' -WfllA t'r'H Bumper Grain Crops .l 7 S - Good Prizes A as U if Ik V.Z.y ZSA -wmftt -x--WJd I Hill I 1 sail" Villi wms l!3?EtV ' iriia "St "fiiitfa ,riaHHJBMalataaafl&C3dfan la no war tax on land and no conscription. Send for Illustrated pamphlet and ask for reduced railway rates, information as to best locations, etc. Address Superintendent Immisration, Ottawa, Canada, or VV. V. DENNETT, Room 4, Dee Bldrj., Omaha, Nebr. Canadian Government Ascot Giving Him Warning. "If you conio homo cnrly this after noon, pIcaHO go around tho houso nnd enter by tho back door," said Mrs. Dodsworth. "What's on foot?" asked Mr. Dods worth. "Nothln'B on foot," thank heaven! I will entortaln tho Drowning club this afternoon and I don't want any object so Intensely matorlal uh you aro to pro fane tha soulful atmosphere wo Hhall bavo created by soveral hours of study and recitation." UlrmlnBham Ago Herald. Important to Mother. ,. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA.asafeandsure remedy fox Infants and children, and see that it nABFfl ttlA Signature of UutirT&&&t In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatori Modest Petition. In a deeply religious family of Elgin, tUo eight-year-old son had bcon taught to ask a blessing ut tho table. One afternoon thoro wero a number of women asked to luncheon, and the klddlo, being a bit embarrassed, made tho following brief petition: "Oh Lord, forglvo us for this food."' Only One "BROMO QUININE" To eel the crnalns, call (or full Dame, LAXA TIVE liltOMO QUIN1NK. Look tor alenalur of K. W. CKOVli. Cures a Cold in One Day. 2SC Milwaukee hao Installed 25 pool or billiard tables in its public school buildings. ANURIC! The Newest Discovery in Chemistry This Is a recent discovery of Dr. Plorco, who is head of tho Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Huffalo, Ni Y. Experiments at Dr. I'lorco'H Hospital for several years proved that thero is no other eliminator of uric acid that can bo conipured to It. For thoso easily recognized symptoms of inflammation as buckucho, scalding urlno and frequent urination, ur well as scdlmout in tho urlno, or If uric acid lu tho blood has cuused rheuma tism, it is simply wonderful how uro ly "Anurlc" ucts. Tho host of results aro alwaya obtained in cases of acuta rhoutnatlum in tho joints, in gravel and gout, and invariably tho pains and Btlffuoes which so frequently uud por latently accompany tho dlueaso rup Idly disappear. Go to your nearest drug storo and ihr$ : .IDMIBWIM i . v . "''1 Save the Trade-Mark Signature From SKINNERS Macaroni and Spaghetti Products nnd net a complete set of Oneida Community Par Hate Silverware frcc. Guaranteed lOycars. Beautiful Bridal Wreath pattern. Send us the :upon below and we will tell you all about it Nine Kinds Skinner's Products 4 Cut Macaroni B CnlSpailiatU 6 Elbow 7 Soup Rlnf 0 Alphabcto 0 Varmlcatll These delicious foods can be prepared 5ft different ways to take the place of high-priced meat dishes. An economical, hearty food, perfectly balanced. Skinner's Macaroni Products ore ninde from tha finest durum whenl, in ilia largest and cleanest iiiacnroni factory in America. Get a complete et of Onchln Community w PnrPlntcSilvcrwnro with Skinner's Mncnroni Products. Send tho coupon lor lull de w ... tails. No oblation whatever. In tho Msf, J7 meantime buy Skinner's products f D.pl.D nt tiwr ntnr.t'l frllf-nnf-r II vnil t L. M.L get them by the case 24 f Vtto itnd m packages) nnd save the , lull information containing llio n.iJ. r?,mi . signature. All good S Par I'Ula Hilveiwara Rrocers sell Skinner's FRUnwith SUlnni' lacaronl Products. f M.ca.onl IWucu. Skinner Mfg. Co. V N,m fartfit Macaroni , Fixtorr laAm4iitm Dapt.D JT Addiau Omaha Neb. f Town SlaU Markets High Prices war dad to WostornCanada for Whoat, OalBt Barloy, Alfalfa and Orasmam The winnings of Western Canada at the Soil Products Exposition at Denver were easily made. The list comprised Wheat, Oats, Barley and Grasses, the most important being the prizes for Wheat and Oats and sweep stake on Alfalfa. No less important than the splendid quality of Western Canada's wheat and other grains, is the excellence of the cattle fed and fattened on the grasses of that country. A recent shipment of cattle to Chicago topped the market in that city for quality and price. Wcittra Cauft prod'sctd' ia 1915 oM-tlirJ as ait wlist Ualtsa States, r OTW 300.000.0W basksU. Canada in proportion to population has a greater exportable surplus of wheat this year than any country in the world, and at present prices yom can figure out the revenue for the pro-, duccr. In Western Canada you will find good markets, splendid schools, excep tional social conditions, perfect climate , and other sreat attractions. Thersj Tho henpecked husband develops Into a frco-thlnker when his wlfo goes away on a visit. PATENTS Wataoa I!. rolnaaat, l'aleut I -aw rr.W aaliliigtoD, Ii.U. AilvlcwitiHllmflkatrraL lutes reasonable. 11 Igbett references. Ikstaerrluea. 55! Nebraska Directory 12,000 SATISFIED SHIPPERS u.lif, la aar "Muua' Mllrr. hiilra tm "V" rv w-.--,Trrr -j. ...r:. i. .z .. ! Tm AtotwtnU4lnvM7 vnw ior rr in Litvn. Ifm ftftVt Blil-M W MU, Wilts V u rite um W WU1 Tan and aiia roar a Mdaa Vi., and too big auar. All U Bk 3 1 (uuaalaai. WilU r.r teualM pkaa. ILaMllJ .taliibi ,aI.. eu.ta. BTBTBTaTBTBTBTBBTaal OMAHA HIDE &FURCO. WMaJ.m 907 So. Utli St. Omaha. Nab. I COSTUMES THEftTRICAI. HISTORICAL MASQUERAOI FOR RENT OR SAIE Largest stock In tha West 8hlpp4 by cxpreaa anywhers In tbs U. ft, THEO. LIEBEH A SON, 1616 Howard St, OMAHA 1EPAXT0N HOTEL Omsha, Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms from 21X0 up slasjlo, 76 cents up double. CAFE PKlCttS REASONABLE NE AL LIQUOR AND DRUG CURE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Address 1502 S. 10th St., Omaha, Neb or W. L. Beavers, Mgr. Aixcc riAL W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 2-1916. simply ask for a 50-ccnt package ot "Anurlc" manufactured by Dr. Pierce, or oven writo Dr. Plerco for a large trial packago (10c). It you BUBpect kldnoy or bladder troublo, send him samplo ot your watei and describe symptarrs. Dr. Pierce's chemist will uxamino it, then Dr. Pierce will report to you without feo or charge. NOTE.- "Anurlc" is thirty-sovon times moro active than lithia In ellml nating uric acid, and is a harmless but roliablo chemical compound that may bo safoly givon to children, but should ho used only by grown-ups who actu ally wish to restoro tholr kidnoys to perfect hoaltti, by conscientiously using ono box or moro In extreme cases as "Anurio" (thanka to Dr. Plorco's achievement) Is by far the most perfect kldnoy and bladder oo roctor obtainable. QXQS Vj nil M $T53 r 1 1 ia i r''mmwiamMBWWIIBWmMRmmmM sJJsssakijl,iftl' iTl 'Y'' j ViJn3