The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 23, 1915, Image 3

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ny R. O. SKI.LKIIH, Acting Dlroctor of
the Sunday School Courso of tlio Moody
Ulblu Institute of Clilcnfto.)
CopyrlBtit. 191S, Wctern Ncwipnper Union.)
LESSON TKXT-lIosea 14.
OOLDEN TEXT-Jchovah la merciful
unil Krucloua, Blow to anger, nnd abundant
Jn loving kti.dncas.-I'Ba. 103:8 It V.
Tho burden of punishment descend
d upon Israel, not bocauso of tho
vindlctlvo charactor ot Jehovah, but
bocauso of tho persistent pursuit of
.sin on the part of tho nation.
Tho lessons ot tho past quarter ex
-tend from tho latter days ot Elijah,
About DOC I). C to tho fall and cap
tivity of Israol (tho northorn king
-dom) I). C. 722 (Doochor), a period or
180 years. Soma contond that tho les
son for November 14, Daniel at tho
King's Court, is chronologically tho
last and ought to havo been put at
tho end of tho sorics. During tho past
quarter wo havo studlod about six
kings, Ahab, Joash, Nobuclmdnozznr,
the king of Nineveh, Uzzlnh and Ho-iihea-
also six prophets, Elijah, Eli
sun, Daniel, Jonah, Amos and Hosca;
and ono Boldlor, Nnaman.
A good method ot review would bo
to have assigned to different scholars
or classes each of tho foregoing per
sonages and to glvo a report of his
chief characteristics. Material for
such a revlow is easily accessible An
other method of rovlcw would bo to
take up the Iosboiib serially and in
connection with each read somo ap
propriate Scrlpturo verses that will
servo to omphaslzo or to illustrate
tho chief fact of each lesson.
Lesson I. Tho weak King Ahaz
(strong in his pcrvorslty) is easily
persuaded to do evil in order to grati
fy hl covetousnoss. Elijah nt God's
command goes to meet Ahab who
cries out, "Hast thou found mo, O
my enemy?" In reply Elijah delivers
Clod's word; that word to us is found
in Ex. 2C:17. (Lot each Scrlpturo ref
erence be read In full.)
Lesson II. Tho veteran champion
Elijah is about to go homo and his
moro youthful follower, Ellshn, has
ono chief dcslro (Bee II Kings 2:9),
which pcralstontly followed Is abund
antly rowurded. Tho lesson for us Is
found in tho master's prayer, John
Lesson III. The stricken soldier,
Nnamnn, at a child's suggestion, ap
peals to God's prophet, Elisha, for
healing. Ho is directed how ho may
bo cured and after somo hesitation
returns homo cleansed. Tho lesson
for us Is that of being faithful amid
life's experiences and of doing and
living for othors (see also Romans
32-20, 21.)
Lesson IV. Tho servant of Ellsha
Is very much excited. King and ennip
nro in despnlr, yet tho prophet Is not
disturbed. Why? Lot us read II
Kings 0-17. Itomomber that Jesus,
tho muster ot men, refused to avail
himself of like angelic assistance In
hlr great bnttlo concornlng sin (See
Matt. 2G:G3). Chrlstaulty is a religion
ol lovo, not of force.
Lesson V. Tho faithful priest pre
serves tho rightful king Joash, and
makes n covonnnt between him and
the Lord, viz., that prince, priest nnd
pcoplo "should bo tho Lord's pcoplo"
UI Kings 11:17). Through tho mer
its ot our high priest tbero has been
made a better, even an everlasting
covenant (Hob. 13:20, 21).
Lesson VI. Again rofers to tho good
king, Joash. Tho neglected tomple Is
restored and refurnished through the
liberality of tho people. This tomple
is a typo of our bodies, which are
spiritual tomploa (Eph. 2:22), and the
lesson for us is not only tho care of
tho body, but ot liberality towards tho
work and worship of God's house.
Lesson VII. This is tho lesson
which is chronologically out of order,
out is used for its temperance applica
tion. Daniel, the clean youth, staked
hlB life and position upon obeying the
word of God (Dan. 1:8) Tho le&son
for us Is tho exhortation of tho apos
tle Paul (Eph. GT13-17, seo also I Pet.
Lesson VIII to the foreign mission
ary lesson. Jonah's life story 1b not
a flattorlng ono, yet when ho faithful
ly proclaimed God's word It wrought
a marvelous transformation in great
and wicked Nlnovoh. (Read carefully
Matt. 10:10 and Isa. 55:10, 11). Wo
are to herald, witness to the truth
and leavo tho resulta with God.
Lesson IX presents Amos, tho stur
dy prophet of civic and moral right
eousness, tho great mosscngor ot tho
"Tightness" of things (Amos 5:11).
The gist of this lesson for us will ho
found In tho words ot Jesus (Matt.
Lesson X. Uzzlah Is that king who
could not withstand prosperity and
who, in the development ol his prldo
(II Chrou. 26:5, 16), assumed to dis
obey tlio word ot God.
Lesson XI. Enter lloseu. Let the
entire hcIiooI stnto tho message ot tho
prophet to tho pcoplo of Israel, "1 will
heal their backsliding. 1 will lovo
them freely" (Hosca 14:4). Then let
all rocito tho "Uttlo gospel" (John
3:16) "For God so loved the world
that ho gavo bis only begotten Hon
that whosoever bellovcth In htm
should not polish, but havo everlast
ing lifo."
Omaha Gets Celebration In 1316;
Lincoln 'n 1017
Omr.lm. Tho general coniniltleo of
ono hundred li chat go of the semi celebration of tho ndmls
slim of Nobrasl.a Into the union has
derided on tho features ot tho 1917
commemorative fcBtIltltB. The llrst
celebration will he held In Omaha lit
October, 191C, under tlio control of tho
Knights of Celebrations
will bo held In all touiity Boats on
March 1, 11)17. A literary celobintlon
n 111 bo held in connection with tho
University of Nebraska commence
ment in Juno of 1917. A musical
pageant nnd oratorical and literary
production will bo tho central features
of tho Lincoln obsorvnnco.
Many Converts During Meeting
Hastings. With 107 converts for
tho three biggest meetings of tho
campaign on Sunday tho six weoks'
united evangelistic efforts of tho nlllod
protostant religious forces concluded
shortly beforo midnight tho most of
foctivo revival effort ever conducted
in central Nebraska.
Tho grand total of converts, accord
ing to classified curds signed, Is 1,772.
Froo will offerings to Evangelist Ham
ilton in thrco collections ot tho last
day amounted to $1,330. In addition
to this Hastings church folk and citi
zona contributed over $3,000 to (ho
oxpenso budget, over half of which
paid llvo other members of tho ovun
gollstlc party assisting tho evangelist
and wlfo.. Forty volunteers complete
ly razod tlio big tabornaclo.
Falls City Has Double Epidemic
Tecumsch. Word reaches here from
Falls City that that town has n double
epidemic dlphthorln nnd typhoid.
There havo been several deaths from
tho former and new cases of typhoid
uro Bald to bo doveloplng dally. Tho
water supply is supposed to bo tho
caiifao of tho typhoid epidemic, nnd an
Investigation Is under way. Consider
able apprehension Is felt over tho sit
uation. Turning Cattle Into Fields
Fromont. In tho vicinity of Snyder
where farmers havo been unablo to
secure tho necessary help to gather
their corn, cnttlo and hogs nro bolng
turned In tho fields to do tho husking.
Ah much us six cents a bushel has
hoo'i offered for huskors but even this
fancy prlco hns failed to bring out tho
workmen. Tho crop is below the
s.i'orago In yield and quality.
Challenge to Corn Huskert
TecumBch. William Klckor and
Rudolph niumhorst of the Osage neigh
borhood, will challenge any two other
men of this section to a husking con
test. Tho pair husked and cribbed
231 bushels of corn between sunrise
and sunset Wednesday. Ono husked
130 bushels nnd the othor 111 bushols.
Thoy unloaded the six loads of corn
by baud, not using an elovutor.
Holdup Artist Sentenced
Aurora. Judge Corcoran sentenced
Georgo W. Webber to the penitentiary
for an iudetornilnuto term of from
three to fifteen years for holding up
and robbing Clark Perkins Thanksgiv
ing evening. Webber mado a complete
confession declaring his assistant in
the Job was II. II. Holmes who is now
In tho hospital at York.
Night School for New Citizens
Hastings. A night srhool for natu
ralized citizens Is being planned for
Hastings by J. M. Gurnatt of Omaha,
United States naturalization examiner,
and tho superintendent of city schools,
who hns promised to launch tho pro
ject after somo other problems of his
administration arc wotked out.
Farmers around Liberty havo organ
teed n club to light tho hcj cholera.
An epidemic ot mcaslex has been
raging in the town ot Durr, In Johnson
Dr. Wesloy Queen, a territorial
pioneer ot tho stnto, is dead at his
homo in Llu:oln.
Many farmors In Otoo county are
short of help and are handicapped in
gathering their crops.
Thayer county has 3,435 children at
tending school in tho various districts,
thoro being 1C0 teachers employed.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Whltcomb cole
hrnicd their golden wedding nnnlvor
sury at their homo at Friend last week.
Captain Adam Uax, ono of the old
est residents of Lincoln, died on his
87lh birthday at his homo in that
placo, whoro ho has resided for over
fifty years.
Three year old Pearl Clark is in
Norfolk hoBpltul suffering from sorlous
burns received when she fell into a
burning, pile ot rubbish.
A haul ot $20 only was secured by
yeggmeu who blew up tha safo ot tho
Farmers & Morchants Bank at Fair
bury. Charles Dartlck, of Doatrlce, has
been appolntod to a position in the
army und navy department at Wash
ington. Frank Schmardor of Loulsvlllo, was
held up and knocked unconscious
with brass "knuckles" by a negro at
Lincoln will havo a municipal Christ
mas trco on tho statohouso lawn.
Kick Sturdovant of the North Platte
gun club mado a bcoio of 49 out of a
posslblo 50 at a recont Bhoot on the
flub grounds.
Nearly 200 tlckota to tho democratic
banquet nt Lincoln, January 11, have
already boon sold. Preparations nro
being mado to feed over a thousand.
Pawneo county will receive nome
whoro botwecn ?S,000 and $10,000 for
Its road fund from tho tuhorltanco tax
from tho estate ot the, lute John W.
Ilookwaltor who died in Italy some
wooko ago.
Concerning the
It Is u good Ideu to buy an extra
yard or so of tho niutorlnl selected for
a tailored Hult. in order that tho coat
or skirt, or both, may be altered and
tho suit remodeled. Good fabrics out
last stylos, and u fliilt Is often regret
fully consigned to tho discard, not bo
causo It Is worn but because stylos
have changed slnco it was mudo.
A suit that Is required to do moro
than ono season's sorvlco without any
alteration should bo conservative in
stylo. A plain skirt of medium full
ness, and a box coat or ono ot tho
plain, BcnilfUted modols, if well mado
of good mntorlal and fine finish, is
nevor out of tho running.
A good model to follow In remaking
a suit is shown In tho picture given
hero. Tho skirt Is mado with an In
verted panel set in at the back and
front, nnd a narrow Bklrt may bo wid
ened by the addition of such pnnels
Another good plan for widening a nar
row skirt Is to split It up at cuch Bide
to tho swell of tho hip. Hera It Is
Someone whose occupation, or busi
ness, Is tho thinking up of pretty
things must have turned her attention
recently to artificial (lowers. For these
cunning copies of nature's beauty-wonders
aro compelling attention every
whero because thoy are used in new
and unusual Ways. We are used to
seeing thorn in corsage bouquets and
roplnclng natural flowers In tho llmou
sine. Wo aro familiar with them In
girdles about the waist and In
wreaths about tho hair, but theso are
only mere beginnings of their useful
nesB as It has been lately dovolopcd.
Everywhere Uttlo bloHBoms nestlo
in bows and rosettes of mallnes or
laco, ornamenting collars and cuffs.
They dnnglo, In placo of ribbons, In
hanging uprays from the glrdlo. Thoy
are perched In bright sprays on tho
party or tho shopping hag, and thoy
adorn tho pincushion, tho porfume
bottle and tho powder puff.
A email bouquet set In a frill of
gauze nnd suspended by narrow rib
boiiB that arc tied about tho wrist is
the latest adjunct hut ono of the party
gown. And that ono Is tha spray of
flovers which finishes an adornhla
nnklet of mallnes that is tied abovn
the slipper to fly with tho feet of tho
kin1. o' ty Bsi t '"S"1
v ,3VS' ,s1iHKl$l5, ,Sl ,''
I Little Ministers of Vanity
m. m m ii i mmx.j r j
1 5 I f 6 &. jssBfcisssssssWjiss3BWiSBlBBs H ' V y o j
Remaking of Suits
trimmed to form a yoke, and an extra
piece hi set In nt each side by shir
ring or platting It to tho yoke. Tho
fashion for short skirts help make tho
way easy In altering them, and bor
ders nt tho bottom nnd bunds set on
aro useful for the same purpose.
Coats havo been brought up to dato
this season by tho addition of full
skirts, Bet on nt tho waist Hue, and
by belts and pockets mndu in tho new
mode. A collar and cuffo In another
fabric help out In the transformation,
and buttons supplement these with
tho smartest of finishing touches
It Is a great satisfaction to con
vert an old stylo into a new ono.
Whether one Is compelled to bo eco
nomical or not a remado suit mado of
good cloth adds variety to the ward
robo and admits ot tha exerclso of the
Individual taste In design.
Artificial feathers for millinery,
mado of fur, havo boon Invented by
a Uoston man.
youthful dancer. Only ono nnklo Is
allowed this final touch of color and
Tho corsago bouquet and tho flowers
for tho llmoiiBlno havo other business
In hand besides their important mis
sion of beauty. Thoy aro determined
to bo useful as woll as ornnmcntal. A
bouquet for the limousine Is shown In
the picture, mado of two nrehlrtR nmi
many sprays of lifelike IIIIph nf Mm
j valloy. In tho heart of ono orchid.
co:iv.uieti by jiower petals, Is a tiny
box of compact powdor and tho other
dures to harbor In this secret wny a
box of rouge. Flower pctuls cover the
small powdor puff that slips In each
box and tho unnotleoablo Uttlo ring
that Is tho handle ot the puff Is cov
ured with silk floss.
The BteniB of tho flowers nro tied
with u bow of ribbon motchlne nnn f
; 1 tho shndPB In tho orchids In color. One
ribbon loop Is Bowed up along tho
edges to form a case for a tiny mirror
Look twlco In tho heart of tho ncwcBt
ooraago tcbo and tho chances am that
you will find It harboring tho sutno sor'
01 ursi ams to Cupid,
Seasonable Desserts That Will Call
Forth the Appreciation of Quests
and the Family.
Tapioca Pudding. Soak ono cupful
of ponrl tapioca over night In ono
quart of water. In tho morning puro
and corn hIx tart apples or peaches.
Stow them slightly and lay In a deep
linking dish. Add Riignr (and n Ut
tlo lemon Julco If upploH are used) to
tho tapioca and pour it over tho fruit.
Ilnko until tho tapioca becomes llko
Jelly nnd eat either hot or cold with
or without augur and cream.
Chocolate Pudding. Heat n quart
of milk with four lovol tablcMpoonfuls
ot grated chocolatoj and three level
tnblespoonfuls of coniBlnreh dissolved
in u Uttlo cold milk, 11 pinch of suit,
and sweeten to tUBto. When cooked
thick, lluvor with vanilla, and when
BUfllolontly cool pour Into a gluBH dish.
Servo very cold with whipped cream
piled on top.
Prune Pudding. Ouu pound Btowod
pruncH, whites of four eggs, ono cup
ful of Biigar. Drain tho Julco from
tho pruncH, remove tho stones and
chop. Heat tho eggrt stiff, and tho
BUgur gradually, then stir in tho
chopped prunes. Hako 20 minutes.
Servo cold Wth whipped cream Ilu
vorod with unlllu.
Rice Pudding. Mix four cupfula of
milk, one-third cupful rlco, one-half
cupful seeded rulslmi, one-third cup
ful sugar and one-half tcuspoouful salt,
It la necessary to stir oceuHlonully to
prevent rlco and raisins from Bottling
to bottom of dish. It inlslns uro not
used somo flavoring should ho udded.
Suggestions for Dishes That Will Do
Appreciated by Those Fond of
the Delicacy.
Combined with tomatoes, sardines
tnnkfl delicious sandwiches. Pound a
dozen of them to n pnsta with n Uttlo
butter, flqucozo somo lemon Julco over
them nnd scasnn with cnyenuo pepper.
Duller thin slices of bread and cover
with tho mixture On this placo some
thin bIIcch ot tomnto, add pepper and
salt, and cover with n bIIco of bread.
A plmcntn-snrdlno Balad is both un
usual and toothsome Ilcmovo tho
bones from tho Bnrdtncs, chop and mix
with an equal qunntlty each of chop
pod pimentos nnd celery and ono-thlrd
tho quantity each ot olives and nut
meats. Chill and servo in a border ot
Jollied tomato with a rich muyonualso
Stuffed Rardlnes nro tasty for infor
mal lunches nnd Biippers, and aro catt
ily prepared. Select tho boneless va
riety which aro put up In oil, open and
fill with Parmesan checBo, press to
gether and sorvo with sliced lemon.
Grilled sardines aro good. Wash a
can of largo sardines and heat in a ta
blospoonful of butter. Pour over them
a whlvo Bnuco soasonod with a tablo
eauco, lemon and parsley. Servo on
Lemon Pop.
Half cako yoast, two pounds granu
lated sugar, two ounces ginger root,
eight quarts boiling wator, two ounces
cream of tartar, julco of bovoii loraons.
Placo ginger root (crushed) in pot,
ndd sugar and boiling wator, lemon
julco and cream of tartar. Let stand
until lukewarm, then ndd yeast dis
solved In halt cupful wator; stir woll.
Cover and lot stand eight hours in a
warm room; strain through flannel bag
nnd bottlo. Set bottles In a c6ol pluco
and put on ice as required for uso.
This Ih a most refreshing summer
boverngo; as a thirst quencher nothing
is superior.
Tomato Soup (Belgian Fashion),
noil together six medium potatoes,
a celery, two leeks, two carrots and a
pound of fresh tomatoos, with poppor,
salt and a leaf of bay. Pass all through
tho bIovo. Fry two or throe choppod
onions In somo butter and add tho
soup to them. Doll up again for 20
minutes beforo serving. It you have
no fresh tomatoes, tho tinned ones
can bo used, removing tho skin at tho
samo timo that you add tho fried
Creamed Sardines.
Molt four tablcspoonfuls ot butter,
add ono-fourth cupful ot soft, stalo
bread crumbs and ono cupful of tbln
cream, and bring to tho boiling point
Add ono box of Bnrdlnes, two hard
boiled eggs finely chopped, one-half
teaspoonful of Bait and onu-elghth tea
spoonful each ot poppor and paprika.
Again bring to tho boiling point, nnd
sorvo on finger-shaped pieces of toast.
Garnish with toast points.
Tongue and Egg Salad.
Cut cold tongue in thin allcos, then
cut again into pioces about ono inch
Bqunro; arrange a layer ot tonguo on
frch lettuco leaves, and on tho tonguo
placo a layer of hard-boiled egga sliced
thin; then another layer ot tonguo, and
cover all with a good mayonnalso.
Decorate tho dish with olicos ot cold
boots and parsley.
Baked Onions With Cheese.
Peel and cut in ono-hnlf-Inch tillccs,
largo whlto onions. Parboil In salted
water, drain, nnd nrrnngo In a but
tered baking dish with bits of buttor,
and bako until soft; then sprlnklo
with Bait, pepper and a layor of grated
chocso. Return to tho oven long
enough to melt tho cheese.
Lemon In Your Coffee.
A fillco ot lemon In iced coffeo adds
as much to its tastinoss as it does to
that ot iced tea, whoro it is mere com
monly used.
Japanese Author's Son Has Pen
chant for Wandering and
Yonkern, N. Y. Tho Chlldron'd no
clcty lost Its greatest nnd mont Imag
inative mystery when tho twelvo-yoar
old Japanese youth who hns been
there a month wan Identified nit Clif
ton Adncht, Hon of Kennesuko Adachl,
nu nuthor. The boy's father will tako
him home, calmly and without emo
tion, ns ho has douo about thirty or
forty times in the last two yenrs.
For Clifton, whose mother wan an
American woman, tho daughter oC
Judge John Clifton Eppemon of Kan
sas, HI,, Is tormented continually by
the itching of the "rabbit's foot"
When ho 1b not rending detectlvo Bto
rles und ruining tho parlor furniture
by playing that ho In anything from a
battering ram to Sherlock Holmes,
ho Is preparing to wander through un
Telling 8ome of the Best Brain Fig
ments Ever Devised.
charted sens and toll "whoppers" guar
anteed to at least attract attontlon.
Ho has boon tolling officials at the
Children's poclety somo of tho beat
brain figments over duvlsed. After h
had confided to thorn that bo was the
abandoned Hon of an Indian prlnco,
tho child of a Jnpancso fisherman and
tho Rclon of a westorn family, his ad
vcnturoB bocamo tlrosomo, and postal
enrds, bearing his likeness, woro sent
nil over tho country. Ilia grandfather,
in Kansas, 111., saw ono of theso cards
and notified tho Children's aocloty tbisti
It could find tho father in Now York.'
Mr. Adachl, when told of his BonV
whereabouts, Blghcd:
"Oh, well, I'll corao and got him. I
thought lio was Bate."
Tho youthful Adachl, when he was
told firmly what his namo and pedl
groo was, rubbed his hands ruefully
ngalnflt bis knickerbockers, kicked a
stubbed shoo into tho rug and saldf-'1'
"Oh, shucks, that'H truo. I guess
now I'vo got to go homo nnd go to
school ngaln but," and ho brlghtoncd,
"you jUBt wait. When I got rich, I'm
going to" and tho rest ot tho chil
dren gathered around whllo tho youth
ful Aladdin again rubbod his lamp of
dreams for thorn.
Judge Calls Halt When Bridegroom
Delays Completion of Marriage
Alton, III. Ono kiss Is all a bride
groom may glvo his bride when the
coromony is performed In tho office of
Pollco Magistrate Patrick Magnlre.
This rulo was announced by tho magis
trate after tho repeated osculations ot
a couple delayed tho completion of the
Tho couplo being married were J. P.
Koshensocrgcr of Alton and Hiss
Goldlo A. Van Hoy ot Torre Haute,
Ind. In the courso of tho ceremony the
judgo asked tho bridegroom to kiss
tho brldo. Tho bridegroom didn't stopi
at ono or two or throe, and finally the
magistrate asked him to ceaso, as It
was taking too much timo for tho cere
Animal Is Caught Under the Children's
Bed and Killed
With Ax.
Contralla, Kan. Hounds chased
wolf into Joo Jackson'B yard near Sum
morflold nnd when Mrs. Jacksoa
oponed tho door to boo why tho dogs
woro barking tho big wolf jumped la
and ran under a bod.
Tho bed was pulled out a Uttlo from
tho wall until tho wolf raised his head
between tho wall and tho bed. Then
tho bed waB Jammed back to hold tha
animal until an ax could bo obtained
with which to kill it.
Meantime thoro was something do
ing in tho nolso lino, with thrco chil
dren In tho bed, tho wolf back or the
bed and two hounds under tho bed, all
lifting their voices in loud howllngs.
City Marshal Killed at Dog Fight.
Council II1U, Okla. W. T. Harrison,
city marshal, was killed by u blow
from tho baro fist of J. J. Bell, a farm
er, at a dog light. Harrison's jaw was
broken and whon ho fell hi either
broke his neck or fractured his skull.
No chargo was placed against Dell.