The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 23, 1915, Image 6

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T" ""Wi!-mr-T "
ra 8
Hr5 ChrlfltranH Dcanon brings to mind
tho ninny Chrlntmaa dayH gone by,
with tholr four ureal fcnturcR tur
koy, cranberry sauco, plum pudding
anil in I n co plo.
It wnn u Rood old P,osllBh cub
torn, not to bo rejected by tlio
Ar.iorlca'j colonlRta, nlthouch modi
llcntlons woro noceBsary to huU tho
rollglon ind conditions of living
In tho colonics, tho Chrlat-splrlt
bolng suhs'.ltulod for tho pagan
yulotldo, tho famous "boar's head"
Was OmltlPll. fltld Mm I'Mll-lutlnna l. i
lioramo known nt mlnco plo. However, ninny old
obsorvanccfl woro kept, Including tho mlstlctoo
find holly, and Christmas wns a dny for family
gatherings, with a feast prepared by tho women
r tho houso.
It Is qtilto posslblo that wo would not llko
jtholr flavorlngB today. They used n variety of
taplcoe, wlncB nnd scaBonlnga In even their plain
oat dishes; but na ovorythlng was prepared In
tno homo, cither under tho supervision of tho
mlatreaa or by her own hands, tho mixtures wore
Everything was turnod to account In tho sen
on with a vlow to futuro ubo, bo In this way
preparations for tho holiday wore going on lonit
liofore tho tiny.
In chorry tlrao, a supply wnn carofully packed
n hay and kopt for Christmas.
Tho Christmas cookies, with rnrUmt-
In thorn, woro baked six months before and kopt
In an oarthonwnro Jar In tho collar.
Mince Meat Recipe.
The rich plum pudding and cakes woro mado
wtrly In tho fall and put away to mellow and
The mincemeat wnB then made, tho reclpo for
which was rocontly found In an old Philadelphia
cookbook. Wo copy all but tho spelling: "Four
pounde vonl. four pounds Buot. two pounds rals
Im, ono pound currants. bIx apples, some roao
water and sack half a pound, no moro of Bugar,
throo fourths pound cloves, maco, nutmeg and
cinnamon, aomo cnndlcd orango peel, lemon peel,
citron and blanched almonds."
Thoy made a puff paato for tholr pies differ
ent from oura. Ono reclpo cnlled for flour, ono
pound butter, ton eggs nnd Bomo milk or water.
8ono houBowivoa mado their winter Bupply of
mince plea bofore ThankBglvIng and reheated
them before using.
For tho lemon tnrt, the lemons had to bo first
soaked In salt wator for two days. Then ovory
day for fourteen days they woro put Into freBh
cold water. Whon thoy wcro mado. apples, or
anges and Bugar woro added,
I A fow dnys boforo Christmas tho mistress wont
to mnrkot, tho maid carrying tho basket. Sho
would got her turkoy, cranberries, celery, oysters,
and a llttlo pig for roasting whole.
t Tho day boforo Chrlstmns tho real excitement
Logan. Tho stuffing was mado, and such Btulllng!
Bread crumbs, hoof auot. liver, lemon pools, nut
meg, pnvory, pepper, salt, crenm nnd eggs. Tho
llttlo pig, only four or Ave wcoks old, was filled
to his utmost capacity with mashed potatoes or
i Not tho least to bo considered wero tho green
docoratlons. Ground plno for festoons and
iwreaths, mlRtloton to hang, and holly everywhere
wore the necessities.
When Christmas morning camo the excitement
waa at tho highest pitch. The houaowlfo, her
laughters and nor tnnlda wero up early. The
brick oven waa heated and tho mlnco pies put In.
The turkoy waa dredged with flour and put on
tho spit, with a Btnall unwilling child to watch
and turn It as it browned.
Another child waa act to cracking nuta and
polishing apples.
Roasting the Little Pig.
Tho little pig waa put before tho tiro to roast
In the dripping pan, In which wero three bottles
of red wlno for basting.
While tho things woro cooking a long table,
the length of tho room, wiu spread with the
whlto linen cloth, napkin, china and silver or
In tho mlddlo of tho tablo was tho famed
ChrlattnuB bowl. Hero aro the quaint dlroctlons
for making It:
"Dreak nlno sponge cakoa and half a pound of
macaroons in a deep dish; pour ovor ono pint
raisin wine, half pint sherry. Lcnve them to
oak. Sweoten with two ounces of powdered
augar candy and pour over ono pint nnd a halt
of cuatard. Stick with two ounces sliced almonds.
Place on a stand, and ornament with Christinas
Tho, tahkard with tho Christmas brow was put
on ino tablo, and all tho sillabubs, Jollies, pickles,
lotaon tarts, red apples, nuts, tho cookies and tho
cherries fresh from tho hay.
Tho fireplaces woro now blazing, and tho red
borrles and green leaves of tho holly wcro shin
ing in tho light.
Tho mlstlctoo waB waiting for tho unwary, and
the good smotl of tho brown turkoy, Bnvory stuf
fing and applesauce waa everywhere
Don Their Best Frocks.
After tho housowlfo nnd her daughters had
seen to everything they hurried to put on their
best flowered Bilks, with whlto whims around
tkelr necks nnd tho most secret benutitlcrs ou
their faces.
Then the dinner bolng nearly cooked, thoy took
the llttlo browned pig. raised him gently and put
two small loaves of bread unci or hi in, and added
more wlno; an anchovy, a bundlo of Bwoet herbs
and a half a lemon was put Into the sauco, which
was poured ovor him hot. They had lilm sitting
Ml Ula haunches looking UloUka. Then they put
iAnmm hl1"p m -imAiy- -
ruin .unmTiTlnni awwunrt -nre-
i cjL.m-' am'-t5 TWHr vs f-'m bi aw aw
mil Jif mlTCTfl yl, Cv7jt I n
mW Mm, mm
K$m& mjSSm Qffi
iV-Xl JL XjttVc.y'Z. -U V34 WWK 7Vrt
iVV. ( VO.- ff Sna - sBBrW 1 A. ' 11 '1 1 U
iArC-v. to jam :6Jyrifiirl
3 asy MMMW,
flfaW M Miff B III
romAraxs wrmo
a red appio in his mouth, which, alas! ho could
uovor eat, nnd garnished him with holly.
At last tho company camo, tho mistress pre
Borvlng a calm oxtorlor, but with an inward
anxiety lest something bo burnod or spilled at tho
last moment.
Whon all la ready tho beaming host Bays,
"Friends, will thoo Join us in tho Chrlatmaa
feast?" And with great dignity ho leadu them,
with the guest or honor on his arm, followed by
tho oldor peoplo and tho children.
The Table Decorated.
Tho tablo Is a plcturo to choor tho hungry.
Tho largo turkoy is at cno end and tho pig at
tho other end of tho long tablo, with ovorythlng
thoy nro to oat between, excepting tho plum
After tho silent grnco, which stills tho nolso
for n moment, tho enrvor tnkoa his knlfo, nnd
with a deliberation born of stoady nerves carves
under tho llro of twenty palra of eyes.
Tho directions In "Oentlowoninn's House
wifery" snys: "Italso tho leg fairly of tho tur
koy and open tho Joint with tho point of the
luil re, but do not tnko off tho leg.
"Then laco down both aldos of tho broat bone
and open tho breast pinion, hut do not tako It
off. Then ralso tho Merry Thought between the
bronst bono and tho top of it," nnd so on till
tho turkey is boned. Whllo this la being done
tho "Christmas bowl" is passed.
Aftor thoy aro holped to turkoy and pig thoy
pass tho vegetables and delicacies, and oven the
mlnco plo la oaten when thoy havo tho doalre
tor it.
The Correct Manners.
Tho proper conventions aro strictly adhered
to. Tho book of otlquctto says: "A gentlowom
an must not lean her elbows on tho tablo, nor by
a ravenous goBturo discover a voracious appe
tite nor talk with her mouth full, nor smack her
lips like a pig."
Tho children woro kept In order. In all the
feast wnB docorous, but morry for all that
At last, whon thoy havo eaten to tho extent of
their capacity, tho plum pudding, blazing and
with a pleco of holly stuck in tho top, is brought
In and oaten with brandy sauco. Then tho toasts
aro drunk with tho good homo-browed wlno, and
tho feast Is dino.
Christmas, originally Crlstos masso ("tho mass
or church festival of Christ"), ta the English
namo for tho season in which tho birth of Christ
la commomorntcd. It is apparent, however, that
a festival was colcbrated at this season long bo
foro It was held sacred as tho birthday of Jesus
of Nazareth. Tho Saturnalia of tho HomaiiB and
tho winter festival of tho heathen Hritons wore
both eelobrnted about December 25; and later,
tho Homan festival In honor of tho sun god,
Mithra (Instituted 273 A. I).) From the latter thrt
day beenmo to bo known ns tho "Ulrthday of tho
Unconquurod Sun;" nnd after Its adoption by the
Christian church In thu fourth century as the
anniversary of Christ's birth, this namo was
given a symbolic Interpretation,
A study of tho cuatoms associated with this
period nloo icveals n henthon, If not Invariably
a solar, origin. Tho lighting of tho Yuln log (la
bueho do Noel) on Christinas ovo. unco a wide
spread Europtnn cuHtoni, Is or waa a function of
such piudoinlnant Importnnco among the Li
thuanians and Letts that their words for Christ
mas ovo literally signify "Log evening," The
Bports of tho "Iords of Misrule" In England are
thought to bo an Inheritance from the Saturnalia.
Tho decoration of churches with tho once sacred
mistletoe and holly la a pagan survlvaL
olid (Eofu mum
LL gifts, carofully marked, should be
consigned tho day before to the one
In charge, and nho must purchaso a
quanlty or clothesline and clothespins.
Tho lino should bo stretched buck
nnd forth across the living room, and
each gift, wrapped In tlssuo paper
and tied with red ribbons, should be
fastened to tho lino by a clothespin,
decorated with wings of red and greeu
In tho bay window n tablo should
bo arranged on which la placed a
"Jack Horner" plo, containing a
Christmas souvenir for each membor
of the' family. Tho ribbons attached to tho pack
ngca in the plo should bo carried up to a holly
decorated hoop suspended over tho tablo, each
ribbon taggod with tho namo of tho ono for whom
it la intended. Whon tho "family wash" has been
taken down each person seeking his or her own
gift thoy gather around tho plo, and at a signal
"pull out their plums."
Hidden In Egg Sheila.
When tho family is all present at breakfast
start to servo tho meal of coffea, bread and but
ter, ham and soft-cooked egga without any men
tion of gifts.
At each placo havo an eggcup or saucer, on
which you put an egg, tho contents having beon
removed previously through a small hole In the
end; partly fill with sand, and let each contain
a email paror with a cuggostlon In poetry of
whore or how to find tholr girts.
As each person thinks he la cracking his egg
be flnda tho puzzle Inside.
Much morrlment and good clieor will be the
Servo original content" ot eggshells in omolot
with tho bam.
Hide ono person's gifts In bookcase, paper in
egg to read:
If you are either wlso or smart
You'll And mo in a hurry.
Among gifted poople I now dwell;
8o hunt, don't sit and worry.
Frost King and Snowballs.
Aa this Is the tlmo tor the clever woman ot
tho family to dovlso somo unique way ot dis
tributing Christmas girts, she may decorate the
living room with evergreens, holly and mistle
toe, and then place In ono corner u table covered
with a white cloth, hidden from view by a screen
or generous size. On this tablo is placed snow
balls. These snowballo, mado ot white cotton
batting and tied with whlto robbon, contain each
designated present, and aro heaped in a pyra
mid, thus obtaining a mass or snowballs ot
varied slzo. The pllo Is scattered freely with
diamond dust, In ordor to Jive tt an attractive
sparkle. If there is a small hoy In tho house ho
may bo dressed as n Frost King, In a costume or
whlto wadding, sprinkled with diamond dust;
leaves nnd holly borrlos can bo Bowed hero and
thoro upon tho robo. At a given signal tho screen
Is removed, disclosing the tiny Frost King, who,
with a rew words or Christmas greeting, gathers
tho snowballs Into a pretty basket, and as each
ball bears a small tag ho finds no difficulty in
distributing tho girts tn thoso assombled.
A Holly Pie.
A novel way or distributing Christmas girta
on Christmas morning Is to roako a big plo In
tho center or the tablo of holly branches, nnd ar
range it so the gifts can be easily drawn from
under tt Each girt must be tied with u narrow
red ribbon and ono end lead to each place at
the tablo. This la great tun, and of courae every
one la anxloua to boo who gets the most rib
bona, tho lucky ono bolng declared the most popu
lar. Tho plo la not "opened" until ond ot break
tast. A Christmas Trail.
Ono member or tho family should take charge
or tho girts, and when tho coast Is clear should
lay tho "trail" with them In all ot the available
downstairs rooms. Start from a tiny Christmas
troo on tho living room tablo by fastening to It
a card tor each person, markod, for examplo,
thUB: "Card No. 1, fathor. Loo': tor card No. 2
In umbrella stand tn hall." In tho stand ho will
find a package taggod In this manner; "Card No.
2, fathor. Look tor card No. 3 in your hat In hall
closet." The third card will bo round on a girt
in tho spot designated, -Ith turthor instructions,
which aro followed on to tho next, until all his
presonts como to light. Everyone pursuos his or
her trail at onco, and a merry scono or confusion
Is tho result. Theso cards may bo prepared bo
forehnnd, nnd no difficulty will bo experienced If,
In placing tho girts, each trail Is finished boforo
starting to lay another, The last cards should
direct tho family to their places at tho dining
room tablo, where thoy will find amusing souve
nirs of tho occasion.
Cobweb Method.
A rather novel and entirely inexpensive way
of distributing Christmas gifts is to employ tho
"cobweb" method. Suspend a ropo diagonally
across tho room, ovor which tho strings may
cross, each string to be labeled at Its sourco with
tho namo of tho member or tho family or tho
friend for whom It Is Intended, A sheet can bo
hung across ono end of tho roam, hiding tho gifts
from view until tlmo for winding tho strings. Let
all begin the quest at onco, It being necessary to
tlnd tho beginnings of tho strings where tho
names nro attached. This will afford consider
able nmusomont, ns tho strings should bo run
through keyholes, umlor jiods, over transoms
and oven out of doors, If posslblo,
Asldo from tho elen.unt of mystery contained
in this method, thcro b tho added alue which
attaches to thoso things which have boen really
earned through one's own efforts.
North Carolina Planter Wakes Up
to Find Himself Owner
of a Town.
Meets Various Friends With Apple
Brandy and Then Drifts Into a
Real Estato Auction After
That the Awakening.
Wilson, N. C W. II. Tomllnson, a
well-to-do plantor of this city, took a
drink of appio brandy and bought u
wholo city. Tho details wero told In
an action In thu county court hero bo
foro Judgo Hountrec. J. D. Tarlor was
tho defendant.
According to tho Rtory told in the
courtroom, Mr. Tomllnson took one
drink or npplo brandy. Then ho went
out and mot a friend who had somo
npplo brandy. Then tho two met a
friend Who had nmno ntinln lirnmlv
Aftor'that tho thrco mot a friend who
had somo appio brandy. After that
things nro a llttlo vague. Judge
Itountrco didn't Insist on tho witness
being altogothor too accurate about
his rocolloctlon8. Dut this ho learned:
Mr. Tomllnson drifted, or tacked,
along to a real estato miction. Thero
was a band to stlmulato thobo who
needed, that kind ol stimulation. Mr.
Tomllnson says ho didn't, although ho
ovldontly got some, too. Mr. Tomlln
son says ho remembers tho band but
ho had no recollection whatever of
tho deed to thrco nnd three-quarter
acres of property, which ho found in
ins pocket tho next day. He looked
tho document ovor, and not being
sure whothor ho waa reading aright,
he called in ills daughter. Sho figured
out that her fathor had bought tho
throo and threo-quarter acres of land,
a mllo from Wilson, giving therefor
notes for 2,800; that tho property
waa all sot out with trees of thrco
yoars' growth; streets had been laid
out, sewors dug nnd, in fact, that tho
place waa a city, laid out und await
ing only tho touch of a magic hand to
becomo a rival of Wilson.
The magnitude or the proposition
somowhat overcamo Mr. Tomllnson.
Ho has plenty or money but ho didn't
exactly want tho city. Still, ho went
out and looked It over. It looked
pretty good. There wore 200 trees
getting ready to arch themselves over
tho four or flvo streets. Thoy looked
llko real llvo trees but they woron't.
Thero's whero tho rub camo. Tho
trees dlod. They not only died, but
He Looked the Document Over.
thoy foil over. And then Mr. Tomlln
son found that thoy wero without
roots; that thoy wero trees only from
tho ground up. They bad boen cut
Bomowhore off in tho woods, sharp
ened on tho end llko a picket and
driven into tho ground.
Mr. Tomllnson put tho finishing
touches to tho story in court.
"I really wouldn't havo cared so aw
ful much about tho whole thing," ho
aid, "but I wutorod those trees all
Bummor long."
Rabid Animals Are So Numerous That
Men Are Afraid to Venture
Out at Night.
Wlnnomucca, Nov. From tho toll
house, north ot the Oregon lino In
Humboldt county, tho hills aro ro
ported to bo allvo with rabid coyotes,
making It oxtrcmely dangerous for
persons to travel without being armed
Whllo riding hla range, Gcorgo Minor
killed four mad beasts with u club,
and Frank Lamb also clubbed ono to
death recently.
At tho Sandors ranch, near Golcon
da, tho rabid beasts aro said to bo in
control of tho situation, and nro so
plentiful tuat men rear to venture out
at night. A rabid animal nttneked a
teamster near Golcondn and forced
him to tako rofugo on tho scat or his
wagon. Tho camp dog was chowed
to ploccs when ho gavovbattlo to tho
Intruder ami tho animal kept tho team
stor on tho wagon all night. It was
Uillod in the morning.
A sense of freedom from all an
noying after-eating distress
can only be experienced
when the digestive system
is strong and working
harmoniously. Such
a condition can be
promoted by care-
ful diet and the
assistance of
Stomach Bitters
No Occasion to Stoop.
"I think you aro the man who
stolo my Khlrt," said Put ono day
whon he met n v'ry auspicloiw looking
rorolgner knocking about his houso.
"Do you think I would Btoop so low
bb to tako your shirt?" said the
"You hadn't to Btoop at all, It was
hanging up."
Just Staying.
"Whero aro you living now, Pod
gers ."
"Nowhere. Hoarding nt tho same
old placo." Urowulng.'a Magazine
Not firny Ilnlrs tint Tired Rye
make ui look older than wo aro. Kcesi
your HyeH yoiinB nnd you will look younc.
les Murine Your Kycs. Don't
Aftrr lli Mnvlns
tell your npi Murine Hyo Remedy Co,
v.iiiuftu, gvnua u uuun uu request.
Why does a young man try to keep
on the right side of his best girl when
ho knows her heart is on tho loft
Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days
Druggists refund money it I'AZO OINTMENT
tails io euro Itching, llllnd. Illeedlne or Prolrud
lug Piles. First application gires relist. cc
Lovo nt first Bight often causes the
victims to wish thoy had consulted an
oculist ,
Nebraska Directory
United Farmer's Rural
Credit Association
of Nebraska
An organization which la co-opora-tlvo
In tlio truest Benso und will make
Ioiik time loans, 10-20-30 years, at low
ruto of Interest on the partial pay
ment plan. Let us Instruct you how
to eut tho benefits.
It. V. McQrew, President: also presi
dent of tho State ISunk of Nudoiico,
Ncli.; Stuto Bank. ItUerton. Neb.;
State nank, Republican City, Neb.;
Ktato Bank, Wooduortli, Kan.
Clins. Rudcn, Crofton, Neb.; Vice
President (Statu Senator, farmer,
and Stockman).
C. J. Warner, Wavcrly, Nebt, Treas
urer (Itcpresentatlvu 27tu. 2Sth and
"th Legislature, Fanner und Stock
man). Prank B. Saunders, Secretary (Audi
tor, Kuno County, Public Accoun
tant, Klein. 111.).
Address R. T. DABNEY, StiletMgr.
Bankers Life Building
Lincoln, Nebraska
A thorouKlily reliable lo
cal uirent to rcDroscnt
and look after the buiilneHH of tha
United Farmers' Itural Credit Association
ot Nebrusku. A splendid opportunity for
the man who can furnish uuquestlonabl
United Farmera' Rural Credit Auru
Danker Lifa Bldg.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Omaha, Nebraska
Rooms from 11.00 up single, 75 cenU up double.
The Army of
la Growing Smaller Every Day.
responsible they
not only givorenet
iney perma
nently cure to
tipatioa. Mil-.
lions use.
them for
Indittitloo, Sick lUadicbe. SaIW Skin.
Genuine must bear Signature
LaaaffP 'fl
Bog Spavin or Thoroughpin
but you can clean them olf promptly with
ami you work the horse tame time.
Does not blister or remove the
hair. 52.00 per bottle, ilelimed.
Will tell you more if you write.
Hook 4 M free. AnsOIUJINE, JR.,
the antiseptic liniment for mankind,
reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured
kluKlri or Urimetm. Pnliried GUn.1i, Went.
Cvm. Alllvs niln ntilj-Vtv !.( .1 ...i
t botdr si druriU't or dtlhc rtii M.(e tn tbr U 8. A. br
W. F.YOUNQ, P. D. F., 310 !! tt, Sprlnoflsld. Mat.
W. N. U LINCOLN, N 62-1915. "
awS5rCStSJr 'awnwwwiTW 5rcrsiwv'--
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