The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 23, 1915, Image 4
"o-m ) yjiuaijiii """ -JUlf-WW J RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF I tia w 1 K THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY entered In the PoMtiltW c nt Hot ( loud, Nib. m Hccund CIam Mnttcr A B. MeAKTHUK l'UIIIJhlll'.ll TUB ONLY DKMOUKATIU I'AI'Kli IN WKIIHTKIl COUNTY In just it few more days wo will linvo lenp vonr again, and If the young JndlcH fall to secure a running mato luring tlio next twelve months It in ay lie readily assumed that they lira per fectly satisfied with conditions us they ro. Thin editor confesses that he Is looking forward to the now year with a great deal of hope and nutlcipa Won. Wo trust that Congressman Shallon Merger will be successful in securing the adoption of his bill In Congress for " post-odlco building in this city. The amount asked for is a modest one, but 3?ct it would be nniplo for our needs. Tills city Is large enough, in fact any city is largo enough for h government building. Tlio Congressman may be well assured that tho people of this city appreciate Ills elfortH in our bo lialf. In eplto of the fact thnt wu have liud Ideal wcuthcr conditions this full much of tho corn Is still In the fields. Tho crop is very large and tho help ! roenrco. Farmers linvo simply boon unable to sccuro help and this means that the corn must stay in the Held. "With the slow progress being made it is doubtful if all tho corn will bo out r the way before planting time again Borne day thero will bea machine that "will tako the placo of ten or twelve men in the Hold and then cornhusking 'Will bo over by supper llino. Tho Chief Is forty-four years old today and mighty proud of It. This paper has made Its weekly visits two "thousand two hundred and eighty- valght times. It has witnessed the miracle of the desert succumlug to the persistent activity of man. It has chronicled the uhanges aud written the history of the wilderness that has Lceu transformed into onu of the afcarden spots of the earth. It has con- ttautly endeavored to keep abreast of tlio times and minister to the wants of ell tho people. Today It is bettor fitted than ever before to re ml or real service and it Invites your pationagu. Tho editor wishes you onu and all a, Werrvi Merry Christmas and a Happy &3Sbw Year. "Wo ovoi hoard some of the members 'of tho tennis club discussing the feasi bility of turning tho courts into a fa S v .. ."j? s Here in another Overland model. A braud dow car ut a tirniul new price. Many people prefer a cur that is smaller, lighter anil more economical to run bat with the iulvHtitoo of the larger nnd holier pi iueil cars. Model 75, is u comfortable, family ear with virtually all the advantages of the larger and higher priced cuts. Tht Price Ii Only $600 It lms a noweiftl motor; eleotric starting and lighting system; high ten ska'ing pond. lly all means this should be done. It would provide in nocent amusement for young and old, at practically no cost at all. The street lights are amplo In that location and the grounds would bo sufllcleutly Illu minated for skating purposes. At present there Is no good place for this sport. The creek Is uncertain and dark mid the children nro apt to fall thru tho thin Ico. On the tenuis courts all these disadvantages would be ob viated. Wo trust that someone or somo organization will take this mat ter up and furnish somo amusement for the folks who lllco to skate. 1NAVALE Lucllo and Lola Oh mated are having the chlckonpox this week. Dr. Myers aud wife wcro In Hed Cloud Tuesday. Iiurl Smlt i Is having u seigc of grippe. Mrs. Inez lloyuton of Lincoln was called home Tuesday night on account of tlio illness of her father, Mr. John son. Mr. Stroug who has been quite sick is somo better at this writing. Charloy Ohmsted Is attending to tho Hardware store while Mr. Strong Is unable to bo nt the store. Mr. IHuntaiid wife nro clerking in tho drug store for Mr. Johnson during his illnosH. The M. E Sunday school will have a Christmas tree and program at tho church Friday night. Everyone Is In vited to eomo. Dcruice Saunders is back at her duties at Will Topham's after it few duys illness with tonsllltis. Clarence Heed anil wlfo imtoed to Guide Hock Monday. A lurgc number of people attended the supper and given by tho young ladies of tho Christian churh at Huiitcr'ti hall Saturday night. Mrs. Nolle Hunter wont to Hed Cloud Tuesday. Will Topliam aud family, also Mar garet and Darrol .Joyce ate dinner Saturday with their nephew and cous in, Ivan Darker, it being his tenth birthday. Lltllo Frances Frey and sister of McCook are hero visiting their grand parouts, Mr. and Mrs, Charley Dicken son. W. J. Van co has bought the' Charley Dickenson property south of the kindergarten school. Mr. Dickenson expects to move to Hed Cloud soon. SOUTH 1NAVALE There is lots of giippe In this vicinity at present. Flit. Meyer and Harry Chapllu have had their corn shelled this week. Robot t Stokes has been quite sick for several days but Is reported a littlo better at this writing. Mllo Kilicald departed Monday morn ing for Dayton, Wyoming to visit his sister, Airs. Clyde Mitchell and fuuilly. Carroll Noble aud wife and littlo daughter spout Saturday night and sion niHgntto ignition; 104-Inch wheel, bane; cantilever springs; four-inch tires, demountable rlnib, streamline body design. Tills reason our factory capacity has been increased to GOO cars daily. 1 1 This, in iUolf, explains our ability to glvo so much enr for to lltllo money. The ueu est Overland is a beauty. The body Is the latest full stream line design with n one piece cowl. It is hnndsomly finished in solid 'VAAAAAANAAvAAAvyvAsAAAvA Sunday at the Millard Hunslckcr.homo Mre. W. M. Points and Mrs. Hose Point', were Red Cloud visitors last Friday. Miss Artie Dlokorson returned homo from Lincoln last Friday night to spend her vacation. We neglected to mention in our last items that Harold Burg had departed for Huntington, Indiana) where lie will enter school, Tho Alt. Pleasant Ladles Aid society met with Mrs. F L.Stokes last Thurs. day afternoon. 0. O. Ethurton and family of Grand Island tiro spending a few days In this vicinity this lyiek. Miss Laura Hedge, teacher at district three, gave a school entertainment lust Friday afternoon and dismissed school for a two week's vacation. Quarterly meeting was held at the Mt. I'lcusaut church last Saturday and Sunday. How about one of those beautiful La- Vallers for that sister or sweet heart. All the new styles at Mitchell's Jewelry Store. In the County Court of Webster County. Nebraska. Htntouf Nt1irnnka, i. Vil)xtvr county. ("" In tho mnttcr of tho estate ut Henry r. Cutter (lcctimed. Crutltors of said estate will tako notice, thnt tho time limited for presentation nnd ttlliiKot claims iiKnlnst tlio same Is July Hth, I it 1 1), ami (or tho pnyment ol debts Is Decem ber loth, 1UKI, thnt I ulll sit nt tho county court room In snld county on tho ftitli day of .Inly, A. I). Iliin, at lu o'clock, A. M to re ceive, ccnmluc, hear, allow, or adjust nil claims nnd objections duly lllid. Dated this 10th day of December, A. I mm. (Stnl) A. D. Kannkv, County JudKo. Notice of Probate. In thoCouuty Court of Webster County, Nebraska, htntoof Nebraska, l Hfl Webster County, f To nil persons Interested lu the cstato of Adam Morhart, Deceased: TAICi: NO TICK, thnt n petition lias been Med prayliiK thnt tho Instrument (lied In this court on tho 1st day of December lUlli purport Ink to bo tho Inst will nnd testament of said deceased, may bo proved nnd nlloued nnd recorded as tho Inst will nnd testament of Adam Morhart dccenscd;thnt snld Instrument bo admitted to probate, and tho administra tion of snld estnto bo i?rnntcd to lllbort 1.. Morhart, i:ccutor. It U hereby ordered by tho court, thnt nil persons interested In said estnto appear nt thoCouuty Court to bo held lu and fur snld county on tho 'JTth day of Docombcr I'JID, nt ton o'clock A. M., to show cause, If any there be why tho prayer of tho potlt loner shouKYnot bo urnntid, aud thnt notlco of tho'-pcudoncy ol snld petition nnd tho hearing theriof, bo Ktvcn to nil persons Interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In tho Ited Cloud Chief, a legal weekly newspaper print ed lu Rnld county, 'for threo consecutive weeks prior to snld day of hearing. Witness my hand aud tho seal of said court this 1st day of December, A. D. IMO. A. D. Hannkv, (m:.i.) County .Indue. In The District Court ol Webster County. Nebraska. NOTICE. c. l'ro.1 Wallln. rialutltl, Win. Seward (iarber, black with bright nickel and polished aluminum fittings. Five adults can ride comfortably While the car is roomy, It is light in weight, S100 pounds. It has demountable rims with one extra. The tires ore four inches all around because we believe iu the advauUgu of large tires. The motor is four-cylinder, long stroke bloc typo, having a 3 1-8 inch Uarbcr, his wife, first name unknown: IIiikIi W. (iullltord, Lucy Oulllford, his wife; llrlcv W. Miller; llernnrd McNcny, Nellie McNcny, his wife; .Simeon HobcrHoni I'rancls Ij. Anderson, Anderson, his wife, first name unknown; nnd the heirs, devisees nnd IcKntecs of Franc Is I,. Anderson, nnd tlio unknown claimants and tho unknown owners of lots 2 and .1 In block :i of tho original town of Ited Cloud, Nebraska; nnd tho unknown owners nnd unknow n claimants of lots 111 nnd IT, block 11, lu Smith .t Mooro's Addition to tho city of Ittd Cloud, Nebraska, Defendant. Tho nbocd named non-resident defend ants, William Sew nrd Onrber, Mrs. William Howard Oarbcr whoso first name Is unknown; ItitKli W. Oulllford nnd Lucy Oulllford, his wife; and unknown defendants, tho un known claimants nnd unknown owners of lots 2 nnd :i In block 3 of tho orlulnal town of Ited Cloud, Nebraska, will tnko notice that on tlio 2nd day of December, 191l, tho above named platntlll, C. 1'rtd Wallln, filed his petition In tho District Court of Webster County, Nebraska, ngnlnst them, tho object nnd prayer of which Is to foreclose a tnx sale rcrtlllcntc, Issued by tho treasurer of Web ster County, Nebraska, on April :i, 11)1,1, In fnvorof the nbovo named plnlntltr, for tho taxes tor tho years IHUO to luil.botll Inclushc, w lilch represented tho unpaid nnd delinquent state nnd county, school district nnd Ited Cloud City taxes levlid upon lots S nnd I!, block 3of the original town of Uod Cloud, Nebraska for tlio years lH'JO to 11)11 both In clusive, Under which tax snloccrtlilcatc tho said above namod plalutlll paid tho subse quent taxes levied upon snld real estate, amounting to for tho year of 11)1':; S'i.52 for the year of 11)1.!; nnd SU.22 for tho j ear of lllll; that the total amount due on tho said tax sale ccrtlflcatoned subsequent tnxes paid thereunder nnd Interest duo thereon, Is SJ8.1. i:t, which Is a first lien on lots 2 and :t, block 3 In tho original town of Ited Cloud, Nebras ka, l'lnlutlll'nsks for an accounting for tho amount duo him; that the samo may bo de creed a llrst lien nnd thnt tho said real cstato may bo sold to satisfy snld amount nnd costs of suit, nnd such other relief ns equity may grnnt; thnt tho real and true name of Mrs. William Seward (Iarber Is unknown to tho plnlntlir, ns Is her place of residence. Tho nbovo named non-resident defendants; I'rnnclH l Anderson nnd his wlfo, Mrs. I'ran cls Ij, Anderson whoso llrst nnd true nnino Is unknown to the plnlntlir, ns Is her place of residence; nnd uukndwn defendants, the un known owners nnd tho unknown claimants of lots 10 and 17, in block 11, Smith ,t Moore's Addition to tho city of lied Cloud, Nebraska, nnd tho heirs nnd devisees nnd legatees nnd others Interested In tho estnto of I'rancls h. Anderson, will also tnko notice thnt tho nboo named plalutlll', C. Fred Wallln, filed his petition In tho District Court of Webster County, Nebraska, against fheiu, tho object nnd prayer of which Is to foreclose a tnx sale ccrtlilcato Issued by tho county treasurer of WcbstcrCounty, Nebraska on tho lib dav of November, 1912, for tho tnxes for tho years l!KW to lull both Inclusive, amounting to S0.70, which represented thounpaldamldellnqueut slate, county, school district nnd Ited Cloud City taxes levied on lots 111 and IT block 11, Smith A Moore's Addition to tho city of Ited Cloud, Nebraska, tor tho years lWU to mil both .Inclusive, under which tnx sale certi ficate tho nbovo named plnlntltr paid tho subsequent taxes levied upon snld real estate, as follows: For tho year till.', 8I8H: for tho year 1913. SHUi; forthoycar nut, 81.00; thnt tho total amount duo upon said tnx mlo ccrtlilcato nnd subsequent tnxes paid thereon, Is 8IH.T."), which, with accruing Interest, Is a llrst lUn on the real estnto nbovo described. Plnlntlir asks for an accounting of tho amount duo him, nnd thnt thosamo may bodicrted'i llrst lien, and thnt said rent estnto may be sold to satisfy said amount and costs of suit, and such other relief ns equity may giant. All of thoabovo named nou resident and unknown do fLitdautsnru required to Answer snld petition on or before tho 'Jith day of January , rim. Dated Di comber 7th, lUlft. C. I'lliui W.U.I. in, lly I'.. I. Miwii.w, Ills Attorney. bore aud 5-luch stroke is'20'25 It is of the design. The electrio starting and lighting system is one the most etlicient ou the market. It is of tho two-unit type vAvAnaAAvAnaAnaAv "vaAvAvAW WjQVQj3MvMMMaCp 9 MlEfvTM lm llwS BIG VALUES FOR MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR WE CAN LOOK EVERYBODY. WHO HAS DEALT WITH US STRAIGHT IN THE FACE. WE HAVE TREATED THEM HONESTLY. WE HAVE GIVEN QUALITY GOODS FOR AS LOW A PRICE HS QUALITY MERCHANDISE CAN BE SOLD FOR. WE SHALL BID FOR YOUR TRADE NEXT YEAR WITH THE SAME METHODS WE HAVE ALWAYS USED. WE THANK OUR OLD CUSTOMERS FOR THE BUSINESS THEY HAVE GIVEN US. WE INVITE THOSE WHO HAVE NOT GIVEN US THEIR TRADE TO TRY OUR STORE. We Can Assist You With Your Christmas Dinner By Furnishing The Following Extras Which Are All Reasonably Priced: Lettuce Radishes Celery Cauliflower Sweet Potatoes Turnips Rutabagas Cranberries White Grapes Jonathan Apples Oranges Bananas Grape Fruit Figs Dates Hickory Nuts Nut Meats of All Kinds Layer-Raisins Lowneys Chocolates Phone Us The Winer' Bros. Go. GENERAL MERCHANTS "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" "jrs'WUI Bo Closed All Day Christmas A Merry Christmas To All Is Our Wish rXS& Horsepower most modern SOLD BY. Jas. Red Your Orders. Peterson Gloud, lebf. I n c WN-i i: i 3t. -- gyflfrfr wtaUKCjssjft . -u, CBwiftwmMmgwgir ifffitru un mwn