Ifc u m vm. i r&if'i .v J RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF n :, hfH l i" i (. m 1 ! h YVfcNEWYE TJC8QUTKR H . o; ILD ' NAT! TEMS 1NO CTOSF! WISE BYMAKI i- SINREL! KEER TH ii fHE sBETERMI- . KE&RYOUR MM?: lAKiNUf sX NY weakling can made resolutions. It needs a strong man to keep them. That Is perhaps why New Year resolutions mo so often futile. Tho strong do not wait for high days and holy days to amend tliolr conduct or carry out their ro-solves.-They obey Goethe's dictum: "Seize this very minute, lioldncss hat genius, power and made In It." And so It happens that tho largo army of peo plo who wait for tho Now Year before effecting a reformation In their llveb are seldom success ful In carrying out their Intentions. They nro not possessed of tho spirit of energy am. resolu tion necessary to achievement. It may bo argued that It Ih better to mako good resolutions, oven though they nro not carried out, thnn not to make them at all Thlr Is open to question, however. UnlcsB ono Is absolutely determined to do what one has don red, It Is perhaps on tho wholo bettor not to make promises to oneself. Unfulfilled resolves continually repented, tend to weaken tho character, and to reduce one's faith in oneself, Just as resolutions put Into practlco are conduclvo to strength and self-confidence. Very llttlo tends to ovorbalanco tho resolutions of tho average person. In fact, many peoplo wel como any uxcuse to exonerato them from tho carrying out of their resolves. Ono Individual determines, Itt ub say, never to lose bis temper. Ho comes down on Now Year's morning with n set smllo on hit. face. Alas! It Is short-lived. Tho wholo world scomB In conspiracy to drag him back to his former frame of mind. Tho cof feo Is cold, tho letters which look so alluring provo to bo chiefly bills and begging epistles, ha falls over the doorstep as ho leaves tho house. AH these minor annoyances, which, If rightly mot, would have helped him to conquer his weak ness, servo but to throw him back Into his original state, and boforo evening ho is as bad as ever ho baa been. I iff fkL Ma JAJzyi f JBfrB' HbHT alaBLLtidaaaaaaiBH r f HI tfrjK4av w alaiaaap aflatiaw- aa SOMEWHAT HARD TO FOLLOW Sturdy Veteran's Reclpo for Long Life All Rlnltt, but for Certain Strong Consideration!. Ooorgo Mcllrnn, n Jnmnlra negro, floventy-flvo years old, u nailer for 01 yoara ami still an nctlvo and able sea man, veteran of a thousand utorniH and n score of shipwrecks, haH been telling tho Philadelphia Public Ledger how to avoid Illness and attain old ago with out losing an ounce of the strength of youth. Hero Is Oconto's recipe: "ICat an much an you like, whenever you desire. "Kat whatever you llko, "Hleep whenever you foci sloepy. No particular hours aro necessary. 'Must live llko you want lo." There Is no doubt Hint (Joorgo baa tho right Idea. Youth at least until Implncabln ngo bait broken It of its doolie- believes In rntlng an niiii'h nH It likes, whenever It likes, and In slooplng when It feels sleepy. Hut by the time one Is inoro or less able to "Just llvo llko ho wantH to" a lifetime of training In tbn opposite direction holds up Inhibitory hands and lolm his liberty of Its savor. (leoigo Is an example but he por haps owes inoro than ho realizes to tho belaying pin and tho rope's end, both of which ulds to good habits were in their prime when his habits weio forming. Knickerbocker ProsH. jLFZjmjc'j&isrjsissv&z&nzzz, & Or, tuiio another very general Now Year's resolution, that of getting up at a certain tlmo In tho morning. When tho day dawns, any rea Bon whatover is grasped nt to ovado this. Tho weather Is too cold, tho alarm was not loud enough, ho is suro his watch Is fast, ho doesn't really fool well enough to risk getting up cnrllcr than usual, and, after all, ho aaks himself, Is thero any real reason why ho should? A thousand-and-ono excuses tho avcrago individual will mako to himself rather than perform what ho hab designed to do. Tho world is full of wobblers of this kind, and the moro they wobblo tho weaker thoy bo como. Another reason perhaps why tho average resolution-makers so seldom achluvo their purpose is that they attompt too much. They mnko two, threo, sometimes six resolutions nt onco, whereas to carry through ono resolution successfully Is qulto an admlrablo feat. As Thomas a Kempls sayB: THE FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION f E MAUPASSANT, describing an officer, said that Just to look nt him made ono feel martial. Ho did not say warlike or belllcoso; tho idea he wished to convey waB much raoro subtle. In the presence of this officer ono assumed tho military attitude of mind and body. This is a phenomenon that escapes the attention of most peoplo women, however, ob serve It. Practically every nonmllltary man at tho Bight of a well act up, fully accoutred soldier Instinctively assumes something or a military bearing. And when tho drums roll and b marching column of soldiers flashes Into vlow tho civilian Involuntarily throws back nis Bnouiaers ana steps out wim a tonss, measured tread. And as with civilians, bo with soldiers. The ordinary regiment becomes more military in tho pres ence of tho crack regiment. Tho crack regiment Itself gains something moro when In proximity to a detachment of troopB of heroic, almost legendary, fame, such as tho Foreign Legion. The Legionaries handle campaigns of their own, and probnbly no body of troops has over done such constant and arduous campaigning. But France over and over again has used them also as leaven among other troops. Thoy stiffen tho mass, and man emulate their actions. Tho Legion was sent out to tho Crimea and got n6 special credit for covering itself with glory, as that had been expected of it, but did reflect great credit on tho Judgment or those who had sent it out to help to inspire a wholo army. Too queen of Spain 80 years ago was In a hard fix with a civil war on her hands. xTho Carllsts, whom she was fighting, wero Just as good soldiers as her own, If not a shado better. Then tho Queen's generals had an inspiration of genius. If they could only get tho French Foreign Legion into their army thoy felt tho shade of advantage would movo over to their sldo. So tho queen bought tho Foreign Legion from tho then king of Franco, and for (our years tho Legion belonged to Spain. In the present war, part of tho Fronch Legion ran been sent to tho trenches of Franco and Flandors and Alsaco and to the Dardanelles. Part of it remains in Africa, Its normal habltrt, doing somo mighty vigorous campaigning in tho Moroccan part of Franco's wonderful now Afrlcnn empire. Tho Americans and otlur foreigners who are enrolled as volunteers In the French army aro put in contact with tho Legionaries, and this, while giving them scopo for their fighting qualities and assuring them an opportunity for genulno campaigning, is the highest measuro or protection for them. It guaran tees them against foolish rashnoss, as well as against being led Into traps or losing their head in critical moments. Fighting Is routine work with tho Legionary. Just as sailing a yacht .is to tho expert mariner. Tho winds may bo different on each trip and the craft Is never handled twico in tho same way, but tho ex port knowledge of tho technique of his trado makcB tho Legionary and tho skipper each acquit himself of his task In finished fashion. Officially tho Foreign Legion Is composed of oight thousand men. In reality It Is understood It has nearly double that number, and tho Legion becomo3 readily a wholo army corps, with tho addition of Bomo of Franco'B colonial troops. Franco for hundreds of years had regiments of German, English, Irish, Scotch, Swiss, Italians and other foreigners enrolled in her armies, but the present Foreign Legion may bo considered as dating from 1831. Ono brief rule In Its constitution says that tho enlisting colonel may accept a man oven though he doen not present a birth certificate or identification papers. Whereforo tho names of tho English and American Legionaries have been Smith, Urown and Jones; of Germans Mullor, Schwartz and Weiss; of tho Italians, Rossi and Groasl; of tin Fronch, Petolt, Legrnnd nni. Loclarc, and so on. The recruiting ofllcer reads tho candidate a warning lectuo. "Don't you know what tho Legion Is, monsieur? Surely thero Is something better you can do. Sovero campaigning In Africa or In China for a sou a day, or a few sous as you begin to advanco, Ib no bed of rosoa. You had hotter think It over a day or two. No? You already are awaro? Very well, mon chor enfant," and his tone changes ns ho now speaks ns n colonel to his soldier: "Thero la a glorious career down thero for tho right kind. If you arc a good and faithful soldier you may go far. Good luck!" The recruiting colonel can generally toll at a g'anco what army tho candidate has served In and If ho has been a sergeant or an olilcor. In the latter caso ho Is discreetly questioned on tho point, and It Is suggested, for his own benefit, that ho confidentially Inform his colonel when he arrives at tho training quarters In Ono who has been an otllcer In a European army Is usually taken Into the "'if every year wo could root out ono vice wo would sooner become perfect men." Impatience Is nt tho root of many defeats. It is customary nowadays to sneer nt tho vlrtuo for which tho name or Job Is synonymoub, but thoso who Bay that patlonco Is tho vlrtuo of an ass or a beggar's virtue aro not so wiso as tho Spanish proverb maker, who said: "Patience! and Bhufllo tho cards." Moat peoplo shufllo tho cards eagorly -nough, but tho patlonco Is lacking. Socking to grasp the stars at a bound they rail back to the earth. And so. If peoplo nt .he commencement or a Now Year adjusted their desires in accordance with their abilities, and instead or sighing for tho unattainable mado tho cry moBt of tho oppor tunities vouchsafed to them, ono would hear leBB or broken resolutions and wasted lives. "Do Jtlio duty which lies nearest to theo which thou knowest to bo a duty,' said Carlylo. "Thy second duty will already havo become clearor." The Turning of New Leaves. Good resolutions havo almost gone out of fash ion. On tho last night of tho ycur wo no longer sit down to review our past lives and rcBolve to bo "better nnd wiser" thnn wo have been in tho pnst. "It Is of no uso making resolutions, I nover can keep them," Is tho plea that is usually prof fered. This Is a mistake, however. It Is com mendablo to resolve (an alurm clock helping one) to get up half an hour earllor than usual in the morning, even though It results as, alas! It too often docs In ono getting up half an hour later. It is what one aspires to bo that counts. ir peoplo could live moro in tho presont it would help them enormously In tho keeping of good resolutions. So many peoplo persist In be ing Just a llttlo ahead all the tlmo. "Tomorrow," thoy say, "wo will reform," but the tomorrow of their imaginings never dawns. Ancient and modern philosophers havo agreed as to tho dangers of procrastination. Such wldo ly diverse peoplo as Horaco, tho Latin poet who flourished In C5 D. C and pushrul persons who flourish (exceedingly) at tho present day, Join Issue In thin particular. "Who begins, possesses half tho deed," says Horaco. "Dare to he wiso; mako a commencement." "Do It now." is tho curt command or tho mod ern apostle of "Hustle." Again, Horaco says, "If you aro ignorant how to llvo aright, glvo place to thoso who havo learn id tho lesson." "Get on or got out." says a manlklu, following In moro concentrated, If 'oss courteous language tho Bamo lino of thought on a somewhat lowor piano. The ono wns concerned with tho things or tho soul and tho spirit; tho other with worldly advancement. Thero aro somo who contend that tho two cannot go together, but ir (as has boon contended by many men or wisdom) what a man is is or moro Importance than what ho has, It Is well to make spiritual advancement as tho years go by. ir wo havo not mndo progress, wo havo gono back.' Tho soul nover stands still. Tlmo has no terror ror thoso who havo learned wisdom. Pass thou, wild heart, Wild heart of youth that still Ilant half a mind to stay. I grow too old a comrado;. Lot us part, Pass thou away. Somo pooplo drag tho follies und Immaturities of youth Into old ago. Thero Is wisdom In ad Justing onesolf to tlmo, to profit by past experi ences, and to ncqulro that sense of proportion wiilcn refuses to magnify trifles Into trugedloi HEAL YOUR SKIN TROUBLES With Cutlcura, the Quick, Sure and Easy Way. Trial Free Ilntlio with Cutlcura Soap, dry and apply tho Ointment. Thoy stop itch ing lustnntly, clear away pimples, blackheads, redness and roughness, ro movo dandruff and ncnlp Irritation, heal red, rough and soro hnnds as well as most baby skin troubtos. Frco samplo each by mall with Hook. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Boston. Sold everywhere Adv. IT'S WORTH YOUR WHILE to safeguard your health against an attack of Colds, Grippe, or general weakness, and a trial of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS will help you very materially. Be sure to get a bottle today. 1)1 1 CAT LOSSES SURELY DLYUl LEG PREVENTED It CutNr'i Dlafklx Pllli. Ixiw- rticii. ririn. rriixiia: iinr.rrel vr Wettrm Rtid-kmi-ti. liw'jitiw thy prolfcl whrra other tucelnti fill. m rltn for liooklrl antt tiMhnnhUla lO.doM dVii. Illicklii I'illl 11.00 SO-rtoit pk. Dlacklrg rilli 4 0V Hurt ftur tiiMvtiir. Iiiil l-nlltr-a lirtt- Th tupftlntllr of Culler iroilurt li ilua to ntcr II jmm fit (imliillslnt In taoclnri and Irfuml only. Iiulit on CutUr'i. If mioliialnnllt, prilrr itlrrtt. Tin Cutter laboratory, Dtrkilty, Cil., or Chlcait, III. RSpjj FaTFKeITS HAIR BALSAM A toilet iir'roratlmi of merit. !trl tn erKllciit iltndrurT. EA ltatArlna Color Anil B.nut y to Cm r or F.Jenl I Ulr. n. mill I iwi lirmwuta. DIIDTIIDC CURED In a few day nUr I UnC without pain or a inr Steal operation. Ito pay until cured. Writ lib WUAYe UOI1 lino 111(1-., Omaha, Nob. The Difference. Tho mlHtreH'i of tho house found Trudn, tho cook, very htmy writing at tho kitchen Inhlc, thoiiKh it wan pnst tlmo for getting dinner. Kor n linlf in I nut o porhnim ttho watched tho InhorloiiH procesu of literary rompo Bltlon. Then ho npoko with rtRporlty. "How much lonnor," bIio exclaimed, "nro you koIiik to ho ovor that lies Bnrly pout curd?" Trudn looked up Indlgnntly. "Bt'Kgnrly postcard !" bIio nnld. "IlogRiirly poHtcnrd! I'd havo you know that thin Ih no beggarly post curd I Xot much! It Iti a Hold pohi card, It Is to tho exempt reaervlHt, IIIornoymuH Weluzlorl, with tho Third Ravnrlan army corps, Fifth llavnrlan Division, Fourteenth regiment of In fantry, Second company." Incredible. "Nero fiddled whllo Homo burned." "I don't hcllovo It," replied the man who likes to disagree "No violinist with Noro'B political pull would huvo permitted a pyrotechnic display to go on ns a rival performance" Yale Jest. Soph How does It hnppen you enmo to llnrvurd? I thought your fa ther wiib n Yalo man. Fresh Ho was. Ho wunted mo to go to Ynlo; I wanted to go to Prince ton. Wo hnd an argument and ho llnnlly told mo to go to h ." Yale Record. The Real Thing. Lcmuol Whnt Is a mlaor, Llttlo paw? I'aw A mlsor, son, Is u pockot-edl-tlnu nf ninnklnd. v Wntaon K.('otrmiin,Wut liitum.l) t, Ikxjkiilni-. Illicit, tot rclcrunuui. Host rumua. PATENTS WANTED 100 CARLOADS SCRAP IRON ALSO METALS, RUBBERS, HIDES Higheil market pricea paid. Write (or price. Nebraska Iron & Metal Co., Omaha, Nebraska Piles Relieved by First Application And cured i i6tn i ilajra by I'AZO OINTMI'.NT. Ilia urilvernal remedy for all forma ol i'llea. Uruggiila refund money If it hill, sec Wearing Very Few. "What did you soo nt tho opera?" "That clothos for women aro going out of fashion. A gonlun Is usually a person who has tho reputntlon that ho could do won derful things, If only Women often masquorndo as men. But no man peoms to think It worth whllo to mnsnuorado as n woman. Make the Liver N Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver la right the stomach and bowels are right CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Rcntlybutfirnily.com- pet a lazy liver to. do its duty. Cures Con stipation, In-. digeation, Sick neadache. nd Dlitreaa After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Kf t BLMnADTFK .Hlaaflr V ' ufc w ivcr. aaaiBHm ajriuv, &u?&&zg W. N. U LINCOLN. NO. 1-1910. L y, irororirnnriariarinin'nn niinrnH Ret Contents 15 Fluid Drtcnmaj S43S i ii ij Maa Ji) iiiiitiiimif'i Hill rRRfit ,'$?. y,m'Yl"V'T",'".. C ALCOHOL-3 PR CHNT. A Vegetable PiviKiralionforAs siniilalinllieFoodynd Hernia' linti the Stoin.-icli.sand Dowels of oi ; Promotes l)iUcslion.Clicerful ncss nnd Rest.Contnins neither Opiiun.Morpliinc nor .Mineral, Not Naucotic. Pumpkin Sttdr Alxiunna Uathillf itaJU JhfarSmnuSoftk' llartliedSuoa. ultgrei Havorv ftptrfi'cl Remedy forOimslTplF uou, ooiir oiuiii.ieii,iiin iu'enL Worms, Ievcrishiiess und. 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