The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 23, 1915, Image 7

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GheHD rH5T
"Permit mo to answer for myself,
Lieutenant Hnrwood."
"Noreen Harwooai Why. It takes
me off my feet How comes It you are
"My father Is dead," Bhe nnswered
simply, tho brightness vanishing from
her face. "Ho was killed only a few
days ago."
"I regret to learn that, cousin," and
ho held out his hand. "Who Is this
man, and why are you here with lilni?"
"Ho has told you the truth," Bhu an
swered quietly, her hand still within
his. "1 have known him from child
hood. 11 am his wife."
Thero was a moment of silence, of
hesitation. I heard the soldiers mov
ing about tho room, and the murmur
of volees sneaking cautiously. Then
Hnrwood released her hand, and ex
tended his own to me, his eyes frank
nnd cordial.
"I accept you on faith, comrade," he
said pleasantly, "but there Is a spare
gray Jnckct Htrappcd to my saddle
yonder more becoming than thnt blue
coat. Saint Christopher! but 'tis a
most hnppy family reunion wo'ro hav
lug; I'll want tho story presently, but
now I must look to my men. TIs no
easy gamu we are playing."
"Let mo understand that, llcuten
ant," 1 exclaimed, as he turned away
"How docB It happen you are here,
and for what purpose?"
"A wild plan of my own, aided an
abetted by tho commander at Covins
ton. We nro of tho garrison thero,'
he explained briefly, his glnnco search
ing out tho dim Interior. "Tho Ynn
kees have n forage train out as far as
Hot Springs. I got permission for a
dash to cut them off. We took the
cut-off, and landed hero about daylight
Tho train should havo been along be
fore now, but thero Is no sign of It "
"You havo been In hiding hero all
day, and seen nothing?"
"Oh! we've seen enough," ami he
laughed. "Hut nothing wo careil to
mcasuro swords with The road yon
der appcara popular, but. by good luck,
no Yankee shows an eagerness to at
tend church. There was a gaug of
mountain men ulong by hero maybu
two hours ago who rode up to the
door, and took a look at the shebang
Whether they wero Yank or Rob I
didn't know. Anyhow, we were willing
enough to see. thorn pass on out o'
eight. They looked and talked as
though they wore spoiling for a fight."
"How many?"
"Thirty or forty a right smnrt
crowd. There wero only two came up.
nnd rode round tho church a big fel
low with n red beard, and a little wea-zcl-facod
fox ho called Kelly."
"Yes, I know them; they wero hunt
ing nftcr ua. Did they go on east?"
"They did. o has everyono else
wo'vo seen today. That's what puz
zled us, aa to just what might bo up
I reckon you must bo some popular
to create such a furore. Why, an
hour after sunup a wholo blame com
. pany of bluecoatB went by, riding llko
mad, their horses dripping, and a
young follow spurring them on. Ho'd
lost his hat, and they never so much
as took n eldo look at this shebang.
Thoy were In some hurry, my friend."
"And neither parly has returned?"
"Not a sign or them."
"What force have you hero?"
"Twenty-eight enlisted men."
"You havo pickets out?"
"Ono man each way, a mllo down
tho road, concealod. The tower up
there commands the country In both
"And your horses?"
"Hidden In tho grovo yonder."
1 grasped tho situation clearly
enough, and also comprehended tho
reckless nonchalance of tho olllccr
What was his purpose his present
plan? It appeared to mo that the
conditions warranted n retreat, back
along tho unfrenuonted tnountnln trail
by which this daring party of adven
turers had come. The troops, as well
us tho guerrillas, must have discov
ered by this time that wo wero not In
advanco of them. 'I hey would return
searching every nook and comer In
hopo of discovering our hiding place.
They might even unlto their forces.
impelled aa they wero by the same de
sire and thus become truly formidable.
Personal hatred of mo and the wish to
regain possession of Noreen, would
animate and control both Arise Cowan
nnd tho angry, humiliated lieutenant.
While neither would likely confess his
purposo to tho other, yet their mutual
Interests would naturally suggest an
alliance. And there was no war feud
between the two which would neces
sarlly prevent their co-operation In
deed, tho troopers would gladly wel
come any excuse which would bring
Cowan's gang of outlaws Into closer
connection. And the outfit would
novor pass by this church again with
out searching Its interior, Only ea
gerness, a haste to overtake) us In our
attempted (light, had led to their blind
riding by beroro. 1 turned to liar--wood,
who was whispering uouseuse
to Noreen.
"What do you mean to do, lleutnn
ant?" I asked quietly, but with my
own mind made up. "Itemaln hero?"
. He stroked his small muBtache.
"1 thought wo might hang on until
midnight. Wyatt, nnd then, if nothing
happened, tnko the back trail. I don t
want to pass another day In this
cussed hole. What do you think?"
"Thnt tho sooner wo get away tho
better," 1 answered promptly. "Your
position hero Is far more dangerous
than you uppenr to realize. lioth those
parties traveling east wero In search
after us; they were led by men who
would go to any extrcmo to effect our
rapture. 1 haven't time to tell you
tho whole story now, but It Involves
your cousin as well as myself. Thoy
rodo straight on becauso they were
convinced wo wero still ahead of them.
'TIs likely they know bettor now, nnd
will search every ravine nnd covert on
their return. If the forngo train In
moving this way thoso cavalrymen nre
with It In addition to tho regulnr
gunrd, and you will never dare attack
with jour small force. Tho only
ehanco you havo of bringing your
command 6nfely back to Covington,
lieutenant, is to get away before your
presence hero is suspected."
"I suppose that's right," ho admit
ted reluctantly. "Hut I don't llko to
turn tnll without hitting a blow It's
not tho stylo of the Third Kentucky.
Wo could give a good uecount of our
selves ngalnst thoso Ynnkeo troopers."
"Possibly; but not against a comhl-
blnatlon of troopers, wagon guard, and
Cowan's gang of guerrillas. Thoy
would outnumber you four to one; and
they aro fighting men."
"You think they will combine?"
"If they meet, nnd thero Is an ex
planation yes. Cowan doesn't enro
which sido ho fights on, so ho gains
Ills end, and tho cavalry commander
will welcome nny re-enforcements.
They might qunrrel later over results,
hut now they possess a common ob
ject, nnd will bo llko two peas in a
pod. Do as you please. Harwood, but
I am not under your commnnd, and, If
you choose to remain here, wo will
rldo on alone. Will you go with me,
Noreen 7"
She had not spoken, nnd In tho fast
Increasing gloom I could Bcnrcely dis
tinguish her presence. Hut at my di
rect question silo took h step townrd
me, and 1 felt tho presence of her
hand on my sleeve.
"Yes," she said simply, "whenever
you think best. Cousin." bIio added,
glancing ncrosB her Bliouldcr at the
perplexed olllccr, "1 would llko you to
como too."
He laughed, wheeling about In sud
den decision.
"I reckon I might an well," ho ad
mitted good-humorcdly. "Wharton,
havo tho pickets drawn In. nnd the
men mustered. "We'll start Great
Cod! What Is that?"
It wua tho sou ml of a scattered vol
ley, tho pieces not nil of tho same
caliber, tho reports ringing clear In
tho instant of silence which followed
n voice cnlled down excitedly from
the tower:
"Thero Is firing to tho enst, sir."
Harwood swore as ho strode across
to tho nearest window on that side.
Except for a faint tinge of light in
tho west, and n half moon In the
southern sky, wo wero enveloped In
dni-kness, but wo all of us heard the
Bounds of hoofs and tho approaching
rumblo of wagon wheels. Harwood
turned and faced Inward.
"It's tho forago train, boys," he said
sharply, "with a bunch of cavalry rid
ing ahead. Oct to tho windows, but
bo quiet nbout it you know the or
ders. Wharton, havo tho men load;
como with me, Wyatt. whero wo can
see out in front."
Noreen clung to me ns I groped my
way through tho narrow door into tho
The Trap Closes.
The lieutenant's lingers gripped my
"Hy tho Lord Hnrry, tho fellows
make nolso enough for an army." he
whispered. "I reckon they nro al!
"No doubt of It how Is your am
munition?" "Sixty rounds to a man," ho
chuckled. "It will cost them some
thing to get through theso log walls
Still, wo haven't much ehanco In the
end," ho added thoughtfully, "for
they're bound to get ua. Generally
I pray for a fight, but now I hopo
thoso Yanks will bo kind enough to
ride by."
"And so do I," I nnswered soberly,
feeling the quick pressure of Noreen'
lingers, "Thero they come. Harwood
see! two horsemen ahead "
They wero merely black shadows
outlined against the white road, but
as they drew somewhat closer the
moonlight gave them substance. Onn
was slender, sitting straight In the
saddle, hut the other slouched awk
wardly over his pommel, a larger
more shapeless figure. In the distance
down the sharp slopo or the hill, ap
peared tho deeper shadow of an ad
vanclng column of mounted men The
onlv sound was tho Impatient pnwlng
of a horse's hoof and Noreeu'B whis
per In my ear:
"The tho bigger ono li Anse
"And tho other Raymond," t re
turned In tho same low tone. "Tho
two havo apparently got together."
"It looks mighty odd to me," said
n volco suddenly, clearly audible
through tho night, "that fellow bolnic
In Itch uniform. What could ho bo
doing hore?"
"A scout. 1 reckon," grumbled a
reply, barely distinguishable. "Just n
stray wo run Into, but It nuiut ho
best ter take a look along tills yero
ridge nfore wo rldo on."
"All right." asserted the other. "I'll
wait hero until Fox and Moran come
up. Let some of your men rldo back
ns fnr as thoso woods over yonder;
and say, It wouldn't do nny harm to
take a look tnstdo tho church. You
didn't stop coming out?"
"Nnw; wo didn't stop fer nuthln'.
Wo thought the way you fellers was
n-rldln' yer hcil a hot trail, mi' so
wo rodo llko hell ter git In nt tho
denth. Tuln't likely thnr's enyono In
sldo the mectln' house, but 1 reckon
we may as well hu suro as long as
wo'ro hero. No damn fool would hldo
this close tor tho plko. That you,
Thero was a meaningless growl
from an advancing group of horsemen,
nnd Anso swore, spurring his horso
forward to meet them.
"Hy God, Kelly f I've hnd enough of
your dnmned grouch. Hither you'll do
us I say, or I'll cuvo the sldo of your
head in, and have done with It. I've
hnd enough, do you hcnr7 I reckon
I'm Just ns Interested In overhaulln'
thnt cuss ns you aro. Now you obey
my orders, an' ho quick nbout It;
give mo another line of hack talk, you
Irish bnslard. an' I'll blow the wholo
top of your head off! You're what 7
Joking! Well, let up on that kind.
will you? I'm In no humor for It.
Tnko three or four men, nnd rldo ovor
tho ridge, back ns fnr us tho rock.
Tho Bojers nro goln' ter halt yero a
Kelly nnd his littlo squad trotted
pnst us, circling tho end of the
building, tho remnlnder of tho group
of horsemen, evidently composed of
Cowan's gang of cutthroats, scattering
along tho roadside, with no semblance
of military discipline. Raymond
touched spur to his horse's llnuks, nnd
wont trotting hnck down tho road, ns
though Intending to Intercept tho ad
vancing column, which wns not yet
visible. Cowan looked after him with
a sneer.
"Tho d d dandy," ho growled to a
man just behind, gesturing with ono )
hand. "1 don't take orders from
nothln' llko that. Would you, Jem?"
"I should say not," responded tho
other, spilling into the road. "What
ever got us tied up yero with these
Yankees, Anso. enyhow? I done
thought ns how wo wua flghtln' ngalnst
tho blue-bellies a bit ago; an' now
wo'rn as thick as two Ileas, Did yer
git yer price?"
Cowan laughed grimly.
"Thar ain't no occasion fer yer ter
worry, Jem." ho coulldcd. evidently
willing tho others close about should
hear. "We ain't tied up with no
Yanks, 'cept fer maybe n few hours
Hell! thnr wasn't nothln' else ter do,
but bo friendly. Thur wus thirty o us
runnln' kerbump inter thet bunch o'
cavnlrymen, with thor wagon train
a-comln' a hundred yards uway.
"Wo weren't In no shnpo for tor
fight about a hundred an' llfty sojers
I reckon, tho', we'd a had to If that
young popinjay hod been In com
mand. Ho ain't got tho senso of n
"Ho Has Told You the Truth," She An
swered Quietly.
dried louso. But Cap Fox, ho rode
out, an' wo sorter talked It ovor. Ho
don't feel very blame kind toward mo
since our fracaB tother night, but he's
a sojer, an' ho knows what liatnsay
wants. Thct's what I banked on, for
I knew tho glneral had give Ills orders
ter uso every means posalblo ter git
ub ter help out tho Yanks. So I just
up an' told ther cap thot wo wus out
huntln' fer ther Bnmo feller ho wus;
thet my fnther had been killed, an'
I reckoned tho Reb spy did It, an'
thet frum now on wo wus goln' fer
ter light on tholr sldo. I don't reckon
as how ho believed much o' what I
sod. but all ther sanio. ho had ten
pretend ho did, nn let us go 'long
without no flghtln'. So ho dono sent
us on ahead, an' sent thet young snip
nlong fer ter watch mo. Thot's the
how It happened."
"t see, an' termcrrer wo leaves them
holdln' tho bng Hullo, Ansel look
thnr It's Kelly comln' back, an', by
Jinks! he's leadln' two bosses."
Anso swung down to thb ground,
and ran his hands over tho animals.
BaaLLaY aaaaaElcaBf laaHaaaL: aV 'I II lilt I
1 fingering tho eauipment.
"Didn't the lieutenant say Hift tne
spy an' the gurl got oft on horser
hitched by the hotel?"
"1 didn't hear tell."
"Well, I did; enyhow they wusn
nrmy horses they took. Hy God I I In
Hove they'ro hidln' now In that church.
Here, you Kelly," a new, exultant ton.'
In his volco, "scatter your men out
around ther whol' bulldln'; wo'vo
troul our gamo, 1 reckon."
Tho guerrlllns came forward on
foot, running, and scrambling up tho
Incline, hut Inclined to keep well bnck
from tho silent church. Jem was clat
tering down tho pike, tho clang of
his horse's hoofs dying away In tho
distance. Hnrwood dropped his grip
ping hand from o(T my shoulder, anil
Btepped back from before tho window.
"Here, sir," and Whnrton moved
slightly In the darkness, so bh to sig
nify his whereabouts,"
"You attended to tho door?"
"Yes, sir; wo found an old Iron bar
to lit aeroas; they'll havo to crush In
tho wood to get through."
"Let Johnson and Mcllvalno Join
me hum; what Is the nntiiu of that hid
I wns going to recommend for cor
poral?" "O'llare. sir; Jacob O'Haro."
"Put him In command of tho south
side, nnd you tnko tho noith; plnco
benches to Btand on under the win
dows, hut keep your men down until
you get tho word. Thero Is to bo no
llrlng until I glvo tho order. Tell
them they havo got to light for their
lives. You understand?"
"Yes, sir; we'll do that, sir."
"Then get to your stations. Now,
Wyatt. you command nt tho other
end; thero nro two windows nnd a
door. Here, tnko HiIh gun nnd belt; I
enn get anolliur." Ho stopped, and
drew in a quick breath, glancing out
out again through the window
"Friend Cowan If that bo his name
seems to bo wnltlng for tho military
to come up," ho commented mock
ingly. "Prefers to let tho Yanks pull
his chestnuts out of tho lire. Peihnps
ho has known you n long while hoy.
"The ucqunlntnnco has been rather
brief, but warm."
"No doubt; well. I'll help mnko It
wanner presently.
"Fair cousin, I do not know whom
to hide you In safety, 'rills' Ib going
to ho a real light, or 1 am greatly mis
taken, and bullets lly wild through the
"If It Is loft to mo," sho said qui
ctly. "I prefer to go with Tom Wyatt."
"Hut you do not understand," I
broke In hastily, my pulses throbbing
at her unexpected decision. "They
may attack"
"Oh, yes, the lady does. Wyatt."
chuckled the lieutenant, bis reckless
good nature In no wise lost by the
desperation of our position. "She Is
a Hnrwood. that's all. Hullo! here
comes tho cavalry! Now. men, to
your posts and stand up to the mu
sic." I cnught her hnnd In mlno.
"You you mean that. Noreen?"
"Yes; do not refuse. I am not
afraid." sho Implored. "Take mo with
(To m; continued.)
Those Who Bite Penholders In Public
Use Are Hereby Warned of
Poss.ble Infection.
That the penholder, such as most ot
us frequently uso In hauls, pos. of
llces, nanus ami otner public writing
rooms may tio bb deadly a carrier ot
dlseiiBo germs ns the roller towel and
public drinking cup, is tho suspicion
tor which tho boards ot Health be
lluvo they havo found ample grounds,
1'tio noxt twuo you uso ono of these
public penholders you will police, ll
you cxainmo it caroiull, thut tho
wooden Handle Ib covered witb little
dents. Thoso dents aro tho imprint
of tho teeth or persona who havo used
tho peu beroro you; and as the mouth
is tho ravorito port or entry for dis
ease, each dent Is usually full of mi
crobes. To exposo yoursolf to sickness and
death, theretoro, ull you need to do
Ib to blto on tho penholder. Evory
timo you do this, you tako Into your
mouth tho germs which scores ol
other persons havo loll by similar
1 Health olllcluls plan lo securo legls
I latlou uboDshing tho public ponhold
er. in Die uieaniiino moy urgu mu
I public to try lo orenk Itself ot tho al
l most universal habit ot holding u peo
in onos moutii wbllo roiuing a leiioi
or blotting a cneclt.
Evolution of Rings.
When mnnkind attained tho art of
working In metals copper rings wero
common, and as tho art progressed
and more precious metals wero dis
covered more nnd more olaborato nnd
costly rings wore mado. Soon settings
wero placed In tho broader bands, or
It was found Interesting to mnko a
hoop and lit Into tho two ends after
cutting a revolving disk, Insrrlhed
with u design. Tho disk Is now called
tho bezel and tho circlet the hoop.
Use for Eggshell.
A medical authority Buys tho shell ol
nn egg Is used as an antlncld, being
better ndanied to tno Htomaeii inuii
dinlk. Tho white of egg Is nn nntt
dote In enses ot poisoning with strong
uclds or corrosive sunnmaio. mo
poison will congulato tho albumen,
mid It those poisons ho in the system
tho whlto ot an egg. If swallowed
quickly, will combine with tho poison
and protect tho stomach.
If you aro rich you will havo many
frlonds; but If you uro poor you will
have few. and no longor bo tbo good
man you wore boforo,
Macaroni Products
HERE'S a ftno opportunity to get rt beautiful set of
silverware for your tabic nt no cost to you.
Charming Bridal Wreath design. Guaranteed for
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Write us and wo will givo you full details. Also tell
you about the
Nine Different Skinner Products
Macaroni, Spaghetti, EB Noodles, Cut Macaroni, Cut Snnulietti,
Elbow,Soup Kings, Alplinbeto, Vermicelli. Cnn lie cooked into 58
different (lithe. Can be combined with meal, cliccic,tomntoea,fih,
muthroomi, oyileti, clc, Sciva Sktnnei'i often and cut down on meat bill.
C.f SV ........
oerta Coupon
ill Irll you
Will Get tho Oyster.
I.nwyor I think I shall spent noxt
Hummer hero.
"Why not this jear?"
"Ilt'cnuso thero Is a lawsuit thlB year
between two parties about this prop
erty, and I shall probably own It noxt
summer." lluniorlstlcko Llsty
Dr. Kllmt-r's Bwnmp'llont In not rncom
mended fnr iiuytliliiif, lint If you hnva
klilncv, llvir nr lilmlilnr trouble. It limy
lw fiiiitul liiut tlin rmnodv voll need.
Hwump-IUmt nniltcH frlemlH (illicitly bo
cntiHO Its mild nnd liumoilliit effect li
noon rultri'fl In most vases. It Is a gniitln
liralltm herbal ronipounil-u iiliynlelun'a
proscription which Iiiim proved IIh great
rurnthe vtiltm In thnuHfimlM of tho most
dlstreKsltiR cubi-H according- to reliable
All ilriiKRlntri In COc nnd l.00 atzen.
You mnv liavn a nnuipli) slzn bottio or
this nlwuys reliable, preparation by Par
rel lod, also iminphlct tellltur about It.
Ailrtrrni Dr. Kilmer & Co., Illimhatnton,
N. Y., nnd onelouo ton cents, also mention
ttitt. uupcr. Adv.
Why Some Introductions Are Made.
"Introdueo mo lo thnt mail ovor
thore, will you?"
"Gladly. Shall I do It right away
or will you wait until tho opportunity
presents itsolf?"
"Now. I Just saw him flash a clg
aretto caso, and 1 want to borrow a
oraoko from him."
Of Falling Hair Get Cutlcura. It
Works Wondert. Trial Free.
Touch spots of dandruff and Itching
with Cutlcura Ointment, and follow
noxt morning with a hot shampoo ot
Cutlcura Soap. This at onco arrests
falling hair and promotes hair growth.
You may rely on thoso suporcreamy
emollients for all skin troubles.
Sample each freo by mall with Hook.
Address postcard, Cutlcurn, Dept. XY,
Boston. Sold everywhere Adv.
Minor Scale.
Mining Fresh Say, I'rof., on what
scale tlo you grado students hero?
Prof. On tho minor scalo. Pan
ther. Precarious Position.
"Why did you toll thnt man you
wore sorry to hoar ho had a family?"
"Because ho'a a Malno guide."
m H If w by Ihn cue ol 24 00
Skinner x!T'Zagfl&w
jwKSd!!' Skinner Mf. Co., Drpt. C. Om.lii.. N.b.
a1Hi2BVrf"i .AtMNRraaStr lleano M-ml me full Information ho I rannlx
jOrl, fl'iMiXaO&y talninrMrmmunlt)f I'ar llalolUUtrwarnlir
mill v0m Nm :
wheat, more oats, more grain for feed, 20 more cattle than
last year and more hogs. The war market in Europe needs
our surplus. As for the wheat crop, it is marvelous and a monument of strength
for business confidence tobuild upon, exceeding tho mostoptimisticpredictiona."
Wheat avcragati in 1915 over 25 bushels poracro
Oats averaged In 1015 over 45 bushels per acre
Barley averaged 'in 191 '5 over 40 bushels per aero
Prices are high, markets convenient, excellent land, low In price either Im
proved or otherwise, ranging from $12 to S30 per acre. Free homestead'
lands are plentiful and not fnr from railway liuea and convenient to good
schools and churches. Tho climate is healthful.
There la no war tax on land, nor la there any conacrlpllon. For complete Infor
mation as to beat locations for sMtlimrnt, rrduccd lailroad rate and dciciiptlvo illustrated
pamphlet, uddic&s Superintendent Iimuicratloo, Ottawa, or
W. V. DENNETT, Room 4, Dee Dldg., Omaha, Nebr.
Canadian Government Agent
7V?t.t Get complete M nl Oneida. Com-
today muniiyi'.,rt,ii..viciw.rn,..w.
how. In the meantime aae inn signatures nom
packages. All goon jfoceia acll
Hoy Imhicti learn to talk sooner than
girl babies, b'lt tho luttor malto up (or
It later on.
To keep clean anil healthy take Dr.
IMcico'h I'li'iiMiit PellotH. They rrgulnte
liver, bowels rind ntuiimch. Adv.
A ninn never klckH about his bard
lot after ho oeeuplos it in tho oonlo
To Curo a Cold In Ono Day
TtVo l.AXAl'lVIi IIKOMO OUININIl 1'ablela.
Pmetliti refund money It It fjllilooiiio. U. W.
UUUVU S ilciiatme is on naeb box. iso
The Danrjer.
"1 inn hnlf afraid to try this now
scalp tonic."
"Why nro you afraid?"
"It la really n halrralnlng experi
ment, you know."
Important to Mother
Exnmluo carefully overy bottio 0
CASTOHIA.anafoaudauro remedy for
Infanta nnd children, and boo that It
Ilcara tho
In Ubo For Ovor 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's CftBtorii
Tommy and l-'reddlo wero arguing
hotly. "I toll you," voclforntqil
Tommy, "ho hi my pa, ho Ib!"
Krcddlo laughed scornfully. "He
ain't ollhor your paw."
"Ilho Is ho Is! My ma aaya ho la,
"And my maw anya ho'a a cat'B
paw!" .ludgo.
The most fashionable and
populnr Table Dossort. Makes
your table complote.
Beautiful Doooratlve Reel
pes Del'rolousa Appotlzln&(
Nothing so delightful forth
tabloor elok room.
Soven flavors and colore.
At your grocors, or by mall
at SI.20 tho dozon.
Wntuns I!. rolrm,
I'uU-rH Ijiwyer.MlHiifcTon.
ll.C. Ailvlfanttonkafn-L
tUU reasonable, lllclieat reference. Ucataerflota.
Three Hundred Million
Bushel Crop in 1915
Farmers pay for Ibeir land with ona year's croe
and prosperity was never so treat-
Regarding Western Canada as a grain
producer, a prominent business man
says: "Canada's position today is
sounder than ever. There is more