The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 23, 1915, Image 8
- -rv.u.JW-M.kJwiiW'.. Jlta r t. L i ft ID CLOUD. N1BRAJ OHiir R . V 1. ;. 0 F n Ml I. Pf V I I I r to mi A FEW LOCAL ITEMS! Kail Ilnll wns In IlnstliiKs Monday. Win. Montgomery wns in Urron 1'rl 1r'. A. K Snlndun wns in Superior Weil nctriuy A. V. Uenl rutin nod hoiuu from Alllntioc, Motntity. Mis'? lleatrlce McKcIkIiiiii went to iiiticoln Saturday. Mi 8. Ularn Shercr ntnl dntu,'htir, I'enrl, wore HcibtiiiKS visitors Siituiilny. iMiss Ilnzel Spires left to.l.iv for Uniuliii where she tins accepted ii jiosl lion . J. Mel'herMin, wffe mid noil Will, loft Saturday for Mlllbnnk. Soittli DiiUotH. Mrs W. N. Itleluirdson left toiiiiv for (Kceoln, to visit her druitfhter, .Mr. Pan Unrher. Clias SteiTens left for (iratid Island, Wednesday, to spend tint liolidnys with relatives. Miss Uooncr who Is teaching school at Kirwlti, Kansas, is home to Hpcnd tlio holiday vacation. Hrticu Isholnian oume home from Mol'heraoii. Kniisnt, on Wednesday, whero ho is attending college Mr. and Mrs. Nets Itant. mid wife went to Hustings Wednesday to attend tlio wedding of their son, Charloy. Mr. and Alls, C ,1. Piatt, left Friday for a three week' visit in eastern cities Including Chicago mid Now Voile. The Iionnl of IMucatlou met last Kilday evening with till memheiK pies' nit at which time they went over the plans mid spucilleatlotiswlth UieAiclii tout and Superintendent making sueh alternations us necessary and furnish ing purmanent plans for the new High Sehool building The Imaid agreed to pay, Mrs. INslg?,." foroignn loaned to the guide school I'ln; sale of the High school t omls was postponed until the ni'M regular iiio'llug, January !lnl, at which tlni" Mii-v will consider hid 63S Pianos and Musical Merchandise 5 UNDERTAKING 'LKDY RTTENDHNT p K,aus Answered I ED. A ALL THE PHONE V ' I K fcVi Christmas We invito VOII In insnrrt nilf for Christmas Presenls. 33VHHHV V9K3 MHHHBttSttSB We will not stop to enumerate. You will have to see to t appreciate the many beautiful gifts. We will be clad to show you. Chas. L. . A The Druggist S IF YOU WANT A: IV1QNUIV1ENT OH A VI ARKER jyiade Right, Lettered Right And Freeted Right SEE: 0VERIJ1G BROS. & GO. Makers of Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska S9S9WHI CUARA 6y 3h&7 r y? JfmSag wy Sold By Miner Bros. Co. A. T. Walker was in Hasting, Mon day. Miss Alice Fogg retuined to Stanton Saturday. Attorney Uuiiinrd McNeny was in Alma Mondny Oeorgc .Sheldon and wife weie Mast lug visitor Fiidny. Attorney L. II. Illiiolilodge and ulfo are ill Hustings today. Mrs, Ly n i a n Kslg and daughter wero Hastings visitors Saturday. Mis. Itessle Anderson left Friday for her homo at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mr. and Mis. I). M. Abel are moving from the Ncvvhoiise propcrry on Cedar struit, to their own place on South Seward sticct. Mr and Mis !. W. Most and family who have been redding on a fairn noitlienst of this oily for several years left today for Ludell, Kansas, where they will make their fnturo home. KANSAS PICKUPS (I'roin Hmltli County) Clarice l'ayno is sick with tonsilills. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Host, who have liceu spending t lie Hummer In Port land, Oregon and San Fianulsco, Call foinla, are hero visiting their daughter Mis. .Icssu Ho.Ulng and family. F. M. Drown mid family were Sun day visitors at F.ainie Ingram'.'!. Revival meeting is still In progress at Oriole, tlio brothers Rev. Win. and Roht, Crimes are holding the meeting. Jesse Hocking lost a viiluiiblo stoer ft om blackleg, mid we hear of many otheis loosing cattle from being in stalk ileitis. Mrs. 12. K Spurrier and daughter Mellm and baity Clcu are all down with tonsilitis. Melba has beeji sick for soiiii'tline and may liavo uVqult high school on account of her health. Wm. Dunn and daughter, F.lla, have g mo to Iowa for mi extended visit. uay or Sight MACK Mel WILDING. .j Display Inrop l!nr nf rrnnrlc cnit.tkln Cottintf. 07 &S tsmummm S3okSSS9 N.TxEi'BD PUBLIC SALE U..:.. CM f iiayuig ouiu my taiui, JL M 30 HEAD OF CATTLE All Weil Bred Short Horn Cattle- A Few Head Pure Bred Registered Stock ' 19 HEAD OF HORSES All Are High Grade 10 HEAD OF HOGS All Are Poland China Pure Bred Registered and From The Phil Dawson Herd. ClmWa Immnnn S n TFRMS Sums ol $1 and under cash- Sums over this amount a credit of nine months will fl m. mu!L.l m.j. be given, purchaser giving note with approved security, and ten per cent interest. & s Col. J. H. Ellinger, W. T. Auld, Clerk One Spoonful Gives Astonishing Results Red Cloud reshlontH are astonihlied tit tliu QUICK results from the simple mixture of buclctnorn bark, Rlycorlni', etc , huovMi as AtUer-i kH. This remedy nets on BOTH upper nnd lower bowel mid Ih vo THOHOUtJH ii bowel clonn scr Hint it Is used successfully In np pendicltis. ONKSPOONPULof Adler Men rel eves nlmost ANY CASK of eon stipiuinn, sour orRiissystomnuli ONIC M1NUTH lifter you tnlie It, the gtisses rumble ntnl pass nut. Cluis. L. Cot tiii'. (lruglNt. Notice o? Final Repot t. In the County Cutirt of Webster county, Neliraskii. In tlio uiattiT ol the iHtntool! Wts scI'h, (tiei'iiHeit. All piThoiiH luti'rt'Ktisl In until cstato am hereby uotllUit that llie Aduilnlstrator has tl luil a llnal account ami report ol his admin istration, ami a petition (or llnal settlement ol lila account and a decree ol distribution ol distribution ol personalty, nnd assignment ol realty nnd a disci ruu Irom his trust, which hae been set lor luarliiK before said coartou tho Third day of January, A. I). 11)1(1, at 10 o'clock A. M.,vhcn nil persons Interested In tho promises may appear and contest tho same. Dated this nth day of December. l'JIi. HKAI-1 A. D, IlANNKY, County Judge. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNTIBT tVER STATC BANK Red Cloud ' ' ' Nebraska E. S. Gati-ber Henl KstHtu, Farm Loans and Instirittiee. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. R.E.CAMP.D.C, Chiropractor Independent -1-U.M1 Heil 101 Phones Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED wtmssm T ...:ll -1l . n if i .. i wm sen at riJic Auction at my place, lj miles following described property, on ci&y9 Commencing Farm Machinery, Auct. Mrm"iiUHi If TRY AUCTIONEER... COL. R. C. PETERS SEE HIM NOW FOR , (SALEjDATES He Understands Livestock Values and Has Enjoyed Great Success as an Auction eer That Gets The Money. PIIONK U WIKB DATBS TO COL. R. C. PETERS Guide Rock, : Nebraska C. II. Miner Dr. S. H. Deardorf, M. D. C. Manager Veterinary In Charge C. H. Miner Serum Co. -PltODUCKHS- Anti Hoc Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire r PhMe at ur Expense U. S. Veterinary License N. 45 r ! rL THE ALARM imi dieiutlul tlilnK OF FIRE foi thuiium without lusuiiuieo. Kvery time lie ees the engines rneiiijj nloiiK h' heiut comes up in IiIn tin out ii the the iiiiauIi.-i-o "" ..-ir1 near hii place. Wlmt foil, uhnt mU tnUeu eeononiy. THE COST OF i ho siimll thnt it INSURANCE need hnrdly be con'.lileied. The freedom from wony txloue is worth it ninny times nvor Iluve us insure you to-dny. O. C- TEEL, Reliable Insurance. , .i At 10 O'clock Prairie Hay, aaserarnrreefcgssCTcaavifriMg LYMAN :ss HnHBS9S969S9 km Christmas Cheer VfOW is the time to get your Chrigt 1 mas Presents, while the weather is fine and the stock is complete; We have many nice and useful pres ents for YOUNG and OLD. Don't put it off and disappoint the kids. If you want Candies for your schools, come to the VARIETY STORE WWWAWV WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES TO THE SOUTH WINTER TOURIST FARES Tho wnrm and benutlful "Southland " with Its Gulf and Florida sencoast its attractive cities and hotola, Is a winter playHiound nnd outdoor region. Uuiltosid tours comprehend tho whole South, roIiir tlirnnph one seotlon and returning throut'li nnothor, inuludinf,' Xow OiIohus, Mobile, .laeksonvllle, Atlanta, Savannah, Washington, D C. .lueksonvllle is tho dostination of tho general chvuit tours. Then there are lower r:i(o applying over the samo route in both direction- to Southern mul Te.Mia liuli declinations. Tho Uurltng'toii has tluei. jjatewnyM f., tu. South. - Kiinsni City, St. l.onUor Chleugo, with eeltent i.uv.eo ia eneh ..lie. Iuqulie for the UurlinjjtonV nui "Winter Toms" le.m-t ( mn!.-to inus.-i.tatlon of touis to the South, West Indies, Cubi an I the L'uimI Zone lW, i.i .,,... east ot Ked tloud, the ) IS Etc. (6 IS E vnV'vsVvh SSIG N. B, BUSH, Tlchct Agent. Red Cloud, Nobr L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt. 1001 rarmtmStieet, Omahn, Xebr. K I ' VSLSftTUML CrTOmrK Ovkh Ai.nnioiiiV Smut: Z2n!XZrYn 1 mmx w?i'JS!!y Jjj. ' " w'lLV5?''"!C ,C'WWfB3K3!r' ffiyKOTWg,wtai- B-wr.4o- nvJmiuiiiknm&tiai