The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 30, 1915, Image 5

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Bulletin of The Week' olnge
Fresh Lowneys lit Miner Hros. Co.
J. II Bailey la In Omnlia this week.
Every tenth btitfgy whip free at
Amos Miksch returned homo from
Kansas City Frklny.
Front rooms over Storey's store for
rent. .Ins. Mcllulre.
Raymond Turmire is visiting friends
in Lincoln this week.
Howard Hamilton wns p from
(Initio Hoelt Tuosdny.
Huy your bnpgy whips at Fogel's.
Fveiy tenth whip given away.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson of Sargent
are visiting relatives here this week.
Mr. and II rs Herb Ludlow loft Mon
day for a week's visit in Omnlm and
Misses Inez, and Blancho Doner and
Miss Mary Christian were Hastings
visitors Monday.
Kay Saunders loft for Kansas City,
Sunday, after spending Christmas
here with friends
Mr. and Mrs. Cook of St. Francis,
Kansas, spent Christmas in this city
with Kev. and Mrs. J. L Deebe.
Itenjamin F. Copley nnd Miss Sarah
Ann Harvey, both of In aval o were
united in marriage on Wednesday.
Monday night was the coldest that
we have had this winter. The thcr
mometer registered ten below zero.
Mr. and Mrs. Elden Walmer of Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Cowden this week.
Attorney F. J. Munday, wife and
family, returned home Wednesday
from Beaver City where they spent
Christmas with relatives.
Vm. Uurdlck and family returned to
Gujde Rook, Wednesday, after attend
injf - the funeral of Mrs. Burdick's
mother, Mrs. Sarah Holsworth.
Mrs. Dunham mother of Mrs. Chas.
Eddy died at their home in Guide
Rock Tuesday. The body was shipped
to Nelson for burial on Wednesday.
The most liberal options ,ar to ba
M flaw ,tttim
Cheaper rates. One of oldest compan
ies doing business in thissUtbfUB. W.
Stewart. ;!
'Mr. and Mrs C. W. Welsz of Chicago,
(nil Irene Miner) arrived in the city
Frjioy evening tpvisit relatives. Mr.,
vm6z rerornea nomaounauy, ana mre.
Welsz remained until today.
The following were elected Sunday
School otllcers of tho Sonth Side
Mission for 1910: E. R. Slawson, Su
perintendent; Lawrence Pierce, Assist
ant Superintendent; Mrs. McConkey,
Treasurer; Mrs. Ned Sutton, Secre
tary. Mr. and Mr. S. C. Ellis and daugh
ter, Helen, spent Christmas with rela
tives ut Lincoln. They returned homo
the first of tho week, accompanied by
Mr. Kills' son, Dale, a C. 15. & Q. agont
at Creston, Iowa, who will visit hero
for a few days.
Geo. .1. Warren, tho up-to-dato man
ager af the Tepee, returned homo from
Omaha, Tuesday evening, where lie
renewed his contracts with the 1'atiie
Exchange. This means that the pa
trons of this" popular and instructive
amusement emporium aro to continue
to enjoy the sumo high class plctuics
which have been shown for some time
past. Mr. Warren announces that his
contracts include the cream of all
such as The Beloved Vagabond, etc,,
and he leturned highly pleased with
what he had accomplished.
0. M. EnycHrt of Inavalc was in
city Friday,
Chas, Herrick was down from Ina
valc Thursday.
Roy Stevens Is able to bo out Hgaln
after a short illness.
I have several good farms for snlo or
trade. C A. Schultz.
Dick ltunchey of Grand Island was
in the city this week visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Avery and son,
Dovt, spent Christmas iu Superior with
Miss Lela Woods and her brother,
Carnest, spent Tuesday iu Guldo Hock
with friends.
Bettor order live bushels of those
tine Potatoes sent to the house from
Miner Bros, Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nolan spent
Christmas iu Pawnee City, with Mr.
Nolan's mother
FOR RENT The B.C. Cutter stock
yards In Rod Cloud. Mrs. Cora Cutter,
Earnest Woods of Wymorc is visiting
Ids patents, Mr. and Mrs Charley
Woods, this week.
Mrs. Jane McKinley of Powell, Ne
braska, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Cowden this week.
Will Miksch nnd wife of Mt. Clair,
spent Christmas with his parents,
Hufus Miksch and wife.
Ira Smelser returned home the last
of the week from Mason City, Iown,
where he had been working.
Mr. and Mrs. Uhnl Golattley are
home from Lincoln, where they spent
Christmas with C. W. Malono and
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Starr were over
from Lebanon, Kansas, to spend
Christmas with the J. W. Corbctt
Mr. and Mrs. Branson Stewart re
turned homo from Lincoln, Monday,
where they had spent Christmas with
L. H. Blackledge and family return
ed homo from Orleans, Monday, where
tbey spent Christmas with his brother,
Asa Blackledge.
Verlln Butler and wife of Oberlln,
Kansas, came over Friday to spend
Christmas with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Butler.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burgess ro',
tunned toj Inavale. Saturday iaf ten
J. M. Burgess and wife. It
Chs. rfWtfle and wite and Burii
. .
IVT"1 .
HbueklnhrfdNvlfe of Oberlln, Kansas,
spent Christmas at the Eli Houchln's
home southeast of town
Th'e'-G. A R. and W. R. (Twill have
piiblfo installation w otflccYs", January
1st at 2:30 p. m. All soldiers and their
wives are invited to come.
Mrs. J. L. Grimes nnd daughter,
Irani, camo down from Hastings,
Thursday, evening to visit at the home
of 13. L. Grimes and family.
Vincent Johnston returned to Rny
town, Missouri, the first of the week,
after spending Christinas with his
mother, Mis. Clara Johnston.
Br. Warrick, tho specialist, will moot
eye, ear, nose and throat patients and
those licoJiug glasses lilted at Dr.
Dameroll's olllcc, Wednesday, Januaiy
Miss Flossie McKimmeyvtho is teach
ing school at Kdlson, camo home Sat
urday to spend her vacation witli the
home folks, W. II. McKinuney and
For Her People, a four reel drama
by Pathe, foutuilng Floiencc Turner,
was bhown nt the Tepee last night, and
proved to be another one of those
high oluss pictures. It is a truly
interesting story the pictures tell, and
if you failed to bee it last night, you
should not do so tonight.
Insure your Farm Property with
Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman
for the
Farm Central Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.,
Hastings, Nebraska
Phones: Office, .104; Residence, 17:G
A sane, safe, sound nnd economical
plan of fire, lightning and tornado
Will your policy soon expire?
Write me and let mo explain. No
obligation on your pai t.
Al. Slaby wont to Denver last Fri
day. A few choii'o house plants for sale.
Mrs. II. C. Cutter.
Fred Temple of Kansas City spent
Christmas iu tills city.
Mr. nnd Mts. C. .1. Popo spoilt Christ
mas in Lincoln with relatives.
FOR SALE An automatic shot-gun
in good condition. W. L. Koon.
Chas. Lovercheck Is homo from a
visit with his daughter at Hebron.
Oliver Powell left Friday forNelelgh
to spend Christmas with his parents
Mr. and Mts. Frank Peterson spent
Christmas at the E. B. Crone home at
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Gather spent
Christmas in Guide Rock, with rela
tives. W. P. Medlar and wifo are spending
their vacation in Clay Center with
Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Boles spent
Christmas with the C. W. Way family
at Hastings.
Andy Hart and wife were over from
Lebanon over Christmas visiting Mrs
J. II. Raskins.
Raymond Koontz came homo from
York, Thursday, to spend Christmas
with his parents
Will West and family 'of Naponee,
spent Christmas here with his mother,
Mrs. Carrie West. '
Geo. J. Warren left Sunday for
Omaha, to secure a new line of-photo
plays for the Tepee.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Qund and family
of Blue Hill, spent ChrlstmaB with
relatives in this city. , T
. Leland Caldwelr and familv wera
(down from Inavftib,' ib spend Christ-
P" wuuw preuKSrj hmmmiI ,xl
Miss Katbryn Burke'Mt'Tharedav
evening for Wainut,'fowa,fa'nav'Oraaba
j. .. i ! ' I .in in .
iwniivuu nm vnuttuuu,, , t ." ,,
I Edgar Mcintosh' left Monflav'fdr
dorand Inland, where he 'will spe'nei
several weeks visiting.
For Frldny nnd Saturday of this
week will bo presented the Gold
Cobra in three reels. An Interesting
nnd entertaining picture. A good
comedy will open tho program. The
usual matinee on Saturday at ') p. in.
Ncal of the Navy will come in
regular order on Monday nnd Tuesday.
A comedy will open the prnuinm.
Patho News with tho events of tho
world will also bo presented.
Tho Beloved Vagabond, a beau
tiful six reel picture in colors adapt
ed 1 1 oin tho famous book of Wm. .1.
Locke will be presented on Wednes
day and Thursday next, Jan. ft and 0.
'Hie excellence of this play makes It
deserving of special mention. The
exquisite coloring, ami an liiteiesllng
stoiy and Hplendld acting makes the
Beloved Vagabond an extraordinary
attraction and a geuulno treat.
It is n master piece In every senso
of the word,
The picture will Mait promptly at
8 o'clock. Do not miss ,i foot of it.
Wednesday matinee at. 3 p m.
Regular prices will provall though
It Is easily worth double. Tho differ
ence Is our treat.
The next great event at the Tepee
will be the presentation of the "Llfo
of Our Savior," a seven reel Path
colored master pleco. A magnificent
production in every detail. Date will
be given later.
Look out for the New Adventures
of J. Rufus Wallingford. They are
coming, possibly next week Friday and
A word in regard to our Wednesday
and Thursday five and six reel photo
In the first place there are no better
pictures made there are many as
good but none better, mind that.
Superior and other towns charge an
extra price for the same class of pic
tures. We make no extra charge,
I trusting to an Increased patronage to
meet the Increased expense. Wo hope
to make the experiment a success. 4
This line of pictures is running in
n Lincoln, OmahaJUonlngs, rKjHnsas
City, etc., just before'" or Just" after
are run In 'Red Cloud." We are
'giving our patrons the iop1 6fr'the
market, bright, new and' clean- 'You
won't see any better anywhere.
At both ends of the week a more
Happy flem Year
To You and Yours
And May 1916 Be Filled With
Prosperity And AH Good Things
F. G. TOttNtyE & SOU
tiTWo Close At Noon Now Year' Day
At The Tepee Next Wednesday and Thursday and Wednesday
Afternoon At 3 O'clock
Clyde Bowen and family of North
Branch spent Christinas at the home
of Mrs. N. R. Simpson.
Charley Fox (nine homo from York
to spend Christmas with his parents,
Sunford P. Fox and wife.
Fred Fearn has just completed
wiring the John Coon residence west
of town for electric lights.
Mrs. Susie Ludlow and daughter,
Lucy, of Franklin spent Christmas
with Curtis Gecr and wife.
Miss Louise Schumacker went to
Orleans Thursday evening to spend
her vacation with her parents.
Paul Francis the popular salesman
for Swift & Co,, spent Christinas in
Norton, Kansas, with relatives.
Paul Johnston of Lincoln spent
Christmas In this city with his mother,
Mrs. Clura Johnston nnd family.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Frohnen of Hast
lugs, were guests at the J. A. Bradford
home iu this city over Christmas.
John Foster and daughter, Miss Eva,
rcturnod home Monday from Rciibli
can City, where they visited friends.
Dr. R. V. Nicholson returned home
Tuesday from Wisncr and West Point,
where he spent Christmas with relatives,
Farm Loans
Lowest Intel est, best option nnd
terms to bo hud iu tho state. Money
always ready. Call for me ut State
Bank. C. F. Catiier.
varied program is given up to date
and entertaining, four nnd five reels
showing two or three subjects. In
mid-week the single bubjeots in five
and six reels are given,
Ivan Wright of Edison, is visiting
relatives here
Mr. and Mrs. John Weesucr and
family spent Christinas in Superior.
A large number of our citizens have
been having u siege of the la grippe.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Pope of Kansas
City aro visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Pope.
Last Thursday, Mr. Clarence Kouf
man and Miss Mary Henry both of
Guide Rook were married by County
Judgo Ranney.
Mrs. John Doyle is dangerously ill
at her home in the north part of this
city buffering from an attack of pneu
monia together wlth"a complication of
disonses. Owlug to the lady's advanced
ago her illness is of grave ooncorn.
On Wednesday morning, when No.
15 wns a few miles west or Inavalo,
tho equalizers on the tank of the
engine broke, letting tho tank drop.
Engineer Jim Engles of McCook whs
at tho throttlo, and had the train in
the thirty live miles an hour hole, but
by prompt and efllalent action, and
the fact that the tank remained right
side up, brought tho train to a stand
still without even bpilllng the coffee In
tlje diner. The fireman, It is reported,
jqmped when the accident occurred.
iSn hhhhsh vSsesB
Don't Forget
We Are Selling
Perfectly Good
Ms and
mH k t
Kiinnenheirner1 and
Clothcraft Suits
Any Line At A Discount
Is Something Worth Considering
Jhe Qoutden-Kaley Qlothing Qo.
'f Handsome Life Time Lasting
r?,m ,uw...
'U.DaI:--;; iBwii'J'' iAtm
- .''.neVmviMClHVV.' UliflllU ;i.wJtlVV
t .With everv .nound vail fccfclvc1 a 'coiim
when you have 10 coupons, call ah'dake'buT'dh'Sicefif r
The price ot the Coffee is 35c per pound
Call and see our ncwShercr Sanitary Counter and
see how we protect your health from all unhealthy
PESTS which are bound to get in all Bulk Groceries if
left out uncovered.
Ol'U MOT 10 IB:
Good Goods, Pure Goods, Clean Goods
And Tho Right Prlco
H Pl I'
Since the Citizens of Red Cloud Have
Been Unable to Produce Slipless Side
Walks, and Each Winter Many Falls
Are Caused by Snow and Sleet...
See Van Before Yoo Slip
Geo. M. VanCamp, Agent
For The Travelers of Hartford
The Oldest and Largest Accident Co. in the World
PHONESi iDd. 241 Bell 128
lKAI.i:it IN
ii iiiuiiiwiii iii iui iii'i!.iJtiiiMiiiFni;ii,iijiiiiii0iiioi:!iii:ijiiiiil
Sooner or Later You Will Have
Repair That Corn Crib
iui1 ! mnmmLmmmm
' 1 U tiy
tlMl t