The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 23, 1915, Image 5
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ? I VWWWWWUftV.V.VSVV.". HONE NEWS Bulletin of The Week's olnji W1W.WAV.W.V.I1W.V.VA Fresh Lowneys at Miner Hroa. Co. C. A. Sdielltik ns In Hastings Mon day. Every tenth buBgy whip free at Fogcl's. Father Fltfjorald was In Superior Sunday. Our bronze lace shoes nro ?4. EIHh Shoe Store. mlv A few eholeo house plauts for sale. Mrs. H. C. Cutter. Frank Starr shipped one enr of mules to St. Joe Sunday. Front rooms over StoreyS store for rent. Jas. McUuire. Commissioner T J. Chaplin of CowIch wns in town Saturday. See C. A. Schulu for real estate, farm loans and exchange. Iloonc Saunders of Kansas City was in the city Friday evening. Ihiy your biigpy whips at Fogcl's. Every tenth whip given away. We have a new shipment of black kid Gypsy Boots at $3.75. Ellis Shoe Store. adv Miss Dossio Taylor who is attending the state university at Lincoln is homo for the holiday vacation. Mrs. Arthur Ilohlusou of Guide Rock speut Sunday in this city with her mother, Mrs. Fred Wittwcr. Ueorgo Hutchison purchased a new Chevrolet automobile from the Hall garage the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abel of Camp bell spent Sunday in this city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs D. M. Abel. Charley Amaok of St. Francis, Kan sas, spent Sunday in this city with his brother, Frank Amaok and family. Hear the Hallowell Musical Company at the Congregational church, Christ, mas evening. Tickets 50 and 7.1c, children 23c. Miss Lena Ludlow who is teaching school at Hay Springs, Nebraska, ar rived home Monday to spend the holi days with her parents Frank Peterson was In Guide Rock Wedncday afternoon. lluv Her one of those dainty It race let Watches at Mitchell's. Dr. 11. V. Nicholson left this morn Ing for West Point and Wlsner where he will spend Christmas, The following shipped hogs to Kan sas City, Sunday: Weesner & Kpontz, 2 ears and Uelancy llros., I ear. Miss Niua Allen of Clay Center and Miss Uuby Loomis of York spent Sun day In this city with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Medlar. Mr. and Mis. Uruce ltoblusou of Clay Center, will spend Christmas in this city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Robinson. Just received some nice Traveler's Manlcuie Sots in leather rolls A suit able gift for either lady or gent. Mitchell, The Jeweler. Miss Laura Hedge, who is teaching school south of Inavale, camn homo Monday to spend her vacation with her mother, Mrs. Hedge. Will Rosencrans has purchased the Harry Gilliam house, and has moved it onto the lots south of his residence on North Webster street, Fred Pharcs and Charles Sheror, who are attending the stato university at Lincoln, are home to spend the holidays with home folks. Orvll Ferguson of Oberlln, Kansas, wus in the city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ltogenrief accompanied him homo to spend the holidays. Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will moot eye, car, nose and throat patients and those ueoJlng glasses lilted at Dr. Damcrell's olllce. Wednesday, .Tauuary nth. Miss Mary Christian, who Is touch ing school near Funk, arrived home Saturday to ipend her vacation with her parents, Mr. mid Mrs. J. L Christian. Miss llertha Doyle, who Is attending the state university nt Lincoln arrived home the tlrst of the week to spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doyle. Grant Turner and Frank Person went to Wray, Colorado, Sunday, and accompanied Frank's brother, Hurt Person and family back to this city Monday morning. Insure your Farm Property with Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman for tho Farm Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Hastings, Nebraska Phones: Ollice, :it); Residence, 17.MJ A sane, safe, sound and economical plan of tire, lighti.lng and tornado Insurance. Will your policy soon expire? Write me and let mo explain. No obligation on your pa t. TEPEE F"" Friday and Saturday Dee. 'J I and !.' The Adventures of A Madcap IN COLORS n IHJ I What Must Red Cloud Preachers - Do. To Be, Saved? 1 (Subject Sunday, Decomber 29, 7:30 p. m.) L-iJ I The United Church Will Begin An Evangelestic Campaign January 9, 1916 All Christian People Invited To Assist This Campaign. Plan Your Work And Be Present At Every Service. rn Services For The Next Six Months In The Congregational Church a DQC 3ME DDE HE Itet Us Help Yoa Select 1 Yoar Gkistmas Present Where Can You Find Articles More Serviceable Than In An Up-to-Date Furniture Store? WE HAVE: Davenports Rocking Chairs El 1 tC L,nirroniers Magazine Racks Cedar Chests Smoker Stands Tabourettes Writing Desks Pictures Mirrors In Feet Something Useful For Every Member of the Family Dressers Library Tables Rugs Matting Boxes Pedestals Foot Stools Book Cases DC ROY SATTLEY Furniture and Undertaking 3 QE HUE Hoy Stevens Is on the sick list. Frank Starr was in Hastings Tues day. See our Chi Istmas Novelties. Hills Shoe Store. adv C. V. Wallln was on Hie sick Hat the first of the week I have several irood farms for sale or trade. C A. Sehultz. A. N. Waeehter of Itlvertou was in town Wednesday afternoon. See us for tho latest In sliver novel ties. Mitchell The Jeweler. The lied Cloud schools will today for tho holiday vaeutlon. FOR SALK An automatic bliot-tfun In good condition. V. L. Koon. Charley Arnold and A. 11. McArthur were In Guide Rock Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Millignn is in MeCook this week visiting her sou, Charley Mllllfjnn and wife. Iletter order live bushels of those tine Potatoes sent to the house from Miner llros. Co. A complete assortment of beautiful gold rings at wondorful prices. Mitch ell, The Jeweler. Attorney It. V. Stewart will go to Lincoln Friday morning to bpend Christinas with his folks. Make the children happy by buying them a pair of those red top, (teeue lined rubber boots at Ellis' Shoe Store. Hay Saunders, who is attending tho state university at Lincoln, arrived in the oity Monday evcuiutr to visit friends. Surprise him on Christmas morning with h Waldemar Watch Chain or a haudsomo Scarf Pin. See them at Mitchell's. Miss Minnie Kellettthc popular and obliging clerk at the Miner llros. Co. store, is couUned, to her home by Illness this week. i Harvey Rickerson, the popular barb; er at M. A. Mercer's shop, left Monday for Bedford, Missouri, to spend the holidays with his parents. Don't fall to hoar the Hallowull Musical Company of Chicago at the Congregational church, Christmas even ing. Tickets CO and Too, children 'J5c. Alvlu Iiiitli.jon who Is attending Boyle's college at Omaha arrived homo this week to spend the holidays with Ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rathjen Phil Sherwood, who is attending tho state university at Lincoln, came home Saturday night to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sherwood. Miss Lola Woods who Is teaching school near Lodgcpole arilvcd home the last of the week to spend the hoi! days with her parents, Mr. ann Mrs. Clms. Woods. Rex Raglcy who is attending the Tri State college at Angola, Indiana, ar rived in the city Saturday to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ISagley. Miss Veda Ludlow, who is teaching school near WelHlect, Nebraska, arriv ed home Sunday morning to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Ludlow. Miss Kthel Wlsecarver who is attend ing college at Evanston, Indiana, ar rived home Sunday morning to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wlsecaiver. Miss Blanche Pope, who Is teaching In the public schools nt Central City, arrived home Ftiday evening to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George I'opo. Miss Mabel Ruckles who is teaching school near Potter, came home Friday evening to speud tho holidays with her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. J. F. Ruckles, who live north of this city. At a meeting of the M. W. A. Loilgo Thursday evening, the following offi cers were clectod for the ensulngyear: J M. Burgess, V. C; Ed. McAllister, W. A-.; A. V. Ducker, Clerkj Clark Stevens, Banker. 0. F. Wallin who has been conduct ing a blacksmith shop on North Web ster street for a number of years, last week disposed of the same to Rarney Sutton who for several- years has re sided on a farm northwest of this city. We have not learned of Mr. Wallln's future plans but trust that bo and his estimable family will remain in our midst. The Chief welcomes Mr. Sut ton to our city and we wish hi in suc cess. m Farm Leans Lowest Interest, best option and terms to bo had in the state. Money always ready. Call for me at State Rank. C. P. Gather. A Special Christmas Program A most charming picture In four reels. Taken in California and colored in Franco. All tho wealth of homily of the laud of sunshluo is brought nut in Its natural colors. FRIDAY AFTERNOON AND nVHXIXU SATURDAY AFTRRNOON AND EVENING Regular Prices 10 and :c HBHMM umri' Dr. R. V. Nicholson spent Sunday In (itiide Rock with Dr. Rroukman and wife. Have you seeu thosu exceptional values in Umbrellas and Parasols at Mitchell's Jewelry Store. Dr. Cross has had his dental parlors newly papered and painted, which greatly improves the appearance of the rooms. Bert Stevens of Smith Center is in charge of tho Steven's photograph gullery, owing to tho sickness of his brother, Roy. Miss Hazel Saladcn who Is attending college at MoPhcrson, Kansas, arrived home Wednesday to spend Christmas with hor parents. Mrs. L. P. Albright was a passenger to Omahn, Wednesday, to spond the holidays with her son, Sherwood Al bright and family. In "The Adventures of a Mnd Cnp,'' tho Tepee Is offering a strong program for tomorrow and Christmas, both afternoons and evenings. The Misses Flora and Stella Shute, who are teaching school at Welltleot and Dlckcus, respectively, are spend ing tho holiday vacation with home folks.. The most liberal options arc to be had In that new style of farm loans. Cheaper rates. One of oldest compan ies doing business in this state. B. W. Stewart. Delanoy Bros, shipped a car of hogs to Kansas City, Wednesday, also Weesner & Koontx, ono car, Connie Starke and Harvey Merrill accom panied tile shipment. Miss Fay Tool who has been attend ing the state university at Berkley, California, arrived homo Tuesday lo spend thu holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mis. O. C. Tcel. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs Jennlo Pope instead of Mrs. Julia Worren, Wednesday afternoon, Decern ber allth ut L'iIJO Topic, Chapter Flvo, Social Welfare; Leader, Mrs. Dickson. Mis. Mugiuls who resides In the east part of this city and who has been suffering for sometime past with dropsy is very low at this writing Her death being momentarily expect od. Rev. O. II Truman is In tho city this week visiting his daughter, Mrs. Ed. Dickson and family. Mr. Tiuman was one time editor of the Red Cloud Nation. Wo acknowledge a pleasant call from the gentleman. A special Christmas program has beon provided at the Tepee for Christ mas eve and Christmas, "The Adven tures of a Madcnp," a charming pic ture In colors, made in California and colored In France. Afternoon and evening, both Friday and Saturdny Chris Starke, who was married last Wednesday to Mrs. Ethel Lough of Superior, invited somo two-hundred of liis friends to an ouster supper on luesuay nlglir. Tho tables were, spread in the Amboy schcol house, and all present report an enjoyable even ing. Tho Chief joins with Mr. and Mrs. Staike's many friends in wishing them a long and hnppy lifo, Mrs. Mary Gouldie, ono of the old pioneers of Smith Couuty, Kansas, who has made her home in this city for several years, passed away Wednesday afternoon after a short illness. She was born in Ireland, April 20, 1845 and was 70 years, 7 months and 20 days of age. The funeral services will be held. at the Catholic church, Friday morn at 10:30 o'clock. Four sons and two daughters are left to mourn her death, The House of Fear, a story of Ashton Kirk, the famous investigator, which was shown to a large and ap preciative audience at the Tepee last night, proved to be one of the best, If not the best, detective story that has been shown here. Ashton Kirk is not only a very clover detective, but an actor of considerable ability, nnd the Btory tho pictures tell is far abovo the average. It will be shown again tonight. We Wish All Our Friends And Customers A Merry Christmas And Many Happy Returns For The New Year l I HE Vowden-Haley Vlothlng V "ALWAYS RELIABLE" Hdkt mn BY USING f Handsome Life Time Lasting Aluminium Utensils Reliance Brand Coffee With every' pound you receive a, coupon, and when you have 10 coupons, call and take your choice of the utensils without any extra charge. The price of the Coffee is 35c per pound Calland see our newSherer Sanitary Counter and see how we protect your health from all unhealthy PESTS which are bound to get in all Bulk Groceries if left out uncovered. OUR MOT 10 IS: Good Goods, Pure Goods, Clean Goods Mnd Tho Right Price HALTER W- MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY Hdic Hold Since the Citizens of Red Cloud Have Been Unable to Produce Slipless Side Walks, and Each Winter Many Falls Are Caused by Snow and Sleet... See Van Before Yoa Slip- Geo. M. VanCamp, Agent For The Travelers of Hartford The Oldest and Largest Accident Co. in the World PHONESi Ind. 241 Bell 128 gppjiraiiiiimiiiiraraiiiraiiiiiiww ' 'i LiOTiii'iirar iran m miio' HBISRY COOK, M. D. JH'.AI.KIt IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES jt ffcnillffiMllilli!!lll r?n ' 72 Sooner or Later You Will Have To Repair That Corn Crib WHY NOT NOW? PLATT & FREES RF.nnnun ' NEBRASKA ram i. i i 1 LJ I & 1 irair K !